added achievement to items from default vendor, some lag prevention on the text search

git [07-13-18 - 09:50]
added achievement to items from default vendor, some lag prevention on the text search
diff --git a/FurCContextMenu.lua b/FurCContextMenu.lua
index b5bb4d7..320e998 100644
--- a/FurCContextMenu.lua
+++ b/FurCContextMenu.lua
@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ local function postRecipeResult()   FurC.ToChat(GetItemLinkRecipeResultItemLink(
 local function postMaterial()       FurC.ToChat(cachedItemLink .. ": " .. FurC.GetMats(cachedItemLink, cachedRecipeArray, true)) end

+local function doNothing() return end
+local S_DIVIDER     = "-"
 local function addMenuItems(itemLink, recipeArray)

 	recipeArray = recipeArray or FurC.Find(itemLink)
@@ -55,7 +58,12 @@ local function addMenuItems(itemLink, recipeArray)
     cachedItemLink = itemLink
     cachedRecipeArray = recipeArray

-	AddCustomMenuItem(GetString(SI_FURC_MENU_HEADER), toChat, MENU_ADD_OPTION_LABEL)
+    if not FurC.GetSkipDivider() then
+        AddCustomMenuItem(S_DIVIDER,    doNothing, MENU_ADD_OPTION_LABEL)
+    end
+        AddCustomMenuItem(GetString(SI_FURC_MENU_HEADER), toChat, MENU_ADD_OPTION_LABEL)

 	local faveText = FurC.IsFavorite(itemLink, recipeArray) and GetString(SI_FURC_REMOVE_FAVE) or GetString(SI_FURC_ADD_FAVE)
 	AddCustomMenuItem(faveText, fave, MENU_ADD_OPTION_LABEL)
diff --git a/FurCMenu.lua b/FurCMenu.lua
index d041774..b5ff477 100644
--- a/FurCMenu.lua
+++ b/FurCMenu.lua
@@ -167,6 +167,14 @@ function FurC.CreateSettings(savedVars, defaults)
 			getFunc = function() return FurC.GetFontSize() end,
 			setFunc = function(value) FurC.SetFontSize(value) end
+		{ -- checkbox: use right click menu divider?
+			type 	= "checkbox",
+			getFunc = function() return FurC.GetSkipDivider() end,
+			setFunc = function(value) FurC.SetSkipDivider(value) end,
+			requiresReload = true
+		},
 		{	type = "submenu",
 			controls = {
@@ -251,7 +259,7 @@ function FurC.CreateSettings(savedVars, defaults)
                             name 	= GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR),
                             tooltip = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR_TT),
                             getFunc = function() return FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoRumour() end,
-                            setFunc = function(value) FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoRumour(value) end,
+                            setFunc = function(value) FurC.SetFilterAllOnTextNoRumour(value) end,
                             disabled = not FurC.GetFilterAllOnText()
diff --git a/FurCSettingsAdapter.lua b/FurCSettingsAdapter.lua
index 0e241d2..f4fdb8c 100644
--- a/FurCSettingsAdapter.lua
+++ b/FurCSettingsAdapter.lua
@@ -60,11 +60,18 @@ end
 function FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoRumour()
 	return FurC.settings["filterAllOnTextNoRumour"]
-function FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoRumour(value)
+function FurC.SetFilterAllOnTextNoRumour(value)
 	FurC.settings["filterAllOnTextNoRumour"] = value

+function FurC.GetSkipDivider()
+	return FurC.settings["skipDivider"]
+function FurC.SetSkipDivider(value)
+	FurC.settings["skipDivider"] = value
 function FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoBooks()
 	return FurC.settings["filterAllOnTextNoBooks"]
@@ -257,18 +264,34 @@ function FurC.GetSearchFilter()
 	return FurC.SearchFilter or ""
+local alreadySearching  = false
+local alreadyReset      = false
+local function resetSearch()
+    alreadySearching = false
+    alreadyReset     = false
+local function doSearchOnUpdate()
+    if alreadyReset then return end
+    if alreadySearching then
+        alreadyReset = true
+        zo_callLater(resetSearch, 200)
+        return
+    end
+    local text = FurC_SearchBox:GetText()
+    FurC_SearchBoxText:SetText((#text == 0 and FURC_S_FILTERDEFAULT) or "")
+    FurC.SearchFilter = text
+    FurC.GuiOnSliderUpdate(FurCGui_ListHolder_Slider, 0)
+    FurC.UpdateGui()
 function FurC.GuiSetSearchboxTextFrom(control)
     control = control or FurC_SearchBox
 	-- call asynchronely to prevent lagging. Praise votan.
-	task:Call(function()
-		local text = FurC_SearchBox:GetText()
-        FurC_SearchBoxText:SetText((#text == 0 and FURC_S_FILTERDEFAULT) or "")
-		FurC.SearchFilter = text
-		FurC.GuiOnSliderUpdate(FurCGui_ListHolder_Slider, 0)
-		FurC.UpdateGui()
-	end)
+	task:Call(doSearchOnUpdate)

 function FurC.GetHideBooks()
diff --git a/FurnitureCatalogue.txt b/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
index fb3cc71..eaf72f7 100644
--- a/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
+++ b/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Title: FurnitureCatalogue
 ## Author: manavortex
-## Version: 2.5.13
+## Version: 2.5.131
 ## APIVersion: 100023
 ## SavedVariables: FurnitureCatalogue_Settings
 ## OptionalDependsOn: pChat
diff --git a/FurnitureCatalogue_DevUtility/ContextMenu.lua b/FurnitureCatalogue_DevUtility/ContextMenu.lua
index efcefb1..ee871fe 100644
--- a/FurnitureCatalogue_DevUtility/ContextMenu.lua
+++ b/FurnitureCatalogue_DevUtility/ContextMenu.lua
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
 local UNITTAG_PLAYER = "player"
-local function whoami()
-    return GetUnitDisplayName(UNITTAG_PLAYER)

-local isMana    = string.find(whoami(), "@manavortex") or string.find(whoami(), "@Manorin")
-if not isMana then return end
+local this                                      = FurCDevUtility or {}

+local isMana    = string.find(GetDisplayName(), "@manavortex") or string.find(GetDisplayName(), "@Manorin")
+if not isMana then return end

 FurCDevControl_LinkHandlerBackup_OnLinkMouseUp  = nil
-local this                                      = FurCDevUtility or {}
 this.textbox                                    = this.textbox or FurCDevControlBox
 local textbox                                   = this.textbox

@@ -24,46 +21,59 @@ local cachedItemIds = {}

 local function showTextbox()
     if not isMana   then return end
-    this.textbox:GetParent():SetHidden(false)
-    this.textbox:SetHidden(false)
+    this.control:SetHidden(false)
 function this.clearControl()
     if not isMana   then return end
+    this.control():SetHidden(true)
 function this.selectEntireTextbox()
+    if (not isMana) or this.control:IsHidden() then return end
+    local text = textbox:GetText() or ""
+    textbox:SetSelection(0, #text)
+function this.onTextboxTextChanged()
     if not isMana   then return end
     if this.control:IsHidden() then return end
     local text = textbox:GetText() or ""
-    textbox:SetSelection(0, #text)
+    if #text > 0 then return end
+    this.clearControl()

-local defaultDebugString = "[%d] = GetString(SI_FURC_EXISITING_ITEMSOURCE_UNKNOWN_YET), -- %s"
-local debugStringWithPrice = "[%d] = { -- %s\n   itemPrice = %d, \n},"
-local debugStringWithAchievement = "[%d] = {--%s\n    itemPrice = %d,\n   --achievement = 0, \n},"
-local debugStringForRecipe = "%d, -- %s"
+local s4             = "    "
+local s8             = "        "
+local s_default            = (s4 .. "[%d] = GetString(SI_FURC_EXISITING_ITEMSOURCE_UNKNOWN_YET)," .. s8 .. "-- %w")
+local s_withPrice          = (s4 .. "[%d] = {" .. s8 .. "-- %s\n" .. s8 ..
+                                            "itemPrice = %d,\n" .. s4 ..
+                                           "},")
+local s_withAchievement    = (s4 .. "[%d] = {" .. s8 .. "--%w\n" .. s8 ..
+                                                "itemPrice = %d,\n" .. s8 ..
+                                                "achievement = 0,\n" .. s4 ..
+                                            "},")
+local s_forRecipe          = (s4 .. "%d, -- %s")

 local function makeOutput()
     if not isMana   then return end

-    local debugString
-    local isRecipe = IsItemLinkFurnitureRecipe(cachedItemLink)
+    local isRecipe      = IsItemLinkFurnitureRecipe(cachedItemLink)
+    local debugString   = (isRecipe and s_forRecipe) or s_default
+    cachedPrice         = cachedPrice or 0
+    cachedName          = cachedName or GetItemLinkName(cachedItemLink)

-    cachedPrice = cachedPrice or 0
-    cachedName = cachedName or GetItemLinkName(cachedItemLink)

