File Mane canonic changes

esorochinskiy [05-29-22 - 07:55]
File Mane canonic changes
diff --git a/WellEater.lua b/WellEater.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a89f8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WellEater.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+WellEater = WellEater or {}
+WellEater.AddonName = "WellEater"
+function WellEater:getUserPreference(setting)
+    return self.settingsUser and self.settingsUser[setting]
+function WellEater:setUserPreference(setting, value)
+    self.settingsUser = self.settingsUser or {}
+    self.settingsUser[setting] = value
+function WellEater:isAddonEnabled()
+    d(WellEater.AddonName .. " not enabled")
+    return self.getUserPreference("enabled")
+function WellEater:prepareToAnalize()
+    return self.isAddonEnabled() and not IsUnitInCombat("player") and not IsUnitSwimming("player")
+local NAMESPACE = {}
+NAMESPACE.settingsDefaults = {
+    enabled = true,
+    updateTime = 1000,
+    foodOnMagicka = true,
+    foodOnHealth = true,
+    foodOnStamina = true
+NAMESPACE.buffFood = {
+    [72822] = { Health = true }, [17407] = { Health = true }, [66551] = { Health = true },
+    [61259] = { Health = true }, [66124] = { Health = true }, [66125] = { Health = true },
+    [72816] = { Health = true }, [72824] = { Health = true }, [72957] = { Health = true },
+    [72960] = { Health = true }, [72962] = { Health = true }, [72819] = { Health = true },
+    [89971] = { Health = true },
+    --	[17565]=true,[17567]=true,[17569]=true,[47049]=true,[47051]=true,[66576]=true,[17573]=true,[47050]=true,
+    [17577] = { Magicka = true, Stamina = true }, [61294] = { Magicka = true, Stamina = true },
+    [72961] = { Magicka = true, Stamina = true }, [84681] = { Magicka = true, Stamina = true },
+    [61257] = { Health = true, Magicka = true }, [72959] = { Health = true, Magicka = true },
+    [84731] = { Health = true, Magicka = true }, [84735] = { Health = true, Magicka = true },
+    [100498] = { Health = true, Magicka = true }, [107748] = { Health = true, Magicka = true },
+    [127531] = { Health = true, Magicka = true }, [61261] = { Stamina = true }, [66129] = { Stamina = true },
+    [66130] = { Stamina = true }, [68412] = { Stamina = true }, [86673] = { Stamina = true },
+    [66127] = { Magicka = true }, [66128] = { Magicka = true }, [68413] = { Magicka = true },
+    [66568] = { Magicka = true }, [61260] = { Magicka = true }, [84678] = { Magicka = true },
+    [84709] = { Magicka = true }, [84725] = { Magicka = true }, [84720] = { Magicka = true },
+    [61341] = true, [61344] = true, [61340] = true, [61335] = true, [61345] = true, [66131] = true,
+    [66132] = true, [66136] = true, [66137] = true, [66140] = true, [66141] = true, [17614] = true,
+    [61350] = true, [84700] = true, [84704] = true, [100502] = true, [68416] = true, [86746] = true,
+    [86559] = true, --Recovery
+    [68411] = { Health = true, Magicka = true, Stamina = true }, [17581] = { Health = true, Magicka = true, Stamina = true },
+    [61218] = { Health = true, Magicka = true, Stamina = true }, [85484] = { Health = true, Magicka = true, Stamina = true },
+    [100488] = { Health = true, Magicka = true, Stamina = true }, [127596] = { Health = true, Magicka = true, Stamina = true },
+    [72956] = { Health = true, Stamina = true }, [61255] = { Health = true, Stamina = true }, [89957] = { Health = true, Stamina = true },
+    [107789] = { Health = true, Stamina = true }, [127572] = { Health = true, Stamina = true }
+local function processAutoEat()
+    if not WellEater:prepareToAnalize() then
+        return
+    end
+    local bagId = BAG_BACKPACK
+    SHARED_INVENTORY:RefreshInventory(bagId)
+    local bagCache = SHARED_INVENTORY:GetOrCreateBagCache(bagId)
+    if not bagCache or type(bagCache) ~= "table" then
+        return
+    end
+    for _, itemInfo in pairs(bagCache) do
+        local slotId = itemInfo.slotIndex
+        if not itemInfo.stolen then
+            local itemType, specialType = GetItemType(bagId, slotId)
+            if itemType == ITEMTYPE_FOOD or itemType == ITEMTYPE_DRINK then
