First CSV file produced

Zig Zichterman [03-01-16 - 23:20]
First CSV file produced

Fetches data from ESO server. Uses chained callbacks to wait for and eventually fetch all data.

Add a trivial Lua script to load and parse the SavedVariables output and write a CSV file suitable for spreadsheets.
diff --git a/GuildGoldDeposits.lua b/GuildGoldDeposits.lua
index d39fc4e..7ffdd7e 100644
--- a/GuildGoldDeposits.lua
+++ b/GuildGoldDeposits.lua
@@ -5,9 +5,13 @@ = "GuildGoldDeposits"
 GuildGoldDeposits.version = 1
 GuildGoldDeposits.default = {
       enable_guild  = { true, true, true, true, true }
-    , duration_days = 7
 GuildGoldDeposits.max_guild_ct = 5
+GuildGoldDeposits.event_list = {} -- event_list[guild_index] = { list of event strings }
+GuildGoldDeposits.guild_name = {} -- guild_name[guild_index] = "My Aweseome Guild"
+GuildGoldDeposits.retry_ct   = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } -- retry_ct[guild_index] = how many retries after
+                                  -- distrusting "nah, no more history"
+GuildGoldDeposits.max_retry_ct = 3

 -- Init ----------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -19,7 +23,7 @@ function GuildGoldDeposits.OnAddOnLoaded(event, addonName)

 function GuildGoldDeposits:Initialize()
-    self.savedVariables = ZO_SavedVars:New(
+    self.savedVariables = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide(
                             , self.version
                             , nil
@@ -31,12 +35,12 @@ end

 -- UI ------------------------------------------------------------------------

-function GuildGoldDeposits.ref_cb(i)
-    return "GuildGoldDeposits_cbg" .. i
+function GuildGoldDeposits.ref_cb(guild_index)
+    return "GuildGoldDeposits_cbg" .. guild_index

-function GuildGoldDeposits.ref_desc(i)
-    return "GuildGoldDeposits_desc" .. i
+function GuildGoldDeposits.ref_desc(guild_index)
+    return "GuildGoldDeposits_desc" .. guild_index

 function GuildGoldDeposits:CreateSettingsWindow()
@@ -60,32 +64,23 @@ function GuildGoldDeposits:CreateSettingsWindow()
         , func      = function() self:SaveNow() end
         { type      = "header"
-        , name      = "Duration"
-        },
-        { type      = "slider"
-        , name      = "Days to save"
-        , tooltip   = "How many days' data to save?"
-        , min       = 1
-        , max       = 21
-        , step      = 1
-        , getFunc   = function() return self.savedVariables.duration_days end
-        , setFunc   = function(value) self.savedVariables.duration_days = value end
-        },
-        { type      = "header"
         , name      = "Guilds"

-    for i = 1, self.max_guild_ct do
+    for guild_index = 1, self.max_guild_ct do
             { type      = "checkbox"
-            , name      = "(guild " .. i .. ")"
-            , tooltip   = "Save data for guild " .. i .. "?"
-            , getFunc   = function() return self.savedVariables.enable_guild[i] end
-            , setFunc   = function(e) self.savedVariables.enable_guild[i] = e end
-            , reference = self.ref_cb(i)
+            , name      = "(guild " .. guild_index .. ")"
+            , tooltip   = "Save data for guild " .. guild_index .. "?"
+            , getFunc   = function()
+                            return self.savedVariables.enable_guild[guild_index]
+                          end
+            , setFunc   = function(e)
+                            self.savedVariables.enable_guild[guild_index] = e
+                          end
+            , reference = self.ref_cb(guild_index)
                         -- HACK: for some reason, I cannot get "description"
                         -- items to dynamically update their text. Color and
                         -- hidden, yes, but text? Nope, it never changes. So
@@ -94,8 +89,8 @@ function GuildGoldDeposits:CreateSettingsWindow()
                         -- hack. Sorry.
             { type      = "checkbox"
-            , name      = "(desc " .. i .. ")"
-            , reference = self.ref_desc(i)
+            , name      = "(desc " .. guild_index .. ")"
+            , reference = self.ref_desc(guild_index)
             , getFunc   = function() return false end
             , setFunc   = function() end
@@ -111,20 +106,21 @@ end
 function GuildGoldDeposits.OnPanelControlsCreated(panel)
     self = GuildGoldDeposits
     guild_ct = GetNumGuilds()
-    for i = 1,self.max_guild_ct do
-        cb = _G[self.ref_cb(i)]
-        if i <= guild_ct then
-            guildId   = GetGuildId(i)
+    for guild_index = 1,self.max_guild_ct do
+        cb = _G[self.ref_cb(guild_index)]
+        if guild_index <= guild_ct then
+            guildId   = GetGuildId(guild_index)
             guildName = GetGuildName(guildId)
+            self.guild_name[guild_index] = guildName
                         -- If no guild #N, hide and disable it.
-            self.savedVariables.enable_guild[i] = false
+            self.savedVariables.enable_guild[guild_index] = false