-    if isRecipe then
-         debugString = debugStringForRecipe
-    elseif 0 < cachedPrice then
-        debugString = debugStringWithPrice
-    elseif not cachedCanBuy then
-        debugString = debugStringWithAchievement
-    else
-        debugString = defaultDebugString
+    if 0 < cachedPrice then
+        debugString = s_withPrice

+    if not (cachedCanBuy or isRecipe) then
+        debugString = s_withAchievement
+    end
     return string.format(debugString, FurC.GetItemId(cachedItemLink), cachedName, cachedPrice)

@@ -83,17 +93,19 @@ local function concatToTextbox()
     this.textbox:SetText(textSoFar .. makeOutput())
+local function doNothing() return end

-local S_ADD_TO_BOX = "Add data to textbox"
+local S_ADD_TO_BOX  = "Add data to textbox"
+local S_DIVIDER     = "-"
 local function addMenuItems()
+	AddCustomMenuItem(S_DIVIDER,    doNothing, MENU_ADD_OPTION_LABEL)
 	AddCustomMenuItem(S_ADD_TO_BOX, concatToTextbox, MENU_ADD_OPTION_LABEL)

 function FurCDevControl_HandleClickEvent(itemLink, button, control)		-- button being mouseButton here
     if not isMana   then return end
-    cachedItemLink  = itemLink
-    cachedControl   = control
-    cachedName      = GetItemLinkName(cachedItemLink)
     if (type(itemLink) == 'string' and #itemLink > 0) then
 		local handled = LINK_HANDLER:FireCallbacks(LINK_HANDLER.LINK_MOUSE_UP_EVENT, itemLink, button, ZO_LinkHandler_ParseLink(itemLink))
 		if (not handled) then
@@ -107,8 +119,6 @@ function FurCDevControl_HandleClickEvent(itemLink, button, control)		-- button b

 -- thanks Randactyl for helping me with the handler :)
 function FurCDevControl_HandleInventoryContextMenu(control)
     if not isMana   then return end
@@ -124,7 +134,7 @@ function FurCDevControl_HandleInventoryContextMenu(control)
         local bagId, slotId = ZO_Inventory_GetBagAndIndex(control)
         cachedItemLink = GetItemLink(bagId, slotId, linkStyle)
         name     = GetItemLinkName(cachedItemLink)
-        price    = nil
+        price    = 0
     elseif st == SLOT_TYPE_STORE_BUY then
         local storeEntryIndex = control.index or 0
         _, name, _, price, _, meetsRequirementsToBuy, _, _, _,
@@ -142,13 +152,11 @@ function FurCDevControl_HandleInventoryContextMenu(control)
-	end, 50)
+	end, 100)


 function this.OnControlMouseUp(control, button)
     if not isMana   then return end

diff --git a/FurnitureCatalogue_DevUtility/xml.xml b/FurnitureCatalogue_DevUtility/xml.xml
index 5ba27ef..e4553d9 100644
--- a/FurnitureCatalogue_DevUtility/xml.xml
+++ b/FurnitureCatalogue_DevUtility/xml.xml
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
                         mouseOver	="/esoui/art/buttons/"
                 <Button name="$(parent)_clear" inherits="ZO_ButtonBehaviorClickSound" >
                     <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
@@ -29,9 +28,9 @@

                 <EditBox name="$(parent)Box" inherits="ZO_DefaultEditMultiLine ZO_DefaultEditForDarkBackdrop" >
                     <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="50" offsetY="50"/>
-                    <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="50"/>
+                    <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="50"/>
+                    <OnTextChanged>FurCDevUtility.onTextboxTextChanged()</OnTextChanged>

diff --git a/data/01_Homestead/H_AchievementVendors.lua b/data/01_Homestead/H_AchievementVendors.lua
index dae5709..e8e94ab 100644
--- a/data/01_Homestead/H_AchievementVendors.lua
+++ b/data/01_Homestead/H_AchievementVendors.lua
@@ -64,90 +64,97 @@ local jesterVendor = {

 local capitalVendor = {
 	[119987] = {		-- Coldharbour Urn
 		itemPrice 	= 5000,
-	},
-	[120037] = {		-- Decorative Skyshard
-		itemPrice 	= 25000,
-		achievement  	= 1009,
-	},
-	[120001] = {		-- Decorative Treasure Chest
-		itemPrice 	= 10000,
-		achievement  	= "",
-	},
-	[119994] = {		-- Depleted Sigil Stone
-		itemPrice 	= 5000,
-		achievement  	= "",
-	},
-	[120066] = {		-- Display Craft Bag
-		itemPrice 	= 5000,
-		achievement  	= "",
-	},
-	[120043] = {		-- Fishing Vessel
-		itemPrice 	= 100000,
-		achievement  	= "",
-	},
-	[120056] = {		-- Hanging Map of Tamriel
-		itemPrice 	= 10000,
-		achievement  	= "",
-	},
-	[119993] = {		-- Lantern of Anguish
-		itemPrice 	= 5000,
-		achievement  	= "",
-	},
-	[120039] = {		-- Primal Altar to Hircine
-		itemPrice 	= 50000,
-		achievement  	= 1009,
-	},
-	[119989] = {		-- Replica Black Soulgem
-		itemPrice 	= 2500,
-		achievement  	= "",
-	},
-	[119988] = {		-- Replica Soul Gem
-		itemPrice 	= 500,
-		achievement  	= "",
-	},
-	[119995] = {		-- Silent Sentinel
-		itemPrice 	= 20000,
-		achievement  	= "",
-	},
-	[119990] = {		-- Soul Gem Case
-		itemPrice 	= 4000,
-		achievement  	= "",
-	},
-	[119992] = {		-- Soul Gem Crate
-		itemPrice 	= 5000,
-		achievement  	= "",
-	},
-	[119996] = {		-- Soul Gem Stand
-		itemPrice 	= 4000,
-		achievement  	= "",
-	},
-	[119991] = {		-- Spare Flesh Atronach Parts
+		achievement = 993,
+	},
+    [120064] = { -- Covenant Hero Shield
+       itemPrice    = 10000,
+		achievement = 61,
+    },
+    [120037] = { -- Decorative Skyshard
+       itemPrice    = 25000,
+       achievement  = 989,
+    },
+    [120001] = { -- Decorative Treasure Chest
+       itemPrice    = 10000,
+       achievement  = 22,
+    },
+    [119994] = { -- Depleted Sigil Stone
+       itemPrice    = 5000,
+       achievement  = 1000,
+    },
+    [120066] = { -- Display Craft Bag
+       itemPrice    = 5000,
+       achievement  = "ESO+",
+    },
+    [120063] = { -- Dominion Hero Shield
+       itemPrice    = 10000,
+		achievement = 618,
+    },
+    [120043] = { -- Fishing Vessel
+       itemPrice    = 25000,
+       achievement  = 494,
+    },
+    [120056] = { -- Hanging Map of Tamriel
+       itemPrice    = 10000,
+       achievement  = 867,
+    },
+    [119993] = { -- Lantern of Anguish
+        itemPrice   = 5000,
+        achievement = 999,
+    },
+    [120065] = { -- Pact Hero Shield
+       itemPrice    = 10000,
+		achievement = 617,
+    },
+    [120039] = { -- Primal Altar to Hircine
+       itemPrice    = 50000,
+       achievement  = 1009,
+    },
+    [119989] = { -- Replica Black Soul Gem
+       itemPrice    = 2500,
+       achievement  = 995,
+    },
+    [119988] = { -- Replica Soul Gem
+       itemPrice    = 500,
+       achievement  = 994,
+    },
+    [119995] = { -- Silent Sentinel
+       itemPrice    = 20000,
+       achievement  = 1001,
+    },
+    [119990] = { -- Soul Gem Case
+       itemPrice    = 4000,
+       achievement  = 996,
+    },
+    [119992] = { -- Soul Gem Crate
+       itemPrice    = 5000,
+       achievement  = 998,
+    },
+    [119996] = { -- Soul Gem Stand
+       itemPrice    = 4000,
+       achievement  = 1002,
+    },
+    [119991] = { -- Spare Flesh Atronach Parts
+       itemPrice    = 10000,
+       achievement  = 997,
+    },
+    [119873] = { -- Tamrith Coffin
+       itemPrice    = 20000,
+       achievement  = 1010,
+    },
+    [119872] = { -- Tamrith Coffin Lid
+       itemPrice    = 5000,
+       achievement  = 1010,
+    },
+    [119997] = { -- The Final Threat
+       itemPrice    = 100000,
+       achievement  = 1003,
+    },

-		itemPrice 	= 10000,
-		achievement  	= "",
-	},
-	[119873] = {		-- Tamrith Coffin
-		itemPrice 	= 20000,
-		achievement  	= 1010,
-	},
-	[119872] = {		-- Tamrith Coffin Lid
-		itemPrice 	= 5000,
-		achievement  	= 1010,
-	},
-	[120064] = {		-- DC shield
-		itemPrice 	= 10000,
-		achievement  	= 61,
-	},
-	[120063] = {		-- AD shield
-		itemPrice 	= 10000,
-		achievement  	= 618,
-	},
-	[120065] = {		-- EP shield
-		itemPrice 	= 10000,
-		achievement  	= 617,
-	},

 local furnishingVendor = {
@@ -1220,7 +1227,7 @@ local miscVendor = tableMerge(tableMerge(tableMerge(structures, boxes), laundry)

