Fixed missing root folder

Roland Solymosi [06-29-20 - 13:08]
Fixed missing root folder
diff --git a/Bindings.xml b/Bindings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 05c2f77..0000000
--- a/Bindings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-		<Category name="MYCOLLECTION_TITLE">
-				<Down>SLASH_COMMANDS["/mycollection"]()</Down>
-			</Action>
-		</Category>
-	</Layer>
diff --git a/Globals.lua b/Globals.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c36207b..0000000
--- a/Globals.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-local MyCollection = MyCollection
-MyCollection.Name = "MyCollection"
-MyCollection.DisplayName = "My Collection"
-MyCollection.Version = "0.1.0"
-MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables = {
-  Inventory = {
-    Name = "MyCollection_Inventory",
-    Version = 1,
-  },
-  Collection = {
-    Name = "MyCollection_Collection",
-    Version = 1,
-  },
-  Settings = {
-    Name = "MyCollection_Settings",
-    Version = 1,
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internals/Classes/Bag.lua b/Internals/Classes/Bag.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1225b5b..0000000
--- a/Internals/Classes/Bag.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
-local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
-local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
-local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
-Classes.Bag = {}
-Classes.Bag.__index = Classes.Bag
-local Bag = Classes.Bag
--- Constructor
-function Bag.New(savedTable, characterId)
-    local instance = {}
-    setmetatable(instance, Bag)
-    instance:Initialize(savedTable, characterId)
-    return instance
-Bag.savedTableReference = nil
--- Properties
-Bag.worn = nil
-Bag.backpack = nil
--- Functions
-function Bag:FindAll(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)
-    local items = {}
-    if next(self.worn) ~= nil then
-        for _, item in pairs(self.worn) do
-            if item:Equals(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType) then
-                table.insert(items, item)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    if next(self.backpack) ~= nil then
-        for _, item in pairs(self.backpack) do
-            if item:Equals(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType) then
-                table.insert(items, item)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    return items
-function Bag:AddItem(item)
-    local saveCopy = item:CopyForSave()
-    if item.bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Worn then
-        self.worn[item.slotId] = item
-        self.savedTableReference[Constants.BagTypes.Worn][item.slotId] = saveCopy
-    end
-    if item.bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Backpack then
-        self.backpack[item.slotId] = item
-        self.savedTableReference[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack][item.slotId] = saveCopy
-    end
-function Bag:RemoveItem(bagId, slotId)
-    if bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Worn then
-        local item = self.worn[slotId]
-        table.remove(self.worn, slotId)
-        table.remove(self.savedTableReference[Constants.BagTypes.Worn], slotId)
-    end
-    if bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Backpack then
-        local item = self.backpack[slotId]
-        table.remove(self.backpack, slotId)
-        table.remove(self.savedTableReference[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack], slotId)
-    end
-    return item
-function Bag:Clear()
-    self.worn = {}
-    self.backpack = {}
-    self.savedTableReference[Constants.BagTypes.Worn] = {}
-    self.savedTableReference[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack] = {}
-function Bag:Refresh()
-    self:Clear()
-    Dependencies.Officials.SharedInventory:RefreshInventory(Constants.BagTypes.Worn)
-    Dependencies.Officials.SharedInventory:RefreshInventory(Constants.BagTypes.Backpack)
-function Bag:Initialize(savedTable, characterId)
-    self.worn = {}
-    self.backpack = {}
-    self.savedTableReference = savedTable
-    if savedTable == nil then
-        savedTable = {}
-    end
-    if (savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Worn] == nil) then savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Worn] = {} end
-    if (savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack] == nil) then savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack] = {} end
-    if (next(savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Worn]) ~= nil) then
-        for slotId, item in pairs(savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Worn]) do
-            self.worn[slotId] = Classes.Item.New(characterId, Constants.BagTypes.Worn, slotId, item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType,
-        end
-    end
-    if (next(savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack]) ~= nil) then
-        for slotId, item in pairs(savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack]) do
-            self.backpack[slotId] = Classes.Item.New(characterId, Constants.BagTypes.Backpack, slotId, item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType,
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internals/Classes/Collection.lua b/Internals/Classes/Collection.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b2603aa..0000000
--- a/Internals/Classes/Collection.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
-local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
-local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
-local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
-Classes.Collection = {}
-Classes.Collection.__index = Classes.Collection
-local Collection = Classes.Collection
--- Constructor
-function Collection.New(savedTable)
-    local instance = {}
-    setmetatable(instance, Collection)
-    instance:Initialize(savedTable)
-    return instance
--- Fields
-Collection.savedTableReference = nil
--- Properties
-Collection.sets = {}
--- Functions
-function Collection:GetSets()
-    return self.sets
-function Collection:AddItem(item)
-    if (next(self.sets) ~= nil) then
-        for key, set in pairs(self.sets) do
-            if set:GetSetId() == item.setId then
-                self.sets[key]:AddItem(item)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-function Collection:RemoveItem(item)
-    if (next(self.sets) ~= nil) then
-        for key, set in pairs(self.sets) do
-            if set:GetSetId() == item.setId then
-                self.sets[key]:RemoveItem(item)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-function Collection:AddSet(setId, armorType, orderNumber)
-    local newId = -1
-    if (next(self.sets) ~= nil) then
-        for key, _ in pairs(self.sets) do
-            if key > newId then
-                newId = key
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    newId = newId + 1
-    self.savedTableReference.sets[newId] = {}
-    self.sets[newId] = Classes.Set.New(self.savedTableReference.sets[newId], setId, nil, armorType, orderNumber)
-function Collection:RemoveSet(id)
-    table.remove(self.sets, id)
-    table.remove(self.savedTableReference.sets, id)
-function Collection:Clear()
-    self.sets = {}
-    self.savedTableReference.sets = {}
-function Collection:Initialize(savedTable)
-    self.savedTableReference = savedTable
-    if (next(savedTable.sets) ~= nil) then
-        for id, set in pairs(savedTable.sets) do
-            self.sets[id] = Classes.Set.New(savedTable.sets[id], set.setId, set.setName, set.armorType, set.orderNumber)
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internals/Classes/Inventory.lua b/Internals/Classes/Inventory.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 225b963..0000000
--- a/Internals/Classes/Inventory.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
-local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
-local Extensions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions.Extensions
-local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
-local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
-Classes.Inventory = {}
-Classes.Inventory.__index = Classes.Inventory
-local Inventory = Classes.Inventory
--- Constructor
-function Inventory.New(savedTable)
-    local instance = {}
-    setmetatable(instance, Inventory)
-    instance:Initialize(savedTable)
-    return instance
-Inventory.savedTableReference = nil
--- Properties
-Inventory.banks = {
-    [Constants.BagTypes.Bank] = {},
-    [Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank] = {},
-Inventory.bags = {}
--- Functions
-function Inventory:FindAll(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)
-    local items = {}
-    for bankId, bank in pairs(self.banks) do
-        if next(bank) ~= nil then
-            for slotId, item in pairs(bank) do
-                if item:Equals(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType) then
-                    table.insert(items, self.banks[bankId][slotId])
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    for _, bag in pairs(self.bags) do
-        for _, item in ipairs(bag:FindAll(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)) do
-            table.insert(items, item)
-        end
-    end
-    return items
-function Inventory:AddItem(item)
-    local characterId = Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId()
-    if Extensions.Constants.IsCharacterBag(item.bagId) then
-        self:GetOrCreateBag(characterId):AddItem(item)
-    else
-        if Extensions.Constants.IsBank(item.bagId) then
-            self:AddItemToBank(item)
-        end
-    end
-    if Logger ~= nil and item ~= nil then
-        local _, setName, _, _, _, _ = Dependencies.LibSets.IsSetByItemLink(
-        Logger:Debug("Added bagId:'".. item.bagId .. "', slotId: '".. item.slotId .. "' setName: '".. setName .."' Link: "..
-    end
-function Inventory:RemoveItem(bagId, slotId)
-    local item = nil
-    local characterId = Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId()
-    if Extensions.Constants.IsCharacterBag(bagId) then
-        item = self:GetOrCreateBag(characterId):RemoveItem(bagId, slotId)
-    else
-        if Extensions.Constants.IsBank(bagId) then
-            if (self.banks[bagId][slotId] ~= nil) then
-                item = self:RemoveItemFromBank(bagId, slotId)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    if Logger ~= nil and item ~= nil then
-        local _, setName, _, _, _, _ = Dependencies.LibSets.IsSetByItemLink(
-        Logger:Debug("Removed bagId:'".. bagId .. "', slotId: '".. slotId .. "' setName: '".. setName .."' Link: "..
-    end
-    return item
-function Inventory:AddBag(characterId)
-    self.savedTableReference.bags[characterId] = {}
-    self.bags[characterId] = Classes.Bag.New(self.savedTableReference.bags[characterId], characterId)
-function Inventory:GetOrCreateBag(characterId)
-    if self.bags[characterId] == nil then
-        self:AddBag(characterId)
-    end
-    return self.bags[characterId]
-function Inventory:AddItemToBank(item)
-    self.banks[item.bagId][item.slotId] = item
-    self.savedTableReference.banks[item.bagId][item.slotId] = item:CopyForSave()
-function Inventory:RemoveItemFromBank(bagId, slotId)
-    local item = self.banks[bagId][slotId]
-    table.remove(self.banks[bagId], slotId)
-    table.remove(self.savedTableReference.banks[bagId], slotId)
-    return item
-function Inventory:Clear(keepOtherCharacters)
-    self.banks[Constants.BagTypes.Bank] = {}
-    self.banks[Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank] = {}
-    self.savedTableReference.banks[Constants.BagTypes.Bank] = {}
-    self.savedTableReference.banks[Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank] = {}
-    if keepOtherCharacters == nil or keepOtherCharacters then
-        local characterId = Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId()
-        if self.bags[characterId] ~= nil then
-            self:GetOrCreateBag(characterId):Clear()
-        end
-    else
-        for characterId, _ in pairs(self.bags) do
-            self:GetOrCreateBag(characterId):Clear()
-        end
-    end
-function Inventory:Refresh()
-    self:Clear(true)
-    Dependencies.Officials.SharedInventory:RefreshInventory(Constants.BagTypes.Bank)
-    Dependencies.Officials.SharedInventory:RefreshInventory(Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank)
-    local characterId = Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId()
-    self:GetOrCreateBag(characterId):Refresh()
-function Inventory:Initialize(savedTable)
-    self.savedTableReference = savedTable
-    if (next(savedTable.banks[Constants.BagTypes.Bank]) ~= nil) then
-        for slotId, item in pairs(savedTable.banks[Constants.BagTypes.Bank]) do
-            self.banks[Constants.BagTypes.Bank][slotId] = Classes.Item.New(characterId, Constants.BagTypes.Bank, slotId, item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType,
-        end
-    end
-    if (next(savedTable.banks[Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank]) ~= nil) then
-        for slotId, item in pairs(savedTable.banks[Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank]) do
-            self.banks[Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank][slotId] = Classes.Item.New(characterId, Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank, slotId, item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType,
-        end
-    end
-    if (next(savedTable.bags) ~= nil) then
-        for characterId, _ in pairs(savedTable.bags) do
-            self.bags[characterId] = Classes.Bag.New(savedTable.bags[characterId], characterId)
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internals/Classes/Item.lua b/Internals/Classes/Item.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index eb14758..0000000
--- a/Internals/Classes/Item.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
-local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
-local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
-local Extensions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions.Extensions
-Classes.Item = {}
-Classes.Item.__index = Classes.Item
-local Item = Classes.Item
--- Constructor
-function Item.New(characterId, bagId, slotId, setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType, link)
-    local instance = {}
-    setmetatable(instance, Item)
-    instance:Initialize(characterId, bagId, slotId, setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType, link)
-    if Extensions.Constants.IsEquipment(instance.equipType) then
-        return instance
-    else
-        return nil
-    end
--- Properties
-Item.equipType = nil
-Item.armorType = nil
-Item.weaponType = nil
-Item.traitType = nil
-Item.setId = nil
-Item.bagId = nil
-Item.slotId = nil
-Item.characterId = nil = nil
--- Functions
-function Item:Equals(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)
-    if
-        setId == self.setId and
-        equipType == self.equipType and
-        (traitType == nil or traitType == 0 or traitType == self.traitType) and
-        (armorType == nil or armorType == 0 or armorType == self.armorType) and
-        (weaponType == nil or weaponType == 0 or weaponType == self.weaponType)
-    then
-        return true
-    end
-    return false
-function Item:GetLink()
-    return
-function Item:GetId()
-    if self.characterId == nil then
-        return "account_".. tostring(self.bagId) .. "_".. tostring(self.slotId)
-    else
-        return tostring(self.characterId) .. "_" .. tostring(self.bagId) .. "_".. tostring(self.slotId)
-    end
-function Item:Initialize(characterId, bagId, slotId, setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType, link)
-    self.bagId = bagId
-    self.slotId = slotId
-    self.characterId = characterId
-    if link == nil then
- = Dependencies.Officials.GetItemLink(self.bagId, self.slotId)
-    else
- = link
-    end
-    if setId == nil then
-        _, _, self.setId, _, _, _ = Dependencies.LibSets.IsSetByItemLink(
-    else
-        self.setId = setId
-    end
-    if equipType == nil then
-        _, _, _, _, _, self.equipType, _, _ = Dependencies.Officials.GetItemInfo(self.bagId, self.slotId)
-    else
-        self.equipType = equipType
-    end
-    -- Skip further read if not equipment
-    if not Extensions.Constants.IsEquipment(self.equipType) then
-        return
-    end
-    if traitType == nil then
-        self.traitType = Dependencies.Officials.GetItemTrait(self.bagId, self.slotId)
-    else
-        self.traitType = traitType
-    end
-    if Extensions.Constants.IsWeaponOrShield(self.equipType) then
-        if weaponType == nil then
-            self.weaponType = Dependencies.Officials.GetItemWeaponType(self.bagId, self.slotId)
-        else
-            self.weaponType = weaponType
-        end
-    else
-        if Extensions.Constants.IsArmor(self.equipType) then
-            if armorType == nil then
-                self.armorType = Dependencies.Officials.GetItemArmorType(self.bagId, self.slotId)
-            else
-                self.armorType = armorType
-            end
-        end
-    end
--- For saving purpose
-function Item:CopyForSave()
-    return {
-        setId = self.setId,
-        equipType = self.equipType,
-        traitType = self.traitType,
-        armorType = self.armorType,
-        weaponType = self.weaponType,
-        link =
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internals/Classes/Piece.lua b/Internals/Classes/Piece.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ab2a040..0000000
--- a/Internals/Classes/Piece.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
-local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
-local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
-local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
-local Data = MyCollection.Internals.Data
-Classes.Piece = {}
-Classes.Piece.__index = Classes.Piece
-local Piece = Classes.Piece
--- Constructor
-function Piece.New(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)
-    local instance = {}
-    setmetatable(instance, Piece)
-    instance:Initialize(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)
-    return instance
-Piece.references = {}
--- Properties
-Piece.setId = nil
-Piece.equipType = nil
-Piece.traitType = nil
-Piece.armorType = nil
-Piece.weaponType = nil
--- Functions
-function Piece:SetTrait(traitType)
-    self.traitType = traitType
-    self:Refresh()
-function Piece:GetReferences()
-    return self.references
-function Piece:HasItem()
-    if next(self.references) ~= nil then
-        return true
-    end
-    return false
-function Piece:AddReference(item)
-    self.references[item:GetId()] = item
-    if Logger ~= nil and item ~= nil then
-        local _, setName, _, _, _, _ = Dependencies.LibSets.IsSetByItemLink(
-        Logger:Debug("Found setId: '".. tostring(self.setId) .."', traitType: '".. tostring(self.traitType) .."', equipType: '".. tostring(self.equipType) .."', armorType: '".. tostring(self.armorType) .."', weaponType: '".. tostring(self.weaponType) .."', hasItem:'".. tostring(self:HasItem()) .. "'.")
-        Logger:Debug("Added bagId:'".. item.bagId .. "', slotId: '".. item.slotId .. "' setName: '".. setName .."' Link: "..
