update to xml keyword list creator and now ready to test plugin

Solvaring [07-08-17 - 18:26]
update to xml keyword list creator and now ready to test plugin
diff --git a/ESOAPIXMLPlugin.lua b/ESOAPIXMLPlugin.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 80036ef..0000000
--- a/ESOAPIXMLPlugin.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-local spec = {
-  exts = {"xml"},
-  lexer = wxstc.wxSTC_LEX_XML,
-  apitype = "ESOxml",
-  stylingbits = 7,
-  lexerstyleconvert = {
-    text = {wxstc.wxSTC_H_DEFAULT, },
-    comment = { wxstc.wxSTC_H_COMMENT, },
-    stringeol = {wxstc.wxSTC_HJ_STRINGEOL,
-				 wxstc.wxSTC_H_TAGUNKNOWN,
-				 },
-    number = {wxstc.wxSTC_H_NUMBER,},
-    stringtxt = {
-      wxstc.wxSTC_H_DOUBLESTRING,
-      wxstc.wxSTC_H_SINGLESTRING,
-    },
-    lexerdef= {
-      wxstc.wxSTC_H_OTHER,
-      wxstc.wxSTC_H_ENTITY,
-      wxstc.wxSTC_H_VALUE,
-    },
-    keywords0 = { wxstc.wxSTC_H_TAG,},
-	keywords1 = { wxstc.wxSTC_H_SCRIPT,},
-    keywords2 = { wxstc.wxSTC_H_ATTRIBUTE,},
-    keywords3 = { wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD,	},
-    keywords4 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD1,},
-    keywords5 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD2,},
-    preprocessor= {
-		},
-  },
-  keywords = {
-  },
-return {
-  name = "ESOAddonDev",
-  description = "Elder Scrolls Addon Developing Plugin",
-  author = "@Farangkao with update script for api and keywords by @Solvaring",
-  -- api = { }, -- "ESOAddonDev","baselib"
-  version = 1.0,
-  onEditorLoad = function(self, editor)
-		editor:SetProperty("html.tags.case.sensitive", "1")
-		editor:SetProperty("html.attributes.case.sensitive", "1")
-	end,
-  onEditorNew = function(self, editor)
-		editor:SetProperty("html.tags.case.sensitive", "1")
-		editor:SetProperty("html.attributes.case.sensitive", "1")
-	end,
-  onRegister = function(self)
-	ide:AddAPI("lua","ESOAPI", api)
-    local keywords = self:GetConfig().keywords or
-[[ AlphaAnimation Anchor AnchorFill AnchorToBaseline AnimationBase AnimationTimeline Animations Backdrop BackgroundBottom BackgroundMiddle BackgroundTop
-Browser Button ButtonState Callback Callbacks Center ClampedToScreenInsets ColorAnimation ColorSelect Compass CompassPinType
-Control Controls Cooldown CustomAnimation DebugText DimensionConstraints Dimensions EasingFunction Edge EditBox FadeGradient
-Font FontColors GuiXml HitInsets Insets Label LeadingEdge LeadingEdgeTextureCoords Limits Line LineFade
-MapDisplay MapGutter MapPinType MouseButton NormalOffset OnAddGameData OnBackspace OnChar OnCleared OnClicked OnColorSelected
-OnDownArrow OnDragStart OnDurationChanged OnEffectivelyHidden OnEffectivelyShown OnEnabledStateChanged OnEnter OnEscape OnFocusGained OnFocusLost OnHide
-OnInitialized OnInsertAnimationTimelineCallback OnKeyDown OnKeyUp OnLinkClicked OnLoadFinished OnLoadStart OnMinMaxValueChanged OnMouseDoubleClick OnMouseDown OnMouseEnter
-OnMouseExit OnMouseUp OnMouseWheel OnMoveStart OnMoveStop OnPageDown OnPageUp OnPlay OnPlay_Animation OnReceiveDrag OnRequestClose
-OnResizeStart OnResizeStop OnResizedToFit OnScrollExtentsChanged OnScrollOffsetChanged OnSetAnimationEaseFunction OnSetAnimationEventHandler OnSetAnimationTimelineEventHandler OnSetControlEventHandler OnSetUpdateFunction OnShow
-OnSliderReleased OnSpace OnStop OnStop_Animation OnTab OnTextChanged OnUpArrow OnUpdate OnUserAreaCreated OnValueChanged OnVisibleRadiusChanged
-PressedOffset ResizeToFitPadding ScaleAnimation Scroll ScrollingOverlay SizeAnimation Slider StatusBar String TextBuffer Texture
-TextureAnimation TextureCoords TextureRotateAnimation Textures ThumbTexture Tooltip TopLevelControl TranslateAnimation UpdateFunction
-abovetexture addedanimation addressmode allowbringtotop allowupdateswhenanimating alpha alphacoefficient alphaconstant anchorindex animation animationtarget
-areatexture arrowsize arrowtexture arrowtype baralignment belowtexture blendmode bottom bottom button cellshigh
-cellswide centercolor clamped clampedtoscreen clicksound color delay delay deltax deltay disabled
-disabledcolor disabledpressed disabledpressedcolor disabledtexturefile dragfromthumb drawlastentryifoutofroom duration duration edgecolor edgefileheight edgefilepadding
-edgefilewidth edgesize editenabled enablefadeout enabled endalpha endcapwidth endcolor endheight endrotation endscale
-endwidth endx endy excludefromresizetofitextents fadebegin fadeduration fadeoutgaincolor fadeoutlosscolor fadeouttexturefile file fillcolor
-flushwithsliderextents font framerate headerrowspacing headerverticaloffset height height hidden highlightedtexturefile horizontalalignment id
-inheritalpha inheritscale inherits integralwrapping keyboardenabled layer layer leadingalphacoefficient leadingedgetexture leadingscalecoefficient left
-level linespacing linkenabled linktexture locked loopcount max maxalpha maxhistorylines maxinputcharacters maxscale
-maxvisiblenormalizeddistance maxx maxy min minalpha minscale minvisiblealpha minvisiblescale minx miny mirroralongx
-mirroralongy modifytexttype mouseenabled mouseover mouseoverblendmode mouseovercolor movable multiline name name newlineenabled
-newlineindent normal normalcolor offset offsetx offsety orientation pinfont pinsize pintexture pinxinset
-pinyinset pixelroundingenabled playbacktype point pressed pressedcolor pressedmouseover relativepoint relativeto relativetolabel removedanimation
-resizehandlesize resizetofitdescendents resizetofitfile right right scale scalecoefficient scaleconstant selectioncolor shape side
-size size1 size2 splitlongmessages startalpha startcolor startheight startrotation startscale startwidth startx
-starty state step stylecolor text texttype texturefile thickness thumbheight thumbwidth tier
-tilesize tiled top topmost value verticalalignment virtual width wrapmode x x1
-x2 y y1 y2 ]]
-	spec.keywords[1] = keywords
-    ide:AddSpec("ESOxml", spec)
-  end,
-  onUnRegister = function(self)
-	ide:RemoveAPI("lua","ESOAPI")
-	ide:RemoveSpec("ESOxml")
-    end,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ZBS_API_Files/ESOAPIXMLPlugin.lua b/ZBS_API_Files/ESOAPIXMLPlugin.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a41019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ZBS_API_Files/ESOAPIXMLPlugin.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,33162 @@
+api = {
+EVENT_MANAGER = {type="class", childs = {
+RegisterForEvent = {type="method", args="(*string* _YourAddonName_, *integer* _event_, *function* _callback_)", returns="(bool:success,)", valuetype="bool,"},
+UnregisterForEvent = {type="method", args="(*string* _YourAddonName_, *integer* _event_)", returns="(bool:success,)", valuetype="bool,"},
+AddFilterForEvent = {type="method", args="(*string* eventNamespace, *number* eventId[, RegisterForEventFilterType filterType, *varying* parameter])", returns="(bool:success,)", valuetype="bool,"}
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_ = {
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_ = {
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_ = {
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_ = {
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_ = {
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_ = {
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_F = {
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_F = {
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_F = {
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_F = {
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_F = {
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_F = {
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_F = {
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_F = {
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_I = {
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_J = {
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_K = {
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_L = {
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_M = {
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_OEM_ = {
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+KEY_OEM_ = {
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
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+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+	 type = "value",},
+GetCVar = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _CVarName_)",
+returns = "(string:value,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+SetCVar = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _CVarName_, *string* _value_)",},
+GetSetting = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _system_, *integer* _settingId_)",
+returns = "(string:value,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetSetting_Bool = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _system_, *integer* _settingId_)",
+returns = "(bool:value,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetSetting = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _system_, *integer* _settingId_, *string* _value_, *integer* _setOptions_)",},
+ApplySettings = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ResetSettingToDefault = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _system_, *integer* _settingId_)",},
+ResetToDefaultSettings = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _system_)",},
+RefreshSettings = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetString = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _stringVariablePrefix_, *integer* _contextId_)",
+returns = "(string:stringValue,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+IsShiftKeyDown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isShiftDown,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsControlKeyDown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isCtrlDown,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsAltKeyDown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isAltDown,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCommandKeyDown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isCommandDown,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCapsLockOn = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isCapsLockOn,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetKeyName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _keyCode_)",
+returns = "(string:keyName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetKeyboardLayout = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:keyboardLayout,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+PlaySound = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _soundName_)",},
+SetGuiHidden = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _guiName_, *bool* _hidden_)",},
+GetGuiHidden = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _guiName_)",
+returns = "(bool:hidden,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ToggleFullScreen = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsMouseWithinClientArea = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:insideClient,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUserAdjustingClientWindow = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isAdjusting,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetInterfaceColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _interfaceColorType_, *integer* _fieldValue_)",
+returns = "(number:alpha,number:blue,number:green,number:red,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetErrorString = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _errorStringId_)",
+returns = "(string:stringValue,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetAllianceName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Alliance|#Alliance]* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetBattlegroundAllianceName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundAlliance|#BattlegroundAlliance]* _battlegroundAlliance_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNumClasses = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:classCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetClassInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(textureName:pressedIconGamepad,textureName:normalIconGamepad,textureName:ingameIconGamepad,textureName:ingameIconKeyboard,bool:isSelectable,textureName:mouseoverIconKeyboard,textureName:pressedIconKeyboard,textureName:normalIconKeyboard,string:lore,integer:defId,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,textureName,textureName,textureName,bool,textureName,textureName,textureName,string,integer,",},
+GetClassName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Gender|#Gender]* _gender_, *integer* _classId_)",
+returns = "(string:className,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetRaceName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Gender|#Gender]* _gender_, *integer* _raceId_)",
+returns = "(string:raceName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetLocationName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _worldId_)",
+returns = "(string:worldName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetGenderFromNameDescriptor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _nameDescriptor_)",},
+PlainStringFind = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _string_, *string* _searchFor_)",
+returns = "(integer:endIndex,integer:startIndex,bool:found,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,bool,",},
+SplitString = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _delims_, *string* _stringToSplit_)",
+returns = "(string:strings,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+LocaleAwareToUpper = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _stringToUppercase_)",
+returns = "(string:upperCasedString,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+LocaleAwareToLower = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _stringToLowercase_)",
+returns = "(string:lowerCasedString,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetDisplayModes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:height,integer:width,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+IsMinSpecMachine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:minspec,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPrivateFunction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _functionName_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPrivate,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsProtectedFunction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _functionName_)",
+returns = "(bool:isProtected,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetAPIVersion = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:version,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+Id64ToString = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _id_)",
+returns = "(string:stringDesc,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+HideMouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _onlyConsiderWhileMoving_)",},
+ShowMouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _onlyConsiderWhileMoving_)",},
+IsInternalBuild = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInternalBuild,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SaveLoadDialogResult = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SaveLoadDialogError|#SaveLoadDialogError]* _errorType_, *[SaveLoadDialogAnswer|#SaveLoadDialogAnswer]* _result_)",},
+GetSecondsSinceMidnight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:secondsSinceMidnight,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFrameTimeSeconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:frameTimeInSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetFrameDeltaTimeSeconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:frameDeltaTimeInSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetFrameTimeMilliseconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:frameTimeInMilliseconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFrameDeltaTimeMilliseconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:frameDeltaTimeInMilliseconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetDateStringFromTimestamp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _timestamp_)",
+returns = "(string:dateString,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetGameTimeMilliseconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:gameTimeInMilliseconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFramerate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:currentFramerate,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetTimeString = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:currentTimeString,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetDate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:currentTime,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTimeStamp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(id64:timestamp,)",
+valuetype = "id64,",},
+GetDiffBetweenTimeStamps = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _laterTime_, *id64* _earlierTime_)",
+returns = "(number:difference,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetFormattedTime = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:formattedTime,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+FormatTimeSeconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _timeValueInSeconds_, *[TimeFormatStyleCode|#TimeFormatStyleCode]* _formatType_, *[TimeFormatPrecisionCode|#TimeFormatPrecisionCode]* _precisionType_, *[TimeFormatDirectionCode|#TimeFormatDirectionCode]* _direction_)",
+returns = "(number:nextUpdateTimeInSec,string:formattedTimeString,)",
+valuetype = "number,string,",},
+FormatTimeMilliseconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _timeValueInMilliseconds_, *[TimeFormatStyleCode|#TimeFormatStyleCode]* _formatType_, *[TimeFormatPrecisionCode|#TimeFormatPrecisionCode]* _precisionType_, *[TimeFormatDirectionCode|#TimeFormatDirectionCode]* _direction_)",
+returns = "(integer:nextUpdateTimeInMilliseconds,string:formattedTimeString,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,",},
+SetGameCameraUIMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _active_)",},
+IsGameCameraUIModeActive = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:active,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+LockCameraRotation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _locked_)",},
+SetCameraOptionsPreviewModeEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_, *[CameraOptionsPreview|#CameraOptionsPreview]* _option_)",},
+GetGuildId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:guildId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumGuildPermissions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numPermissions,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumGuildHistoryCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numCategories,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumGuildMembersRequiredForPrivilege = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[GuildPrivilege|#GuildPrivilege]* _privilege_)",
+returns = "(integer:numGuildMembers,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAvARankName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Gender|#Gender]* _gender_, *integer* _rank_)",
+returns = "(string:rankName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetAvARankIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _rank_)",
+returns = "(textureName:rankIcon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+CalculateCubicBezierEase = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _progress_, *number* _x1_, *number* _y1_, *number* _x2_, *number* _y2_)",
+returns = "(number:result,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetGamepadIconPathForKeyCode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _key_)",},
+GetMouseIconPathForKeyCode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _key_)",},
+FormatIntegerWithDigitGrouping = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _number_, *string* _delimiter_, *integer* _digitGroupSize_)",
+returns = "(string:formattedNumber,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+DoesCurrentLanguageRequireIME = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:requiresIME,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsVirtualKeyboardOnscreen = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:vkeyboardShowing,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HashString = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _text_)",
+returns = "(integer:hashValue,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+Set3DRenderSpaceToCurrentCamera = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _controlName_)",},
+ComputeDepthAtWhichWorldWidthRendersAsUIWidth = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _worldWidth_, *number* _UIWidth_)",
+returns = "(number:depth,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+ComputeDepthAtWhichWorldHeightRendersAsUIHeight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _worldHeight_, *number* _UIHeight_)",
+returns = "(number:depth,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetWorldDimensionsOfViewFrustumAtDepth = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _depth_)",
+returns = "(number:frustumHeight,number:frustumWidth,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetESOVersionString = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:versionString,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+Is64BitClient = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:is64Bit,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesSystemSupportConsoleEnhancedRenderQuality = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ConsoleEnhancedRenderQuality|#ConsoleEnhancedRenderQuality]* _consoleEnhancedRenderQuality_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasSupport,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesSystemSupportHDR = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:supportsHDR,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsSystemUsingHDR = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:usesHDR,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetEULADetails = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[EULAType|#EULAType]* _eulaType_)",
+returns = "(string:dialogText,bool:hasAgreed,string:disagreeText,string:agreeText,string:message,)",
+valuetype = "string,bool,string,string,string,",},
+HasAgreedToEULA = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[EULAType|#EULAType]* _eulaType_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasAgreed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+AgreeToEULA = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[EULAType|#EULAType]* _eulaType_)",},
+HasViewedEULA = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[EULAType|#EULAType]* _eulaType_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasViewed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+MarkEULAAsViewed = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[EULAType|#EULAType]* _eulaType_)",},
+ShouldShowEULA = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[EULAType|#EULAType]* _eulaType_)",
+returns = "(bool:shouldShow,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+OpenURLByType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ApprovedURLType|#ApprovedURLType]* _urlType_)",},
+GetURLTextByType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ApprovedURLType|#ApprovedURLType]* _urlType_)",
+returns = "(string:urlText,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+ShouldOpenURLTypeInOverlay = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ApprovedURLType|#ApprovedURLType]* _urlType_)",
+returns = "(bool:urlOpensInOverlay,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetPlatformServiceType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetFrameDeltaNormalizedForTargetFramerate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _targetFramesPerSecond_)",
+returns = "(number:frameDeltaNormalizedForTargetFramerate,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetDisplayName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:displayName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+DecorateDisplayName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _displayName_)",
+returns = "(string:decoratedDisplayName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+IsDecoratedDisplayName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _displayName_)",
+returns = "(bool:isDecorated,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+UndecorateDisplayName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _displayName_)",
+returns = "(string:undecoratedDisplayName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNumFriends = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numFriends,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFriendInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _friendIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:secsSinceLogoff,integer:playerStatus,string:note,string:displayName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,string,string,",},
+GetFriendCharacterInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _friendIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:zoneId,integer:championRank,integer:level,integer:alliance,integer:classType,string:zoneName,string:characterName,bool:hasCharacter,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,string,string,bool,",},
+GetNumIgnored = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numIgnored,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetIgnoredInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:note,string:displayName,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,",},
+IsIgnored = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _characterName_)",
+returns = "(bool:isIgnored,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+RequestFriend = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _charOrDisplayName_, *string* _message_)",},
+RemoveFriend = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _displayName_)",},
+SetFriendNote = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _friendIndex_, *string* _note_)",},
+AddIgnore = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _charOrDisplayName_)",},
+RemoveIgnore = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _displayName_)",},
+SetIgnoreNote = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _ignoreIndex_, *string* _note_)",},
+IsFriend = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _charOrDisplayName_)",
+returns = "(bool:isFriend,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumIncomingFriendRequests = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numRequests,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetIncomingFriendRequestInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:message,integer:secsSinceRequest,string:displayName,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,string,",},
+GetNumOutgoingFriendRequests = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numRequests,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetOutgoingFriendRequestInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:note,integer:secsSinceRequest,string:displayName,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,string,",},
+AcceptFriendRequest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _displayName_)",},
+RejectFriendRequest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _displayName_)",},
+CancelFriendRequest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",},
+GetNumGuilds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numGuilds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetGuildName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetGuildDescription = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",
+returns = "(string:description,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetGuildMotD = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",
+returns = "(string:motd,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetGuildFoundedDate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",
+returns = "(string:foundedDate,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetGuildAlliance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",
+returns = "(integer:alliance,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumGuildMembers = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",
+returns = "(integer:numGuildMembers,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetGuildInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",
+returns = "(string:leaderName,integer:numOnline,integer:numMembers,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,integer,",},
+GetGuildMemberInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *luaindex* _memberIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:secsSinceLogoff,integer:playerStatus,luaindex:rankIndex,string:note,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,luaindex,string,string,",},
+GetGuildMemberCharacterInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *luaindex* _memberIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:zoneId,integer:championRank,integer:level,integer:alliance,integer:classType,string:zoneName,string:characterName,bool:hasCharacter,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,string,string,bool,",},
+GetGuildMemberIndexFromDisplayName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *string* _displayName_)",},
+GetPlayerGuildMemberIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:memberIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+GuildInvite = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *string* _displayName_)",},
+IsValidGuildName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _guildName_)",
+returns = "(integer:violationCode,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GuildCreate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _guildName_, *[Alliance|#Alliance]* _guildAlliance_)",},
+GuildRemove = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *string* _displayName_)",},
+GuildLeave = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",},
+GuildPromote = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *string* _displayName_)",},
+GuildDemote = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *string* _displayName_)",},
+ShouldDisplayGuildMemberRemoveAlert = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _characterName_)",