+                local icon, stack, sellPrice, meetsUsageRequirement, locked, equipType, itemStyleId, quality = GetItemInfo(bagId, slotId)
+                local itemQ = WellEater:getUserPreference("quality")
+                if itemQ and meetsUsageRequirement and itemQ == quality then
+                    local usable, onlyFromActionSlot = IsItemUsable(bagId, slotId)
+                    if usable and not onlyFromActionSlot then
+                        if IsProtectedFunction("UseItem") then
+                            CallSecureProtected("UseItem", bagId, slotId)
+                        else
+                            UseItem(bagId, slotId)
+                        end
+                        break
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+local function TimersUpdate()
+    if not WellEater:prepareToAnalize() then
+        return
+    end
+    d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Time Tick")
+    local haveFood = false
+    local now = GetGameTimeMilliseconds()
+    local numBuffs = GetNumBuffs("player")
+    local foodQuantity = 0
+    for i = 1, numBuffs do
+        local timeEnding, abilityId
+        _, _, timeEnding, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, abilityId = GetUnitBuffInfo("player", i)
+        local bFood = NAMESPACE.buffFood[abilityId]
+        foodQuantity = timeEnding * 1000 - now
+        haveFood = ((bFood and type(bFood) == "table") and (foodQuantity > 0))
+        if haveFood then
+            break
+        end
+    end
+    d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Char Food = " .. haveFood)
+    d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Char Food Quantity = " .. foodQuantity)
+    if not haveFood then
+        processAutoEat()
+    end
+local function StartUp(_, addonName)
+    if WellEater.AddonName ~= addonName then
+        return
+    end
+    if not WellEater:isAddonEnabled() then
+        return
+    end
+    d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Started")
+    local upTime = WellEater:getUserPreference("updateTime")
+    if upTime then
+        EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate(WellEater.AddonName .. "_TimersUpdate", upTime, TimersUpdate)
+    end
+local function ShutDown()
+    EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate(WellEater.AddonName .. "_TimersUpdate")
+-- Settings initialization
+WellEater.settingsUser = ZO_SavedVars:NewCharacterIdSettings( "WellEater_Settings",
+        "general",
+        NAMESPACE.settingsDefaults)
+-- Init Hook --
+        WellEater.AddonName, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, StartUp)
+        WellEater.AddonName,
+        function(_, arg)
+            if not WellEater:isAddonEnabled() then
+                return
+            end
+            if not arg then
+                d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Combat entered")
+                StartUp(_,WellEater.AddonName)
+            else
+                d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Combat exit")
+                ShutDown()
+            end
+        end
+        WellEater.AddonName,
+        function()
+            if not WellEater:isAddonEnabled() then
+                return
+            end
+            d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Swim enter")
+            ShutDown()
+        end
+        WellEater.AddonName,
+        function()
+            if not WellEater:isAddonEnabled() then
+                return
+            end
+            d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Swim exit")
+            StartUp(_,WellEater.AddonName)
+        end
diff --git a/WellEater.txt b/WellEater.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9504c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WellEater.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+## Title: |cFFFFFFWell |c0099FFEater|r
+## Author: |c5EFFF5esorochinskiy|r
+## APIVersion: 101033
+## Description: Auto eat your preferred meals provided by your inventory after food or drink buff expiration.