 FurC.AchievementVendors[FURC_HOMESTEAD] = {

-	["any Alliance Capital"] = {
+	[GetString(FURC_AV_CAPITAL)] = {
 		[GetString(FURC_AV_NAR)] = capitalVendor,
 		[GetString(FURC_AV_HER)] = jesterVendor,
diff --git a/data/02_Morrowind/M_AchievementVendors.lua b/data/02_Morrowind/M_AchievementVendors.lua
index 44c504d..068e284 100644
--- a/data/02_Morrowind/M_AchievementVendors.lua
+++ b/data/02_Morrowind/M_AchievementVendors.lua
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ FurC.AchievementVendors[FURC_MORROWIND] = {
-	["any Alliance Capital"] = {
+	[GetString(FURC_AV_CAPITAL)] = {
 		[GetString(FURC_AV_HER)] = {
 			[126720]	= { -- Banner of Mayhem
 				itemPrice 		= 5000,
diff --git a/data/04_Clockwork/CC_AchievementVendors.lua b/data/04_Clockwork/CC_AchievementVendors.lua
index f50c58e..ca9c90c 100644
--- a/data/04_Clockwork/CC_AchievementVendors.lua
+++ b/data/04_Clockwork/CC_AchievementVendors.lua
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ FurC.AchievementVendors[FURC_CLOCKWORK] = {

-	["any Alliance Capital"] = {
+	[GetString(FURC_AV_CAPITAL)] = {
 		[GetString(FURC_AV_HER)] = {
 			[134291] = { -- New Life Bonfire
 				itemPrice = 10000,
diff --git a/data/LuxuryFurnisher.lua b/data/LuxuryFurnisher.lua
index 10c1142..a709f02 100644
--- a/data/LuxuryFurnisher.lua
+++ b/data/LuxuryFurnisher.lua
@@ -46,15 +46,12 @@ FurC.LuxuryFurnisher[FURC_ALTMER] = {
 		itemPrice 	= 25000,
 		itemDate	= "2018-07-07",

     [139094] = { -- Daedric Altar, Periyte
 		itemPrice 	= 40000,
 		itemDate	= "2016-06-30",
-	-- July 15 - July 16
 	[126567] = {	-- Daedric Sarcophagus, Sealed
 		itemPrice 	= 10000,
 		itemDate	= "2016-06-30",
@@ -67,7 +64,7 @@ FurC.LuxuryFurnisher[FURC_ALTMER] = {
 		itemPrice 	= 25000,
 		itemDate	= "2016-06-30",

 	[126562] = {	-- Dwarven Crystal Mechanism
 		itemPrice 	= 50000,
@@ -82,7 +79,7 @@ FurC.LuxuryFurnisher[FURC_ALTMER] = {
 		itemDate	= "2018-06-23",
 	[139093] = {	-- Dwarven Centurion Hammer, Detached
-		itemPrice 	= 30000,
+		itemPrice 	= 3000,
 		itemDate	= "2018-06-23",

diff --git a/locale/de.lua b/locale/de.lua
index 1118eea..d8dd22f 100644
--- a/locale/de.lua
+++ b/locale/de.lua
@@ -1,17 +1,45 @@
 local filterDisabled = "disables this filter"
 local strings = {

+	FURC_AV_RAZ									= "Razoufa",
+	FURC_AV_MUL									= "Mulvise Valyn",
+	FURC_AV_NAR									= "Narwaawende",
+	FURC_AV_ALI									= "Alinor, Riverside Market",
+	FURC_AV_UNW									= "Unwotil",
+	FURC_AV_CUR									= "Curininwe",
+	FURC_AV_NAL									= "Nalirsewen",
+	FURC_AV_TAR									= "Tarmimn",
+	FURC_AV_LTS									= "Listens-To-Sea",
+	FURC_AV_HER									= "Heralda Garscroft",
+	FURC_AV_FRO									= "Frohilde Snow-Hair",
+	FURC_AV_LOT									= "Lozotusk",
+	FURC_AV_ROH									= "Rohzika",
+	FURC_AV_ATH									= "Athragor",
+	FURC_AV_MAL									= "Maladdiq",
+	FURC_AV_KRR									= "Krrztrrb",
+	FURC_AV_ENC									= "enchanters",
+	FURC_AV_ALC									= "alchemists",
+	FURC_AV_OUT									= "Outlaw Refuge, Merchant",
+	FURC_AV_COO									= "cooks",
+	FURC_AV_CLO									= "clothiers",
+	FURC_AV_CAR									= "carpenters",
+	FURC_AV_BSM									= "blacksmiths",
+	FURC_AV_ARTAEUM								= "Artaeum",
+    FURC_AV_CAPITAL                             = "any capital city",
 	-- Furniture Shopping List
 	SI_FURC_ONE_TO_SHOPPINGLIST = 				"Add 1 to shopping list",
 	SI_FURC_FIVE_TO_SHOPPINGLIST = 				"Add 5 to shopping list",
 	SI_FURC_TOGGLE_SHOPPINGLIST = 				" Toggle shopping list",
 	-- GUI and debug
 	SI_FURC_MENU_HEADER = 						"- |cD3B830Furniture|r:",
 	SI_FURC_REMOVE_FAVE = 						" Remove Favorite",
 	SI_FURC_ADD_FAVE = 							" Add Favorite",
 	SI_FURC_POST_ITEMSOURCE = 					" Post item source",
 	SI_FURC_POST_RECIPE = 						" Post recipe",
+	SI_FURC_POST_ITEM = 						" Post item",
 	SI_FURC_POST_MATERIAL = 					" Post material",
 	SI_FURC_DIALOGUE_RESET_DB_HEADER = 			"Really re-create furniture database?",
 	SI_FURC_DIALOGUE_RESET_DB_BODY = 			"This will re-create the FurnitureCatalogue database from scratch",
@@ -32,23 +60,23 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_HC = 						"Hollow City",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WASSOLDBY = 					"Was sold by <<1>> in <<2>> (<<3>>) <<4>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WEEKEND_AROUND = 			"(around <<1>>)",
+	SI_FURC_REQUIRES_QUEST                      = ", requires quest ",
+	SI_FURC_REQUIRES_ACHIEVEMENT                = ", requires ",
+	SI_FURC_PSIJIC_RANK                         = "Psijic Order Rank ",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WRIT_VENDOR =				"Master Writ Vendor",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WRIT_VENDOR_TT =				"Obtainable for Master Writs in your alliance's capital",
-	SI_FURC_STRING_Rolis = 					"Sold by |cd68957Rolis Hlaalu|r <<1>>",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_Rolis = 					    "Sold by |cd68957Rolis Hlaalu|r <<1>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_FAUSTINA = 					"Sold by |cd68957Faustina Curio|r <<1>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_FOR_VOUCHERS =				"for <<1>> vouchers",
 	SI_FURC_FESTIVAL_DROP = 					"can be acquired during <<1>> (<<2>>)",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_RECIPELEARNED = 				"Recipe learned: <<1>> <<2>> <<3>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_RECIPESFORCHAR = 			"recipes for <<1>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_VOUCHER_VENDOR =				"Sold by either Rolis Hlaalu or Faustina Curio",
-	SI_FURC_CHESTS =                            "From treasure chests",
-	SI_FURC_VVARDENFELL_PAINTING =              "extremely rarely from safeboxes or treasure chests",
+    SI_FURC_QUESTREWARD =                       "Reward for a quest in ",
+    SI_FURC_GEYSIR =                            "Drops from geysir reward clams on Summerset",
+    SI_FURC_GIANT_CLAM =                        "Drops from giant clams and geysir reward clams on Summerset",
 	-- =============================== --
-	-- ============ MENU ============= --
+	-- ============ MENU ============= --
 	-- =============================== --

 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEBUG = 				"Enable debug output",
@@ -61,7 +89,7 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SCAN_FILES_TT = 		"Will run a full scan of the data in Furniture Catalogue's files",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SCAN_CHAR_NAME = 		"Scan character",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SCAN_CHAR_TT = 			"Will run a full scan of your known furniture recipes and update the database accordingly",
-	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DELETE_CHAR_NAME =		"delete character data",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DELETE_CHAR_NAME =		"delete character",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DELETE_CHAR_TT =		"Deletes all knowledge for this character from the database. \nCharacter will be scanned again the next time they log in with the add-on enabled. \n Character name won't show up in the dropdown if they don't know any recipes!",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DELETE_CHAR_WARNING =	"Character knowledge will be wiped immediately",
@@ -74,10 +102,12 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_THIS_ONLY = 			"Only for this character?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_THIS_ONLY_TT = 		"Will be accountwide otherwise.",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY = 	 			"Use tiny interface?",
-	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY_TT = 	 		"Use a smaller interface (Craft Store like). \nYou can toggle this from the UI by clicking the +/- button.",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY_TT = 	 		"Use a smaller interface (Craft Store like). \nYou can toggle this from the UI by clicking the +/- button.",

