v3.1.4 Sent to Stormknight and CDG, published on esoui

Author His Dad <John@hisdad.org>
Author date 2014-12-10 09:03:37
Author local date 2014-12-10 22:03:37 +1300
Committer His Dad <John@hisdad.org>
Committer date 2014-12-10 09:03:37
Committer local date 2014-12-10 22:03:37 +1300
Commit dc5b4c7b87ce8484699af5a584e061854d25a76a
Tree f6fb5497aa5ea9b9bfb60df90b6bdeedaf9005a2
Parent de852d4d8e02665bba77633685b078dbe11193ec
v3.1.4 Sent to Stormknight and CDG, published on esoui
Localization files now used for relative button, but translations not provided