-    end
-function Piece:RemoveReference(item)
-    self.references[item:GetId()] = nil
-function Piece:Refresh()
-    self.references = {}
-    local items = Data.Inventory:FindAll(self.setId, self.equipType, self.traitType, self.armorType, self.weaponType)
-    if next(items) ~= nil then
-        for _, item in ipairs(items) do
-            self:AddReference(item)
-        end
-    end
-function Piece:Initialize(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)
-    self.setId = setId
-    self.equipType = equipType
-    if (traitType == nil) then
-        traitType = Constants.TraitTypes.None
-    end
-    self.traitType = traitType
-    self.armorType = armorType
-    self.weaponType = weaponType
-    self.references = {}
-    self:Refresh()
--- For saving purpose
-function Piece:CopyForSave()
-    return {
-        setId = self.setId,
-        equipType = self.equipType,
-        traitType = self.traitType,
-        armorType = self.armorType,
-        weaponType = self.weaponType,
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internals/Classes/Set.lua b/Internals/Classes/Set.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b6167b..0000000
--- a/Internals/Classes/Set.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
-local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
-local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
-local Extensions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions.Extensions
-Classes.Set = {}
-Classes.Set.__index = Classes.Set
-local Set = Classes.Set
--- Constructor
-function Set.New(savedTable, setId, setName, armorType, orderNumber)
-    local instance = {}
-    setmetatable(instance, Set)
-    instance:Initialize(savedTable, setId, setName, armorType, orderNumber)
-    return instance
--- Fields
-Set.savedTableReference = nil
--- Properties
-Set.setId = nil
-Set.setName = nil
-Set.armorType = nil
-Set.orderNumber = nil
-Set.pieces = nil
--- Functions
-function Set:GetArmorPiece(equipType)
-    return self.pieces.armors[equipType]
-function Set:GetJewelleryPiece(equipType)
-    return self.pieces.jewelleries[equipType]
-function Set:GetWeaponPiece(weaponType)
-    return self.pieces.weapons[weaponType]
-function Set:Completition()
-    local count = 0
-    for category, group in pairs(self.pieces) do
-        for subCategory, piece in pairs(group) do
-            if piece:HasItem() then
-                count = count + 1
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    return count
-function Set:SetOrderNumber(number)
-    if number > 0 and number < 10001 then
-        self.orderNumber = number
-        self.savedTableReference.orderNumber = number
-    end
-    if number == 0 then
-        self.orderNumber = nil
-        self.savedTableReference.orderNumber = nil
-    end
-function Set:GetOrderNumber()
-    return self.orderNumber
-function Set:GetSetName()
-    return self.setName
-function Set:GetSetId()
-    return self.setId
-function Set:GetArmorType()
-    return self.armorType
-function Set:AddItem(item)
-    if Extensions.Constants.IsWeaponOrShield(item.equipType) then
-        self.pieces.weapons[item.weaponType]:AddReference(item)
-    end
-    if Extensions.Constants.IsJewellery(item.equipType) then
-        self.pieces.jewelleries[item.equipType]:AddReference(item)
-    end
-    if Extensions.Constants.IsArmor(item.equipType) and item.armoryType == self.armorType then
-        self.pieces[item.equipType]:AddReference(item)
-    end
-function Set:RemoveItem(item)
-    if Extensions.Constants.IsWeaponOrShield(item.equipType) then
-        self.pieces.weapons[item.weaponType]:RemoveReference(item)
-    end
-    if Extensions.Constants.IsJewellery(item.equipType) then
-        self.pieces.jewelleries[item.equipType]:RemoveReference(item)
-    end
-    if Extensions.Constants.IsArmor(item.equipType) and item.armoryType == self.armorType then
-        self.pieces[item.equipType]:RemoveReference(item)
-    end
-function Set:Initialize(savedTable, setId, setName, armorType, orderNumber)
-    self.pieces = {
-        armors = {},
-        jewelleries = {},
-        weapons = {},
-    }
-    self.savedTableReference = savedTable
-    self.setId = setId
-    if setName == nil then
-        setName = Dependencies.LibSets.GetSetName(setId)
-    end
-    self.setName = setName
-    self.armorType = armorType
-    self.orderNumber = orderNumber
-    if savedTable ~= nil and next(savedTable) ~= nil then
-        if (next(savedTable.armors) ~= nil) then
-            for equipType, item in pairs(savedTable.armors) do
-                self.pieces.armors[equipType] = Classes.Piece.New(item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType)
-            end
-        end
-        if (next(savedTable.jewelleries) ~= nil) then
-            for equipType, item in pairs(savedTable.jewelleries) do
-                self.pieces.jewelleries[equipType] = Classes.Piece.New(item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType)
-            end
-        end
-        if (next(savedTable.weapons) ~= nil) then
-            for equipType, item in pairs(savedTable.weapons) do
-                self.pieces.weapons[equipType] = Classes.Piece.New(item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType)
-            end
-        end
-    else
-        savedTable.setId = setId
-        savedTable.setName = setName
-        savedTable.armorType = armorType
-        savedTable.orderNumber = orderNumber
-        savedTable.armors = {}
-        savedTable.jewelleries = {}
-        savedTable.weapons = {}
-        for _, equipType in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Armors) do
-            self.pieces.armors[equipType] = Classes.Piece.New(self.setId, equipType, nil, self.armorType, nil)
-            savedTable.armors[equipType] = self.pieces.armors[equipType]:CopyForSave()
-        end
-        for _, equipType in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Jewelleries) do
-            self.pieces.jewelleries[equipType] = Classes.Piece.New(self.setId, equipType, nil, nil, nil)
-            savedTable.jewelleries[equipType] = self.pieces.jewelleries[equipType]:CopyForSave()
-        end
-        for _, weaponType in pairs(Constants.WeaponTypes) do
-            self.pieces.weapons[weaponType] = Classes.Piece.New(self.setId, equipType, nil, nil, weaponType)
-            savedTable.weapons[weaponType] = self.pieces.weapons[weaponType]:CopyForSave()
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internals/Constants.lua b/Internals/Constants.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e21af04..0000000
--- a/Internals/Constants.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-local Internals = MyCollection.Internals
-Internals.Constants = {}
-local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
-Constants.EquipTypes = {
-    Armors = {
-        Head = 1,
-        Chest = 3,
-        Shoulders = 4,
-        Waist = 8,
-        Legs = 9,
-        Feet = 10,
-        Hand = 13,
-    },
-    Jewelleries = {
-        Neck = 2,
-        Ring = 12,
-    },
-    Weapons = {
-        OneHand = 5,
-        OffHand = 7,
-        TwoHand = 6,
-        MainHand = 14,
-    },
-Constants.WeaponTypes = {
-    Axe = 1,
-    Hammer = 2,
-    Sword = 3,
-    TwoHandedSword = 4,
-    TwoHandedAxe = 5,
-    TwoHandedHammer = 6,
-    Bow = 8,
-    HealingStaff = 9,
-    Dagger = 11,
-    FireStaff = 12,
-    FrostStaff = 13,
-    LightningStaff = 15,
-    Shield = 14,
-Constants.ArmorTypes = {
-    None = 0,
-    Light = 1,
-    Medium = 2,
-    Heavy = 3,
-Constants.TraitTypes = {
-    None = 0,
-    Armor = {
-        Sturdy = 11,
-        Impenetrable = 12,
-        Reinforced = 13,
-        WellFitted = 14,
-        Training = 15,
-        Infused = 16,
-        Invigorating = 17,
-        --Prosperous = 17,
-        --Exploration = 17,
-        --Ornate = 19,
-        Divines = 18,
-        --Intricate = 20,
-        Nirnhorned = 25,
-    },
-    Jewelleries = {
-        Healthy = 21,
-        Arcane = 22,
-        Robust = 23,
-        --Ornate = 24,
-        --Intricate = 27,
-        Swift = 28,
-        Harmony = 29,
-        Triune = 30,
-        Bloodthirsty = 31,
-        Protective = 32,
-        Infused = 33,
-    },
-    Weapons = {
-        Powered = 1,
-        Charged = 2,
-        Precise = 3,
-        Infused = 4,
-        Defending = 5,
-        Training = 6,
-        Sharpened = 7,
-        Decisive = 8,
-        --Weighted = 8,
-        --Intricate = 9,
-        --Ornate = 10,
-        Nirnforned = 26,
-    },
-Constants.BagTypes = {
-    Worn = 0,
-    Backpack = 1,
-    Bank = 2,
-    GuildBank = 3,
-    BuyBack = 4,
-    CraftBag = 5,
-    SubscriberBank = 6,
-    HouseOne = 7,
-    HouseTwo = 8,
-    HouseThree = 9,
-    HouseFour = 10,
-    HouseFive = 11,
-    HouseSix = 12,
-    HouseSeven = 13,
-    HouseEight = 14,
-    HouseNine = 15,
-    HouseTen = 16,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internals/Defaults.lua b/Internals/Defaults.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f90bda..0000000
--- a/Internals/Defaults.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-local Internals = MyCollection.Internals
-Internals.Saved.Defaults = {}
-local Defaults = Internals.Saved.Defaults
-local Classes = Internals.Classes
-local Constants = Internals.Constants
-Defaults.Collection = {
-    sets = {},
-Defaults.Inventory = {
-    banks = {
-        [Constants.BagTypes.Bank] = {},
-        [Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank] = {},
-    },
-    bags = {},
-Defaults.Settings = {
-    Logging = false,
-    Window = {
-        Position = {
-            Left = 200,
-            Top = 200,
-        },
-        Scale = 1,
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internals/Dependencies.lua b/Internals/Dependencies.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d02b528..0000000
--- a/Internals/Dependencies.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
-Dependencies.LibSavedVars = LibSavedVars --
---Dependencies.LibAddonMenu = LibAddonMenu2 -- -- KEY: LibAddonMenu-2.0
-Dependencies.LibMainMenu = LibMainMenu2 --
---Dependencies.LibDialog = LibDialog --
-Dependencies.LibSets = LibSets --
-if LibDebugLogger ~= nil then
-  Dependencies.Logger = LibDebugLogger("MyCollection") --
-  Dependencies.Logger = nil
--- Zenimax API's
-Dependencies.Officials = {}
-Dependencies.Officials.EventManager = EVENT_MANAGER
-Dependencies.Officials.SceneManager = SCENE_MANAGER
-Dependencies.Officials.SlashCommands = SLASH_COMMANDS
-Dependencies.Officials.SharedInventory = SHARED_INVENTORY --
-Dependencies.Officials.GetItemArmorType = GetItemArmorType --
-Dependencies.Officials.GetItemInfo = GetItemInfo --
-Dependencies.Officials.GetItemLink = GetItemLink --
-Dependencies.Officials.GetItemLinkIcon = GetItemLinkIcon
-Dependencies.Officials.GetItemTrait = GetItemTrait --
-Dependencies.Officials.GetItemWeaponType = GetItemWeaponType --
-Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId = GetCurrentCharacterId --
----- Possible Libs for future consideration
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internals/Functions/Callbacks.lua b/Internals/Functions/Callbacks.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d15cbc8..0000000
--- a/Internals/Functions/Callbacks.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-local Functions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions
-local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
-local Data = MyCollection.Internals.Data
-local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
-local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
-Functions.Callbacks = {}
-local Callbacks = Functions.Callbacks
-function Callbacks.Added(bagId, slotId, item)
-    local characterId = Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId()
-    local item = Classes.Item.New(characterId, bagId, slotId)
-    if (item ~= nil and item.setId ~= nil and item.setId ~= 0) then
-        Data.Inventory:AddItem(item)
-        Data.Collection:AddItem(item)
-    end
-function Callbacks.Removed(bagId, slotId, item)
-    local item = Data.Inventory:RemoveItem(bagId, slotId)
-    if (item ~= nil) then
-        Data.Collection:RemoveItem(item)
-    end
-function Callbacks.Updated(bagId, slotId, item)
-    local characterId = Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId()
-    local item = Classes.Item.New(characterId, bagId, slotId)
-    if (item ~= nil and item.setId ~= nil and item.setId ~= 0) then
-        Data.Inventory:AddItem(item)
-        Data.Collection:AddItem(item)
-    end
diff --git a/Internals/Functions/Extensions/Constants.lua b/Internals/Functions/Extensions/Constants.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f2727..0000000
--- a/Internals/Functions/Extensions/Constants.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-local Extensions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions.Extensions
-local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
-Extensions.Constants = {}
-Extensions.Constants.IsEquipment = function (equipType)
-    return
-        Extensions.Constants.IsArmor(equipType) or
-        Extensions.Constants.IsJewellery(equipType) or
-        Extensions.Constants.IsWeaponOrShield(equipType)
-Extensions.Constants.IsArmor = function (equipType)
-    for key, id in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Armors) do
-        if (id == equipType) then
-            return true
-        end
-    end
-    return false
-Extensions.Constants.IsWeaponOrShield = function (equipType)
-    for key, id in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Weapons) do
-        if (id == equipType) then
-            return true
-        end
-    end
-    return false
-Extensions.Constants.IsJewellery = function (equipType)
-    for key, id in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Jewelleries) do
-        if (id == equipType) then
-            return true
-        end
-    end
-    return false
-Extensions.Constants.IsCharacterBag = function (bagId)
-    if
-        bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Worn
-        or bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Backpack
-        --or bagId == Constants.BagTypes.BuyBack
-    then
-        return true
-    end
-    return false
-Extensions.Constants.IsBank = function (bagId)
-    if
-        bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Bank or
-        bagId == Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank
-    then
-        return true
-    end
-    return false
-Extensions.Constants.GetTraitName = function (traitId)
-    if traitId == 0 or traitId == nil then
-        return GetString(MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_NONE)
-    else
-        for key, trait in pairs(Constants.TraitTypes.Armor) do
-            if (traitId == trait) then
-                local traitTextId = _G["MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_" .. key:upper()]
-                return GetString(traitTextId)
-            end
-        end
-        for key, trait in pairs(Constants.TraitTypes.Jewelleries) do
-            if (traitId == trait) then
-                local traitTextId = _G["MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_" .. key:upper()]
-                return GetString(traitTextId)
-            end
-        end
-        for key, trait in pairs(Constants.TraitTypes.Weapons) do
-            if (traitId == trait) then
-                local traitTextId = _G["MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPONS_" .. key:upper()]
-                return GetString(traitTextId)
-            end
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internals/Functions/Namespaces.lua b/Internals/Functions/Namespaces.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cf79f1..0000000
--- a/Internals/Functions/Namespaces.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-local Functions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions
-Functions.Extensions = {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internals/Namespaces.lua b/Internals/Namespaces.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ea35e5a..0000000
--- a/Internals/Namespaces.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-MyCollection.Internals.Data = {}
-MyCollection.Internals.Saved = {
-    Settings = {},
-    Inventory = {},
-    Collection = {},
-MyCollection.Internals.Functions = {}
-MyCollection.Internals.Classes = {}
-MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies = {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Default.lua b/Languages/Default.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 13f402b..0000000
--- a/Languages/Default.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-ZO_CreateStringId("SI_BINDING_NAME_MYCOLLECTION_MENU_TOGGLE"                , "My Collection")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TITLE"                                      , "|c77ee02My Collection|r")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_NAME"                                       , "My Collection")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_SEARCH_LABEL"                               , "Search:")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_HEADERS_ORDER"                              , "No.")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_HEADERS_SET"                                , "Set")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_HEADERS_ITEMS"                              , "Completition")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_CONTEXT_REMOVE"                             , "Remove set")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_CONTEXT_CHANGEORDER"                        , "Set Order No.")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_MENU_ADD"                                   , "Add set")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_MENU_GRID"                                  , "List")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_SELECTOR_LABEL"                     , "Select set:")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_LABEL"                    , "Armor Type:")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_LIGHT"                    , "Light")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_MEDIUM"                   , "Medium")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_HEAVY"                    , "Heavy")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ADD"                                , "Add")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ORDERNUMBER_LABEL"                  , "Order Number:")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_NONE"                                 , "None")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_STURDY"                         , "Sturdy")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_IMPENETRABLE"                   , "Impenetrable")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_REINFORCED"                     , "Reinforced")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_WELLFITTED"                     , "Well-Fitted")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_TRAINING"                       , "Training")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_INFUSED"                        , "Infused")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_INVIGORATING"                   , "Invigorating")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_DIVINES"                        , "Divines")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_NIRNHORNED"                     , "Nirnhorned")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_HEALTHY"                    , "Healthy")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_ARCANE"                     , "Arcane")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_ROBUST"                     , "Robust")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_SWIFT"                      , "Swift")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_HARMONY"                    , "Harmony")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_TRIUNE"                     , "Triune")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_BLOODTHIRSTY"               , "Bloodthirsty")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_PROTECTIVE"                 , "Protective")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_INFUSED"                    , "Infused")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_POWERED"                       , "Powered")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_CHARGED"                       , "Charged")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_PRECISE"                       , "Precise")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_INFUSED"                       , "Infused")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_DEFENDING"                     , "Defending")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_TRAINING"                      , "Training")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_SHARPENED"                     , "Sharpened")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_DECISIVE"                      , "Decisive")
-ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_NIRNFORNED"                    , "Nirnforned")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Main.lua b/Main.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 416595a..0000000
--- a/Main.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
-local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
-local Functions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions
-local Data = MyCollection.Internals.Data
-local Saved = MyCollection.Internals.Saved
-local Defaults = MyCollection.Internals.Saved.Defaults
-local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
-local EventManager = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.EventManager
-local SharedInventory = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.SharedInventory
-local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
-local UI = MyCollection.UI
--- Functions
-function MyCollection.ResetInventory(event)
-  Data.Inventory:Refresh()
--- Initialite
-function MyCollection:Initialize()
-  -- Saved variable load
-  Saved.Inventory = Dependencies.LibSavedVars:NewAccountWide(MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables.Inventory.Name, nil, Defaults.Inventory ):Version(MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables.Inventory.Version, function(table) end)
-  Saved.Collection = Dependencies.LibSavedVars:NewAccountWide(MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables.Collection.Name, nil, Defaults.Collection ):Version(MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables.Collection.Version, function(table) end)
-  Saved.Settings = Dependencies.LibSavedVars:NewAccountWide(MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables.Settings.Name, nil, Defaults.Settings ):Version(MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables.Settings.Version, function(table) end)
-  Saved.Settings.Logging = false
-  Logger:SetEnabled(Saved.Settings.Logging)
-  Data.Inventory = Classes.Inventory.New(Saved.Inventory)
-  Data.Collection = Classes.Collection.New(Saved.Collection)
-  -- Register Callbacks
-  --SharedInventory:RegisterCallback("SingleSlotInventoryUpdate", MyCollection.Internals.Functions.Callbacks.WUT)
-  SharedInventory:RegisterCallback("SlotRemoved", Functions.Callbacks.Removed)
-  SharedInventory:RegisterCallback("SlotAdded", Functions.Callbacks.Added)
-  SharedInventory:RegisterCallback("SlotUpdated", Functions.Callbacks.Updated)
-  -- Refresh the current caracters and banks data
-  Data.Inventory:Refresh()
-  --  Initialize UI
-  UI.Frame.Initialize()
-function MyCollection.OnAddOnLoaded(event, addonName)
-  if MyCollection.Name ~= addonName then return end
-  while not LibSets.AreSetsLoaded() do end
-  EventManager:UnregisterForEvent(MyCollection.Name, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED)
-  MyCollection:Initialize()
-EventManager:RegisterForEvent(MyCollection.Name, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, MyCollection.OnAddOnLoaded)
----- Possible usefull events
--- Logout
--- Change inventory item
--- Open Bank
--- Open Guild Bank, add/remove item
--- Entered House
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection.txt b/MyCollection.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 58a213b..0000000
--- a/MyCollection.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-## Title: |c77ee02My Collection|r || Version: 0.1.0
-## Author: |c87ddf2AlvinTheFox|r
-## APIVersion: 100031
-## Version: 0.1.0
-## Description: Customizable set collection tracker.