 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_STARTSILENT = 	 		"Start silently?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_STARTSILENT_TT = 	 	"Suppress startup message",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SHOWICONONLEFT = 		"Show Known/Unknown icon on left?",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SHOWICONONLEFT_TT =		"Show Green Check/Red X icon on left or right of the inventory item (requires reloadui)",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FONTSIZE = 	 			"Font size",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FONTSIZE_TT = 	 		"adjust font size for FurnitureCatalogue here",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD = 	 		"Default dropdown values",
@@ -98,13 +128,27 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY_WARN = 			"Hiding the dropdown entry requires UI reload (won't happen automatically for your convenience)",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR = 				"Rumour recipes",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_DESC = 		 	"The furniture database contains a list of recipes that I have datamined.\nHowever, not all of those have been seen in-game.\nEnable this option to exclude them from the default filters.\nYou can still view them with their own filter, which you can disable below.",
-	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT =    "Search filtered items when doing a text search with no dropdown filters set?",

 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_N = 				"Hide rumour recipes?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN = 				"Crown store items",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_N = 				"Hide crown store items?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_DESC = 			"The furniture database will update whenever the tooltip shows a furniture item. \nSome items can only be acquired via crown store. \nCheck this box to exclude them from the default filters (disable crown store filter below).",
+    -- Filter text search
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =  "Filter settings for text search",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =         "Configure this filter",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_DESC =     "Configure filter settings for text search with disabled dropdowns. \nThese settings will only take effect when you have not set a source, character or version filter.",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT =    "Search filtered items when doing a text search with no dropdown filters set?",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT_TT = "When doing a text search without any dropdown ",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_BOOKS =       "Hide books anyway",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_BOOKS_TT =    "Even when filtering all items, still hide books?",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_CROWN =       "Hide crown store items anyway",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_CROWN_TT =    "Even when filtering all items, still hide crown store items?",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR =      "Hide rumour items anyway",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR_TT =   "Even when filtering all items, still hide rumour items?",
+    -- Hide menu entries
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU = 				"Hide menu entries?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_TT = 				"Hides \"Crown store\" and \"Rumour recipes\" from the dropdown \nactivated for crown store by default, as there aren't any items yet",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_RUMOUR = 			"Hide \"Rumour recipes\" drop down entry?",
@@ -120,16 +164,16 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_STATION =  	"Hide crafting station?",
 	-- =============================== --
-	-- ==== GUI: Dropdown entries ==== --
+	-- ==== GUI: Dropdown entries ==== --
 	-- =============================== --

-	SI_FURC_NONE 									= "Source filter: off",
-	SI_FURC_FAVE 									= "Favorites",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING								= "Craftable: All",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN							= "Craftable: Known",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN						= "Craftable: Unknown",
+	SI_FURC_NONE 									= "Source filter: off",
+	SI_FURC_FAVE 									= "Favorites",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING								= "Craftable: All",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN							= "Craftable: Known",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN						= "Craftable: Unknown",
 	SI_FURC_VENDOR									= "Purchaseable (gold)",
 	SI_FURC_PVP										= "Purchaseable (AP)",
 	SI_FURC_CROWN									= "Crown Store",
@@ -137,23 +181,25 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_LUXURY									= "Luxury items",
 	SI_FURC_RUMOUR									= "Rumour items",
 	SI_FURC_OTHER									= "Other",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_OFF						= "Version filter: off",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_HS						= "Homestead",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_M						= "Morrowind",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_R						= "Horns of the Reach",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_CC						= "Clockwork City",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_OFF						= "Version filter: off",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_HS						= "Homestead",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_M						= "Morrowind",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_R						= "Horns of the Reach",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_CC						= "Clockwork City",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_ALTMER_TT                = "",
 	-- =============================== --
-	-- = GUI: Dropdown entry tooltip = --
+	-- = GUI: Dropdown entry tooltip = --
 	-- =============================== --
-	SI_FURC_NONE_TT 								= "disables this filter",
-	SI_FURC_FAVE_TT 								= "Shows your favorites",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_TT								= "Shows all craftable items",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN_TT						= "Shows only known craftable items",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN_TT						= "Shows only unknown craftable items",
+	SI_FURC_NONE_TT 								= "disables this filter",
+	SI_FURC_FAVE_TT 								= "Shows your favorites",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_TT								= "Shows all craftable items",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN_TT						= "Shows only known craftable items",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN_TT						= "Shows only unknown craftable items",
 	SI_FURC_VENDOR_TT								= "Shows only items that cannot be crafted",
 	SI_FURC_PVP_TT									= "Items that are sold for alliance points",
 	SI_FURC_CROWN_TT								= "Shows items that can only be acquired from crown store",
@@ -178,7 +224,6 @@ local strings = {

 	SI_FURC_LABEL_ENTRIES							= " entries -",

     -- =============================== --
 	-- ========= Item Sources ======== --
 	-- =============================== --
@@ -187,8 +232,10 @@ local strings = {
     SI_FURC_CROWNSTORESOURCE				        = "Crown Store ",
     SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED				                = "can be fished",
     SI_FURC_HARVEST				                    = "from harvesting nodes",
+    SI_FURC_WW				                        = "occasionally found in wood nodes",
     SI_FURC_PLANTS						            = "from harvesting plants",
     SI_FURC_SCAMBOX						            = "Crown Crates",
+    SI_FURC_HOUSE						            = "From a furnished purchase of <<1>>",
     SI_FURC_AUTOMATON						        = "from automatons",
     SI_FURC_TOMBS 						            = "Ancestor tombs and ruins on Vvardenfell",
     SI_FURC_DAEDRA_SOURCE 						    = "from Daedra and Dolmen chests",
@@ -198,13 +245,19 @@ local strings = {
     SI_FURC_DAILY_ASHLANDERS			            = "Ashlander daily quest rewards",
     SI_FURC_PLUNDERSKULL			                = "Drops from Plunder Skulls during Witches' Festival",
     SI_FURC_DROP_CHEST_VVARDENFELL	                = "Extremely rarely from chests on Vvardenfell",
+    SI_FURC_DROP                                    = "This item is a drop ",
+    SI_FURC_DROP_ALTMER                             = "This item is a drop on Summerset",
     SI_FURC_FLAME_ATRONACH	                        = "Flame Atronach",
 	SI_FURC_CHESTS                                  = "from treasure chests",
 	SI_FURC_VVARDENFELL_PAINTING                    = "extremely rarely from safeboxes",
 	SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP                     = "Fang Lair/Scalecaller Peak",
+	SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_UNKNOWN_YET                  = "This item has been found in the sources/recipes for Summerset! \nIts origin isn't known yet.",
+	SI_FURC_EXISITING_ITEMSOURCE_UNKNOWN_YET        = "This item has been confirmed existing, but its origin isn't known yet.",
+	SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK                     = "This item is part of the Crown Store item pack ",
+	SI_FURC_SEEN_IN_GUILDSTORE                      = "Seen in Guild Store",

 for stringId, stringValue in pairs(strings) do
 	ZO_CreateStringId(stringId, stringValue)
 	SafeAddVersion(stringId, 2)
diff --git a/locale/en.lua b/locale/en.lua
index afa9335..53faa66 100644
--- a/locale/en.lua
+++ b/locale/en.lua
@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ local strings = {
 	FURC_AV_CAR									= "carpenters",
 	FURC_AV_BSM									= "blacksmiths",
 	FURC_AV_ARTAEUM								= "Artaeum",
+    FURC_AV_CAPITAL                             = "any capital city",

 	-- Furniture Shopping List
 	SI_FURC_ONE_TO_SHOPPINGLIST = 				"Add 1 to shopping list",
@@ -129,7 +128,10 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY_WARN = 			"Hiding the dropdown entry requires UI reload (won't happen automatically for your convenience)",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR = 				"Rumour recipes",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_DESC = 		 	"The furniture database contains a list of recipes that I have datamined.\nHowever, not all of those have been seen in-game.\nEnable this option to exclude them from the default filters.\nYou can still view them with their own filter, which you can disable below.",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_CONTEXTMENU_DIVIDER =        "Don't use divider in context menu?",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_CONTEXTMENU_DIVIDER_TT =     "Adds a divider to the context manu above the - Furniture entry. Check to disable",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_N = 				"Hide rumour recipes?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN = 				"Crown store items",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_N = 				"Hide crown store items?",
diff --git a/locale/fr.lua b/locale/fr.lua
index 1711204..43e2f5d 100644
--- a/locale/fr.lua
+++ b/locale/fr.lua
@@ -1,17 +1,45 @@
 local filterDisabled = "disables this filter"
 local strings = {

