Fixed the flat III mark for dimensions. GIMP keeps not keeping it 32x32 and thus not showing up.

Author Wobin <>
Author date 2014-04-21 17:05:14
Author local date 2014-04-22 03:05:14 +1000
Committer Wobin <>
Committer date 2014-04-21 17:05:14
Committer local date 2014-04-22 03:05:14 +1000
Commit d4b6438a8f2468298a8fefeba86b1294a1c0e09b
Tree 7c606484aeff68d03c8afa3d5710514799a672f5
Parent 80772ed2533b56da511b092adf70739c280e1bdc
Fixed the flat III mark for dimensions. GIMP keeps not keeping it 32x32 and thus not showing up.
Made the tooltips more capitalised. Requires a sv wipe