You can now click on labels to select/deselect addons
Wobin [05-15-14 - 15:06]
You can now click on labels to select/deselect addons
if you click on one addon, then shiftclick further down or up, all intervening addons will be selected/unselected
diff --git a/AddonClearer.lua b/AddonClearer.lua
index 95327a6..84c9a22 100644
--- a/AddonClearer.lua
+++ b/AddonClearer.lua
@@ -41,17 +41,47 @@ function AddonClearer:SetAddons(toDo)
+local firstControl = nil
+function AddonClearer:MultiSelect(button)
+ if not IsShiftKeyDown() then firstControl = self return false end
+ if self ~= firstControl and IsShiftKeyDown() then
+ local firstRow = firstControl:GetParent().data
+ local currentRow = self:GetParent().data
+ local AddOnManager = GetAddOnManager()
+ local step = firstRow.sortIndex - currentRow.sortIndex < 0 and 1 or -1
+ for i = firstRow.sortIndex, currentRow.sortIndex, step do
+ AddOnManager:SetAddOnEnabled(AddonClearer.ReverseLookup[i], firstRow.addOnEnabled)
+ end
+ end
+ return false
function AddonClearer:ShowPanel(...)
- local a,b = ...
+ local _, a,b = ...
if not (a == 14 and b == 5) then return end
+ for i,control in ipairs(ZO_AddOnsList.activeControls) do
+ local name = control:GetNamedChild("Name")
+ local enabled = control:GetNamedChild("Enabled")
+ local enabledClick = enabled:GetHandler("OnClicked")
+ name:SetMouseEnabled(true)
+ name:SetHandler("OnMouseDown", function(self, button) AddonClearer.MultiSelect(enabled, button) enabledClick(enabled, button) end)
+ ZO_PreHookHandler(enabled, "OnClicked", function(...) AddonClearer.MultiSelect(...) return false end)
+ end
+ AddonClearer.ReverseLookup = {}
+ for i,v in ipairs( do
+ AddonClearer.ReverseLookup[] =
+ end
function AddonClearer:Loaded(eventCode, addonName)
if(addonName ~= "AddonClearer") then return end
AddonClearer.settings = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("AddonClearerSV", 1, nil, {savedSetup = {}})
- EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("AddonShowing", EVENT_ACTION_LAYER_PUSHED, function(...) AddonClearer:ShowPanel(...) end)
+ EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("AddonClearerShowing", EVENT_ACTION_LAYER_PUSHED, function(...) AddonClearer:ShowPanel(...) end)
EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("AddonClearerLoaded", EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, function(...) AddonClearer:Loaded(...) end)
\ No newline at end of file