Version 1.1.10 (22-08-2021)

Ulrik Larsen [08-22-21 - 15:45]
Version 1.1.10 (22-08-2021)
diff --git a/Bindings.xml b/Bindings.xml
index 17dda63..a2c161b 100644
--- a/Bindings.xml
+++ b/Bindings.xml
@@ -1,27 +1,69 @@
     <Category name="Collection bars">
-      <Action name="CBs_Settings"><Down>CBs_ShowSettings()</Down></Action>
-	    <Action name="CBs_1"><Down>CBs_Clicked(1)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_2"><Down>CBs_Clicked(2)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_3"><Down>CBs_Clicked(3)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_4"><Down>CBs_Clicked(4)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_5"><Down>CBs_Clicked(5)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_6"><Down>CBs_Clicked(6)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_7"><Down>CBs_Clicked(7)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_8"><Down>CBs_Clicked(8)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_9"><Down>CBs_Clicked(9)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_10"><Down>CBs_Clicked(10)</Down></Action>
-	    <Action name="CBs_11"><Down>CBs_Clicked(11)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_12"><Down>CBs_Clicked(12)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_13"><Down>CBs_Clicked(13)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_14"><Down>CBs_Clicked(14)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_15"><Down>CBs_Clicked(15)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_16"><Down>CBs_Clicked(16)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_17"><Down>CBs_Clicked(17)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_18"><Down>CBs_Clicked(18)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_19"><Down>CBs_Clicked(19)</Down></Action>
-      <Action name="CBs_20"><Down>CBs_Clicked(20)</Down></Action>
-    </Category>
+      <Action name="CBs_Settings">
+        <Down>CBs_ShowSettings()</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_1">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(1)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_2">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(2)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_3">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(3)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_4">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(4)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_5">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(5)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_6">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(6)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_7">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(7)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_8">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(8)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_9">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(9)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_10">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(10)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_11">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(11)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_12">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(12)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_13">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(13)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_14">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(14)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_15">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(15)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_16">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(16)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_17">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(17)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_18">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(18)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_19">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(19)</Down>
+      </Action>
+      <Action name="CBs_20">
+        <Down>CBs_Clicked(20)</Down>
+      </Action>
+    </Category>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CBs_Bindings.lua b/CBs_Bindings.lua
index 6316687..d1e6085 100644
--- a/CBs_Bindings.lua
+++ b/CBs_Bindings.lua
@@ -11,52 +11,71 @@ local texts = base.Texts
-function CBs_ShowSettings() base:ToggleEnableSettings(base.ShowSettings()) end
+function CBs_ShowSettings()
+	base:ToggleEnableSettings(base.ShowSettings())

 function CBs_Clicked(keyId)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Clicked", keyId)
-    local control = base.WM:GetMouseOverControl()
-    local collectibleId = base.Saved.Bindings[keyId]
-    if control ~= nil and control.CBs then
-        local newCId = control:GetId()
-        local previousCId = collectibleId
-        if previousCId ~= newCId then
-            for _keyId, cid in ipairs(base.Saved.Bindings) do if _keyId ~= keyId and cid == newCId then base.Saved.Bindings[_keyId] = 0 end end
-            for cid, _keyId in pairs(base.Global.ReverseBindings) do
-                if cid ~= newCId and _keyId == keyId then
-                    base.Global.ReverseBindings[cid] = nil
-                    base:SetBindingText(cid)
-                end
-            end
-            base.Saved.Bindings[keyId] = newCId
-            base.Global.ReverseBindings[newCId] = keyId
-            base:SetBindingText(newCId)
-        end
-    elseif collectibleId > 0 then
-        if base.AllButtons[collectibleId] then
-            base:Activate(base.AllButtons[collectibleId])
-        else
-            UseCollectible(collectibleId)
-        end
-    end
+	base:Debug("CBs_Clicked", keyId)
+	local control = base.WM:GetMouseOverControl()
+	local collectibleId = base.Saved.Bindings[keyId]
+	if control ~= nil and control.CBs then
+		local newCId = control:GetId()
+		local previousCId = collectibleId
+		if previousCId ~= newCId then
+			for _keyId, cid in ipairs(base.Saved.Bindings) do
+				if _keyId ~= keyId and cid == newCId then
+					base.Saved.Bindings[_keyId] = 0
+				end
+			end
+			for cid, _keyId in pairs(base.Global.ReverseBindings) do
+				if cid ~= newCId and _keyId == keyId then
+					base.Global.ReverseBindings[cid] = nil
+					base:SetBindingText(cid)
+				end
+			end
+			base.Saved.Bindings[keyId] = newCId
+			base.Global.ReverseBindings[newCId] = keyId
+			base:SetBindingText(newCId)
+		end
+	elseif collectibleId > 0 then
+		if base.AllButtons[collectibleId] then
+			base:Activate(base.AllButtons[collectibleId])
+		else
+			UseCollectible(collectibleId)
+		end
+	end

 function base:SetBindingText(cid)
-    base:Debug("SetBindingText", cid)
-    if base.AllButtons[cid] then base.AllButtons[cid]:SetBindingText(base.Saved.Bindings.Show, cid) end
+	base:Debug("SetBindingText", cid)
+	if base.AllButtons[cid] then
+		base.AllButtons[cid]:SetBindingText(base.Saved.Bindings.Show, cid)
+	end

 function base:InitializeBindings()
-    base:Debug("InitializeBindings")
-    ZO_CreateStringId(string.format(texts.FormatBindingName, "Settings"), "Settings")
-    for key, _ in ipairs(base.Saved.Bindings) do ZO_CreateStringId(string.format(texts.FormatBindingName, key), string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, key)) end
+	base:Debug("InitializeBindings")
+	ZO_CreateStringId(string.format(texts.FormatBindingName, "Settings"), "Settings")
+	for key, _ in ipairs(base.Saved.Bindings) do
+		ZO_CreateStringId(string.format(texts.FormatBindingName, key), string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, key))
+	end

 function base:InitializeReverseBinding()
-    base:Debug("InitializeReverseBinding")
-    for keyId, collectibleId in ipairs(base.Saved.Bindings) do if collectibleId > 0 then base.Global.ReverseBindings[collectibleId] = keyId end end
+	base:Debug("InitializeReverseBinding")
+	for keyId, collectibleId in ipairs(base.Saved.Bindings) do
+		if collectibleId > 0 then
+			base.Global.ReverseBindings[collectibleId] = keyId
+		end
+	end
diff --git a/CBs_Button.lua b/CBs_Button.lua
index 2903841..ee575a5 100644
--- a/CBs_Button.lua
+++ b/CBs_Button.lua
@@ -14,179 +14,222 @@ local texts = base.Texts
 CBs_Button = ZO_Object:Subclass()

 function CBs_Button:New(categoryId, frame, cId)
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:New", categoryId, frame, cId)
-    local newB = ZO_Object.New(self)
-    local category = base.Categories[categoryId]
-    local collectible = category.Collection[cId]
-    if newB then
-        local ctrl = CreateControlFromVirtual(string.format(texts.FormatCategoryName, category.Id), frame, string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, "Button"), string.format("_B%s", cId))
-        newB.cId = cId
-        newB.categoryId = categoryId
-        newB.ctrl = ctrl
-        newB.ctrl.cId = cId
-        newB.button = ctrl:GetNamedChild("Button")
-        newB.button:SetId(cId)
-        newB.button.tooltip = collectible.Name
-        newB.enabledTexture = collectible.EnabledTexture
-        newB.button.CBs = true
-        newB.icon = ctrl:GetNamedChild("Icon")
-        newB.cooldownIcon = ctrl:GetNamedChild("CooldownIcon")
-        newB.cooldownTime = ctrl:GetNamedChild("CooldownTime")
-        newB.buttonText = ctrl:GetNamedChild("ButtonText")
-        newB.cooldown = ctrl:GetNamedChild("Cooldown")
-        newB.cooldownCompleteAnim = ctrl:GetNamedChild("CooldownCompleteAnimation")
-        newB.status = ctrl:GetNamedChild("Status")
-        newB.inCooldown = false
-        newB.showingCooldown = false
-        newB.playSounds = false
-    end
-    return newB
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:New", categoryId, frame, cId)
+	local newB = ZO_Object.New(self)
+	local category = base.Categories[categoryId]
+	local collectible = category.Collection[cId]
+	if newB then
+		local ctrl = CreateControlFromVirtual(string.format(texts.FormatCategoryName, category.Id), frame, string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, "Button"), string.format("_B%s", cId))
+		newB.cId = cId
+		newB.categoryId = categoryId
+		newB.ctrl = ctrl
+		newB.ctrl.cId = cId
+		newB.button = ctrl:GetNamedChild("Button")
+		newB.button:SetId(cId)
+		newB.button.tooltip = collectible.Name
+		newB.enabledTexture = collectible.EnabledTexture
+		newB.button.CBs = true
+		newB.icon = ctrl:GetNamedChild("Icon")
+		newB.cooldownIcon = ctrl:GetNamedChild("CooldownIcon")
+		newB.cooldownTime = ctrl:GetNamedChild("CooldownTime")
+		newB.buttonText = ctrl:GetNamedChild("ButtonText")
+		newB.cooldown = ctrl:GetNamedChild("Cooldown")
+		newB.cooldownCompleteAnim = ctrl:GetNamedChild("CooldownCompleteAnimation")
+		newB.status = ctrl:GetNamedChild("Status")
+		newB.inCooldown = false
+		newB.showingCooldown = false
+		newB.playSounds = false
+	end
+	return newB

 function CBs_Button:UpdateAnchor(frame, left, top)
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:UpdateAnchor", frame, left, top)
-    self.ctrl:ClearAnchors()
-    self.ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, frame, TOPLEFT, left, top)
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:UpdateAnchor", frame, left, top)
+	self.ctrl:ClearAnchors()
+	self.ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, frame, TOPLEFT, left, top)

 function CBs_Button:Setup()
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:Setup")
-    self.ctrl:SetHidden(false)
-    self.icon:SetTexture(self.enabledTexture)
-    self.icon:SetHidden(false)
-    if self.cooldownIcon ~= nil then
-        self.cooldownIcon:SetTexture(self.enabledTexture)
-        self.cooldownIcon:SetDesaturation(1)
-    end
-    self.button:SetHandler("OnClicked", function() base:Activate(self) end)
-    self.button:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function()
-        if self.playSounds then PlaySound(SOUNDS.QUICKSLOT_MOUSEOVER) end
-        local saved = base.Saved.Categories[self.categoryId]
-        if saved.Tooltip.Show then ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip(self.button, saved.Tooltip.Position, self.button.tooltip) end
-    end)
-    self.button:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function() ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip() end)
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:Setup")
+	self.ctrl:SetHidden(false)
+	self.icon:SetTexture(self.enabledTexture)
+	self.icon:SetHidden(false)
+	if self.cooldownIcon ~= nil then
+		self.cooldownIcon:SetTexture(self.enabledTexture)
+		self.cooldownIcon:SetDesaturation(1)
+	end
+	self.button:SetHandler("OnClicked", function()
+		base:Activate(self)
+	end)
+	self.button:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function()
+		if self.playSounds then
+		end
+		local saved = base.Saved.Categories[self.categoryId]
+		if saved.Tooltip.Show then
+			ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip(self.button, saved.Tooltip.Position, self.button.tooltip)
+		end
+	end)
+	self.button:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function()
+		ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip()
+	end)

 function CBs_Button:SetShowBindingText(visible)
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:SetShowBindingText", visible)
-    self.buttonText:SetHidden(not visible)
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:SetShowBindingText", visible)
+	self.buttonText:SetHidden(not visible)

 function CBs_Button:SetSize(size)
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:SetSize", size)
-    self.ctrl:SetHeight(size)
-    self.ctrl:SetWidth(size)
-    self.icon:SetHeight(size - 6)
-    self.icon:SetWidth(size - 6)
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:SetSize", size)
+	self.ctrl:SetHeight(size)
+	self.ctrl:SetWidth(size)
+	self.icon:SetHeight(size - 6)
+	self.icon:SetWidth(size - 6)

 function CBs_Button:SetBindingText(show, cId)
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:SetBindingText", show, cId)
-    local keyId = base.Global.ReverseBindings[cId]
-    if self.buttonText ~= nil then
-        ZO_Keybindings_UnregisterLabelForBindingUpdate(self.buttonText)
-        self.buttonText:ClearAnchors()
-        self.buttonText:SetText("")
-        if keyId ~= nil and show then
-            self.buttonText:SetHeight(self.ctrl:GetHeight())
-            self.buttonText:SetWidth(self.ctrl:GetWidth())
-            self.buttonText:SetAnchor(BOTTOM, self.ctrl, BOTTOM, 0, 0)
-            ZO_Keybindings_RegisterLabelForBindingUpdate(self.buttonText, string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, keyId), false)
-        end
-    end
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:SetBindingText", show, cId)
+	local keyId = base.Global.ReverseBindings[cId]
+	if self.buttonText ~= nil then
+		ZO_Keybindings_UnregisterLabelForBindingUpdate(self.buttonText)
+		self.buttonText:ClearAnchors()
+		self.buttonText:SetText("")
+		if keyId ~= nil and show then
+			self.buttonText:SetHeight(self.ctrl:GetHeight())
+			self.buttonText:SetWidth(self.ctrl:GetWidth())
+			self.buttonText:SetAnchor(BOTTOM, self.ctrl, BOTTOM, 0, 0)
+			ZO_Keybindings_RegisterLabelForBindingUpdate(self.buttonText, string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, keyId), false)
+		end
+	end

 function CBs_Button:OnClicked()
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:OnClicked")
-    if self.usable then UseCollectible(self.cId) end
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:OnClicked")
+	if self.usable then
+		UseCollectible(self.cId)
+	end

 function CBs_Button:UpdateState(forceId, isAttempting, isActiveActivationEnabled)
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:UpdateState", forceId, isAttempting)
-    local show = false
-    if isActiveActivationEnabled then show = self.cId == forceId and isAttempting or not forceId and IsCollectibleActive(self.cId) end
-    self.status:SetHidden(show == false)
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:UpdateState", forceId, isAttempting)
+	local show = false
+	if isActiveActivationEnabled then
+		show = self.cId == forceId and isAttempting or not forceId and IsCollectibleActive(self.cId)
+	end
+	self.status:SetHidden(show == false)

 function CBs_Button:UpdateUsable()
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:UpdateUsable")
-    local isShowingCooldown = self.showingCooldown
-    local usable = false
-    if not isShowingCooldown then usable = true end
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:UpdateUsable")

-    if usable ~= self.usable then self.usable = usable end
+	local isShowingCooldown = self.showingCooldown
+	local usable = false
+	if not isShowingCooldown then
+		usable = true
+	end
+	if usable ~= self.usable then
+		self.usable = usable
+	end

 function CBs_Button:RefreshCooldown(remaining, duration, cooldown)
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:RefreshCooldown", remaining, duration, cooldown)
-    local percentComplete = (1 - remaining / duration)
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:RefreshCooldown", remaining, duration, cooldown)

-    self.icon.percentComplete = percentComplete
-    self.cooldownTime:SetText(cooldown)
+	local percentComplete = (1 - remaining / duration)
+	self.icon.percentComplete = percentComplete
+	self.cooldownTime:SetText(cooldown)

 function CBs_Button:UpdatePlaySounds(playSounds)
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:UpdatePlaySounds", playSounds)
-    self.playSounds = playSounds
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:UpdatePlaySounds", playSounds)
+	self.playSounds = playSounds

 function CBs_Button:UpdateCooldown(remaining, duration, cooldown)
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:UpdateCooldown", remaining, duration, cooldown)
-    local showCooldown = duration > 0
-    self.cooldown:SetHidden(not showCooldown)
-    self.cooldownTime:SetHidden(not showCooldown)
-    if showCooldown then
-        self.cooldown:StartCooldown(remaining, duration, CD_TYPE_RADIAL, nil, NO_LEADING_EDGE)
-        if self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation then self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation:GetTimeline():PlayInstantlyToStart() end
-        self.cooldown:SetHidden(false)
-        self.ctrl:SetHandler("OnUpdate", function() self:RefreshCooldown(remaining, duration, cooldown) end)
-    else
-        if self.showingCooldown then
-            if self.playSounds then PlaySound(SOUNDS.ABILITY_READY) end
-            self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation = self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation or CreateSimpleAnimation(ANIMATION_TEXTURE, self.cooldownCompleteAnim)
-            self.cooldownCompleteAnim:SetHidden(false)
-            self.cooldown:SetHidden(false)
-            self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation:SetImageData(16, 1)
-            self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation:SetFramerate(30)
-            self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation:GetTimeline():PlayFromStart()
-        end
-        self.icon.percentComplete = 1
-        self.ctrl:SetHandler("OnUpdate", nil)
-        self.cooldown:ResetCooldown()
-    end
-    if showCooldown ~= self.showingCooldown then
-        self.showingCooldown = showCooldown
-        if self.showingCooldown then
-            ZO_ContextualActionBar_AddReference()
-        else
-            ZO_ContextualActionBar_RemoveReference()
-        end
-    end
-    self.buttonText:SetColor(GetInterfaceColor(INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_TEXT_COLORS, textColor))
-    self:UpdateUsable()
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:UpdateCooldown", remaining, duration, cooldown)
+	local showCooldown = duration > 0
+	self.cooldown:SetHidden(not showCooldown)
+	self.cooldownTime:SetHidden(not showCooldown)
+	if showCooldown then
+		self.cooldown:StartCooldown(remaining, duration, CD_TYPE_RADIAL, nil, NO_LEADING_EDGE)
+		if self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation then
+			self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation:GetTimeline():PlayInstantlyToStart()
+		end
+		self.cooldown:SetHidden(false)
+		self.ctrl:SetHandler("OnUpdate", function()
+			self:RefreshCooldown(remaining, duration, cooldown)
+		end)
+	else
+		if self.showingCooldown then
+			if self.playSounds then
+			end
+			self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation = self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation or CreateSimpleAnimation(ANIMATION_TEXTURE, self.cooldownCompleteAnim)
+			self.cooldownCompleteAnim:SetHidden(false)
+			self.cooldown:SetHidden(false)
+			self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation:SetImageData(16, 1)
+			self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation:SetFramerate(30)
+			self.cooldownCompleteAnim.animation:GetTimeline():PlayFromStart()
+		end
+		self.icon.percentComplete = 1
+		self.ctrl:SetHandler("OnUpdate", nil)
+		self.cooldown:ResetCooldown()
+	end
+	if showCooldown ~= self.showingCooldown then
+		self.showingCooldown = showCooldown
+		if self.showingCooldown then
+			ZO_ContextualActionBar_AddReference()
+		else
+			ZO_ContextualActionBar_RemoveReference()
+		end
+	end
+	self.buttonText:SetColor(GetInterfaceColor(INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_TEXT_COLORS, textColor))
+	self:UpdateUsable()

 function CBs_Button:SetHidden(value)
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:SetHidden", value)
-    self.ctrl:SetHidden(value)
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:SetHidden", value)
+	self.ctrl:SetHidden(value)

 function CBs_Button:IsHidden()
-    base:Verbose("CBs_Button:IsHidden")
-    local isHidden = self.ctrl:IsHidden()
-    return isHidden
+	base:Verbose("CBs_Button:IsHidden")
+	local isHidden = self.ctrl:IsHidden()
+	return isHidden
diff --git a/CBs_Buttons.lua b/CBs_Buttons.lua
index 0635c01..05d88d9 100644
--- a/CBs_Buttons.lua
+++ b/CBs_Buttons.lua
@@ -12,163 +12,195 @@ local texts = base.Texts
 function base:Activate(button)
-    base:Debug("Activate", button)
-    if base:IsCollectibleUsable(button) then
-        if button and base.Saved.Button.IsActiveActivationEnabled then
-            local category = base.Categories[button.categoryId]
-            local formatCategoryEvent = string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviation .. "%%s", category.Name)
-            local activeEventName = string.format(formatCategoryEvent, tostring(category.EventTS))
-            EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(activeEventName, EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_USE_RESULT)
-            category.EventTS = GetTimeStamp()
-            EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(activeEventName, EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_USE_RESULT, function(_, result, isAttemptingActivation)
-                local countDown = category.Cooldown
-                local success = false
-                if result == COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_NOT_BLOCKED and button.button then
-                    success = true
-                    countDown.CollectibleId = button.cId
-                    base:UpdateButtonsState(category, button.cId, isAttemptingActivation)
-                end
-                local successActivate = isAttemptingActivation and success
-                countDown.StartTime = GetFrameTimeMilliseconds()
-                EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(activeEventName, EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_USE_RESULT)
-                if success then
-                    local countDownEvent = string.format(formatCategoryEvent, countDown.Event)
-                    EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate(countDownEvent)
-                    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate(countDownEvent, countDown.Tick, function()
-                        local remaining, duration = GetCollectibleCooldownAndDuration(countDown.CollectibleId)
-                        local cooldown = base:GetCooldownText(countDown, duration)
-                        base:UpdateButtonsCooldown(category, remaining, duration, cooldown)
-                        if duration == 0 then
-                            countDown.StartTime = nil
-                            local isActive = successActivate or IsCollectibleActive(button.cId)
-                            base:UpdateButtonsState(category, button.cId, isActive)
-                            EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate(countDownEvent)
-                        end
-                    end)
-                end
-            end)
-        end
-        button:UpdateUsable()
-        button:OnClicked()
-    end
+	base:Debug("Activate", button)
+	if base:IsCollectibleUsable(button) then
+		if button and base.Saved.Button.IsActiveActivationEnabled then
+			local category = base.Categories[button.categoryId]
+			local formatCategoryEvent = string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviation .. "%%s", category.Name)
+			local activeEventName = string.format(formatCategoryEvent, tostring(category.EventTS))
+			category.EventTS = GetTimeStamp()
+			EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(activeEventName, EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_USE_RESULT, function(_, result, isAttemptingActivation)
+				local countDown = category.Cooldown
+				local success = false
+				if result == COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_NOT_BLOCKED and button.button then
+					success = true
+					countDown.CollectibleId = button.cId
+					base:UpdateButtonsState(category, button.cId, isAttemptingActivation)
+				end
+				local successActivate = isAttemptingActivation and success
+				countDown.StartTime = GetFrameTimeMilliseconds()
+				EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(activeEventName, EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_USE_RESULT)
+				if success then
+					local countDownEvent = string.format(formatCategoryEvent, countDown.Event)
+					EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate(countDownEvent)
+					EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate(countDownEvent, countDown.Tick, function()
+						local remaining, duration = GetCollectibleCooldownAndDuration(countDown.CollectibleId)
+						local cooldown = base:GetCooldownText(countDown, duration)
+						base:UpdateButtonsCooldown(category, remaining, duration, cooldown)
+						if duration == 0 then
+							countDown.StartTime = nil
+							local isActive = successActivate or IsCollectibleActive(button.cId)
+							base:UpdateButtonsState(category, button.cId, isActive)
+							EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate(countDownEvent)
+						end
+					end)
+				end
+			end)
+		end
+		button:UpdateUsable()
+		button:OnClicked()
+	end

 function base:SetFrameAndCombineSize(category)
-    base:Debug("SetFrameAndCombineSize", category)
-    local width, height = base:GetBarWidthHeight(category)
-    base:SetFrameSizeIfExists(category.Frames.Frame, width, height)
+	base:Debug("SetFrameAndCombineSize", category)
+	local width, height = base:GetBarWidthHeight(category)
+	base:SetFrameSizeIfExists(category.Frames.Frame, width, height)

