Reorganised code layout completely

Wobin [04-30-14 - 14:21]
Reorganised code layout completely
adjusted suffix scan for German suffixes
Added in /sciadd /sciremove and /scilist to have a recipe ignore list
diff --git a/Common.lua b/Common.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b64d26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Common.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+local SousChef = SousChef
+local u = SousChef.Utility
+local m = SousChef.Media
+local BACKPACK = ZO_PlayerInventoryBackpack
+local BANK = ZO_PlayerBankBackpack
+local GUILD_BANK = ZO_GuildBankBackpack
+local COOKING_RANK_2 = [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_RANK_3 = [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_RANK_4 = [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_RANK_5 = [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_RANK_6 = [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_FLAVOUR = [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_SPICE =   [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_SPICEB =   [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_RANK_1B = [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_RANK_2B = [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_RANK_3B = [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_RANK_4B = [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_RANK_5B = [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_RANK_6B = [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_FLAVOURB = [[SousChef\media\]]
+local COOKING_RANK_1 = [[SousChef\media\]]
+m.CANLEARN = [[/esoui/art/loot/]]
+local rowClicked = {}
+function SousChef.HookInventory()
+	for _,v in pairs(PLAYER_INVENTORY.inventories) do
+		local listView = v.listView
+		if listView and listView.dataTypes and listView.dataTypes[1] then
+            SousChef.hookedFunctions = listView.dataTypes[1].setupCallback
+			listView.dataTypes[1].setupCallback =
+				function(rowControl, slot)
+                    SousChef.hookedFunctions(rowControl, slot)
+					SousChef.AddRankToSlot(rowControl)
+				end
+		end
+    end
+	ZO_ScrollList_RefreshVisible(BACKPACK)
+	ZO_ScrollList_RefreshVisible(BANK)
+	ZO_ScrollList_RefreshVisible(GUILD_BANK)
+function SousChef.getIcon(row)
+	local rankIcon = SousChef.slotLines[row:GetName()]
+	if(not rankIcon) then
+		rankIcon =  WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateControl(row:GetName() .. "SousChef", row, CT_TEXTURE)
+        SousChef.slotLines[row:GetName()] = rankIcon
+		ZO_PreHookHandler(row, "OnMouseDown", SousChef.AddDetails)
+		ZO_PreHookHandler(row, "OnMouseExit", function(self) rowClicked[self] = nil return false end )
+	end
+	return rankIcon
+function SousChef.AddDetails(row)
+	if not row.dataEntry or not or rowClicked[row] then return false end
+	local rowInfo =
+	local bagId = rowInfo.bagId
+	local slotIndex = rowInfo.slotIndex
+	if u.MatchesRecipe( then
+        local gmatch = u.MatchInGlobalCookbook(
+        if gmatch then
+            ItemTooltip:AddLine("")
+            ItemTooltip:AddLine("Known by ", "ZoFontWinH5", 1,1,1, BOTTOM, MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_UPPERCASE)
+            ItemTooltip:AddLine(u.TableKeyConcat(gmatch))
+            rowClicked[row] = true
+            return
+        end
+    end
+	if ((GetItemCraftingInfo(bagId, slotIndex)) ~= CRAFTING_TYPE_PROVISIONING) then	return false end
+	local usableIngredient = SousChef.ReverseCookbook[u.GetItemID(GetItemLink(bagId, slotIndex))]
+	if SousChef.settings.showAltKnowledge then usableIngredient = SousChef.settings.ReverseCookbook[u.GetItemID(GetItemLink(bagId, slotIndex))] end
+	if usableIngredient then
+		ItemTooltip:AddLine("Used in:", "ZoFontWinH5", 1,1,1, BOTTOM, MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_UPPERCASE)
+	    ItemTooltip:AddLine(table.concat(usableIngredient, ", "))
+		rowClicked[row] = true
+	end
+	return false
+function SousChef.AddRecipeToIgnoreList(link)
+	if GetItemLinkInfo(link) ~= "" then link = string.match(link, "([ %a]+)%]") end