-## SavedVariables: MyCollection_Settings MyCollection_Collection MyCollection_Inventory
-## DependsOn: LibSavedVars LibMainMenu-2.0 LibSets
-## OptionalDependsOn: LibDebugLogger
-; This Add-on is not created by, affiliated with, or sponsored by, ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates.
-; The Elder Scrolls® and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the United States
-; and/or other countries. All rights reserved.
-;;;; Languages ;;;;
-;;;; Code ;;;;
-;; Namespaces ;;
-;; Globals ;;
-;; Dependencies ;;
-;; Constants ;;
-;; Classes ;;
-;; Functions ;;
-;; Defaults ;;
-;; Settings Menu ;;
-;;;; UI ;;;;
-;; UI Controls ;;
-;; UI Elements
-;; UI Main ;;
-;;;; Bindings ;;;;
-;;;; Main ;;;;
diff --git a/MyCollection/Bindings.xml b/MyCollection/Bindings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05c2f77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Bindings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+		<Category name="MYCOLLECTION_TITLE">
+				<Down>SLASH_COMMANDS["/mycollection"]()</Down>
+			</Action>
+		</Category>
+	</Layer>
diff --git a/MyCollection/Constants.lua b/MyCollection/Constants.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e21af04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Constants.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+local Internals = MyCollection.Internals
+Internals.Constants = {}
+local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
+Constants.EquipTypes = {
+    Armors = {
+        Head = 1,
+        Chest = 3,
+        Shoulders = 4,
+        Waist = 8,
+        Legs = 9,
+        Feet = 10,
+        Hand = 13,
+    },
+    Jewelleries = {
+        Neck = 2,
+        Ring = 12,
+    },
+    Weapons = {
+        OneHand = 5,
+        OffHand = 7,
+        TwoHand = 6,
+        MainHand = 14,
+    },
+Constants.WeaponTypes = {
+    Axe = 1,
+    Hammer = 2,
+    Sword = 3,
+    TwoHandedSword = 4,
+    TwoHandedAxe = 5,
+    TwoHandedHammer = 6,
+    Bow = 8,
+    HealingStaff = 9,
+    Dagger = 11,
+    FireStaff = 12,
+    FrostStaff = 13,
+    LightningStaff = 15,
+    Shield = 14,
+Constants.ArmorTypes = {
+    None = 0,
+    Light = 1,
+    Medium = 2,
+    Heavy = 3,
+Constants.TraitTypes = {
+    None = 0,
+    Armor = {
+        Sturdy = 11,
+        Impenetrable = 12,
+        Reinforced = 13,
+        WellFitted = 14,
+        Training = 15,
+        Infused = 16,
+        Invigorating = 17,
+        --Prosperous = 17,
+        --Exploration = 17,
+        --Ornate = 19,
+        Divines = 18,
+        --Intricate = 20,
+        Nirnhorned = 25,
+    },
+    Jewelleries = {
+        Healthy = 21,
+        Arcane = 22,
+        Robust = 23,
+        --Ornate = 24,
+        --Intricate = 27,
+        Swift = 28,
+        Harmony = 29,
+        Triune = 30,
+        Bloodthirsty = 31,
+        Protective = 32,
+        Infused = 33,
+    },
+    Weapons = {
+        Powered = 1,
+        Charged = 2,
+        Precise = 3,
+        Infused = 4,
+        Defending = 5,
+        Training = 6,
+        Sharpened = 7,
+        Decisive = 8,
+        --Weighted = 8,
+        --Intricate = 9,
+        --Ornate = 10,
+        Nirnforned = 26,
+    },
+Constants.BagTypes = {
+    Worn = 0,
+    Backpack = 1,
+    Bank = 2,
+    GuildBank = 3,
+    BuyBack = 4,
+    CraftBag = 5,
+    SubscriberBank = 6,
+    HouseOne = 7,
+    HouseTwo = 8,
+    HouseThree = 9,
+    HouseFour = 10,
+    HouseFive = 11,
+    HouseSix = 12,
+    HouseSeven = 13,
+    HouseEight = 14,
+    HouseNine = 15,
+    HouseTen = 16,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Defaults.lua b/MyCollection/Defaults.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f90bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Defaults.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+local Internals = MyCollection.Internals
+Internals.Saved.Defaults = {}
+local Defaults = Internals.Saved.Defaults
+local Classes = Internals.Classes
+local Constants = Internals.Constants
+Defaults.Collection = {
+    sets = {},
+Defaults.Inventory = {
+    banks = {
+        [Constants.BagTypes.Bank] = {},
+        [Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank] = {},
+    },
+    bags = {},
+Defaults.Settings = {
+    Logging = false,
+    Window = {
+        Position = {
+            Left = 200,
+            Top = 200,
+        },
+        Scale = 1,
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Dependencies.lua b/MyCollection/Dependencies.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d02b528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Dependencies.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
+Dependencies.LibSavedVars = LibSavedVars --
+--Dependencies.LibAddonMenu = LibAddonMenu2 -- -- KEY: LibAddonMenu-2.0
+Dependencies.LibMainMenu = LibMainMenu2 --
+--Dependencies.LibDialog = LibDialog --
+Dependencies.LibSets = LibSets --
+if LibDebugLogger ~= nil then
+  Dependencies.Logger = LibDebugLogger("MyCollection") --
+  Dependencies.Logger = nil
+-- Zenimax API's
+Dependencies.Officials = {}
+Dependencies.Officials.EventManager = EVENT_MANAGER
+Dependencies.Officials.SceneManager = SCENE_MANAGER
+Dependencies.Officials.SlashCommands = SLASH_COMMANDS
+Dependencies.Officials.SharedInventory = SHARED_INVENTORY --
+Dependencies.Officials.GetItemArmorType = GetItemArmorType --
+Dependencies.Officials.GetItemInfo = GetItemInfo --
+Dependencies.Officials.GetItemLink = GetItemLink --
+Dependencies.Officials.GetItemLinkIcon = GetItemLinkIcon
+Dependencies.Officials.GetItemTrait = GetItemTrait --
+Dependencies.Officials.GetItemWeaponType = GetItemWeaponType --
+Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId = GetCurrentCharacterId --
+---- Possible Libs for future consideration
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Globals.lua b/MyCollection/Globals.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c36207b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Globals.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+local MyCollection = MyCollection
+MyCollection.Name = "MyCollection"
+MyCollection.DisplayName = "My Collection"
+MyCollection.Version = "0.1.0"
+MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables = {
+  Inventory = {
+    Name = "MyCollection_Inventory",
+    Version = 1,
+  },
+  Collection = {
+    Name = "MyCollection_Collection",
+    Version = 1,
+  },
+  Settings = {
+    Name = "MyCollection_Settings",
+    Version = 1,
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Bag.lua b/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Bag.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1225b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Bag.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
+local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
+local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
+local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
+Classes.Bag = {}
+Classes.Bag.__index = Classes.Bag
+local Bag = Classes.Bag
+-- Constructor
+function Bag.New(savedTable, characterId)
+    local instance = {}
+    setmetatable(instance, Bag)
+    instance:Initialize(savedTable, characterId)
+    return instance
+Bag.savedTableReference = nil
+-- Properties
+Bag.worn = nil
+Bag.backpack = nil
+-- Functions
+function Bag:FindAll(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)
+    local items = {}
+    if next(self.worn) ~= nil then
+        for _, item in pairs(self.worn) do
+            if item:Equals(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType) then
+                table.insert(items, item)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    if next(self.backpack) ~= nil then
+        for _, item in pairs(self.backpack) do
+            if item:Equals(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType) then
+                table.insert(items, item)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    return items
+function Bag:AddItem(item)
+    local saveCopy = item:CopyForSave()
+    if item.bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Worn then
+        self.worn[item.slotId] = item
+        self.savedTableReference[Constants.BagTypes.Worn][item.slotId] = saveCopy
+    end
+    if item.bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Backpack then
+        self.backpack[item.slotId] = item
+        self.savedTableReference[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack][item.slotId] = saveCopy
+    end
+function Bag:RemoveItem(bagId, slotId)
+    if bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Worn then
+        local item = self.worn[slotId]
+        table.remove(self.worn, slotId)
+        table.remove(self.savedTableReference[Constants.BagTypes.Worn], slotId)
+    end
+    if bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Backpack then
+        local item = self.backpack[slotId]
+        table.remove(self.backpack, slotId)
+        table.remove(self.savedTableReference[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack], slotId)
+    end
+    return item
+function Bag:Clear()
+    self.worn = {}
+    self.backpack = {}
+    self.savedTableReference[Constants.BagTypes.Worn] = {}
+    self.savedTableReference[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack] = {}
+function Bag:Refresh()
+    self:Clear()
+    Dependencies.Officials.SharedInventory:RefreshInventory(Constants.BagTypes.Worn)
+    Dependencies.Officials.SharedInventory:RefreshInventory(Constants.BagTypes.Backpack)
+function Bag:Initialize(savedTable, characterId)
+    self.worn = {}
+    self.backpack = {}
+    self.savedTableReference = savedTable
+    if savedTable == nil then
+        savedTable = {}
+    end
+    if (savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Worn] == nil) then savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Worn] = {} end
+    if (savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack] == nil) then savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack] = {} end
+    if (next(savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Worn]) ~= nil) then
+        for slotId, item in pairs(savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Worn]) do
+            self.worn[slotId] = Classes.Item.New(characterId, Constants.BagTypes.Worn, slotId, item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType,
+        end
+    end
+    if (next(savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack]) ~= nil) then
+        for slotId, item in pairs(savedTable[Constants.BagTypes.Backpack]) do
+            self.backpack[slotId] = Classes.Item.New(characterId, Constants.BagTypes.Backpack, slotId, item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType,
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Collection.lua b/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Collection.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2603aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Collection.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
+local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
+local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
+local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
+Classes.Collection = {}
+Classes.Collection.__index = Classes.Collection
+local Collection = Classes.Collection
+-- Constructor
+function Collection.New(savedTable)
+    local instance = {}
+    setmetatable(instance, Collection)
+    instance:Initialize(savedTable)
+    return instance
+-- Fields
+Collection.savedTableReference = nil
+-- Properties
+Collection.sets = {}
+-- Functions
+function Collection:GetSets()
+    return self.sets
+function Collection:AddItem(item)
+    if (next(self.sets) ~= nil) then
+        for key, set in pairs(self.sets) do
+            if set:GetSetId() == item.setId then
+                self.sets[key]:AddItem(item)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+function Collection:RemoveItem(item)
+    if (next(self.sets) ~= nil) then
+        for key, set in pairs(self.sets) do
+            if set:GetSetId() == item.setId then
+                self.sets[key]:RemoveItem(item)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+function Collection:AddSet(setId, armorType, orderNumber)
+    local newId = -1
+    if (next(self.sets) ~= nil) then
+        for key, _ in pairs(self.sets) do
+            if key > newId then
+                newId = key
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    newId = newId + 1
+    self.savedTableReference.sets[newId] = {}
+    self.sets[newId] = Classes.Set.New(self.savedTableReference.sets[newId], setId, nil, armorType, orderNumber)
+function Collection:RemoveSet(id)
+    table.remove(self.sets, id)
+    table.remove(self.savedTableReference.sets, id)
+function Collection:Clear()
+    self.sets = {}
+    self.savedTableReference.sets = {}
+function Collection:Initialize(savedTable)
+    self.savedTableReference = savedTable
+    if (next(savedTable.sets) ~= nil) then
+        for id, set in pairs(savedTable.sets) do
+            self.sets[id] = Classes.Set.New(savedTable.sets[id], set.setId, set.setName, set.armorType, set.orderNumber)
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Inventory.lua b/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Inventory.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..225b963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Inventory.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
+local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
+local Extensions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions.Extensions
+local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
+local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
+Classes.Inventory = {}
+Classes.Inventory.__index = Classes.Inventory
+local Inventory = Classes.Inventory
+-- Constructor
+function Inventory.New(savedTable)
+    local instance = {}
+    setmetatable(instance, Inventory)
+    instance:Initialize(savedTable)
+    return instance
+Inventory.savedTableReference = nil
+-- Properties
+Inventory.banks = {
+    [Constants.BagTypes.Bank] = {},
+    [Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank] = {},
+Inventory.bags = {}
+-- Functions
+function Inventory:FindAll(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)
+    local items = {}
+    for bankId, bank in pairs(self.banks) do
+        if next(bank) ~= nil then
+            for slotId, item in pairs(bank) do
+                if item:Equals(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType) then
+                    table.insert(items, self.banks[bankId][slotId])
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    for _, bag in pairs(self.bags) do
+        for _, item in ipairs(bag:FindAll(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)) do
+            table.insert(items, item)
+        end
+    end
+    return items
+function Inventory:AddItem(item)
+    local characterId = Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId()
+    if Extensions.Constants.IsCharacterBag(item.bagId) then
+        self:GetOrCreateBag(characterId):AddItem(item)
+    else
+        if Extensions.Constants.IsBank(item.bagId) then
+            self:AddItemToBank(item)
+        end
+    end
+    if Logger ~= nil and item ~= nil then
+        local _, setName, _, _, _, _ = Dependencies.LibSets.IsSetByItemLink(
+        Logger:Debug("Added bagId:'".. item.bagId .. "', slotId: '".. item.slotId .. "' setName: '".. setName .."' Link: "..
+    end
+function Inventory:RemoveItem(bagId, slotId)
+    local item = nil
+    local characterId = Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId()
+    if Extensions.Constants.IsCharacterBag(bagId) then
+        item = self:GetOrCreateBag(characterId):RemoveItem(bagId, slotId)
+    else
+        if Extensions.Constants.IsBank(bagId) then
+            if (self.banks[bagId][slotId] ~= nil) then
+                item = self:RemoveItemFromBank(bagId, slotId)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    if Logger ~= nil and item ~= nil then
+        local _, setName, _, _, _, _ = Dependencies.LibSets.IsSetByItemLink(
+        Logger:Debug("Removed bagId:'".. bagId .. "', slotId: '".. slotId .. "' setName: '".. setName .."' Link: "..