+## Version: 1.0.0
+## SavedVariables: WellEater_Settings
diff --git a/Well_Eater.lua b/Well_Eater.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ce5b14..0000000
--- a/Well_Eater.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-WellEater = WellEater or {}
-WellEater.AddonName = "Well_Eater"
-function WellEater:getUserPreference(setting)
-    return self.settingsUser and self.settingsUser[setting]
-function WellEater:setUserPreference(setting, value)
-    self.settingsUser = self.settingsUser or {}
-    self.settingsUser[setting] = value
-function WellEater:isAddonEnabled()
-    d(WellEater.AddonName .. " not enabled")
-    return self.getUserPreference("enabled")
-function WellEater:prepareToAnalize()
-    return self.isAddonEnabled() and not IsUnitInCombat("player") and not IsUnitSwimming("player")
-local NAMESPACE = {}
-NAMESPACE.settingsDefaults = {
-    enabled = true,
-    updateTime = 1000,
-    foodOnMagicka = true,
-    foodOnHealth = true,
-    foodOnStamina = true
-NAMESPACE.buffFood = {
-    [72822] = { Health = true }, [17407] = { Health = true }, [66551] = { Health = true },
-    [61259] = { Health = true }, [66124] = { Health = true }, [66125] = { Health = true },
-    [72816] = { Health = true }, [72824] = { Health = true }, [72957] = { Health = true },
-    [72960] = { Health = true }, [72962] = { Health = true }, [72819] = { Health = true },
-    [89971] = { Health = true },
-    --	[17565]=true,[17567]=true,[17569]=true,[47049]=true,[47051]=true,[66576]=true,[17573]=true,[47050]=true,
-    [17577] = { Magicka = true, Stamina = true }, [61294] = { Magicka = true, Stamina = true },
-    [72961] = { Magicka = true, Stamina = true }, [84681] = { Magicka = true, Stamina = true },
-    [61257] = { Health = true, Magicka = true }, [72959] = { Health = true, Magicka = true },
-    [84731] = { Health = true, Magicka = true }, [84735] = { Health = true, Magicka = true },
-    [100498] = { Health = true, Magicka = true }, [107748] = { Health = true, Magicka = true },
-    [127531] = { Health = true, Magicka = true }, [61261] = { Stamina = true }, [66129] = { Stamina = true },
-    [66130] = { Stamina = true }, [68412] = { Stamina = true }, [86673] = { Stamina = true },
-    [66127] = { Magicka = true }, [66128] = { Magicka = true }, [68413] = { Magicka = true },
-    [66568] = { Magicka = true }, [61260] = { Magicka = true }, [84678] = { Magicka = true },
-    [84709] = { Magicka = true }, [84725] = { Magicka = true }, [84720] = { Magicka = true },
-    [61341] = true, [61344] = true, [61340] = true, [61335] = true, [61345] = true, [66131] = true,
-    [66132] = true, [66136] = true, [66137] = true, [66140] = true, [66141] = true, [17614] = true,
-    [61350] = true, [84700] = true, [84704] = true, [100502] = true, [68416] = true, [86746] = true,
-    [86559] = true, --Recovery
-    [68411] = { Health = true, Magicka = true, Stamina = true }, [17581] = { Health = true, Magicka = true, Stamina = true },
-    [61218] = { Health = true, Magicka = true, Stamina = true }, [85484] = { Health = true, Magicka = true, Stamina = true },
-    [100488] = { Health = true, Magicka = true, Stamina = true }, [127596] = { Health = true, Magicka = true, Stamina = true },
-    [72956] = { Health = true, Stamina = true }, [61255] = { Health = true, Stamina = true }, [89957] = { Health = true, Stamina = true },
-    [107789] = { Health = true, Stamina = true }, [127572] = { Health = true, Stamina = true }
-local function processAutoEat()
-    if not WellEater:prepareToAnalize() then
-        return
-    end
-    local bagId = BAG_BACKPACK
-    SHARED_INVENTORY:RefreshInventory(bagId)
-    local bagCache = SHARED_INVENTORY:GetOrCreateBagCache(bagId)
-    if not bagCache or type(bagCache) ~= "table" then
-        return
-    end
-    for _, itemInfo in pairs(bagCache) do
-        local slotId = itemInfo.slotIndex
-        if not itemInfo.stolen then
-            local itemType, specialType = GetItemType(bagId, slotId)
-            if itemType == ITEMTYPE_FOOD or itemType == ITEMTYPE_DRINK then
