Move out of do block

Sasky [06-21-14 - 11:53]
Move out of do block

This should make merge diff cleaner.
diff --git a/LAddMin.lua b/LAddMin.lua
index 8d9bfbd..36e7eb8 100644
--- a/LAddMin.lua
+++ b/LAddMin.lua
@@ -50,229 +50,227 @@ LAddMinUpconvertSettings = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide('LAddMin_ConversionList',
 -- FAKE_LAM1 functions --------------------------------------------------------
-   -- LAM1:CreateControlPanel(controlPanelID, controlPanelName)
-   function FAKE_LAM1:CreateControlPanel(controlPanelID, controlPanelName)
-      local name = controlPanelName:gsub("|[cC]%w%w%w%w%w%w",""):gsub("|[rR]","")
-      --Not in settings -- new addon
-      if LAddMinUpconvertSettings.cfg[name] == nil then
-          --Either known bad or unknown. Set to not convert
-          if not knownAddons[name] then
-            LAddMinUpconvertSettings.cfg[name] = false
-            return LAM1:CreateControlPanel(controlPanelID, name)
-          end
-          --Known good. Default to convert
-          LAddMinUpconvertSettings.cfg[name] = true
-      else
-          --Use saved value
-          if not LAddMinUpconvertSettings.cfg[name] then
-            return LAM1:CreateControlPanel(controlPanelID, name)
-          end
-      end
-      if panelIDs[name] ~= nil then
-         return panelIDs[name]
-      end
-      local panelID = #settingsTable + 1001
-      panelIDs[name] = panelID
-      local panelTable = {
-         name = name,
-         displayName = controlPanelName,
-         controls = {},
-      }
-      settingsTable[panelID - 1000] = panelTable
-      LAM2:RegisterAddonPanel(controlPanelID, panelTable)
-      LAM2:RegisterOptionControls(controlPanelID, panelTable.controls)
-      return panelID
+-- LAM1:CreateControlPanel(controlPanelID, controlPanelName)
+function FAKE_LAM1:CreateControlPanel(controlPanelID, controlPanelName)
+   local name = controlPanelName:gsub("|[cC]%w%w%w%w%w%w",""):gsub("|[rR]","")
+   --Not in settings -- new addon
+   if LAddMinUpconvertSettings.cfg[name] == nil then
+       --Either known bad or unknown. Set to not convert
+       if not knownAddons[name] then
+         LAddMinUpconvertSettings.cfg[name] = false
+         return LAM1:CreateControlPanel(controlPanelID, name)
+       end
+       --Known good. Default to convert
+       LAddMinUpconvertSettings.cfg[name] = true
+   else
+       --Use saved value
+       if not LAddMinUpconvertSettings.cfg[name] then
+         return LAM1:CreateControlPanel(controlPanelID, name)
+       end
-   -- LAM1:AddHeader(panelID, controlName, text)
-   function FAKE_LAM1:AddHeader(panelID, controlName, text)
-      if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
-         return LAM1:AddHeader(panelID, controlName, text)
-      end
-      local controlTable = {
-         type = "header",
-         name = text,
-         reference = controlName,
-      }
-      local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
-      table.insert(tab, controlTable)
-      return tab[#tab]
+   if panelIDs[name] ~= nil then
+      return panelIDs[name]
-   -- LAM1:AddSlider(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, minValue, maxValue, step, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-   function FAKE_LAM1:AddSlider(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, minValue, maxValue, step, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-      if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
-         return LAM1:AddSlider(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, minValue, maxValue, step, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-      end
-      local controlTable = {
-         type = "slider",
-         name = text,
-         tooltip = tooltip,
-         min = minValue,
-         max = maxValue,
-         step = step,
-         getFunc = getFunc,
-         setFunc = setFunc,
-         warning = warningText,
-         reference = controlName,
-      }
-      local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
-      table.insert(tab, controlTable)
-      return tab[#tab]
+   local panelID = #settingsTable + 1001
+   panelIDs[name] = panelID
+   local panelTable = {
+      name = name,
+      displayName = controlPanelName,
+      controls = {},
+   }
+   settingsTable[panelID - 1000] = panelTable
+   LAM2:RegisterAddonPanel(controlPanelID, panelTable)
+   LAM2:RegisterOptionControls(controlPanelID, panelTable.controls)
+   return panelID
+-- LAM1:AddHeader(panelID, controlName, text)
+function FAKE_LAM1:AddHeader(panelID, controlName, text)
+   if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
+      return LAM1:AddHeader(panelID, controlName, text)
-   -- LAM1:AddDropdown(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, validChoices, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-   function FAKE_LAM1:AddDropdown(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, validChoices, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-      if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
-         return LAM1:AddDropdown(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, validChoices, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-      end
-      local controlTable = {
-         type = "dropdown",
-         name = text,
-         tooltip = tooltip,