+    end
+    return item
+function Inventory:AddBag(characterId)
+    self.savedTableReference.bags[characterId] = {}
+    self.bags[characterId] = Classes.Bag.New(self.savedTableReference.bags[characterId], characterId)
+function Inventory:GetOrCreateBag(characterId)
+    if self.bags[characterId] == nil then
+        self:AddBag(characterId)
+    end
+    return self.bags[characterId]
+function Inventory:AddItemToBank(item)
+    self.banks[item.bagId][item.slotId] = item
+    self.savedTableReference.banks[item.bagId][item.slotId] = item:CopyForSave()
+function Inventory:RemoveItemFromBank(bagId, slotId)
+    local item = self.banks[bagId][slotId]
+    table.remove(self.banks[bagId], slotId)
+    table.remove(self.savedTableReference.banks[bagId], slotId)
+    return item
+function Inventory:Clear(keepOtherCharacters)
+    self.banks[Constants.BagTypes.Bank] = {}
+    self.banks[Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank] = {}
+    self.savedTableReference.banks[Constants.BagTypes.Bank] = {}
+    self.savedTableReference.banks[Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank] = {}
+    if keepOtherCharacters == nil or keepOtherCharacters then
+        local characterId = Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId()
+        if self.bags[characterId] ~= nil then
+            self:GetOrCreateBag(characterId):Clear()
+        end
+    else
+        for characterId, _ in pairs(self.bags) do
+            self:GetOrCreateBag(characterId):Clear()
+        end
+    end
+function Inventory:Refresh()
+    self:Clear(true)
+    Dependencies.Officials.SharedInventory:RefreshInventory(Constants.BagTypes.Bank)
+    Dependencies.Officials.SharedInventory:RefreshInventory(Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank)
+    local characterId = Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId()
+    self:GetOrCreateBag(characterId):Refresh()
+function Inventory:Initialize(savedTable)
+    self.savedTableReference = savedTable
+    if (next(savedTable.banks[Constants.BagTypes.Bank]) ~= nil) then
+        for slotId, item in pairs(savedTable.banks[Constants.BagTypes.Bank]) do
+            self.banks[Constants.BagTypes.Bank][slotId] = Classes.Item.New(characterId, Constants.BagTypes.Bank, slotId, item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType,
+        end
+    end
+    if (next(savedTable.banks[Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank]) ~= nil) then
+        for slotId, item in pairs(savedTable.banks[Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank]) do
+            self.banks[Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank][slotId] = Classes.Item.New(characterId, Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank, slotId, item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType,
+        end
+    end
+    if (next(savedTable.bags) ~= nil) then
+        for characterId, _ in pairs(savedTable.bags) do
+            self.bags[characterId] = Classes.Bag.New(savedTable.bags[characterId], characterId)
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Item.lua b/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Item.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb14758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Item.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
+local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
+local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
+local Extensions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions.Extensions
+Classes.Item = {}
+Classes.Item.__index = Classes.Item
+local Item = Classes.Item
+-- Constructor
+function Item.New(characterId, bagId, slotId, setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType, link)
+    local instance = {}
+    setmetatable(instance, Item)
+    instance:Initialize(characterId, bagId, slotId, setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType, link)
+    if Extensions.Constants.IsEquipment(instance.equipType) then
+        return instance
+    else
+        return nil
+    end
+-- Properties
+Item.equipType = nil
+Item.armorType = nil
+Item.weaponType = nil
+Item.traitType = nil
+Item.setId = nil
+Item.bagId = nil
+Item.slotId = nil
+Item.characterId = nil = nil
+-- Functions
+function Item:Equals(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)
+    if
+        setId == self.setId and
+        equipType == self.equipType and
+        (traitType == nil or traitType == 0 or traitType == self.traitType) and
+        (armorType == nil or armorType == 0 or armorType == self.armorType) and
+        (weaponType == nil or weaponType == 0 or weaponType == self.weaponType)
+    then
+        return true
+    end
+    return false
+function Item:GetLink()
+    return
+function Item:GetId()
+    if self.characterId == nil then
+        return "account_".. tostring(self.bagId) .. "_".. tostring(self.slotId)
+    else
+        return tostring(self.characterId) .. "_" .. tostring(self.bagId) .. "_".. tostring(self.slotId)
+    end
+function Item:Initialize(characterId, bagId, slotId, setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType, link)
+    self.bagId = bagId
+    self.slotId = slotId
+    self.characterId = characterId
+    if link == nil then
+ = Dependencies.Officials.GetItemLink(self.bagId, self.slotId)
+    else
+ = link
+    end
+    if setId == nil then
+        _, _, self.setId, _, _, _ = Dependencies.LibSets.IsSetByItemLink(
+    else
+        self.setId = setId
+    end
+    if equipType == nil then
+        _, _, _, _, _, self.equipType, _, _ = Dependencies.Officials.GetItemInfo(self.bagId, self.slotId)
+    else
+        self.equipType = equipType
+    end
+    -- Skip further read if not equipment
+    if not Extensions.Constants.IsEquipment(self.equipType) then
+        return
+    end
+    if traitType == nil then
+        self.traitType = Dependencies.Officials.GetItemTrait(self.bagId, self.slotId)
+    else
+        self.traitType = traitType
+    end
+    if Extensions.Constants.IsWeaponOrShield(self.equipType) then
+        if weaponType == nil then
+            self.weaponType = Dependencies.Officials.GetItemWeaponType(self.bagId, self.slotId)
+        else
+            self.weaponType = weaponType
+        end
+    else
+        if Extensions.Constants.IsArmor(self.equipType) then
+            if armorType == nil then
+                self.armorType = Dependencies.Officials.GetItemArmorType(self.bagId, self.slotId)
+            else
+                self.armorType = armorType
+            end
+        end
+    end
+-- For saving purpose
+function Item:CopyForSave()
+    return {
+        setId = self.setId,
+        equipType = self.equipType,
+        traitType = self.traitType,
+        armorType = self.armorType,
+        weaponType = self.weaponType,
+        link =
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Piece.lua b/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Piece.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab2a040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Piece.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
+local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
+local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
+local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
+local Data = MyCollection.Internals.Data
+Classes.Piece = {}
+Classes.Piece.__index = Classes.Piece
+local Piece = Classes.Piece
+-- Constructor
+function Piece.New(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)
+    local instance = {}
+    setmetatable(instance, Piece)
+    instance:Initialize(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)
+    return instance
+Piece.references = {}
+-- Properties
+Piece.setId = nil
+Piece.equipType = nil
+Piece.traitType = nil
+Piece.armorType = nil
+Piece.weaponType = nil
+-- Functions
+function Piece:SetTrait(traitType)
+    self.traitType = traitType
+    self:Refresh()
+function Piece:GetReferences()
+    return self.references
+function Piece:HasItem()
+    if next(self.references) ~= nil then
+        return true
+    end
+    return false
+function Piece:AddReference(item)
+    self.references[item:GetId()] = item
+    if Logger ~= nil and item ~= nil then
+        local _, setName, _, _, _, _ = Dependencies.LibSets.IsSetByItemLink(
+        Logger:Debug("Found setId: '".. tostring(self.setId) .."', traitType: '".. tostring(self.traitType) .."', equipType: '".. tostring(self.equipType) .."', armorType: '".. tostring(self.armorType) .."', weaponType: '".. tostring(self.weaponType) .."', hasItem:'".. tostring(self:HasItem()) .. "'.")
+        Logger:Debug("Added bagId:'".. item.bagId .. "', slotId: '".. item.slotId .. "' setName: '".. setName .."' Link: "..
+    end
+function Piece:RemoveReference(item)
+    self.references[item:GetId()] = nil
+function Piece:Refresh()
+    self.references = {}
+    local items = Data.Inventory:FindAll(self.setId, self.equipType, self.traitType, self.armorType, self.weaponType)
+    if next(items) ~= nil then
+        for _, item in ipairs(items) do
+            self:AddReference(item)
+        end
+    end
+function Piece:Initialize(setId, equipType, traitType, armorType, weaponType)
+    self.setId = setId
+    self.equipType = equipType
+    if (traitType == nil) then
+        traitType = Constants.TraitTypes.None
+    end
+    self.traitType = traitType
+    self.armorType = armorType
+    self.weaponType = weaponType
+    self.references = {}
+    self:Refresh()
+-- For saving purpose
+function Piece:CopyForSave()
+    return {
+        setId = self.setId,
+        equipType = self.equipType,
+        traitType = self.traitType,
+        armorType = self.armorType,
+        weaponType = self.weaponType,
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Set.lua b/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Set.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b6167b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Internals/Classes/Set.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
+local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
+local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
+local Extensions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions.Extensions
+Classes.Set = {}
+Classes.Set.__index = Classes.Set
+local Set = Classes.Set
+-- Constructor
+function Set.New(savedTable, setId, setName, armorType, orderNumber)
+    local instance = {}
+    setmetatable(instance, Set)
+    instance:Initialize(savedTable, setId, setName, armorType, orderNumber)
+    return instance
+-- Fields
+Set.savedTableReference = nil
+-- Properties
+Set.setId = nil
+Set.setName = nil
+Set.armorType = nil
+Set.orderNumber = nil
+Set.pieces = nil
+-- Functions
+function Set:GetArmorPiece(equipType)
+    return self.pieces.armors[equipType]
+function Set:GetJewelleryPiece(equipType)
+    return self.pieces.jewelleries[equipType]
+function Set:GetWeaponPiece(weaponType)
+    return self.pieces.weapons[weaponType]
+function Set:Completition()
+    local count = 0
+    for category, group in pairs(self.pieces) do
+        for subCategory, piece in pairs(group) do
+            if piece:HasItem() then
+                count = count + 1
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    return count
+function Set:SetOrderNumber(number)
+    if number > 0 and number < 10001 then
+        self.orderNumber = number
+        self.savedTableReference.orderNumber = number
+    end
+    if number == 0 then
+        self.orderNumber = nil
+        self.savedTableReference.orderNumber = nil
+    end
+function Set:GetOrderNumber()
+    return self.orderNumber
+function Set:GetSetName()
+    return self.setName
+function Set:GetSetId()
+    return self.setId
+function Set:GetArmorType()
+    return self.armorType
+function Set:AddItem(item)
+    if Extensions.Constants.IsWeaponOrShield(item.equipType) then
+        self.pieces.weapons[item.weaponType]:AddReference(item)
+    end
+    if Extensions.Constants.IsJewellery(item.equipType) then
+        self.pieces.jewelleries[item.equipType]:AddReference(item)
+    end
+    if Extensions.Constants.IsArmor(item.equipType) and item.armoryType == self.armorType then
+        self.pieces[item.equipType]:AddReference(item)
+    end
+function Set:RemoveItem(item)
+    if Extensions.Constants.IsWeaponOrShield(item.equipType) then
+        self.pieces.weapons[item.weaponType]:RemoveReference(item)
+    end
+    if Extensions.Constants.IsJewellery(item.equipType) then
+        self.pieces.jewelleries[item.equipType]:RemoveReference(item)
+    end
+    if Extensions.Constants.IsArmor(item.equipType) and item.armoryType == self.armorType then
+        self.pieces[item.equipType]:RemoveReference(item)
+    end
+function Set:Initialize(savedTable, setId, setName, armorType, orderNumber)
+    self.pieces = {
+        armors = {},
+        jewelleries = {},
+        weapons = {},
+    }
+    self.savedTableReference = savedTable
+    self.setId = setId
+    if setName == nil then
+        setName = Dependencies.LibSets.GetSetName(setId)
+    end
+    self.setName = setName
+    self.armorType = armorType
+    self.orderNumber = orderNumber
+    if savedTable ~= nil and next(savedTable) ~= nil then
+        if (next(savedTable.armors) ~= nil) then
+            for equipType, item in pairs(savedTable.armors) do
+                self.pieces.armors[equipType] = Classes.Piece.New(item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType)
+            end
+        end
+        if (next(savedTable.jewelleries) ~= nil) then
+            for equipType, item in pairs(savedTable.jewelleries) do
+                self.pieces.jewelleries[equipType] = Classes.Piece.New(item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType)
+            end
+        end
+        if (next(savedTable.weapons) ~= nil) then
+            for equipType, item in pairs(savedTable.weapons) do
+                self.pieces.weapons[equipType] = Classes.Piece.New(item.setId, item.equipType, item.traitType, item.armorType, item.weaponType)
+            end
+        end
+    else
+        savedTable.setId = setId
+        savedTable.setName = setName
+        savedTable.armorType = armorType
+        savedTable.orderNumber = orderNumber
+        savedTable.armors = {}
+        savedTable.jewelleries = {}
+        savedTable.weapons = {}
+        for _, equipType in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Armors) do
+            self.pieces.armors[equipType] = Classes.Piece.New(self.setId, equipType, nil, self.armorType, nil)
+            savedTable.armors[equipType] = self.pieces.armors[equipType]:CopyForSave()
+        end
+        for _, equipType in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Jewelleries) do
+            self.pieces.jewelleries[equipType] = Classes.Piece.New(self.setId, equipType, nil, nil, nil)
+            savedTable.jewelleries[equipType] = self.pieces.jewelleries[equipType]:CopyForSave()
+        end
+        for _, weaponType in pairs(Constants.WeaponTypes) do
+            self.pieces.weapons[weaponType] = Classes.Piece.New(self.setId, equipType, nil, nil, weaponType)
+            savedTable.weapons[weaponType] = self.pieces.weapons[weaponType]:CopyForSave()
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Internals/Functions/Callbacks.lua b/MyCollection/Internals/Functions/Callbacks.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d15cbc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Internals/Functions/Callbacks.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+local Functions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions
+local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
+local Data = MyCollection.Internals.Data
+local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
+local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
+Functions.Callbacks = {}
+local Callbacks = Functions.Callbacks
+function Callbacks.Added(bagId, slotId, item)
+    local characterId = Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId()
+    local item = Classes.Item.New(characterId, bagId, slotId)
+    if (item ~= nil and item.setId ~= nil and item.setId ~= 0) then
+        Data.Inventory:AddItem(item)
+        Data.Collection:AddItem(item)
+    end
+function Callbacks.Removed(bagId, slotId, item)
+    local item = Data.Inventory:RemoveItem(bagId, slotId)
+    if (item ~= nil) then
+        Data.Collection:RemoveItem(item)
+    end
+function Callbacks.Updated(bagId, slotId, item)
+    local characterId = Dependencies.Officials.GetCurrentCharacterId()
+    local item = Classes.Item.New(characterId, bagId, slotId)
+    if (item ~= nil and item.setId ~= nil and item.setId ~= 0) then
+        Data.Inventory:AddItem(item)
+        Data.Collection:AddItem(item)
+    end
diff --git a/MyCollection/Internals/Functions/Extensions/Constants.lua b/MyCollection/Internals/Functions/Extensions/Constants.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17f2727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Internals/Functions/Extensions/Constants.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+local Extensions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions.Extensions
+local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
+Extensions.Constants = {}
+Extensions.Constants.IsEquipment = function (equipType)
+    return
+        Extensions.Constants.IsArmor(equipType) or
+        Extensions.Constants.IsJewellery(equipType) or
+        Extensions.Constants.IsWeaponOrShield(equipType)
+Extensions.Constants.IsArmor = function (equipType)
+    for key, id in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Armors) do
+        if (id == equipType) then
+            return true
+        end
+    end
+    return false
+Extensions.Constants.IsWeaponOrShield = function (equipType)
+    for key, id in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Weapons) do
+        if (id == equipType) then
+            return true
+        end
+    end
+    return false
+Extensions.Constants.IsJewellery = function (equipType)
+    for key, id in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Jewelleries) do
+        if (id == equipType) then
+            return true
+        end
+    end
+    return false
+Extensions.Constants.IsCharacterBag = function (bagId)
+    if
+        bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Worn
+        or bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Backpack
+        --or bagId == Constants.BagTypes.BuyBack
+    then
+        return true
+    end
+    return false
+Extensions.Constants.IsBank = function (bagId)
+    if
+        bagId == Constants.BagTypes.Bank or
+        bagId == Constants.BagTypes.SubscriberBank
+    then
+        return true
+    end
+    return false
+Extensions.Constants.GetTraitName = function (traitId)
+    if traitId == 0 or traitId == nil then
+        return GetString(MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_NONE)
+    else
+        for key, trait in pairs(Constants.TraitTypes.Armor) do
+            if (traitId == trait) then
+                local traitTextId = _G["MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_" .. key:upper()]
+                return GetString(traitTextId)
+            end
+        end
+        for key, trait in pairs(Constants.TraitTypes.Jewelleries) do
+            if (traitId == trait) then
+                local traitTextId = _G["MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_" .. key:upper()]
+                return GetString(traitTextId)
+            end
+        end
+        for key, trait in pairs(Constants.TraitTypes.Weapons) do
+            if (traitId == trait) then
+                local traitTextId = _G["MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPONS_" .. key:upper()]
+                return GetString(traitTextId)
+            end
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Internals/Functions/Namespaces.lua b/MyCollection/Internals/Functions/Namespaces.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cf79f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Internals/Functions/Namespaces.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+local Functions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions
+Functions.Extensions = {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Languages/Default.lua b/MyCollection/Languages/Default.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13f402b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Languages/Default.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ZO_CreateStringId("SI_BINDING_NAME_MYCOLLECTION_MENU_TOGGLE"                , "My Collection")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TITLE"                                      , "|c77ee02My Collection|r")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_NAME"                                       , "My Collection")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_SEARCH_LABEL"                               , "Search:")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_HEADERS_ORDER"                              , "No.")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_HEADERS_SET"                                , "Set")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_HEADERS_ITEMS"                              , "Completition")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_CONTEXT_REMOVE"                             , "Remove set")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_CONTEXT_CHANGEORDER"                        , "Set Order No.")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_MENU_ADD"                                   , "Add set")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_MENU_GRID"                                  , "List")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_SELECTOR_LABEL"                     , "Select set:")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_LABEL"                    , "Armor Type:")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_LIGHT"                    , "Light")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_MEDIUM"                   , "Medium")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_HEAVY"                    , "Heavy")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ADD"                                , "Add")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ORDERNUMBER_LABEL"                  , "Order Number:")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_NONE"                                 , "None")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_STURDY"                         , "Sturdy")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_IMPENETRABLE"                   , "Impenetrable")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_REINFORCED"                     , "Reinforced")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_WELLFITTED"                     , "Well-Fitted")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_TRAINING"                       , "Training")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_INFUSED"                        , "Infused")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_INVIGORATING"                   , "Invigorating")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_DIVINES"                        , "Divines")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_ARMOR_NIRNHORNED"                     , "Nirnhorned")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_HEALTHY"                    , "Healthy")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_ARCANE"                     , "Arcane")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_ROBUST"                     , "Robust")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_SWIFT"                      , "Swift")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_HARMONY"                    , "Harmony")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_TRIUNE"                     , "Triune")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_BLOODTHIRSTY"               , "Bloodthirsty")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_PROTECTIVE"                 , "Protective")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_JEWELLERY_INFUSED"                    , "Infused")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_POWERED"                       , "Powered")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_CHARGED"                       , "Charged")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_PRECISE"                       , "Precise")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_INFUSED"                       , "Infused")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_DEFENDING"                     , "Defending")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_TRAINING"                      , "Training")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_SHARPENED"                     , "Sharpened")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_DECISIVE"                      , "Decisive")
+ZO_CreateStringId("MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_WEAPON_NIRNFORNED"                    , "Nirnforned")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Main.lua b/MyCollection/Main.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..416595a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Main.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+local Classes = MyCollection.Internals.Classes
+local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
+local Functions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions
+local Data = MyCollection.Internals.Data
+local Saved = MyCollection.Internals.Saved
+local Defaults = MyCollection.Internals.Saved.Defaults
+local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
+local EventManager = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.EventManager
+local SharedInventory = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.SharedInventory
+local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
+local UI = MyCollection.UI
+-- Functions
+function MyCollection.ResetInventory(event)
+  Data.Inventory:Refresh()
+-- Initialite
+function MyCollection:Initialize()
+  -- Saved variable load
+  Saved.Inventory = Dependencies.LibSavedVars:NewAccountWide(MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables.Inventory.Name, nil, Defaults.Inventory ):Version(MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables.Inventory.Version, function(table) end)
+  Saved.Collection = Dependencies.LibSavedVars:NewAccountWide(MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables.Collection.Name, nil, Defaults.Collection ):Version(MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables.Collection.Version, function(table) end)
+  Saved.Settings = Dependencies.LibSavedVars:NewAccountWide(MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables.Settings.Name, nil, Defaults.Settings ):Version(MyCollection.Internals.SavedVariables.Settings.Version, function(table) end)
+  Saved.Settings.Logging = false
+  Logger:SetEnabled(Saved.Settings.Logging)
+  Data.Inventory = Classes.Inventory.New(Saved.Inventory)
+  Data.Collection = Classes.Collection.New(Saved.Collection)
+  -- Register Callbacks
+  --SharedInventory:RegisterCallback("SingleSlotInventoryUpdate", MyCollection.Internals.Functions.Callbacks.WUT)
+  SharedInventory:RegisterCallback("SlotRemoved", Functions.Callbacks.Removed)
+  SharedInventory:RegisterCallback("SlotAdded", Functions.Callbacks.Added)
+  SharedInventory:RegisterCallback("SlotUpdated", Functions.Callbacks.Updated)
+  -- Refresh the current caracters and banks data
+  Data.Inventory:Refresh()
+  --  Initialize UI
+  UI.Frame.Initialize()
+function MyCollection.OnAddOnLoaded(event, addonName)
+  if MyCollection.Name ~= addonName then return end
+  while not LibSets.AreSetsLoaded() do end
+  EventManager:UnregisterForEvent(MyCollection.Name, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED)
+  MyCollection:Initialize()
+EventManager:RegisterForEvent(MyCollection.Name, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, MyCollection.OnAddOnLoaded)
+---- Possible usefull events
+-- Logout
+-- Change inventory item
+-- Open Bank
+-- Open Guild Bank, add/remove item
+-- Entered House
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/MyCollection.txt b/MyCollection/MyCollection.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58a213b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/MyCollection.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+## Title: |c77ee02My Collection|r || Version: 0.1.0
+## Author: |c87ddf2AlvinTheFox|r
+## APIVersion: 100031
+## Version: 0.1.0
+## Description: Customizable set collection tracker.
+## SavedVariables: MyCollection_Settings MyCollection_Collection MyCollection_Inventory
+## DependsOn: LibSavedVars LibMainMenu-2.0 LibSets
+## OptionalDependsOn: LibDebugLogger
+; This Add-on is not created by, affiliated with, or sponsored by, ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates.
+; The Elder Scrolls® and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the United States
+; and/or other countries. All rights reserved.
+;;;; Languages ;;;;
+;;;; Code ;;;;
+;; Namespaces ;;
+;; Globals ;;
+;; Dependencies ;;
+;; Constants ;;
+;; Classes ;;
+;; Functions ;;
+;; Defaults ;;
+;; Settings Menu ;;
+;;;; UI ;;;;
+;; UI Controls ;;
+;; UI Elements
+;; UI Main ;;
+;;;; Bindings ;;;;
+;;;; Main ;;;;
diff --git a/MyCollection/Namespace.lua b/MyCollection/Namespace.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dd8808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Namespace.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+if MyCollection == nil then MyCollection = {} end
+local MyCollection = MyCollection
+MyCollection.Internals = {}
+MyCollection.UI = {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Namespaces.lua b/MyCollection/Namespaces.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea35e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Namespaces.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+MyCollection.Internals.Data = {}
+MyCollection.Internals.Saved = {
+    Settings = {},
+    Inventory = {},
+    Collection = {},
+MyCollection.Internals.Functions = {}
+MyCollection.Internals.Classes = {}
+MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies = {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/Settings.lua b/MyCollection/Settings.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97a8d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/Settings.lua
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Controls/AddSet.lua b/MyCollection/UI/Controls/AddSet.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6617647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/UI/Controls/AddSet.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+local Saved = MyCollection.Internals.Saved
+local Data = MyCollection.Internals.Data
+local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
+local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
+local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
+local EventManager = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.EventManager
+local UI = MyCollection.UI
+local Controls = MyCollection.UI.Controls
+Controls.AddSet = {}
+Controls.AddSet.__index = Controls.AddSet
+local AddSet = Controls.AddSet
+-- Constructor
+function AddSet.New(element)
+    local instance = {}
+    setmetatable(instance, AddSet)
+    instance:Initialize(element)
+    return instance
+-- UI containers
+AddSet.Element = nil
+-- Sub Elements
+AddSet.Label = nil
+AddSet.OrderNumber = nil
+-- Selectors
+AddSet.ArmorSelector = nil
+AddSet.SetSelector = nil
+-- Functions
+function AddSet:Initialize(element)
+    self.Element = element
+    -- Set Selector
+    self.SetSelector = ZO_ComboBox_ObjectFromContainer(self.Element:GetNamedChild("Selector"))
+    self.SetSelector:SetSortsItems(true)
+    self.SetSelector:ClearItems()
+    for key, _ in pairs(Dependencies.LibSets.GetAllSetIds()) do
+        local name = Dependencies.LibSets.GetSetName(key)
+        local entry = ZO_ComboBox:CreateItemEntry(name, function () end)
+ = key
+		self.SetSelector:AddItem(entry, ZO_COMBOBOX_SUPRESS_UPDATE)
+    end
+    self.SetSelector:SetSortOrder(ZO_SORT_ORDER_UP, ZO_SORT_BY_NAME)
+    self.SetSelector:SetHeight(500)
+    self.SetSelector:SelectFirstItem()
+    -- Armor Type selector
+    local armorTypeSelectorElement = self.Element:GetNamedChild("ArmorType")
+    self.ArmorSelector = ZO_RadioButtonGroup:New()
+    local lightButton = self.Element:GetNamedChild("Light")
+    lightButton.armorType = Constants.ArmorTypes.Light
+    self.ArmorSelector:Add(lightButton)
+    local mediumButton = self.Element:GetNamedChild("Medium")
+    mediumButton.armorType = Constants.ArmorTypes.Medium
+    self.ArmorSelector:Add(mediumButton)
+    local heavyButton = self.Element:GetNamedChild("Heavy")
+    heavyButton.armorType = Constants.ArmorTypes.Heavy
+    self.ArmorSelector:Add(heavyButton)
+    self.ArmorSelector:SetClickedButton(lightButton)
+    -- Order Number
+    self.OrderNumber = self.Element:GetNamedChild("OrderNumber"):GetNamedChild("Box")
+    self.OrderNumber:SetTextType(TEXT_TYPE_NUMERIC_UNSIGNED_INT)
+    self.OrderNumber:SetMaxInputChars(4)
+    self.OrderNumber:SetText(0)
+    -- Add Button
+    local addButton = self.Element:GetNamedChild("Add")
+    addButton:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", AddSet.OnMouseUpItem)
+function AddSet.OnMouseUpItem(control, button, upInside)
+    local addSetMenu = UI.Frame.AddSet
+    if (upInside) then
+        if (button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_LEFT) then
+            local setId = addSetMenu.SetSelector:GetSelectedItemData().id
+            local armorType = addSetMenu.ArmorSelector:GetClickedButton().armorType
+            local orderNumber = tonumber(addSetMenu.OrderNumber:GetText())
+            Data.Collection:AddSet(setId, armorType, orderNumber)
+            UI.Frame.MenuBar:DefaultPage()
+		end
+	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Controls/Grid.lua b/MyCollection/UI/Controls/Grid.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f719af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/UI/Controls/Grid.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+local Saved = MyCollection.Internals.Saved
+local Data = MyCollection.Internals.Data
+local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
+local Extensions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions.Extensions
+local Dependencies =  MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
+local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
+local EventManager = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.EventManager
+local UI = MyCollection.UI
+local Controls = MyCollection.UI.Controls
+Controls.Grid = ZO_SortFilterList:Subclass()
+--Controls.Grid.__index = Controls.Grid
+local Grid = Controls.Grid
+-- Constructor
+function Grid:New(element)
+    local instance = ZO_SortFilterList.New(self, element)
+    instance:Setup(element)
+    return instance
+-- UI containers
+Grid.Element = nil
+-- Sub Elements
+Grid.SearchBox = nil
+-- Properties
+-- Functions
+function Grid:Setup(element)
+    self.Element = element
+    ZO_ScrollList_AddDataType(self.list, MYCOLLECTION_DATA, "MyCollectionUIGridRow", 95, function(control, data) self:SetupItemRow(control, data) end, nil, nil,
+        function (control)
+            for i=1, control:GetNamedChild("Items"):GetNumChildren(), 1 do
+                local item = control:GetNamedChild("Items"):GetChild(i)
+                item.reference = nil
+                item.itemLink = nil
+                item.itemType = nil
+                item:SetPressedTexture()
+                item:SetMouseOverTexture()
+            end
+            ZO_ObjectPool_DefaultResetControl(control)
+        end)
+    ZO_ScrollList_EnableHighlight(self.list, "ZO_ThinListHighlight")
+    self:SetAlternateRowBackgrounds(true)
+    self.masterList = {}
+    local sortKeys = {
+        ["key"]                 = { isNumeric = true },
+        ["order"]               = { isNumeric = true, tiebreaker = "key", tieBreakerSortOrder = ZO_SORT_ORDER_UP },
+        ["set"]                 = { caseInsensitive = true, tiebreaker = "order", tieBreakerSortOrder = ZO_SORT_ORDER_DOWN },
+        ["completition"]        = { isNumeric = true, tiebreaker = "order", tieBreakerSortOrder = ZO_SORT_ORDER_DOWN },
+    }
+    self.currentSortKey = "order"
+    self.currentSortOrder = ZO_SORT_ORDER_UP
+    self.sortHeaderGroup:SelectAndResetSortForKey(self.currentSortKey)
+    self.sortFunction = function( listEntry1, listEntry2 )
+        return ZO_TableOrderingFunction(,, self.currentSortKey, sortKeys, self.currentSortOrder)
+    end
+    -- setup searcj
+    self.SearchBox = self.Element:GetNamedChild("SearchBox")
+    self.SearchBox:SetHandler("OnTextChanged", function() self:RefreshFilters() end)
+ = ZO_StringSearch:New()
+, function(stringSearch, data, searchTerm, cache) return(self:ProcessItemEntry(stringSearch, data, searchTerm, cache)) end)
+function Grid:SetupItemRow( control, data )
+ = data
+    -- For default ordering
+    local key = control:GetNamedChild("Key")
+    local order = control:GetNamedChild("Order")
+    order.normalColor = ZO_DEFAULT_TEXT
+    if data.order < MYCOLLECTION_MAX_ORDER then
+        order:SetText(data.order)
+    else
+        order:SetText(nil)
+    end
+    local set = control:GetNamedChild("Set")
+    set.normalColor = ZO_DEFAULT_TEXT
+	set:SetText(data.set)
+    local items = control:GetNamedChild("Items")
+    -- Set Item icons
+    for key, typeId in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Armors) do
+        local piece = items:GetNamedChild(key)
+        local setPiece = data.reference:GetArmorPiece(typeId)
+        piece.reference = setPiece
+        if setPiece:HasItem() then
+            local link = setPiece:GetReferences()[next(setPiece:GetReferences())]:GetLink()
+            piece:SetNormalTexture(Dependencies.Officials.GetItemLinkIcon(link))
+            piece.itemLink = link
+        else
+            piece:SetNormalTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/".. key .."")
+            piece:SetPressedTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/".. key .."")
+            piece:SetMouseOverTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/".. key .."")
+            piece.itemType = key
+        end
+        piece.traitId = setPiece.traitType
+        piece.traitType = "ARMOR"
+        piece.traitOptions = Constants.TraitTypes.Armor
+        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", Grid.OnMouseEnterItem)
+        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", Grid.OnMouseExitItem)
+        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", Grid.OnMouseUpItem)
+    end
+    for key, typeId in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Jewelleries) do
+        local piece = items:GetNamedChild(key)
+        local setPiece = data.reference:GetJewelleryPiece(typeId)
+        piece.reference = setPiece
+        if setPiece:HasItem() then
+            local link = setPiece:GetReferences()[next(setPiece:GetReferences())]:GetLink()
+            piece:SetNormalTexture(Dependencies.Officials.GetItemLinkIcon(link))
+            piece.itemLink = link
+        else
+            piece:SetNormalTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/".. key .."")
+            piece:SetPressedTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/".. key .."")
+            piece:SetMouseOverTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/".. key .."")
+            piece.itemType = key
+        end
+        piece.traitId = setPiece.traitType
+        piece.traitType = "JEWELLERY"
+        piece.traitOptions = Constants.TraitTypes.Jewelleries
+        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", Grid.OnMouseEnterItem)
+        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", Grid.OnMouseExitItem)
+        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", Grid.OnMouseUpItem)
+    end
+    for key, typeId in pairs(Constants.WeaponTypes) do
+        local piece = items:GetNamedChild(key)
+        local setPiece = data.reference:GetWeaponPiece(typeId)
+        piece.reference = setPiece
+        if setPiece:HasItem() then
+            local link = setPiece:GetReferences()[next(setPiece:GetReferences())]:GetLink()
+            piece:SetNormalTexture(Dependencies.Officials.GetItemLinkIcon(link))
+            piece.itemLink = link
+        else
+            piece:SetNormalTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/".. key .."")
+            piece:SetPressedTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/".. key .."")
+            piece:SetMouseOverTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/".. key .."")
