More updates to make tracking more flexible

Aaron DeGrow [04-28-14 - 21:14]
More updates to make tracking more flexible
diff --git a/GroupLeader.lua b/GroupLeader.lua
index cbce7c4..c5c6274 100755
--- a/GroupLeader.lua
+++ b/GroupLeader.lua
@@ -19,13 +19,6 @@ local colorKeys = GroupLeader.GetTableKeys(colors)
 local mapPinType = "GroupLeaderMap"
 local compassPinType = "GroupLeaderCompass"

--- Addon data storage
-local nameToUnitTagMap = {}
-local playerName = nil
-local trackers =	{
-					['leader'] = {tag=nil, name=nil, symbol=nil, color=nil, X=0, Y=0},
-					}
 -- Defaults for settings
 local defaults = {
     compassEnabled = true,
@@ -36,6 +29,13 @@ local defaults = {
 	compassMaxDistance = 1.0,

+-- Addon data storage
+local nameToUnitTagMap = {}
+local playerName = nil
+local trackers =	{
+					['leader'] = {tag=nil, name=nil, symbol='Circle', color='Red', X=0, Y=0},
+					}
 -- Misc functions
 -- Map group member names to unit tags in a table
 local function MapNamesToUnitTags()
@@ -69,13 +69,15 @@ local function MapCallback(pinManager)
 	if not db or not db.mapEnabled then
-	-- TODO
-	if not leaderName or not leaderX or not leaderY then
-        return
-    elseif leaderName == playerName then
-        return
-    end
-	pinManager:CreatePin(_G[mapPinType], leaderName, leaderX, leaderY)
+	for k, v in pairs(trackers) do
+		if v.tag and and v.symbol and v.color and not (v.X == 0 and v.Y == 0) then
+			if k == 'leader' and db.leaderEnabled and ~= playerName then
+				pinManager:CreatePin(_G[mapPinType .. v.symbol .. v.color],, v.X, v.Y)
+			else
+				pinManager:CreatePin(_G[mapPinType .. v.symbol .. v.color],, v.X, v.Y)
+			end
+		end
+	end

 local function CompassPinCallback(pinManager)
@@ -85,13 +87,15 @@ local function CompassPinCallback(pinManager)
 	if not db or not db.compassEnabled then
-	-- TODO
-	if not leaderName or not leaderX or not leaderY then
-        return
-    elseif leaderName == playerName then
-        return
-    end
-	pinManager:CreatePin(compassPinType, leaderName, leaderX, leaderY)
+	for k, v in pairs(trackers) do
+		if v.tag and and v.symbol and v.color and not (v.X == 0 and v.Y == 0) then
+			if k == 'leader' and db.leaderEnabled and ~= playerName then
+				pinManager:CreatePin(compassPinType .. v.symbol .. v.color,, v.X, v.Y)
+			else
+				pinManager:CreatePin(compassPinType .. v.symbol .. v.color,, v.X, v.Y)
+			end
+		end
+	end

 -- Map specific functions
@@ -102,7 +106,7 @@ end
 local function AddMapPin(pinType, pinTypeAddCallback, pinTypeOnResizeCallback, pinLayoutData, pinTooltipCreator)
 	ZO_WorldMap_AddCustomPin(pinType, pinTypeAddCallback, pinTypeOnResizeCallback, pinLayoutData, pinTooltipCreator)
 	ZO_WorldMap_SetCustomPinEnabled(_G[pinType], true)
-	RefreshMapPins(pinType)
+	--RefreshMapPins(pinType)

 -- Slash command handlers
@@ -154,8 +158,8 @@ local function CommandHandler(text)
 			GroupLeader.ChatMessage("Compass tracking " .. status)
 		elseif params[1] == "add" then
 			local name = nil
-			local symbol = nil
-			local color = nil
+			local symbol = 'Circle'
+			local color = 'Red'
 			for paramCounter = 2, paramCounter, 1 do
 				param = params[paramCounter]
 				if string.sub(param, 1, string.len("-"))=="-" then
@@ -184,6 +188,12 @@ local function CommandHandler(text)
 			local unitTag = nameToUnitTagMap[name]
 			if unitTag then
+				for k, v in pairs(trackers) do
+					if v.tag == unitTag then
+						GroupLeader.ChatMessage("Already tracking that player!")
+						return
+					end
+				end
 				table.insert(trackers, {tag=unitTag, name=name, symbol=symbol, color=color, X=0, Y=0})
 	            GroupLeader.ChatMessage("Now tracking " .. name)
@@ -261,93 +271,85 @@ local function ConnectedStatus()

