Partial rollback on tooltips til I can figure out a way to do so without the taint

Author Wobin <>
Author date 2014-04-12 17:50:42
Author local date 2014-04-13 03:50:42 +1000
Committer Wobin <>
Committer date 2014-04-12 17:50:42
Committer local date 2014-04-13 03:50:42 +1000
Commit d76e618b86a9b51d1924bddc87147d3153efe6e6
Tree 59c000d1520645e8f08260cf5969bbd39c0f0f71
Parent 6a597e5c4ee9ff4ec1367ec9d8ac05144e8f856c
Partial rollback on tooltips til I can figure out a way to do so without the taint