messages is now in a colour similar to the Soul Tap icon
Chris O'Dell [04-21-14 - 00:08]
messages is now in a colour similar to the Soul Tap icon
diff --git a/SoulGemNotifier.lua b/SoulGemNotifier.lua
index 2dd4f91..84d96f1 100644
--- a/SoulGemNotifier.lua
+++ b/SoulGemNotifier.lua
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ end
function SoulGemNotifier.OnSingleSlotUpdate(eventId, bagId, slotId, isNewItem)
if (SoulGemNotifier.debug) then
- d("[eventId:"..eventId.."][bagId:"..bagId.."][slotId:"..slotId.."]" .. string.format("[isNewItem: %s]", isNewItem and "true" or "false"))
- d(string.format("IsFilledSoulGem: %s", IsItemSoulGem(1, bagId, slotId) and "true" or "false"))
+ d("|r|c888888 [eventId:"..eventId.."][bagId:"..bagId.."][slotId:"..slotId.."]" .. string.format("[isNewItem: %s]", isNewItem and "true" or "false"))
+ d("|r|c888888 " .. string.format("IsFilledSoulGem: %s", IsItemSoulGem(1, bagId, slotId) and "true" or "false"))
if (IsItemSoulGem(1, bagId, slotId) and isNewItem) then
- d("Filled a Soul Gem")
+ d("|r|c00FFFF Filled a Soul Gem")