First attempt to allow for slash commands to turn off the alert for different guilds
Chris O'Dell [05-05-14 - 17:57]
First attempt to allow for slash commands to turn off the alert for different guilds
diff --git a/GuildMemberNotifier.lua b/GuildMemberNotifier.lua
index b151d5e..4e55f26 100644
--- a/GuildMemberNotifier.lua
+++ b/GuildMemberNotifier.lua
@@ -10,6 +10,14 @@ = "GuildMemberNotifier"
GuildMemberNotifier.version = "1.0.0"
GuildMemberNotifier.debug = false
+GuildMemberNotifier.guildTable = {
+ [1] = true;
+ [2] = true;
+ [3] = true;
+ [4] = true;
+ [5] = true;
+ }
function GuildMemberNotifier.Initialise(eventCode, addOnName)
if (addOnName ~= then return end
@@ -23,13 +31,61 @@ function GuildMemberNotifier.OnGuildMemberPlayerStatusChanged(eventCode, guildId
d("|r|c888888 [eventCode:"..eventCode.."][guildId:"..guildId.."][playerName:"..playerName.."][previousStatus:"..previousStatus.."][currentStatus:"..currentStatus.."]")
- if (currentStatus == PLAYER_STATUS_ONLINE and playerName ~= GetDisplayName()) then
- d(string.format("|r|cFFC700 %s has logged on", playerName))
+ if (GuildMemberNotifier.guildTable[guildId] == true) then
+ if (currentStatus == PLAYER_STATUS_ONLINE and playerName ~= GetDisplayName()) then
+ d(string.format("|r|cFFC700 %s from '%s' has logged on", playerName, GetGuildName(guildId)))
+ end
+ if (currentStatus == PLAYER_STATUS_OFFLINE) then
+ d(string.format("|r|cFFC700 %s from '%s' has logged off", playerName, GetGuildName(guildId)))
+ end
+ end
+SLASH_COMMANDS["/gmn"] = function (commands)
+ local options = GuildMemberNotifier.SplitSlashOptions(commands)
+ if (#options == 0 or options[1] == "help") then
+ d("GuildMemberNotifier Help")
+ d("Enter '/gmn {guildId} {on|off}'")
+ d("eg '/gmn 2 off' to turn off alerts for guild 2")
+ else
+ local guildId = tonumber(options[1])
+ local active = options[2]
+ if (guildId ~= nil and (guildId > 0 and guildId <= 5)) then
+ if (GuildMemberNotifier.debug) then
+ d("|r|c888888 [guildId:"..guildId.."]")
+ end
+ else
+ d("Unrecognised GuildId. Enter '/gmn help'")
+ end
+ if (active == 'on') then
+ GuildMemberNotifier.guildTable[guildId] = true
+ d("Guild Member notifications ON for "..GetGuildName(guildId))
+ elseif (active == 'off') then
+ GuildMemberNotifier.guildTable[guildId] = false
+ d("Guild Member notifications OFF for "..GetGuildName(guildId))
+ else
+ d("Unrecognised command. Enter '/gmn help'")
+ if (GuildMemberNotifier.debug and active ~= nil) then
+ d("|r|c888888 [active:""]")
+ end
+ end
- if (currentStatus == PLAYER_STATUS_OFFLINE) then
- d(string.format("|r|cFFC700 %s has logged off", playerName))
+function GuildMemberNotifier.SplitSlashOptions(commands)
+ local options = {}
+ local searchResult = { string.match(commands,"^(%S*)%s*(.-)$") }
+ for i,v in pairs(searchResult) do
+ if (v ~= nil and v ~= "") then
+ options[i] = string.lower(v)
+ end
+ return options
-EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, GuildMemberNotifier.Initialise)
\ No newline at end of file
+EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, GuildMemberNotifier.Initialise)