-    if category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined and not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll then base:SetFrameSizeIfExists(base.Global.Combine.Frames.Frame, width, height) end
+	if category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined and not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll then
+		base:SetFrameSizeIfExists(base.Global.Combine.Frames.Frame, width, height)
+	end

 function base:GetFrame(name, virtual)
-    base:Debug("GetFrame", name, virtual)
-    local frame = GetControl(name)
+	base:Debug("GetFrame", name, virtual)

-    if frame == nil then frame = base.WM:CreateControlFromVirtual(name, GuiRoot, virtual) end
+	local frame = GetControl(name)

-    base:Debug("GetFrame:return", frame)
-    return frame
+	if frame == nil then
+		frame = base.WM:CreateControlFromVirtual(name, GuiRoot, virtual)
+	end
+	base:Debug("GetFrame:return", frame)
+	return frame

 function base:GetButtonPosition(category, index)
-    category.Bar.Depth, category.Bar.Width = base:GetMaxBarSize(category, "Depth", index), base:GetMaxBarSize(category, "Width", index)
-    base:Debug("GetButtonPosition", category, index, category.Bar.Depth, base.Saved.Button.Size)
-    local left = ((index - 1) % category.Bar.Depth) * base.Saved.Button.Size
-    local top = (zo_floor((index - 1) / category.Bar.Depth)) * base.Saved.Button.Size
-    base:Debug("GetButtonPosition", category.Name, index, left, top)
-    if not category.Saved.Bar.Horizontal then
-        return top, left
-    else
-        return left, top
-    end
+	category.Bar.Depth, category.Bar.Width = base:GetMaxBarSize(category, "Depth", index), base:GetMaxBarSize(category, "Width", index)
+	base:Debug("GetButtonPosition", category, index, category.Bar.Depth, base.Saved.Button.Size)
+	local left = ((index - 1) % category.Bar.Depth) * base.Saved.Button.Size
+	local top = (zo_floor((index - 1) / category.Bar.Depth)) * base.Saved.Button.Size
+	base:Debug("GetButtonPosition", category.Name, index, left, top)
+	if not category.Saved.Bar.Horizontal then
+		return top, left
+	else
+		return left, top
+	end

 function base:SetupButtons(category)
-    base:Debug("SetupButtons", category, category.Name, category.Bar.Depth, category.Bar.Width)
-    local index = 1
-    local autoSelectAll = category.Saved.AutoSelectAll
-    local selected = category.Saved.Selected
-    local frame = category.Frames.Frame
-    local maxIndex = (category.Bar.Depth or 0) * (category.Bar.Width or 0)
-    category.IsEmpty = true
-    for _, _value in ipairs(category.CollectionOrdered) do
-        local hideButton = true
-        if category.Saved.Enabled and (autoSelectAll or selected[_value.Id]) and IsCollectibleUnlocked(_value.Id) and IsCollectibleValidForPlayer(_value.Id) then
-            if category.Buttons[_value.Id] == nil then
-                category.Buttons[_value.Id] = CBs_Button:New(category.Id, frame, _value.Id)
-                base.AllButtons[_value.Id] = category.Buttons[_value.Id]
-            end
-            if not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll and (maxIndex == 0 or index <= maxIndex) then
-                hideButton = false
-                category.Buttons[_value.Id]:SetBindingText(base.Saved.Bindings.Show, _value.Id)
-                category.Buttons[_value.Id]:Setup()
-                category.Buttons[_value.Id]:UpdateAnchor(frame, base:GetButtonPosition(category, index))
-                category.Buttons[_value.Id]:UpdatePlaySounds(base.Saved.Button.IsAudioEnabled)
-                index = index + 1
-            end
-            category.IsEmpty = false
-        end
-        if category.Buttons[_value.Id] ~= nil then
-            category.Buttons[_value.Id]:SetHidden(hideButton)
-            if not hideButton then
-                category.Buttons[_value.Id]:SetSize(base.Saved.Button.Size)
-                category.Buttons[_value.Id]:UpdateState(nil, nil, base.Saved.Button.IsActiveActivationEnabled)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    local isHidden = (category.IsEmpty or not category.Saved.Label.Show) and not base.Global.EnableSettings or not category.Saved.Enabled
-    if category.Frames.Frame then category.Frames.Frame:SetHidden(isHidden) end
-    if category.Frames.Label then category.Frames.Label:SetHidden(isHidden) end
+	base:Debug("SetupButtons", category, category.Name, category.Bar.Depth, category.Bar.Width)
+	local index = 1
+	local autoSelectAll = category.Saved.AutoSelectAll
+	local selected = category.Saved.Selected
+	local frame = category.Frames.Frame
+	local maxIndex = (category.Bar.Depth or 0) * (category.Bar.Width or 0)
+	category.IsEmpty = true
+	for _, _value in ipairs(category.CollectionOrdered) do
+		local hideButton = true
+		if category.Saved.Enabled and (autoSelectAll or selected[_value.Id]) and IsCollectibleUnlocked(_value.Id) and IsCollectibleValidForPlayer(_value.Id) then
+			if category.Buttons[_value.Id] == nil then
+				category.Buttons[_value.Id] = CBs_Button:New(category.Id, frame, _value.Id)
+				base.AllButtons[_value.Id] = category.Buttons[_value.Id]
+			end
+			if not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll and (maxIndex == 0 or index <= maxIndex) then
+				hideButton = false
+				category.Buttons[_value.Id]:SetBindingText(base.Saved.Bindings.Show, _value.Id)
+				category.Buttons[_value.Id]:Setup()
+				category.Buttons[_value.Id]:UpdateAnchor(frame, base:GetButtonPosition(category, index))
+				category.Buttons[_value.Id]:UpdatePlaySounds(base.Saved.Button.IsAudioEnabled)
+				index = index + 1
+			end
+			category.IsEmpty = false
+		end
+		if category.Buttons[_value.Id] ~= nil then
+			category.Buttons[_value.Id]:SetHidden(hideButton)
+			if not hideButton then
+				category.Buttons[_value.Id]:SetSize(base.Saved.Button.Size)
+				category.Buttons[_value.Id]:UpdateState(nil, nil, base.Saved.Button.IsActiveActivationEnabled)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local isHidden = (category.IsEmpty or not category.Saved.Label.Show) and not base.Global.EnableSettings or not category.Saved.Enabled
+	if category.Frames.Frame then
+		category.Frames.Frame:SetHidden(isHidden)
+	end
+	if category.Frames.Label then
+		category.Frames.Label:SetHidden(isHidden)
+	end

 function base:UpdateButtonsState(category, forceId, isAttemptingActivation)
-    base:Debug("UpdateButtonsState", category, forceId, isAttemptingActivation)
-    for _, button in pairs(category.Buttons) do if button ~= nil then button:UpdateState(forceId, isAttemptingActivation, base.Saved.Button.IsActiveActivationEnabled) end end
+	base:Debug("UpdateButtonsState", category, forceId, isAttemptingActivation)
+	for _, button in pairs(category.Buttons) do
+		if button ~= nil then
+			button:UpdateState(forceId, isAttemptingActivation, base.Saved.Button.IsActiveActivationEnabled)
+		end
+	end

 function base:UpdateButtonsCooldown(category, remaining, duration, cooldown)
-    base:Debug("UpdateButtonsCooldown", category, remaining, duration, cooldown)
-    for _cId, button in pairs(category.Buttons) do if button ~= nil and category.Collection[_cId] then button:UpdateCooldown(remaining, duration, cooldown) end end
+	base:Debug("UpdateButtonsCooldown", category, remaining, duration, cooldown)
+	for _cId, button in pairs(category.Buttons) do
+		if button ~= nil and category.Collection[_cId] then
+			button:UpdateCooldown(remaining, duration, cooldown)
+		end
+	end

 function base:GetCooldownText(countDown, duration)
-    base:Debug("GetCooldownText", countDown, duration)
-    local cooldown = ""
+	base:Debug("GetCooldownText", countDown, duration)

-    if type(duration) == "number" and countDown.StartTime ~= nil then
-        local startTime = countDown.StartTime or 0
-        local secondsRemaining = zo_max(startTime + duration - GetFrameTimeMilliseconds(), 0) / 1000
-        cooldown = ZO_FormatTimeAsDecimalWhenBelowThreshold(secondsRemaining, 60)
-    end
+	local cooldown = ""

-    return cooldown
+	if type(duration) == "number" and countDown.StartTime ~= nil then
+		local startTime = countDown.StartTime or 0
+		local secondsRemaining = zo_max(startTime + duration - GetFrameTimeMilliseconds(), 0) / 1000
+		cooldown = ZO_FormatTimeAsDecimalWhenBelowThreshold(secondsRemaining, 60)
+	end
+	return cooldown

 function base:IsCollectibleUsable(button)
-    base:Debug("IsCollectibleUsable", button)
-    local category = base.Categories[button.categoryId]
-    local isCollectibleUsable = button ~= nil and category.Cooldown.StartTime == nil and IsCollectibleUsable(button.cId)
+	base:Debug("IsCollectibleUsable", button)
+	local category = base.Categories[button.categoryId]
+	local isCollectibleUsable = button ~= nil and category.Cooldown.StartTime == nil and IsCollectibleUsable(button.cId)

-    if not isCollectibleUsable and button.cId then
-        local startTime = category.Cooldown.StartTime or 0
-        local _, duration = GetCollectibleCooldownAndDuration(button.cId)
-        isCollectibleUsable = startTime + duration < GetFrameTimeMilliseconds()
-    end
+	if not isCollectibleUsable and button.cId then
+		local startTime = category.Cooldown.StartTime or 0
+		local _, duration = GetCollectibleCooldownAndDuration(button.cId)
+		isCollectibleUsable = startTime + duration < GetFrameTimeMilliseconds()
+	end

-    return isCollectibleUsable
+	return isCollectibleUsable
diff --git a/CBs_Constants.lua b/CBs_Constants.lua
index 828a8f6..da41b10 100644
--- a/CBs_Constants.lua
+++ b/CBs_Constants.lua
@@ -6,88 +6,49 @@ Filename: CBs_Constants.lua
 CollectionBars = {
-    WM = GetWindowManager(),
-    Addon = {Name = "CollectionBars", DisplayName = "Collection Bars", Abbreviation = "CBs", Version = 1.1, MinorVersion = 9, SettingsSlash = "/cb", Author = "Jarth"},
-    AllButtons = {},
-    Default = {
-        UseAccountSettings = true,
-        Bar = {Depth = 5, Width = 0, SnapSize = 5},
-        Button = {Size = ZO_GAMEPAD_ACTION_BUTTON_SIZE, IsAudioEnabled = true, IsActiveActivationEnabled = true},
-        Scene = {OnHud = true, OnHudUI = true, InMenu = true, InInventory = false, InInteract = false, InBank = false, InFence = false, InStore = false},
-        Bindings = {
-            Show = true,
-            [1] = 0,
-            [2] = 0,
-            [3] = 0,
-            [4] = 0,
-            [5] = 0,
-            [6] = 0,
-            [7] = 0,
-            [8] = 0,
-            [9] = 0,
-            [10] = 0,
-            [11] = 0,
-            [12] = 0,
-            [13] = 0,
-            [14] = 0,
-            [15] = 0,
-            [16] = 0,
-            [17] = 0,
-            [18] = 0,
-            [19] = 0,
-            [20] = 0
-        },
-        Combine = {
-            Bar = {Depth = 0, Width = 0, Offset = {X = CENTER, Y = CENTER}},
-            Label = {Show = true, Display = "CombineBar", Offset = {X = 0, Y = 0}, Position = BOTTOMLEFT, PositionTarget = TOPLEFT}
-        },
-        Categories = {},
-        Logging = {Info = false, Debug = false, Verbose = false}
-    },
-    Global = {
-        EnableSettings = false,
-        IsMoveEnabled = false,
-        ReverseBindings = {},
-        Settings = {
-            Frame = nil,
-            List = nil,
-            Filters = {["Categories"] = "Categories", ["Collectibles"] = "Collectibles", ["Category"] = "Category", ["General"] = "General", ["Combined"] = "Combined bar"}
-        },
-        Combine = {Name = "Combine", EventTS = nil, Frames = {Frame = nil, Move = nil}, category = nil, HideAll = nil, Fragment = nil, IsEmpty = false},
-        ChoiceLocations = {"top", "topright", "right", "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "center"},
-        AvailableFonts = {"ZoFontGameSmall", "ZoFontGameLarge", "ZoFontGameLargeBold", "ZoFontGameLargeBoldShadow", "ZoFontHeader", "ZoFontHeader2", "ZoFontHeader3", "ZoFontHeader4"},
-        Scenes = {
-            [1] = {Name = "OnHud", Instance = HUD_SCENE, Description = "%s on main view/hud"},
-            [2] = {Name = "OnHudUI", Instance = HUD_UI_SCENE, Description = "%s on the main view when an overlay is activated/hudui"},
-            [3] = {Name = "InMenu", Instance = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("gameMenuInGame"), Description = "%s in menu"},
-            [4] = {Name = "InInventory", Instance = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("inventory"), Description = "%s in the inventory"},
-            [5] = {Name = "InInteract", Instance = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("interact"), Description = "%s in interactions"},
-            [6] = {Name = "InBank", Instance = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("bank"), Description = "%s at a bank"},
-            [7] = {Name = "InFence", Instance = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("fence_keyboard"), Description = "%s at a fence"},
-            [8] = {Name = "InStore", Instance = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("store"), Description = "%s at a store"}
-        },
-        HighestUnlocked = 0,
-        ShowChildren = {}
-    },
-    Categories = {},
-    CategoriesOrdered = {},
-    Texts = {
-        Font = {ZoFontWinT1 = "ZoFontWinT1", ZoFontWinH4 = "ZoFontWinH4"},
-        Format = {Number = "%.2f", Decimal = "%d", Comma = "%s,%s"},
-        Location = {
-            Bottom = "bottom",
-            BottomLeft = "bottomleft",
-            BottomRight = "bottomright",
-            Center = "center",
-            Left = "left",
-            Right = "right",
-            Top = "top",
-            TopLeft = "topleft",
-            TopRight = "topright"
-        },
-        Settings = {ToggleMoveFrameText = "Toggle move frame", ReloadText = "Reload list of 'Collectibles'\nHint: Usefull after gaining a new collectible)"}
-    },
-    Loggers = {}
+	WM = GetWindowManager(),
+	Addon = {Name = "CollectionBars", DisplayName = "Collection Bars", Abbreviation = "CBs", Version = 1.1, MinorVersion = 10, SettingsSlash = "/cb", Author = "Jarth"},
+	AllButtons = {},
+	Default = {
+		UseAccountSettings = true,
+		Bar = {Depth = 5, Width = 0, SnapSize = 5},
+		Button = {Size = ZO_GAMEPAD_ACTION_BUTTON_SIZE, IsAudioEnabled = true, IsActiveActivationEnabled = true},
+		Scene = {OnHud = true, OnHudUI = true, InMenu = true, InInventory = false, InInteract = false, InBank = false, InFence = false, InStore = false},
+		Bindings = {Show = true, [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 0, [4] = 0, [5] = 0, [6] = 0, [7] = 0, [8] = 0, [9] = 0, [10] = 0, [11] = 0, [12] = 0, [13] = 0, [14] = 0, [15] = 0, [16] = 0, [17] = 0, [18] = 0, [19] = 0, [20] = 0},
+		Combine = {Bar = {Depth = 0, Width = 0, Offset = {X = CENTER, Y = CENTER}}, Label = {Show = true, Display = "CombineBar", Offset = {X = 0, Y = 0}, Position = BOTTOMLEFT, PositionTarget = TOPLEFT}},
+		Categories = {},
+		Logging = {Info = false, Debug = false, Verbose = false}
+	},
+	Global = {
+		EnableSettings = false,
+		IsMoveEnabled = false,
+		ReverseBindings = {},
+		Settings = {Frame = nil, List = nil, Filters = {["Categories"] = "Categories", ["Collectibles"] = "Collectibles", ["Category"] = "Category", ["General"] = "General", ["Combined"] = "Combined bar"}},
+		Combine = {Name = "Combine", EventTS = nil, Frames = {Frame = nil, Move = nil}, category = nil, HideAll = nil, Fragment = nil, IsEmpty = false},
+		ChoiceLocations = {"top", "topright", "right", "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "center"},
+		AvailableFonts = {"ZoFontGameSmall", "ZoFontGameLarge", "ZoFontGameLargeBold", "ZoFontGameLargeBoldShadow", "ZoFontHeader", "ZoFontHeader2", "ZoFontHeader3", "ZoFontHeader4"},
+		Scenes = {
+			[1] = {Name = "OnHud", Instance = HUD_SCENE, Description = "%s on main view/hud"},
+			[2] = {Name = "OnHudUI", Instance = HUD_UI_SCENE, Description = "%s on the main view when an overlay is activated/hudui"},
+			[3] = {Name = "InMenu", Instance = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("gameMenuInGame"), Description = "%s in menu"},
+			[4] = {Name = "InInventory", Instance = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("inventory"), Description = "%s in the inventory"},
+			[5] = {Name = "InInteract", Instance = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("interact"), Description = "%s in interactions"},
+			[6] = {Name = "InBank", Instance = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("bank"), Description = "%s at a bank"},
+			[7] = {Name = "InFence", Instance = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("fence_keyboard"), Description = "%s at a fence"},
+			[8] = {Name = "InStore", Instance = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("store"), Description = "%s at a store"}
+		},
+		HighestUnlocked = 0,
+		ShowChildren = {}
+	},
+	Categories = {},
+	CategoriesOrdered = {},
+	Texts = {
+		Font = {ZoFontWinT1 = "ZoFontWinT1", ZoFontWinH4 = "ZoFontWinH4"},
+		Format = {Number = "%.2f", Decimal = "%d", Comma = "%s,%s"},
+		Location = {Bottom = "bottom", BottomLeft = "bottomleft", BottomRight = "bottomright", Center = "center", Left = "left", Right = "right", Top = "top", TopLeft = "topleft", TopRight = "topright"},
+		Settings = {ToggleMoveFrameText = "Toggle move frame", ReloadText = "Reload list of 'Collectibles'\nHint: Usefull after gaining a new collectible)"}
+	},
+	Loggers = {}
 local base = CollectionBars