-                local icon, stack, sellPrice, meetsUsageRequirement, locked, equipType, itemStyleId, quality = GetItemInfo(bagId, slotId)
-                local itemQ = WellEater:getUserPreference("quality")
-                if itemQ and meetsUsageRequirement and itemQ == quality then
-                    local usable, onlyFromActionSlot = IsItemUsable(bagId, slotId)
-                    if usable and not onlyFromActionSlot then
-                        if IsProtectedFunction("UseItem") then
-                            CallSecureProtected("UseItem", bagId, slotId)
-                        else
-                            UseItem(bagId, slotId)
-                        end
-                        break
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-local function TimersUpdate()
-    if not WellEater:prepareToAnalize() then
-        return
-    end
-    d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Time Tick")
-    local haveFood = false
-    local now = GetGameTimeMilliseconds()
-    local numBuffs = GetNumBuffs("player")
-    local foodQuantity = 0
-    for i = 1, numBuffs do
-        local timeEnding, abilityId
-        _, _, timeEnding, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, abilityId = GetUnitBuffInfo("player", i)
-        local bFood = NAMESPACE.buffFood[abilityId]
-        foodQuantity = timeEnding * 1000 - now
-        haveFood = ((bFood and type(bFood) == "table") and (foodQuantity > 0))
-        if haveFood then
-            break
-        end
-    end
-    d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Char Food = " .. haveFood)
-    d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Char Food Quantity = " .. foodQuantity)
-    if not haveFood then
-        processAutoEat()
-    end
-local function StartUp(_, addonName)
-    if WellEater.AddonName ~= addonName then
-        return
-    end
-    if not WellEater:isAddonEnabled() then
-        return
-    end
-    d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Started")
-    local upTime = WellEater:getUserPreference("updateTime")
-    if upTime then
-        EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate(WellEater.AddonName .. "_TimersUpdate", upTime, TimersUpdate)
-    end
-local function ShutDown()
-    EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate(WellEater.AddonName .. "_TimersUpdate")
--- Settings initialization
-WellEater.settingsUser = ZO_SavedVars:NewCharacterIdSettings( "Well_Eater_Settings",
-        "general",
-        NAMESPACE.settingsDefaults)
--- Init Hook --
-        WellEater.AddonName, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, StartUp)
-        WellEater.AddonName,
-        function(_, arg)
-            if not WellEater:isAddonEnabled() then
-                return
-            end
-            if not arg then
-                d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Combat entered")
-                StartUp(_,WellEater.AddonName)
-            else
-                d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Combat exit")
-                ShutDown()
-            end
-        end
-        WellEater.AddonName,
-        function()
-            if not WellEater:isAddonEnabled() then
-                return
-            end
-            d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Swim enter")
-            ShutDown()
-        end
-        WellEater.AddonName,
-        function()
-            if not WellEater:isAddonEnabled() then
-                return
-            end
-            d(WellEater.AddonName .. " Swim exit")
-            StartUp(_,WellEater.AddonName)
-        end
diff --git a/Well_Eater.txt b/Well_Eater.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 775503b..0000000
--- a/Well_Eater.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-## Title: |cFFFFFFWell |c0099FFEater|r
-## Author: |c5EFFF5esorochinskiy|r
-## APIVersion: 101033
-## Description: Auto eat your preferred meals provided by your inventory after food or drink buff expiration.
-## Version: 1.0.0
-## SavedVariables: Well_Eater_Settings