converted abilityID debug to an actual user setting

Author Kith <>
Author date 2016-03-16 03:21:41
Author local date 2016-03-16 16:21:41 +1300
Committer Kith <>
Committer date 2016-03-16 03:21:41
Committer local date 2016-03-16 16:21:41 +1300
Commit b04017f0b8b8513b5b4ba90f38c60759bd1d5181
Tree 1c5ae72cd00133bbb31828296da4df12204fe581
Parent c60bd4ebd0bc632394c14b7fbcef5f52ec9c9548
converted abilityID debug to an actual user setting
added display toggle for auras on dead targets
removed minor effects for Repentance from alwaysIgnored (can be blocked by user now)
added ability to prominence and blacklist via abilityID