@@ -105,76 +66,89 @@ base.Texts.CharacterKey = string.format("%s_Character", base.Addon.Name)

 function base:GenerateCategories()
-    base:Debug("GenerateCategories")
-    base.Categories = {}
-    for _, categoryData in ZO_COLLECTIBLE_DATA_MANAGER:CategoryIterator({ZO_CollectibleCategoryData.HasShownCollectiblesInCollection}) do
-        if categoryData ~= nil and categoryData:IsStandardCategory() then
-            local categoryType = base.GetCategoryTypeFromCollectible(categoryData)
-            local keyboardIcons = {categoryData:GetKeyboardIcons()}
-            local parentKey = categoryData:GetFormattedName()
-            local hasSubCategories = categoryData:GetNumSubcategories() > 0
-            base.AddCategory(categoryData, categoryType, keyboardIcons, hasSubCategories)
-            if hasSubCategories then base:AddSubCategories(categoryData, keyboardIcons, parentKey) end
-        end
-    end
+	base:Debug("GenerateCategories")
+	base.Categories = {}
+	for _, categoryData in ZO_COLLECTIBLE_DATA_MANAGER:CategoryIterator({ZO_CollectibleCategoryData.HasShownCollectiblesInCollection}) do
+		if categoryData ~= nil and categoryData:IsStandardCategory() then
+			local categoryType = base.GetCategoryTypeFromCollectible(categoryData)
+			local keyboardIcons = {categoryData:GetKeyboardIcons()}
+			local parentKey = categoryData:GetFormattedName()
+			local hasSubCategories = categoryData:GetNumSubcategories() > 0
+			base.AddCategory(categoryData, categoryType, keyboardIcons, hasSubCategories)
+			if hasSubCategories then
+				base:AddSubCategories(categoryData, keyboardIcons, parentKey)
+			end
+		end
+	end

 function base:AddSubCategories(categoryData, parentKeyboardIcons, parentKey)
-    base:Debug("AddSubCategories", categoryData, parentKeyboardIcons, parentKey)
-    for _, subcategoryData in categoryData:SubcategoryIterator({ZO_CollectibleCategoryData.HasShownCollectiblesInCollection}) do
-        local categoryType = base.GetCategoryTypeFromCollectible(subcategoryData)
-        local hasSubCategories = subcategoryData.subcategories ~= nil and subcategoryData:GetNumSubcategories() > 0
-        base.AddCategory(subcategoryData, categoryType, parentKeyboardIcons, hasSubCategories, parentKey)
-        if hasSubCategories then
-            local subcategoryParentKey = subcategoryData:GetFormattedName()
-            base:AddSubCategories(subcategoryData, parentKeyboardIcons, subcategoryParentKey)
-        end
-    end
+	base:Debug("AddSubCategories", categoryData, parentKeyboardIcons, parentKey)
+	for _, subcategoryData in categoryData:SubcategoryIterator({ZO_CollectibleCategoryData.HasShownCollectiblesInCollection}) do
+		local categoryType = base.GetCategoryTypeFromCollectible(subcategoryData)
+		local hasSubCategories = subcategoryData.subcategories ~= nil and subcategoryData:GetNumSubcategories() > 0
+		base.AddCategory(subcategoryData, categoryType, parentKeyboardIcons, hasSubCategories, parentKey)
+		if hasSubCategories then
+			local subcategoryParentKey = subcategoryData:GetFormattedName()
+			base:AddSubCategories(subcategoryData, parentKeyboardIcons, subcategoryParentKey)
+		end
+	end

 function base.GetCategoryTypeFromCollectible(categoryData)
-    base:Debug("GetCategoryType", categoryData)
-    local categoryType = nil
-    for _, collectible in ZO_CollectibleCategoryData.SortedCollectibleIterator(categoryData, {ZO_CollectibleData.IsShownInCollection}) do
-        categoryType = collectible:GetCategoryType()
-        break
-    end
-    return categoryType
+	base:Debug("GetCategoryType", categoryData)
+	local categoryType = nil
+	for _, collectible in ZO_CollectibleCategoryData.SortedCollectibleIterator(categoryData, {ZO_CollectibleData.IsShownInCollection}) do
+		categoryType = collectible:GetCategoryType()
+		break
+	end
+	return categoryType

 function base.AddCategory(categoryData, categoryType, keyboardIcons, hasChildren, parentKey)
-    base:Debug("AddCategory", categoryData, categoryType, keyboardIcons, hasChildren, parentKey)
-    local categoryName = categoryData:GetFormattedName()
-    local categoryId = categoryData:GetId()
-    if keyboardIcons ~= nil and keyboardIcons[1] == ZO_NO_TEXTURE_FILE then keyboardIcons = nil end
-    base.Categories[categoryId] = {
-        Collection = {},
-        CollectionOrdered = {},
-        Buttons = {},
-        CategoryType = categoryType,
-        Id = categoryId,
-        CategoryData = categoryData,
-        Icon = keyboardIcons,
-        HasChildren = hasChildren,
-        ParentKey = parentKey,
-        Unlocked = 0,
-        Name = categoryName,
-        Frames = {Frame = nil, Label = nil, LabelButton = nil, ToggleSettings = nil, Move = nil},
-        Bar = {Depth = 0, Width = nil},
-        Cooldown = {Event = string.format("Cooldown%s", categoryName), CollectibleId = nil, StartTime = nil, Tick = 100},
-        Fragment = nil
-    }
-    table.insert(base.CategoriesOrdered, base.Categories[categoryId])
-    base.Default.Categories[categoryId] = {
-        AutoSelectAll = false,
-        Selected = {},
-        Enabled = false,
-        Tooltip = {Show = true, Position = TOP},
-        Bar = {IsCombined = true, HideAll = true, Depth = 0, Width = 0, Horizontal = true, Offset = {X = CENTER, Y = CENTER}},
-        Menu = {ShowDisabled = false},
-        Label = {Show = true, EnableHideAll = true, Display = categoryName, Offset = {X = 0, Y = 0}, Height = 19, Width = 75, Font = "ZoFontGameSmall", Position = BOTTOMLEFT, PositionTarget = TOPLEFT}
-    }
+	base:Debug("AddCategory", categoryData, categoryType, keyboardIcons, hasChildren, parentKey)
+	local categoryName = categoryData:GetFormattedName()
+	local categoryId = categoryData:GetId()
+	if keyboardIcons ~= nil and keyboardIcons[1] == ZO_NO_TEXTURE_FILE then
+		keyboardIcons = nil
+	end
+	base.Categories[categoryId] = {
+		Collection = {},
+		CollectionOrdered = {},
+		Buttons = {},
+		CategoryType = categoryType,
+		Id = categoryId,
+		CategoryData = categoryData,
+		Icon = keyboardIcons,
+		HasChildren = hasChildren,
+		ParentKey = parentKey,
+		Unlocked = 0,
+		Name = categoryName,
+		Frames = {Frame = nil, Label = nil, LabelButton = nil, ToggleSettings = nil, Move = nil},
+		Bar = {Depth = 0, Width = nil},
+		Cooldown = {Event = string.format("Cooldown%s", categoryName), CollectibleId = nil, StartTime = nil, Tick = 100},
+		Fragment = nil
+	}
+	table.insert(base.CategoriesOrdered, base.Categories[categoryId])
+	base.Default.Categories[categoryId] = {
+		AutoSelectAll = false,
+		Selected = {},
+		Enabled = false,
+		Tooltip = {Show = true, Position = TOP},
+		Bar = {IsCombined = true, HideAll = true, Depth = 0, Width = 0, Horizontal = true, Offset = {X = CENTER, Y = CENTER}},
+		Menu = {ShowDisabled = false},
+		Label = {Show = true, EnableHideAll = true, Display = categoryName, Offset = {X = 0, Y = 0}, Height = 19, Width = 75, Font = "ZoFontGameSmall", Position = BOTTOMLEFT, PositionTarget = TOPLEFT}
+	}
diff --git a/CBs_Fragment.lua b/CBs_Fragment.lua
index f0cd937..cf99294 100644
--- a/CBs_Fragment.lua
+++ b/CBs_Fragment.lua
@@ -12,32 +12,54 @@ local texts = base.Texts
 function base:UpdateFragments(fragmentType)
-    base:Debug("UpdateFragments", fragmentType)
-    for _, category in pairs(base.Categories) do if category.Saved.Enabled then base:UpdateFragment(category, fragmentType) end end
-    base:UpdateFragment(base.Global.Combine, fragmentType)
+	base:Debug("UpdateFragments", fragmentType)
+	for _, category in pairs(base.Categories) do
+		if category.Saved.Enabled then
+			base:UpdateFragment(category, fragmentType)
+		end
+	end
+	base:UpdateFragment(base.Global.Combine, fragmentType)

 function base:UpdateFragment(category, fragmentType)
-    base:Debug("UpdateFragment", category, fragmentType)
-    local currentScene = SCENE_MANAGER:GetCurrentScene()
-    local isHidden = (currentScene == nil or currentScene:GetName() == "empty") and not base.Saved.Scene.OnHud
-    if category.Fragment == nil then category.Fragment = ZO_HUDFadeSceneFragment:New(category.Frames.Frame) end
-    for _, scene in ipairs(base.Global.Scenes) do
-        if (not fragmentType or scene.Name == fragmentType) and scene ~= nil and scene.Instance ~= nil then
-            if base.Saved.Scene[scene.Name] then
-                if not scene.Instance:HasFragment(category.Fragment) then scene.Instance:AddFragment(category.Fragment) end
-            else
-                scene.Instance:RemoveFragment(category.Fragment)
-            end
-        end
-        if scene.Instance == currentScene then isHidden = isHidden or not base.Saved.Scene[scene.Name] end
-    end
-    category.Frames.Frame:SetHidden(isHidden)
+	base:Debug("UpdateFragment", category, fragmentType)
+	local currentScene = SCENE_MANAGER:GetCurrentScene()
+	local isHidden = (currentScene == nil or currentScene:GetName() == "empty") and not base.Saved.Scene.OnHud
+	if category.Fragment == nil then
+		category.Fragment = ZO_HUDFadeSceneFragment:New(category.Frames.Frame)
+	end
+	for _, scene in ipairs(base.Global.Scenes) do
+		if (not fragmentType or scene.Name == fragmentType) and scene ~= nil and scene.Instance ~= nil then
+			if base.Saved.Scene[scene.Name] then
+				if not scene.Instance:HasFragment(category.Fragment) then
+					scene.Instance:AddFragment(category.Fragment)
+				end
+			else
+				scene.Instance:RemoveFragment(category.Fragment)
+			end
+		end
+		if scene.Instance == currentScene then
+			isHidden = isHidden or not base.Saved.Scene[scene.Name]
+		end
+	end
+	category.Frames.Frame:SetHidden(isHidden)

 function base:RemoveFragments(category)
-    base:Debug("RemoveFragments", category)
-    if category.Fragment ~= nil then for _, scene in ipairs(base.Global.Scenes) do if scene ~= nil and scene.Instance ~= nil then scene.Instance:RemoveFragment(category.Fragment) end end end
+	base:Debug("RemoveFragments", category)
+	if category.Fragment ~= nil then
+		for _, scene in ipairs(base.Global.Scenes) do
+			if scene ~= nil and scene.Instance ~= nil then
+				scene.Instance:RemoveFragment(category.Fragment)
+			end
+		end
+	end
diff --git a/CBs_Helpers.lua b/CBs_Helpers.lua
index 1e7a59e..98a6a65 100644
--- a/CBs_Helpers.lua
+++ b/CBs_Helpers.lua
@@ -12,232 +12,274 @@ local texts = base.Texts
 function base.GetCharacterSettingsDisabledState()
-    base:Debug("GetCharacterSettingsDisabledState")
-    local result = BSTATE_DISABLED
-    if base.Saved.UseAccountSettings and _G[texts.CharacterKey] ~= nil then result = BSTATE_NORMAL end
+	base:Debug("GetCharacterSettingsDisabledState")

-    return result == BSTATE_DISABLED
+	local result = BSTATE_DISABLED
+	if base.Saved.UseAccountSettings and _G[texts.CharacterKey] ~= nil then
+		result = BSTATE_NORMAL
+	end
+	return result == BSTATE_DISABLED

 function base:GetLocationValue(value)
-    base:Debug("GetLocationValue", value)
-    local result
-    if value == texts.Location.Bottom then
-        result = BOTTOM
-    elseif value == texts.Location.BottomLeft then
-        result = BOTTOMLEFT
-    elseif value == texts.Location.BottomRight then
-        result = BOTTOMRIGHT
-    elseif value == texts.Location.Center then
-        result = CENTER
-    elseif value == texts.Location.Left then
-        result = LEFT
-    elseif value == texts.Location.Right then
-        result = RIGHT
-    elseif value == texts.Location.Top then
-        result = TOP
-    elseif value == texts.Location.TopLeft then
-        result = TOPLEFT
-    elseif value == texts.Location.TopRight then
-        result = TOPRIGHT
-    end
-    return result
+	base:Debug("GetLocationValue", value)
+	local result
+	if value == texts.Location.Bottom then
+		result = BOTTOM
+	elseif value == texts.Location.BottomLeft then
+		result = BOTTOMLEFT
+	elseif value == texts.Location.BottomRight then
+		result = BOTTOMRIGHT
+	elseif value == texts.Location.Center then
+		result = CENTER
+	elseif value == texts.Location.Left then
+		result = LEFT
+	elseif value == texts.Location.Right then
+		result = RIGHT
+	elseif value == texts.Location.Top then
+		result = TOP
+	elseif value == texts.Location.TopLeft then
+		result = TOPLEFT
+	elseif value == texts.Location.TopRight then
+		result = TOPRIGHT
+	end
+	return result

 function base:GetLocationText(value)
-    base:Debug("GetLocationText", value)
-    local result
-    if value == BOTTOM then
-        result = texts.Location.Bottom
-    elseif value == BOTTOMLEFT then
-        result = texts.Location.BottomLeft
-    elseif value == BOTTOMRIGHT then
-        result = texts.Location.BottomRight
-    elseif value == CENTER then
-        result = texts.Location.Center
-    elseif value == LEFT then
-        result = texts.Location.Left
-    elseif value == RIGHT then
-        result = texts.Location.Right
-    elseif value == TOP then
-        result = texts.Location.Top
-    elseif value == TOPLEFT then
-        result = texts.Location.TopLeft
-    elseif value == TOPRIGHT then
-        result = texts.Location.TopRight
-    end
-    return result
+	base:Debug("GetLocationText", value)
+	local result
+	if value == BOTTOM then
+		result = texts.Location.Bottom
+	elseif value == BOTTOMLEFT then
+		result = texts.Location.BottomLeft
+	elseif value == BOTTOMRIGHT then
+		result = texts.Location.BottomRight
+	elseif value == CENTER then
+		result = texts.Location.Center
+	elseif value == LEFT then
+		result = texts.Location.Left
+	elseif value == RIGHT then
+		result = texts.Location.Right
+	elseif value == TOP then
+		result = texts.Location.Top
+	elseif value == TOPLEFT then
+		result = texts.Location.TopLeft
+	elseif value == TOPRIGHT then
+		result = texts.Location.TopRight
+	end
+	return result

 function base:RestorePosition(frame, saved)
-    base:Debug("RestorePosition", frame, frame.Name, saved)
-    frame:ClearAnchors()
-    local combineFrame = base.Global.Combine.Frames.Frame
-    if not saved.Bar.IsCombined or not combineFrame then
-        frame:SetAnchor(saved.Label.PositionTarget, GuiRoot, TOPLEFT, saved.Bar.Offset.X, saved.Bar.Offset.Y)
-    elseif saved.Bar.IsCombined then
-        if not saved.Bar.HideAll then
-            frame:SetAnchorFill(combineFrame)
-        else
-            frame:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, combineFrame, TOPLEFT, 0, 0)
-        end
-    end
+	base:Debug("RestorePosition", frame, frame.Name, saved)
+	frame:ClearAnchors()
+	local combineFrame = base.Global.Combine.Frames.Frame
+	if not saved.Bar.IsCombined or not combineFrame then
+		frame:SetAnchor(saved.Label.PositionTarget, GuiRoot, TOPLEFT, saved.Bar.Offset.X, saved.Bar.Offset.Y)
+	elseif saved.Bar.IsCombined then
+		if not saved.Bar.HideAll then
+			frame:SetAnchorFill(combineFrame)
+		else
+			frame:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, combineFrame, TOPLEFT, 0, 0)
+		end
+	end

 function base:GetLabelPostFix(category)
-    base:Debug("GetLabelPostFix", category)
-    local postFix = ""
-    if category.Saved.Label.EnableHideAll then
-        if not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll then
-            postFix = " -"
-        else
-            postFix = " +"
-        end
-    end
-    return postFix
+	base:Debug("GetLabelPostFix", category)
+	local postFix = ""
+	if category.Saved.Label.EnableHideAll then
+		if not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll then
+			postFix = " -"
+		else
+			postFix = " +"
+		end
+	end
+	return postFix

 function base:IsAllSelected(category)
-    base:Debug("IsAllSelected", category)
-    local isAllSelected = true
-    for _, collectible in pairs(category.Collection) do
-        if category.Saved.Selected[collectible.Id] == nil then
-            isAllSelected = false
-            break
-        end
-    end
+	base:Debug("IsAllSelected", category)
+	local isAllSelected = true

-    return isAllSelected
+	for _, collectible in pairs(category.Collection) do
+		if category.Saved.Selected[collectible.Id] == nil then
+			isAllSelected = false
+			break
+		end
+	end
+	return isAllSelected

 function base:AutoSelectAll(category, newValue)
-    base:Debug("AutoSelectAll", category, newValue)
+	base:Debug("AutoSelectAll", category, newValue)

-    if newValue then category.Saved.Selected = {} end
+	if newValue then
+		category.Saved.Selected = {}
+	end


 function base:SelectAll(category, newValue)
-    base:Debug("SelectAll", category, newValue)
-    for _, collectible in pairs(category.Collection) do
-        if newValue == true then
-            category.Saved.Selected[collectible.Id] = newValue
-        else
-            category.Saved.Selected[collectible.Id] = nil
-        end
-    end
+	base:Debug("SelectAll", category, newValue)
+	for _, collectible in pairs(category.Collection) do
+		if newValue == true then
+			category.Saved.Selected[collectible.Id] = newValue
+		else
+			category.Saved.Selected[collectible.Id] = nil
+		end
+	end

 function base:GetAccountsettings()
-    base:Debug("GetAccountsettings")
-    return ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide(texts.AccountKey, base.Addon.Version, nil, base.Default)
+	base:Debug("GetAccountsettings")
+	return ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide(texts.AccountKey, base.Addon.Version, nil, base.Default)

 function base:GetCharactersettings(useAccountSettings)
-    base:Debug("GetCharactersettings", useAccountSettings)
-    local characterSettings = nil
+	base:Debug("GetCharactersettings", useAccountSettings)

-    if not useAccountSettings then
-        characterSettings = ZO_SavedVars:NewCharacterNameSettings(texts.CharacterKey, base.Addon.Version, nil, base.Default)
-        characterSettings.UseAccountSettings = false
-    end
+	local characterSettings = nil

-    return characterSettings
+	if not useAccountSettings then
+		characterSettings = ZO_SavedVars:NewCharacterNameSettings(texts.CharacterKey, base.Addon.Version, nil, base.Default)
+		characterSettings.UseAccountSettings = false
+	end
+	return characterSettings

 function base:SetSavedSettings()
-    base:Debug("SetSavedSettings")
-    local accountSettings = base:GetAccountsettings()
-    local characterSettings = base:GetCharactersettings(accountSettings.UseAccountSettings)
-    base.Saved = characterSettings or accountSettings
+	base:Debug("SetSavedSettings")
+	local accountSettings = base:GetAccountsettings()
+	local characterSettings = base:GetCharactersettings(accountSettings.UseAccountSettings)
+	base.Saved = characterSettings or accountSettings

 function base:UpdateUseAccountSettings(useAccountSettings)
-    base:Debug("UpdateUseAccountSettings", useAccountSettings)
-    local accountSettings = base:GetAccountsettings()
-    accountSettings.UseAccountSettings = useAccountSettings
-    local characterSettings = base:GetCharactersettings(accountSettings.UseAccountSettings)
-    base.Saved = characterSettings or accountSettings
+	base:Debug("UpdateUseAccountSettings", useAccountSettings)
+	local accountSettings = base:GetAccountsettings()
+	accountSettings.UseAccountSettings = useAccountSettings
+	local characterSettings = base:GetCharactersettings(accountSettings.UseAccountSettings)
+	base.Saved = characterSettings or accountSettings

 function base:ResetSavedSettings()
-    base:Debug("ResetSavedSettings")
-    local useAccountSettings = base.Saved.UseAccountSettings
-    if useAccountSettings then
-        _G[texts.AccountKey] = nil
-        base.Saved = base:GetAccountsettings()
-    else
-        _G[texts.CharacterKey] = nil
-        base.Saved = base:GetCharactersettings(useAccountSettings)
-    end
+	base:Debug("ResetSavedSettings")
+	local useAccountSettings = base.Saved.UseAccountSettings
+	if useAccountSettings then
+		_G[texts.AccountKey] = nil
+		base.Saved = base:GetAccountsettings()
+	else
+		_G[texts.CharacterKey] = nil
+		base.Saved = base:GetCharactersettings(useAccountSettings)
+	end

 function base:RemoveCharacterSettings()
-    base:Debug("RemoveCharacterSettings")
-    if base.Saved.UseAccountSettings then _G[texts.CharacterKey] = nil end
+	base:Debug("RemoveCharacterSettings")
+	if base.Saved.UseAccountSettings then
+		_G[texts.CharacterKey] = nil
+	end

 function base:GetMaxBarSize(category, constraint, count)
-    local maxBarSize
-    if category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then
-        maxBarSize = base.Saved.Combine.Bar[constraint]
-    else
-        maxBarSize = category.Saved.Bar[constraint]
-    end
-    if maxBarSize == 0 then maxBarSize = base.Saved.Bar[constraint] end
-    if count < maxBarSize then maxBarSize = count end
-    return maxBarSize
+	local maxBarSize
+	if category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then
+		maxBarSize = base.Saved.Combine.Bar[constraint]
+	else
+		maxBarSize = category.Saved.Bar[constraint]
+	end
+	if maxBarSize == 0 then
+		maxBarSize = base.Saved.Bar[constraint]
+	end
+	if count < maxBarSize then
+		maxBarSize = count
+	end
+	return maxBarSize

 function base:GetBarWidthHeight(category)
-    base:Debug("GetBarWidthHeight", category)
-    local width, height, count = 0, 0, 0
+	base:Debug("GetBarWidthHeight", category)

-    if not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll then for key, button in pairs(category.Buttons) do if not button:IsHidden() then count = count + 1 end end end
+	local width, height, count = 0, 0, 0

-    if count > 0 then
-        category.Bar.Depth, category.Bar.Width = base:GetMaxBarSize(category, "Depth", count), base:GetMaxBarSize(category, "Width", count)
+	if not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll then
+		for key, button in pairs(category.Buttons) do
+			if not button:IsHidden() then
+				count = count + 1
+			end
+		end
+	end

-        local barWidth = zo_ceil(count / category.Bar.Depth)
-        local maxBarWidth = category.Bar.Width
+	if count > 0 then
+		category.Bar.Depth, category.Bar.Width = base:GetMaxBarSize(category, "Depth", count), base:GetMaxBarSize(category, "Width", count)

-        if maxBarWidth > 0 and maxBarWidth < barWidth then barWidth = maxBarWidth end
+		local barWidth = zo_ceil(count / category.Bar.Depth)
+		local maxBarWidth = category.Bar.Width