+returns = "(bool:shouldDisplay,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ShouldDisplaySelfKickedFromGuildAlert = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",
+returns = "(bool:shouldDisplay,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetGuildDescription = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *string* _description_)",},
+SetGuildMotD = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *string* _motd_)",},
+DoesGuildRankHavePermission = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *luaindex* _rankIndex_, *integer* _permission_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasPermission,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesPlayerHaveGuildPermission = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *integer* _permission_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasPermission,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanEditGuildRankPermission = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _rankId_, *integer* _permission_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasPermission,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesGuildHavePrivilege = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *[GuildPrivilege|#GuildPrivilege]* _privilege_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasPrivilege,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumGuildRanks = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",
+returns = "(integer:numRanks,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetGuildRankIconIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *luaindex* _rankIndex_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:iconIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+GetNumGuildRankIcons = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numGuildRankIcons,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetGuildRankSmallIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _iconIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetGuildRankLargeIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _iconIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetGuildRankListHighlightIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _iconIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetGuildRankListUpIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _iconIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetGuildRankListDownIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _iconIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetGuildRankId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *luaindex* _rankIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:rankId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsGuildRankGuildMaster = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *luaindex* _rankIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isGuildMaster,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+InitializePendingGuildRanks = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",},
+AddPendingGuildRank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _rankId_, *string* _name_, *integer* _permissions_, *luaindex* _iconIndex_)",},
+SavePendingGuildRanks = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:success,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ComposeGuildRankPermissions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _permissions_, *integer* _permission_, *bool* _enabled_)",
+returns = "(integer:newPermissions,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+RequestOfflineGuildMembers = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",},
+DoesGuildHistoryCategoryHaveMoreEvents = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *[GuildHistoryCategory|#GuildHistoryCategory]* _category_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasMoreEvents,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+RequestGuildHistoryCategoryNewest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *[GuildHistoryCategory|#GuildHistoryCategory]* _category_)",
+returns = "(bool:requested,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+RequestGuildHistoryCategoryOlder = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *[GuildHistoryCategory|#GuildHistoryCategory]* _category_)",
+returns = "(bool:requested,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumGuildEvents = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *[GuildHistoryCategory|#GuildHistoryCategory]* _category_)",
+returns = "(integer:numEvents,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetGuildEventInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *[GuildHistoryCategory|#GuildHistoryCategory]* _category_, *luaindex* _eventIndex_)",
+returns = "(variant:param6,variant:param5,variant:param4,variant:param3,variant:param2,variant:param1,integer:secsSinceEvent,integer:eventType,)",
+valuetype = "variant,variant,variant,variant,variant,variant,integer,integer,",},
+GetGuildEventId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *[GuildHistoryCategory|#GuildHistoryCategory]* _category_, *luaindex* _eventIndex_)",
+returns = "(id64:guildEventId,)",
+valuetype = "id64,",},
+SetGuildMemberNote = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *luaindex* _memberIndex_, *string* _note_)",},
+GetGuildRankCustomName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *luaindex* _rankIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:rankName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNumGuildInvites = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numGuildInvites,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetGuildInviteInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:note,string:inviterDisplayName,string:guildName,integer:guildId,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,string,integer,",},
+AcceptGuildInvite = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",},
+RejectGuildInvite = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",},
+JumpToGuildMember = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _name_)",},
+GetGuildClaimedKeep = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildLuaId_)",
+returns = "(integer:claimedKeepCampaignId,integer:claimedKeepId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+DoesGuildHaveClaimedKeep = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildLuaId_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasClaimedKeep,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CheckGuildKeepClaim = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildLuaId_, *integer* _keepId_)",
+returns = "(integer:result,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CheckGuildKeepRelease = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildLuaId_)",
+returns = "(integer:result,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+ReleaseKeepForGuild = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildLuaId_)",},
+ClaimInteractionKeepForGuild = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildLuaId_)",},
+ReleaseInteractionKeepForGuild = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetGuildOwnedKioskInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",},
+GetNumGuildSpecificItems = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numItems,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetGuildSpecificItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:purchasePrice,integer:requiredChampionRank,integer:requiredLevel,integer:stackCount,integer:quality,string:itemName,textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,string,textureName,",},
+BuyGuildSpecificItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetGuildSpecificItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+SetGamepadVibration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _durationMs_, *number* _firstMotor_, *number* _secondMotor_, *number* _thirdMotor_, *number* _fourthMotor_, *string* _debugSourceInfo_)",},
+GetGamepadLeftStickX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _includeDeadzone_)",
+returns = "(number:x,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetGamepadLeftStickY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _includeDeadzone_)",
+returns = "(number:y,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetGamepadLeftStickDeltaX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _includeDeadzone_)",
+returns = "(number:deltaX,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetGamepadLeftStickDeltaY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _includeDeadzone_)",
+returns = "(number:deltaY,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetGamepadRightStickX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _includeDeadzone_)",
+returns = "(number:x,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetGamepadRightStickY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _includeDeadzone_)",
+returns = "(number:y,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetGamepadRightStickDeltaX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _includeDeadzone_)",
+returns = "(number:deltaX,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetGamepadRightStickDeltaY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _includeDeadzone_)",
+returns = "(number:deltaY,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetGamepadLeftTriggerMagnitude = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:magnitude,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetGamepadRightTriggerMagnitude = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:magnitude,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+SetGamepadLeftStickConsumedByUI = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _consumed_)",},
+SetGamepadRightStickConsumedByUI = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _consumed_)",},
+GetGamepadTouchpadX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:gamepadTouchpadX,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetGamepadTouchpadY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:gamepadTouchpadY,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+IsGamepadTouchpadActive = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:gamepadTouchpadActive,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetGamepadType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsConsoleUI = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isConsoleUI,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsInGamepadPreferredMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:inGamepadPreferredMode,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsKeyCodeGamepadKey = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _key_)",
+returns = "(bool:isGamepadKey,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsKeyCodeMouseKey = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _key_)",
+returns = "(bool:isMouseKey,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsKeyCodeKeyboardKey = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _key_)",
+returns = "(bool:isKeyboardKey,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsKeyCodeChordKey = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _key_)",
+returns = "(bool:isKeyChord,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsKeyCodeHoldKey = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _key_)",
+returns = "(bool:isKeyHold,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsKeyDown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _key_)",
+returns = "(bool:isKeyDown,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ConvertKeyPressToHold = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _key_)",},
+ConvertHoldKeyPressToNonHold = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _holdKey_)",},
+GetKeyChordsFromSingleKey = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _key_)",},
+GetUIPlatform = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetOverscanOffsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _offsetX_, *integer* _offsetY_, *integer* _offsetWidth_, *integer* _offsetHeight_)",},
+GetOverscanOffsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:offsetHeight,integer:offsetWidth,integer:offsetY,integer:offsetX,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,",},
+IsGUIResizing = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isGUIResizing,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+UpdatePlayerPresenceInformation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+UpdatePlayerPresenceName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ChangeRemoteSceneVisibility = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _sceneName_, *[RemoteSceneStateChangeType|#RemoteSceneStateChangeType]* _sceneChangeType_, *[RemoteSceneStateChangeOrigin|#RemoteSceneStateChangeOrigin]* _sceneChangeOrigin_)",},
+ShowRemoteBaseScene = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ChangeRemoteTopLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[RemoteSceneStateChangeType|#RemoteSceneStateChangeType]* _sceneChangeType_, *[RemoteSceneStateChangeOrigin|#RemoteSceneStateChangeOrigin]* _sceneChangeOrigin_)",},
+IsValidName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _name_)",
+returns = "(bool:isValid,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetDigitGroupingSize = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:digitGroupingSize,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+AbbreviateNumber = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _number_, *[NumberAbbreviationPrecision|#NumberAbbreviationPrecision]* _precision_, *bool* _useUppercaseSuffix_)",
+returns = "(string:suffix,number:abbreviatedValue,)",
+valuetype = "string,number,",},
+IsESOPlusSubscriber = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isESOPlusSubscriber,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetHighestUnlockedChapter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetChapterId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Chapter|#Chapter]* _chapter_)",
+returns = "(integer:chapterId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCurrentChapterCollectibleId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:collectibleId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+HasCurrentChapter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasChapter,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetTrialInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:version,string:description,string:title,integer:accountTypeId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,string,integer,",},
+GetPlayerCrowns = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:currentCrowns,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetPlayerCrownGems = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:currentCrownGems,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetPlayerMarketCurrency = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MarketCurrencyType|#MarketCurrencyType]* _type_)",
+returns = "(integer:currencyAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsChromaSystemAvailable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:systemAvailable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ChromaClearKeyboardEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ChromaClearKeypadEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ChromaClearMouseEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ChromaClearMousepadEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ChromaClearHeadsetEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ChromaCreateKeyboardStaticEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_)",},
+ChromaCreateKeypadStaticEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_)",},
+ChromaCreateMouseStaticEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_)",},
+ChromaCreateMousepadStaticEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_)",},
+ChromaCreateHeadsetStaticEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_)",},
+ChromaCreateKeyboardBreathingEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaKeyboardBreathingEffectType|#ChromaKeyboardBreathingEffectType]* _breathingType_, *number* _red1_, *number* _green1_, *number* _blue1_, *number* _red2_, *number* _green2_, *number* _blue2_)",},
+ChromaCreateKeypadBreathingEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaKeypadBreathingEffectType|#ChromaKeypadBreathingEffectType]* _breathingType_, *number* _red1_, *number* _green1_, *number* _blue1_, *number* _red2_, *number* _green2_, *number* _blue2_)",},
+ChromaCreateMouseBreathingEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaMouseBreathingEffectType|#ChromaMouseBreathingEffectType]* _breathingType_, *number* _red1_, *number* _green1_, *number* _blue1_, *number* _red2_, *number* _green2_, *number* _blue2_)",},
+ChromaCreateMousepadBreathingEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaMousepadBreathingEffectType|#ChromaMousepadBreathingEffectType]* _breathingType_, *number* _red1_, *number* _green1_, *number* _blue1_, *number* _red2_, *number* _green2_, *number* _blue2_)",},
+ChromaCreateHeadsetBreathingEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_)",},
+ChromaCreateKeyboardWaveEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaKeyboardWaveEffectDirection|#ChromaKeyboardWaveEffectDirection]* _waveDirection_)",},
+ChromaCreateKeypadWaveEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaKeypadWaveEffectDirection|#ChromaKeypadWaveEffectDirection]* _waveDirection_)",},
+ChromaCreateMouseWaveEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaMouseWaveEffectDirection|#ChromaMouseWaveEffectDirection]* _waveDirection_)",},
+ChromaCreateMousepadWaveEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaMousepadWaveEffectDirection|#ChromaMousepadWaveEffectDirection]* _waveDirection_)",},
+ChromaCreateKeyboardReactiveEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaKeyboardReactiveEffectDuration|#ChromaKeyboardReactiveEffectDuration]* _reactionDuration_, *number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_)",},
+ChromaCreateKeypadReactiveEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaKeypadReactiveEffectDuration|#ChromaKeypadReactiveEffectDuration]* _reactionDuration_, *number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_)",},
+ChromaCreateMouseReactiveEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaMouseReactiveEffectDuration|#ChromaMouseReactiveEffectDuration]* _reactionDuration_, *number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_)",},
+ChromaCreateKeyboardSpectrumCyclingEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ChromaCreateKeypadSpectrumCyclingEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ChromaCreateMouseSpectrumCyclingEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ChromaCreateMousepadSpectrumCyclingEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ChromaResetCustomEffectObject = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaDeviceType|#ChromaDeviceType]* _deviceType_)",},
+ChromaApplyCustomEffectFullColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaDeviceType|#ChromaDeviceType]* _deviceType_, *number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_, *number* _alpha_, *[ChromaBlendMode|#ChromaBlendMode]* _blendMode_)",},
+ChromaApplyCustomEffectRowColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaDeviceType|#ChromaDeviceType]* _deviceType_, *luaindex* _rowIndex_, *number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_, *number* _alpha_, *[ChromaBlendMode|#ChromaBlendMode]* _blendMode_)",},
+ChromaApplyCustomEffectColumnColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaDeviceType|#ChromaDeviceType]* _deviceType_, *luaindex* _columnIndex_, *number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_, *number* _alpha_, *[ChromaBlendMode|#ChromaBlendMode]* _blendMode_)",},
+ChromaApplyCustomEffectCellColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaDeviceType|#ChromaDeviceType]* _deviceType_, *luaindex* _rowIndex_, *luaindex* _columnIndex_, *number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_, *number* _alpha_, *[ChromaBlendMode|#ChromaBlendMode]* _blendMode_)",},
+ChromaApplyCustomEffectId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _effectId_)",},
+ChromaGetCustomEffectCellColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaDeviceType|#ChromaDeviceType]* _deviceType_, *luaindex* _rowIndex_, *luaindex* _columnIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:blue,number:green,number:red,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+ChromaGetCustomEffectDimensions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaDeviceType|#ChromaDeviceType]* _deviceType_)",
+returns = "(integer:numColumn,integer:numRows,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+ChromaFinalizeCustomEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaDeviceType|#ChromaDeviceType]* _deviceType_)",},
+GetChromaKeyboardKeyByZoGuiKey = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _zoGuiKeyCode_)",},
+GetChromaKeyboardCellByChromaKeyboardKey = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaKeyboardKey|#ChromaKeyboardKey]* _chromaKeyboardKey_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:columnIndex,luaindex:rowIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,luaindex,",},
+GetChromaMouseCellByLED = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaMouseLED2|#ChromaMouseLED2]* _ledId_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:columnIndex,luaindex:rowIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,luaindex,",},
+GetChromaMousepadCellByLED = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaMousepadLED|#ChromaMousepadLED]* _ledId_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:columnIndex,luaindex:rowIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,luaindex,",},
+ChromaGenerateCustomEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChromaDeviceType|#ChromaDeviceType]* _deviceType_, *[ChromaCustomEffectType|#ChromaCustomEffectType]* _customEffectType_, *[ChromaCustomEffectGridStyle|#ChromaCustomEffectGridStyle]* _gridStyle_)",
+returns = "(integer:effectId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+ChromaDeleteCustomEffectById = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _effectId_)",},
+ChromaDeleteAllCustomEffectIds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ChromaSetCustomEffectCellActive = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _effectId_, *luaindex* _rowIndex_, *luaindex* _columnIndex_, *bool* _isActive_)",},
+ChromaSetCustomEffectSingleColorRGBA = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _effectId_, *number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_, *number* _alpha_)",},
+ChromaSetCustomEffectSingleColorBlendMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _effectId_, *[ChromaBlendMode|#ChromaBlendMode]* _blendMode_)",},
+ChromaSetCustomSingleColorFadingEffectValue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _effectId_, *number* _fadeValue_)",},
+ChromaSetCustomSingleColorFadingEffectUsesAlphaChannel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _effectId_, *bool* _useAlphaChannel_)",},
+CreateBackgroundListFilter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BackgroundListFilterTarget|#BackgroundListFilterTarget]* _target_, *string* _searchText_)",
+returns = "(integer:taskId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+AddBackgroundListFilterType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _taskId_, *[BackgroundListFilterType|#BackgroundListFilterType]* _filterType_)",},
+AddBackgroundListFilterEntry = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _taskId_, *integer* _value1_, *integer* _value2_)",},
+AddBackgroundListFilterEntry64 = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _taskId_, *id64* _value_)",},
+StartBackgroundListFilter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _taskId_)",},
+DestroyBackgroundListFilter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _taskId_)",},
+GetNumBackgroundListFilterResults = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _taskId_)",
+returns = "(integer:numResults,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetBackgroundListFilterResult = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _taskId_, *luaindex* _resultIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:value2,integer:value1,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetBackgroundListFilterResult64 = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _taskId_, *luaindex* _resultIndex_)",
+returns = "(id64:value,)",
+valuetype = "id64,",},
+PlayVideo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _filename_, *bool* _playImmediately_, *[VideoSkipMode|#VideoSkipMode]* _skipMode_, *integer* _subtitleId_, *bool* _playInBackground_, *bool* _loopPlayback_, *bool* _mutePlayback_)",},
+AbortVideoPlayback = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CancelCurrentVideoPlayback = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetVideoCancelAllOnCancelAny = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _cancelAll_)",},
+ResetVideoCancelConfirmation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetCurrentVideoPlaybackVolume = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _volume_, *number* _lerpTime_)",},
+ComputeStringDistance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _source_, *string* _target_, *integer* _maxDistance_)",
+returns = "(integer:distance,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+ExecuteChatCommand = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _text_)",},
+ToggleShowIngameGui = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ReloadUI = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _guiName_)",},
+GetPlayerStatus = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:status,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SelectPlayerStatus = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _status_)",},
+GetNumPlayerStatuses = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numStatuses,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCriticalStrikeChance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _statValue_)",
+returns = "(number:chance,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+TakeScreenshot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetFullscreenEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[FullscreenEffectType|#FullscreenEffectType]* _effectType_, *number* _param1_, *number* _param2_, *bool* _immediateUpdate_)",},
+DoesGameHaveFocus = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasFocus,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPlayerActivated = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:activated,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetSecondsPlayed = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:secondsPlayed,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetLatency = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:latencyMS,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+PlaceInTradeWindow = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex:nilable* _tradeIndex_)",},
+PlaceInUnitFrame = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _target_)",},
+ConvertMouseButtonToKeyCode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _mouseButton_)",},
+ResetAllBindsToDefault = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ResetKeyboardBindsToDefault = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ResetGamepadBindsToDefault = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+DoesUnitExist = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:exists,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetUnitName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetRawUnitName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(string:rawName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetUnitDisplayName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(string:displayName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetUnitGender = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",},
+GetUnitNameHighlightedByReticle = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetUnitClass = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(string:className,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetUnitClassId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:classId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetUnitChampionPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:championPoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetUnitEffectiveChampionPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:championPoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CanUnitGainChampionPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:canGainChampionPoints,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetUnitEffectiveLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:level,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetUnitZone = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(string:zoneName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetUnitZoneIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",},
+GetUnitXP = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:exp,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetUnitXPMax = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxExp,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsUnitChampion = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isChampion,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitUsingVeteranDifficulty = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isVeteranDifficulty,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetPlayerChampionXP = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:championExp,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetPlayerChampionPointsEarned = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:points,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsUnitBattleLeveled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isBattleLeveled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitChampionBattleLeveled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isChampBattleLeveled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetUnitBattleLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:battleLevel,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetUnitChampionBattleLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:champBattleLevel,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetUnitDrownTime = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(number:endTime,number:startTime,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetUnitEquipmentBonusRatingRelativeToLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_, *number* _rawEquipmentBonusRating_)",