-         choices = validChoices,
-         getFunc = getFunc,
-         setFunc = setFunc,
-         warning = warningText,
-         reference = controlName,
-      }
-      local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
-      table.insert(tab, controlTable)
-      return tab[#tab]
+   local controlTable = {
+      type = "header",
+      name = text,
+      reference = controlName,
+   }
+   local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
+   table.insert(tab, controlTable)
+   return tab[#tab]
+-- LAM1:AddSlider(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, minValue, maxValue, step, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+function FAKE_LAM1:AddSlider(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, minValue, maxValue, step, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+   if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
+      return LAM1:AddSlider(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, minValue, maxValue, step, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-   -- LAM1:AddCheckbox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-   function FAKE_LAM1:AddCheckbox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-      if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
-         return LAM1:AddCheckbox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-      end
-      local controlTable = {
-         type = "checkbox",
-         name = text,
-         tooltip = tooltip,
-         getFunc = getFunc,
-         setFunc = setFunc,
-         warning = warningText,
-         reference = controlName,
-      }
-      local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
-      table.insert(tab, controlTable)
-      return tab[#tab]
+   local controlTable = {
+      type = "slider",
+      name = text,
+      tooltip = tooltip,
+      min = minValue,
+      max = maxValue,
+      step = step,
+      getFunc = getFunc,
+      setFunc = setFunc,
+      warning = warningText,
+      reference = controlName,
+   }
+   local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
+   table.insert(tab, controlTable)
+   return tab[#tab]
+-- LAM1:AddDropdown(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, validChoices, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+function FAKE_LAM1:AddDropdown(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, validChoices, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+   if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
+      return LAM1:AddDropdown(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, validChoices, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-   -- LAM1:AddColorPicker(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-   function FAKE_LAM1:AddColorPicker(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-      if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
-         return LAM1:AddColorPicker(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-      end
-      local controlTable = {
-         type = "colorpicker",
-         name = text,
-         tooltip = tooltip,
-         getFunc = getFunc,
-         setFunc = setFunc,
-         warning = warningText,
-         reference = controlName,
-      }
-      local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
-      table.insert(tab, controlTable)
-      return tab[#tab]
+   local controlTable = {
+      type = "dropdown",
+      name = text,
+      tooltip = tooltip,
+      choices = validChoices,
+      getFunc = getFunc,
+      setFunc = setFunc,
+      warning = warningText,
+      reference = controlName,
+   }
+   local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
+   table.insert(tab, controlTable)
+   return tab[#tab]
+-- LAM1:AddCheckbox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+function FAKE_LAM1:AddCheckbox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+   if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
+      return LAM1:AddCheckbox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-   -- LAM1:AddEditBox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, isMultiLine, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-   function FAKE_LAM1:AddEditBox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, isMultiLine, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-      if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
-         return LAM1:AddEditBox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, isMultiLine, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-      end
-      local controlTable = {
-         type = "editbox",
-         name = text,
-         tooltip = tooltip,
-         getFunc = getFunc,
-         setFunc = setFunc,
-         isMultiline = isMultiLine,
-         warning = warningText,
-         reference = controlName,
-      }
-      local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
-      table.insert(tab, controlTable)
-      return tab[#tab]
+   local controlTable = {
+      type = "checkbox",
+      name = text,
+      tooltip = tooltip,
+      getFunc = getFunc,
+      setFunc = setFunc,
+      warning = warningText,
+      reference = controlName,
+   }
+   local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
+   table.insert(tab, controlTable)
+   return tab[#tab]
