- Fix hireling correspondance messed up display. Librarian will simply ignore this category

Author Orionik <orionik.eso@gmail.com>
Author date 2024-07-31 13:54:22
Author local date 2024-07-31 09:54:22 -0400
Committer Orionik <orionik.eso@gmail.com>
Committer date 2024-07-31 13:54:22
Committer local date 2024-07-31 09:54:22 -0400
Commit a0f42a917e0834d6ecde88a0897dfc3a00bb29ac
Tree 31bad780289e1e94ce5ee443120ac22c53ecdd0a
Parent 1d59ba05c1fa5d33e7029fe1c201c44694d4765a
- Fix hireling correspondance messed up display. Librarian will simply ignore this category
- Fix left over from renaming of API 101038 about "loreReaderInteraction" which became "loreReaderDefault"
- Hide book that are not known when using the "Show Hidden Book" option because a book ("Jubilee Cake Voucher") got lost making the count of known book different between Librarian and Lore Library
- Add optional dependency on LoreBooks addon because some categories could not be retrieved during initialization without it (probably because LoreBooks mess a bit with the GetLoreCollectionInfo function)