Checklist keybind, Fixing research finishing chat announcement, update checklist icons on quest add, update, log in and reloadui, checklist scale, upward/downward, names/icons, hidding when all done

Author Leandro Silva <>
Author date 2018-10-30 12:15:09
Author local date 2018-10-30 09:15:09 -0300
Committer Leandro Silva <>
Committer date 2018-10-30 12:15:09
Committer local date 2018-10-30 09:15:09 -0300
Commit 5f59a05a953c8e6d202284910e50cd3241acd69a
Tree c355559bf3bb75a2ea907b3988e4cb83c6846d01
Parent 9f40234d1d320e5ac3316f0e8ae8d83f8ac71ebb
Checklist keybind, Fixing research finishing chat announcement, update checklist icons on quest add, update, log in and reloadui, checklist scale, upward/downward, names/icons, hidding when all done