+returns = "(number:relativeEquipmentBonusRating,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+IsUnitInGroupSupportRange = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:result,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetUnitType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:type,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CanUnitTrade = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:canTrade,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+AreUnitsEqual = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_, *string* _secondUnitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:areEqual,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitGrouped = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isGrouped,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitGroupLeader = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isGroupLeader,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitSoloOrGroupLeader = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isSoloOrGroupLeader,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetGroupLeaderUnitTag = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:leaderUnitTag,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+IsUnitFriend = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isOnFriendList,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitIgnored = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isIgnored,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitPlayer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPlayer,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitPvPFlagged = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPvPFlagged,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitAttackable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:attackable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitJusticeGuard = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isJusticeGuard,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitInvulnerableGuard = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isInvulnerableGuard,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitLivestock = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isLivestock,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetUnitAlliance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:alliance,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+AreUnitsCurrentlyAllied = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag1_, *string* _unitTag2_)",
+returns = "(bool:allied,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetUnitBattlegroundAlliance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",},
+GetUnitRace = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(string:race,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetUnitRaceId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:raceId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsUnitFriendlyFollower = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isFollowing,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetUnitReaction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",},
+GetUnitAvARankPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:AvARankPoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetUnitAvARank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:subRank,integer:rank,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetLargeAvARankIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _rank_)",
+returns = "(textureName:largeRankIcon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetAvARankProgress = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _currentRankPoints_)",
+returns = "(integer:nextRankAt,integer:rankStartsAt,integer:nextSubRankAt,integer:subRankStartsAt,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetNumPointsNeededForAvARank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _rank_)",
+returns = "(integer:numPointsRequired,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetUnitReactionColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(number:blue,number:green,number:red,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+IsUnitInCombat = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isInCombat,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitDead = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isDead,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitReincarnating = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isReincarnating,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitDeadOrReincarnating = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isDead,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitSwimming = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isSwimming,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitResurrectableByPlayer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isResurrectable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitBeingResurrected = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isBeingResurrected,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesUnitHaveResurrectPending = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasResurrectPending,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetUnitStealthState = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:stealthState,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetUnitDisguiseState = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:disguiseState,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetUnitHidingEndTime = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(number:endTime,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+IsUnitOnline = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isOnline,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitInspectableSiege = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isInspectableSiege,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnitInDungeon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isInDungeon,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetUnitCaption = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(string:caption,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetUnitSilhouetteTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(string:icon,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetUnitPowerInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_, *luaindex* _poolIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:effectiveMax,integer:max,integer:current,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetUnitPower = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_, *[CombatMechanicType|#CombatMechanicType]* _powerType_)",
+returns = "(integer:effectiveMax,integer:max,integer:current,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetCurrentCharacterId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:id,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetPlayerStat = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DerivedStats|#DerivedStats]* _derivedStat_, *[StatBonusOption|#StatBonusOption]* _statBonusOption_)",
+returns = "(integer:value,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAllUnitAttributeVisualizerEffectInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(number:maxValue,number:value,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetUnitAttributeVisualizerEffectInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_, *[UnitAttributeVisual|#UnitAttributeVisual]* _unitAttributeVisual_, *[DerivedStats|#DerivedStats]* _statType_, *[Attributes|#Attributes]* _attributeType_, *[CombatMechanicType|#CombatMechanicType]* _powerType_)",},
+GetUnitDifficulty = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",},
+GetUnitTitle = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(string:title,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+CancelCast = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:cancelled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsTargetSameAsLastValidTarget = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:same,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+TogglePlayerWield = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsPlayerMoving = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:moving,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPlayerGroundTargeting = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isGroundTargeting,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPlayerEmoteOverridden = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _emoteId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isOverridden,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetGroundTargetingError = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetPlayerCameraHeading = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:heading,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetPlayerWorldPositionInHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:rotationRadians,integer:worldZ,integer:worldY,integer:worldX,)",
+valuetype = "number,integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetUnitBuffInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_, *luaindex* _buffIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:castByPlayer,bool:canClickOff,integer:abilityId,string:buffType,textureName:iconFilename,integer:stackCount,integer:buffSlot,number:timeEnding,number:timeStarted,string:buffName,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,integer,string,textureName,integer,integer,number,number,string,",},
+GetNumBuffs = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:numBuffs,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GroupInvite = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",},
+GroupKick = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",},
+GroupPromote = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",},
+GetGroupMemberRoles = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:isTank,bool:isHealer,bool:isDps,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,",},
+CancelBuff = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _buffIndex_)",},
+GetWeaponSwapUnlockedLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:level,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSlotType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:type,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSlotAbilityCost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:mechanicType,integer:abilityCost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetSlotBoundId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:id,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSlotTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:activationAnimation,string:weapontexture,string:texture,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,string,",},
+GetSlotName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetSlotItemQuality = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetSlotCooldownInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:global,integer:duration,integer:remain,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,integer,",},
+IsSlotToggled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:toggledOn,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsSlotUsed = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:used,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsSlotUsable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:useable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasCostFailure = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:status,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasRequirementFailure = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:status,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasWeaponSlotFailure = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:status,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasTargetFailure = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:status,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasRangeFailure = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:status,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasStatusEffectFailure = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:status,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasFallingFailure = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:status,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasSwimmingFailure = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:status,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasMountedFailure = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:status,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasReincarnatingFailure = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:status,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasActivationHighlight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:status,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+OnSlotDownAndUp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+OnSlotDown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+OnSlotUp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+OnSpecialMoveKeyPressed = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SpecialMove|#SpecialMove]* _slotIndex_)",},
+OnSpecialMoveKeyDown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _moveIndex_)",},
+OnSpecialMoveKeyUp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _moveIndex_)",},
+GetSlotItemCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetSlotItemSound = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:itemSoundCategory,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsSlotItemConsumable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:consumable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesInventoryContainEmptySoulGem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasEmptyGem,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsSlotSoulTrap = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isSoulTrap,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SelectSlotSkillAbility = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillLineIndex_, *luaindex* _abilityIndex_, *luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+SlotSkillAbilityInSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillLineIndex_, *luaindex* _abilityIndex_, *luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetFirstFreeValidSlotForSkillAbility = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillLineIndex_, *luaindex* _abilityIndex_)",},
+GetAssignedSlotFromSkillAbility = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillLineIndex_, *luaindex* _abilityIndex_)",},
+GetNumAbilities = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:num,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAbilityInfoByIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _abilityIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:showInSpellbook,bool:passive,integer:actionSlotType,integer:rank,string:texture,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,integer,integer,string,string,",},
+IsValidAbilityForSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _abilityIndex_, *luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:valid,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsValidItemForSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _bagSlotId_, *luaindex* _actionSlotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:valid,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsValidItemForSlotByItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemId_, *integer* _itemQualityDefId_, *integer* _itemRequiredLevel_, *integer* _itemInstanceData_, *luaindex* _actionSlotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:valid,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsValidCollectibleForSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_, *luaindex* _actionSlotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:valid,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CompleteQuest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+AbandonQuest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",},
+GetIsQuestSharable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isSharable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ShareQuest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",},
+GetJournalQuestStepInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numConditions,string:trackerOverrideText,integer:stepType,string:stepText,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,integer,string,",},
+GetJournalQuestLocationInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:poiIndex,luaindex:zoneIndex,string:objectiveName,string:zoneName,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,luaindex,string,string,",},
+GetJournalQuestEnding = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:journalStepText,string:backgroundText,string:declineComplete,string:confirmComplete,string:dialog,string:goal,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,string,string,string,string,",},
+GetJournalQuestNumConditions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:conditionCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+RequestJournalQuestConditionAssistance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_, *bool* _assisted_)",},
+GetNearestQuestCondition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _considerType_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:conditionIndex,luaindex:stepIndex,luaindex:journalQuestIndex,bool:foundValidCondition,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,luaindex,luaindex,bool,",},
+GetJournalQuestTimerInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPaused,bool:isVisible,number:timerEnd,number:timerStart,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,number,number,",},
+GetJournalQuestTimerCaption = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:caption,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetJournalQuestNumSteps = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numSteps,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetQuestToolCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:toolCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SendChatMessage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _message_, *integer* _channelId_, *string* _target_)",},
+MoveForwardStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+MoveForwardStop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+MoveBackwardStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+MoveBackwardStop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+StopAllMovement = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ToggleWalk = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+TurnLeftStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+TurnLeftStop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+TurnRightStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+TurnRightStop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+StrafeLeftStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+StrafeLeftStop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+StrafeRightStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+StrafeRightStop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+JumpAscendStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+AscendStop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+DescendStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+DescendStop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+LeftMouseDownInWorld = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+LeftMouseUpInWorld = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+LeftAndRightMouseDownInWorld = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+LeftAndRightMouseUpInWorld = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+RightMouseDownInWorld = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+RightMouseUpInWorld = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CameraZoomIn = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CameraZoomOut = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ToggleAutoRun = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+RollDodgeStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+RollDodgeStop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+PrepareAttack = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+PerformAttack = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+StartBlock = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+StopBlock = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ToggleGameCameraPadlockTarget = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+PerformInterrupt = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+StartCommandPet = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+StopCommandPet = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GameCameraGamepadZoomDown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GameCameraGamepadZoomUp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+EndInteraction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _interactionType_)",},
+GetChatterGreeting = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:optionString,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetChatterData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:atGreeting,integer:numOptions,string:text,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,string,",},
+GetMaxBags = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxBags,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemInstanceId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetItemTotalCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsItemConsumable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:consumable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetQuestToolLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _aQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _aToolIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetQuestItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _aQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _aStepIndex_, *luaindex* _aConditionIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetQuestItemNameFromLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _link_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetComparisonEquipSlotsFromItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+GetComparisonEquipSlotsFromBagItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetItemName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+IsItemUsable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:usableOnlyFromActionSlot,bool:usable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,",},
+GetSlotStackSize = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxStack,integer:stack,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetEquippedItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _equipSlot_)",
+returns = "(bool:locked,bool:isHeldNow,bool:isHeldSlot,integer:sellPrice,bool:slotHasItem,string:icon,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,integer,bool,string,",},
+GetHeldSlots = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:lastHeldOff,integer:lastHeldMain,integer:heldOff,integer:heldMain,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,",},
+CheckInventorySpaceAndWarn = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _numItems_)",
+returns = "(bool:haveSpace,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CheckInventorySpaceSilently = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _numItems_)",
+returns = "(bool:haveSpace,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+EquipItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *integer:nilable* _equipSlotIndex_)",},
+IsEquipable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:resultErrorCodeIfFailed,bool:isEquipable,)",
+valuetype = "integer,bool,",},
+GetItemLinkInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:itemStyle,integer:equipType,bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,string:icon,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,bool,integer,string,",},
+IsBankUpgradeAvailable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isAvailable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetFirstFreeValidSlotForItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetFirstFreeValidSlotForCollectible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",},
+GetItemCurrentActionBarSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetCollectibleCurrentActionBarSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",},
+GetItemSoundCategoryFromLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _link_)",
+returns = "(integer:itemSoundCategory,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsLockedWeaponSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _equipSlot_)",
+returns = "(bool:locked,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetSelectedGuildBankId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetMapPlayerPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(number:heading,number:normalizedZ,number:normalizedX,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+GetMapPing = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(number:normalizedY,number:normalizedX,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetMapRallyPoint = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:normalizedY,number:normalizedX,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetMapPlayerWaypoint = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:normalizedY,number:normalizedX,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetNumKeepTravelNetworkNodes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _bgContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:numNodes,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumKeepTravelNetworkLinks = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _bgContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:numLinks,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetKeepTravelNetworkNodeInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _nodeIndex_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _bgContext_)",
+returns = "(number:normalizedY,number:normalizedX,bool:accessible,integer:keepId,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,bool,integer,",},
+GetKeepTravelNetworkLinkInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _linkIndex_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _bgContext_)",
+returns = "(number:endY,number:endX,number:startY,number:startX,integer:restricedToAlliance,integer:linkOwner,integer:linkType,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetKeepTravelNetworkLinkEndpoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _linkIndex_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _bgContext_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:keepBIndex,luaindex:keepAIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,luaindex,",},
+GetKeepAccessible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _bgContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:accessible,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetKeepHasResourcesForTravel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _bgContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasResources,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetKeepFastTravelInteraction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+TravelToKeep = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _destinationKeepId_)",},
+GetRecallCooldown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:duration,integer:remain,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+IsPlayerInAvAWorld = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInAvAWorld,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCampaignAllianceScore = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *integer* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(integer:score,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSecondsUntilCampaignScoreReevaluation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(integer:seconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSecondsUntilCampaignStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(integer:seconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSecondsUntilCampaignEnd = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(integer:seconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignUnderdogLeaderAlliance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(integer:alliance,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSecondsUntilCampaignUnderdogReevaluation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(integer:seconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignHoldings = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *integer* _elementType_, *integer* _alliance_, *integer* _targetAlliance_)",
+returns = "(integer:elementsControlled,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTotalCampaignHoldings = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *integer* _elementType_, *integer* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(integer:elementsControlled,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignAlliancePotentialScore = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *integer* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(integer:potentialScore,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignHoldingScoreValues = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(integer:offensiveArtifactValue,integer:defensiveArtifactValue,integer:outpostValue,integer:resourceValue,integer:keepValue,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetCampaignName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(string:campaignName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetPendingAssignedCampaign = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:campaignId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumCampaignRulesetTypes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numRulesetTypes,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignSocialConnectionInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _connectionIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isGuildMate,bool:isFriend,integer:currentCampaignId,integer:assignedCampaignId,integer:accountId,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,integer,integer,integer,",},