+	FURC_AV_RAZ									= "Razoufa",
+	FURC_AV_MUL									= "Mulvise Valyn",
+	FURC_AV_NAR									= "Narwaawende",
+	FURC_AV_ALI									= "Alinor, Riverside Market",
+	FURC_AV_UNW									= "Unwotil",
+	FURC_AV_CUR									= "Curininwe",
+	FURC_AV_NAL									= "Nalirsewen",
+	FURC_AV_TAR									= "Tarmimn",
+	FURC_AV_LTS									= "Listens-To-Sea",
+	FURC_AV_HER									= "Heralda Garscroft",
+	FURC_AV_FRO									= "Frohilde Snow-Hair",
+	FURC_AV_LOT									= "Lozotusk",
+	FURC_AV_ROH									= "Rohzika",
+	FURC_AV_ATH									= "Athragor",
+	FURC_AV_MAL									= "Maladdiq",
+	FURC_AV_KRR									= "Krrztrrb",
+	FURC_AV_ENC									= "enchanters",
+	FURC_AV_ALC									= "alchemists",
+	FURC_AV_OUT									= "Outlaw Refuge, Merchant",
+	FURC_AV_COO									= "cooks",
+	FURC_AV_CLO									= "clothiers",
+	FURC_AV_CAR									= "carpenters",
+	FURC_AV_BSM									= "blacksmiths",
+	FURC_AV_ARTAEUM								= "Artaeum",
+    FURC_AV_CAPITAL                             = "any capital city",
 	-- Furniture Shopping List
 	SI_FURC_ONE_TO_SHOPPINGLIST = 				"Add 1 to shopping list",
 	SI_FURC_FIVE_TO_SHOPPINGLIST = 				"Add 5 to shopping list",
 	SI_FURC_TOGGLE_SHOPPINGLIST = 				" Toggle shopping list",
 	-- GUI and debug
 	SI_FURC_MENU_HEADER = 						"- |cD3B830Furniture|r:",
 	SI_FURC_REMOVE_FAVE = 						" Remove Favorite",
 	SI_FURC_ADD_FAVE = 							" Add Favorite",
 	SI_FURC_POST_ITEMSOURCE = 					" Post item source",
 	SI_FURC_POST_RECIPE = 						" Post recipe",
+	SI_FURC_POST_ITEM = 						" Post item",
 	SI_FURC_POST_MATERIAL = 					" Post material",
 	SI_FURC_DIALOGUE_RESET_DB_HEADER = 			"Really re-create furniture database?",
 	SI_FURC_DIALOGUE_RESET_DB_BODY = 			"This will re-create the FurnitureCatalogue database from scratch",
@@ -32,24 +60,23 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_HC = 						"Hollow City",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WASSOLDBY = 					"Was sold by <<1>> in <<2>> (<<3>>) <<4>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WEEKEND_AROUND = 			"(around <<1>>)",
+	SI_FURC_REQUIRES_QUEST                      = ", requires quest ",
+	SI_FURC_REQUIRES_ACHIEVEMENT                = ", requires ",
+	SI_FURC_PSIJIC_RANK                         = "Psijic Order Rank ",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WRIT_VENDOR =				"Master Writ Vendor",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WRIT_VENDOR_TT =				"Obtainable for Master Writs in your alliance's capital",
-	SI_FURC_STRING_Rolis = 					"Sold by |cd68957Rolis Hlaalu|r <<1>>",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_Rolis = 					    "Sold by |cd68957Rolis Hlaalu|r <<1>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_FAUSTINA = 					"Sold by |cd68957Faustina Curio|r <<1>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_FOR_VOUCHERS =				"for <<1>> vouchers",
 	SI_FURC_FESTIVAL_DROP = 					"can be acquired during <<1>> (<<2>>)",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_RECIPELEARNED = 				"Recipe learned: <<1>> <<2>> <<3>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_RECIPESFORCHAR = 			"recipes for <<1>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_VOUCHER_VENDOR =				"Sold by either Rolis Hlaalu or Faustina Curio",
-	SI_FURC_CHESTS =                            "From treasure chests",
-	SI_FURC_VVARDENFELL_PAINTING =              "extremely rarely from safeboxes or treasure chests",
+    SI_FURC_QUESTREWARD =                       "Reward for a quest in ",
+    SI_FURC_GEYSIR =                            "Drops from geysir reward clams on Summerset",
+    SI_FURC_GIANT_CLAM =                        "Drops from giant clams and geysir reward clams on Summerset",
 	-- =============================== --
-	-- ============ MENU ============= --
+	-- ============ MENU ============= --
 	-- =============================== --

 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEBUG = 				"Enable debug output",
@@ -75,10 +102,12 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_THIS_ONLY = 			"Only for this character?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_THIS_ONLY_TT = 		"Will be accountwide otherwise.",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY = 	 			"Use tiny interface?",
-	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY_TT = 	 		"Use a smaller interface (Craft Store like). \nYou can toggle this from the UI by clicking the +/- button.",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY_TT = 	 		"Use a smaller interface (Craft Store like). \nYou can toggle this from the UI by clicking the +/- button.",

 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_STARTSILENT = 	 		"Start silently?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_STARTSILENT_TT = 	 	"Suppress startup message",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SHOWICONONLEFT = 		"Show Known/Unknown icon on left?",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SHOWICONONLEFT_TT =		"Show Green Check/Red X icon on left or right of the inventory item (requires reloadui)",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FONTSIZE = 	 			"Font size",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FONTSIZE_TT = 	 		"adjust font size for FurnitureCatalogue here",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD = 	 		"Default dropdown values",
@@ -104,8 +133,22 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN = 				"Crown store items",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_N = 				"Hide crown store items?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_DESC = 			"The furniture database will update whenever the tooltip shows a furniture item. \nSome items can only be acquired via crown store. \nCheck this box to exclude them from the default filters (disable crown store filter below).",
-	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT =    "Search filtered items when doing a text search with no dropdown filters set?",
+    -- Filter text search
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =  "Filter settings for text search",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =         "Configure this filter",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_DESC =     "Configure filter settings for text search with disabled dropdowns. \nThese settings will only take effect when you have not set a source, character or version filter.",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT =    "Search filtered items when doing a text search with no dropdown filters set?",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT_TT = "When doing a text search without any dropdown ",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_BOOKS =       "Hide books anyway",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_BOOKS_TT =    "Even when filtering all items, still hide books?",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_CROWN =       "Hide crown store items anyway",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_CROWN_TT =    "Even when filtering all items, still hide crown store items?",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR =      "Hide rumour items anyway",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR_TT =   "Even when filtering all items, still hide rumour items?",
+    -- Hide menu entries
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU = 				"Hide menu entries?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_TT = 				"Hides \"Crown store\" and \"Rumour recipes\" from the dropdown \nactivated for crown store by default, as there aren't any items yet",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_RUMOUR = 			"Hide \"Rumour recipes\" drop down entry?",
@@ -121,16 +164,16 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_STATION =  	"Hide crafting station?",
 	-- =============================== --
-	-- ==== GUI: Dropdown entries ==== --
+	-- ==== GUI: Dropdown entries ==== --
 	-- =============================== --

-	SI_FURC_NONE 									= "Source filter: off",
-	SI_FURC_FAVE 									= "Favorites",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING								= "Craftable: All",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN							= "Craftable: Known",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN						= "Craftable: Unknown",
+	SI_FURC_NONE 									= "Source filter: off",
+	SI_FURC_FAVE 									= "Favorites",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING								= "Craftable: All",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN							= "Craftable: Known",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN						= "Craftable: Unknown",
 	SI_FURC_VENDOR									= "Purchaseable (gold)",
 	SI_FURC_PVP										= "Purchaseable (AP)",
 	SI_FURC_CROWN									= "Crown Store",
@@ -138,23 +181,25 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_LUXURY									= "Luxury items",
 	SI_FURC_RUMOUR									= "Rumour items",
 	SI_FURC_OTHER									= "Other",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_OFF						= "Version filter: off",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_HS						= "Homestead",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_M						= "Morrowind",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_R						= "Horns of the Reach",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_CC						= "Clockwork City",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_OFF						= "Version filter: off",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_HS						= "Homestead",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_M						= "Morrowind",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_R						= "Horns of the Reach",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_CC						= "Clockwork City",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_ALTMER_TT                = "",
 	-- =============================== --
-	-- = GUI: Dropdown entry tooltip = --
+	-- = GUI: Dropdown entry tooltip = --
 	-- =============================== --
-	SI_FURC_NONE_TT 								= "disables this filter",
-	SI_FURC_FAVE_TT 								= "Shows your favorites",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_TT								= "Shows all craftable items",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN_TT						= "Shows only known craftable items",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN_TT						= "Shows only unknown craftable items",
+	SI_FURC_NONE_TT 								= "disables this filter",
+	SI_FURC_FAVE_TT 								= "Shows your favorites",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_TT								= "Shows all craftable items",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN_TT						= "Shows only known craftable items",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN_TT						= "Shows only unknown craftable items",
 	SI_FURC_VENDOR_TT								= "Shows only items that cannot be crafted",
 	SI_FURC_PVP_TT									= "Items that are sold for alliance points",
 	SI_FURC_CROWN_TT								= "Shows items that can only be acquired from crown store",
@@ -179,8 +224,6 @@ local strings = {