-        desc = _G[self.ref_desc(i)]
+        desc = _G[self.ref_desc(guild_index)]
@@ -146,50 +142,111 @@ end
 -- Saving Guild Data ---------------------------------------------------------

 function GuildGoldDeposits:SaveNow()
-    -- self:DumpSettings()
-    for i = 1, self.max_guild_ct do
-        self:SaveGuildIndex(i)
+    self.savedVariables.history = {}
+    self.event_list = {}
+    for guild_index = 1, self.max_guild_ct do
+        if self.savedVariables.enable_guild[guild_index] then
+            self:SaveGuildIndex(guild_index)
+        else
+            self:SkipGuildIndex(guild_index)
+        end

-function GuildGoldDeposits:SaveGuildIndex(i)
-    guildId = GetGuildId(i)
-    desc = _G[GuildGoldDeposits.ref_desc(i)].label
-    if self.savedVariables.enable_guild[i] then
-        text  = "gonna do something"
-    else
-        text  = "not doing nothing"
-    end
-    desc:SetText(text)
+-- Update the per-guild text label with what's going on with that guild data.
+function GuildGoldDeposits:SetStatus(guild_index, msg)
+    desc = _G[self.ref_desc(guild_index)].label
+    desc:SetText("  " .. msg)

-function GuildGoldDeposits:DumpSettings()
-    d("sv.days " .. self.savedVariables.duration_days)
-    for i = 1, self.max_guild_ct do
-        d("[" .. i .. "] = "
-          .. tostring(self.savedVariables.enable_guild[i]))
-    end
+-- User doesn't want this guild. Respond with "okay, skipping"
+function GuildGoldDeposits:SkipGuildIndex(guild_index)
+    self:SetStatus(guild_index, "skipped")

--- GetGuildEventInfo(3, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK_DEPOSITS, 2)
--- 21 1656 @J-man8898 5000 nil nil nil nil
--- 2016-02-29 14:45:37 -0700 ziggr: "@J-man8898 deposited 5,000g 27 minutes ago
--- 21 1741 @J-man8898 5000 nil nil nil nil
--- 2016-02-29 14:46:44 -0700 ziggr:  "@J-man8898 deposited 5,000g 27 minutes ago
--- So field 2 is RELATIVE TIME AGO and likeluy SECONDS ago
+-- Download one guild's history
+function GuildGoldDeposits:SaveGuildIndex(guild_index)
+    guildId = GetGuildId(guild_index)
+    self:SetStatus(guild_index, "downloading history...")
+    event_ct = 0
+    found_ct = 0
+    loop_ct = 0
+    loop_max = 100
+    RequestGuildHistoryCategoryNewest(guildId, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK)

--- GetGuildEventInfo(3, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK_DEPOSITS, 2)
--- 0/nil at first, until I opened the Guild history.
--- So there must be an open/init sequence.
--- GetTimeStamp() returns seconds since the epoch. That, minus above, is
--- seconds-since-the-epoch of the item/event.
+                        -- Start an asynchronous callback chain to slowly
+                        -- poll ESO servers for all history. Chain will
+                        -- callback itself until done, then callback
+                        -- into the actual processing of that data.
+    self:ServerDataPoll(guild_index)

+-- Async poll to fetch ALL guild bank history data from the ESO server
+-- Calls ServerDataComplete() once all data is loaded.
+function GuildGoldDeposits:ServerDataPoll(guild_index)
+    guildId = GetGuildId(guild_index)
+    more = DoesGuildHistoryCategoryHaveMoreEvents(guildId, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK)
+    event_ct = GetNumGuildEvents(guildId, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK)
+    self:SetStatus(guild_index, "fetching events: " .. event_ct .. " ...")
+    can_retry =    (not self.retry_ct[guild_index])
+                or (self.retry_ct[guild_index] < self.max_retry_ct)
+    if more or can_retry then
+        RequestGuildHistoryCategoryOlder(guildId, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK)
+        delay_ms = 0.5 * 1000
+        zo_callLater(function() self:ServerDataPoll(guild_index) end, delay_ms)
+        if not more then
+            self.retry_ct[guild_index] = 1 + self.retry_ct[guild_index]
+        end
+    else
+        self:ServerDataComplete(guild_index)
+    end