+            piece.itemType = key
+        end
+        piece.traitId = setPiece.traitType
+        piece.traitType = "WEAPON"
+        piece.traitOptions = Constants.TraitTypes.Weapons
+        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", Grid.OnMouseEnterItem)
+        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", Grid.OnMouseExitItem)
+        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", Grid.OnMouseUpItem)
+    end
+	ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control, data)
+function Grid:ProcessItemEntry( stringSearch, data, searchTerm, cache )
+	if
+        zo_plainstrfind(data.set:lower(), searchTerm)
+    then
+		return true
+	end
+	return false
+function Grid:BuildMasterList()
+    self.masterList = {}
+    local sets = Data.Collection:GetSets()
+    for key, set in pairs(sets) do
+        local new = {
+            type = MYCOLLECTION_SORTTYPE,
+            key = key,
+            order = sets[key]:GetOrderNumber(),
+            set = sets[key]:GetSetName(),
+            completition = sets[key]:Completition(),
+            reference = sets[key],
+            referenceId = key,
+        }
+        if new.order == nil then
+            new.order = MYCOLLECTION_MAX_ORDER
+        end
+        table.insert(self.masterList, new)
+    end
+function Grid:FilterScrollList()
+    local scrollData = ZO_ScrollList_GetDataList(self.list)
+    ZO_ClearNumericallyIndexedTable(scrollData)
+	local searchInput = self.SearchBox:GetText()
+    for i, data in ipairs(self.masterList) do
+        if
+            searchInput == "" or
+  , data)
+        then
+            table.insert(scrollData, ZO_ScrollList_CreateDataEntry(MYCOLLECTION_DATA, data))
+        end
+    end
+function Grid:SortScrollList()
+    if (self.currentSortKey ~= nil and self.currentSortOrder ~= nil) then
+        local scrollData = ZO_ScrollList_GetDataList(self.list)
+        table.sort(scrollData, self.sortFunction)
+	end
+	self:RefreshVisible()
+function Grid:ShowContextMenu( control )
+	ClearMenu()
+    AddMenuItem(GetString(MYCOLLECTION_CONTEXT_REMOVE), function ()
+        Data.Collection:RemoveSet(
+        self:RefreshData()
+    end)
+    AddMenuItem(GetString(MYCOLLECTION_CONTEXT_CHANGEORDER), function ()
+        ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("MyCollection_SetOrderNumber",
+            {
+                currentSet =,
+            },
+            {
+                initialEditText =
+            }
+        )
+    end)
+	self:ShowMenu(control)
+function Grid:ShowTraitMenu( control )
+    ClearMenu()
+    AddMenuItem("None", function ()
+        control.reference:SetTrait(0)
+        control.traitName = GetString(traitTextId)
+        self:RefreshData()
+    end)
+    for key, trait in pairs(control.traitOptions) do
+        local traitTextId = _G["MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_".. control.traitType .. "_" .. key:upper()]
+        AddMenuItem(GetString(traitTextId), function ()
+            control.reference:SetTrait(trait)
+            control.traitName = GetString(traitTextId)
+            self:RefreshData()
+        end)
+    end
+	self:ShowMenu(control)
+-- Event static functions
+function Grid.OnMouseEnterItem(control)
+    if control.itemLink ~= nil then
+        InitializeTooltip(ItemTooltip, control, TOPRIGHT, -100, 0, TOPLEFT)
+        ItemTooltip:SetLink(control.itemLink)
+        ZO_Tooltip_AddDivider(ItemTooltip)
+        ItemTooltip:AddLine("Current trait filter: ".. Extensions.Constants.GetTraitName(control.traitId))
+    else
+        ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip(control, TOP, control.itemType .. " (" .. Extensions.Constants.GetTraitName(control.traitId) .. ")")
+    end
+function Grid.OnMouseExitItem(control)
+    ClearTooltip(ItemTooltip)
+    ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip()
+function Grid.OnMouseUpItem(control, button, upInside)
+    if (upInside) then
+        if (button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_RIGHT) then
+            UI.Frame.Grid:ShowTraitMenu(control)
+		end
+	end
+function Grid.OnMouseUp(control, button, upInside)
+    if (upInside) then
+        if (button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_RIGHT) then
+            UI.Frame.Grid:ShowContextMenu(control)
+		end
+	end
+function Grid.OnMouseEnter(control)
+	UI.Frame.Grid:Row_OnMouseEnter(control)
+function Grid.OnMouseExit(control)
+	UI.Frame.Grid:Row_OnMouseExit(control)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Controls/MenuBar.lua b/MyCollection/UI/Controls/MenuBar.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89506e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/UI/Controls/MenuBar.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+local Saved = MyCollection.Internals.Saved
+local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
+local EventManager = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.EventManager
+local UI = MyCollection.UI
+local Controls = MyCollection.UI.Controls
+Controls.MenuBar = {}
+Controls.MenuBar.__index = Controls.MenuBar
+local MenuBar = Controls.MenuBar
+-- Constructor
+function MenuBar.New(element)
+    local instance = {}
+    setmetatable(instance, MenuBar)
+    instance:Initialize(element)
+    return instance
+-- UI containers
+MenuBar.Element = nil
+-- Sub Elements
+MenuBar.Label = nil
+-- Properties
+-- Functions
+function MenuBar:DefaultPage()
+    ZO_MenuBar_SelectDescriptor(self.Element, UI.Frame.modes.grid, true)
+    UI.Frame:RefreshUI()
+function MenuBar:Initialize(element)
+    self.Element = element
+    ZO_MenuBar_AddButton(self.Element, {
+		descriptor = UI.Frame.modes.grid,
+		normal = "EsoUI/Art/Guild/",
+		pressed = "EsoUI/Art/Guild/",
+		highlight = "EsoUI/Art/Guild/",
+		callback = MenuBar.HandleMenuSwitch,
+	})
+    ZO_MenuBar_AddButton(self.Element, {
+		descriptor =,
+		categoryName = MYCOLLECTION_MENU_ADD,
+		normal = "EsoUI/Art/Inventory/",
+		pressed = "EsoUI/Art/Inventory/",
+		highlight = "EsoUI/Art/Inventory/",
+		callback = MenuBar.HandleMenuSwitch,
+    })
+function MenuBar.HandleMenuSwitch(button)
+    local label = ""
+    if button.descriptor ~= then
+        label = "List"
+    else
+        label = "Add set"
+    end
+    UI.Frame.MenuBar.Element:GetNamedChild("Label"):SetText(label)
+    UI.Frame.Grid.Element:SetHidden(button.descriptor ~= UI.Frame.modes.grid)
+    UI.Frame.AddSet.Element:SetHidden(button.descriptor ~=
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Frame.lua b/MyCollection/UI/Frame.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b701ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/UI/Frame.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+local Saved = MyCollection.Internals.Saved
+local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
+local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
+local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
+local EventManager = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.EventManager
+local SceneManager = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.SceneManager
+local SlashCommands = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.SlashCommands
+local UI = MyCollection.UI
+local Controls = MyCollection.UI.Controls
+UI.Frame = {}
+UI.Frame.__index = UI.Frame
+local Frame = UI.Frame
+-- UI containers
+Frame.Element = nil
+-- Sub Elements
+Frame.MenuBar = nil
+Frame.Grid = nil
+Frame.AddSet = nil
+-- Properties
+Frame.initialized = false
+Frame.scene = nil
+Frame.sceneName = nil
+Frame.modes = {
+    grid = 1,
+    new = 2,
+-- Functions
+function Frame.ShowSettings()
+    Frame.ToggleOpenClose()
+	--Dependencies.LibAddonMenu:OpenToPanel(addOnPanel)
+function Frame.ToggleOpenClose()
+    Dependencies.LibMainMenu:Refresh()
+    Dependencies.LibMainMenu:SelectMenuItem(MyCollection.Name)
+function Frame.OnReposition()
+    Saved.Settings.Window.Position.Left = Frame.Element:GetLeft()
+    Saved.Settings.Window.Position.Top = Frame.Element:GetTop()
+function Frame.SetPosition()
+    local left = Saved.Settings.Window.Position.Left
+    local top = Saved.Settings.Window.Position.Top
+    Frame.Element:ClearAnchors()
+    Frame.Element:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, GuiRoot, TOPLEFT, left, top)
+function Frame:RefreshUI()
+    if (not self.initialized) then return end
+    Frame.Grid:RefreshData()
+function Frame.Initialize()
+    if Frame.initialized then return end
+    Frame.initialized = true
+    Frame.Element = MyCollectionUIFrame
+    Frame.sceneName = MyCollection.Name .. "Scene"
+    Frame.scene = ZO_Scene:New(Frame.sceneName, SceneManager)
+	Frame.scene:AddFragment(ZO_SetTitleFragment:New(MYCOLLECTION_TITLE))
+	Frame.scene:AddFragment(ZO_FadeSceneFragment:New(Frame.Element))
+	Frame.scene:AddFragment(TITLE_FRAGMENT)
+	Frame.scene:AddFragment(RIGHT_BG_FRAGMENT)
+	Frame.scene:AddFragment(FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_MAP)
+	Frame.scene:AddFragment(CODEX_WINDOW_SOUNDS)
+    Frame.scene:AddFragment(PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_FRAGMENT)
+    --Frame.scene:AddFragmentGroup(FRAGMENT_GROUP.FRAME_TARGET_CENTERED)
+    Frame.Grid = Controls.Grid:New(Frame.Element:GetNamedChild("Grid"))
+    Frame.AddSet = Controls.AddSet.New(Frame.Element:GetNamedChild("AddSet"))
+    Frame.MenuBar = Controls.MenuBar.New(Frame.Element:GetNamedChild("MenuBar"))
+    Frame.MenuBar:DefaultPage()
+	Dependencies.LibMainMenu:Init()
+	-- Add to main menu
+	local categoryLayoutInfo = {
+		categoryName = MYCOLLECTION_NAME,
+		callback = function(buttonData)
+			if not SceneManager:IsShowing(Frame.sceneName) then
+                SceneManager:Show(Frame.sceneName)
+                Frame:RefreshUI()
+			else
+				SceneManager:ShowBaseScene()
+			end
+		end,
+		visible = function(buttonData)
+			return true
+        end,
+		normal = "esoui/art/collections/",
+		pressed = "esoui/art/collections/",
+		highlight = "esoui/art/collections/",
+		disabled = "esoui/art/collections/"
+	}
+	Dependencies.LibMainMenu:AddMenuItem(MyCollection.Name, Frame.sceneName, categoryLayoutInfo, nil)
+    SlashCommands["/mycollection"] = Frame.ToggleOpenClose
+    Frame.InitDialogs()
+function Frame.InitDialogs()
+    -- Dialogs
+    ESO_Dialogs["MyCollection_SetOrderNumber"] = {
+      title = {
+          text = "Set Ordering number",
+      },
+      mainText = {
+          text = "Custom ordering number for the tracked set. This is the default ordering value.",
+      },
+      --updateFn = function (dialog) d("uodate") d(dialog) d(self) end,
+      --callback = function (dialog) d("setup") d(dialog) d(self) end,
+      editBox = {
+          maxInputCharacters = 4,
+          defaultText = 0,
+      },
+      buttons = {
+          [1] = {
+              text = "Set",
+              visible = true,
+              callback = function (dialog)
+                  UI.Frame.Grid:RefreshData()
+              end,
+          },
+          [2] = {
+              text = "Cancel",
+              visible = true,
+              callback = function (dialog) end,
+          },
+      },
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Frame.xml b/MyCollection/UI/Frame.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..173b886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/UI/Frame.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <Controls>
+    <Control name="MyCollectionUIItemsBase" virtual="true">
+      <Dimensions x="600" y="95" />
+      <Controls>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Head">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="10" offsetY="5" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Chest">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Head" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Shoulders">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Chest" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Waist">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Shoulders" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Legs">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Waist" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Feet">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Legs" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Hand">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Feet" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Neck">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="90" relativeTo="$(parent)Hand" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Ring">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Neck" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Shield">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="90" relativeTo="$(parent)Ring" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Axe">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="10" offsetY="-5" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Hammer">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Axe" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Sword">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Hammer" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)TwoHandedSword">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Sword" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)TwoHandedAxe">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)TwoHandedSword" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)TwoHandedHammer">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)TwoHandedAxe" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Bow">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)TwoHandedHammer" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)HealingStaff">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Bow" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Dagger">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)HealingStaff" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)FireStaff">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Dagger" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)FrostStaff">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)FireStaff" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)LightningStaff">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)FrostStaff" />
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+        </Button>
+      </Controls>
+    </Control>
+    <Label name="MyCollectionUIRowLabel" font="ZoFontGame" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" horizontalAlignment="LEFT" verticalAlignment="CENTER" virtual="true" />
+    <Control name="MyCollectionUIGridRow" mouseEnabled="true" virtual="true">
+			<Dimensions y="95" />
+			<OnMouseUp>
+				MyCollection.UI.Controls.Grid.OnMouseUp(self, button, upInside)
+			</OnMouseUp>
+			<OnMouseEnter>
+				MyCollection.UI.Controls.Grid.OnMouseEnter(self)
+			</OnMouseEnter>
+			<OnMouseExit>
+				MyCollection.UI.Controls.Grid.OnMouseExit(self)
+			</OnMouseExit>
+			<Controls>
+				<Texture name="$(parent)BG" inherits="ZO_ThinListBgStrip" />
+				<Label name="$(parent)Key" inherits="MyCollectionUIRowLabel">
+					<Anchor point="LEFT" />
+					<Dimensions x="0" y="95" />
+				</Label>
+				<Label name="$(parent)Order" inherits="MyCollectionUIRowLabel">
+					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Key"  />
+					<Dimensions x="50" y="95" />
+				</Label>
+				<Label name="$(parent)Set" inherits="MyCollectionUIRowLabel">
+					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Order"  />
+					<Dimensions x="190" y="95" />
+				</Label>
+				<Label name="$(parent)Completition" inherits="MyCollectionUIRowLabel">
+					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Set" />
+					<Dimensions x="0" y="95" />
+				</Label>
+        <Control name="$(parent)Items" inherits="MyCollectionUIItemsBase">
+					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Completition" />
+					<Dimensions x="600" y="95" />
+			  </Control>
+			</Controls>
+		</Control>
+    <TopLevelControl name="MyCollectionUIFrame" hidden="true" inherits="ZO_RightPanelFootPrint">
+      <Controls>
+        <Control name="$(parent)MenuBar" inherits="ZO_LabelButtonBar">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-27" offsetY="-12" />
+				</Control>
+        <Control name="$(parent)AddSet">
+					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+					<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+          <Controls>
+            <Backdrop name="$(parent)OrderNumber" tier="HIGH" inherits="ZO_SingleLineEditBackdrop_Keyboard">
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT"  relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="110" offsetY="40" />
+							<Dimensions x="250" />
+							<Controls>
+								<EditBox name="$(parent)Box" inherits="ZO_DefaultEditForBackdrop ZO_EditDefaultText" />
+							</Controls>
+						</Backdrop>
+							<Anchor point="RIGHT" relativePoint="LEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)OrderNumber" offsetX="-8" />
+						</Label>
+            <Label name="$(parent)SelectorLabel" font="ZoFontGame" horizontalAlignment="LEFT" verticalAlignment="TOP" text="MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_SELECTOR_LABEL">
+              <Dimensions x="100" y="30" />
+              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" offsetY="50" relativeTo="$(parent)OrderNumberLabel" />
+            </Label>
+            <Control name="$(parent)Selector" inherits="ZO_ScrollableComboBox">
+              <Dimensions x="400" y="30" />
+              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)SelectorLabel" offsetX="110" />
+            </Control>
+            <Label name="$(parent)ArmorType" font="ZoFontGame" horizontalAlignment="LEFT" text="MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_LABEL">
+              <Dimensions x="100" y="30" />
+              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="50" relativeTo="$(parent)SelectorLabel" />
+            </Label>
+            <Button name="$(parent)Light" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" hidden="false"  text="MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_LIGHT">
+              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="50" offsetY="50" relativeTo="$(parent)ArmorType" />
+              <Dimensions x="175" y="40" />
+            </Button>
+            <Button name="$(parent)Medium" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" hidden="false"  text="MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_MEDIUM">
+              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"  offsetY="50" relativeTo="$(parent)Light" />
+              <Dimensions x="175" y="40" />
+            </Button>
+            <Button name="$(parent)Heavy" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" hidden="false"  text="MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_HEAVY">
+              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="50" relativeTo="$(parent)Medium" />
+              <Dimensions x="175" y="40" />
+            </Button>
+            <Button name="$(parent)Add" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" hidden="false"  text="MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ADD">
