restructure before adding achievement book history

Daniel Pittman [08-26-18 - 02:02]
restructure before adding achievement book history

This is necessary to make it easier to plug in the history collection
and dynamic updates required to populate the history from the API.
diff --git a/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.lua b/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.lua
index 2066ce9..400410c 100644
--- a/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.lua
+++ b/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.lua
@@ -1,82 +1,82 @@
 -- Copyright © 2018 Daniel Pittman <>
 -- See LICENSE for more details.
-if not SlippyCheezeReadItOnce then
-      SlippyCheezeReadItOnce = {
-         ADDON_NAME="SlippyCheezeReadItOnce",
-         DISPLAY_NAME = "|c798BD2ReadItOnce|r",
-         DOUBLE_TAP_TIME = 1000,
-         previousBook = {id=nil, time=0},
-         -- seen holds our saved variables.
-         seen = {}
-      }
+if _G['SlippyCheezeReadItOnce'] == nil then
+  SlippyCheezeReadItOnce = {
+    ADDON_NAME="SlippyCheezeReadItOnce",
+    DISPLAY_NAME = "|c798BD2ReadItOnce|r",
+    DOUBLE_TAP_TIME = 1000,
+    previousBook = {id=nil, time=0},
+    -- seen holds our saved variables.
+    seen = {}
+  }

 -- my local alias for the addon itself.
 local M = SlippyCheezeReadItOnce

-local unpack = table.unpack or unpack
+local unpack = unpack
 local insert = table.insert

-local function msg(msg, ...)
-   local args = {}
-   for n=1, select('#', ...) do
-      insert(args, tostring(select(n, ...)))
-   end
+-- reduce consing at runtime in debug message display
+local msg_prefix = M.DISPLAY_NAME..": "

-   d(DISPLAY_NAME..": "..zo_strformat(msg, unpack(args)))
+local function msg(fmt, ...)
+  local args = {}
+  for n=1, select('#', ...) do
+    insert(args, tostring(select(n, ...)))
+  end
+  d(msg_prefix..zo_strformat(fmt, unpack(args)))

 -- return bool, have we seen this before.  never called before saved variables
 -- are loaded and initialized.
-function M:HaveSeenBookBefore(self, id, title, body)
-   if type(id) ~= "number" then
-      msg("ReadItOnce: id is <<1>> (<<2>>)", type(id), id)
-      return false
-   end
-   -- ensure that we index by string, not number, in the table.
-   local id = tostring(id)
-   local bodyHash = HashString(body)
-   local record = self.seen[id]
-   if record then
-      -- probably have seen it before, but check for changes
-      if ~= id then
-         d("ReadItOnce: book id changed from <<1>> to <<2>>",, id)
-      end
-      if record.title ~= title then
-         d("ReadItOnce: book title changed from '<<1>>' to '<<2>>'", record.title, title)
-      end
-      if record.bodyHash ~= bodyHash then
-         d("ReadItOnce: book body changed")
-      end
-      -- don't show.
-      return true
-   end
-   -- have not seen, record it, and return that fact
-   self.seen[id] = {id=id, title=title, bodyHash=bodyHash}
-   return false
+function M:HaveSeenBookBefore(id, title, body)
+  if type(id) ~= "number" then
+    msg("ReadItOnce: id is <<1>> (<<2>>)", type(id), id)
+    return false
+  end
+  -- ensure that we index by string, not number, in the table.
+  -- luacheck: push noredefined
+  local id = tostring(id)
+  -- luacheck: pop
+  local bodyHash = HashString(body)
+  local record = self.seen[id]
+  if record then
+    -- probably have seen it before, but check for changes
+    if ~= id then
+      d("ReadItOnce: book id changed from <<1>> to <<2>>",, id)
+    end
+    if record.title ~= title then
+      d("ReadItOnce: book title changed from '<<1>>' to '<<2>>'", record.title, title)
+    end
+    if record.bodyHash ~= bodyHash then
+      d("ReadItOnce: book body changed")
+    end
+    -- don't show.
+    return true
+  end
+  -- have not seen, record it, and return that fact
+  self.seen[id] = {id=id, title=title, bodyHash=bodyHash}
+  return false

 -- Called when we want to skip showing a book.  Probably going to be very
 -- strange if you call it any other time!
-function M:DoNotShowThisBook(self)
-   -- local msg = zo_strformat("<<1>>: You have already read \"<<2>>\"", DISPLAY_NAME, title)
-   local msg = zo_strformat("You have already read \"<<1>>\"", title)
-   -- ZO_AlertNoSuppression(UI_ALERT_CATEGORY_ALERT, nil, )
+function M:DoNotShowThisBook(title)