+SwitchGuestCampaign = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",},
+GetMinLevelForCampaignTutorial = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:minLevelForCampaignTutorial,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumLootItems = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumKeepResourceTypes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numTypes,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumKeepUpgradePaths = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numPaths,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumUpgradesForKeepAtResourceLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *[KeepResourceType|#KeepResourceType]* _resourceType_, *integer* _level_)",
+returns = "(integer:numUpgrades,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetKeepUpgradeDetails = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *[KeepResourceType|#KeepResourceType]* _resourceType_, *integer* _level_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(bool:active,integer:upgradeAtPercent,textureName:upgradeIcon,string:upgradeDetails,string:upgradeName,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,textureName,string,string,",},
+GetKeepUpgradeLineFromResourceType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeepResourceType|#KeepResourceType]* _resourceType_)",},
+GetKeepUpgradeLineFromUpgradePath = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeepUpgradePath|#KeepUpgradePath]* _upgradePath_)",},
+GetNumUpgradesForKeepAtPathLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *[KeepUpgradePath|#KeepUpgradePath]* _upgradePath_, *integer* _level_)",
+returns = "(integer:numUpgrades,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetKeepUpgradePathDetails = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *[KeepUpgradePath|#KeepUpgradePath]* _upgradePath_, *integer* _level_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(bool:active,integer:upgradeAtPercent,textureName:icon,string:upgradeDetails,string:upgradeName,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,textureName,string,string,",},
+CanRespawnAtKeep = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_)",
+returns = "(bool:canRespawn,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetIsTracked = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _trackType_, *integer* _param1_, *integer* _param2_)",
+returns = "(bool:tracked,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetIsTrackedForContentId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _trackType_, *integer* _contentId_)",
+returns = "(bool:tracked,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetTracked = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _trackType_, *bool* _tracked_, *integer* _param1_, *integer* _param2_)",
+returns = "(bool:success,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumTracked = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numTracked,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTrackedByIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:param2,integer:param1,integer:trackType,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetTrackedIsAssisted = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _trackType_, *integer* _param1_, *integer* _param2_)",
+returns = "(bool:assisted,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetTrackedIsAssisted = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _trackType_, *bool* _assisted_, *integer* _param1_, *integer* _param2_)",},
+AddMapPin = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _pinType_, *integer* _param1_, *integer* _param2_, *integer* _param3_)",},
+RemoveMapPin = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _pinType_, *integer* _param1_, *integer* _param2_, *integer* _param3_)",},
+StopMapPinAnimation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _pinType_, *integer* _param1_, *integer* _param2_, *integer* _param3_)",},
+RemoveMapPinsByType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _pinType_)",},
+SetMapPinAssisted = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _pinType_, *bool* _assisted_, *integer* _param1_, *integer* _param2_, *integer* _param3_)",},
+SetMapPinContinuousPositionUpdate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _pinType_, *bool* _continuousUpdate_, *integer* _param1_, *integer* _param2_, *integer* _param3_)",},
+AddMapQuestPins = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",},
+RemoveMapQuestPins = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",},
+SetMapQuestPinsAssisted = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *bool* _assisted_)",},
+StartMouseSiegeWeaponAim = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+StopMouseSiegeWeaponAim = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SiegeWeaponPackUp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SiegeWeaponRelease = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SiegeWeaponFire = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CanSiegeWeaponPackUp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canPackup,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanSiegeWeaponFire = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canFire,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanSiegeWeaponAim = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canAim,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPlayerControllingSiegeWeapon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isPlayerControlling,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPlayerEscortingRam = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isPlayerEscorting,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumPlayersEscortingRam = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numPlayersEscorting,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMinMaxRamEscorts = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxEscorts,integer:minEscorts,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+SetHealthWarningStage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _stage_)",},
+FlashHealthWarningStage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _stage_, *integer* _flashTimeMs_)",},
+ClearHealthWarnings = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetFlashWaitTime = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _waitTimeMs_)",},
+GetMaxMailItems = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxMail,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+QueueItemAttachment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *luaindex* _attachmentSlot_)",
+returns = "(integer:itemAttachmentResult,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+FormatAchievementLinkTimestamp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _timestamp_)",
+returns = "(string:time,string:date,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,",},
+GetNumStats = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numStats,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumAbilitiesLearnedForLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _level_, *bool* _progression_)",
+returns = "(integer:abilitiesLearned,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetLearnedAbilityInfoForLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _level_, *luaindex* _learnedIndex_, *bool* _progression_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:progressionIndex,luaindex:abilityIndex,string:texture,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,luaindex,string,string,",},
+PlayerHasAttributeUpgrades = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasLevelUpgrades,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ChooseAbilityProgressionMorph = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _progressionIndex_, *integer* _morph_)",},
+GetAbilityProgressionInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _progressionIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:rank,integer:morph,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,string,",},
+GetAbilityProgressionXPInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _progressionIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:atMorph,integer:currentXP,integer:nextRankXP,integer:lastRankXp,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetAbilityProgressionAbilityInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _progressionIndex_, *integer* _morph_, *integer* _rank_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:abilityIndex,string:texture,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,string,string,",},
+GetAbilityProgressionRankFromAbilityId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",},
+GetAbilityProgressionXPInfoFromAbilityId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(bool:atMorph,integer:currentXP,integer:nextRankXP,integer:lastRankXp,luaindex:progressionIndex,bool:hasProgression,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,integer,integer,luaindex,bool,",},
+GetAttributeDerivedStatPerPointValue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _attribute_, *integer* _stat_)",
+returns = "(number:amountPerPoint,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetActiveCombatTipInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activeCombatTipId_)",
+returns = "(string:iconPath,string:tipText,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,string,",},
+IsGameCameraActive = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isActive,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsInteractionCameraActive = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isActive,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+BeginInteractCameraSpin = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+EndInteractCameraSpin = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GameCameraInteractStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsReticleHidden = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isHidden,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsGameCameraUnitHighlightedAttackable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:attackable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GameCameraMouseFreeLookStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GameCameraMouseFreeLookStop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CycleGameCameraPreferredEnemyTarget = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsGameCameraPreferredTargetValid = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:valid,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ClearGameCameraPreferredTarget = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetGameCameraInteractableActionInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isCriminalInteract,integer:additionalInfo,bool:isOwned,bool:interactBlocked,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,bool,bool,",},
+GetNameOfGameCameraQuestToolTarget = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+ToggleGameCameraFirstPerson = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsGameCameraSiegeControlled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:valid,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ReleaseGameCameraSiegeControlled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumPendingFeedback = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:pendingFeedback,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFeedbackIdByIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _feedbackIndex_)",},
+GetFeedbackType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _feedbackId_)",
+returns = "(integer:feedbackType,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+RemovePendingFeedback = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _feedbackId_)",},
+IsFeedbackGatheringEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+RequestOpenUnsafeURL = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _URL_)",},
+Logout = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+Quit = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ConfirmLogout = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _quitGame_, *[LogoutType|#LogoutType]* _option_, *[LogoutResult|#LogoutResult]* _initialResult_)",},
+CancelLogout = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetIsNewCharacter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isNewCharacter,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetUniqueNameForCharacter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _characterName_)",
+returns = "(string:uniqueName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetWorldName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:worldName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+Disconnect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetTrialChatRestriction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MsgChannelType|#MsgChannelType]* _channel_, *string* _target_)",},
+GetTrialChatIsRestrictedAndWarn = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MsgChannelType|#MsgChannelType]* _channel_, *string* _target_)",
+returns = "(bool:handled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanChangeBattleLevelPreference = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canChangeBattleLevelPreference,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCursorBagId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetCursorSlotIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+PlaceInActionBar = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _actionSlot_)",},
+PlaceInInventory = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+RequestMoveItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _sourceBag_, *integer* _sourceSlot_, *integer* _destBag_, *integer* _destSlot_, *integer* _stackCount_)",},
+PlaceInEquipSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _slot_)",},
+PlaceInStoreWindow = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+PlaceInTransfer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+PlaceInWorldLeftClick = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+PlaceInAttachmentSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _attachmentSlot_)",},
+PickupAction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _actionSlot_)",},
+PickupAbility = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _abilityIndex_)",},
+PickupAbilityBySkillLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillLineIndex_, *luaindex* _abilityIndex_)",},
+PickupInventoryItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *integer* _count_)",},
+PickupEquippedItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _slot_)",},
+PickupTradeItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _tradeIndex_)",},
+PickupQuestTool = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _toolIndex_)",},
+PickupQuestItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_)",},
+PickupStoreItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",},
+PickupStoreBuybackItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",},
+PickupCollectible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",},
+RespondToDestroyRequest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _choice_)",},
+PlaceInTradingHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumActionLayers = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:actionLayers,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetActionLayerInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _layerIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numLayerCategories,string:layerName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,",},
+GetActionLayerCategoryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _layerIndex_, *luaindex* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numActions,string:categoryName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,",},
+GetActionInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _layerIndex_, *luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _actionIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isHidden,bool:isRebindable,string:actionName,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,string,",},
+GetActionBindingInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _layerIndex_, *luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _actionIndex_, *luaindex* _bindingIndex_)",},
+GetHighestPriorityActionBindingInfoFromName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _actionName_, *bool* _preferGamepad_)",},
+GetMaxBindingsPerAction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxNumBindings,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CreateDefaultActionBind = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _actionName_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _key_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _modifier1_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _modifier2_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _modifier3_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _modifier4_)",},
+BindKeyToAction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _layerIndex_, *luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _actionIndex_, *luaindex* _bindingIndex_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _key_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _modifier1_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _modifier2_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _modifier3_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _modifier4_)",},
+UnbindKeyFromAction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _layerIndex_, *luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _actionIndex_, *luaindex* _bindingIndex_)",},
+UnbindAllKeysFromAction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _layerIndex_, *luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _actionIndex_)",},
+GetActionIndicesFromName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _actionName_)",},
+GetBindingIndicesFromKeys = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _layerIndex_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _keyCode_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _mod1_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _mod2_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _mod3_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _mod4_)",},
+GetActionNameFromKey = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _layerName_, *[KeyCode|#KeyCode]* _keyCode_)",
+returns = "(string:actionName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+PushActionLayerByName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _layerName_)",},
+InsertActionLayerByName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _layerName_, *luaindex* _activeLayerIndex_)",},
+InsertNamedActionLayerAbove = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _layerName_, *string* _existingLayerName_)",},
+RemoveActionLayerByName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _layerName_)",},
+IsActionLayerActiveByName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _layerName_)",
+returns = "(bool:active,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+PopActionLayer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumActiveActionLayers = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numActiveActionLayers,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetActiveActionLayerIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _activeActionLayerIndex_)",},
+GetNumCharacters = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numCharacters,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCharacterInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:locationId,string:id,integer:raceId,integer:classId,integer:level,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,integer,integer,integer,string,",},
+GetNumAttributes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numAttributes,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsPlayerTryingToMove = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:tryingToMove,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _otherLevel_, *integer:nilable* _playerLevel_)",},
+IsWerewolf = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isWerewolf,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPlayerStunned = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isStunned,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetSynergyInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+HasSynergyEffects = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasSynergy,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetGroupInviteInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:displayName,integer:millisecondsSinceRequest,string:characterName,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,string,",},
+AcceptGroupInvite = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+DeclineGroupInvite = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+HasPendingGroupElectionVote = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasPendingVote,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CastGroupVote = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[GroupVoteChoice|#GroupVoteChoice]* _vote_)",},
+GroupLeave = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GroupInviteByName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _name_)",},
+GroupKickByName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _name_)",},
+GroupDisband = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsPlayerInGroup = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _name_)",
+returns = "(bool:inGroup,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetGroupSize = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:groupSize,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+JumpToGroupLeader = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+JumpToGroupMember = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _name_)",},
+CanJumpToGroupMember = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:canJump,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetVeteranDifficulty = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _isVeteranDifficulty_)",},
+GetGroupUnitTagByIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _sortIndex_)",},
+GetGroupIndexByUnitTag = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:sortIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+GetInstanceKickTime = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsGroupMemberInRemoteRegion = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:inRemoteRegion,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsAnyGroupMemberInDungeon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isAnyGroupMemberInDungeon,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsGroupCrossAlliance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isGroupCrossAlliance,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsInLFGGroup = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInLFGGroup,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCurrentLFGActivityComplete = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isComplete,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetGroupMemberAssignedRole = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",},
+DoAllGroupMembersHavePreferredRole = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:allGroupMembersHavePreferredRoles,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsGroupUsingVeteranDifficulty = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isVeteran,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsGroupModificationAvailable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isAvailable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesGroupModificationRequireVote = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:doesRequireVote,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanPlayerChangeGroupDifficulty = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canChange,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetGroupElectionInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:targetUnitTag,string:electionDescriptor,integer:timeRemainingSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,integer,",},
+BeginGroupElection = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[GroupElectionType|#GroupElectionType]* _electionType_, *string* _electionDescriptor_, *string* _targetUnitTag_)",
+returns = "(bool:sentSuccessfully,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetRaidReviveCountersRemaining = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetCurrentRaidScore = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:score,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCurrentRaidDeaths = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetCurrentRaidStartingReviveCounters = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetCurrentRaidLifeScoreBonus = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetRaidBonusMultiplier = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:currentLifeScoreBonus,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsRaidInProgress = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:inProgress,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasRaidEnded = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:ended,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+WasRaidSuccessful = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsPlayerInRaid = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:inRaid,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPlayerInReviveCounterRaid = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInReviveCounterRaid,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPlayerInRaidStagingArea = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInRaidStagingArea,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetRaidName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _raidId_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCurrentParticipatingRaidId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:currentRaidId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetRaidTargetTime = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:raidTargetTime,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetRaidDuration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:raidTime,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+QueryRaidLeaderboardData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumRaidLeaderboards = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[RaidCategory|#RaidCategory]* _raidCategory_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasWeekly,integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,",},
+GetRaidOfTheWeekLeaderboardInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[RaidCategory|#RaidCategory]* _raidCategory_)",
+returns = "(integer:raidId,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,",},
+GetRaidLeaderboardInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[RaidCategory|#RaidCategory]* _raidCategory_, *luaindex* _raidIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:raidId,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,",},
+GetRaidOfTheWeekLeaderboardLocalPlayerInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[RaidCategory|#RaidCategory]* _raidCategory_)",
+returns = "(integer:bestScore,integer:rank,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetRaidLeaderboardLocalPlayerInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[RaidCategory|#RaidCategory]* _raidCategory_, *luaindex* _raidIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:bestScore,integer:rank,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetNumTrialOfTheWeekLeaderboardEntries = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumTrialLeaderboardEntries = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _raidIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumChallengeOfTheWeekLeaderboardEntries = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _classId_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumChallengeLeaderboardEntries = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _raidIndex_, *integer* _classId_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTrialOfTheWeekLeaderboardEntryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:displayName,integer:allianceId,integer:classId,integer:time,string:charName,integer:ranking,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,integer,integer,string,integer,",},
+GetTrialLeaderboardEntryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _raidIndex_, *luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:displayName,integer:allianceId,integer:classId,integer:time,string:charName,integer:ranking,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,integer,integer,string,integer,",},
+GetChallengeOfTheWeekLeaderboardEntryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _classId_, *luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:displayName,integer:allianceId,integer:retClassId,integer:time,string:charName,integer:ranking,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,integer,integer,string,integer,",},
+GetChallengeLeaderboardEntryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _raidIndex_, *integer* _classId_, *luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:displayName,integer:allianceId,integer:retClassId,integer:time,string:charName,integer:ranking,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,integer,integer,string,integer,",},
+GetRaidOfTheWeekTimes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:secondsUntilNextStart,integer:secondsUntilEnd,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetPlayerRaidOfTheWeekParticipationInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[RaidCategory|#RaidCategory]* _raidCategory_)",
+returns = "(bool:isCredited,bool:isParticipating,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,",},
+GetPlayerRaidParticipationInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[RaidCategory|#RaidCategory]* _raidCategory_, *luaindex* _raidIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isCredited,bool:isParticipating,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,",},
+GetPlayerRaidOfTheWeekProgressInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[RaidCategory|#RaidCategory]* _raidCategory_)",
+returns = "(bool:complete,bool:inProgress,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,",},
+GetPlayerRaidProgressInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[RaidCategory|#RaidCategory]* _raidCategory_, *luaindex* _raidIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:complete,bool:inProgress,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,",},
+QueryHomeShowLeaderboardData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumHomeShowVoteCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numVoteCategories,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetHomeShowLeaderboardVoteCategoryName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _voteCategory_)",
+returns = "(string:homeShowEventName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetHomeShowLeaderboardLocalPlayerInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _voteCategory_, *[HouseCategoryType|#HouseCategoryType]* _houseCategory_)",
+returns = "(integer:personalBestScore,integer:personalBestRank,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetNumHomeShowLeaderboardEntries = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _voteCategory_, *[HouseCategoryType|#HouseCategoryType]* _houseCategory_)",
+returns = "(integer:numEntries,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetHomeShowLeaderboardEntryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _voteCategory_, *[HouseCategoryType|#HouseCategoryType]* _houseCategory_, *luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:score,integer:houseCollectibleId,string:playerDisplayname,integer:rank,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,string,integer,",},
+GetHomeShowLeaderboardTimeInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:secondsUntilNextUpdate,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+JumpToFriend = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _displayName_)",},
+JumpToHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _displayName_)",},
+JumpToSpecificHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _displayName_, *integer* _houseId_)",},
+GetNumRaidScoreNotifications = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numNotifications,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetRaidScoreNotificationId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _notificationIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:notificationId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetRaidScoreNotificationInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _notificationId_)",
+returns = "(integer:millisecondsSinceRequest,integer:raidScore,integer:raidId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetNumRaidScoreNotificationMembers = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _notificationId_)",
+returns = "(integer:numMembers,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetRaidScoreNotificationMemberInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _notificationId_, *luaindex* _memberIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPlayer,bool:isGuildMember,bool:isFriend,string:characterName,string:displayName,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,string,string,",},
+RemoveRaidScoreNotification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _notificationId_)",},
+IsSlotLocked = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:locked,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsActionBarSlottingAllowed = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isAllowed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetActionBarPage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _physicalPageId_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:logicalPageId,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+SetActionBarPage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _physicalPageId_, *luaindex* _logicalPageId_)",},
+ClearSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+SelectSlotAbility = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _abilityIndex_, *luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+SelectSlotItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _bagSlotId_, *luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+SelectSlotCollectible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_, *luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+SelectSlotEmote = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _emoteId_, *luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+SelectSlotQuickChat = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _quickChatId_, *luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+SelectLastSlottedItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+ClearLastSlottedItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetLastSlottedItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:itemLink,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetSlotItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:itemLink,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCurrentQuickslot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:slotId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SetCurrentQuickslot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _slotId_)",},
+HasMountSkin = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:result,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetMountSkinId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:skinId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetRidingStats = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxSpeedBonus,integer:speedBonus,integer:maxStaminaBonus,integer:staminaBonus,integer:maxInventoryBonus,integer:inventoryBonus,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetMaxRidingTraining = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[RidingTrainType|#RidingTrainType]* _trainTypeIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxValue,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTimeUntilCanBeTrained = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:totalDurationMs,integer:timeMs,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetTrainingCost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+TrainRiding = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[RidingTrainType|#RidingTrainType]* _trainTypeIndex_)",},
+IsMounted = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:mounted,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ToggleMount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetAbilityIdByIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _abilityIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:abilityId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+DoesAbilityExist = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(bool:exists,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetAbilityName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(string:abilityName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+IsAbilityPassive = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPassive,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsAbilityPermanent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPermanent,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetAbilityCastInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(integer:channelTime,integer:castTime,bool:channeled,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,bool,",},
+GetAbilityTargetDescription = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",},
+GetAbilityRange = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxRangeCM,integer:minRangeCM,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetAbilityRadius = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(integer:radius,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAbilityAngleDistance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(integer:angleDistance,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAbilityDuration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(integer:duration,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAbilityIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetAbilityCost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAbilityRoles = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isDamageRoleAbility,bool:isHealerRoleAbility,bool:isTankRoleAbility,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,",},
+GetAbilityDescriptionHeader = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(string:header,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetAbilityDescription = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(string:description,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetAbilityEffectDescription = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _effectSlotId_)",
+returns = "(string:description,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetAbilityUpgradeLines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(string:newValue,string:oldValue,string:label,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,string,",},
+GetAbilityNewEffectLines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",
+returns = "(string:newEffect,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+IsBlockActive = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:active,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+StartSoulGemResurrection = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CancelSoulGemResurrection = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+OnWeaponSwap = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+OnWeaponSwapToSet1 = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+OnWeaponSwapToSet2 = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ActivateSynergy = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+FormatFloatRelevantFraction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _num_)",
+returns = "(string:formattedString,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetOfferedQuestInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:response,string:dialogue,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,",},
+GetOfferedQuestShareInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _questId_)",
+returns = "(string:displayName,integer:millisecondsSinceRequest,string:characterName,string:questName,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,string,string,",},
+GetOfferedQuestShareIds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:questId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+AcceptOfferedQuest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+AcceptSharedQuest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _questId_)",},
+DeclineSharedQuest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _questId_)",},
+GetNumJournalQuests = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numQuests,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsValidQuestIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isValid,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetJournalQuestType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:type,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetJournalQuestRepeatType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:repeatType,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetJournalQuestInstanceDisplayType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",},
+GetJournalQuestInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:questType,bool:pushed,integer:questLevel,bool:tracked,bool:completed,string:activeStepTrackerOverrideText,integer:activeStepType,string:activeStepText,string:backgroundText,string:questName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,bool,integer,bool,bool,string,integer,string,string,string,",},
+GetJournalQuestIsComplete = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:completed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetJournalQuestName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:questName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetJournalQuestLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:level,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetJournalQuestConditionType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_, *bool* _assisted_)",
+returns = "(integer:pinType,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetJournalQuestConditionInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isVisible,bool:isCreditShared,bool:isComplete,bool:isFailCondition,integer:max,integer:current,string:conditionText,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,bool,integer,integer,string,",},
+GetJournalQuestConditionValues = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isVisible,bool:isCreditShared,bool:isComplete,bool:isFailCondition,integer:max,integer:current,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,bool,integer,integer,",},
+GetQuestToolCooldownInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _toolIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:duration,integer:remain,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetQuestItemCooldownInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:duration,integer:remain,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+UseQuestItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_)",},
+UseQuestTool = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _toolIndex_)",},
+CanUseQuestItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:canUse,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanUseQuestTool = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _toolIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:canUse,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsJournalQuestInCurrentMapZone = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _questIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isInCurrentZone,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsJournalQuestStepEnding = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isEnding,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesJournalQuestConditionHavePosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasPosition,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetMapToQuestCondition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_)",},
+SetMapToQuestStepEnding = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_)",},
+SetMapToQuestZone = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _questIndex_)",},
+GetJournalQuestNumRewards = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetQuestRewardItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _rewardIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNextCompletedQuestId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer:nilable* _lastQuestId_)",},
+GetCompletedQuestInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _questId_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCompletedQuestLocationInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _questId_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:poiIndex,luaindex:zoneIndex,string:objectiveName,string:zoneName,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,luaindex,string,string,",},
+GetJournalQuestRewardInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _rewardIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:meetsUsageRequirement,textureName:iconFile,integer:amount,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,textureName,integer,string,",},
+GetJournalQuestRewardItemId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _rewardIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:rewardItemDefId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetJournalQuestRewardCollectibleId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _rewardIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:rewardCollectibleDefId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetJournalQuestRewardSkillLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _rewardIndex_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:skillIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+GetJournalQuestStartingZone = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:zoneIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+GetQuestToolInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _toolIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:questItemId,string:name,bool:isUsable,integer:stackCount,textureName:iconFilename,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,bool,integer,textureName,",},
+GetQuestItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:questItemId,string:name,integer:stackCount,textureName:iconFilename,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,integer,textureName,",},
+GetQuestToolQuestItemId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _toolIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:questItemId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetQuestConditionQuestItemId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _journalQuestIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:questItemId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetQuestItemName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _questItemId_)",
+returns = "(string:itemName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetQuestItemTooltipText = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _questItemId_)",
+returns = "(string:tooltipText,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+CancelRequestJournalQuestConditionAssistance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _taskId_)",},
+GetDynamicChatChannelName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _channelId_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetChatChannelId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _name_)",
+returns = "(integer:channelId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CanWriteGuildChannel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _channelId_)",
+returns = "(bool:canWrite,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumChatContainers = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numContainers,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumChatContainerTabs = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chatContainerIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numContainerTabs,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetChatContainerTabInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chatContainerIndex_, *luaindex* _tabIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:areTimestampsEnabled,bool:isCombatLog,bool:isInteractable,bool:isLocked,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,bool,string,",},
+GetNumChatCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numCategories,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsChatContainerTabCategoryEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chatContainerIndex_, *luaindex* _tabIndex_, *[ChatChannelCategories|#ChatChannelCategories]* _chatCategory_)",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetChatContainerTabCategoryEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chatContainerIndex_, *luaindex* _tabIndex_, *[ChatChannelCategories|#ChatChannelCategories]* _chatCategory_, *bool* _enabled_)",},
+SetChatContainerTabInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chatContainerIndex_, *luaindex* _tabIndex_, *string* _name_, *bool* _isLocked_, *bool* _isInteractable_, *bool* _areTimestampsEnabled_)",},
+ResetChatContainerTabToDefault = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chatContainerIndex_, *luaindex* _tabIndex_)",},
+GetChatContainerColors = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chatContainerIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:bgMaxAlpha,number:bgMinAlpha,number:bgBlue,number:bgGreen,number:bgRed,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,number,",},
+SetChatContainerColors = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chatContainerIndex_, *number* _bgRed_, *number* _bgGreen_, *number* _bgBlue_, *number* _bgMinAlpha_, *number* _bgMaxAlpha_)",},
+ResetChatContainerColorsToDefault = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chatContainerIndex_)",},
+AddChatContainer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+RemoveChatContainer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chatContainerIndex_)",},
+AddChatContainerTab = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chatContainerIndex_, *string* _name_, *bool* _isCombatLog_)",},
+RemoveChatContainerTab = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chatContainerIndex_, *luaindex* _tabIndex_)",},
+TransferChatContainerTab = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _fromChatContainerIndex_, *luaindex* _fromTabIndex_, *luaindex* _toChatContainerIndex_, *luaindex* _toTabIndex_)",},
+GetChatFontSize = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:fontSize,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SetChatFontSize = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _fontSize_)",},
+GetGamepadChatFontSize = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:gamepadFontSize,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SetGamepadChatFontSize = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _gamepadFontSize_)",},
+ResetChatFontSizeToDefault = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetChatCategoryColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChatChannelCategories|#ChatChannelCategories]* _category_)",
+returns = "(number:blue,number:green,number:red,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+SetChatCategoryColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChatChannelCategories|#ChatChannelCategories]* _category_, *number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_)",},
+ResetChatCategoryColorToDefault = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChatChannelCategories|#ChatChannelCategories]* _category_)",},
+GetChannelCategoryFromChannel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MsgChannelType|#MsgChannelType]* _channel_)",},
+IsChatBubbleCategoryEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChatChannelCategories|#ChatChannelCategories]* _category_)",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetChatBubbleCategoryEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ChatChannelCategories|#ChatChannelCategories]* _category_, *bool* _enabled_)",},
+IsChatSystemAvailableForCurrentPlatform = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetSessionIgnore = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _userName_, *bool* _isIgnoredThisSession_)",},
+ClearSessionIgnores = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SubmitSpamReport = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _userName_, *[ReportPlayerReason|#ReportPlayerReason]* _reason_)",},
+SetChatLogEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _isEnabled_)",},
+IsChatLogEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isEnabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetPendingInteractionConfirmed = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _isConfirmed_)",},
+IsUnderArrest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:beingArrested,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetGameCameraInteractableUnitAudioInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:audioModelSize,integer:audioModelMaterial,integer:audioModelType,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+IsGameCameraInteractableUnitMonster = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isUnitMonster,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetGameCameraInteractableInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:questToolOnCooldown,luaindex:questToolIndex,luaindex:questJournalIndex,bool:questTargetBased,bool:questInteraction,bool:interactionAvailableNow,bool:interactionExists,)",
+valuetype = "bool,luaindex,luaindex,bool,bool,bool,bool,",},
+GetGameCameraPickpocketingBonusInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:monsterSocialClassString,bool:isEmpty,integer:percentChance,bool:isHostile,bool:inBonus,)",
+valuetype = "string,bool,integer,bool,bool,",},
+GetChatterOption = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _optionIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:chosenBefore,bool:isImportant,integer:optionalArgument,integer:optionType,string:optionString,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,integer,integer,string,",},
+SelectChatterOption = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _optionIndex_)",},
+IsInteractionPending = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isPending,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+EndPendingInteraction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetChatterOptionCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:optionCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+ResetChatter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetChatterFarewell = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isImportant,string:farewellString,string:backToTOCString,)",
+valuetype = "bool,string,string,",},
+IsPlayerInteractingWithObject = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:areThey,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsInteractingWithMyAssistant = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isAssistant,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetInteractionType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetFrameLocalPlayerInGameCamera = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+SetFrameLocalPlayerTarget = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _normalizedScreenX_, *number* _normalizedScreenY_)",},
+SetFramingScreenType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[GameCameraFramingScreenType|#GameCameraFramingScreenType]* _screenType_)",},
+PlayItemSound = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ItemUISoundCategory|#ItemUISoundCategory]* _itemSoundCategory_, *[ItemUISoundAction|#ItemUISoundAction]* _itemSoundAction_)",},
+PlayLootSound = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _audioModelType_, *bool* _closeLootWindow_)",},
+WhatIsVisualSlotShowing = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[VisualSlot|#VisualSlot]* _visualSlot_)",},
+GetHiddenByStringForVisualLayer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[VisualLayer|#VisualLayer]* _visualLayer_)",
+returns = "(string:hiddenByString,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+WouldEquipmentBeHidden = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[EquipSlot|#EquipSlot]* _equipSlot_)",
+returns = "(bool:isHidden,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsEquipSlotVisualCategoryHidden = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[EquipSlotVisualCategory|#EquipSlotVisualCategory]* _equipSlotVisualCategory_)",
+returns = "(bool:isHidden,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+WouldCollectibleBeHidden = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isHidden,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesCollectibleHaveVisibleAppearance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasVisibleAppearance,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetKioskBidWindowSecondsRemaining = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:secondsRemaining,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetKioskGuildInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",},
+GetKioskPurchaseCost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GuildKioskBid = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_, *integer* _bidAmount_)",},
+GuildKioskPurchase = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",},
+GetNumTradingHouseGuilds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numGuilds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTradingHouseGuildDetails = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:guildAlliance,string:guildName,integer:guildId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,integer,",},
+GetCurrentTradingHouseGuildDetails = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:guildAlliance,string:guildName,integer:guildId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,integer,",},
+CanBuyFromTradingHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",
+returns = "(bool:canBuy,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanSellOnTradingHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",
+returns = "(bool:canSell,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetSelectedTradingHouseGuildId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SelectTradingHouseGuildId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",
+returns = "(bool:success,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetTradingHouseListingCounts = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxListingCount,integer:currentListingCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetTradingHousePostPriceInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _desiredPostPrice_)",
+returns = "(integer:expectedProfit,integer:tradingHouseCut,integer:listingFee,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetTradingHouseListingPercentage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:listingPercentage,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetTradingHouseCutPercentage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:cutPercentage,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+SetPendingItemPost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bag_, *integer* _slot_, *integer* _quantity_)",},
+GetPendingItemPost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:quantity,integer:slot,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+RequestPostItemOnTradingHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bag_, *integer* _slot_, *integer* _quantity_, *number* _postingPrice_)",},
+SetPendingItemPurchase = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",},
