Changed version to string so it could have more than 1 point in it.

Author Pontus Welin <>
Author date 2016-10-27 04:08:30
Author local date 2016-10-27 06:08:30 +0200
Committer Pontus Welin <>
Committer date 2016-10-27 04:08:30
Committer local date 2016-10-27 06:08:30 +0200
Commit 562dd4a6bbec2c49ff04eb6cdab2350c2aaacd9f
Tree 1deb634ecd419b111424f9c1a42816fedf98e895
Parent 14c7d0f940a04d9c21643fc363694cae348da86f
Changed version to string so it could have more than 1 point in it.