-        local isHorizontal = category.Saved.Bar.Horizontal
-        width = base.Saved.Button.Size * (not isHorizontal and barWidth or category.Bar.Depth)
-        height = base.Saved.Button.Size * (isHorizontal and barWidth or category.Bar.Depth)
-    end
+		if maxBarWidth > 0 and maxBarWidth < barWidth then
+			barWidth = maxBarWidth
+		end

-    return width, height
+		local isHorizontal = category.Saved.Bar.Horizontal
+		width = base.Saved.Button.Size * (not isHorizontal and barWidth or category.Bar.Depth)
+		height = base.Saved.Button.Size * (isHorizontal and barWidth or category.Bar.Depth)
+	end
+	return width, height

 function base:SetFrameSizeIfExists(frame, width, height)
-    base:Debug("SetFrameSizeIfExists", frame, width, height)
-    if frame ~= nil then
-        frame:SetWidth(width)
-        frame:SetHeight(height)
-    end
+	base:Debug("SetFrameSizeIfExists", frame, width, height)
+	if frame ~= nil then
+		frame:SetWidth(width)
+		frame:SetHeight(height)
+	end

 function base:HasAny(array)
-    base:Debug("HasAny", array)
-    local hasAny = false
-    if array ~= nil then
-        for _ in pairs(array) do
-            hasAny = true
-            break
-        end
-    end
-    return hasAny
+	base:Debug("HasAny", array)
+	local hasAny = false
+	if array ~= nil then
+		for _ in pairs(array) do
+			hasAny = true
+			break
+		end
+	end
+	return hasAny

 function base:SetControlText(control, text)
-    base:Debug("SetControlText", control, text)
-    control.SetText(control, text)
+	base:Debug("SetControlText", control, text)
+	control.SetText(control, text)
diff --git a/CBs_Labels.lua b/CBs_Labels.lua
index 63c15e8..659d425 100644
--- a/CBs_Labels.lua
+++ b/CBs_Labels.lua
@@ -12,100 +12,131 @@ local texts = base.Texts
 function base:SetupLabel(category)
-    base:Debug("SetupLabel", category)
-    local hideAllId = string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, "HideAll")
-    local hideAllCategory = string.format("%s%s", hideAllId, category.Name)
-    if category.Frames.Label == nil then
-        category.Frames.Label = GetControl(hideAllCategory)
-        if category.Frames.Label == nil then category.Frames.Label = base.WM:CreateControlFromVirtual(hideAllId, category.Frames.Frame, hideAllId, category.Name) end
-    end
-    category.Frames.Label:SetHidden(not category.Saved.Label.Show and not category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined)
-    category.Frames.ToggleSettings = GetControl(string.format("%sToggleSettings", hideAllCategory))
-    category.Frames.LabelButton = GetControl(string.format("%sButton", hideAllCategory))
-    if category.Frames.LabelButton ~= nil then
-        category.Frames.LabelButton:SetHandler("OnClicked", function(_, button)
-            if button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_RIGHT then
-                base:ToggleEnableSettings()
-            elseif button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_LEFT and category.Saved.Label.EnableHideAll or category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then
-                category.Saved.Bar.HideAll = not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll
-                if category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then base:HideOthers(category) end
-                base:RestoreFrame(category)
-                base:RestoreCombine()
-            end
-        end)
-    end
-    base:SetupToggleSettings(category)
+	base:Debug("SetupLabel", category)
+	local hideAllId = string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, "HideAll")
+	local hideAllCategory = string.format("%s%s", hideAllId, category.Name)
+	if category.Frames.Label == nil then
+		category.Frames.Label = GetControl(hideAllCategory)
+		if category.Frames.Label == nil then
+			category.Frames.Label = base.WM:CreateControlFromVirtual(hideAllId, category.Frames.Frame, hideAllId, category.Name)
+		end
+	end
+	category.Frames.Label:SetHidden(not category.Saved.Label.Show and not category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined)
+	category.Frames.ToggleSettings = GetControl(string.format("%sToggleSettings", hideAllCategory))
+	category.Frames.LabelButton = GetControl(string.format("%sButton", hideAllCategory))
+	if category.Frames.LabelButton ~= nil then
+		category.Frames.LabelButton:SetHandler("OnClicked", function(_, button)
+			if button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_RIGHT then
+				base:ToggleEnableSettings()
+			elseif button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_LEFT and category.Saved.Label.EnableHideAll or category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then
+				category.Saved.Bar.HideAll = not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll
+				if category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then
+					base:HideOthers(category)
+				end
+				base:RestoreFrame(category)
+				base:RestoreCombine()
+			end
+		end)
+	end
+	base:SetupToggleSettings(category)

 function base:RestoreLabel(category)
-    base:Debug("RestoreLabel", category)
-    local label = category.Saved.Label
-    local frameLabel = category.Frames.Label
-    if frameLabel ~= nil then
-        frameLabel:ClearAnchors()
-        frameLabel:SetHeight(label.Height)
-        frameLabel:SetWidth(label.Width)
-        if not category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then frameLabel:SetAnchor(label.Position, category.Frames.Frame, label.PositionTarget, label.Offset.X, label.Offset.Y) end
-        frameLabel:SetHidden(not category.Saved.Label.Show and not category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined and not base.Global.EnableSettings)
-    end
-    local frameLabelButton = category.Frames.LabelButton
-    if frameLabelButton ~= nil then
-        frameLabelButton:SetHidden(false)
-        frameLabelButton:SetFont(label.Font)
-        frameLabelButton:SetHorizontalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT)
-        frameLabelButton:SetVerticalAlignment(TOP)
-        frameLabelButton:SetText(string.format("%s%s", tostring(category.Saved.Label.Display), base:GetLabelPostFix(category)))
-    end
-    local frameLabelToggleSettings = category.Frames.ToggleSettings
-    if frameLabelToggleSettings ~= nil then frameLabelToggleSettings:SetHidden(false) end
+	base:Debug("RestoreLabel", category)
+	local label = category.Saved.Label
+	local frameLabel = category.Frames.Label
+	if frameLabel ~= nil then
+		frameLabel:ClearAnchors()
+		frameLabel:SetHeight(label.Height)
+		frameLabel:SetWidth(label.Width)
+		if not category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then
+			frameLabel:SetAnchor(label.Position, category.Frames.Frame, label.PositionTarget, label.Offset.X, label.Offset.Y)
+		end
+		frameLabel:SetHidden(not category.Saved.Label.Show and not category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined and not base.Global.EnableSettings)
+	end
+	local frameLabelButton = category.Frames.LabelButton
+	if frameLabelButton ~= nil then
+		frameLabelButton:SetHidden(false)
+		frameLabelButton:SetFont(label.Font)
+		frameLabelButton:SetHorizontalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT)
+		frameLabelButton:SetVerticalAlignment(TOP)
+		frameLabelButton:SetText(string.format("%s%s", tostring(category.Saved.Label.Display), base:GetLabelPostFix(category)))
+	end
+	local frameLabelToggleSettings = category.Frames.ToggleSettings
+	if frameLabelToggleSettings ~= nil then
+		frameLabelToggleSettings:SetHidden(false)
+	end

 function base:RemoveLabel(category)
-    base:Debug("RemoveLabel", category)
-    if category.Frames.Label ~= nil then
-        category.Frames.Label:ClearAnchors()
-        category.Frames.Label:SetHidden(true)
-    end
+	base:Debug("RemoveLabel", category)
+	if category.Frames.Label ~= nil then
+		category.Frames.Label:ClearAnchors()
+		category.Frames.Label:SetHidden(true)
+	end

-    if category.Frames.LabelButton ~= nil then category.Frames.LabelButton:SetHidden(true) end
+	if category.Frames.LabelButton ~= nil then
+		category.Frames.LabelButton:SetHidden(true)
+	end

-    if category.Frames.ToggleSettings ~= nil then category.Frames.ToggleSettings:SetHidden(true) end
+	if category.Frames.ToggleSettings ~= nil then
+		category.Frames.ToggleSettings:SetHidden(true)
+	end

 function base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-    base:Debug("RestoreCombineLabels")
-    local combineLabel = base.Saved.Combine.Label
-    local width = 0
-    local height = 0
-    for _, category in ipairs(base.CategoriesOrdered) do
-        if category.Saved.Enabled and category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined and category.Frames.Label then
-            if (not category.IsEmpty or base.Global.EnableSettings) then
-                local hasSelected = not base:HasAny(category.Saved.Selected)
-                category.Frames.Label:ClearAnchors()
-                category.Frames.Label:SetHidden(not hasSelected and not category.Saved.Label.Show and not base.Global.EnableSettings)
-                if not category.Frames.Label:IsHidden() or (category.Saved.Label.Show and hasSelected) or base.Global.EnableSettings then
-                    width = width + category.Saved.Label.Offset.X
-                    local offsetY = category.Saved.Label.Offset.Y + combineLabel.Offset.Y
-                    category.Frames.Label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, base.Global.Combine.Frames.HideAll, TOPLEFT, width, offsetY)
-                    width = width + category.Frames.Label:GetWidth()
-                    local labelHeight = category.Frames.Label:GetHeight()
-                    if labelHeight > height then height = labelHeight end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    local frame = base.Global.Combine.Frames.HideAll
-    if frame ~= nil and base.Global.Combine.Frames.Frame ~= nil then
-        frame:ClearAnchors()
-        frame:SetWidth(width)
-        frame:SetHeight(height)
-        frame:SetAnchor(combineLabel.Position, base.Global.Combine.Frames.Frame, combineLabel.PositionTarget, combineLabel.Offset.X, combineLabel.Offset.Y)
-    end
+	base:Debug("RestoreCombineLabels")
+	local combineLabel = base.Saved.Combine.Label
+	local width = 0
+	local height = 0
+	for _, category in ipairs(base.CategoriesOrdered) do
+		if category.Saved.Enabled and category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined and category.Frames.Label then
+			if (not category.IsEmpty or base.Global.EnableSettings) then
+				local hasSelected = not base:HasAny(category.Saved.Selected)
+				category.Frames.Label:ClearAnchors()
+				category.Frames.Label:SetHidden(not hasSelected and not category.Saved.Label.Show and not base.Global.EnableSettings)
+				if not category.Frames.Label:IsHidden() or (category.Saved.Label.Show and hasSelected) or base.Global.EnableSettings then
+					width = width + category.Saved.Label.Offset.X
+					local offsetY = category.Saved.Label.Offset.Y + combineLabel.Offset.Y
+					category.Frames.Label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, base.Global.Combine.Frames.HideAll, TOPLEFT, width, offsetY)
+					width = width + category.Frames.Label:GetWidth()
+					local labelHeight = category.Frames.Label:GetHeight()
+					if labelHeight > height then
+						height = labelHeight
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local frame = base.Global.Combine.Frames.HideAll
+	if frame ~= nil and base.Global.Combine.Frames.Frame ~= nil then
+		frame:ClearAnchors()
+		frame:SetWidth(width)
+		frame:SetHeight(height)
+		frame:SetAnchor(combineLabel.Position, base.Global.Combine.Frames.Frame, combineLabel.PositionTarget, combineLabel.Offset.X, combineLabel.Offset.Y)
+	end
diff --git a/CBs_Logging.lua b/CBs_Logging.lua
index c1fb283..fdea6e0 100644
--- a/CBs_Logging.lua
+++ b/CBs_Logging.lua
@@ -13,33 +13,45 @@ local texts = base.Texts
 function base:InitializeLog(...)
-    if LibDebugLogger ~= nil and loggers.Logger == nil then
-        loggers.Logger = LibDebugLogger(base.Addon.Name)
-        loggers.Debug = loggers.Logger:Create("debug")
-        loggers.Verbose = loggers.Logger:Create("verbose")
-        base:Info(...)
-        base:SetLogsEnabled()
-    end
+	if LibDebugLogger ~= nil and loggers.Logger == nil then
+		loggers.Logger = LibDebugLogger(base.Addon.Name)
+		loggers.Debug = loggers.Logger:Create("debug")
+		loggers.Verbose = loggers.Logger:Create("verbose")
+		base:Info(...)
+		base:SetLogsEnabled()
+	end

 function base:SetLogsEnabled()
-    if base.Saved then
-        base:LogSetEnabled(loggers.Logger, base.Saved and base.Saved.Logging.Info, "Logging")
-        base:LogSetEnabled(loggers.Debug, base.Saved and base.Saved.Logging.Debug, "Logging debug")
-        base:LogSetEnabled(loggers.Verbose, base.Saved and base.Saved.Logging.Verbose, "Logging verbose")
-    end
+	if base.Saved then
+		base:LogSetEnabled(loggers.Logger, base.Saved and base.Saved.Logging.Info, "Logging")
+		base:LogSetEnabled(loggers.Debug, base.Saved and base.Saved.Logging.Debug, "Logging debug")
+		base:LogSetEnabled(loggers.Verbose, base.Saved and base.Saved.Logging.Verbose, "Logging verbose")
+	end

 function base:LogSetEnabled(logger, doLogging, loggerType)
-    if logger ~= nil then
-        logger:SetEnabled(doLogging)
-        logger:Info("LogSetEnabled:", loggerType, doLogging)
-        return true
-    end
+	if logger ~= nil then
+		logger:SetEnabled(doLogging)
+		logger:Info("LogSetEnabled:", loggerType, doLogging)
+		return true
+	end

-function base:Info(...) if loggers.Logger ~= nil and ... ~= nil then loggers.Logger:Info(...) end end
+function base:Info(...)
+	if loggers.Logger ~= nil and ... ~= nil then
+		loggers.Logger:Info(...)
+	end

-function base:Debug(...) if loggers.Debug ~= nil and ... ~= nil then loggers.Debug:Debug(...) end end
+function base:Debug(...)
+	if loggers.Debug ~= nil and ... ~= nil then
+		loggers.Debug:Debug(...)
+	end

-function base:Verbose(...) if loggers.Verbose ~= nil and ... ~= nil then loggers.Verbose:Verbose(...) end end
+function base:Verbose(...)
+	if loggers.Verbose ~= nil and ... ~= nil then
+		loggers.Verbose:Verbose(...)
+	end
diff --git a/CBs_MoveFrame.lua b/CBs_MoveFrame.lua
index 7c27299..0e3d391 100644
--- a/CBs_MoveFrame.lua
+++ b/CBs_MoveFrame.lua
@@ -12,115 +12,123 @@ local texts = base.Texts
 function base:GetMoveFrameSnapPosition(frame, positionTargetXY, snapSize)
-    base:Verbose("GetMoveFrameSnapPosition", frame, positionTargetXY, snapSize)
-    local left, top = frame:GetLeft(), frame:GetTop()
-    local width, height = frame:GetWidth(), frame:GetHeight()
-    local x, y = left, top
-    if positionTargetXY == LEFT or positionTargetXY == CENTER or positionTargetXY == RIGHT then
-        y = top + height / 2
-    elseif positionTargetXY == BOTTOMLEFT or positionTargetXY == BOTTOM or positionTargetXY == BOTTOMRIGHT then
-        y = top + height
-    end
-    if positionTargetXY == TOP or positionTargetXY == CENTER or positionTargetXY == BOTTOM then
-        x = left + width / 2
-    elseif positionTargetXY == TOPRIGHT or positionTargetXY == RIGHT or positionTargetXY == BOTTOMRIGHT then
-        x = left + width
-    end
-    return (zo_round(x / snapSize) * snapSize), (zo_round(y / snapSize) * snapSize)
+	base:Verbose("GetMoveFrameSnapPosition", frame, positionTargetXY, snapSize)
+	local left, top = frame:GetLeft(), frame:GetTop()
+	local width, height = frame:GetWidth(), frame:GetHeight()
+	local x, y = left, top
+	if positionTargetXY == LEFT or positionTargetXY == CENTER or positionTargetXY == RIGHT then
+		y = top + height / 2
+	elseif positionTargetXY == BOTTOMLEFT or positionTargetXY == BOTTOM or positionTargetXY == BOTTOMRIGHT then
+		y = top + height
+	end
+	if positionTargetXY == TOP or positionTargetXY == CENTER or positionTargetXY == BOTTOM then
+		x = left + width / 2
+	elseif positionTargetXY == TOPRIGHT or positionTargetXY == RIGHT or positionTargetXY == BOTTOMRIGHT then
+		x = left + width
+	end
+	return (zo_round(x / snapSize) * snapSize), (zo_round(y / snapSize) * snapSize)

 function base:UpdateMoveFrame(category)
-    base:Debug("UpdateMoveFrame", category)
-    local moveFrame = category.Frames.Move
-    local targetFrame = category.Frames.Frame
-    local onMouseEnter, onMouseExit, onMouseDown, onMouseUp = nil, nil, nil, nil
-    if base.Global.IsMoveEnabled and (category.Name == "Combine" or not category.IsEmpty and not category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined) then
-        moveFrame = base:GetOrCreateMoveFrame(targetFrame, category)
-        onMouseEnter = function(frame) frame.MoveFrameUpdateText(frame, true) end
-        onMouseExit = function(frame) frame.MoveFrameUpdateText(frame, false) end
-        onMouseDown = function(frame) frame:SetHandler("OnUpdate", frame.MoveFrameOnUpdate) end
-        onMouseUp = function(frame)
-            local saved = frame.category.Saved
-            frame.MoveFrameOnUpdate(frame)
-            frame.MoveFrameUpdateText(frame, false)
-            frame:SetHandler("OnUpdate", nil)
-            saved.Bar.Offset.X, saved.Bar.Offset.Y = base:GetMoveFrameSnapPosition(frame, category.Saved.Label.PositionTarget, frame.Saved.Bar.SnapSize)
-        end
-    end
-    if moveFrame then
-        moveFrame:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", onMouseEnter)
-        moveFrame:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", onMouseExit)
-        moveFrame:SetHandler("OnMouseDown", onMouseDown)
-        moveFrame:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", onMouseUp)
-        moveFrame:SetHidden(not base.Global.IsMoveEnabled)
-        moveFrame.overlay:SetHidden(not base.Global.IsMoveEnabled)
-        moveFrame.labelCenter:SetHidden(not base.Global.IsMoveEnabled)
-        moveFrame.labelTopLeft:SetHidden(not base.Global.IsMoveEnabled)
-        moveFrame.MoveFrameUpdateText(moveFrame)
-        moveFrame.MoveFrameUpdateColor(moveFrame)
-        moveFrame:ClearAnchors()
-        moveFrame:SetDimensions(targetFrame:GetWidth(), targetFrame:GetHeight())
-        moveFrame:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, GuiRoot, TOPLEFT, targetFrame:GetLeft(), targetFrame:GetTop())
-    end
+	base:Debug("UpdateMoveFrame", category)
+	local moveFrame = category.Frames.Move
+	local targetFrame = category.Frames.Frame
+	local onMouseEnter, onMouseExit, onMouseDown, onMouseUp = nil, nil, nil, nil
+	if base.Global.IsMoveEnabled and (category.Name == "Combine" or not category.IsEmpty and not category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined) then
+		moveFrame = base:GetOrCreateMoveFrame(targetFrame, category)
+		onMouseEnter = function(frame)
+			frame.MoveFrameUpdateText(frame, true)
+		end
+		onMouseExit = function(frame)
+			frame.MoveFrameUpdateText(frame, false)
+		end
+		onMouseDown = function(frame)
+			frame:SetHandler("OnUpdate", frame.MoveFrameOnUpdate)
+		end
+		onMouseUp = function(frame)
+			local saved = frame.category.Saved
+			frame.MoveFrameOnUpdate(frame)
+			frame.MoveFrameUpdateText(frame, false)
+			frame:SetHandler("OnUpdate", nil)
+			saved.Bar.Offset.X, saved.Bar.Offset.Y = base:GetMoveFrameSnapPosition(frame, category.Saved.Label.PositionTarget, frame.Saved.Bar.SnapSize)
+		end
+	end
+	if moveFrame then
+		moveFrame:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", onMouseEnter)
+		moveFrame:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", onMouseExit)
+		moveFrame:SetHandler("OnMouseDown", onMouseDown)
+		moveFrame:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", onMouseUp)
+		moveFrame:SetHidden(not base.Global.IsMoveEnabled)
+		moveFrame.overlay:SetHidden(not base.Global.IsMoveEnabled)
+		moveFrame.labelCenter:SetHidden(not base.Global.IsMoveEnabled)
+		moveFrame.labelTopLeft:SetHidden(not base.Global.IsMoveEnabled)
+		moveFrame.MoveFrameUpdateText(moveFrame)
+		moveFrame.MoveFrameUpdateColor(moveFrame)
+		moveFrame:ClearAnchors()
+		moveFrame:SetDimensions(targetFrame:GetWidth(), targetFrame:GetHeight())
+		moveFrame:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, GuiRoot, TOPLEFT, targetFrame:GetLeft(), targetFrame:GetTop())
+	end