+ClearPendingItemPurchase = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ConfirmPendingItemPurchase = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ClearAllTradingHouseSearchTerms = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetTradingHouseFilter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradingHouseFilterType|#TradingHouseFilterType]* _filterType_, *integer:nilable* _data1_, *integer:nilable* _data2_, *integer:nilable* _data3_, *integer:nilable* _data4_, *integer:nilable* _data5_, *integer:nilable* _data6_, *integer:nilable* _data7_, *integer:nilable* _data8_, *integer:nilable* _data9_, *integer:nilable* _data10_, *integer:nilable* _data11_, *integer:nilable* _data12_, *integer:nilable* _data13_, *integer:nilable* _data14_, *integer:nilable* _data15_, *integer:nilable* _data16_, *integer:nilable* _data17_, *integer:nilable* _data18_, *integer:nilable* _data19_, *integer:nilable* _data20_, *integer:nilable* _data21_, *integer:nilable* _data22_, *integer:nilable* _data23_, *integer:nilable* _data24_)",},
+SetTradingHouseFilterRange = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradingHouseFilterType|#TradingHouseFilterType]* _filterType_, *integer:nilable* _minOrExactValue_, *integer:nilable* _maxValue_)",},
+ExecuteTradingHouseSearch = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _page_, *[TradingHouseSortField|#TradingHouseSortField]* _sortField_, *bool* _sortAscending_)",},
+GetTradingHouseSearchResultItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:purchasePrice,integer:timeRemaining,string:sellerName,integer:stackCount,integer:quality,string:itemName,textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,string,integer,integer,string,textureName,",},
+GetTradingHouseSearchResultItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+RequestTradingHouseListings = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumTradingHouseListings = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numListings,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CancelTradingHouseListing = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",},
+GetTradingHouseListingItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:purchasePrice,integer:timeRemaining,string:sellerName,integer:stackCount,integer:quality,string:itemName,textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,string,integer,integer,string,textureName,",},
+GetTradingHouseListingItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetEnchantmentSearchCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ItemType|#ItemType]* _itemType_)",
+returns = "(integer:category,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTradingHouseCooldownRemaining = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:cooldownMilliseconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SetMapToPlayerLocation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+DoesCurrentMapMatchMapForPlayerLocation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:matches,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetMapToMapListIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",},
+GetCurrentMapIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetMapIndexByZoneId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _zoneId_)",},
+GetCyrodiilMapIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetImperialCityMapIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetCurrentMapZoneIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(luaindex:zoneIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+GetZoneNameByIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _zoneIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:zoneName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetMapNameByIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _mapIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:mapName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNumMaps = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numMaps,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+MapZoomOut = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+WouldProcessMapClick = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _normalizedClickX_, *number* _normalizedClickY_)",
+returns = "(bool:wouldProcess,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ProcessMapClick = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _normalizedClickX_, *number* _normalizedClickY_)",},
+GetMapInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:description,integer:zoneId,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,string,",},
+GetZoneDescription = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _zoneIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:description,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetZoneNameById = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _zoneId_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetZoneDescriptionById = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _zoneId_)",
+returns = "(string:description,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetMapParentCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:categoryIndex,string:categoryName,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,string,",},
+GetMapNumTiles = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numVerticalTiles,integer:numHorizontalTiles,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetMapTileTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _tileIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:tileFilename,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetMapName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:mapName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetMapType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetMapContentType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetMapFilterType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumMapLocations = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numMapLocations,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsMapLocationVisible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _locationIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isVisible,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetMapLocationIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _locationIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:normalizedZ,number:normalizedX,string:icon,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,string,",},
+GetNumMapLocationTooltipLines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _locationIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numLines,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsMapLocationTooltipLineVisible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _locationIndex_, *luaindex* _tooltipLineIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isVisible,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetMapLocationTooltipLineInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _locationIndex_, *luaindex* _tooltipLineIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:categoryName,integer:grouping,string:name,textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,string,textureName,",},
+GetMapLocationTooltipHeader = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _locationIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:header,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetMapMouseoverInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _normalizedMouseX_, *number* _normalizedMouseY_)",
+returns = "(number:textureYOffsetNormalized,number:textureXOffsetNormalized,number:textureHeightNormalized,number:textureWidthNormalized,string:textureFile,string:locationName,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,string,string,",},
+GetNumMapKeySections = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numSections,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMapKeySectionName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _sectionIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:sectionName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNumMapKeySectionSymbols = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _sectionIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numSymbols,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMapKeySectionSymbolInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _sectionIndex_, *luaindex* _symbolIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:tooltip,textureName:icon,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,textureName,string,",},
+GetMapFloorInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numFloors,luaindex:currentFloor,)",
+valuetype = "integer,luaindex,",},
+SetMapFloor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _desiredFloorIndex_)",},
+PingMap = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _pingType_, *[MapDisplayType|#MapDisplayType]* _mapDisplayType_, *number* _normalizedX_, *number* _normalizedZ_)",},
+SetPlayerWaypointByWorldLocation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _worldX_, *integer* _worldY_, *integer* _worldZ_)",
+returns = "(bool:success,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+RemovePlayerWaypoint = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+RemoveRallyPoint = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GenerateUnitNameTooltipLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:color,string:text,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,",},
+GenerateQuestEndingTooltipLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _questIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:color,string:text,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,",},
+GenerateQuestConditionTooltipLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _questIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:color,string:text,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,",},
+GenerateMapPingTooltipLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _mapPingType_, *string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:color,string:text,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,",},
+GenerateAvAObjectiveConditionTooltipLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _bgQueryType_, *integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[ObjectivePinTier|#ObjectivePinTier]* _objectivePinTier_)",
+returns = "(integer:color,string:text,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,",},
+GenerateMasterWritBaseText = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(string:description,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GenerateMasterWritRewardText = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(string:description,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNumPOIs = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _zoneIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numPOIs,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetPOIInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _zoneIndex_, *luaindex* _poiIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:finishedDescription,string:startDescription,integer:objectiveLevel,string:objectiveName,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,integer,string,",},
+GetPOIType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _zoneIndex_, *luaindex* _poiIndex_)",},
+GetPOIMapInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _zoneIndex_, *luaindex* _poiIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:linkedCollectibleIsLocked,bool:isShownInCurrentMap,textureName:icon,number:normalizedZ,number:normalizedX,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,textureName,number,number,",},
+GetCurrentSubZonePOIIndices = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsInCyrodiil = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInCyrodiil,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsInImperialCity = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInImperialCity,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsInAvAZone = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInAvAZone,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsInOutlawZone = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInOutlawZone,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsInJusticeEnabledZone = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInJusticeZone,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsInTutorialZone = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInTutorialZone,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanLeaveCurrentLocationViaTeleport = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canLeaveCurrentLocationViaTeleport,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesCurrentZoneAllowScalingByLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:allowsScaling,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesCurrentZoneHaveTelvarStoneBehavior = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:telvarBehaviorEnabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesCurrentZoneAllowBattleLevelScaling = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:allowsBattleLevelScaling,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCurrentZoneLevelScalingConstraints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxScaleLevel,integer:minScaleLevel,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetCollectibleIdForZone = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _zoneIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:collectibleId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetZoneId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _zoneIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:zoneId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetZoneIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _zoneId_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:zoneIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+GetCadwellProgressionLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumZonesForCadwellProgressionLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CadwellProgressionLevel|#CadwellProgressionLevel]* _cadwellProgressionLevel_)",
+returns = "(integer:numZones,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCadwellZoneInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CadwellProgressionLevel|#CadwellProgressionLevel]* _cadwellProgressionLevel_, *luaindex* _zoneIndex_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:zoneOrder,string:zoneDescription,string:zoneName,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,string,string,",},
+GetNumPOIsForCadwellProgressionLevelAndZone = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CadwellProgressionLevel|#CadwellProgressionLevel]* _cadwellProgressionLevel_, *luaindex* _zoneIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numPOIs,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCadwellZonePOIInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CadwellProgressionLevel|#CadwellProgressionLevel]* _cadwellProgressionLevel_, *luaindex* _zoneIndex_, *luaindex* _poiIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:completed,bool:discovered,luaindex:poiOrder,string:poiClosingText,string:poiOpeningText,string:poiName,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,luaindex,string,string,string,",},
+GetPlayerActiveSubzoneName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:subzoneName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetPlayerActiveZoneName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:zoneName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetPlayerLocationName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:mapName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+IsActiveWorldBattleground = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInBattleground,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsActiveWorldGroupOwnable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isWorldGroupOwnable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanJumpToPlayerInZone = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _zoneId_)",
+returns = "(bool:canJump,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetHistoricalKeepTravelNetworkLinkInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _linkIndex_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _bgContext_, *number* _historyPercent_)",
+returns = "(number:endY,number:endX,number:startY,number:startX,integer:restricedToAlliance,integer:linkOwner,integer:linkType,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetNumFastTravelNodes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numFastTravelNodes,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFastTravelNodeInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _nodeIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:linkedCollectibleIsLocked,bool:isShownInCurrentMap,textureName:icon,number:normalizedY,number:normalizedX,string:name,bool:known,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,textureName,number,number,string,bool,",},
+GetFastTravelNodeOutboundOnlyInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _nodeIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:errorStringId,bool:isOutboundOnly,)",
+valuetype = "integer,bool,",},
+GetFastTravelNodeDrawLevelOffset = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _nodeIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:drawLevelOffset,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFastTravelNodeLinkedCollectibleId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _nodeIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:collectibleId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFastTravelNodeHouseId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _nodeIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:houseId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+HasCompletedFastTravelNodePOI = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _nodeIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasCompletedPOI,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+FastTravelToNode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _nodeIndex_)",},
+GetRecallCost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _nodeIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetRecallCurrency = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _nodeIndex_)",},
+GetNumObjectives = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:num,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetObjectiveIdsForIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:objectiveId,integer:keepId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+DoesObjectiveExist = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:exists,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetObjectiveType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",},
+GetObjectiveControlState = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",},
+GetObjectiveInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(string:objectiveName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetObjectivePinInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:continuousUpdate,number:currentNormalizedY,number:currentNormalizedX,)",
+valuetype = "bool,number,number,",},
+GetObjectiveSpawnPinInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(number:spawnNormalizedY,number:spawnNormalizedX,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetObjectiveAuraPinInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(number:blue,number:green,number:red,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+GetObjectiveReturnPinInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:continuousUpdate,number:returnNormalizedY,number:returnNormalizedX,)",
+valuetype = "bool,number,number,",},
+GetObjectiveDesignation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",},
+IsBattlegroundObjective = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:isInBattleground,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCarryableObjectiveCarriedByLocalPlayer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:isCarried,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCaptureAreaObjectiveCaptured = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:isCaptured,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCaptureAreaObjectiveOwner = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",},
+GetCaptureAreaObjectiveLastInfluenceState = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:wereInfluenceSourcesInRangeOfCaptureArea,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCarryableObjectiveHoldingAllianceInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",},
+GetCarryableObjectiveHoldingCharacterInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:classId,string:displayName,string:rawCharacterName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,string,",},
+GetCarryableObjectiveLastHoldingCharacterInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:classId,string:displayName,string:rawCharacterName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,string,",},
+GetCaptureFlagObjectiveOriginalOwningAlliance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",},
+GetArtifactScrollObjectiveOriginalOwningAlliance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",},
+GetKeepThatHasCapturedThisArtifactScrollObjective = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:capturedAtKeepId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetArtifactReturnObjectiveOwner = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",},
+GetReturnObjectiveOwner = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",},
+GetAvAArtifactScore = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *[Alliance|#Alliance]* _alliance_, *[ObjectiveType|#ObjectiveType]* _artifactType_)",
+returns = "(integer:enemyHeld,bool:allOwnHeld,)",
+valuetype = "integer,bool,",},
+GetNumArtifactScoreBonuses = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Alliance|#Alliance]* _alliance_, *[ObjectiveType|#ObjectiveType]* _artifactType_)",
+returns = "(integer:numBonuses,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetArtifactScoreBonusInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Alliance|#Alliance]* _alliance_, *[ObjectiveType|#ObjectiveType]* _artifactType_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:description,textureName:icon,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,textureName,string,",},
+GetKeepArtifactObjectiveId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_)",
+returns = "(integer:objectiveId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetHistoricalAvAObjectivePinInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *number* _historyPercent_)",
+returns = "(bool:continuousUpdate,number:currentNormalizedY,number:currentNormalizedX,)",
+valuetype = "bool,number,number,",},
+DoesObjectivePassCompassVisibilitySubzoneCheck = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:doesPassVisiblityCheck,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetBattlegroundGameType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _battlegroundId_)",},
+GetBattlegroundName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _battlegroundId_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetBattlegroundDescription = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _battlegroundId_)",
+returns = "(string:description,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetBattlegroundInfoTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _battlegroundId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:path,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetScoreToWinBattleground = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _battlegroundId_)",
+returns = "(integer:result,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetBattlegroundNearingVictoryPercent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _battlegroundId_)",
+returns = "(number:nearingVictoryPercent,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetCurrentBattlegroundId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:battlegroundId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetBattlegroundNumUsedMedals = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _battlegroundId_)",
+returns = "(integer:numMedals,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetBattlegroundMedalIdByIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _battlegroundId_, *luaindex* _medalIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:medalId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMedalInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _medalId_)",
+returns = "(integer:scoreReward,string:condition,textureName:iconTexture,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,textureName,string,",},
+GetMedalName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _medalId_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetMedalScoreReward = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _medalId_)",
+returns = "(integer:scoreReward,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+LeaveBattleground = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+QueryBattlegroundLeaderboardData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNextBattlegroundLeaderboardType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundLeaderboardType|#BattlegroundLeaderboardType]:nilable* _lastBattlegroundLeaderboardType_)",},
+GetNumBattlegroundLeaderboardEntries = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundLeaderboardType|#BattlegroundLeaderboardType]* _battlegroundLeaderboardType_)",
+returns = "(integer:numLeaderboardEntries,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetBattlegroundLeaderboardEntryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundLeaderboardType|#BattlegroundLeaderboardType]* _battlegroundLeaderboardType_, *luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:score,string:characterName,string:displayName,integer:rank,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,string,integer,",},
+GetBattlegroundLeaderboardLocalPlayerInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundLeaderboardType|#BattlegroundLeaderboardType]* _lastBattlegroundLeaderboardType_)",
+returns = "(integer:currentScore,integer:currentRank,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetBattlegroundLeaderboardsSchedule = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:secondsUntilNextStart,integer:secondsUntilEnd,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetNumScoreboardEntries = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numItems,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetScoreboardEntryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isLocalPlayer,string:displayName,string:characterName,)",
+valuetype = "bool,string,string,",},
+GetScoreboardEntryBattlegroundAlliance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetScoreboardEntryClassId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:classId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetScoreboardEntryScoreByType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[ScoreTrackerEntryType|#ScoreTrackerEntryType]* _scoreType_)",
+returns = "(integer:score,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNextScoreboardEntryMedalId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *integer:nilable* _lastMedalId_)",},
+GetScoreboardEntryNumEarnedMedalsById = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *integer* _medalId_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetScoringTeam = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:result,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCurrentBattlegroundScore = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundAlliance|#BattlegroundAlliance]* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(integer:score,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCurrentBattlegroundState = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsCurrentBattlegroundStateTimed = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isTimed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCurrentBattlegroundStateTimeRemaining = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:timeRemaining,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetScoreboardPlayerEntryIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(luaindex:playerIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+IsInCampaign = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:inCampaign,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesCampaignHaveEmperor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasEmperor,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCampaignEmperorInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(string:emperorDisplayName,string:emperorCharacterName,integer:emperorAlliance,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,integer,",},
+GetCampaignEmperorReignDuration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(integer:durationInSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignAbdicationStatus = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(string:abdicatedDisplayName,string:abdicatedCharacterName,integer:abdicatedAlliance,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,integer,",},
+GetEmperorAllianceBonusInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *[Alliance|#Alliance]* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(string:description,textureName:icon,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,textureName,string,",},
+GetCampaignReassignCooldown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:cooldownSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignGuestCooldown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:cooldownSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignReassignCost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CampaignReassignmentRequestType|#CampaignReassignmentRequestType]* _reassignType_)",
+returns = "(integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCurrentCampaignId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:currentCampaignId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAssignedCampaignId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:assignedCampaignId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetGuestCampaignId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:campaignId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumFreeAnytimeCampaignReassigns = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:reassignCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumFreeEndCampaignReassigns = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:reassignCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetPreferredCampaign = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:preferredCampaign,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignPreference = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetCampaignPreference = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CampaignPreferenceType|#CampaignPreferenceType]* _campaignPreference_)",},