+              <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetY="50" />
+              <Dimensions x="175" y="40" />
+            </Button>
+          </Controls>
+        </Control>
+        <Control name="$(parent)Grid">
+					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+					<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+					<Controls>
+						<Backdrop name="$(parent)Search" tier="HIGH" inherits="ZO_SingleLineEditBackdrop_Keyboard">
+							<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-38" offsetY="14" />
+							<Dimensions x="250" />
+							<Controls>
+								<EditBox name="$(parent)Box" inherits="ZO_DefaultEditForBackdrop ZO_EditDefaultText" />
+							</Controls>
+						</Backdrop>
+						<Label name="$(parent)SearchLabel" text="MYCOLLECTION_SEARCH_LABEL" font="ZoFontGameLargeBold" color="INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_TEXT_COLORS:INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL">
+							<Anchor point="RIGHT" relativePoint="LEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Search" offsetX="-8" />
+						</Label>
+						<Control name="$(parent)Headers">
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" offsetX="30" offsetY="51" />
+							<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" offsetY="51" />
+							<Dimensions y="32" />
+							<Controls>
+								<Control name="$(parent)Key" inherits="ZO_SortHeader">
+									<OnInitialized>
+										ZO_SortHeader_Initialize(self, GetString(MYCOLLECTION_HEADERS_ORDER), "key", ZO_SORT_ORDER_UP, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, "ZoFontGameLargeBold")
+									</OnInitialized>
+									<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" />
+									<Dimensions x="0" y="32" />
+								</Control>
+								<Control name="$(parent)Order" inherits="ZO_SortHeader">
+									<OnInitialized>
+										ZO_SortHeader_Initialize(self, GetString(MYCOLLECTION_HEADERS_ORDER), "order", ZO_SORT_ORDER_UP, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, "ZoFontGameLargeBold")
+									</OnInitialized>
+									<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Key" />
+									<Dimensions x="50" y="32" />
+								</Control>
+								<Control name="$(parent)Set" inherits="ZO_SortHeader">
+									<OnInitialized>
+										ZO_SortHeader_Initialize(self, GetString(MYCOLLECTION_HEADERS_SET), "set", ZO_SORT_ORDER_UP, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, "ZoFontGameLargeBold")
+									</OnInitialized>
+									<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Order" />
+									<Dimensions x="190" y="32" />
+								</Control>
+								<Control name="$(parent)Completition" inherits="ZO_SortHeader">
+									<OnInitialized>
+										ZO_SortHeader_Initialize(self, GetString(MYCOLLECTION_HEADERS_ITEMS), "completition", ZO_SORT_ORDER_DOWN, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, "ZoFontGameLargeBold")
+									</OnInitialized>
+									<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Set" />
+									<Dimensions x="600" y="32" />
+								</Control>
+								<Control name="$(parent)Items" inherits="ZO_SortHeader">
+									<OnInitialized>
+										ZO_SortHeader_Initialize(self, "", "items", ZO_SORT_ORDER_DOWN, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, "ZoFontGameLargeBold")
+									</OnInitialized>
+									<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Completition" />
+									<Dimensions x="0" y="32" />
+								</Control>
+							</Controls>
+						</Control>
+						<Control name="$(parent)List" inherits="ZO_ScrollList">
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Headers" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetY="3" />
+							<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="-35" offsetY="-32" />
+						</Control>
+					</Controls>
+				</Control>
+      </Controls>
+    </TopLevelControl>
+  </Controls>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Internals b/MyCollection/UI/Internals
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Namespaces.lua b/MyCollection/UI/Namespaces.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b89af62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCollection/UI/Namespaces.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+local UI = MyCollection.UI
+UI.Controls = {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..682c5e3
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53f8eba
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0607240
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ccad3a
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77f7383
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e13b70c
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08e54db
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b007d36
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c78f68
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..664d78c
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79825bf
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3c53e6
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe9e668
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f697fcf
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d582331
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4c4dec
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c749cd
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91d76fb
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9708bc1
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..924e507
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd9c336
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb5c078
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7786fbd
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58535ae
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fd7cb6
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fdbed0
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5e86b9
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f33a4c
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa2280c
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9318b7e
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff74af0
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2b0ff9
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71466d3
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afd1ac2
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ee6432
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d88e99
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67f7b87
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e54ad8a
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74c7f5d
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a752ae
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6d657e
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35beba9
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e56f05
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c69325
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3273e0f
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d07892a
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7409cdb
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c5767a
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d863ebb
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b22a996
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa6e658
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d14df1
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..222e9aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..876dd7f
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8266507
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d1ecf7
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9797b5
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df881aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc1c255
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5c3dac
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e56f05
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c69325
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3273e0f
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a61ab7
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3245d47
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f787de1
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/ differ
diff --git a/Namespace.lua b/Namespace.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dd8808..0000000
--- a/Namespace.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-if MyCollection == nil then MyCollection = {} end
-local MyCollection = MyCollection
-MyCollection.Internals = {}
-MyCollection.UI = {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Settings.lua b/Settings.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 97a8d6d..0000000
--- a/Settings.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/UI/Controls/AddSet.lua b/UI/Controls/AddSet.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6617647..0000000
--- a/UI/Controls/AddSet.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-local Saved = MyCollection.Internals.Saved
-local Data = MyCollection.Internals.Data
-local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
-local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
-local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
-local EventManager = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.EventManager
-local UI = MyCollection.UI
-local Controls = MyCollection.UI.Controls
-Controls.AddSet = {}
-Controls.AddSet.__index = Controls.AddSet
-local AddSet = Controls.AddSet
--- Constructor
-function AddSet.New(element)
-    local instance = {}
-    setmetatable(instance, AddSet)
-    instance:Initialize(element)
-    return instance
--- UI containers
-AddSet.Element = nil
--- Sub Elements
-AddSet.Label = nil
-AddSet.OrderNumber = nil
--- Selectors
-AddSet.ArmorSelector = nil
-AddSet.SetSelector = nil
--- Functions
-function AddSet:Initialize(element)
-    self.Element = element
-    -- Set Selector
-    self.SetSelector = ZO_ComboBox_ObjectFromContainer(self.Element:GetNamedChild("Selector"))
-    self.SetSelector:SetSortsItems(true)
-    self.SetSelector:ClearItems()
-    for key, _ in pairs(Dependencies.LibSets.GetAllSetIds()) do
-        local name = Dependencies.LibSets.GetSetName(key)
-        local entry = ZO_ComboBox:CreateItemEntry(name, function () end)
- = key
-		self.SetSelector:AddItem(entry, ZO_COMBOBOX_SUPRESS_UPDATE)
-    end
-    self.SetSelector:SetSortOrder(ZO_SORT_ORDER_UP, ZO_SORT_BY_NAME)
-    self.SetSelector:SetHeight(500)
-    self.SetSelector:SelectFirstItem()
-    -- Armor Type selector
-    local armorTypeSelectorElement = self.Element:GetNamedChild("ArmorType")
-    self.ArmorSelector = ZO_RadioButtonGroup:New()
-    local lightButton = self.Element:GetNamedChild("Light")
-    lightButton.armorType = Constants.ArmorTypes.Light
-    self.ArmorSelector:Add(lightButton)
-    local mediumButton = self.Element:GetNamedChild("Medium")
-    mediumButton.armorType = Constants.ArmorTypes.Medium
-    self.ArmorSelector:Add(mediumButton)
-    local heavyButton = self.Element:GetNamedChild("Heavy")
-    heavyButton.armorType = Constants.ArmorTypes.Heavy
-    self.ArmorSelector:Add(heavyButton)
-    self.ArmorSelector:SetClickedButton(lightButton)
-    -- Order Number
-    self.OrderNumber = self.Element:GetNamedChild("OrderNumber"):GetNamedChild("Box")
-    self.OrderNumber:SetTextType(TEXT_TYPE_NUMERIC_UNSIGNED_INT)
-    self.OrderNumber:SetMaxInputChars(4)
-    self.OrderNumber:SetText(0)
-    -- Add Button
-    local addButton = self.Element:GetNamedChild("Add")
-    addButton:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", AddSet.OnMouseUpItem)
-function AddSet.OnMouseUpItem(control, button, upInside)
-    local addSetMenu = UI.Frame.AddSet
-    if (upInside) then
-        if (button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_LEFT) then
-            local setId = addSetMenu.SetSelector:GetSelectedItemData().id
-            local armorType = addSetMenu.ArmorSelector:GetClickedButton().armorType
-            local orderNumber = tonumber(addSetMenu.OrderNumber:GetText())
-            Data.Collection:AddSet(setId, armorType, orderNumber)
-            UI.Frame.MenuBar:DefaultPage()
-		end
-	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/UI/Controls/Grid.lua b/UI/Controls/Grid.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f719af..0000000
--- a/UI/Controls/Grid.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-local Saved = MyCollection.Internals.Saved
-local Data = MyCollection.Internals.Data
-local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
-local Extensions = MyCollection.Internals.Functions.Extensions
-local Dependencies =  MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
-local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
-local EventManager = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.EventManager
-local UI = MyCollection.UI
-local Controls = MyCollection.UI.Controls
-Controls.Grid = ZO_SortFilterList:Subclass()
---Controls.Grid.__index = Controls.Grid
-local Grid = Controls.Grid
--- Constructor
-function Grid:New(element)
-    local instance = ZO_SortFilterList.New(self, element)
-    instance:Setup(element)
-    return instance
--- UI containers
-Grid.Element = nil
--- Sub Elements
-Grid.SearchBox = nil
--- Properties
--- Functions
-function Grid:Setup(element)
-    self.Element = element
-    ZO_ScrollList_AddDataType(self.list, MYCOLLECTION_DATA, "MyCollectionUIGridRow", 95, function(control, data) self:SetupItemRow(control, data) end, nil, nil,
-        function (control)
-            for i=1, control:GetNamedChild("Items"):GetNumChildren(), 1 do
-                local item = control:GetNamedChild("Items"):GetChild(i)
-                item.reference = nil
-                item.itemLink = nil
-                item.itemType = nil
-                item:SetPressedTexture()
-                item:SetMouseOverTexture()
-            end
-            ZO_ObjectPool_DefaultResetControl(control)
-        end)
-    ZO_ScrollList_EnableHighlight(self.list, "ZO_ThinListHighlight")
-    self:SetAlternateRowBackgrounds(true)
-    self.masterList = {}
-    local sortKeys = {
-        ["key"]                 = { isNumeric = true },
-        ["order"]               = { isNumeric = true, tiebreaker = "key", tieBreakerSortOrder = ZO_SORT_ORDER_UP },
-        ["set"]                 = { caseInsensitive = true, tiebreaker = "order", tieBreakerSortOrder = ZO_SORT_ORDER_DOWN },
-        ["completition"]        = { isNumeric = true, tiebreaker = "order", tieBreakerSortOrder = ZO_SORT_ORDER_DOWN },
-    }
-    self.currentSortKey = "order"
-    self.currentSortOrder = ZO_SORT_ORDER_UP
-    self.sortHeaderGroup:SelectAndResetSortForKey(self.currentSortKey)
-    self.sortFunction = function( listEntry1, listEntry2 )
-        return ZO_TableOrderingFunction(,, self.currentSortKey, sortKeys, self.currentSortOrder)
-    end
-    -- setup searcj
-    self.SearchBox = self.Element:GetNamedChild("SearchBox")
-    self.SearchBox:SetHandler("OnTextChanged", function() self:RefreshFilters() end)
- = ZO_StringSearch:New()
-, function(stringSearch, data, searchTerm, cache) return(self:ProcessItemEntry(stringSearch, data, searchTerm, cache)) end)
-function Grid:SetupItemRow( control, data )
- = data
-    -- For default ordering
-    local key = control:GetNamedChild("Key")
-    local order = control:GetNamedChild("Order")
-    order.normalColor = ZO_DEFAULT_TEXT
-    if data.order < MYCOLLECTION_MAX_ORDER then
-        order:SetText(data.order)
-    else
-        order:SetText(nil)
-    end
-    local set = control:GetNamedChild("Set")
-    set.normalColor = ZO_DEFAULT_TEXT
-	set:SetText(data.set)
-    local items = control:GetNamedChild("Items")
-    -- Set Item icons
-    for key, typeId in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Armors) do
-        local piece = items:GetNamedChild(key)
-        local setPiece = data.reference:GetArmorPiece(typeId)
-        piece.reference = setPiece
-        if setPiece:HasItem() then
-            local link = setPiece:GetReferences()[next(setPiece:GetReferences())]:GetLink()
-            piece:SetNormalTexture(Dependencies.Officials.GetItemLinkIcon(link))
-            piece.itemLink = link
-        else
-            piece:SetNormalTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/".. key .."")
-            piece:SetPressedTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/".. key .."")
-            piece:SetMouseOverTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/".. key .."")
-            piece.itemType = key
-        end
-        piece.traitId = setPiece.traitType
-        piece.traitType = "ARMOR"
-        piece.traitOptions = Constants.TraitTypes.Armor
-        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", Grid.OnMouseEnterItem)
-        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", Grid.OnMouseExitItem)
-        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", Grid.OnMouseUpItem)
-    end
-    for key, typeId in pairs(Constants.EquipTypes.Jewelleries) do
-        local piece = items:GetNamedChild(key)
-        local setPiece = data.reference:GetJewelleryPiece(typeId)
-        piece.reference = setPiece
-        if setPiece:HasItem() then
-            local link = setPiece:GetReferences()[next(setPiece:GetReferences())]:GetLink()
-            piece:SetNormalTexture(Dependencies.Officials.GetItemLinkIcon(link))
-            piece.itemLink = link
-        else
-            piece:SetNormalTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/".. key .."")
-            piece:SetPressedTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/".. key .."")
-            piece:SetMouseOverTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Apparel/".. key .."")
-            piece.itemType = key
-        end
-        piece.traitId = setPiece.traitType
-        piece.traitType = "JEWELLERY"
-        piece.traitOptions = Constants.TraitTypes.Jewelleries
-        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", Grid.OnMouseEnterItem)
-        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", Grid.OnMouseExitItem)
-        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", Grid.OnMouseUpItem)
-    end
-    for key, typeId in pairs(Constants.WeaponTypes) do
-        local piece = items:GetNamedChild(key)
-        local setPiece = data.reference:GetWeaponPiece(typeId)
-        piece.reference = setPiece
-        if setPiece:HasItem() then
-            local link = setPiece:GetReferences()[next(setPiece:GetReferences())]:GetLink()
-            piece:SetNormalTexture(Dependencies.Officials.GetItemLinkIcon(link))
-            piece.itemLink = link
-        else
-            piece:SetNormalTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/".. key .."")
-            piece:SetPressedTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/".. key .."")
-            piece:SetMouseOverTexture("MyCollection/UI/Textures/Weapons/".. key .."")
