add local test build feature to

Daniel Pittman [08-26-18 - 03:09]
add local test build feature to
diff --git a/ b/
index c59f421..fb8432a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,21 +9,27 @@ function die() { log "$@" >&2;  exit 1; }
 [[ -x =git-chglog ]] || die "the (golang) git-chglog tool is missing"
 [[ -x =md2bbcode ]] || die "the md2bbcode script is missing"

-# check we are at the head of the current branch?
-if [[ $(git rev-parse master) != $(git rev-parse HEAD) ]]; then
-  die "not currently at the head of branch 'master'"
+if [[ $1 == test ]]; then
+  test_build=1
+  tag=$(date +%s)
+  # check we are at the head of the current branch?
+  if [[ $(git rev-parse master) != $(git rev-parse HEAD) ]]; then
+    die "not currently at the head of branch 'master'"
+  fi

-tag=($(git tag --list --points-at master))
-tag=(${(@n)tag})                # sort tags
-case ${#tag} in
-  0) die "current 'master' is not tagged"; ;;
-  1) ;;  # success, this is what we want!
-  *) die "current 'master' has more than one tag: ${tag}"; ;;
+  tag=($(git tag --list --points-at master))
+  tag=(${(@n)tag})                # sort tags
+  case ${#tag} in
+    0) die "current 'master' is not tagged"; ;;
+    1) ;;  # success, this is what we want!
+    *) die "current 'master' has more than one tag: ${tag}"; ;;
+  esac

-if [[ ! ( $tag =~ ^[0-9]+$ ) ]]; then
-  die "current 'master' is tagged '${tag}', but must be tagged with an integer"
+  if [[ ! ( $tag =~ ^[0-9]+$ ) ]]; then
+    die "current 'master' is tagged '${tag}', but must be tagged with an integer"
+  fi

 # figure out the addon name, and build directory
@@ -31,7 +37,16 @@ root=${PWD?}
+mkdir -p ${release}
+if (( test_build )); then
+  zipfile=test-${addon}.zip
+  rm -f ${release}/${zipfile}
+  zipfile=${addon}-${tag}.zip

 # logic for building the version we package for esoui
 log "building the release version of ${addon}"
@@ -39,9 +54,6 @@ build=${PWD?}/build/${addon}
 [[ -d ${build} ]] && rm -rf ${build}
 mkdir -p ${build}

-mkdir -p ${release}
 function ship() {
   for file in $@; do
     log "shipping '${file}'"
@@ -79,7 +91,11 @@ git chglog | tee ${build}/ | md2bbcode > CHANGELOG.bbcode
 log "creating the ESOUI distribution package ${zipfile}"
 (cd ${build}/.. && test -d ${addon} && zip -9TXr ${release}/${zipfile} ${addon})

+if (( test_build )); then
+  log "fully built, in test mode"
+  exit 0
 log "fully build, adding to distdir"
 cp ${release}/${zipfile} ${distdir}
 log "now upload your addon..."