+	SousChef.settings.ignoredRecipes[link] = true
+	d("Adding " .. link .. " to ignored recipes")
+function SousChef.RemoveRecipeFromIgnoreList(link)
+	if GetItemLinkInfo(link) ~= "" then link = string.match(link, "([ %a]+)%]") end
+	if not SousChef.settings.ignoredRecipes[link] then d(link .. " not found in ignore list") return end
+	SousChef.settings.ignoredRecipes[link] = nil
+	d("Removed " .. link .. " from ignored recipes")
+function SousChef.ListIgnoredRecipes()
+	d("Ignoring:")
+	 for recipe in pairs(SousChef.settings.ignoredRecipes) do
+        d(recipe)
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Inventory.lua b/Inventory.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2906835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Inventory.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+local SousChef = SousChef
+local u = SousChef.Utility
+local m = SousChef.Media
+function SousChef.AddRankToSlot(row)
+    local slot =
+    local bagId = slot.bagId
+    local slotIndex = slot.slotIndex
+	local rankIcon = SousChef.getIcon(row)
+	-- Allow for ingeniousclown's Inventory Grid View
+	if row:GetWidth() - row:GetHeight() < 5 then	-- if we're mostly square
+		rankIcon:SetDimensions(20,20)
+		rankIcon:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, row, TOPLEFT, 2)
+	else
+		rankIcon:SetDimensions(30, 30)
+		rankIcon:SetAnchor(CENTER, row, CENTER, 200)
+	end
+	rankIcon:SetHidden(true)
+	if ((GetItemCraftingInfo(bagId, slotIndex)) == CRAFTING_TYPE_PROVISIONING) then
+		local texture = SousChef.Pantry[u.GetItemID(GetItemLink(bagId, slotIndex))]
+		if SousChef.settings.showAltKnowledge then texture = SousChef.settings.Pantry[u.GetItemID(GetItemLink(bagId, slotIndex))] end
+		if texture then
+			rankIcon:SetColor(SousChef.settings.colour[1], SousChef.settings.colour[2], SousChef.settings.colour[3])
+			rankIcon:SetHidden(false)
+			if SousChef.settings.boldIcon then
+				rankIcon:SetTexture(m.COOKINGB[texture])
+			else
+				rankIcon:SetTexture(m.COOKING[texture])
+			end
+		end
+    else
+        if SousChef.settings.processRecipes then
+            if GetItemType(bagId, slotIndex) == ITEMTYPE_RECIPE then
+            	if u.MatchInIgnoreList( then return end
+                local match = u.MatchInCookbook(
+                local gmatch = u.MatchInGlobalCookbook(
+                if (match and SousChef.settings.checkKnown == "known") or
+                   (not match and SousChef.settings.checkKnown == "unknown")then
+                    rankIcon:SetTexture(m.CANLEARN)
+                    rankIcon:SetHidden(false)
+                    if not match and gmatch and SousChef.settings.checkKnown == "unknown" and SousChef.settings.markAlt then
+                        rankIcon:SetColor(1,1,1,0.2)
+                    else
+                        rankIcon:SetColor(1,1,1,1)
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+		end
+	end
diff --git a/Provisioning.lua b/Provisioning.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a08d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Provisioning.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+local SousChef = SousChef
+function SousChef.HookRecipeTreeFunction()
+    -- Hook the provisioning panel
+    if not SousChef.hookedProvisioningFunction then
+        local ref = PROVISIONER.recipeTree.templateInfo.ZO_ProvisionerNavigationEntry
+        if ref then
+            SousChef.hookedProvisioningFunction = ref.setupFunction
+            ref.setupFunction =
+            function(...)
+                local node, control, data, open, userRequested, enabled = ...
+                SousChef.hookedProvisioningFunction(...)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+function SousChef.HookRecipeTree(...)
+    local eventId, craftingTable = ...
+    if craftingTable ~= CRAFTING_TYPE_PROVISIONING then return end
+    zo_callLater(SousChef.HookRecipeTreeFunction, 1000)
diff --git a/SousChef.lua b/SousChef.lua
index e86c076..a023f62 100644
--- a/SousChef.lua
+++ b/SousChef.lua
@@ -5,36 +5,16 @@
 inspired by ingeniousclown's Research Assistant