 function base:GetOrCreateMoveFrame(targetFrame, category)
-    base:Debug("GetOrCreateMoveFrame", targetFrame, category)
-    if category.Frames.Move == nil then
-        local moveFrameName = string.format("%s_MoveFrame", category.Name)
-        local newMoveFrame = base.WM:CreateControlFromVirtual(moveFrameName, GuiRoot, string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, "MoveFrame"))
-        -- Variable is used to define what savedVariable the Frame refers to.
-        newMoveFrame.TargetFrame = targetFrame
-        newMoveFrame.Saved = base.Saved
-        newMoveFrame.category = category
-        newMoveFrame["MoveFrameUpdateText"] = function(frame, position)
-            local labelTextTopLeft = ""
-            if (position) then
-                labelTextTopLeft = string.format(texts.Format.Comma, base:GetMoveFrameSnapPosition(frame.TargetFrame, category.Saved.Label.PositionTarget, frame.Saved.Bar.SnapSize))
-            end
-            frame.labelCenter:SetText(string.format(texts.Format.Comma, frame:GetWidth(), frame:GetHeight()))
-            frame.labelTopLeft:SetText(labelTextTopLeft)
-        end
-        newMoveFrame["MoveFrameOnUpdate"] = function(frame)
-            local x, y = base:GetMoveFrameSnapPosition(frame, category.Saved.Label.PositionTarget, frame.Saved.Bar.SnapSize)
-            frame.TargetFrame:ClearAnchors()
-            frame.TargetFrame:SetAnchor(category.Saved.Label.PositionTarget, GuiRoot, TOPLEFT, x, y)
-            frame.MoveFrameUpdateText(frame, true)
-        end
-        newMoveFrame["MoveFrameUpdateColor"] = function(frame)
-            frame.overlay:SetCenterColor(0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 0.4)
-            frame.overlay:SetEdgeColor(0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 0)
-            frame.labelCenter:SetColor(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
-            frame.labelTopLeft:SetColor(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
-        end
-        newMoveFrame:SetAnchorFill(targetFrame)
-        newMoveFrame:SetParent(GuiRoot)
-        -- -- overlay
-        if newMoveFrame.overlay == nil then newMoveFrame.overlay = GetControl(string.format("%sBG", moveFrameName)) end
-        -- labels
-        if newMoveFrame.labelTopLeft == nil or newMoveFrame.labelCenter == nil then
-            newMoveFrame.labelTopLeft = GetControl(string.format("%sLabelTopLeft", moveFrameName))
-            newMoveFrame.labelTopLeft:SetHorizontalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT)
-            newMoveFrame.labelTopLeft:SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_TOP)
-            newMoveFrame.labelCenter = GetControl(string.format("%sLabelCenter", moveFrameName))
-            newMoveFrame.labelCenter:SetHorizontalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
-            newMoveFrame.labelCenter:SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
-        end
-        category.Frames.Move = newMoveFrame
-    end
-    return category.Frames.Move
+	base:Debug("GetOrCreateMoveFrame", targetFrame, category)
+	if category.Frames.Move == nil then
+		local moveFrameName = string.format("%s_MoveFrame", category.Name)
+		local newMoveFrame = base.WM:CreateControlFromVirtual(moveFrameName, GuiRoot, string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, "MoveFrame"))
+		-- Variable is used to define what savedVariable the Frame refers to.
+		newMoveFrame.TargetFrame = targetFrame
+		newMoveFrame.Saved = base.Saved
+		newMoveFrame.category = category
+		newMoveFrame["MoveFrameUpdateText"] = function(frame, position)
+			local labelTextTopLeft = ""
+			if (position) then
+				labelTextTopLeft = string.format(texts.Format.Comma, base:GetMoveFrameSnapPosition(frame.TargetFrame, category.Saved.Label.PositionTarget, frame.Saved.Bar.SnapSize))
+			end
+			frame.labelCenter:SetText(string.format(texts.Format.Comma, frame:GetWidth(), frame:GetHeight()))
+			frame.labelTopLeft:SetText(labelTextTopLeft)
+		end
+		newMoveFrame["MoveFrameOnUpdate"] = function(frame)
+			local x, y = base:GetMoveFrameSnapPosition(frame, category.Saved.Label.PositionTarget, frame.Saved.Bar.SnapSize)
+			frame.TargetFrame:ClearAnchors()
+			frame.TargetFrame:SetAnchor(category.Saved.Label.PositionTarget, GuiRoot, TOPLEFT, x, y)
+			frame.MoveFrameUpdateText(frame, true)
+		end
+		newMoveFrame["MoveFrameUpdateColor"] = function(frame)
+			frame.overlay:SetCenterColor(0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 0.4)
+			frame.overlay:SetEdgeColor(0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 0)
+			frame.labelCenter:SetColor(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
+			frame.labelTopLeft:SetColor(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
+		end
+		newMoveFrame:SetAnchorFill(targetFrame)
+		newMoveFrame:SetParent(GuiRoot)
+		-- -- overlay
+		if newMoveFrame.overlay == nil then
+			newMoveFrame.overlay = GetControl(string.format("%sBG", moveFrameName))
+		end
+		-- labels
+		if newMoveFrame.labelTopLeft == nil or newMoveFrame.labelCenter == nil then
+			newMoveFrame.labelTopLeft = GetControl(string.format("%sLabelTopLeft", moveFrameName))
+			newMoveFrame.labelTopLeft:SetHorizontalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT)
+			newMoveFrame.labelTopLeft:SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_TOP)
+			newMoveFrame.labelCenter = GetControl(string.format("%sLabelCenter", moveFrameName))
+			newMoveFrame.labelCenter:SetHorizontalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
+			newMoveFrame.labelCenter:SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
+		end
+		category.Frames.Move = newMoveFrame
+	end
+	return category.Frames.Move
diff --git a/CBs_Settings.lua b/CBs_Settings.lua
index 6668b19..c4a91cc 100644
--- a/CBs_Settings.lua
+++ b/CBs_Settings.lua
@@ -12,124 +12,165 @@ local texts = base.Texts
 function base:InitializeSettingsSlash()
-    base:Debug("InitializeSettingsSlash")
-    SLASH_COMMANDS[base.Addon.SettingsSlash] = function() base:ToggleEnableSettings(base.ShowSettings()) end
+	base:Debug("InitializeSettingsSlash")
+	SLASH_COMMANDS[base.Addon.SettingsSlash] = function()
+		base:ToggleEnableSettings(base.ShowSettings())
+	end

 function base:ToggleEnableSettings(forceShow)
-    base:Debug("ToggleEnableSettings", forceShow)
-    if forceShow ~= nil then
-        base.Global.EnableSettings = forceShow
-    else
-        base.Global.EnableSettings = not base.Global.EnableSettings
-    end
-    base:RestoreFrames()
-    base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+	base:Debug("ToggleEnableSettings", forceShow)
+	base.Global.EnableSettings = forceShow or not base.Global.EnableSettings
+	base:RestoreFrames()
+	base:RestoreCombineLabels()

 function base:SetupToggleSettings(category)
-    base:Debug("SetupToggleSettings", category)
-    local toggleSettings = GetControl(string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash .. "%sToggleSettings", "HideAll", category.Name))
-    if toggleSettings then
-        local hideAllSettingsFunc = function() base:ShowSettings(category) end
-        toggleSettings:SetHandler("OnClicked", hideAllSettingsFunc)
-    end
+	base:Debug("SetupToggleSettings", category)
+	local toggleSettings = GetControl(string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash .. "%sToggleSettings", "HideAll", category.Name))
+	if toggleSettings then
+		toggleSettings:SetHandler("OnClicked", function()
+			base:ShowSettings(category)
+		end)
+	end

 function base:UpdateToggleSettings(category)
-    base:Debug("UpdateToggleSettings", category)
-    local offsetX = 0
-    if base.Global.EnableSettings then offsetX = -19 end
-    if category.Frames.Label and category.Frames.ToggleSettings then
-        category.Frames.ToggleSettings:ClearAnchors()
-        category.Frames.ToggleSettings:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, category.Frames.Label, TOPRIGHT, offsetX, 0)
-        category.Frames.ToggleSettings:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, category.Frames.Label, BOTTOMRIGHT, 0, 0)
-    end
-    if category.Frames.Label and category.Frames.LabelButton then
-        category.Frames.LabelButton:ClearAnchors()
-        category.Frames.LabelButton:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, category.Frames.Label, TOPLEFT, 0, 0)
-        category.Frames.LabelButton:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, category.Frames.Label, BOTTOMRIGHT, offsetX, 0)
-    end
+	base:Debug("UpdateToggleSettings", category)
+	local offsetX = 0
+	if base.Global.EnableSettings then
+		offsetX = -19
+	end
+	if category.Frames.Label and category.Frames.ToggleSettings then
+		category.Frames.ToggleSettings:ClearAnchors()
+		category.Frames.ToggleSettings:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, category.Frames.Label, TOPRIGHT, offsetX, 0)
+		category.Frames.ToggleSettings:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, category.Frames.Label, BOTTOMRIGHT, 0, 0)
+	end
+	if category.Frames.Label and category.Frames.LabelButton then
+		category.Frames.LabelButton:ClearAnchors()
+		category.Frames.LabelButton:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, category.Frames.Label, TOPLEFT, 0, 0)
+		category.Frames.LabelButton:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, category.Frames.Label, BOTTOMRIGHT, offsetX, 0)
+	end

 function base:SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(control, text, onClicked)
-    base:Debug("SetupSettingsFrameHandlers", control, text, onClicked)
-    control.tooltipText = text
-    control:SetHandler("OnClicked", onClicked)
-    control:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function(_control) ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip(_control, BOTTOM, _control.tooltipText) end)
-    control:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function() ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip() end)
+	base:Debug("SetupSettingsFrameHandlers", control, text, onClicked)
+	control.tooltipText = text
+	control:SetHandler("OnClicked", onClicked)
+	control:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function(_control)
+		ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip(_control, BOTTOM, _control.tooltipText)
+	end)
+	control:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function()
+		ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip()
+	end)

 function base:SetupSetttingsFrame(category)
-    base:Debug("SetupSetttingsFrame", category)
-    local selector = string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, "Settings")
-    base.Global.Settings.Frame = base.WM:CreateControlFromVirtual(selector, GuiRoot, selector)
-    base.Global.SettingsLabel = GetControl(string.format("%sLabel", selector))
-    base.Global.Settings.List = CBs_Settings_List:New(category, base.Global.Settings.Frame)
-    local titleControl = GetControl(string.format("%sTitle", selector))
-    titleControl:SetText(string.format("%s Settings", base.Addon.DisplayName))
-    if base.Global.Settings.Frame.closeFrame == nil then base.Global.Settings.Frame.closeFrame = GetControl(base.Global.Settings.Frame, "Close") end
-    if base.Global.Settings.Frame.closeFrame then
-        base:SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(base.Global.Settings.Frame.closeFrame, "Close", function(buttonControl) buttonControl:GetParent():SetHidden(true) end)
-    end
-    if base.Global.Settings.Frame.moveFrame == nil then base.Global.Settings.Frame.moveFrame = GetControl(base.Global.Settings.Frame, "Move") end
-    if base.Global.Settings.Frame.moveFrame then
-        base:SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(base.Global.Settings.Frame.moveFrame, texts.Settings.ToggleMoveFrameText, function()
-            base.Global.IsMoveEnabled = not base.Global.IsMoveEnabled
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-            base:RestoreFrames()
-        end)
-    end
-    if base.Global.Settings.Frame.refreshFrame == nil then base.Global.Settings.Frame.refreshFrame = GetControl(base.Global.Settings.Frame, "Refresh") end
-    if base.Global.Settings.Frame.refreshFrame then
-        base:SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(base.Global.Settings.Frame.refreshFrame, texts.Settings.ReloadText, function()
-            if base.Global.Settings.List.category ~= nil then
-                base:CreateCategory(base.Global.Settings.List.category)
-                base:RestoreFrame(base.Global.Settings.List.category)
-            end
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-        end)
-    end
-    for controlName, displayName in pairs(base.Global.Settings.Filters) do base:SetupSettingsFilter(base.Global.Settings.Frame, controlName, displayName) end
+	base:Debug("SetupSetttingsFrame", category)
+	local selector = string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, "Settings")
+	base.Global.Settings.Frame = base.WM:CreateControlFromVirtual(selector, GuiRoot, selector)
+	base.Global.SettingsLabel = GetControl(string.format("%sLabel", selector))
+	base.Global.Settings.List = CBs_Settings_List:New(category, base.Global.Settings.Frame)
+	local titleControl = GetControl(string.format("%sTitle", selector))
+	titleControl:SetText(string.format("%s Settings", base.Addon.DisplayName))
+	if base.Global.Settings.Frame.closeFrame == nil then
+		base.Global.Settings.Frame.closeFrame = GetControl(base.Global.Settings.Frame, "Close")
+	end
+	if base.Global.Settings.Frame.closeFrame then
+		base:SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(base.Global.Settings.Frame.closeFrame, "Close", function(buttonControl)
+			buttonControl:GetParent():SetHidden(true)
+		end)
+	end
+	if base.Global.Settings.Frame.moveFrame == nil then
+		base.Global.Settings.Frame.moveFrame = GetControl(base.Global.Settings.Frame, "Move")
+	end
+	if base.Global.Settings.Frame.moveFrame then
+		base:SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(base.Global.Settings.Frame.moveFrame, texts.Settings.ToggleMoveFrameText, function()
+			base.Global.IsMoveEnabled = not base.Global.IsMoveEnabled
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+			base:RestoreFrames()
+		end)
+	end
+	if base.Global.Settings.Frame.refreshFrame == nil then
+		base.Global.Settings.Frame.refreshFrame = GetControl(base.Global.Settings.Frame, "Refresh")
+	end
+	if base.Global.Settings.Frame.refreshFrame then
+		base:SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(base.Global.Settings.Frame.refreshFrame, texts.Settings.ReloadText, function()
+			if base.Global.Settings.List.category ~= nil then
+				base:CreateCategory(base.Global.Settings.List.category)
+				base:RestoreFrame(base.Global.Settings.List.category)
+			end
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+		end)
+	end
+	for controlName, displayName in pairs(base.Global.Settings.Filters) do
+		base:SetupSettingsFilter(base.Global.Settings.Frame, controlName, displayName)
+	end

 function base:SetupSettingsFilter(control, controlName, displayName)
-    base:Debug("SetupSettingsFilter", control, controlName, displayName)
-    local filterControl = GetControl(control, controlName)
-    if filterControl then
-        base:SetControlText(filterControl, displayName)
-        filterControl:SetHandler("OnClicked", function()
-            base.Global.Settings.List.masterListType = controlName
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshFilters()
-        end)
-    end
+	base:Debug("SetupSettingsFilter", control, controlName, displayName)
+	local filterControl = GetControl(control, controlName)
+	if filterControl then
+		base:SetControlText(filterControl, displayName)
+		filterControl:SetHandler("OnClicked", function()
+			base.Global.Settings.List.masterListType = controlName
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshFilters()
+		end)
+	end

 function base:ShowSettings(category)
-    base:Debug("ShowSettings", category)
-    local show = base.Global.Settings.Frame == nil
-    if show then base:SetupSetttingsFrame(category) end
-    show = show or base.Global.Settings.Frame:IsHidden() or category ~= base.Global.Settings.List.category
-    base.Global.Settings.Frame:SetHidden(not show)
-    base:UpdateSettingsType(show, category)
-    if show then
-        base.Global.Settings.List.category = show and category or nil
-        base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-    end
-    return show
+	base:Debug("ShowSettings", category)
+	local show = base.Global.Settings.Frame == nil
+	if show then
+		base:SetupSetttingsFrame(category)
+	end
+	show = show or base.Global.Settings.Frame:IsHidden() or category ~= base.Global.Settings.List.category
+	base.Global.Settings.Frame:SetHidden(not show)
+	base:UpdateSettingsType(show, category)
+	if show then
+		base.Global.Settings.List.category = show and category or nil
+		base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+	end
+	return show

 function base:UpdateSettingsType(show, category)
-    base:Debug("UpdateSettingsType", show, category)
-    if base.Global.Settings.List ~= nil then base.Global.Settings.List.category = category end
+	base:Debug("UpdateSettingsType", show, category)
+	if base.Global.Settings.List ~= nil then
+		base.Global.Settings.List.category = category
+	end

-    if base.Global.SettingsLabel ~= nil then base.Global.SettingsLabel:SetText(show and category and category.Name or "Global") end
+	if base.Global.SettingsLabel ~= nil then
+		base.Global.SettingsLabel:SetText(show and category and category.Name or "Global")
+	end
diff --git a/CBs_Settings_Data.lua b/CBs_Settings_Data.lua
index 2124521..b61db39 100644
--- a/CBs_Settings_Data.lua
+++ b/CBs_Settings_Data.lua
@@ -12,693 +12,880 @@ local texts = base.Texts
 function base.AppendMasterListTypeGeneral(self, listType)
-    base:Debug("AppendMasterListTypeGeneral", self, listType)
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = "Use account settings",
-        tooltip = "When ON the account settings will be used. When OFF character settings will be used",
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.UseAccountSettings end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            base:UpdateUseAccountSettings(newValue)
-            base:SetLogsEnabled()
-            base:InitializeWithSavedData()
-            base:RestoreFrames()
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Button(listType, {
-        name = "Remove all character settings",
-        buttonName = "Remove",
-        disabledFunc = base.GetCharacterSettingsDisabledState,
-        funcSet = function()
-            base:RemoveCharacterSettings()
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Button(listType, {
-        name = "Reset settings",
-        buttonName = "Reset",
-        funcSet = function()
-            base:ResetSavedSettings()
-            base:SetLogsEnabled()
-            base:InitializeWithSavedData()
-            base:RestoreFrames()
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Position and size"})
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = "Unlock movement of bar",
-        tooltipText = "When ON the bar will show the X,Y position of the top left corner, and is draggable",
-        funcGet = function() return base.Global.IsMoveEnabled end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            base.Global.IsMoveEnabled = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrames()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Choose snap size when moving",
-        tooltipText = "Choose snap size when moving",
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Bar.SnapSize end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            base.Saved.Bar.SnapSize = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrames()
-        end,
-        minValue = 1,
-        maxValue = 10,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        default = base.Default.Bar.SnapSize,
-        valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
-        showValue = true
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Choose max bar depth",
-        tooltipText = "Choose max bar depth\n(number of inverse rows/columns)",
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Bar.Depth end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            base.Saved.Bar.Depth = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrames()
-        end,
-        minValue = 0,
-        maxValue = base.Global.HighestUnlocked,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        default = base.Default.Bar.Depth,
-        valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
-        showValue = true
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Choose max bar height",
-        tooltipText = "Choose max bar height\n(number of inverse rows/columns)",
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Bar.Width end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            base.Saved.Bar.Width = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrames()
-        end,
-        minValue = 0,
-        maxValue = base.Global.HighestUnlocked,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        default = base.Default.Bar.Width,
-        valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
-        showValue = true
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = "Show binding's on bar",
-        tooltipText = "When ON the binding's will be shown on the bar",
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Bindings.Show end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            base.Saved.Bindings.Show = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrames()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Choose button size",
-        tooltipText = "Choose button size",
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Button.Size end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            base.Saved.Button.Size = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrames()
-        end,
-        minValue = 1,
-        maxValue = 100,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
-        showValue = true
-    })
-    local showBars = "Show bars "
-    local whenOnTheBar = "When ON the bars will shown "
-    self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Visibility"})
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    for _, scene in ipairs(base.Global.Scenes) do
-        self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-            name = string.format(scene.Description, showBars),
-            tooltipText = string.format(scene.Description, whenOnTheBar),
-            funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Scene[scene.Name] end,
-            funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-                base.Saved.Scene[scene.Name] = newValue
-                base:UpdateFragments(scene.Name)
-            end
-        })
-    end
-    self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Active and activation"})
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = "Show active and activation",
-        tooltipText = "When ON the active collectibles will be highlighted, and activation animation will display",
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Button.IsActiveActivationEnabled end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            base.Saved.Button.IsActiveActivationEnabled = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrames()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Audio"})
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = "Play hover audio",
-        tooltipText = "When ON hover events on the bar, will play audio",
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Button.IsAudioEnabled end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            base.Saved.Button.IsAudioEnabled = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrames()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Logging"})
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = "Enable logging",
-        tooltipText = "When ON the addon will do logging\nDependsOn: LibDebugLogger",
-        disabledFunc = function() return base.Loggers.Logger == nil end,
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Logging.Info end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            base.Saved.Logging.Info = newValue
-            if not newValue then base.Saved.Logging.Debug = newValue end
-            if not newValue then base.Saved.Logging.Verbose = newValue end
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-            base:SetLogsEnabled()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = "Enable logging debug",
-        tooltipText = "When ON the addon will do logging debug\nDependsOn: LibDebugLogger\n And Enable logging ON",
-        disabledFunc = function() return base.Loggers.Debug == nil or not base.Saved.Logging.Info end,
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Logging.Debug end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            base.Saved.Logging.Debug = newValue
-            base:LogSetEnabled(base.Loggers.Debug, newValue, "Logging debug")
-            if not newValue then base:LogSetEnabled(base.Loggers.Verbose, newValue, "Logging verbose") end
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = "Enable logging verbose",
-        tooltipText = "When ON the addon will do logging debug\nDependsOn: LibDebugLogger\n And Enable logging ON\n\nRequired: add verbose logger to the StartupConfig.lua in LibDebugLogger\nas whitelist[\"CollectionBars/verbose\"] = true",
-        disabledFunc = function() return base.Loggers.Verbose == nil or not base.Saved.Logging.Info end,
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Logging.Verbose end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            base.Saved.Logging.Verbose = newValue
-            base:LogSetEnabled(base.Loggers.Verbose, newValue, "Logging verbose")
-        end
-    })
+	base:Debug("AppendMasterListTypeGeneral", self, listType)
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = "Use account settings",
+		tooltip = "When ON the account settings will be used. When OFF character settings will be used",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.UseAccountSettings
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			base:UpdateUseAccountSettings(newValue)
+			base:SetLogsEnabled()
+			base:InitializeWithSavedData()
+			base:RestoreFrames()
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Button(listType, {
+		name = "Remove all character settings",
+		buttonName = "Remove",
+		disabledFunc = base.GetCharacterSettingsDisabledState,
+		funcSet = function()
+			base:RemoveCharacterSettings()
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Button(listType, {
+		name = "Reset settings",
+		buttonName = "Reset",
+		funcSet = function()
+			base:ResetSavedSettings()
+			base:SetLogsEnabled()
+			base:InitializeWithSavedData()
+			base:RestoreFrames()
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Position and size"})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = "Unlock movement of bar",
+		tooltipText = "When ON the bar will show the X,Y position of the top left corner, and is draggable",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Global.IsMoveEnabled
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			base.Global.IsMoveEnabled = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrames()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Choose snap size when moving",
+		tooltipText = "Choose snap size when moving",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Bar.SnapSize
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			base.Saved.Bar.SnapSize = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrames()
+		end,
+		minValue = 1,
+		maxValue = 10,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		default = base.Default.Bar.SnapSize,
+		valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
+		showValue = true
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Choose max bar depth",
+		tooltipText = "Choose max bar depth\n(number of inverse rows/columns)",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Bar.Depth
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			base.Saved.Bar.Depth = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrames()
+		end,
+		minValue = 0,
+		maxValue = base.Global.HighestUnlocked,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		default = base.Default.Bar.Depth,
+		valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
+		showValue = true
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Choose max bar height",
+		tooltipText = "Choose max bar height\n(number of inverse rows/columns)",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Bar.Width
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			base.Saved.Bar.Width = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrames()
+		end,
+		minValue = 0,
+		maxValue = base.Global.HighestUnlocked,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		default = base.Default.Bar.Width,
+		valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
+		showValue = true
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = "Show binding's on bar",
+		tooltipText = "When ON the binding's will be shown on the bar",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Bindings.Show
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			base.Saved.Bindings.Show = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrames()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Choose button size",
+		tooltipText = "Choose button size",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Button.Size
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			base.Saved.Button.Size = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrames()
+		end,
+		minValue = 1,
+		maxValue = 100,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
+		showValue = true
+	})
+	local showBars = "Show bars "
+	local whenOnTheBar = "When ON the bars will shown "
+	self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Visibility"})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	for _, scene in ipairs(base.Global.Scenes) do
+		self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+			name = string.format(scene.Description, showBars),
+			tooltipText = string.format(scene.Description, whenOnTheBar),
+			funcGet = function()
+				return base.Saved.Scene[scene.Name]
+			end,
+			funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+				base.Saved.Scene[scene.Name] = newValue
+				base:UpdateFragments(scene.Name)
+			end
+		})
+	end
+	self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Active and activation"})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = "Show active and activation",
+		tooltipText = "When ON the active collectibles will be highlighted, and activation animation will display",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Button.IsActiveActivationEnabled
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			base.Saved.Button.IsActiveActivationEnabled = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrames()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Audio"})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = "Play hover audio",
+		tooltipText = "When ON hover events on the bar, will play audio",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Button.IsAudioEnabled
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			base.Saved.Button.IsAudioEnabled = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrames()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Logging"})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = "Enable logging",
+		tooltipText = "When ON the addon will do logging\nDependsOn: LibDebugLogger",
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return base.Loggers.Logger == nil
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Logging.Info
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			base.Saved.Logging.Info = newValue
+			if not newValue then
+				base.Saved.Logging.Debug = newValue
+				base.Saved.Logging.Verbose = newValue
+			end
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+			base:SetLogsEnabled()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = "Enable logging debug",
+		tooltipText = "When ON the addon will do logging debug\nDependsOn: LibDebugLogger\n And Enable logging ON",
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return base.Loggers.Debug == nil or not base.Saved.Logging.Info
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Logging.Debug
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			base.Saved.Logging.Debug = newValue
+			base:LogSetEnabled(base.Loggers.Debug, newValue, "Logging debug")
+			if not newValue then
+				base:LogSetEnabled(base.Loggers.Verbose, newValue, "Logging verbose")
+			end
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = "Enable logging verbose",
+		tooltipText = "When ON the addon will do logging debug\nDependsOn: LibDebugLogger\n And Enable logging ON\n\nRequired: add verbose logger to the StartupConfig.lua in LibDebugLogger\nas whitelist[\"CollectionBars/verbose\"] = true",
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return base.Loggers.Verbose == nil or not base.Saved.Logging.Info
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Logging.Verbose
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			base.Saved.Logging.Verbose = newValue
+			base:LogSetEnabled(base.Loggers.Verbose, newValue, "Logging verbose")
+		end
+	})