 	SI_FURC_LABEL_ENTRIES							= " entries -",

     -- =============================== --
 	-- ========= Item Sources ======== --
 	-- =============================== --
@@ -189,8 +232,10 @@ local strings = {
     SI_FURC_CROWNSTORESOURCE				        = "Crown Store ",
     SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED				                = "can be fished",
     SI_FURC_HARVEST				                    = "from harvesting nodes",
+    SI_FURC_WW				                        = "occasionally found in wood nodes",
     SI_FURC_PLANTS						            = "from harvesting plants",
     SI_FURC_SCAMBOX						            = "Crown Crates",
+    SI_FURC_HOUSE						            = "From a furnished purchase of <<1>>",
     SI_FURC_AUTOMATON						        = "from automatons",
     SI_FURC_TOMBS 						            = "Ancestor tombs and ruins on Vvardenfell",
     SI_FURC_DAEDRA_SOURCE 						    = "from Daedra and Dolmen chests",
@@ -200,13 +245,19 @@ local strings = {
     SI_FURC_DAILY_ASHLANDERS			            = "Ashlander daily quest rewards",
     SI_FURC_PLUNDERSKULL			                = "Drops from Plunder Skulls during Witches' Festival",
     SI_FURC_DROP_CHEST_VVARDENFELL	                = "Extremely rarely from chests on Vvardenfell",
+    SI_FURC_DROP                                    = "This item is a drop ",
+    SI_FURC_DROP_ALTMER                             = "This item is a drop on Summerset",
     SI_FURC_FLAME_ATRONACH	                        = "Flame Atronach",
 	SI_FURC_CHESTS                                  = "from treasure chests",
 	SI_FURC_VVARDENFELL_PAINTING                    = "extremely rarely from safeboxes",
 	SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP                     = "Fang Lair/Scalecaller Peak",
+	SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_UNKNOWN_YET                  = "This item has been found in the sources/recipes for Summerset! \nIts origin isn't known yet.",
+	SI_FURC_EXISITING_ITEMSOURCE_UNKNOWN_YET        = "This item has been confirmed existing, but its origin isn't known yet.",
+	SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK                     = "This item is part of the Crown Store item pack ",
+	SI_FURC_SEEN_IN_GUILDSTORE                      = "Seen in Guild Store",

 for stringId, stringValue in pairs(strings) do
 	ZO_CreateStringId(stringId, stringValue)
 	SafeAddVersion(stringId, 2)
diff --git a/locale/jp.lua b/locale/jp.lua
index 23d894d..d8dd22f 100644
--- a/locale/jp.lua
+++ b/locale/jp.lua
@@ -1,17 +1,45 @@
 local filterDisabled = "disables this filter"
 local strings = {

+	FURC_AV_RAZ									= "Razoufa",
+	FURC_AV_MUL									= "Mulvise Valyn",
+	FURC_AV_NAR									= "Narwaawende",
+	FURC_AV_ALI									= "Alinor, Riverside Market",
+	FURC_AV_UNW									= "Unwotil",
+	FURC_AV_CUR									= "Curininwe",
+	FURC_AV_NAL									= "Nalirsewen",
+	FURC_AV_TAR									= "Tarmimn",
+	FURC_AV_LTS									= "Listens-To-Sea",
+	FURC_AV_HER									= "Heralda Garscroft",
+	FURC_AV_FRO									= "Frohilde Snow-Hair",
+	FURC_AV_LOT									= "Lozotusk",
+	FURC_AV_ROH									= "Rohzika",
+	FURC_AV_ATH									= "Athragor",
+	FURC_AV_MAL									= "Maladdiq",
+	FURC_AV_KRR									= "Krrztrrb",
+	FURC_AV_ENC									= "enchanters",
+	FURC_AV_ALC									= "alchemists",
+	FURC_AV_OUT									= "Outlaw Refuge, Merchant",
+	FURC_AV_COO									= "cooks",
+	FURC_AV_CLO									= "clothiers",
+	FURC_AV_CAR									= "carpenters",
+	FURC_AV_BSM									= "blacksmiths",
+	FURC_AV_ARTAEUM								= "Artaeum",
+    FURC_AV_CAPITAL                             = "any capital city",
 	-- Furniture Shopping List
 	SI_FURC_ONE_TO_SHOPPINGLIST = 				"Add 1 to shopping list",
 	SI_FURC_FIVE_TO_SHOPPINGLIST = 				"Add 5 to shopping list",
 	SI_FURC_TOGGLE_SHOPPINGLIST = 				" Toggle shopping list",
 	-- GUI and debug
 	SI_FURC_MENU_HEADER = 						"- |cD3B830Furniture|r:",
 	SI_FURC_REMOVE_FAVE = 						" Remove Favorite",
 	SI_FURC_ADD_FAVE = 							" Add Favorite",
 	SI_FURC_POST_ITEMSOURCE = 					" Post item source",
 	SI_FURC_POST_RECIPE = 						" Post recipe",
+	SI_FURC_POST_ITEM = 						" Post item",
 	SI_FURC_POST_MATERIAL = 					" Post material",
 	SI_FURC_DIALOGUE_RESET_DB_HEADER = 			"Really re-create furniture database?",
 	SI_FURC_DIALOGUE_RESET_DB_BODY = 			"This will re-create the FurnitureCatalogue database from scratch",
@@ -32,24 +60,23 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_HC = 						"Hollow City",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WASSOLDBY = 					"Was sold by <<1>> in <<2>> (<<3>>) <<4>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WEEKEND_AROUND = 			"(around <<1>>)",
+	SI_FURC_REQUIRES_QUEST                      = ", requires quest ",
+	SI_FURC_REQUIRES_ACHIEVEMENT                = ", requires ",
+	SI_FURC_PSIJIC_RANK                         = "Psijic Order Rank ",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WRIT_VENDOR =				"Master Writ Vendor",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WRIT_VENDOR_TT =				"Obtainable for Master Writs in your alliance's capital",
-	SI_FURC_STRING_Rolis = 					"Sold by |cd68957Rolis Hlaalu|r <<1>>",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_Rolis = 					    "Sold by |cd68957Rolis Hlaalu|r <<1>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_FAUSTINA = 					"Sold by |cd68957Faustina Curio|r <<1>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_FOR_VOUCHERS =				"for <<1>> vouchers",
 	SI_FURC_FESTIVAL_DROP = 					"can be acquired during <<1>> (<<2>>)",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_RECIPELEARNED = 				"Recipe learned: <<1>> <<2>> <<3>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_RECIPESFORCHAR = 			"recipes for <<1>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_VOUCHER_VENDOR =				"Sold by either Rolis Hlaalu or Faustina Curio",
-	SI_FURC_CHESTS =                            "From treasure chests",
-	SI_FURC_VVARDENFELL_PAINTING =              "extremely rarely from safeboxes or treasure chests",
+    SI_FURC_QUESTREWARD =                       "Reward for a quest in ",
+    SI_FURC_GEYSIR =                            "Drops from geysir reward clams on Summerset",
+    SI_FURC_GIANT_CLAM =                        "Drops from giant clams and geysir reward clams on Summerset",
 	-- =============================== --
-	-- ============ MENU ============= --
+	-- ============ MENU ============= --
 	-- =============================== --

 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEBUG = 				"Enable debug output",
@@ -75,10 +102,12 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_THIS_ONLY = 			"Only for this character?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_THIS_ONLY_TT = 		"Will be accountwide otherwise.",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY = 	 			"Use tiny interface?",
-	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY_TT = 	 		"Use a smaller interface (Craft Store like). \nYou can toggle this from the UI by clicking the +/- button.",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY_TT = 	 		"Use a smaller interface (Craft Store like). \nYou can toggle this from the UI by clicking the +/- button.",

 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_STARTSILENT = 	 		"Start silently?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_STARTSILENT_TT = 	 	"Suppress startup message",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SHOWICONONLEFT = 		"Show Known/Unknown icon on left?",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SHOWICONONLEFT_TT =		"Show Green Check/Red X icon on left or right of the inventory item (requires reloadui)",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FONTSIZE = 	 			"Font size",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FONTSIZE_TT = 	 		"adjust font size for FurnitureCatalogue here",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD = 	 		"Default dropdown values",
@@ -104,8 +133,22 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN = 				"Crown store items",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_N = 				"Hide crown store items?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_DESC = 			"The furniture database will update whenever the tooltip shows a furniture item. \nSome items can only be acquired via crown store. \nCheck this box to exclude them from the default filters (disable crown store filter below).",
-	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT =    "Search filtered items when doing a text search with no dropdown filters set?",
+    -- Filter text search
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =  "Filter settings for text search",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =         "Configure this filter",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_DESC =     "Configure filter settings for text search with disabled dropdowns. \nThese settings will only take effect when you have not set a source, character or version filter.",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT =    "Search filtered items when doing a text search with no dropdown filters set?",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT_TT = "When doing a text search without any dropdown ",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_BOOKS =       "Hide books anyway",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_BOOKS_TT =    "Even when filtering all items, still hide books?",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_CROWN =       "Hide crown store items anyway",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_CROWN_TT =    "Even when filtering all items, still hide crown store items?",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR =      "Hide rumour items anyway",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR_TT =   "Even when filtering all items, still hide rumour items?",
+    -- Hide menu entries
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU = 				"Hide menu entries?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_TT = 				"Hides \"Crown store\" and \"Rumour recipes\" from the dropdown \nactivated for crown store by default, as there aren't any items yet",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_RUMOUR = 			"Hide \"Rumour recipes\" drop down entry?",
@@ -121,16 +164,16 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_STATION =  	"Hide crafting station?",
 	-- =============================== --
-	-- ==== GUI: Dropdown entries ==== --
+	-- ==== GUI: Dropdown entries ==== --
 	-- =============================== --

