Version 1.1.6 (05-07-2020)

Author Jarth <>
Author date 2020-07-06 08:49:18
Author local date 2020-07-06 10:49:18 +0200
Committer Jarth <>
Committer date 2020-07-06 08:49:18
Committer local date 2020-07-06 10:49:18 +0200
Commit 9867ac17703775e7ebab6fb548aa18a9a0bc7009
Tree c073b22af93055d47378c598840a8b279ae321b6
Parent 1d1773b7317f3246640cbc41ddfe12146b8491d5
Version 1.1.6 (05-07-2020)
- Renamed saved setting: MenuShowDisabled to Menu.ShowDisabled
- Fixed issue where it was not possible to collapse "Appearance" in categories
-- Now it stores the value at runtime, and not in the saved variables