-            piece.itemType = key
-        end
-        piece.traitId = setPiece.traitType
-        piece.traitType = "WEAPON"
-        piece.traitOptions = Constants.TraitTypes.Weapons
-        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", Grid.OnMouseEnterItem)
-        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", Grid.OnMouseExitItem)
-        piece:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", Grid.OnMouseUpItem)
-    end
-	ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control, data)
-function Grid:ProcessItemEntry( stringSearch, data, searchTerm, cache )
-	if
-        zo_plainstrfind(data.set:lower(), searchTerm)
-    then
-		return true
-	end
-	return false
-function Grid:BuildMasterList()
-    self.masterList = {}
-    local sets = Data.Collection:GetSets()
-    for key, set in pairs(sets) do
-        local new = {
-            type = MYCOLLECTION_SORTTYPE,
-            key = key,
-            order = sets[key]:GetOrderNumber(),
-            set = sets[key]:GetSetName(),
-            completition = sets[key]:Completition(),
-            reference = sets[key],
-            referenceId = key,
-        }
-        if new.order == nil then
-            new.order = MYCOLLECTION_MAX_ORDER
-        end
-        table.insert(self.masterList, new)
-    end
-function Grid:FilterScrollList()
-    local scrollData = ZO_ScrollList_GetDataList(self.list)
-    ZO_ClearNumericallyIndexedTable(scrollData)
-	local searchInput = self.SearchBox:GetText()
-    for i, data in ipairs(self.masterList) do
-        if
-            searchInput == "" or
-  , data)
-        then
-            table.insert(scrollData, ZO_ScrollList_CreateDataEntry(MYCOLLECTION_DATA, data))
-        end
-    end
-function Grid:SortScrollList()
-    if (self.currentSortKey ~= nil and self.currentSortOrder ~= nil) then
-        local scrollData = ZO_ScrollList_GetDataList(self.list)
-        table.sort(scrollData, self.sortFunction)
-	end
-	self:RefreshVisible()
-function Grid:ShowContextMenu( control )
-	ClearMenu()
-    AddMenuItem(GetString(MYCOLLECTION_CONTEXT_REMOVE), function ()
-        Data.Collection:RemoveSet(
-        self:RefreshData()
-    end)
-    AddMenuItem(GetString(MYCOLLECTION_CONTEXT_CHANGEORDER), function ()
-        ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("MyCollection_SetOrderNumber",
-            {
-                currentSet =,
-            },
-            {
-                initialEditText =
-            }
-        )
-    end)
-	self:ShowMenu(control)
-function Grid:ShowTraitMenu( control )
-    ClearMenu()
-    AddMenuItem("None", function ()
-        control.reference:SetTrait(0)
-        control.traitName = GetString(traitTextId)
-        self:RefreshData()
-    end)
-    for key, trait in pairs(control.traitOptions) do
-        local traitTextId = _G["MYCOLLECTION_TRAIT_".. control.traitType .. "_" .. key:upper()]
-        AddMenuItem(GetString(traitTextId), function ()
-            control.reference:SetTrait(trait)
-            control.traitName = GetString(traitTextId)
-            self:RefreshData()
-        end)
-    end
-	self:ShowMenu(control)
--- Event static functions
-function Grid.OnMouseEnterItem(control)
-    if control.itemLink ~= nil then
-        InitializeTooltip(ItemTooltip, control, TOPRIGHT, -100, 0, TOPLEFT)
-        ItemTooltip:SetLink(control.itemLink)
-        ZO_Tooltip_AddDivider(ItemTooltip)
-        ItemTooltip:AddLine("Current trait filter: ".. Extensions.Constants.GetTraitName(control.traitId))
-    else
-        ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip(control, TOP, control.itemType .. " (" .. Extensions.Constants.GetTraitName(control.traitId) .. ")")
-    end
-function Grid.OnMouseExitItem(control)
-    ClearTooltip(ItemTooltip)
-    ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip()
-function Grid.OnMouseUpItem(control, button, upInside)
-    if (upInside) then
-        if (button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_RIGHT) then
-            UI.Frame.Grid:ShowTraitMenu(control)
-		end
-	end
-function Grid.OnMouseUp(control, button, upInside)
-    if (upInside) then
-        if (button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_RIGHT) then
-            UI.Frame.Grid:ShowContextMenu(control)
-		end
-	end
-function Grid.OnMouseEnter(control)
-	UI.Frame.Grid:Row_OnMouseEnter(control)
-function Grid.OnMouseExit(control)
-	UI.Frame.Grid:Row_OnMouseExit(control)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/UI/Controls/MenuBar.lua b/UI/Controls/MenuBar.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 89506e7..0000000
--- a/UI/Controls/MenuBar.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-local Saved = MyCollection.Internals.Saved
-local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
-local EventManager = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.EventManager
-local UI = MyCollection.UI
-local Controls = MyCollection.UI.Controls
-Controls.MenuBar = {}
-Controls.MenuBar.__index = Controls.MenuBar
-local MenuBar = Controls.MenuBar
--- Constructor
-function MenuBar.New(element)
-    local instance = {}
-    setmetatable(instance, MenuBar)
-    instance:Initialize(element)
-    return instance
--- UI containers
-MenuBar.Element = nil
--- Sub Elements
-MenuBar.Label = nil
--- Properties
--- Functions
-function MenuBar:DefaultPage()
-    ZO_MenuBar_SelectDescriptor(self.Element, UI.Frame.modes.grid, true)
-    UI.Frame:RefreshUI()
-function MenuBar:Initialize(element)
-    self.Element = element
-    ZO_MenuBar_AddButton(self.Element, {
-		descriptor = UI.Frame.modes.grid,
-		normal = "EsoUI/Art/Guild/",
-		pressed = "EsoUI/Art/Guild/",
-		highlight = "EsoUI/Art/Guild/",
-		callback = MenuBar.HandleMenuSwitch,
-	})
-    ZO_MenuBar_AddButton(self.Element, {
-		descriptor =,
-		categoryName = MYCOLLECTION_MENU_ADD,
-		normal = "EsoUI/Art/Inventory/",
-		pressed = "EsoUI/Art/Inventory/",
-		highlight = "EsoUI/Art/Inventory/",
-		callback = MenuBar.HandleMenuSwitch,
-    })
-function MenuBar.HandleMenuSwitch(button)
-    local label = ""
-    if button.descriptor ~= then
-        label = "List"
-    else
-        label = "Add set"
-    end
-    UI.Frame.MenuBar.Element:GetNamedChild("Label"):SetText(label)
-    UI.Frame.Grid.Element:SetHidden(button.descriptor ~= UI.Frame.modes.grid)
-    UI.Frame.AddSet.Element:SetHidden(button.descriptor ~=
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/UI/Frame.lua b/UI/Frame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b701ac..0000000
--- a/UI/Frame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-local Saved = MyCollection.Internals.Saved
-local Constants = MyCollection.Internals.Constants
-local Dependencies = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies
-local Logger = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Logger
-local EventManager = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.EventManager
-local SceneManager = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.SceneManager
-local SlashCommands = MyCollection.Internals.Dependencies.Officials.SlashCommands
-local UI = MyCollection.UI
-local Controls = MyCollection.UI.Controls
-UI.Frame = {}
-UI.Frame.__index = UI.Frame
-local Frame = UI.Frame
--- UI containers
-Frame.Element = nil
--- Sub Elements
-Frame.MenuBar = nil
-Frame.Grid = nil
-Frame.AddSet = nil
--- Properties
-Frame.initialized = false
-Frame.scene = nil
-Frame.sceneName = nil
-Frame.modes = {
-    grid = 1,
-    new = 2,
--- Functions
-function Frame.ShowSettings()
-    Frame.ToggleOpenClose()
-	--Dependencies.LibAddonMenu:OpenToPanel(addOnPanel)
-function Frame.ToggleOpenClose()
-    Dependencies.LibMainMenu:Refresh()
-    Dependencies.LibMainMenu:SelectMenuItem(MyCollection.Name)
-function Frame.OnReposition()
-    Saved.Settings.Window.Position.Left = Frame.Element:GetLeft()
-    Saved.Settings.Window.Position.Top = Frame.Element:GetTop()
-function Frame.SetPosition()
-    local left = Saved.Settings.Window.Position.Left
-    local top = Saved.Settings.Window.Position.Top
-    Frame.Element:ClearAnchors()
-    Frame.Element:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, GuiRoot, TOPLEFT, left, top)
-function Frame:RefreshUI()
-    if (not self.initialized) then return end
-    Frame.Grid:RefreshData()
-function Frame.Initialize()
-    if Frame.initialized then return end
-    Frame.initialized = true
-    Frame.Element = MyCollectionUIFrame
-    Frame.sceneName = MyCollection.Name .. "Scene"
-    Frame.scene = ZO_Scene:New(Frame.sceneName, SceneManager)
-	Frame.scene:AddFragment(ZO_SetTitleFragment:New(MYCOLLECTION_TITLE))
-	Frame.scene:AddFragment(ZO_FadeSceneFragment:New(Frame.Element))
-	Frame.scene:AddFragment(TITLE_FRAGMENT)
-	Frame.scene:AddFragment(RIGHT_BG_FRAGMENT)
-	Frame.scene:AddFragment(FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_MAP)
-	Frame.scene:AddFragment(CODEX_WINDOW_SOUNDS)
-    Frame.scene:AddFragment(PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_FRAGMENT)
-    --Frame.scene:AddFragmentGroup(FRAGMENT_GROUP.FRAME_TARGET_CENTERED)
-    Frame.Grid = Controls.Grid:New(Frame.Element:GetNamedChild("Grid"))
-    Frame.AddSet = Controls.AddSet.New(Frame.Element:GetNamedChild("AddSet"))
-    Frame.MenuBar = Controls.MenuBar.New(Frame.Element:GetNamedChild("MenuBar"))
-    Frame.MenuBar:DefaultPage()
-	Dependencies.LibMainMenu:Init()
-	-- Add to main menu
-	local categoryLayoutInfo = {
-		categoryName = MYCOLLECTION_NAME,
-		callback = function(buttonData)
-			if not SceneManager:IsShowing(Frame.sceneName) then
-                SceneManager:Show(Frame.sceneName)
-                Frame:RefreshUI()
-			else
-				SceneManager:ShowBaseScene()
-			end
-		end,
-		visible = function(buttonData)
-			return true
-        end,
-		normal = "esoui/art/collections/",
-		pressed = "esoui/art/collections/",
-		highlight = "esoui/art/collections/",
-		disabled = "esoui/art/collections/"
-	}
-	Dependencies.LibMainMenu:AddMenuItem(MyCollection.Name, Frame.sceneName, categoryLayoutInfo, nil)
-    SlashCommands["/mycollection"] = Frame.ToggleOpenClose
-    Frame.InitDialogs()
-function Frame.InitDialogs()
-    -- Dialogs
-    ESO_Dialogs["MyCollection_SetOrderNumber"] = {
-      title = {
-          text = "Set Ordering number",
-      },
-      mainText = {
-          text = "Custom ordering number for the tracked set. This is the default ordering value.",
-      },
-      --updateFn = function (dialog) d("uodate") d(dialog) d(self) end,
-      --callback = function (dialog) d("setup") d(dialog) d(self) end,
-      editBox = {
-          maxInputCharacters = 4,
-          defaultText = 0,
-      },
-      buttons = {
-          [1] = {
-              text = "Set",
-              visible = true,
-              callback = function (dialog)
-                  UI.Frame.Grid:RefreshData()
-              end,
-          },
-          [2] = {
-              text = "Cancel",
-              visible = true,
-              callback = function (dialog) end,
-          },
-      },
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/UI/Frame.xml b/UI/Frame.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 173b886..0000000
--- a/UI/Frame.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-  <Controls>
-    <Control name="MyCollectionUIItemsBase" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="600" y="95" />
-      <Controls>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Head">
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="10" offsetY="5" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Chest">
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Head" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Shoulders">
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Chest" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Waist">
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Shoulders" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Legs">
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Waist" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Feet">
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Legs" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Hand">
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Feet" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Neck">
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="90" relativeTo="$(parent)Hand" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Ring">
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Neck" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Shield">
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="90" relativeTo="$(parent)Ring" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Axe">
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="10" offsetY="-5" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Hammer">
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Axe" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Sword">
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Hammer" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)TwoHandedSword">
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Sword" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)TwoHandedAxe">
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)TwoHandedSword" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)TwoHandedHammer">
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)TwoHandedAxe" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Bow">
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)TwoHandedHammer" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)HealingStaff">
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Bow" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Dagger">
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)HealingStaff" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)FireStaff">
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)Dagger" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)FrostStaff">
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)FireStaff" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)LightningStaff">
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="45" relativeTo="$(parent)FrostStaff" />
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-        </Button>
-      </Controls>
-    </Control>
-    <Label name="MyCollectionUIRowLabel" font="ZoFontGame" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" horizontalAlignment="LEFT" verticalAlignment="CENTER" virtual="true" />
-    <Control name="MyCollectionUIGridRow" mouseEnabled="true" virtual="true">
-			<Dimensions y="95" />
-			<OnMouseUp>
-				MyCollection.UI.Controls.Grid.OnMouseUp(self, button, upInside)
-			</OnMouseUp>
-			<OnMouseEnter>
-				MyCollection.UI.Controls.Grid.OnMouseEnter(self)
-			</OnMouseEnter>
-			<OnMouseExit>
-				MyCollection.UI.Controls.Grid.OnMouseExit(self)
-			</OnMouseExit>
-			<Controls>
-				<Texture name="$(parent)BG" inherits="ZO_ThinListBgStrip" />
-				<Label name="$(parent)Key" inherits="MyCollectionUIRowLabel">
-					<Anchor point="LEFT" />
-					<Dimensions x="0" y="95" />
-				</Label>
-				<Label name="$(parent)Order" inherits="MyCollectionUIRowLabel">
-					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Key"  />
-					<Dimensions x="50" y="95" />
-				</Label>
-				<Label name="$(parent)Set" inherits="MyCollectionUIRowLabel">
-					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Order"  />
-					<Dimensions x="190" y="95" />
-				</Label>
-				<Label name="$(parent)Completition" inherits="MyCollectionUIRowLabel">
-					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Set" />
-					<Dimensions x="0" y="95" />
-				</Label>
-        <Control name="$(parent)Items" inherits="MyCollectionUIItemsBase">
-					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Completition" />
-					<Dimensions x="600" y="95" />
-			  </Control>
-			</Controls>
-		</Control>
-    <TopLevelControl name="MyCollectionUIFrame" hidden="true" inherits="ZO_RightPanelFootPrint">
-      <Controls>
-        <Control name="$(parent)MenuBar" inherits="ZO_LabelButtonBar">
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-27" offsetY="-12" />
-				</Control>
-        <Control name="$(parent)AddSet">
-					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
-					<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
-          <Controls>
-            <Backdrop name="$(parent)OrderNumber" tier="HIGH" inherits="ZO_SingleLineEditBackdrop_Keyboard">
-							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT"  relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="110" offsetY="40" />
-							<Dimensions x="250" />
-							<Controls>
-								<EditBox name="$(parent)Box" inherits="ZO_DefaultEditForBackdrop ZO_EditDefaultText" />
-							</Controls>
-						</Backdrop>
-							<Anchor point="RIGHT" relativePoint="LEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)OrderNumber" offsetX="-8" />
-						</Label>
-            <Label name="$(parent)SelectorLabel" font="ZoFontGame" horizontalAlignment="LEFT" verticalAlignment="TOP" text="MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_SELECTOR_LABEL">
-              <Dimensions x="100" y="30" />
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" offsetY="50" relativeTo="$(parent)OrderNumberLabel" />
-            </Label>
-            <Control name="$(parent)Selector" inherits="ZO_ScrollableComboBox">
-              <Dimensions x="400" y="30" />
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)SelectorLabel" offsetX="110" />
-            </Control>
-            <Label name="$(parent)ArmorType" font="ZoFontGame" horizontalAlignment="LEFT" text="MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_LABEL">
-              <Dimensions x="100" y="30" />
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="50" relativeTo="$(parent)SelectorLabel" />
-            </Label>
-            <Button name="$(parent)Light" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" hidden="false"  text="MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_LIGHT">
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="50" offsetY="50" relativeTo="$(parent)ArmorType" />
-              <Dimensions x="175" y="40" />
-            </Button>
-            <Button name="$(parent)Medium" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" hidden="false"  text="MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_MEDIUM">
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"  offsetY="50" relativeTo="$(parent)Light" />
-              <Dimensions x="175" y="40" />
-            </Button>
-            <Button name="$(parent)Heavy" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" hidden="false"  text="MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ARMORTYPE_HEAVY">
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="50" relativeTo="$(parent)Medium" />
-              <Dimensions x="175" y="40" />
-            </Button>
-            <Button name="$(parent)Add" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" hidden="false"  text="MYCOLLECTION_ADDMENU_ADD">
-              <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetY="50" />
-              <Dimensions x="175" y="40" />
-            </Button>
-          </Controls>
-        </Control>
-        <Control name="$(parent)Grid">
-					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
-					<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
-					<Controls>
-						<Backdrop name="$(parent)Search" tier="HIGH" inherits="ZO_SingleLineEditBackdrop_Keyboard">
-							<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-38" offsetY="14" />
-							<Dimensions x="250" />
-							<Controls>
-								<EditBox name="$(parent)Box" inherits="ZO_DefaultEditForBackdrop ZO_EditDefaultText" />
-							</Controls>
-						</Backdrop>
-						<Label name="$(parent)SearchLabel" text="MYCOLLECTION_SEARCH_LABEL" font="ZoFontGameLargeBold" color="INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_TEXT_COLORS:INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL">
-							<Anchor point="RIGHT" relativePoint="LEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Search" offsetX="-8" />
-						</Label>
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\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/UI/Namespaces.lua b/UI/Namespaces.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b89af62..0000000
--- a/UI/Namespaces.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-local UI = MyCollection.UI
-UI.Controls = {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/UI/Textures/Apparel/
deleted file mode 100644
index 682c5e3..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Apparel/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/UI/Textures/Apparel/
deleted file mode 100644
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Binary files a/UI/Textures/Apparel/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/UI/Textures/Apparel/
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diff --git a/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/UI/Textures/Apparel/
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diff --git a/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/UI/Textures/Apparel/
deleted file mode 100644
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deleted file mode 100644
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deleted file mode 100644
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deleted file mode 100644
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deleted file mode 100644
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deleted file mode 100644
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deleted file mode 100644
index f697fcf..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Apparel/ and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
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Binary files a/UI/Textures/Apparel/ and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
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diff --git a/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/UI/Textures/Apparel/
deleted file mode 100644
index fb5c078..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Apparel/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Apparel/ b/UI/Textures/Apparel/
deleted file mode 100644
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index e5e86b9..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Apparel/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f33a4c..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
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Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
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Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index ff74af0..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index d2b0ff9..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 71466d3..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index afd1ac2..0000000
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index 5ee6432..0000000
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index 1d88e99..0000000
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index 67f7b87..0000000
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diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 74c7f5d..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a752ae..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
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Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 35beba9..0000000
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diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e56f05..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c69325..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3273e0f..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index d07892a..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7409cdb..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c5767a..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index d863ebb..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index b22a996..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa6e658..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d14df1..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 222e9aa..0000000
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diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 876dd7f..0000000
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diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
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diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d1ecf7..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index d9797b5..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index df881aa..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index fc1c255..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index a5c3dac..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e56f05..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c69325..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3273e0f..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a61ab7..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3245d47..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ b/UI/Textures/Weapons/
deleted file mode 100644
index f787de1..0000000
Binary files a/UI/Textures/Weapons/ and /dev/null differ