Blocked off keybind if not in the guildbank

Wobin [05-30-14 - 11:04]
Blocked off keybind if not in the guildbank
diff --git a/Roomba.lua b/Roomba.lua
index a714862..53bdf9f 100644
--- a/Roomba.lua
+++ b/Roomba.lua
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ local checkingBank = false

 -- Bank is ready! Find those duplicates!
 function Roomba:RoombaReady()
+	if ZO_GuildBankBackpack:IsHidden() then return end
 	-- Are we in the process of checking the bank?
 	if not checkingBank then checkingBank = true else return end

@@ -249,6 +250,7 @@ function Roomba:ReceiveItems(...)

 function Roomba:BeginProcess()
+	if ZO_GuildBankBackpack:IsHidden() then return end
     local bank = self.guildInfo[self.currentBank]
     if not bank then return end
     if not self:CheckWeHaveEnoughRoom() then return end