-SousChef = {}

-local LAM = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibAddonMenu-1.0")
-local BACKPACK = ZO_PlayerInventoryBackpack
-local BANK = ZO_PlayerBankBackpack
-local GUILD_BANK = ZO_GuildBankBackpack
+SousChef = {}
+SousChef.Utility = {}
+SousChef.Media = {}

-local COOKING_RANK_1 = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_RANK_2 = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_RANK_3 = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_RANK_4 = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_RANK_5 = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_RANK_6 = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_FLAVOUR = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_SPICE =   [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_RANK_1B = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_RANK_2B = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_RANK_3B = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_RANK_4B = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_RANK_5B = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_RANK_6B = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_FLAVOURB = [[SousChef\media\]]
-local COOKING_SPICEB =   [[SousChef\media\]]
+local SousChef = SousChef
+local u = SousChef.Utility

+local LAM = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibAddonMenu-1.0")

-local CANLEARN = [[/esoui/art/loot/]]
-local itemQuality = { ITEM_QUALITY_MAGIC = { 0, 0, 1 }, ITEM_QUALITY_NORMAL = {1,1,1}, ITEM_QUALITY_ARCANE = {1, 0, 1}}
 SousChef.Pantry = {}
 SousChef.Cookbook = {}
 SousChef.ReverseCookbook = {}
@@ -43,196 +23,8 @@ SousChef.slotLines = {}
 SousChef.hookedFunctions = {}
 SousChef.hookedDataFunction = nil

-local function GetItemID(link)
-	return tonumber(string.match(string.match(link, "%d+:"), "%d+"))
-function EndsWith(String,End)
-   return End=='' or string.sub(String,-string.len(End))==End
-function StartsWith(String,Start)
-    return Start=='' or string.sub(String, 1, string.len(Start))==Start
-local languageElements = {"de ", "à ", "la ", }
-local separators = {"%^(%a+)", "-", " " }
-local function StripLanguageIdentifiers(entry)
-    for _,v in pairs(languageElements) do
-        entry = entry:gsub(v, "")
-    end
-    return entry
-local function Compress(entry)
-    for _,v in pairs(separators) do
-        entry = entry:gsub(v, "")
-    end
-    return entry
-local function CleanString(entry)
-    if SousChef.settings.experimentalMatch then
-        entry = StripLanguageIdentifiers(entry)
-    end
-    return Compress(entry):lower()
-local function MatchesRecipe(entry)
-    return CleanString(entry):find(CleanString(GetString(SI_ITEMTYPE29)))
-local function TableKeyConcat(t)
-    local tt = {}
-    for k in pairs(t) do tt[#tt+1]=k end
-    return table.concat(tt, ", ")
-local function MatchInCookbook(name)
-    name = CleanString(name)
-    for recipe,known in pairs(SousChef.Cookbook) do
-        if StartsWith(name,recipe) or EndsWith(name, recipe) then
-            local difference =  (#recipe + #CleanString(GetString(SI_ITEMTYPE29)) - #name)
-            if  difference < 3 and difference > -3 then
-                return known
-            end
-        end
-    end
-	return nil
-local function MatchInGlobalCookbook(name)
-    name = CleanString(name)
-    for recipe,known in pairs(SousChef.settings.Cookbook) do
-        if StartsWith(name,recipe) or EndsWith(name, recipe) then
-            local difference =  (#recipe + #CleanString(GetString(SI_ITEMTYPE29)) - #name)
-            if  difference < 3 and difference > - 3 then
-                return known
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    return nil
- rowClicked = {}
-local function AddDetails(row)
-	if not row.dataEntry or not or rowClicked[row] then return false end
-	local rowInfo =
-	local bagId = rowInfo.bagId
-	local slotIndex = rowInfo.slotIndex
-	if MatchesRecipe( then
-        local gmatch = MatchInGlobalCookbook(
-        if gmatch then
-            ItemTooltip:AddLine("")
-            ItemTooltip:AddLine("Known by ", "ZoFontWinH5", 1,1,1, BOTTOM, MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_UPPERCASE)
-            ItemTooltip:AddLine(TableKeyConcat(gmatch))
-            rowClicked[row] = true
-            return
-        end
-    end
-	if ((GetItemCraftingInfo(bagId, slotIndex)) ~= CRAFTING_TYPE_PROVISIONING) then	return false end
-	local usableIngredient = SousChef.ReverseCookbook[GetItemID(GetItemLink(bagId, slotIndex))]
-	if SousChef.settings.showAltKnowledge then usableIngredient = SousChef.settings.ReverseCookbook[GetItemID(GetItemLink(bagId, slotIndex))] end
-	if usableIngredient then
-		ItemTooltip:AddLine("Used in:", "ZoFontWinH5", 1,1,1, BOTTOM, MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_UPPERCASE)
-	    ItemTooltip:AddLine(table.concat(usableIngredient, ", "))
-		rowClicked[row] = true
-	end
-	return false
-local function getIcon(row)
-	local rankIcon = SousChef.slotLines[row:GetName()]
-	if(not rankIcon) then
-		rankIcon =  WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateControl(row:GetName() .. "SousChef", row, CT_TEXTURE)
-        SousChef.slotLines[row:GetName()] = rankIcon
-		ZO_PreHookHandler(row, "OnMouseDown", AddDetails)
-		ZO_PreHookHandler(row, "OnMouseExit", function(self) rowClicked[self] = nil return false end )
-	end
-	return rankIcon
 local rowHandler = {}

