Attempting to end the Nil pointer errors

Author Zig Zichterman <>
Author date 2016-03-25 02:46:13
Author local date 2016-03-24 19:46:13 -0700
Committer Zig Zichterman <>
Committer date 2016-03-25 03:26:31
Committer local date 2016-03-24 20:26:31 -0700
Commit 6d868408203e3c6897a712f4c8f60636d2d77317
Tree cbd21c711e701f967fd0573e49fe449df01ed914
Parent a582394d2a064d82c2a99ff9b56b4d9e8e636092
Attempting to end the Nil pointer errors

Still not sure why the history just resets now and then.