+-- LAM1:AddColorPicker(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+function FAKE_LAM1:AddColorPicker(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+   if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
+      return LAM1:AddColorPicker(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-   -- LAM1:AddButton(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, onClick, warning, warningText)
-   function FAKE_LAM1:AddButton(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, onClick, warning, warningText)
-      if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
-         return LAM1:AddButton(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, onClick, warning, warningText)
-      end
-      local controlTable = {
-         type = "button",
-         name = text,
-         tooltip = tooltip,
-         func = onClick,
-         warning = warningText,
-         reference = controlName,
-      }
-      local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
-      table.insert(tab, controlTable)
-      return tab[#tab]
+   local controlTable = {
+      type = "colorpicker",
+      name = text,
+      tooltip = tooltip,
+      getFunc = getFunc,
+      setFunc = setFunc,
+      warning = warningText,
+      reference = controlName,
+   }
+   local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
+   table.insert(tab, controlTable)
+   return tab[#tab]
+-- LAM1:AddEditBox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, isMultiLine, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+function FAKE_LAM1:AddEditBox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, isMultiLine, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+   if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
+      return LAM1:AddEditBox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, isMultiLine, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
-   -- LAM1:AddDescription(panelID, controlName, text, titleText)
-   function FAKE_LAM1:AddDescription(panelID, controlName, text, titleText)
-      if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
-         return LAM1:AddDescription(panelID, controlName, text, titleText)
-      end
-      local controlTable = {
-         type = "description",
-         title = titleText,
-         text = text,
-         reference = controlName,
-      }
-      local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
-      table.insert(tab, controlTable)
-      return tab[#tab]
+   local controlTable = {
+      type = "editbox",
+      name = text,
+      tooltip = tooltip,
+      getFunc = getFunc,
+      setFunc = setFunc,
+      isMultiline = isMultiLine,
+      warning = warningText,
+      reference = controlName,
+   }
+   local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
+   table.insert(tab, controlTable)
+   return tab[#tab]
+-- LAM1:AddButton(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, onClick, warning, warningText)
+function FAKE_LAM1:AddButton(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, onClick, warning, warningText)
+   if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
+      return LAM1:AddButton(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, onClick, warning, warningText)
+   end
+   local controlTable = {
+      type = "button",
+      name = text,
+      tooltip = tooltip,
+      func = onClick,
+      warning = warningText,
+      reference = controlName,
+   }
+   local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
+   table.insert(tab, controlTable)
+   return tab[#tab]
+-- LAM1:AddDescription(panelID, controlName, text, titleText)
+function FAKE_LAM1:AddDescription(panelID, controlName, text, titleText)
+   if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
+      return LAM1:AddDescription(panelID, controlName, text, titleText)
-   -- LAM1:AddSubMenu(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip)
-   function FAKE_LAM1:AddSubMenu(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip)
-      if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
-         return LAM1:AddSubMenu(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip)
-      end
-      local controlTable = {
-         type = "submenu",
-         name = text,
-         tooltip = tooltip,
-         reference = controlName,
-         controls = {},
-      }
-      local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
-      table.insert(tab, controlTable)
-      return tab[#tab].controls
+   local controlTable = {
+      type = "description",
+      title = titleText,
+      text = text,
+      reference = controlName,
+   }
+   local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
+   table.insert(tab, controlTable)
+   return tab[#tab]
+-- LAM1:AddSubMenu(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip)
+function FAKE_LAM1:AddSubMenu(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip)
+   if type(panelID) == "userdata" or (type(panelID) == "number" and panelID < 1000) then
+      return LAM1:AddSubMenu(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip)
+   local controlTable = {
+      type = "submenu",
+      name = text,
+      tooltip = tooltip,
+      reference = controlName,
+      controls = {},
+   }
+   local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
+   table.insert(tab, controlTable)
+   return tab[#tab].controls