Added more information about the different algorithms

Yaron Kfir [06-11-14 - 03:49]
Added more information about the different algorithms
diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog
index 616d019..c7c650e 100644
--- a/Changelog
+++ b/Changelog
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ v1.1
  - Added some color
  - Added price info to enchanting tooltip
  - Added option to hide pricing info unless a key is pressed
+ - Added more information about the different algorithms

  - Doing some housekeeping and removing items that cannot be parsed, in order to avoid errors when trying to calculate suggested price
diff --git a/PriceTracker.lua b/PriceTracker.lua
index 520c43c..83e0e16 100644
--- a/PriceTracker.lua
+++ b/PriceTracker.lua
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ PriceTracker = {
 	colors = {
 		default = "|c" .. ZO_TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_COLOR:ToHex(),
+		instructional = "|c" .. ZO_TOOLTIP_INSTRUCTIONAL_COLOR:ToHex(),
+		yellow = "|cFFFF00",
 		title = "|c00B5FF",
 	selectedItem = {},
diff --git a/PriceTrackerMenu.lua b/PriceTrackerMenu.lua
index ba8f33b..2218115 100644
--- a/PriceTrackerMenu.lua
+++ b/PriceTrackerMenu.lua
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ function PriceTrackerMenu:InitAddonMenu(addOnName)
 	LAM:AddDropdown(addOnMenu, addOnName .. "Algorithm", "Select Price Algorithm", "", self.algorithmTable,
 		function() return PriceTracker.settings.algorithm or self.algorithmTable[1] end,
 		function(algorithm) PriceTracker.settings.algorithm = algorithm end)
+	LAM:AddDescription(addOnMenu, addOnName .. "WeightedAverageDescription", "The average price of all items, with stack sizes taken into account.  For example, a stack of 10 items will be counted 10 times when calculating the average price.", PriceTracker.colors.instructional .. "Weighted Average" .. PriceTracker.colors.default)
+	LAM:AddDescription(addOnMenu, addOnName .. "MedianDescription", "The price value for which half of the items cost more and half cost less.", PriceTracker.colors.instructional .. "Median" .. PriceTracker.colors.default)
+	LAM:AddDescription(addOnMenu, addOnName .. "ModeDescription", "The most common price value.", PriceTracker.colors.instructional .. "Most Frequently Used (also known as Mode)" .. PriceTracker.colors.default)
 	LAM:AddCheckbox(addOnMenu, addOnName .. "MinMax", "Show Min / Max Prices", "Show minimum and maximum sell values",
 		function() return PriceTracker.settings.showMinMax end,
 		function(check) PriceTracker.settings.showMinMax = check end)