Added a line near the bottom of the plugin to add an entry to the api table in ZBS, it seems to now recognize and autocomplete all keywords, functions and methods. Yay!

Author Solvaring <>
Author date 2017-07-11 19:40:02
Author local date 2017-07-11 12:40:02 -0700
Committer Solvaring <>
Committer date 2017-07-11 19:40:02
Committer local date 2017-07-11 12:40:02 -0700
Commit 79dbe4e37dff3590198d9fbea4014721427c32d3
Tree aa0f4e1a4ee1435a8b4932f20199f3b153ab4800
Parent ced61e18d15bb76efeb6c0fc8f4d40ba2a06898b
Added a line near the bottom of the plugin to add an entry to the api table in ZBS, it seems to now recognize and autocomplete all keywords, functions and methods. Yay!