+AssignCampaignToPlayer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *[CampaignReassignmentRequestType|#CampaignReassignmentRequestType]* _reassignOnEnd_)",},
+GetCampaignUnassignCooldown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:cooldownSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignUnassignCost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CampaignUnassignRequestType|#CampaignUnassignRequestType]* _campaignUnassignType_)",
+returns = "(integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumFreeAnytimeCampaignUnassigns = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:unassignCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+UnassignCampaignForPlayer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CampaignUnassignRequestType|#CampaignUnassignRequestType]* _campaignUnassignType_)",},
+QueryCampaignSelectionData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetCampaignSequenceId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(integer:sequenceId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+QueryCampaignLeaderboardData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetLeaderboardCampaignSequenceId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(integer:campaignSequenceId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignLeaderboardMaxRank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxRank,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumCampaignLeaderboardEntries = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(integer:entryCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumCampaignAllianceLeaderboardEntries = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *integer* _allianceId_)",
+returns = "(integer:entryCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignLeaderboardEntryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:displayName,integer:allianceId,integer:classId,integer:alliancePoints,string:charName,integer:ranking,bool:isPlayer,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,integer,integer,string,integer,bool,",},
+GetCampaignAllianceLeaderboardEntryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *integer* _allianceId_, *luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:displayName,integer:classId,integer:alliancePoints,string:charName,integer:ranking,bool:isPlayer,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,integer,string,integer,bool,",},
+GetPlayerCampaignRewardTierInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(integer:nextTierTotal,integer:nextTierProgress,integer:earnedTier,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetNumSelectionCampaigns = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:campaignCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSelectionCampaignAllianceScore = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _campaignIndex_, *integer* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(integer:score,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSelectionCampaignId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _campaignIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:campaignId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSelectionCampaignTimes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _campaignIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:secondsUntilCampaignEnd,integer:secondsUntilCampaignStart,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetSelectionCampaignUnderdogLeaderAlliance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _campaignIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:alliance,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumSelectionCampaignFriends = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _campaignIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numFriends,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumSelectionCampaignGuildMembers = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _campaignIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numGuilds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumSelectionCampaignGroupMembers = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _campaignIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numGroupmates,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSelectionCampaignPopulationData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _campaignIndex_, *integer* _alliance_)",},
+GetSelectionCampaignQueueWaitTime = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _campaignIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:queueWaitTimeSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+DoesPlayerMeetCampaignRequirements = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(bool:meetsJoiningRequirements,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCampaignRulesetId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(integer:rulesetId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignRulesetName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCampaignRulesetType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _rulesetId_)",},
+GetCampaignRulesetDescription = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _rulesetId_)",
+returns = "(string:description,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNumCampaignSocialConnections = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:connectionCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCurrentCampaignLoyaltyStreak = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:currentLoyaltyStreak,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignRulesetNumImperialKeeps = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _rulesetId_, *[Alliance|#Alliance]* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(integer:numKeeps,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignRulesetImperialKeepId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _rulesetId_, *[Alliance|#Alliance]* _alliance_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:keepId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignRulesetImperialAccessRule = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _rulesetId_)",},
+GetCampaignRulsetMinEmperorAlliancePoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _rulesetId_, *[Alliance|#Alliance]* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(integer:minPoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignRulesetDurationInSeconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _rulesetId_)",
+returns = "(integer:duration,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+DoesCurrentCampaignRulesetAllowChampionPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isNoChampionPointsCampaign,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+RegisterForAssignedCampaignData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+UnregisterForAssignedCampaignData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ResetCampaignHistoryWindow = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *number* _currentHistoryPercent_)",
+returns = "(bool:requiresRebuild,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCampaignHistoryWindow = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:windowEndSecsAgo,integer:windowStartSecsAgo,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+DoesHistoryRequireMapRebuild = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *number* _oldHistoryPercent_, *number* _newHistoryPercent_)",
+returns = "(bool:needsRebuild,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesAllianceHaveImperialCityAccess = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *[Alliance|#Alliance]* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasAccess,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsUnderpopBonusEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *[Alliance|#Alliance]* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(bool:isBonusEnabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsLocalBattlegroundContext = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:isLocal,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsAssignedBattlegroundContext = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:isAssigned,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoBattlegroundContextsIntersect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _context1_, *integer* _context2_)",
+returns = "(bool:intersects,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumKillLocations = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numLocations,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetKillLocationPinInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(number:normalizedY,number:normalizedX,integer:pinType,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,integer,",},
+QueueForCampaign = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *bool* _queueAsGroup_)",},
+LeaveCampaignQueue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *bool* _queueAsGroup_)",},
+GetNumCampaignQueueEntries = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:entryCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsQueuedForCampaign = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *bool* _queueAsGroup_)",
+returns = "(bool:isQueued,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCampaignQueueEntry = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:queueAsGroup,integer:campaignId,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,",},
+GetSecondsInCampaignQueue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *bool* _queueAsGroup_)",
+returns = "(integer:timeInQueueInSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignQueuePosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *bool* _queueAsGroup_)",
+returns = "(integer:queuePosition,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignQueueRemainingConfirmationSeconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *bool* _queueAsGroup_)",
+returns = "(integer:confirmationTimeRemainingInSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCampaignQueueState = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *bool* _queueAsGroup_)",},
+ConfirmCampaignEntry = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *bool* _queueAsGroup_, *bool* _accept_)",},
+GetCampaignQueueConfirmationDuration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetStoreEntryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:currencyQuantity2,integer:currencyType2,integer:currencyQuantity1,integer:currencyType1,bool:questNameColor,integer:quality,bool:meetsRequirementsToUse,bool:meetsRequirementsToBuy,integer:sellPrice,integer:price,integer:stack,string:name,textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,bool,integer,bool,bool,integer,integer,integer,string,textureName,",},
+GetStoreEntryBuyRequirementErrorId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:errorId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetStoreCollectibleInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:locked,integer:collectibleId,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,",},
+GetStoreEntryHouseTemplateId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:houseTemplateId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetStoreEntryQuestItemId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:questItemId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumStoreItems = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numItems,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumBuybackItems = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numBuybackItems,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetStoreCurrencyTypes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:usesWritVouchers,bool:usesTelvarStones,bool:usesAlliancePoints,bool:usesMoney,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,bool,",},
+GetStoreItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetStoreEntryTypeInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",},
+GetStoreEntryStatValue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:statValue,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetStoreEntryMaxBuyable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:quantity,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetBuybackItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:meetsRequirementsToEquip,integer:quality,integer:price,integer:stack,string:name,textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,integer,integer,string,textureName,",},
+GetBuybackItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+BuyStoreItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_, *integer* _quantity_)",},
+BuybackItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",},
+SellInventoryItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *integer* _quantity_)",},
+SellAllJunk = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CloseStore = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+RepairAll = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+RepairItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+LaunderItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *integer* _quantity_)",},
+IsStoreEmpty = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isEmpty,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanStoreRepair = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canRepair,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+LootAll = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _ignoreStolenItems_)",},
+GetLootItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _lootId_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetLootItemType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _lootId_)",},
+LootItemById = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _lootId_)",},
+LootCurrency = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_)",},
+LootMoney = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+EndLooting = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsLooting = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isLooting,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetLootTargetInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isOwned,string:actionName,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,string,string,",},
+GetLootItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _lootIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:stolen,bool:isQuest,integer:value,integer:quality,integer:count,textureName:icon,string:name,integer:lootId,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,integer,integer,integer,textureName,string,integer,",},
+GetLootCurrency = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_)",
+returns = "(integer:ownedCurrency,integer:unownedCurrency,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetLootMoney = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:ownedMoney,integer:unownedMoney,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetLootQuestItemId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _lootId_)",
+returns = "(integer:questItemId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetKeepType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_)",
+returns = "(integer:keepType,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumKeeps = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numKeeps,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAvAKeepScore = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *integer* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(integer:totalNativeKeepsInThisAlliancesArea,integer:numNativeKeepsThisAllianceHolds,integer:numEnemyKeepsThisAllianceHolds,bool:isAllianceHoldingAllNativeKeeps,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,bool,",},
+GetAvAKeepsHeld = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *integer* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(integer:keepsHeld,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumKeepScoreBonuses = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numBonuses,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetKeepScoreBonusInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:description,textureName:icon,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,textureName,string,",},
+GetKeepPinInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(number:normalizedY,number:normalizedX,integer:pinType,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,integer,",},
+GetKeepName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_)",
+returns = "(string:keepName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetKeepAlliance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:alliance,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetResourceKeepForKeep = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _parentKeepId_, *[KeepResourceType|#KeepResourceType]* _resourceType_)",
+returns = "(integer:keepId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetKeepResourceLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *[KeepResourceType|#KeepResourceType]* _resourceType_)",
+returns = "(integer:resourceLevel,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetKeepResourceType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_)",},
+GetKeepResourceInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *[KeepResourceType|#KeepResourceType]* _resourceType_, *integer* _level_)",
+returns = "(integer:upkeepPerMinute,integer:amountForNextLevel,integer:currentAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetKeepUpgradeInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *[KeepUpgradePath|#KeepUpgradePath]* _upgradePath_, *integer* _level_)",
+returns = "(integer:upkeepPerMinute,integer:amountForNextLevel,integer:currentAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetKeepProductionLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:productionLevel,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetKeepDefensiveLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:defensiveLevel,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSecondsUntilKeepClaimAvailable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:secondsUntilAvailable,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetGuildClaimInteractionKeepId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:keepId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetGuildReleaseInteractionKeepId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:keepId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CancelKeepGuildClaimInteraction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CancelKeepGuildReleaseInteraction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetHistoricalKeepUnderAttack = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *number* _historyPercent_)",
+returns = "(bool:underAttack,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetHistoricalKeepPinInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *number* _historyPercent_)",
+returns = "(number:normalizedY,number:normalizedX,integer:pinType,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,integer,",},
+GetHistoricalKeepAlliance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *number* _historyPercent_)",
+returns = "(integer:alliance,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetInteractionKeepId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:keepId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetKeepUnderAttack = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:underAttack,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetKeepUpgradeRate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *[KeepUpgradeLine|#KeepUpgradeLine]* _upgradeLine_)",
+returns = "(integer:rate,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetClaimedKeepGuildName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(string:guildName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetMaxKeepSieges = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxSiege,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMaxKeepNPCs = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxNPC,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumFriendlyKeepNPCs = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:numFriendlyNPC,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumSieges = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *integer* _alliance_)",
+returns = "(integer:numSieges,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetKeepKeysByIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:battlegroundContext,integer:keepId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+IsKeepTypeClaimable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[KeepType|#KeepType]* _keepType_)",
+returns = "(bool:isClaimable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetDistrictOwnershipTelVarBonusPercent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:districtOwnershipTelVarBonusPercent,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+DoesKeepPassCompassVisibilitySubzoneCheck = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(bool:doesPassVisibilityCheck,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumTitles = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:titleCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTitle = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _titleIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:titleString,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCurrentTitleIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SelectTitle = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex:nilable* _titleIndex_)",},
+AcceptResurrect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+DeclineResurrect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsResurrectPending = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:resurrectPending,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetPendingResurrectInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:casterDisplayName,integer:timeLeft,string:casterName,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,string,",},
+GetDeathInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:cyclicRespawnQueueTimeLeft,integer:cyclicRespawnQueueDuration,bool:isImperialCityLocked,bool:isRaidDeath,bool:freeRevive,bool:soulGemAvailable,bool:isReleaseOnly,bool:isBattleGroundDeath,bool:isAVADeath,bool:encounterIsInProgress,bool:isPenaltyTooHighToRevive,integer:corpseSummonTime,integer:timeUntilAutoRelease,integer:timeUntilRevive,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,integer,integer,integer,",},
+Revive = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+Release = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+JoinRespawnQueue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsQueuedForCyclicRespawn = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:queuedForRespawn,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+RespawnAtKeep = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_)",},
+IsDuelingDeath = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:duelingDeath,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+RespawnAtForwardCamp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",},
+GetNumForwardCamps = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:num,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetForwardCampPinInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(bool:useable,number:normalizedRadius,number:normalizedY,number:normalizedX,integer:pinType,)",
+valuetype = "bool,number,number,number,integer,",},
+IsForwardCampGuildOwned = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(bool:isGuildOwned,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetForwardCampOwnerName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:guildName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNextForwardCampRespawnTime = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:nextForwardCampRespawnTime,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumBattleStandards = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_)",
+returns = "(integer:num,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetBattleStandardPinInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(number:normalizedY,number:normalizedX,integer:pinType,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,integer,",},
+GetBattleStandardGuildName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:guildName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetDuelInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:partnerDisplayName,string:partnerCharacterName,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,",},
+ChallengeTargetToDuel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _characterOrDisplayName_)",},
+AcceptDuel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+DeclineDuel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsNearDuelBoundary = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isNearBoundary,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+TradeInvite = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _target_)",},
+TradeInviteByName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _playerName_)",},
+TradeInviteAccept = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+TradeInviteDecline = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetTradeInviteInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:displayName,integer:millisecondsSinceRequest,string:characterName,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,string,",},
+TradeSetMoney = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _amount_)",},
+TradeInviteCancel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+TradeCancel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+TradeAccept = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+TradeEdit = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+TradeAddItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *luaindex:nilable* _tradeIndex_)",},
+TradeRemoveItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _tradeIndex_)",},
+GetTradeItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeParticipant|#TradeParticipant]* _who_, *luaindex* _tradeIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,string:creatorName,integer:quality,integer:stack,textureName:icon,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,string,integer,integer,textureName,string,",},
+IsTradeItemBoPAndTradeable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeParticipant|#TradeParticipant]* _who_, *luaindex* _tradeIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isBoPAndTradeable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetTradeItemBoPTimeRemainingSeconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeParticipant|#TradeParticipant]* _who_, *luaindex* _tradeIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:timeRemainingS,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTradeItemBoPTradeableDisplayNamesString = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeParticipant|#TradeParticipant]* _who_, *luaindex* _tradeIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:namesString,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetTradeItemBagAndSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeParticipant|#TradeParticipant]* _who_, *luaindex* _tradeIndex_)",},
+GetTradeItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeParticipant|#TradeParticipant]* _who_, *luaindex* _tradeIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetTradeMoneyOffer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeParticipant|#TradeParticipant]* _who_)",
+returns = "(integer:moneyOffer,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+StartMapPinAnimation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _animationTimeline_, *[MapPinAnimationTarget|#MapPinAnimationTarget]* _animationTarget_, *[ControlType|#ControlType]:nilable* _limitToMapType_, *[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _pinType_, *integer* _param1_, *integer* _param2_, *integer* _param3_, *integer* _playOffset_, *bool* _ignoreBreadcrumbs_)",
+returns = "(bool:played,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPlayerInsidePinArea = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _pinType_, *integer* _param1_, *integer* _param2_, *integer* _param3_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPlayerInside,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+RemoveMapPinsByType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _pinType_)",},
+RemoveMapPinsInRange = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _startType_, *[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _endType_, *integer:nilable* _param1_, *integer:nilable* _param2_, *integer:nilable* _param3_)",},
+AssistedQuestPinForTracked = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _trackedPinType_)",},
+TrackedQuestPinForAssisted = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _assistedPinType_)",},
+SetPinTint = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _pinType_, *number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_, *integer* _param1_, *integer* _param2_, *integer* _param3_)",},
+GetAvailableSkillPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numPoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumSkyShards = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numShards,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumSkillTypes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numSkillTypes,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumSkillLines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_)",
+returns = "(integer:numSkillLines,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSkillLineXPInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:currentXP,integer:nextRankXP,integer:lastRankXP,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetSkillLineRankXPExtents = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_, *luaindex* _rank_)",},