-	SI_FURC_NONE 									= "Source filter: off",
-	SI_FURC_FAVE 									= "Favorites",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING								= "Craftable: All",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN							= "Craftable: Known",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN						= "Craftable: Unknown",
+	SI_FURC_NONE 									= "Source filter: off",
+	SI_FURC_FAVE 									= "Favorites",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING								= "Craftable: All",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN							= "Craftable: Known",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN						= "Craftable: Unknown",
 	SI_FURC_VENDOR									= "Purchaseable (gold)",
 	SI_FURC_PVP										= "Purchaseable (AP)",
 	SI_FURC_CROWN									= "Crown Store",
@@ -138,23 +181,25 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_LUXURY									= "Luxury items",
 	SI_FURC_RUMOUR									= "Rumour items",
 	SI_FURC_OTHER									= "Other",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_OFF						= "Version filter: off",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_HS						= "Homestead",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_M						= "Morrowind",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_R						= "Horns of the Reach",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_CC						= "Clockwork City",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_OFF						= "Version filter: off",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_HS						= "Homestead",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_M						= "Morrowind",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_R						= "Horns of the Reach",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_CC						= "Clockwork City",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_ALTMER_TT                = "",
 	-- =============================== --
-	-- = GUI: Dropdown entry tooltip = --
+	-- = GUI: Dropdown entry tooltip = --
 	-- =============================== --
-	SI_FURC_NONE_TT 								= "disables this filter",
-	SI_FURC_FAVE_TT 								= "Shows your favorites",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_TT								= "Shows all craftable items",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN_TT						= "Shows only known craftable items",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN_TT						= "Shows only unknown craftable items",
+	SI_FURC_NONE_TT 								= "disables this filter",
+	SI_FURC_FAVE_TT 								= "Shows your favorites",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_TT								= "Shows all craftable items",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN_TT						= "Shows only known craftable items",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN_TT						= "Shows only unknown craftable items",
 	SI_FURC_VENDOR_TT								= "Shows only items that cannot be crafted",
 	SI_FURC_PVP_TT									= "Items that are sold for alliance points",
 	SI_FURC_CROWN_TT								= "Shows items that can only be acquired from crown store",
@@ -179,8 +224,6 @@ local strings = {

 	SI_FURC_LABEL_ENTRIES							= " entries -",

     -- =============================== --
 	-- ========= Item Sources ======== --
 	-- =============================== --
@@ -189,8 +232,10 @@ local strings = {
     SI_FURC_CROWNSTORESOURCE				        = "Crown Store ",
     SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED				                = "can be fished",
     SI_FURC_HARVEST				                    = "from harvesting nodes",
+    SI_FURC_WW				                        = "occasionally found in wood nodes",
     SI_FURC_PLANTS						            = "from harvesting plants",
     SI_FURC_SCAMBOX						            = "Crown Crates",
+    SI_FURC_HOUSE						            = "From a furnished purchase of <<1>>",
     SI_FURC_AUTOMATON						        = "from automatons",
     SI_FURC_TOMBS 						            = "Ancestor tombs and ruins on Vvardenfell",
     SI_FURC_DAEDRA_SOURCE 						    = "from Daedra and Dolmen chests",
@@ -200,13 +245,19 @@ local strings = {
     SI_FURC_DAILY_ASHLANDERS			            = "Ashlander daily quest rewards",
     SI_FURC_PLUNDERSKULL			                = "Drops from Plunder Skulls during Witches' Festival",
     SI_FURC_DROP_CHEST_VVARDENFELL	                = "Extremely rarely from chests on Vvardenfell",
+    SI_FURC_DROP                                    = "This item is a drop ",
+    SI_FURC_DROP_ALTMER                             = "This item is a drop on Summerset",
     SI_FURC_FLAME_ATRONACH	                        = "Flame Atronach",
 	SI_FURC_CHESTS                                  = "from treasure chests",
 	SI_FURC_VVARDENFELL_PAINTING                    = "extremely rarely from safeboxes",
 	SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP                     = "Fang Lair/Scalecaller Peak",
+	SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_UNKNOWN_YET                  = "This item has been found in the sources/recipes for Summerset! \nIts origin isn't known yet.",
+	SI_FURC_EXISITING_ITEMSOURCE_UNKNOWN_YET        = "This item has been confirmed existing, but its origin isn't known yet.",
+	SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK                     = "This item is part of the Crown Store item pack ",
+	SI_FURC_SEEN_IN_GUILDSTORE                      = "Seen in Guild Store",

 for stringId, stringValue in pairs(strings) do
 	ZO_CreateStringId(stringId, stringValue)
 	SafeAddVersion(stringId, 2)
diff --git a/locale/ru.lua b/locale/ru.lua
index 044c321..d8dd22f 100644
--- a/locale/ru.lua
+++ b/locale/ru.lua
@@ -1,17 +1,45 @@
 local filterDisabled = "disables this filter"
 local strings = {

+	FURC_AV_RAZ									= "Razoufa",
+	FURC_AV_MUL									= "Mulvise Valyn",
+	FURC_AV_NAR									= "Narwaawende",
+	FURC_AV_ALI									= "Alinor, Riverside Market",
+	FURC_AV_UNW									= "Unwotil",
+	FURC_AV_CUR									= "Curininwe",
+	FURC_AV_NAL									= "Nalirsewen",
+	FURC_AV_TAR									= "Tarmimn",
+	FURC_AV_LTS									= "Listens-To-Sea",
+	FURC_AV_HER									= "Heralda Garscroft",
+	FURC_AV_FRO									= "Frohilde Snow-Hair",
+	FURC_AV_LOT									= "Lozotusk",
+	FURC_AV_ROH									= "Rohzika",
+	FURC_AV_ATH									= "Athragor",
+	FURC_AV_MAL									= "Maladdiq",
+	FURC_AV_KRR									= "Krrztrrb",
+	FURC_AV_ENC									= "enchanters",
+	FURC_AV_ALC									= "alchemists",
+	FURC_AV_OUT									= "Outlaw Refuge, Merchant",
+	FURC_AV_COO									= "cooks",
+	FURC_AV_CLO									= "clothiers",
+	FURC_AV_CAR									= "carpenters",
+	FURC_AV_BSM									= "blacksmiths",
+	FURC_AV_ARTAEUM								= "Artaeum",
+    FURC_AV_CAPITAL                             = "any capital city",
 	-- Furniture Shopping List
 	SI_FURC_ONE_TO_SHOPPINGLIST = 				"Add 1 to shopping list",
 	SI_FURC_FIVE_TO_SHOPPINGLIST = 				"Add 5 to shopping list",
 	SI_FURC_TOGGLE_SHOPPINGLIST = 				" Toggle shopping list",
 	-- GUI and debug
 	SI_FURC_MENU_HEADER = 						"- |cD3B830Furniture|r:",
 	SI_FURC_REMOVE_FAVE = 						" Remove Favorite",
 	SI_FURC_ADD_FAVE = 							" Add Favorite",
 	SI_FURC_POST_ITEMSOURCE = 					" Post item source",
 	SI_FURC_POST_RECIPE = 						" Post recipe",
+	SI_FURC_POST_ITEM = 						" Post item",
 	SI_FURC_POST_MATERIAL = 					" Post material",
 	SI_FURC_DIALOGUE_RESET_DB_HEADER = 			"Really re-create furniture database?",
 	SI_FURC_DIALOGUE_RESET_DB_BODY = 			"This will re-create the FurnitureCatalogue database from scratch",
@@ -32,24 +60,23 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_HC = 						"Hollow City",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WASSOLDBY = 					"Was sold by <<1>> in <<2>> (<<3>>) <<4>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WEEKEND_AROUND = 			"(around <<1>>)",
+	SI_FURC_REQUIRES_QUEST                      = ", requires quest ",
+	SI_FURC_REQUIRES_ACHIEVEMENT                = ", requires ",
+	SI_FURC_PSIJIC_RANK                         = "Psijic Order Rank ",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WRIT_VENDOR =				"Master Writ Vendor",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_WRIT_VENDOR_TT =				"Obtainable for Master Writs in your alliance's capital",
-	SI_FURC_STRING_Rolis = 					"Sold by |cd68957Rolis Hlaalu|r <<1>>",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_Rolis = 					    "Sold by |cd68957Rolis Hlaalu|r <<1>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_FAUSTINA = 					"Sold by |cd68957Faustina Curio|r <<1>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_FOR_VOUCHERS =				"for <<1>> vouchers",
 	SI_FURC_FESTIVAL_DROP = 					"can be acquired during <<1>> (<<2>>)",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_RECIPELEARNED = 				"Recipe learned: <<1>> <<2>> <<3>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_RECIPESFORCHAR = 			"recipes for <<1>>",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_VOUCHER_VENDOR =				"Sold by either Rolis Hlaalu or Faustina Curio",
-	SI_FURC_CHESTS =                            "From treasure chests",
-	SI_FURC_VVARDENFELL_PAINTING =              "extremely rarely from safeboxes or treasure chests",
+    SI_FURC_QUESTREWARD =                       "Reward for a quest in ",
+    SI_FURC_GEYSIR =                            "Drops from geysir reward clams on Summerset",
+    SI_FURC_GIANT_CLAM =                        "Drops from giant clams and geysir reward clams on Summerset",
 	-- =============================== --
-	-- ============ MENU ============= --
+	-- ============ MENU ============= --
 	-- =============================== --

