v3.1.5 released on esoui

Author His Dad <John@hisdad.org>
Author date 2014-12-10 09:06:15
Author local date 2014-12-10 22:06:15 +1300
Committer His Dad <John@hisdad.org>
Committer date 2014-12-10 09:06:15
Committer local date 2014-12-10 22:06:15 +1300
Commit 4ca995891e31f6d9e10672ce1cab915cfa3d32d5
Tree 1260c606af0ad4701b1fe5ef5944faab222c5354
Parent dc5b4c7b87ce8484699af5a584e061854d25a76a
v3.1.5 released on esoui
2014-12-09 V3.1.5
New Feature
Show Dwemer Motifs (not tested, the author doesn't have any)  by rkuhnjr
Bugs Fixed