 function base.AppendMasterListTypeCategories(self, listType)
-    base:Debug("AppendMasterListTypeCategories", self, listType)
-    self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Categories"})
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    for _, category in ipairs(base.CategoriesOrdered or {}) do
-        local toolTipText = ""
-        if category.HasChildren then
-            toolTipText = string.format("Click to toggle subcategories for\n%s", category.Name)
-        else
-            toolTipText = string.format(
-                              "When ON the collection category:\n%s will enabled\n\nPress the 'cog' to display collectible in the tabs: 'Collectibles' and 'Category'\n and Right click wil also change the tab",
-                              category.Name)
-        end
-        local data = {
-            cId = category.Id,
-            icon = category.Icon,
-            name = string.format("Show %s", category.Name),
-            hasChildren = category.HasChildren,
-            parentKey = category.ParentKey,
-            tooltipText = toolTipText,
-            funcGet = function() return category.Saved.Enabled end,
-            disabledFunc = function() return category.Disabled end,
-            funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-                category.Saved.Enabled = newValue
-                if newValue then
-                    base:InitializeCategory(category)
-                else
-                    base:RemoveLabel(category)
-                    base:RemoveFrame(category)
-                    if self.category == category then
-                        self.category = nil
-                        base:UpdateSettingsType(true, nil)
-                    end
-                end
-                if category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then base:RestoreCombineLabels() end
-                base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-            end,
-            funcCog = function(button)
-                self.category = category
-                base:UpdateSettingsType(true, category)
-                base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-                if button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_RIGHT then
-                    base.Global.Settings.List.masterListType = "Collectibles"
-                    base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshFilters()
-                end
-            end
-        }
-        if category.HasChildren then
-   = category.Name
-            self:AppendRow_Category_Title(listType, data)
-        else
-            self:AppendRow_Category_Checkbox(listType, data)
-        end
-    end
+	base:Debug("AppendMasterListTypeCategories", self, listType)
+	self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Categories"})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	for _, category in ipairs(base.CategoriesOrdered or {}) do
+		local toolTipText = ""
+		if category.HasChildren then
+			toolTipText = string.format("Click to toggle subcategories for\n%s", category.Name)
+		else
+			toolTipText = string.format("When ON the collection category:\n%s will enabled\n\nPress the 'cog' to display collectible in the tabs: 'Collectibles' and 'Category'\n and Right click wil also change the tab", category.Name)
+		end
+		local data = {
+			cId = category.Id,
+			icon = category.Icon,
+			name = string.format("Show %s", category.Name),
+			hasChildren = category.HasChildren,
+			parentKey = category.ParentKey,
+			tooltipText = toolTipText,
+			funcGet = function()
+				return category.Saved.Enabled
+			end,
+			disabledFunc = function()
+				return category.Disabled
+			end,
+			funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+				category.Saved.Enabled = newValue
+				if newValue then
+					base:InitializeCategory(category)
+				else
+					base:RemoveLabel(category)
+					base:RemoveFrame(category)
+					if self.category == category then
+						self.category = nil
+						base:UpdateSettingsType(true, nil)
+					end
+				end
+				if category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then
+					base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+				end
+				base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+			end,
+			funcCog = function(button)
+				self.category = category
+				base:UpdateSettingsType(true, category)
+				base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+				if button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_RIGHT then
+					base.Global.Settings.List.masterListType = "Collectibles"
+					base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshFilters()
+				end
+			end
+		}
+		if category.HasChildren then
+ = category.Name
+			self:AppendRow_Category_Title(listType, data)
+		else
+			self:AppendRow_Category_Checkbox(listType, data)
+		end
+	end

 function base.AppendMasterListTypeCombined(self, listType)
-    base:Debug("AppendMasterListTypeCombined", self, listType)
-    self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Display names and labels"})
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Display name offset horizontal",
-        tooltipText = "Display name offset horizontal\n(X)",
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Combine.Label.Offset.X end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            base.Saved.Combine.Label.Offset.X = newValue
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end,
-        minValue = -500,
-        maxValue = 500,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        default = base.Default.Combine.Label.Offset.X,
-        valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
-        showValue = true
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Display name offset vertical",
-        tooltipText = "Display name offset vertical\n(Y)",
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Combine.Label.Offset.Y end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            base.Saved.Combine.Label.Offset.Y = newValue
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end,
-        minValue = -500,
-        maxValue = 500,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        default = base.Default.Combine.Label.Offset.Y,
-        valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
-        showValue = true
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(listType, {
-        name = "Display name anchor position on button",
-        tooltipText = "Select display name anchor position on the button",
-        funcGet = function() return base:GetLocationText(base.Saved.Combine.Label.PositionTarget) end,
-        choices = base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            base.Saved.Combine.Label.PositionTarget = base:GetLocationValue(newValue)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(listType, {
-        name = "Display name anchor position on label",
-        tooltipText = "Select display name anchor position on the label",
-        funcGet = function() return base:GetLocationText(base.Saved.Combine.Label.Position) end,
-        choices = base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            base.Saved.Combine.Label.Position = base:GetLocationValue(newValue)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Position and size"})
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Choose default bar depth",
-        tooltipText = "Choose default bar depth\n(number of rows/columns)",
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Combine.Bar.Depth end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            base.Saved.Combine.Bar.Depth = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrames()
-        end,
-        minValue = 0,
-        maxValue = base.Global.HighestUnlocked,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        default = base.Default.Bar.Depth,
-        valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
-        showValue = true
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Choose max bar height",
-        tooltipText = "Choose max bar height\n(number of inverse rows/columns)",
-        funcGet = function() return base.Saved.Combine.Bar.Width end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            base.Saved.Combine.Bar.Width = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrames()
-        end,
-        minValue = 0,
-        maxValue = base.Global.HighestUnlocked,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        default = base.Default.Bar.Width,
-        valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
-        showValue = true
-    })
+	base:Debug("AppendMasterListTypeCombined", self, listType)
+	self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Display names and labels"})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Display name offset horizontal",
+		tooltipText = "Display name offset horizontal\n(X)",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Combine.Label.Offset.X
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			base.Saved.Combine.Label.Offset.X = newValue
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end,
+		minValue = -500,
+		maxValue = 500,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		default = base.Default.Combine.Label.Offset.X,
+		valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
+		showValue = true
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Display name offset vertical",
+		tooltipText = "Display name offset vertical\n(Y)",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Combine.Label.Offset.Y
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			base.Saved.Combine.Label.Offset.Y = newValue
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end,
+		minValue = -500,
+		maxValue = 500,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		default = base.Default.Combine.Label.Offset.Y,
+		valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
+		showValue = true
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Dropdown(listType, {
+		name = "Display name anchor position on button",
+		tooltipText = "Select display name anchor position on the button",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base:GetLocationText(base.Saved.Combine.Label.PositionTarget)
+		end,
+		choices = base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			base.Saved.Combine.Label.PositionTarget = base:GetLocationValue(newValue)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Dropdown(listType, {
+		name = "Display name anchor position on label",
+		tooltipText = "Select display name anchor position on the label",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base:GetLocationText(base.Saved.Combine.Label.Position)
+		end,
+		choices = base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			base.Saved.Combine.Label.Position = base:GetLocationValue(newValue)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Position and size"})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Choose default bar depth",
+		tooltipText = "Choose default bar depth\n(number of rows/columns)",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Combine.Bar.Depth
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			base.Saved.Combine.Bar.Depth = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrames()
+		end,
+		minValue = 0,
+		maxValue = base.Global.HighestUnlocked,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		default = base.Default.Bar.Depth,
+		valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
+		showValue = true
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Choose max bar height",
+		tooltipText = "Choose max bar height\n(number of inverse rows/columns)",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base.Saved.Combine.Bar.Width
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			base.Saved.Combine.Bar.Width = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrames()
+		end,
+		minValue = 0,
+		maxValue = base.Global.HighestUnlocked,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		default = base.Default.Bar.Width,
+		valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
+		showValue = true
+	})

 function base.AppendMasterListTypeCollectibles(self, listType)
-    base:Debug("AppendMasterListTypeCollectibles", self, listType)
-    self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Collectibles"})
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = string.format("Show disabled %s", self.category.Name),
-        tooltipText = string.format("When ON disabled elements will be shown for %s", self.category.Name),
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Menu.ShowDisabled end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            self.category.Saved.Menu.ShowDisabled = newValue
-            base:CreateCategory(self.category)
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = string.format("Auto select all %s", self.category.Name),
-        tooltipText = string.format("When pressed all %s will be available", self.category.Name),
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.AutoSelectAll end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            self.category.Saved.AutoSelectAll = newValue
-            base:AutoSelectAll(self.category, newValue)
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = string.format("Select all %s", self.category.Name),
-        tooltipText = string.format("When pressed all %s will either be selected or deselected", self.category.Name),
-        disabledFunc = function() return self.category.Saved.AutoSelectAll end,
-        funcGet = function() return base:IsAllSelected(self.category) end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            base:SelectAll(self.category, newValue)
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    for _, collectible in ipairs(self.category.CollectionOrdered) do
-        if not collectible.Disabled or self.category.Saved.Menu.ShowDisabled and collectible.Disabled then
-            self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-                cId = collectible.Id,
-                name = string.format("Show %s", collectible.Name),
-                tooltipText = collectible.Tooltip,
-                funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Selected[collectible.Id] end,
-                disabledFunc = function() return collectible.Disabled or self.category.Saved.AutoSelectAll end,
-                funcSet = function(checkBoxControl, newValue)
-                    local control = checkBoxControl:GetParent()
-                    if not ( and then
-                        if newValue == true then
-                            self.category.Saved.Selected[] = newValue
-                        else
-                            self.category.Saved.Selected[] = nil
-                        end
-                        base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-                        base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-                        base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-                    end
-                end
-            })
-        end
-    end
+	base:Debug("AppendMasterListTypeCollectibles", self, listType)
+	self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Collectibles"})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = string.format("Show disabled %s", self.category.Name),
+		tooltipText = string.format("When ON disabled elements will be shown for %s", self.category.Name),
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Menu.ShowDisabled
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			self.category.Saved.Menu.ShowDisabled = newValue
+			base:CreateCategory(self.category)
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = string.format("Auto select all %s", self.category.Name),
+		tooltipText = string.format("When pressed all %s will be available", self.category.Name),
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.AutoSelectAll
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			self.category.Saved.AutoSelectAll = newValue
+			base:AutoSelectAll(self.category, newValue)
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = string.format("Select all %s", self.category.Name),
+		tooltipText = string.format("When pressed all %s will either be selected or deselected", self.category.Name),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.AutoSelectAll
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base:IsAllSelected(self.category)
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			base:SelectAll(self.category, newValue)
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	for _, collectible in ipairs(self.category.CollectionOrdered) do
+		if not collectible.Disabled or self.category.Saved.Menu.ShowDisabled and collectible.Disabled then
+			self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+				cId = collectible.Id,
+				name = string.format("Show %s", collectible.Name),
+				tooltipText = collectible.Tooltip,
+				funcGet = function()
+					return self.category.Saved.Selected[collectible.Id]
+				end,
+				disabledFunc = function()
+					return collectible.Disabled or self.category.Saved.AutoSelectAll
+				end,
+				funcSet = function(checkBoxControl, newValue)
+					local control = checkBoxControl:GetParent()
+					if not ( and then
+						if newValue == true then
+							self.category.Saved.Selected[] = newValue
+						else
+							self.category.Saved.Selected[] = nil
+						end
+						base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+						base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+						base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+					end
+				end
+			})
+		end
+	end

 function base.AppendMasterListTypeCategory(self, listType)
-    base:Debug("AppendMasterListTypeCategory", self, listType)
-    local disabledWhenTooltipIsHidden = "Disabled when tooltip is not shown"
-    local disabledWhenLabelIsHidden = "Disabled when label is not shown"
-    local disabledWhenCombined = "Disabled when Collection is included in combine bar"
-    self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Tooltip"})
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = "Show tooltip",
-        tooltipText = "When ON tooltips will be shown, when hovering buttons on the bar",
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Tooltip.Show end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            self.category.Saved.Tooltip.Show = newValue
-            base:SetupButtons(self.category)
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(listType, {
-        name = "Show tooltip anchor position",
-        tooltipText = string.format("Select tooltip anchor position\n%s", disabledWhenTooltipIsHidden),
-        choices = base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
-        disabledFunc = function() return not self.category.Saved.Tooltip.Show end,
-        funcGet = function() return base:GetLocationText(self.category.Saved.Tooltip.Position) end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            self.category.Saved.Tooltip.Position = base:GetLocationValue(newValue)
-            base:SetupButtons(self.category)
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Display name and label"})
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = "Include in combine bar",
-        tooltipText = "When ON will be attached to a combined bar",
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = "Enable hide/toggle visibility of the label",
-        tooltipText = string.format("When enabled a +/- at the end of the label indicates if the label is hidden or shown\n%s", disabledWhenCombined),
-        disabledFunc = function() return self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined end,
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined or self.category.Saved.Label.EnableHideAll end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            if (not newValue) then
-                self.category.Saved.Bar.HideAll = newValue
-                base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            end
-            self.category.Saved.Label.EnableHideAll = newValue
-            self.category.Saved.Label.Show = true
-            base:SetupLabel(self.category)
-            base:RestoreLabel(self.category)
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = "Show label",
-        tooltipText = string.format("%s or hide/toggle visibility is enabled", disabledWhenCombined),
-        disabledFunc = function() return self.category.Saved.Label.EnableHideAll or self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined end,
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Label.Show or self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            self.category.Saved.Label.Show = newValue
-            base:SetupLabel(self.category)
-            base:RestoreLabel(self.category)
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_EditBox(listType, {
-        name = "Display name",
-        tooltipText = string.format("Change displayname used on the label\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
-        disabledFunc = function() return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show end,
-        funcGet = function() return tostring(self.category.Saved.Label.Display) end,
-        funcSet = function(control)
-            self.category.Saved.Label.Display = control:GetText() or ""
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(listType, {
-        name = "Display name font",
-        tooltipText = string.format("Change display name font\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
-        disabledFunc = function() return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show end,
-        choices = base.Global.AvailableFonts,
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Label.Font end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            self.category.Saved.Label.Font = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Display name height",
-        tooltipText = string.format("Change display name height\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
-        disabledFunc = function() return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show end,
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Label.Height end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            self.category.Saved.Label.Height = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end,
-        minValue = 0,
-        maxValue = 100,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        default = base.Default.Categories[self.category.Id].Label.Height,
-        valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
-        showValue = true
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Display name width",
-        tooltipText = string.format("Change display name width\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
-        disabledFunc = function() return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show end,
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Label.Width end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            self.category.Saved.Label.Width = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end,
-        minValue = 0,
-        maxValue = 500,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        default = base.Default.Categories[self.category.Id].Label.Width,
-        valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
-        showValue = true
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Display name offset horizontal",
-        tooltipText = string.format("Display name offset horizontal\n(X)\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
-        disabledFunc = function() return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show end,
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Label.Offset.X end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            self.category.Saved.Label.Offset.X = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end,
-        minValue = -500,
-        maxValue = 500,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        default = base.Default.Categories[self.category.Id].Label.Offset.X,
-        valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
-        showValue = true
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Display name offset vertical",
-        tooltipText = string.format("Display name offset vertical\n(y)\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
-        disabledFunc = function() return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show end,
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Label.Offset.Y end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            self.category.Saved.Label.Offset.Y = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end,
-        minValue = -500,
-        maxValue = 500,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        default = base.Default.Categories[self.category.Id].Label.Offset.Y,
-        valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
-        showValue = true
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(listType, {
-        name = "Display name anchor position on button",
-        tooltipText = string.format("Select display name anchor position on the button\n%s\n or Collection is included in combine bar", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
-        disabledFunc = function() return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show or self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined end,
-        funcGet = function()
-            if self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then
-                return base:GetLocationText(base.Saved.Combine.Label.PositionTarget)
-            else
-                return base:GetLocationText(self.category.Saved.Label.PositionTarget)
-            end
-        end,
-        choices = base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            self.category.Saved.Label.PositionTarget = base:GetLocationValue(newValue)
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(listType, {
-        name = "Display name anchor position on label",
-        tooltipText = string.format("Select display name anchor position on the label\n%s\n or Collection is included in combine bar", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
-        disabledFunc = function() return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show or self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined end,
-        funcGet = function()
-            if self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then
-                return base:GetLocationText(base.Saved.Combine.Label.Position)
-            else
-                return base:GetLocationText(self.category.Saved.Label.Position)
-            end
-        end,
-        choices = base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            self.category.Saved.Label.Position = base:GetLocationValue(newValue)
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Position and size"})
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Choose bar depth",
-        tooltipText = string.format("Choose bar depth\n(number of rows/columns)\n%s", disabledWhenCombined),
-        disabledFunc = function() return self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined end,
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Bar.Depth end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            self.category.Saved.Bar.Depth = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end,
-        minValue = 0,
-        maxValue = self.category.Unlocked,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        default = base.Default.Categories[self.category.Id].Bar.Depth,
-        valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
-        showValue = true
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
-        name = "Choose max bar height",
-        tooltipText = string.format("Choose bar height\n(number of inverse rows/columns)\n%s", disabledWhenCombined),
-        disabledFunc = function() return self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined end,
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Bar.Width end,
-        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
-            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
-            if valueLabel then valueLabel:SetText(newValue) end
-            self.category.Saved.Bar.Width = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end,
-        minValue = 0,
-        maxValue = self.category.Unlocked,
-        valueStep = 1,
-        default = base.Default.Categories[self.category.Id].Bar.Width,
-        showValue = true
-    })
-    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
-        name = "Bar orientation horizontal",
-        tooltipText = string.format("Bar orientation horizontal\n%s", disabledWhenCombined),
-        disabledFunc = function() return self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined end,
-        funcGet = function() return self.category.Saved.Bar.Horizontal end,
-        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
-            self.category.Saved.Bar.Horizontal = newValue
-            base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
-            base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-        end
-    })
+	base:Debug("AppendMasterListTypeCategory", self, listType)
+	local disabledWhenTooltipIsHidden = "Disabled when tooltip is not shown"
+	local disabledWhenLabelIsHidden = "Disabled when label is not shown"
+	local disabledWhenCombined = "Disabled when Collection is included in combine bar"
+	self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Tooltip"})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = "Show tooltip",
+		tooltipText = "When ON tooltips will be shown, when hovering buttons on the bar",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Tooltip.Show
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			self.category.Saved.Tooltip.Show = newValue
+			base:SetupButtons(self.category)
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Dropdown(listType, {
+		name = "Show tooltip anchor position",
+		tooltipText = string.format("Select tooltip anchor position\n%s", disabledWhenTooltipIsHidden),
+		choices = base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return not self.category.Saved.Tooltip.Show
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return base:GetLocationText(self.category.Saved.Tooltip.Position)
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			self.category.Saved.Tooltip.Position = base:GetLocationValue(newValue)
+			base:SetupButtons(self.category)
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Display name and label"})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = "Include in combine bar",
+		tooltipText = "When ON will be attached to a combined bar",
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = "Enable hide/toggle visibility of the label",
+		tooltipText = string.format("When enabled a +/- at the end of the label indicates if the label is hidden or shown\n%s", disabledWhenCombined),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined or self.category.Saved.Label.EnableHideAll
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			if (not newValue) then
+				self.category.Saved.Bar.HideAll = newValue
+				base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			end
+			self.category.Saved.Label.EnableHideAll = newValue
+			self.category.Saved.Label.Show = true
+			base:SetupLabel(self.category)
+			base:RestoreLabel(self.category)
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = "Show label",
+		tooltipText = string.format("%s or hide/toggle visibility is enabled", disabledWhenCombined),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Label.EnableHideAll or self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Label.Show or self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			self.category.Saved.Label.Show = newValue
+			base:SetupLabel(self.category)
+			base:RestoreLabel(self.category)
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshData()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_EditBox(listType, {
+		name = "Display name",
+		tooltipText = string.format("Change displayname used on the label\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return tostring(self.category.Saved.Label.Display)
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(control)
+			self.category.Saved.Label.Display = control:GetText() or ""
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Dropdown(listType, {
+		name = "Display name font",
+		tooltipText = string.format("Change display name font\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show
+		end,
+		choices = base.Global.AvailableFonts,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Label.Font
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			self.category.Saved.Label.Font = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Display name height",
+		tooltipText = string.format("Change display name height\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Label.Height
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			self.category.Saved.Label.Height = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end,
+		minValue = 0,
+		maxValue = 100,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		default = base.Default.Categories[self.category.Id].Label.Height,
+		valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
+		showValue = true
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Display name width",
+		tooltipText = string.format("Change display name width\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Label.Width
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			self.category.Saved.Label.Width = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end,
+		minValue = 0,
+		maxValue = 500,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		default = base.Default.Categories[self.category.Id].Label.Width,
+		valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
+		showValue = true
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Display name offset horizontal",
+		tooltipText = string.format("Display name offset horizontal\n(X)\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Label.Offset.X
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			self.category.Saved.Label.Offset.X = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end,
+		minValue = -500,
+		maxValue = 500,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		default = base.Default.Categories[self.category.Id].Label.Offset.X,
+		valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
+		showValue = true
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Display name offset vertical",
+		tooltipText = string.format("Display name offset vertical\n(y)\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Label.Offset.Y
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			self.category.Saved.Label.Offset.Y = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end,
+		minValue = -500,
+		maxValue = 500,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		default = base.Default.Categories[self.category.Id].Label.Offset.Y,
+		valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
+		showValue = true
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Dropdown(listType, {
+		name = "Display name anchor position on button",
+		tooltipText = string.format("Select display name anchor position on the button\n%s\n or Collection is included in combine bar", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show or self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			local text = self.category.Saved.Label.PositionTarget
+			if self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then
+				text = base.Saved.Combine.Label.PositionTarget
+			end
+			return base:GetLocationText(text)
+		end,
+		choices = base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			self.category.Saved.Label.PositionTarget = base:GetLocationValue(newValue)
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Dropdown(listType, {
+		name = "Display name anchor position on label",
+		tooltipText = string.format("Select display name anchor position on the label\n%s\n or Collection is included in combine bar", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return not self.category.Saved.Label.Show or self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			local text = self.category.Saved.Label.Position
+			if self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined then
+				text = base.Saved.Combine.Label.Position
+			end
+			return base:GetLocationText(text)
+		end,
+		choices = base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			self.category.Saved.Label.Position = base:GetLocationValue(newValue)
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Position and size"})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Choose bar depth",
+		tooltipText = string.format("Choose bar depth\n(number of rows/columns)\n%s", disabledWhenCombined),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Bar.Depth
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			self.category.Saved.Bar.Depth = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end,
+		minValue = 0,
+		maxValue = self.category.Unlocked,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		default = base.Default.Categories[self.category.Id].Bar.Depth,
+		valueFormat = texts.Format.Number,
+		showValue = true
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Slider(listType, {
+		name = "Choose max bar height",
+		tooltipText = string.format("Choose bar height\n(number of inverse rows/columns)\n%s", disabledWhenCombined),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Bar.Width
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+			local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+			if valueLabel then
+				valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+			end
+			self.category.Saved.Bar.Width = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end,
+		minValue = 0,
+		maxValue = self.category.Unlocked,
+		valueStep = 1,
+		default = base.Default.Categories[self.category.Id].Bar.Width,
+		showValue = true
+	})
+	self:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, {
+		name = "Bar orientation horizontal",
+		tooltipText = string.format("Bar orientation horizontal\n%s", disabledWhenCombined),
+		disabledFunc = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined
+		end,
+		funcGet = function()
+			return self.category.Saved.Bar.Horizontal
+		end,
+		funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+			self.category.Saved.Bar.Horizontal = newValue
+			base:RestoreFrame(self.category)
+			base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+		end
+	})