-local function AddRankToSlot(row)
-    local slot =
-    local bagId = slot.bagId
-    local slotIndex = slot.slotIndex
-	local rankIcon = getIcon(row)
-	-- Allow for ingeniousclown's Inventory Grid View
-	if row:GetWidth() - row:GetHeight() < 5 then	-- if we're mostly square
-		rankIcon:SetDimensions(20,20)
-		rankIcon:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, row, TOPLEFT, 2)
-	else
-		rankIcon:SetDimensions(30, 30)
-		rankIcon:SetAnchor(CENTER, row, CENTER, 200)
-	end
-	rankIcon:SetHidden(true)
-	if ((GetItemCraftingInfo(bagId, slotIndex)) == CRAFTING_TYPE_PROVISIONING) then
-		local texture = SousChef.Pantry[GetItemID(GetItemLink(bagId, slotIndex))]
-		if SousChef.settings.showAltKnowledge then texture = SousChef.settings.Pantry[GetItemID(GetItemLink(bagId, slotIndex))] end
-		if texture then
-			rankIcon:SetColor(SousChef.settings.colour[1], SousChef.settings.colour[2], SousChef.settings.colour[3])
-			rankIcon:SetHidden(false)
-			if SousChef.settings.boldIcon then
-				rankIcon:SetTexture(COOKINGB[texture])
-			else
-				rankIcon:SetTexture(COOKING[texture])
-			end
-		end
-    else
-        if SousChef.settings.processRecipes then
-            if GetItemType(bagId, slotIndex) == ITEMTYPE_RECIPE then
-                local match = MatchInCookbook(
-                local gmatch = MatchInGlobalCookbook(
-                if (match and SousChef.settings.checkKnown == "known") or
-                   (not match and SousChef.settings.checkKnown == "unknown")then
-                    rankIcon:SetTexture(CANLEARN)
-                    rankIcon:SetHidden(false)
-                    if not match and gmatch and SousChef.settings.checkKnown == "unknown" and SousChef.settings.markAlt then
-                        rankIcon:SetColor(1,1,1,0.2)
-                    else
-                        rankIcon:SetColor(1,1,1,1)
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-		end
-	end
-local function AddTradingSlot(row, result)
-	local rankIcon = getIcon(row)
-	rankIcon:SetHidden(true)
-    if SousChef.settings.processRecipes then
-        if MatchesRecipe( then
-            local match = MatchInCookbook(
-            local gmatch = MatchInGlobalCookbook(
-            if (match and SousChef.settings.checkKnown == "known") or
-               (not match and SousChef.settings.checkKnown == "unknown")then
-                rankIcon:SetDimensions(30, 30)
-                rankIcon:SetAnchor(CENTER, row, CENTER, 230)
-                rankIcon:SetTexture(CANLEARN)
-                rankIcon:SetHidden(false)
-                if not match and gmatch and SousChef.settings.checkKnown == "unknown" and SousChef.settings.markAlt then
-                    rankIcon:SetColor(1,1,1,0.2)
-                else
-                    rankIcon:SetColor(1,1,1,1)
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
 local function AddRecipe(Cookbook, link)
 	for _,v in pairs(Cookbook) do
 		if v == link then return end
@@ -240,14 +32,14 @@ local function AddRecipe(Cookbook, link)
 	table.insert(Cookbook, link)