+-- Now that all data from the ESO server is loaded into the ESO client,
+-- extract gold deposits and write to savedVars.
+function GuildGoldDeposits:ServerDataComplete(guild_index)
+    guildId = GetGuildId(guild_index)
+    guild_name = self.guild_name[guild_index]
+    event_ct = GetNumGuildEvents(guildId, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK)
+    --self:SetStatus(guild_index, "scanning events: " .. event_ct .. " ...")
+    for i = 1, event_ct do
+        t, s, u, a = GetGuildEventInfo(guildId, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK, i)
+        if t == GUILD_EVENT_BANKGOLD_ADDED then
+            event = { type = t
+                    , time = GetTimeStamp() - s
+                    , user = u
+                    , amount = a
+                    }
+            self:RecordEvent(guild_index, event)
+        end
+    end
+    found_ct = 0
+    if self.event_list[guild_index] then
+        found_ct = #self.event_list[guild_index]
+    end
+    self:SetStatus(guild_index, "scanned events: " .. event_ct
+                   .. "  gold deposits: " .. found_ct)
+    self.savedVariables.history[guild_name] = self.event_list[guild_index]

+function GuildGoldDeposits:RecordEvent(guild_index, event)
+    if not self.event_list[guild_index] then
+        self.event_list[guild_index] = {}
+    end
+    t = self.event_list[guild_index]
+    table.insert(t, self:EventToString(event))

+-- Convert an event to a compact string that a line-parser can easily consume.
+function GuildGoldDeposits:EventToString(event)
+                        -- tab-delimited fields
+                        -- date     seconds since the epoch
+                        -- amount
+                        -- user     unquoted, can contain all sorts of
+                        --          noise but unlikely to contian a
+                        --          tab character.
+    return string.format("%d\t%d\t%s", event.time, event.amount, event.user)

 -- Postamble -----------------------------------------------------------------

diff --git a/GuildGoldDeposits_to_csv.lua b/GuildGoldDeposits_to_csv.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d409ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GuildGoldDeposits_to_csv.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+-- Read the SavedVariables file that GuildGoldDeposits creates  and convert
+-- that to a spreadsheet-compabitle CSV (comma-separated value) file.
+IN_FILE_PATH  = "../../SavedVariables/GuildGoldDeposits.lua"
+OUT_FILE_PATH = "../../SavedVariables/GuildGoldDeposits.csv"
+OUT_FILE = assert(, "w"))
+-- Lua lacks a split() function. Here's a cheesy hardwired one that works
+-- for our specific need.
+function split(str)
+    t1 = string.find(str, '\t')
+    t2 = string.find(str, '\t', 1 + t1)
+    return   string.sub(str, 1,      t1 - 1)
+           , string.sub(str, 1 + t1, t2 - 1)
+           , string.sub(str, 1 + t2)
+-- Parse the ["history'] table
+function TableHistory(history)
+    for k,v in pairs(history) do
+        guild_name = k
+        for _,line in pairs(v) do
+            time_secs, amount, user = split(line)
+            WriteLine(guild_name, time_secs, amount, user)
+        end
+    end
+function enquote(s)
+    return '"' .. s .. '"'
+-- Convert "1456709816" to "2016-02-28T17:36:56" ISO 8601 formatted time
+-- Assume "local machine time" and ignore any incorrect offsets due to
+-- Daylight Saving Time transitions. Ugh.
+function iso_date(secs_since_1970)
+    t ="*t", secs_since_1970)
+    return string.format("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d"
+                        , t.year
+                        , t.month
+                        ,
+                        , t.hour
+                        , t.min
+                        , t.sec
+                        )
+function WriteLine(guild_name, time_secs, amount, user)
+    OUT_FILE:write(          enquote(guild_name)
+          .. ',' .. iso_date(time_secs)
+          .. ',' .. amount
+          .. ',' .. enquote(user)
+          .. '\n'
+          )
+-- For each account
+for k, v in pairs(GuildGoldDepositsVars["Default"]) do
+    if (    GuildGoldDepositsVars["Default"][k]["$AccountWide"]
+        and GuildGoldDepositsVars["Default"][k]["$AccountWide"]["history"]) then
+        TableHistory(GuildGoldDepositsVars["Default"][k]["$AccountWide"]["history"])
+    end