right click on both button rows will reset to All of the row that was right clicked
Author |
AssemblerManiac <amaniac-github@shredco.com> |
Author date |
2018-03-04 07:20:55 |
Author local date |
2018-03-04 02:20:55 -0500 |
Committer |
AssemblerManiac <amaniac-github@shredco.com> |
Committer date |
2018-03-04 07:20:55 |
Committer local date |
2018-03-04 02:20:55 -0500 |
Commit |
cb036887b01b24a5780655f4c214d7b9d5ded048 |
Tree |
379fa4ec3d6f94a9221d23223cead23bf35a896b |
Parent |
cc7f8c94d03842a34f73d826e7455d97247705b7 |
right click on both button rows will reset to All of the row that was right clicked