-local function ParseRecipes()
+function SousChef.ParseRecipes()
 	local lists = GetNumRecipeLists()
 	for listIndex = 1, lists do
 		local name, count = GetRecipeListInfo(listIndex)
 		for recipeIndex = 1, count do
 			if GetRecipeInfo(listIndex, recipeIndex) then
 				-- Store the recipes known
-				local recipeName = CleanString((GetRecipeResultItemInfo(listIndex, recipeIndex)))
+				local recipeName = u.CleanString((GetRecipeResultItemInfo(listIndex, recipeIndex)))
                 SousChef.Cookbook[recipeName] = true
 				if not SousChef.settings.Cookbook[recipeName] then
                     SousChef.settings.Cookbook[recipeName] = {}
@@ -255,7 +47,7 @@ local function ParseRecipes()
                 SousChef.settings.Cookbook[recipeName][GetUnitName("player")] = true
 				local _, _, ingredientCount, level, _, specialType = GetRecipeInfo(listIndex, recipeIndex)
 				for ingredientIndex = 1, ingredientCount do
-					local link = GetItemID(GetRecipeIngredientItemLink(listIndex, recipeIndex, ingredientIndex, LINK_STYLE_NORMAL))
+					local link = u.GetItemID(GetRecipeIngredientItemLink(listIndex, recipeIndex, ingredientIndex, LINK_STYLE_NORMAL))
 					-- Store the fact that the ingredient is used
                     if ingredientIndex < 3 then
                         SousChef.Pantry[link] = math.max(level, SousChef.Pantry[link] or 0)
@@ -320,38 +112,7 @@ local function SousChefCreateSettings()

-local function HookRecipeTreeFunction()
-    -- Hook the provisioning panel
-    if not SousChef.hookedProvisioningFunction then
-        local ref = PROVISIONER.recipeTree.templateInfo.ZO_ProvisionerNavigationEntry
-        if ref then
-            SousChef.hookedProvisioningFunction = ref.setupFunction
-            ref.setupFunction =
-            function(...)
-                local node, control, data, open, userRequested, enabled = ...
-                SousChef.hookedProvisioningFunction(...)

-            end
-        end
-    end
-local function HookRecipeTree(...)
-    local eventId, craftingTable = ...
-    if craftingTable ~= CRAFTING_TYPE_PROVISIONING then return end
-    zo_callLater(HookRecipeTreeFunction, 1000)
-local function HookTrading(...)
-	if SousChef.hookedDataFunction then return end
-    SousChef.hookedDataFunction = ZO_TradingHouseItemPaneSearchResults.dataTypes[1].setupCallback
-	ZO_TradingHouseItemPaneSearchResults.dataTypes[1].setupCallback = function(...)
-		local row, data = ...
-        SousChef.hookedDataFunction(...)
-		AddTradingSlot(row, data)
-	end
 local function SousChef_Loaded(eventCode, addOnName)

 	if(addOnName ~= "SousChef") then
@@ -369,7 +130,8 @@ local function SousChef_Loaded(eventCode, addOnName)
 		showAltKnowledge = false,
 		boldIcon = false,
         experimentalMatch = false,
-        processRecipes = true
+        processRecipes = true,
+        ignoredRecipes = {}

     SousChef.settings = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SousChef_Settings", 8, nil, defaults)
@@ -387,39 +149,22 @@ local function SousChef_Loaded(eventCode, addOnName)


-	ParseRecipes()
+	zo_callLater(SousChef.ParseRecipes, 1000)

+	SLASH_COMMANDS['/sciadd'] = SousChef.AddRecipeToIgnoreList
+	SLASH_COMMANDS['/sciremove'] = SousChef.RemoveRecipeFromIgnoreList
+	SLASH_COMMANDS['/scilist'] = SousChef.ListIgnoredRecipes

 	-- Now we want to hook into the function that sets the details on the inventory slot
-	for _,v in pairs(PLAYER_INVENTORY.inventories) do
-		local listView = v.listView
-		if listView and listView.dataTypes and listView.dataTypes[1] then
-            SousChef.hookedFunctions = listView.dataTypes[1].setupCallback
-			listView.dataTypes[1].setupCallback =
-				function(rowControl, slot)
-                    SousChef.hookedFunctions(rowControl, slot)
-					AddRankToSlot(rowControl)
-				end
-		end
-    end
-	ZO_ScrollList_RefreshVisible(BACKPACK)
-	ZO_ScrollList_RefreshVisible(BANK)
-	ZO_ScrollList_RefreshVisible(GUILD_BANK)
-	EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("SousChefLearnt", EVENT_RECIPE_LEARNED, ParseRecipes)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("SousChefProvi", EVENT_CRAFTING_STATION_INTERACT, HookRecipeTree)
-local function SousChef_Initialized()
-	EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("SousChefLoaded", EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, SousChef_Loaded)
+	zo_callLater(SousChef.HookEvents, 3000)

+function SousChef.HookEvents()
+	EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("SousChefTrading", EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED, SousChef.HookTrading)
+	EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("SousChefLearnt", EVENT_RECIPE_LEARNED, SousChef.ParseRecipes)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("SousChefProvi", EVENT_CRAFTING_STATION_INTERACT, SousChef.HookRecipeTree)
+    SousChef.HookInventory()

+EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("SousChefLoaded", EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, SousChef_Loaded)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SousChef.txt b/SousChef.txt
index 02fe969..9d96a13 100644
--- a/SousChef.txt
+++ b/SousChef.txt
@@ -8,4 +8,9 @@ libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TradingHouse.lua b/TradingHouse.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30e7125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TradingHouse.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+local SousChef = SousChef
+local u = SousChef.Utility
+function SousChef.AddTradingSlot(row, result)
+	local rankIcon = SousChef.getIcon(row)
+	rankIcon:SetHidden(true)
+    if SousChef.settings.processRecipes then
+        if u.MatchesRecipe( then
+            local match = u.MatchInCookbook(
+            local gmatch = u.MatchInGlobalCookbook(
+            if (match and SousChef.settings.checkKnown == "known") or
+               (not match and SousChef.settings.checkKnown == "unknown")then
+                rankIcon:SetDimensions(30, 30)
+                rankIcon:SetAnchor(CENTER, row, CENTER, 230)
+                rankIcon:SetTexture(CANLEARN)
+                rankIcon:SetHidden(false)
+                if not match and gmatch and SousChef.settings.checkKnown == "unknown" and SousChef.settings.markAlt then
+                    rankIcon:SetColor(1,1,1,0.2)
+                else
+                    rankIcon:SetColor(1,1,1,1)
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+function SousChef.HookTrading(...)
+    if SousChef.hookedDataFunction then return end
+    SousChef.hookedDataFunction = ZO_TradingHouseItemPaneSearchResults.dataTypes[1].setupCallback
+    ZO_TradingHouseItemPaneSearchResults.dataTypes[1].setupCallback = function(...)
+        local row, data = ...
+        SousChef.hookedDataFunction(...)
+        AddTradingSlot(row, data)
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Utility.lua b/Utility.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b958f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utility.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+local SousChef = SousChef
+local u =  SousChef.Utility
+function u.GetItemID(link)
+	return tonumber(string.match(string.match(link, "%d+:"), "%d+"))
+function u.EndsWith(String,End)
+   return End=='' or string.sub(String,-string.len(End))==End
+function u.StartsWith(String,Start)
+    return Start=='' or string.sub(String, 1, string.len(Start))==Start
+local languageElements = {"de ", "à ", "la ", }
+local separators = {"%^[%a:]+", "-", " " }
+function u.StripLanguageIdentifiers(entry)
+    for _,v in pairs(languageElements) do
+        entry = entry:gsub(v, "")
+    end
+    return entry
+function u.Compress(entry)
+    for _,v in pairs(separators) do
+        entry = entry:gsub(v, "")
+    end
+    return entry
+function u.CleanString(entry)
+    if SousChef.settings.experimentalMatch then
+        entry = u.StripLanguageIdentifiers(entry)
+    end
+    return u.Compress(entry):lower()
+function u.MatchesRecipe(entry)
+    return u.CleanString(entry):find(u.CleanString(GetString(SI_ITEMTYPE29)))
+function u.TableKeyConcat(t)
+    local tt = {}
+    for k in pairs(t) do tt[#tt+1]=k end
+    return table.concat(tt, ", ")
+function u.MatchInCookbook(name)
+    name = u.CleanString(name)
+    for recipe,known in pairs(SousChef.Cookbook) do
+        if u.StartsWith(name,recipe) or u.EndsWith(name, recipe) then
+            local difference =  (#recipe + #u.CleanString(GetString(SI_ITEMTYPE29)) - #name)
+            if  difference < 3 and difference > -3 then
+                return known
+            end
+        end
+    end
+	return nil
+function u.MatchInGlobalCookbook(name)
+    name = u.CleanString(name)
+    for recipe,known in pairs(SousChef.settings.Cookbook) do
+        if u.StartsWith(name,recipe) or u.EndsWith(name, recipe) then
+            local difference =  (#recipe + #u.CleanString(GetString(SI_ITEMTYPE29)) - #name)
+            if  difference < 3 and difference > - 3 then
+                return known
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    return nil
+function u.MatchInIgnoreList(name)
+    name = u.CleanString(name)
+    for recipe in pairs(SousChef.settings.ignoredRecipes) do
+        if u.CleanString(recipe) == name then return true end
+    end
+    return false
\ No newline at end of file