added libAsync dependency in manifest instead of just bundling it. Oops. So sorry, polysoft.

Author manavortex <>
Author date 2018-04-10 06:52:11
Author local date 2018-04-10 08:52:11 +0200
Committer manavortex <>
Committer date 2018-04-10 06:52:11
Committer local date 2018-04-10 08:52:11 +0200
Commit a02e25fc63232f9b8d9bf9b3b61a7f0865ec9a58
Tree 41ddc6c17329c1b045ea8b8858eebdca2e3d2dc3
Parent 3efdc639cac36a06e920c9c064e77e2f16ca77eb
added libAsync dependency in manifest instead of just bundling it. Oops. So sorry, polysoft.