Version 1.0.2 (14-06-2019)

Author Jarth <>
Author date 2019-06-14 20:58:27
Author local date 2019-06-14 22:58:27 +0200
Committer Jarth <>
Committer date 2019-06-14 20:58:27
Committer local date 2019-06-14 22:58:27 +0200
Commit ca322a971b435fbb7e286c1e93bb7b84dac687b4
Tree 7ff3033f3665b672bf3041f4ac2aa2f155407792
Parent 67b10a7297be3a45d24a4ebe254115bf5b176949
Version 1.0.2 (14-06-2019)
- Removed files for library: LibAddonMenu-2.0
-- It is still required, but files needs to be downloaded separately
- Updated the activation by hotkey, so it always tries to activate the collectible, even if a button does not exist
- Made labels clamp to the screen

- Removed sub pages in the menu, it now has a divider where one used to be
- Added tooltips declaring why items are disabled
- Moved selection of collectibles to the new "settings panel"
- Added "Toggle settings" button, to toggle settings mode
- Removed reload requirement, when toggling a collection type

Settings panel
- Added settings panel, for setting up specific collection type settings
- Right click a label to toggle settings mode
- In settings mode, all labels are shown, when collection type is selected
- Open the settings panel by pressing the cog on the label
- Functionality in the settings panel:
-- Toggle move frame
-- Reload collection
-- Show disabled collectibles of type
-- Select all collectibles of type
-- Select specific collectible of type