datacollection line 471 crash solved - bagSlot should never get this far as number, but now it's converted back to table so rest of code is happy

Author AssemblerManiac <>
Author date 2018-02-28 15:37:51
Author local date 2018-02-28 10:37:51 -0500
Committer AssemblerManiac <>
Committer date 2018-02-28 15:37:51
Committer local date 2018-02-28 10:37:51 -0500
Commit dc0ce0a0cbe35b72bb6692bd78735acf005e42dc
Tree bd84b87e334e2e8ce38c20ff7bdf18aa8dcea14a
Parent 66a0379ba90fdde35c383eb8fe5e384dfa5617c9
datacollection line 471 crash solved - bagSlot should never get this far as number, but now it's converted back to table so rest of code is happy