 -- Refresh the compass and map with the chosen texture
-local function UpdateTexture()
-	-- TODO
-    ZO_MapPin.PIN_DATA[_G[mapPinType]].texture = textures[db.leaderSymbol] .. colors[db.mapColor]
-    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType)
-    COMPASS_PINS.pinLayouts[compassPinType].texture = textures[db.leaderSymbol] .. colors[db.compassColor]
+local function RefreshAllPins()
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'StarWhite')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'StarBlack')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'StarRed')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'StarGreen')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'StarBlue')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'PlusWhite')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'PlusBlack')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'PlusRed')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'PlusGreen')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'PlusBlue')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'CircleWhite')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'CircleBlack')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'CircleRed')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'CircleGreen')
+    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType .. 'CircleBlue')

 -- Called on game UI updates
 function GroupLeader.OnGroupLeaderUpdate(time)
-	-- TODO
-    local unitTag = nil
-	if customLeader1Tag then
-        unitTag = customLeader1Tag
-	elseif leaderTag then
-        unitTag = leaderTag
+	for k, v in pairs(trackers) do
+		if v.tag then
+			v.X, v.Y = GetMapPlayerPosition(v.tag)
+ = GetUnitName(v.tag)
+	    else
+	        v.X = nil
+	        v.Y = nil
+ = nil
+		end

-    if unitTag then
-        leaderX, leaderY = GetMapPlayerPosition(unitTag)
-        leaderName = GetUnitName(unitTag)
-    else
-        leaderX = nil
-        leaderY = nil
-        leaderName = nil
-    end
-    COMPASS_PINS:RefreshPins()
-    RefreshMapPins(mapPinType)
+    RefreshAllPins()

 -- Create the settings menu
 local function CreateSettings()
-	-- TODO
 	local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-1.0")
 	local panel = LAM:CreateControlPanel("GROUP_LEADER_SETTINGS", "Group Leader")
 	LAM:AddHeader(panel, "GROUP_LEADER_SETTINGS_GENERAL", "General Settings")
-	LAM:AddCheckbox(panel, "Group_Leader_Tracking_Enabled", "Enable Tracking", "If enabled, the location of the group leader (or custom target using /leader name) will be tracked",
-				function() return db.trackingEnabled end,	--getFunc
+	LAM:AddCheckbox(panel, "Group_Leader_Map_Enabled", "Enable Map Tracking", "If enabled, the location of the group leader (or custom targets) will be tracked on the map",
+				function() return db.mapEnabled end,	--getFunc
 				function()							--setFunc
-					db.trackingEnabled = not db.trackingEnabled
-				end)
-	LAM:AddDropdown(panel, "Group_Leader_Symbol", "Select Tracking Symbol", "Select the symbol to use for tracking the leader",
-				textureKeys,
-                function() return db.leaderSymbol end,	--getFunc
-				function(text)							--setFunc
-					db.leaderSymbol = text
-					UpdateTexture()
-				end,	--setFunc
-				false,
-				nil)
-	LAM:AddHeader(panel, "GROUP_LEADER_SETTINGS_COMPASS", "Compass Settings")
-	LAM:AddCheckbox(panel, "Group_Leader_Compass_Enabled", "Enable Compass Tracking", "If enabled, the location of the group leader (or custom target using /leader name) will be tracked on the compass",
+					db.mapEnabled = not db.mapEnabled
+				end)
+	LAM:AddCheckbox(panel, "Group_Leader_Compass_Enabled", "Enable Compass Tracking", "If enabled, the location of the group leader (or custom targets) will be tracked on the compass",
 				function() return db.compassEnabled end,	--getFunc
 				function()							--setFunc
 					db.compassEnabled = not db.compassEnabled
-	LAM:AddSlider(panel, "Group_Leader_Compass_MaxDistance", "Max Distance", "The maximum distance (in normalized map units) to show the group leader", 1, 100, 1,
+	LAM:AddSlider(panel, "Group_Leader_Compass_MaxDistance", "Max Distance", "The maximum distance (in normalized map units) to show the tracked players", 1, 100, 1,
 		function() return db.compassMaxDistance * 100 end,
 			db.compassMaxDistance = maxDistance / 100
 			COMPASS_PINS.pinLayouts[compassPinType].maxDistance = maxDistance / 100
-	LAM:AddDropdown(panel, "Group_Leader_Compass_Color", "Select Tracking Color", "Select the color to use for the symbol used for tracking the leader",
-				colorKeys,
-                function() return db.compassColor end,	--getFunc
+	LAM:AddHeader(panel, "GROUP_LEADER_SETTINGS_LEADER", "Leader Settings")
+	LAM:AddCheckbox(panel, "Group_Leader_Tracking_Enabled", "Enable Tracking", "If enabled, the location of the group leader will be tracked",
+				function() return db.leaderEnabled end,	--getFunc
+				function()							--setFunc
+					db.leaderEnabled = not db.leaderEnabled
+				end)
+	LAM:AddDropdown(panel, "Group_Leader_Symbol", "Select Tracking Symbol", "Select the symbol to use for tracking the leader",
+				textureKeys,
+                function() return db.leaderSymbol end,	--getFunc
 				function(text)							--setFunc
-					db.compassColor = text
-					UpdateTexture()
+					db.leaderSymbol = text
+					RefreshAllPins()
 				end,	--setFunc
-	LAM:AddHeader(panel, "GROUP_LEADER_SETTINGS_MAP", "Map Settings")
-	LAM:AddCheckbox(panel, "Group_Leader_Map_Enabled", "Enable Map Tracking", "If enabled, the location of the group leader (or custom target using /leader name) will be tracked on the map",
-				function() return db.mapEnabled end,	--getFunc
-				function()							--setFunc
-					db.mapEnabled = not db.mapEnabled
-				end)
-	LAM:AddDropdown(panel, "Group_Leader_Map_Color", "Select Tracking Color", "Select the color to use for the symbol used for tracking the leader",
+	LAM:AddDropdown(panel, "Group_Leader_Color", "Select Tracking Color", "Select the color to use for the symbol used for tracking the leader",
-                function() return db.mapColor end,	--getFunc
+                function() return db.leaderColor end,	--getFunc
 				function(text)							--setFunc
-					db.mapColor = text
-					UpdateTexture()
+					db.leaderColor = text
+					RefreshAllPins()
 				end,	--setFunc
@@ -362,7 +364,7 @@ local function AddonSetup(eventCode, addOnName)
 	nameToUnitTagMap = {}
 	playerName = nil
 	trackers =	{
-				['leader'] = {tag=nil, name=nil, symbol=nil, color=nil, X=0, Y=0},
+				['leader'] = {tag=nil, name=nil, symbol='Circle', color='Red', X=0, Y=0},