 function base.AppendMasterListTypeNoCategory(self, listType)
-    base:Debug("AppendMasterListTypeNoCategory", self, listType)
-    self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Select a category"})
-    self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
+	base:Debug("AppendMasterListTypeNoCategory", self, listType)
+	self:AppendRow_Title(listType, {name = "Select a category"})
+	self:AppendRow_Divider(listType, {})
diff --git a/CBs_Settings_List.lua b/CBs_Settings_List.lua
index 86dcf20..a963e20 100644
--- a/CBs_Settings_List.lua
+++ b/CBs_Settings_List.lua
@@ -14,21 +14,26 @@ local texts = base.Texts
 CBs_Settings_List = ZO_SortFilterList:Subclass()

 function CBs_Settings_List:New(...)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:New", ...)
-    self.list = ZO_SortFilterList.New(self, ...)
-    self.masterListType = "Collectibles"
-    return self.list
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:New", ...)
+	self.list = ZO_SortFilterList.New(self, ...)
+	self.masterListType = "Collectibles"
+	return self.list

 function CBs_Settings_List:Initialize(category, ...)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:Initialize", ...)
-    ZO_SortFilterList.Initialize(self, ...)
-    self.category = category
-    self.masterList = {}
-    if not (self.category and self.category.Enabled) then self.masterListType = "Categories" end
-    self:SetAlternateRowBackgrounds(false)
-    self:AppendDataTypes()
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:Initialize", ...)
+	ZO_SortFilterList.Initialize(self, ...)
+	self.category = category
+	self.masterList = {}
+	if not (self.category and self.category.Enabled) then
+		self.masterListType = "Categories"
+	end
+	self:SetAlternateRowBackgrounds(false)
+	self:AppendDataTypes()

@@ -36,21 +41,78 @@ end

 function CBs_Settings_List:AppendDataTypes()
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendDataTypes")
-    local listRowAnd = string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash .. "_ListRow_%%s", "Settings")
-    local dataTypes = {
-        [10] = {name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Checkbox"), height = 40, func = function(...) self:SetupRow_Checkbox(...) end},
-        [11] = {name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Category_Title"), height = 40, func = function(...) self:SetupRow_Category_Title(...) end},
-        [15] = {name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Category_Checkbox"), height = 40, func = function(...) self:SetupRow_Category_Checkbox(...) end},
-        [20] = {name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Dropdown"), height = 40, func = function(...) self:SetupRow_Dropdown(...) end},
-        [30] = {name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Slider"), height = 40, func = function(...) self:SetupRow_Slider(...) end},
-        [40] = {name = string.format(listRowAnd, "EditBox"), height = 40, func = function(...) self:SetupRow_EditBox(...) end},
-        [50] = {name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Title"), height = 40, func = function(...) self:SetupRow_Title(...) end},
-        [60] = {name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Button"), height = 40, func = function(...) self:SetupRow_Button(...) end},
-        [100] = {name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Divider"), height = 6, func = function(...) ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, ...) end}
-    }
-    for index, dataType in pairs(dataTypes) do ZO_ScrollList_AddDataType(self.list, index,, dataType.height, dataType.func) end
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendDataTypes")
+	local listRowAnd = string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash .. "_ListRow_%%s", "Settings")
+	local dataTypes = {
+		[10] = {
+			name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Checkbox"),
+			height = 40,
+			func = function(...)
+				self:SetupRow_Checkbox(...)
+			end
+		},
+		[11] = {
+			name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Category_Title"),
+			height = 40,
+			func = function(...)
+				self:SetupRow_Category_Title(...)
+			end
+		},
+		[15] = {
+			name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Category_Checkbox"),
+			height = 40,
+			func = function(...)
+				self:SetupRow_Category_Checkbox(...)
+			end
+		},
+		[20] = {
+			name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Dropdown"),
+			height = 40,
+			func = function(...)
+				self:SetupRow_Dropdown(...)
+			end
+		},
+		[30] = {
+			name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Slider"),
+			height = 40,
+			func = function(...)
+				self:SetupRow_Slider(...)
+			end
+		},
+		[40] = {
+			name = string.format(listRowAnd, "EditBox"),
+			height = 40,
+			func = function(...)
+				self:SetupRow_EditBox(...)
+			end
+		},
+		[50] = {
+			name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Title"),
+			height = 40,
+			func = function(...)
+				self:SetupRow_Title(...)
+			end
+		},
+		[60] = {
+			name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Button"),
+			height = 40,
+			func = function(...)
+				self:SetupRow_Button(...)
+			end
+		},
+		[100] = {
+			name = string.format(listRowAnd, "Divider"),
+			height = 6,
+			func = function(...)
+				ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, ...)
+			end
+		}
+	}
+	for index, dataType in pairs(dataTypes) do
+		ZO_ScrollList_AddDataType(self.list, index,, dataType.height, dataType.func)
+	end

@@ -58,352 +120,433 @@ end

 function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Checkbox(listType, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Checkbox", listType, data)
-    data.listType = listType
-    data.dataTypeId = 10
-    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Checkbox", listType, data)
+	data.listType = listType
+	data.dataTypeId = 10
+	table.insert(self.masterList, data)

 function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Checkbox(control, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Checkbox", control, data)
- = data
-    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control, data)
-    control.checkbox = GetControl(control, "Checkbox")
-    if control.checkbox then
-        control.checkbox.tooltipText = data.tooltipText
-        ZO_CheckButton_SetCheckState(control.checkbox, and
-        ZO_CheckButton_SetLabelText(control.checkbox,
-        if control.checkbox.label then
-            control.checkbox.label.defaultNormalColor = ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR
-            control.checkbox.label:ClearAnchors()
-            control.checkbox.label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, control, TOPLEFT, 0)
-            control.checkbox.label:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, control.checkbox, BOTTOMLEFT)
-        end
-        ZO_CheckButton_SetTooltipAnchor(control.checkbox, TOP, control.checkbox.label)
-        ZO_CheckButton_SetToggleFunction(control.checkbox,
-        ZO_CheckButton_SetEnableState(control.checkbox, not ( and
-    end
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Checkbox", control, data)
+ = data
+	ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control, data)
+	control.checkbox = GetControl(control, "Checkbox")
+	if control.checkbox then
+		control.checkbox.tooltipText = data.tooltipText
+		ZO_CheckButton_SetCheckState(control.checkbox, and
+		ZO_CheckButton_SetLabelText(control.checkbox,
+		if control.checkbox.label then
+			control.checkbox.label.defaultNormalColor = ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR
+			control.checkbox.label:ClearAnchors()
+			control.checkbox.label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, control, TOPLEFT, 0)
+			control.checkbox.label:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, control.checkbox, BOTTOMLEFT)
+		end
+		ZO_CheckButton_SetTooltipAnchor(control.checkbox, TOP, control.checkbox.label)
+		ZO_CheckButton_SetToggleFunction(control.checkbox,
+		ZO_CheckButton_SetEnableState(control.checkbox, not ( and
+	end

 function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Category_Title(listType, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Category_Title", listType, data)
-    data.listType = listType
-    data.dataTypeId = 11
-    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Category_Title", listType, data)
+	data.listType = listType
+	data.dataTypeId = 11
+	table.insert(self.masterList, data)

 function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Category_Title(control, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Category_Title", control, data)
- = data
-    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control,
-    local funcMouseEnter = nil
-    local funcMouseExit = nil
-    control:SetHidden(false)
-    control:SetAlpha(1)
-    if data.hasChildren then
-        control:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", function()
-            base.Global.ShowChildren[] = not base.Global.ShowChildren[]
-            base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshFilters()
-        end)
-        funcMouseEnter = function(_control) ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip(_control, BOTTOM, end
-        funcMouseExit = function() ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip() end
-    end
-    self.SetNameText(control,
-    self.SetupIcon(control,, funcMouseEnter, funcMouseExit)
-    self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Category_Title", control, data)
+ = data
+	ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control,
+	local funcMouseEnter = nil
+	local funcMouseExit = nil
+	control:SetHidden(false)
+	control:SetAlpha(1)
+	if data.hasChildren then
+		control:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", function()
+			base.Global.ShowChildren[] = not base.Global.ShowChildren[]
+			base.Global.Settings.List:RefreshFilters()
+		end)
+		funcMouseEnter = function(_control)
+			ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip(_control, BOTTOM,
+		end
+		funcMouseExit = function()
+			ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip()
+		end
+	end
+	self.SetNameText(control,
+	self.SetupIcon(control,, funcMouseEnter, funcMouseExit)
+	self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)

 function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Category_Checkbox(listType, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Category_Checkbox", listType, data)
-    data.listType = listType
-    data.dataTypeId = 15
-    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Category_Checkbox", listType, data)
+	data.listType = listType
+	data.dataTypeId = 15
+	table.insert(self.masterList, data)

 function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Category_Checkbox(control, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Category_Checkbox", control, data)
- = data
-    self:SetupRow_Checkbox(control, data)
-    control.button = GetControl(control, "Button")
-    if control.button then
-        control.button:SetHidden(false)
-        local isEnabled = and
-        ZO_CheckButton_SetEnableState(control.button, isEnabled)
-        control.button:SetAlpha(isEnabled and 1 or 0.5)
-        base:SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(control.button, data.tooltipText, function(_, button)
-        end)
-    end
-    local hasIcon = self.SetupIcon(control, data)
-    if control.checkbox ~= nil and control.checkbox.label ~= nil and hasIcon then control.checkbox.label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, control, TOPLEFT, 26) end
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Category_Checkbox", control, data)
+ = data
+	self:SetupRow_Checkbox(control, data)
+	control.button = GetControl(control, "Button")
+	if control.button then
+		control.button:SetHidden(false)
+		local isEnabled = and
+		ZO_CheckButton_SetEnableState(control.button, isEnabled)
+		control.button:SetAlpha(isEnabled and 1 or 0.5)
+		base:SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(control.button, data.tooltipText, function(_, button)
+		end)
+	end
+	local hasIcon = self.SetupIcon(control, data)
+	if control.checkbox ~= nil and control.checkbox.label ~= nil and hasIcon then
+		control.checkbox.label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, control, TOPLEFT, 26)
+	end

 function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Dropdown(listType, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Dropdown", listType, data)
-    data.listType = listType
-    data.dataTypeId = 20
-    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Dropdown", listType, data)
+	data.listType = listType
+	data.dataTypeId = 20
+	table.insert(self.masterList, data)

 function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Dropdown(control, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Dropdown", control, data)
- = data
-    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control, data)
-    control.dropdown = GetControl(control, "Dropdown")
-    control.comboBox = ZO_ComboBox_ObjectFromContainer(control.dropdown)
-    control.comboBox:SetSortsItems(false)
-    control.comboBox:SetFont(texts.Font.ZoFontWinT1)
-    control.comboBox:SetSpacing(4)
-    control.comboBox.tooltipText = data.tooltipText
-    self.SetNameText(control,
-    self.RepopulateDropdownOptions(control)
-    self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Dropdown", control, data)
+ = data
+	ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control, data)
+	control.dropdown = GetControl(control, "Dropdown")
+	control.comboBox = ZO_ComboBox_ObjectFromContainer(control.dropdown)
+	control.comboBox:SetSortsItems(false)
+	control.comboBox:SetFont(texts.Font.ZoFontWinT1)
+	control.comboBox:SetSpacing(4)
+	control.comboBox.tooltipText = data.tooltipText
+	self.SetNameText(control,
+	self.RepopulateDropdownOptions(control)
+	self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)

 function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Slider(listType, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Slider", listType, data)
-    data.listType = listType
-    data.dataTypeId = 30
-    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Slider", listType, data)
+	data.listType = listType
+	data.dataTypeId = 30
+	table.insert(self.masterList, data)

 function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Slider(control, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Slider", control, data)
- = data
-    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control,
-    control.slider = GetControl(control, "Slider")
-    -- Need to override the existing value changed handler first so it doesn't run when we do the SetMinMax
-    control.slider:SetHandler("OnValueChanged", nil)
-    control.slider:SetMinMax(,
-    control.slider:SetValueStep( or 1)
-    control.slider:SetValue(data.funcGet())
-    control.slider:SetHandler("OnValueChanged",
-    if data.default then
-        if control.defaultMarkerControl == nil then control.defaultMarkerControl = CreateControlFromVirtual("$(parent)DefaultMarker", control.slider, "ZO_Options_DefaultMarker") end
-        local offsetX = zo_clampedPercentBetween(data.minValue, data.maxValue, data.default) * control.slider:GetWidth()
-        control.defaultMarkerControl:SetAnchor(TOP, control.slider, LEFT, offsetX + .25, 6)
-        control.defaultMarkerControl:SetHandler("OnClicked", function()
-            control.slider:SetValue(data.default)
-  , data.default)
-        end)
-    end
-    local valueLabelControl = GetControl(control, "ValueLabel")
-    if valueLabelControl and data.showValue then
-        local shownVal = data.funcGet()
-        if data.valueMin and data.valueMax and data.valueMax > data.valueMin then
-            local range = data.maxValue - data.minValue
-            local percentage = (shownVal - data.minValue) / range
-            local shownRange = data.valueMax - data.valueMin
-            shownVal = data.valueMin + percentage * shownRange
-            shownVal = string.format(texts.Format.Decimal, shownVal)
-        end
-        valueLabelControl:SetText(shownVal)
-    end
-    self.SetNameText(control,
-    self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Slider", control, data)
+ = data
+	ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control,
+	control.slider = GetControl(control, "Slider")
+	-- Need to override the existing value changed handler first so it doesn't run when we do the SetMinMax
+	control.slider:SetHandler("OnValueChanged", nil)
+	control.slider:SetMinMax(,
+	control.slider:SetValueStep( or 1)
+	control.slider:SetValue(data.funcGet())
+	control.slider:SetHandler("OnValueChanged",
+	if data.default then
+		if control.defaultMarkerControl == nil then
+			control.defaultMarkerControl = CreateControlFromVirtual("$(parent)DefaultMarker", control.slider, "ZO_Options_DefaultMarker")
+		end
+		local offsetX = zo_clampedPercentBetween(data.minValue, data.maxValue, data.default) * control.slider:GetWidth()
+		control.defaultMarkerControl:SetAnchor(TOP, control.slider, LEFT, offsetX + .25, 6)
+		control.defaultMarkerControl:SetHandler("OnClicked", function()
+			control.slider:SetValue(data.default)
+, data.default)
+		end)
+	end
+	local valueLabelControl = GetControl(control, "ValueLabel")
+	if valueLabelControl and data.showValue then
+		local shownVal = data.funcGet()
+		if data.valueMin and data.valueMax and data.valueMax > data.valueMin then
+			local range = data.maxValue - data.minValue
+			local percentage = (shownVal - data.minValue) / range
+			local shownRange = data.valueMax - data.valueMin
+			shownVal = data.valueMin + percentage * shownRange
+			shownVal = string.format(texts.Format.Decimal, shownVal)
+		end
+		valueLabelControl:SetText(shownVal)
+	end
+	self.SetNameText(control,
+	self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)

 function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_EditBox(listType, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_EditBox", listType, data)
-    data.listType = listType
-    data.dataTypeId = 40
-    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_EditBox", listType, data)
+	data.listType = listType
+	data.dataTypeId = 40
+	table.insert(self.masterList, data)

 function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_EditBox(control, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_EditBox", control, data)
- = data
-    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control,
-    control.editBox = GetControl(control, "EditBox")
-    if control.editBox then
-        ZO_EditDefaultText_Initialize(control.editBox)
-        control.editBox:SetHandler("OnTextChanged", nil)
-        control.editBox:SetText(data.funcGet())
-        control.editBox:SetHandler("OnTextChanged", function() data.funcSet(control.editBox) end)
-    end
-    self.SetNameText(control,
-    self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_EditBox", control, data)
+ = data
+	ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control,
+	control.editBox = GetControl(control, "EditBox")
+	if control.editBox then
+		ZO_EditDefaultText_Initialize(control.editBox)
+		control.editBox:SetHandler("OnTextChanged", nil)
+		control.editBox:SetText(data.funcGet())
+		control.editBox:SetHandler("OnTextChanged", function()
+			data.funcSet(control.editBox)
+		end)
+	end
+	self.SetNameText(control,
+	self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)

 function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Title(listType, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Title", listType, data)
-    data.listType = listType
-    data.dataTypeId = 50
-    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Title", listType, data)
+	data.listType = listType
+	data.dataTypeId = 50
+	table.insert(self.masterList, data)

 function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Title(control, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Title", control, data)
- = data
-    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control, data)
-    local fontOverrides = nil
-    if data.hasChildren then fontOverrides = {font = texts.Font.ZoFontWinH4, modifyTextType = MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_NONE} end
-    self.SetNameText(control,, fontOverrides)
-    self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Title", control, data)
+ = data
+	ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control, data)
+	local fontOverrides = nil
+	if data.hasChildren then
+		fontOverrides = {font = texts.Font.ZoFontWinH4, modifyTextType = MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_NONE}
+	end
+	self.SetNameText(control,, fontOverrides)
+	self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)

 function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Button(listType, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Button", listType, data)
-    data.listType = listType
-    data.dataTypeId = 60
-    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Button", listType, data)
+	data.listType = listType
+	data.dataTypeId = 60
+	table.insert(self.masterList, data)

 function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Button(control, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Button", control, data)
- = data
-    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control,
-    control.button = GetControl(control, "Button")
-    if control.button then
-        control.button:SetText( or "")
-        control.button:SetHandler("OnClicked", function() end)
-    end
-    self.SetNameText(control,
-    self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Button", control, data)
+ = data
+	ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control,
+	control.button = GetControl(control, "Button")
+	if control.button then
+		control.button:SetText( or "")
+		control.button:SetHandler("OnClicked", function()
+		end)
+	end
+	self.SetNameText(control,
+	self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)

 function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Divider(listType, data)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Divider", listType, data)
-    data.listType = listType
-    data.dataTypeId = 100
-    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Divider", listType, data)
+	data.listType = listType
+	data.dataTypeId = 100
+	table.insert(self.masterList, data)