 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEBUG = 				"Enable debug output",
@@ -75,10 +102,12 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_THIS_ONLY = 			"Only for this character?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_THIS_ONLY_TT = 		"Will be accountwide otherwise.",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY = 	 			"Use tiny interface?",
-	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY_TT = 	 		"Use a smaller interface (Craft Store like). \nYou can toggle this from the UI by clicking the +/- button.",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY_TT = 	 		"Use a smaller interface (Craft Store like). \nYou can toggle this from the UI by clicking the +/- button.",

 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_STARTSILENT = 	 		"Start silently?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_STARTSILENT_TT = 	 	"Suppress startup message",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SHOWICONONLEFT = 		"Show Known/Unknown icon on left?",
+	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SHOWICONONLEFT_TT =		"Show Green Check/Red X icon on left or right of the inventory item (requires reloadui)",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FONTSIZE = 	 			"Font size",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FONTSIZE_TT = 	 		"adjust font size for FurnitureCatalogue here",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD = 	 		"Default dropdown values",
@@ -99,13 +128,27 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY_WARN = 			"Hiding the dropdown entry requires UI reload (won't happen automatically for your convenience)",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR = 				"Rumour recipes",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_DESC = 		 	"The furniture database contains a list of recipes that I have datamined.\nHowever, not all of those have been seen in-game.\nEnable this option to exclude them from the default filters.\nYou can still view them with their own filter, which you can disable below.",
-	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT =    "Search filtered items when doing a text search with no dropdown filters set?",

 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_N = 				"Hide rumour recipes?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN = 				"Crown store items",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_N = 				"Hide crown store items?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_DESC = 			"The furniture database will update whenever the tooltip shows a furniture item. \nSome items can only be acquired via crown store. \nCheck this box to exclude them from the default filters (disable crown store filter below).",
+    -- Filter text search
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =  "Filter settings for text search",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =         "Configure this filter",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_DESC =     "Configure filter settings for text search with disabled dropdowns. \nThese settings will only take effect when you have not set a source, character or version filter.",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT =    "Search filtered items when doing a text search with no dropdown filters set?",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT_TT = "When doing a text search without any dropdown ",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_BOOKS =       "Hide books anyway",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_BOOKS_TT =    "Even when filtering all items, still hide books?",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_CROWN =       "Hide crown store items anyway",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_CROWN_TT =    "Even when filtering all items, still hide crown store items?",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR =      "Hide rumour items anyway",
+    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR_TT =   "Even when filtering all items, still hide rumour items?",
+    -- Hide menu entries
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU = 				"Hide menu entries?",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_TT = 				"Hides \"Crown store\" and \"Rumour recipes\" from the dropdown \nactivated for crown store by default, as there aren't any items yet",
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_RUMOUR = 			"Hide \"Rumour recipes\" drop down entry?",
@@ -121,16 +164,16 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_STATION =  	"Hide crafting station?",
 	-- =============================== --
-	-- ==== GUI: Dropdown entries ==== --
+	-- ==== GUI: Dropdown entries ==== --
 	-- =============================== --

-	SI_FURC_NONE 									= "Source filter: off",
-	SI_FURC_FAVE 									= "Favorites",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING								= "Craftable: All",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN							= "Craftable: Known",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN						= "Craftable: Unknown",
+	SI_FURC_NONE 									= "Source filter: off",
+	SI_FURC_FAVE 									= "Favorites",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING								= "Craftable: All",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN							= "Craftable: Known",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN						= "Craftable: Unknown",
 	SI_FURC_VENDOR									= "Purchaseable (gold)",
 	SI_FURC_PVP										= "Purchaseable (AP)",
 	SI_FURC_CROWN									= "Crown Store",
@@ -138,23 +181,25 @@ local strings = {
 	SI_FURC_LUXURY									= "Luxury items",
 	SI_FURC_RUMOUR									= "Rumour items",
 	SI_FURC_OTHER									= "Other",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_OFF						= "Version filter: off",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_HS						= "Homestead",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_M						= "Morrowind",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_R						= "Horns of the Reach",
-	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_CC						= "Clockwork City",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_OFF						= "Version filter: off",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_HS						= "Homestead",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_M						= "Morrowind",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_R						= "Horns of the Reach",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_CC						= "Clockwork City",
+	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_ALTMER_TT                = "",
 	-- =============================== --
-	-- = GUI: Dropdown entry tooltip = --
+	-- = GUI: Dropdown entry tooltip = --
 	-- =============================== --
-	SI_FURC_NONE_TT 								= "disables this filter",
-	SI_FURC_FAVE_TT 								= "Shows your favorites",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_TT								= "Shows all craftable items",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN_TT						= "Shows only known craftable items",
-	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN_TT						= "Shows only unknown craftable items",
+	SI_FURC_NONE_TT 								= "disables this filter",
+	SI_FURC_FAVE_TT 								= "Shows your favorites",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_TT								= "Shows all craftable items",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN_TT						= "Shows only known craftable items",
+	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN_TT						= "Shows only unknown craftable items",
 	SI_FURC_VENDOR_TT								= "Shows only items that cannot be crafted",
 	SI_FURC_PVP_TT									= "Items that are sold for alliance points",
 	SI_FURC_CROWN_TT								= "Shows items that can only be acquired from crown store",
@@ -179,7 +224,6 @@ local strings = {

 	SI_FURC_LABEL_ENTRIES							= " entries -",

     -- =============================== --
 	-- ========= Item Sources ======== --
 	-- =============================== --
@@ -188,8 +232,10 @@ local strings = {
     SI_FURC_CROWNSTORESOURCE				        = "Crown Store ",
     SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED				                = "can be fished",
     SI_FURC_HARVEST				                    = "from harvesting nodes",
+    SI_FURC_WW				                        = "occasionally found in wood nodes",
     SI_FURC_PLANTS						            = "from harvesting plants",
     SI_FURC_SCAMBOX						            = "Crown Crates",
+    SI_FURC_HOUSE						            = "From a furnished purchase of <<1>>",
     SI_FURC_AUTOMATON						        = "from automatons",
     SI_FURC_TOMBS 						            = "Ancestor tombs and ruins on Vvardenfell",
     SI_FURC_DAEDRA_SOURCE 						    = "from Daedra and Dolmen chests",
@@ -199,13 +245,19 @@ local strings = {
     SI_FURC_DAILY_ASHLANDERS			            = "Ashlander daily quest rewards",
     SI_FURC_PLUNDERSKULL			                = "Drops from Plunder Skulls during Witches' Festival",
     SI_FURC_DROP_CHEST_VVARDENFELL	                = "Extremely rarely from chests on Vvardenfell",
+    SI_FURC_DROP                                    = "This item is a drop ",
+    SI_FURC_DROP_ALTMER                             = "This item is a drop on Summerset",
     SI_FURC_FLAME_ATRONACH	                        = "Flame Atronach",
 	SI_FURC_CHESTS                                  = "from treasure chests",
 	SI_FURC_VVARDENFELL_PAINTING                    = "extremely rarely from safeboxes",
 	SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP                     = "Fang Lair/Scalecaller Peak",
+	SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_UNKNOWN_YET                  = "This item has been found in the sources/recipes for Summerset! \nIts origin isn't known yet.",
+	SI_FURC_EXISITING_ITEMSOURCE_UNKNOWN_YET        = "This item has been confirmed existing, but its origin isn't known yet.",
+	SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK                     = "This item is part of the Crown Store item pack ",
+	SI_FURC_SEEN_IN_GUILDSTORE                      = "Seen in Guild Store",

 for stringId, stringValue in pairs(strings) do
 	ZO_CreateStringId(stringId, stringValue)
 	SafeAddVersion(stringId, 2)
diff --git a/startup.lua b/startup.lua
index 6b5eb05..bffba15 100644
--- a/startup.lua
+++ b/startup.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 FurnitureCatalogue 					= {}				= "FurnitureCatalogue"			= "manavortex"
-FurnitureCatalogue.version          = "2.5.13"
+FurnitureCatalogue.version          = "2.5.131"
 FurnitureCatalogue.CharacterName	= nil
 FurnitureCatalogue.settings			= {}