-   local params = CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE:CreateMessageParams(CSA_CATEGORY_SMALL_TEXT, nil)
-   params:SetText(msg)
-   params:SetLifespanMS(850)
-   CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE:AddMessageWithParams(params)
+  local params = CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE:CreateMessageParams(CSA_CATEGORY_SMALL_TEXT, nil)
+  params:SetText(zo_strformat("You have already read \"<<1>>\"", title))
+  params:SetLifespanMS(850)
+  CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE:AddMessageWithParams(params)

-   EndInteraction(INTERACTION_BOOK)
+  EndInteraction(INTERACTION_BOOK)

 -- Sadly, we have to override the original method, which is a local anonymous
@@ -87,54 +87,50 @@ end
 -- The HaveSeenBook logic is my addition.
 function M:OnShowBookOverride(eventCode, title, body, medium, showTitle, bookId)
-   local do_not_show = false
-   -- never block a book if we are not in the most basic state, which is the
-   -- world interaction state.
-   if SCENE_MANAGER:IsShowingBaseScene() then
-      -- handle the case of double-activation to bypass the restriction.
-      local now = GetGameTimeMilliseconds()
-      if == bookId then
-         if (now - previousBook.time) > DOUBLE_TAP_TIME then
-            do_not_show = true
-         end
-      else
- = bookId
-      end
-      -- msg("force_show <<1>> now <<2>> prev.time <<3>> deltaT <<4>> <<5>> id <<6>>",
-      --      force_show, now, previousBook.time, now - previousBook.time,, id)
-      previousBook.time = now
-   else -- not in the base scene
-      do_not_show = true
-   end
-   -- implement the block, if appropriate.
-   if HaveSeenBookBefore(bookId, title, body) and not force_show then
-   end
-   -- meh, this is copied from the local function in the ZOS code. :(
-   if LORE_READER:Show(title, body, medium, showTitle) then
-      PlaySound(LORE_READER.OpenSound)
-   else
-      EndInteraction(INTERACTION_BOOK)
-   end
-local function ScanKnowLoreBooks()
+  -- never block a book if we are not in the most basic state, which is the
+  -- world interaction state.
+  if not SCENE_MANAGER:IsShowingBaseScene() then
+    return self.DoNotShowThisBook(title)
+  end
+  -- seen before, block unless is double-tap within the limit
+  if HaveSeenBookBefore(bookId, title, body) then
+    -- different book from the last time?  block.
+    if ~= bookId then
+      return self.DoNotShowThisBook(title)
+    end
+    -- last book was more than our double-tap time ago?  block.
+    local now = GetGameTimeMilliseconds()
+    if (now - self.previousBook.time) > DOUBLE_TAP_TIME then
+      return self.DoNotShowThisBook(title)
+    end
+    -- otherwise record this state for the future.
+ = bookId
+    self.previousBook.time = now
+  end
+  -- meh, this is copied from the local function in the ZOS code. :(
+  if LORE_READER:Show(title, body, medium, showTitle) then
+    PlaySound(LORE_READER.OpenSound)
+  else
+    EndInteraction(INTERACTION_BOOK)
+  end

 local function OnAddonLoaded(_, name)
-   if name ~= ADDON_NAME then return end
+  if name ~= ADDON_NAME then return end

-   -- if the second argument, the version, changes then the data is wiped and
-   -- replaced with the defaults.
-   seen = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SlippyCheezeReadItOnceData", 1)
+  -- if the second argument, the version, changes then the data is wiped and
+  -- replaced with the defaults.
+  seen = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SlippyCheezeReadItOnceData", 1)

-   -- replace the original event handler with ours; sadly, we don't have
-   -- access to the original implementation to do anything nicer. :/
-   LORE_READER.control:UnregisterForEvent(EVENT_SHOW_BOOK)
-   LORE_READER.control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_SHOW_BOOK, OnShowBookOverride)
+  -- replace the original event handler with ours; sadly, we don't have
+  -- access to the original implementation to do anything nicer. :/
+  LORE_READER.control:UnregisterForEvent(EVENT_SHOW_BOOK)
+  LORE_READER.control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_SHOW_BOOK, OnShowBookOverride)

 -- bootstrapping