 -- FUNCTIONS - SetupRowType - Helpers --
 function CBs_Settings_List.RepopulateDropdownOptions(control)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List.RepopulateDropdownOptions", control)
-    control.comboBox:ClearItems()
-    local selectedValue =
-    local selectedEntry = nil
-    for _, optionValue in pairs( or {}) do
-        local entry = ZO_ComboBox:CreateItemEntry(optionValue,
-        control.comboBox:AddItem(entry)
-        if optionValue == selectedValue then selectedEntry = entry end
-    end
-    control.comboBox:SelectItem(selectedEntry)
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List.RepopulateDropdownOptions", control)
+	control.comboBox:ClearItems()
+	local selectedValue =
+	local selectedEntry = nil
+	for _, optionValue in pairs( or {}) do
+		local entry = ZO_ComboBox:CreateItemEntry(optionValue,
+		control.comboBox:AddItem(entry)
+		if optionValue == selectedValue then
+			selectedEntry = entry
+		end
+	end
+	control.comboBox:SelectItem(selectedEntry)

 function CBs_Settings_List.SetNameText(control, text, fontOverrides)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List.SetNameText", control, text, fontOverrides)
-    if control.label == nil then control.label = GetControl(control, "Name") end
-    if control.label ~= nil then
-        if fontOverrides ~= nil then
-            control.label:SetFont(fontOverrides.font)
-            control.label:SetModifyTextType(fontOverrides.modifyTextType)
-        end
-        control.label:SetText(text or "")
-    end
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List.SetNameText", control, text, fontOverrides)
+	if control.label == nil then
+		control.label = GetControl(control, "Name")
+	end
+	if control.label ~= nil then
+		if fontOverrides ~= nil then
+			control.label:SetFont(fontOverrides.font)
+			control.label:SetModifyTextType(fontOverrides.modifyTextType)
+		end
+		control.label:SetText(text or "")
+	end

 function CBs_Settings_List.SetupIcon(control, data, funcMouseEnter, funcMouseExit)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List.SetupIcon", control, data)
-    if control.icon == nil then control.icon = GetControl(control, "Icon") end
-    if control.icon ~= nil then
-        local hasIcon = data.icon ~= nil
-        control.icon:SetHidden(not hasIcon)
-        control.icon:SetTexture(data.icon and data.icon[1])
-        if data.icon[1] ~= nil and data.icon[3] ~= nil then
-            control:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function()
-                control.icon:SetTexture(data.icon[3])
-                if funcMouseEnter ~= nil then funcMouseEnter(control) end
-            end)
-            control:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function()
-                control.icon:SetTexture(data.icon[1])
-                if funcMouseExit ~= nil then funcMouseExit(control) end
-            end)
-        end
-        return hasIcon
-    end
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List.SetupIcon", control, data)
+	if control.icon == nil then
+		control.icon = GetControl(control, "Icon")
+	end
+	if control.icon ~= nil then
+		local hasIcon = data.icon ~= nil
+		control.icon:SetHidden(not hasIcon)
+		control.icon:SetTexture(data.icon and data.icon[1])
+		if data.icon[1] ~= nil and data.icon[3] ~= nil then
+			control:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function()
+				control.icon:SetTexture(data.icon[3])
+				if funcMouseEnter ~= nil then
+					funcMouseEnter(control)
+				end
+			end)
+			control:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function()
+				control.icon:SetTexture(data.icon[1])
+				if funcMouseExit ~= nil then
+					funcMouseExit(control)
+				end
+			end)
+		end
+		return hasIcon
+	end

 function CBs_Settings_List.SetActiveOrInactive(control)
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List.SetActiveOrInactive", control)
-    local disabled = and
-    control.label = GetControl(control, "Name")
-    if control.label then
-        if disabled then
-            control.label:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_DISABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA())
-        else
-            control.label:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA())
-        end
-    end
-    control.valueLabelControl = GetControl(control, "ValueLabel")
-    if control.valueLabelControl then
-        if disabled then
-            control.valueLabelControl:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_DISABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA())
-        else
-            control.valueLabelControl:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA())
-        end
-    end
-    if control.button then control.button:SetEnabled(not disabled) end
-    if control.comboBox then control.comboBox:SetEnabled(not disabled) end
-    if control.slider then control.slider:SetEnabled(not disabled) end
-    if control.editBox then ZO_DefaultEdit_SetEnabled(control.editBox, not disabled) end
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List.SetActiveOrInactive", control)
+	local disabled = and
+	local disabledColor = ZO_DEFAULT_DISABLED_COLOR
+	local enabledColor = ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR
+	local function SetColor(label)
+		if label then
+			local color = enabledColor
+			if disabled then
+				label:SetColor(disabledColor:UnpackRGBA())
+			end
+			label:SetColor(color:UnpackRGBA())
+		end
+	end
+	local function SetEnabled(element)
+		if element then
+			element:SetEnabled(not disabled)
+		end
+	end
+	control.label = GetControl(control, "Name")
+	SetColor(control.label)
+	control.valueLabelControl = GetControl(control, "ValueLabel")
+	SetColor(control.valueLabelControl)
+	SetEnabled(control.button)
+	SetEnabled(control.comboBox)
+	SetEnabled(control.slider)
+	if control.editBox then
+		ZO_DefaultEdit_SetEnabled(control.editBox, not disabled)
+	end

 -- FUNCTIONS - MasterList --
 function CBs_Settings_List:BuildMasterList()
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:BuildMasterList")
-    self.masterList = {}
-    base.AppendMasterListTypeGeneral(self, "General")
-    base.AppendMasterListTypeCategories(self, "Categories")
-    base.AppendMasterListTypeCombined(self, "Combined")
-    if self.category then
-        base.AppendMasterListTypeCollectibles(self, "Collectibles")
-        base.AppendMasterListTypeCategory(self, "Category")
-    else
-        base.AppendMasterListTypeNoCategory(self, "Collectibles")
-        base.AppendMasterListTypeNoCategory(self, "Category")
-    end
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:BuildMasterList")
+	self.masterList = {}
+	base.AppendMasterListTypeGeneral(self, "General")
+	base.AppendMasterListTypeCategories(self, "Categories")
+	base.AppendMasterListTypeCombined(self, "Combined")
+	if self.category then
+		base.AppendMasterListTypeCollectibles(self, "Collectibles")
+		base.AppendMasterListTypeCategory(self, "Category")
+	else
+		base.AppendMasterListTypeNoCategory(self, "Collectibles")
+		base.AppendMasterListTypeNoCategory(self, "Category")
+	end

 function CBs_Settings_List:FilterScrollList()
-    base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:FilterScrollList")
-    local scrollData = ZO_ScrollList_GetDataList(self.list)
-    ZO_ClearNumericallyIndexedTable(scrollData)
-    for _, listElement in ipairs(self.masterList) do
-        if self.masterListType == nil or self.masterListType == listElement.listType then
-            if self.masterListType == "Categories" and listElement.parentKey ~= nil then
-                local showChildren = base.Global.ShowChildren[listElement.parentKey]
-                base:Debug("FilterScrollList", base.Global.ShowChildren, listElement.parentKey, base.Global.ShowChildren[listElement.parentKey])
-                if showChildren then scrollData[#scrollData + 1] = ZO_ScrollList_CreateDataEntry(listElement.dataTypeId, listElement) end
-            else
-                scrollData[#scrollData + 1] = ZO_ScrollList_CreateDataEntry(listElement.dataTypeId, listElement)
-            end
-        end
-    end
+	base:Debug("CBs_Settings_List:FilterScrollList")
+	local scrollData = ZO_ScrollList_GetDataList(self.list)
+	ZO_ClearNumericallyIndexedTable(scrollData)
+	for _, listElement in ipairs(self.masterList) do
+		if self.masterListType == nil or self.masterListType == listElement.listType then
+			if self.masterListType == "Categories" and listElement.parentKey ~= nil then
+				local showChildren = base.Global.ShowChildren[listElement.parentKey]
+				base:Debug("FilterScrollList", base.Global.ShowChildren, listElement.parentKey, base.Global.ShowChildren[listElement.parentKey])
+				if showChildren then
+					scrollData[#scrollData + 1] = ZO_ScrollList_CreateDataEntry(listElement.dataTypeId, listElement)
+				end
+			else
+				scrollData[#scrollData + 1] = ZO_ScrollList_CreateDataEntry(listElement.dataTypeId, listElement)
+			end
+		end
+	end

-function CBs_Settings_List:SortScrollList() end
+function CBs_Settings_List:SortScrollList()
diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog
index c8416a8..3915633 100644
--- a/Changelog
+++ b/Changelog
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
  Collection bars
+Version 1.1.10 (22-08-2021)
+- Formatted files and updated version
 Version 1.1.9 (02-11-2020)
 - Fixed issue when creating categories as subcategories would cause an exception when trying to fetch the number of subcategories on them.

diff --git a/CollectionBars.lua b/CollectionBars.lua
index e192801..5e92d45 100644
--- a/CollectionBars.lua
+++ b/CollectionBars.lua
@@ -13,127 +13,154 @@ local texts = base.Texts

 function base.OnAddOnLoaded(_, addonName)
-    base:InitializeLog("OnAddOnLoaded", addonName)
-    if addonName == base.Addon.Name then
-        base:SetSavedSettings() -- Incomplete saved settings - For SetLogsEnabled
-        base:SetLogsEnabled()
-        base:GenerateCategories()
-        base:SetSavedSettings() -- Complete saved settings
-        base:InitializeReverseBinding()
-        base:InitializeCombineFrame()
-        base:InitializeWithSavedData()
-        base:InitializeBindings()
-        base:InitializeSettingsSlash()
-        EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(base.Addon.Name, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED)
-    end
-    base:Info("OnAddOnLoaded:end", addonName)
+	base:InitializeLog("OnAddOnLoaded", addonName)
+	if addonName == base.Addon.Name then
+		base:SetSavedSettings() -- Incomplete saved settings - For SetLogsEnabled
+		base:SetLogsEnabled()
+		base:GenerateCategories()
+		base:SetSavedSettings() -- Complete saved settings
+		base:InitializeReverseBinding()
+		base:InitializeCombineFrame()
+		base:InitializeWithSavedData()
+		base:InitializeBindings()
+		base:InitializeSettingsSlash()
+		EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(base.Addon.Name, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED)
+	end
+	base:Info("OnAddOnLoaded:end", addonName)

 function base:InitializeWithSavedData()
-    base:Debug("InitializeWithSavedData")
-    for categoryId, category in pairs(base.Categories) do
-        category.Saved = base.Saved.Categories[categoryId]
-        if category.Saved.Enabled then base:InitializeCategory(category) end
-    end
-    base:InitializeCombine()
-    base:RestoreCombine()
+	base:Debug("InitializeWithSavedData")
+	for categoryId, category in pairs(base.Categories) do
+		category.Saved = base.Saved.Categories[categoryId]
+		if category.Saved.Enabled then
+			base:InitializeCategory(category)
+		end
+	end
+	base:InitializeCombine()
+	base:RestoreCombine()

 function base:InitializeCategory(category)
-    base:Debug("InitializeCategory", category)
-    base:CreateCategory(category)
-    base:SetupLabel(category)
-    base:RestoreFrame(category)
+	base:Debug("InitializeCategory", category)
+	base:CreateCategory(category)
+	base:SetupLabel(category)
+	base:RestoreFrame(category)

 function base:InitializeCombineFrame()
-    base:Debug("InitializeCombineFrame")
-    base.Global.Combine.Frames.Frame = base:GetFrame(texts.CombineFrameName, texts.CombineFrameName)
-    base.Global.Combine.Frames.HideAll = base:GetFrame(texts.CombineFrameNameHideAll, texts.CombineFrameNameHideAll)
+	base:Debug("InitializeCombineFrame")
+	base.Global.Combine.Frames.Frame = base:GetFrame(texts.CombineFrameName, texts.CombineFrameName)
+	base.Global.Combine.Frames.HideAll = base:GetFrame(texts.CombineFrameNameHideAll, texts.CombineFrameNameHideAll)

 function base:CreateCategory(category)
-    base:Debug("CreateCategory", category)
-    category.Collection = {}
-    category.CollectionOrdered = {}
-    category.Unlocked = GetTotalUnlockedCollectiblesByCategoryType(category.CategoryType)
-    if category.Unlocked > base.Global.HighestUnlocked then base.Global.HighestUnlocked = category.Unlocked end
-    for index, collectibleData in ZO_CollectibleCategoryData.SortedCollectibleIterator(category.CategoryData, {ZO_CollectibleData.IsShownInCollection}) do
-        local isUnlocked = collectibleData:IsUnlocked()
-        -- TODO: Insert if new, update if exists...
-        if isUnlocked or category.Saved.Menu.ShowDisabled then
-            local collectibleId = collectibleData:GetId()
-            -- TODO: IMPLEMENT BETTER TOOLTIPS...     function ZO_Tooltip:LayoutCollectible(collectibleId, deprecatedCollectionName, collectibleName, collectibleNickname, isPurchasable, description, hint, deprecatedArg, categoryType, showVisualLayerInfo, cooldownSecondsRemaining, showBlockReason)
-            category.Collection[collectibleId] = {
-                Id = collectibleId,
-                Name = collectibleData:GetName(),
-                EnabledTexture = collectibleData:GetIcon(),
-                Disabled = not isUnlocked,
-                Tooltip = string.format("%s\n%s", collectibleData:GetDescription(), collectibleData:GetHint()),
-                CollectibleData = collectibleData
-            }
-            table.insert(category.CollectionOrdered, category.Collection[collectibleId])
-        end
-    end
-    category.Frames.Frame = base:GetFrame(string.format(texts.FormatCategoryName, category.Id), string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, "Frame"))
+	base:Debug("CreateCategory", category)
+	category.Collection = {}
+	category.CollectionOrdered = {}
+	category.Unlocked = GetTotalUnlockedCollectiblesByCategoryType(category.CategoryType)
+	if category.Unlocked > base.Global.HighestUnlocked then
+		base.Global.HighestUnlocked = category.Unlocked
+	end
+	for _, collectibleData in ZO_CollectibleCategoryData.SortedCollectibleIterator(category.CategoryData, {ZO_CollectibleData.IsShownInCollection}) do
+		local isUnlocked = collectibleData:IsUnlocked()
+		-- TODO: Insert if new, update if exists...
+		if isUnlocked or category.Saved.Menu.ShowDisabled then
+			local collectibleId = collectibleData:GetId()
+			-- TODO: IMPLEMENT BETTER TOOLTIPS...     function ZO_Tooltip:LayoutCollectible(collectibleId, deprecatedCollectionName, collectibleName, collectibleNickname, isPurchasable, description, hint, deprecatedArg, categoryType, showVisualLayerInfo, cooldownSecondsRemaining, showBlockReason)
+			category.Collection[collectibleId] = {
+				Id = collectibleId,
+				Name = collectibleData:GetName(),
+				EnabledTexture = collectibleData:GetIcon(),
+				Disabled = not isUnlocked,
+				Tooltip = string.format("%s\n%s", collectibleData:GetDescription(), collectibleData:GetHint()),
+				CollectibleData = collectibleData
+			}
+			table.insert(category.CollectionOrdered, category.Collection[collectibleId])
+		end
+	end
+	category.Frames.Frame = base:GetFrame(string.format(texts.FormatCategoryName, category.Id), string.format(texts.FormatAbbreviationLowDash, "Frame"))

 function base:RestoreFrames()
-    base:Debug("RestoreFrames")
-    for _, category in pairs(base.Categories) do base:RestoreFrame(category) end
-    base:RestoreCombine()
+	base:Debug("RestoreFrames")
+	for _, category in pairs(base.Categories) do
+		base:RestoreFrame(category)
+	end
+	base:RestoreCombine()

 function base:HideOthers(newCategory)
-    base:Debug("HideOthers", newCategory)
-    for _, category in pairs(base.Categories) do
-        if category.Saved.Enabled and category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined and not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll and category ~= newCategory then
-            category.Saved.Bar.HideAll = not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll
-            base:RestoreFrame(category)
-        end
-    end
+	base:Debug("HideOthers", newCategory)
+	for _, category in pairs(base.Categories) do
+		if category.Saved.Enabled and category.Saved.Bar.IsCombined and not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll and category ~= newCategory then
+			category.Saved.Bar.HideAll = not category.Saved.Bar.HideAll
+			base:RestoreFrame(category)
+		end
+	end

 function base:RestoreFrame(category)
-    base:Debug("RestoreFrame", category)
-    if category.Saved.Enabled then
-        base:RestoreLabel(category)
-        base:SetupButtons(category)
-        base:SetFrameAndCombineSize(category)
-        base:RestorePosition(category.Frames.Frame, category.Saved)
-        base:UpdateToggleSettings(category)
-        base:UpdateMoveFrame(category)
-        base:UpdateFragment(category)
-    else
-        base:RemoveLabel(category)
-        base:RemoveFrame(category)
-    end
+	base:Debug("RestoreFrame", category)
+	if category.Saved.Enabled then
+		base:RestoreLabel(category)
+		base:SetupButtons(category)
+		base:SetFrameAndCombineSize(category)
+		base:RestorePosition(category.Frames.Frame, category.Saved)
+		base:UpdateToggleSettings(category)
+		base:UpdateMoveFrame(category)
+		base:UpdateFragment(category)
+	else
+		base:RemoveLabel(category)
+		base:RemoveFrame(category)
+	end

 function base:RemoveFrame(category)
-    base:Debug("RemoveFrame", category)
-    base:RemoveFragments(category)
-    for _, button in pairs(category.Buttons) do if button ~= nil then button:SetHidden(true) end end
-    if category.Frames.Frame ~= nil then
-        base:Debug("RemoveFrame:hide", category.Frames.Frame)
-        category.Frames.Frame:SetHidden(true)
-    end
+	base:Debug("RemoveFrame", category)
+	base:RemoveFragments(category)
+	for _, button in pairs(category.Buttons) do
+		if button ~= nil then
+			button:SetHidden(true)
+		end
+	end
+	if category.Frames.Frame ~= nil then
+		base:Debug("RemoveFrame:hide", category.Frames.Frame)
+		category.Frames.Frame:SetHidden(true)
+	end

-function base:InitializeCombine() base.Global.Combine.Saved = base.Saved.Combine end
+function base:InitializeCombine()
+	base.Global.Combine.Saved = base.Saved.Combine

 function base:RestoreCombine()
-    base:Debug("RestoreCombine")
-    base:RestoreCombineLabels()
-    base:RestorePosition(base.Global.Combine.Frames.Frame, base.Saved.Combine)
-    base:UpdateMoveFrame(base.Global.Combine)
-    base:UpdateFragment(base.Global.Combine)
+	base:Debug("RestoreCombine")
+	base:RestoreCombineLabels()
+	base:RestorePosition(base.Global.Combine.Frames.Frame, base.Saved.Combine)
+	base:UpdateMoveFrame(base.Global.Combine)
+	base:UpdateFragment(base.Global.Combine)

diff --git a/CollectionBars.txt b/CollectionBars.txt
index e7458a9..a990ec6 100644
--- a/CollectionBars.txt
+++ b/CollectionBars.txt
@@ -4,21 +4,14 @@
 ; States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.
 ; You can read the full terms at

-## APIVersion: 100033
 ## Title: Collection Bars
-## AddOnVersion: 10109
-## Version: 1.1.9
+## APIVersion: 100035
+## Version: 1.1.10
 ## Author: Jarth
-## Description: Show collection bars and activate collections with key or button press. Shortcuts: Settings window: /cb OptionalDependsOn: LibDebugLogger (Logging can be enabled in settings)
-## This Add-on is not created by, affiliated with or sponsored by ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates.
-## The Elder Scrolls® and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
-## All rights reserved
-## You can read the full terms at
+## Description: Show collection bars and activate collections with key or button press. Settings window: /cb. LibDebugLogger can be used for logging can be enabled in the settings
+## OptionalDependsOn: LibDebugLogger
 ## SavedVariables: CollectionBars_Account
 ## SavedVariables: CollectionBars_Character
-## OptionalDependsOn: LibDebugLogger