 	-- Populate the settings DB
@@ -377,21 +379,192 @@ local function AddonSetup(eventCode, addOnName)
     playerName = GetUnitName('player')

-	-- TODO
-	local mapPinLayout = {
+	trackers['leader'].symbol = db.leaderSymbol
+	trackers['leader'].color = db.leaderColor
+	local mapPinLayout = nil
+	local compassPinLayout = nil
+	mapPinLayout = {
 		level = 200,
-		texture = textures[db.leaderSymbol] .. colors[db.mapColor],
+		texture = textures['Star'] .. colors['White'],
 		size = 40,
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Star'] .. colors['White'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'StarWhite', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'StarWhite', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)

-	local compassPinLayout = {
+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Star'] .. colors['Black'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
 		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
-		texture =  textures[db.leaderSymbol] .. colors[db.compassColor],
+		texture =  textures['Star'] .. colors['Black'],
-	AddMapPin(mapPinType, MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
-	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType, CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'StarBlack', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'StarBlack', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)

+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Star'] .. colors['Red'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Star'] .. colors['Red'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'StarRed', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'StarRed', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Star'] .. colors['Green'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Star'] .. colors['Green'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'StarGreen', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'StarGreen', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Star'] .. colors['Blue'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Star'] .. colors['Blue'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'StarBlue', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'StarBlue', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Plus'] .. colors['White'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Plus'] .. colors['White'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'PlusWhite', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'PlusWhite', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Plus'] .. colors['Black'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Plus'] .. colors['Black'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'PlusBlack', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'PlusBlack', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Plus'] .. colors['Red'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Plus'] .. colors['Red'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'PlusRed', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'PlusRed', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Plus'] .. colors['Green'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Plus'] .. colors['Green'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'PlusGreen', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'PlusGreen', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Plus'] .. colors['Blue'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Plus'] .. colors['Blue'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'PlusBlue', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'PlusBlue', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Circle'] .. colors['White'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Circle'] .. colors['White'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'CircleWhite', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'CircleWhite', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Circle'] .. colors['Black'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Circle'] .. colors['Black'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'CircleBlack', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'CircleBlack', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Circle'] .. colors['Red'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Circle'] .. colors['Red'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'CircleRed', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'CircleRed', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Circle'] .. colors['Green'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Circle'] .. colors['Green'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'CircleGreen', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'CircleGreen', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
+	mapPinLayout = {
+		level = 200,
+		texture = textures['Circle'] .. colors['Blue'],
+		size = 40,
+	}
+	compassPinLayout = {
+		maxDistance = db.compassMaxDistance,
+		texture =  textures['Circle'] .. colors['Blue'],
+	}
+	AddMapPin(mapPinType .. 'CircleBlue', MapCallback, nil, mapPinLayout, pinTooltipCreator)
+	COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin(compassPinType .. 'CircleBlue', CompassPinCallback, compassPinLayout)
 	SLASH_COMMANDS["/groupleader"] = CommandHandler
 	SLASH_COMMANDS["/gl"] = CommandHandler