+GetNumSkillAbilities = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numAbilities,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSkillAbilityInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_, *luaindex* _abilityIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:purchased,bool:ultimate,bool:passive,luaindex:earnedRank,textureName:texture,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,luaindex,textureName,string,",},
+GetSkillAbilityId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_, *luaindex* _abilityIndex_, *bool* _showUpgrade_)",
+returns = "(integer:abilityId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSkillAbilityUpgradeInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_, *luaindex* _abilityIndex_)",},
+GetSkillAbilityNextUpgradeInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_, *luaindex* _abilityIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:texture,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,string,",},
+PutPointIntoSkillAbility = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_, *luaindex* _index_, *bool* _putPointInNextUpgrade_)",},
+GetSkillAbilityIndicesFromProgressionIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _progressionIndex_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:abilityIndex,luaindex:skillIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,luaindex,",},
+IsWerewolfSkillLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillLineIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isWerewolfSkillLine,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsLocalMailboxFull = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isFull,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumMailItems = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numMail,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNextMailId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64:nilable* _lastMailId_)",},
+GetMailItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_)",
+returns = "(integer:secsSinceReceived,integer:expiresInDays,integer:codAmount,integer:attachedMoney,integer:numAttachments,bool:returned,bool:fromCustomerService,bool:fromSystem,bool:unread,textureName:icon,string:subject,string:senderCharacterName,string:senderDisplayName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,bool,bool,bool,bool,textureName,string,string,string,",},
+GetMailSender = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_)",
+returns = "(string:senderCharacterName,string:senderDisplayName,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,",},
+GetMailAttachmentInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_)",
+returns = "(integer:codAmount,integer:attachedMoney,integer:numAttachments,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetMailFlags = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_)",
+returns = "(bool:fromCustomerService,bool:fromSystem,bool:returned,bool:unread,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,bool,",},
+SendMail = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _to_, *string* _subject_, *string* _body_)",},
+GetQueuedMailPostage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:postage,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+ClearQueuedMail = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CloseMailbox = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+RequestReadMail = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_)",},
+DeleteMail = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_, *bool* _forceDelete_)",},
+IsMailReturnable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isReturnable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ReturnMail = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_)",},
+ReadMail = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_)",
+returns = "(string:body,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+HasUnreadMail = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:unread,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumUnreadMail = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numUnread,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CanQueueItemAttachment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *luaindex* _attachmentSlot_)",
+returns = "(bool:canAttach,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+RemoveQueuedItemAttachment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _attachmentSlot_)",},
+QueueMoneyAttachment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _amount_)",},
+GetQueuedMoneyAttachment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:amount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+QueueCOD = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _amount_)",},
+GetQueuedCOD = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:amount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMailQueuedAttachmentLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _attachmentSlot_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetQueuedItemAttachmentInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _attachmentSlot_)",
+returns = "(integer:stack,textureName:icon,integer:slotIndex,integer:bagId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,textureName,integer,integer,",},
+GetAttachedItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_, *luaindex* _attachIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetAttachedItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_, *luaindex* _attachIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:quality,integer:itemStyle,integer:equipType,bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,string:creatorName,integer:stack,textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,bool,integer,string,integer,textureName,",},
+TakeMailAttachedItems = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_)",},
+TakeMailAttachedMoney = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_)",},
+RequestOpenMailbox = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsReadMailInfoReady = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _mailId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isReady,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumAchievementCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numCategories,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAchievementCategoryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _topLevelIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:hidesPoints,integer:totalPoints,integer:earnedPoints,integer:numAchievements,integer:numSubCatgories,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,integer,integer,integer,string,",},
+GetAchievementSubCategoryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _topLevelIndex_, *luaindex* _subCategoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:hidesPoints,integer:totalPoints,integer:earnedPoints,integer:numAchievements,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,integer,integer,string,",},
+GetAchievementCategoryKeyboardIcons = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:mouseoverIcon,textureName:pressedIcon,textureName:normalIcon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,textureName,textureName,",},
+GetAchievementCategoryGamepadIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:gamepadIcon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetEarnedAchievementPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:points,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTotalAchievementPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:points,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAchievementId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _topLevelIndex_, *luaindex:nilable* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _achievementIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:achievementId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAchievementInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_)",
+returns = "(string:time,string:date,bool:completed,textureName:icon,integer:points,string:description,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,bool,textureName,integer,string,string,",},
+IsAchievementComplete = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_)",
+returns = "(bool:completed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetAchievementNumRewards = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_)",
+returns = "(integer:numRewards,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAchievementItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetAchievementNumCriteria = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_)",
+returns = "(integer:numCriteria,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAchievementCriterion = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_, *luaindex* _criterionIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numRequired,integer:numCompleted,string:description,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,string,",},
+GetRecentlyCompletedAchievements = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _numAchievementsToGet_)",
+returns = "(integer:achievementId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCategoryInfoFromAchievementId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_)",
+returns = "(integer:offsetFromParent,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFirstAchievementInLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_)",
+returns = "(integer:firstAchievementId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNextAchievementInLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_)",
+returns = "(integer:nextAchievementId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetPreviousAchievementInLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_)",
+returns = "(integer:previousAchievementId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAchievementLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetAchievementIdFromLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _link_)",
+returns = "(integer:achievementId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAchievementNameFromLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _link_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetAchievementProgressFromLinkData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_, *string* _progress_)",
+returns = "(integer:numCompleted,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAchievementRewardPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_)",
+returns = "(integer:points,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAchievementRewardItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_)",
+returns = "(integer:quality,string:iconTextureName,string:itemName,bool:hasRewardOfType,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,string,bool,",},
+GetAchievementRewardTitle = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_)",
+returns = "(string:titleName,bool:hasRewardOfType,)",
+valuetype = "string,bool,",},
+GetAchievementRewardDye = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_)",
+returns = "(integer:dyeId,bool:hasRewardOfType,)",
+valuetype = "integer,bool,",},
+GetAchievementRewardCollectible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _achievementId_)",
+returns = "(integer:collectibleId,bool:hasRewardOfType,)",
+valuetype = "integer,bool,",},
+GetNumExperiencePointsInLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _level_)",},
+GetEnlightenedMultiplier = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:multiplier,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetEnlightenedPool = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:poolAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsEnlightenedAvailableForAccount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:availableForAccount,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsEnlightenedAvailableForCharacter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:availableForCharacter,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumChampionXPInChampionPoint = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _championPointsEarned_)",},
+GetMaxSpendableChampionPointsInAttribute = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxSpendableChampionPointsInAttribute,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMaxLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxLevel,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetChampionPointsPlayerProgressionCap = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxRank,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAbilityProgressionAbilityId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _progressionIndex_, *integer* _morph_, *integer* _rank_)",
+returns = "(integer:abilityId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetLatestAbilityRespecNote = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:note,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetLatestAttributeRespecNote = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:note,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+PurchaseAttributes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _health_, *integer* _magicka_, *integer* _stamina_)",},
+GetAttributeSpentPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _attributeType_)",
+returns = "(integer:points,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAttributeUnspentPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:points,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumScriptedEventInvites = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:eventCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetScriptedEventInviteIdFromIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _eventIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:eventId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetScriptedEventInviteInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _eventId_)",
+returns = "(integer:timeRemainingMS,string:questName,string:inviterName,string:eventName,bool:isValid,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,string,string,bool,",},
+GetScriptedEventInviteTimeRemainingMS = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _eventId_)",
+returns = "(integer:timeRemainingMS,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+AcceptWorldEventInvite = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _eventId_)",},
+DeclineWorldEventInvite = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _eventId_)",},
+RemoveScriptedEventInviteForQuest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _questName_)",},
+GetNumLoreCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numTopCategories,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetLoreCategoryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:categoryId,integer:numCollections,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,string,",},
+GetLoreCollectionInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _collectionIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:collectionId,textureName:gamepadIcon,bool:hidden,integer:totalBooks,integer:numKnownBooks,string:description,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,textureName,bool,integer,integer,string,string,",},
+GetLoreBookInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _collectionIndex_, *luaindex* _bookIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:bookId,bool:known,textureName:icon,string:title,)",
+valuetype = "integer,bool,textureName,string,",},
+ReadLoreBook = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _collectionIndex_, *luaindex* _bookIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:showTitle,string:body,)",
+valuetype = "bool,string,",},
+GetLoreBookLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _collectionIndex_, *luaindex* _bookIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetLoreBookTitleFromLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _link_)",
+returns = "(string:title,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetLoreBookCategoryIndexFromCategoryId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _categoryId_)",},
+GetLoreBookCollectionIndicesFromCollectionId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectionId_)",},
+GetLoreBookIndicesFromBookId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bookId_)",},
+GetGameCameraNonInteractableName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsInteracting = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetPledgeOfMaraOfferInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:targetDisplayName,bool:isSender,integer:millisecondsSinceRequest,string:targetCharacterName,)",
+valuetype = "string,bool,integer,string,",},
+SendPledgeOfMaraResponse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[PledgeOfMaraResponse|#PledgeOfMaraResponse]* _response_)",},
+GetRingOfMaraExperienceBonus = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:bonusPercentage,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+ReportFeedback = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CustomerServiceSubmitFeedbackImpacts|#CustomerServiceSubmitFeedbackImpacts]* _impact_, *[CustomerServiceSubmitFeedbackCategories|#CustomerServiceSubmitFeedbackCategories]* _category_, *[CustomerServiceSubmitFeedbackSubcategories|#CustomerServiceSubmitFeedbackSubcategories]* _subcategory_, *string* _details_, *string* _description_, *bool* _takeScreenshot_)",},
+GetHelpCategoryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _helpCategoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:gamepadIcon,textureName:overIcon,textureName:downIcon,textureName:upIcon,string:description,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,textureName,textureName,textureName,string,string,",},
+GetNumHelpCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numHelpCategories,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumHelpEntriesWithinCategory = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _helpCategoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numHelpEntries,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetHelpInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _helpCategoryIndex_, *luaindex* _helpIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:descriptionGamepad2,string:descriptionGamepad,string:description2,string:description,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,string,string,string,",},
+GetHelpSearchResults = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(luaindex:helpIndex,luaindex:helpCategoryIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,luaindex,",},
+SubmitCustomerServiceTicket = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:success,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ResetCustomerServiceTicket = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetCustomerServiceTicketContactEmail = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _contactEmail_)",},
+SetCustomerServiceTicketBody = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _body_)",},
+SetCustomerServiceTicketCategory = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CustomerServiceTicketCategory|#CustomerServiceTicketCategory]* _category_)",},
+SetCustomerServiceTicketPlayerTarget = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _displayName_)",},
+SetCustomerServiceTicketItemTargetByLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+SetCustomerServiceTicketItemTarget = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemName_, *integer* _itemId_)",},
+SetCustomerServiceTicketQuestTarget = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _questName_)",},
+StartHelpSearch = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _searchString_)",},
+GetHelpOverviewIntroParagraph = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:paragraph,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNumHelpOverviewQuestionAnswers = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:length,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetHelpOverviewQuestionAnswerPair = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:answer,string:question,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,",},
+IsKeyboardHelpOption = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[HelpShowOptions|#HelpShowOptions]* _showOption_)",
+returns = "(bool:isKeyboardOption,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsGamepadHelpOption = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[HelpShowOptions|#HelpShowOptions]* _showOption_)",
+returns = "(bool:isGamepadOption,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsSubmitFeedbackSupported = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isSupported,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+StopSettingChamber = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetSettingChamberStress = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:stress,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+AttemptForceLock = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetLockpickingTimeLeft = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:timeLeftMs,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetChanceToForceLock = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:chance,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumLockpicksLeft = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:picksLeft,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetLockQuality = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:lockQuality,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetChamberState = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chamberIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:chamberProgress,integer:chamberState,)",
+valuetype = "number,integer,",},
+IsChamberSolved = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chamberIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:solved,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+StartSettingChamber = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _chamberIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:succesfullyStarted,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCraftingInteractionType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsPerformingCraftProcess = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isCrafting,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetLastCraftingResultTotalInspiration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:totalInspiration,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumLastCraftingResultLearnedTranslations = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numLearnedTranslations,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetLastCraftingResultLearnedTranslationInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _resultIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:quality,integer:itemStyle,integer:equipType,bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,textureName:icon,string:itemName,string:translationName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,bool,integer,textureName,string,string,",},
+GetNumLastCraftingResultLearnedTraits = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numLearnedTraits,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetLastCraftingResultLearnedTraitInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _resultIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:quality,integer:itemStyle,integer:equipType,bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,textureName:icon,string:itemName,string:traitName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,bool,integer,textureName,string,string,",},
+GetNumLastCraftingResultItemsAndPenalty = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:penaltyApplied,integer:numItems,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,",},
+GetLastCraftingResultItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _resultIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:itemInstanceId,integer:quality,integer:itemStyle,integer:equipType,bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,integer:stack,textureName:icon,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,bool,integer,integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetLastCraftingResultItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _resultIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetTradeskillLevelPassiveAbilityId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _tradeskillType_)",
+returns = "(integer:levelPassiveAbilityId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTradeskillRecipeCraftingSystem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _tradeskillType_)",},
+GetNonCombatBonusLevelTypeForTradeskillType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _tradeskillType_)",},
+GetTradeskillTypeForNonCombatBonusLevelType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[NonCombatBonusType|#NonCombatBonusType]* _nonCombatBonusType_)",},
+GetCostToCraftAlchemyItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _solventBagId_, *integer* _solventSlotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CraftAlchemyItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _solventBagId_, *integer* _solventSlotIndex_, *integer* _reagent1BagId_, *integer* _reagent1SlotIndex_, *integer* _reagent2BagId_, *integer* _reagent2SlotIndex_, *integer:nilable* _reagent3BagId_, *integer:nilable* _reagent3SlotIndex_)",},
+GetAlchemyResultingItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _solventBagId_, *integer* _solventSlotIndex_, *integer* _reagent1BagId_, *integer* _reagent1SlotIndex_, *integer* _reagent2BagId_, *integer* _reagent2SlotIndex_, *integer:nilable* _reagent3BagId_, *integer:nilable* _reagent3SlotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:quality,integer:itemStyle,integer:equipType,bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,integer:stack,textureName:icon,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,bool,integer,integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetAlchemyResultingItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _solventBagId_, *integer* _solventSlotIndex_, *integer* _reagent1BagId_, *integer* _reagent1SlotIndex_, *integer* _reagent2BagId_, *integer* _reagent2SlotIndex_, *integer:nilable* _reagent3BagId_, *integer:nilable* _reagent3SlotIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetAlchemyResultInspiration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _solventBagId_, *integer* _solventSlotIndex_, *integer* _reagent1BagId_, *integer* _reagent1SlotIndex_, *integer* _reagent2BagId_, *integer* _reagent2SlotIndex_, *integer:nilable* _reagent3BagId_, *integer:nilable* _reagent3SlotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:inspiration,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAlchemyItemTraits = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _reagentBagId_, *integer* _reagentSlotIndex_)",},
+IsAlchemySolvent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ItemType|#ItemType]* _itemType_)",
+returns = "(bool:isAlchemySolvent,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumRecipeLists = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numRecipeLists,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetRecipeListInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:createSound,textureName:disabledIcon,textureName:overIcon,textureName:downIcon,textureName:upIcon,integer:numRecipes,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,textureName,textureName,textureName,textureName,integer,string,",},
+GetMaxRecipeIngredients = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxIngredients,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetRecipeInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_, *luaindex* _recipeIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:qualityReq,integer:provisionerLevelReq,integer:numIngredients,string:name,bool:known,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,string,bool,",},
+GetRecipeIngredientItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_, *luaindex* _recipeIndex_, *luaindex* _ingredientIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:quality,integer:sellPrice,integer:requiredQuantity,textureName:icon,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetRecipeIngredientItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_, *luaindex* _recipeIndex_, *luaindex* _ingredientIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNumRecipeTradeskillRequirements = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_, *luaindex* _recipeIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numTradeskillRequirements,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetRecipeTradeskillRequirement = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_, *luaindex* _recipeIndex_, *luaindex* _tradeskillIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:levelRequirement,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetRecipeResultItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_, *luaindex* _recipeIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:quality,integer:sellPrice,integer:stack,textureName:icon,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetRecipeResultItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_, *luaindex* _recipeIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCostToCraftProvisionerItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_, *luaindex* _recipeIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CraftProvisionerItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_, *luaindex* _recipeIndex_)",},
+GetCurrentRecipeIngredientCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_, *luaindex* _recipeIndex_, *luaindex* _ingredientIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCostToCraftEnchantingItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _potencyRuneBagId_, *integer* _potencyRuneSlotIndex_, *integer* _essenceRuneBagId_, *integer* _essenceRuneSlotIndex_, *integer* _aspectRuneBagId_, *integer* _aspectRuneSlotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CraftEnchantingItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _potencyRuneBagId_, *integer* _potencyRuneSlotIndex_, *integer* _essenceRuneBagId_, *integer* _essenceRuneSlotIndex_, *integer* _aspectRuneBagId_, *integer* _aspectRuneSlotIndex_)",},
+ExtractEnchantingItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetEnchantingResultingItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _potencyRuneBagId_, *integer* _potencyRuneSlotIndex_, *integer* _essenceRuneBagId_, *integer* _essenceRuneSlotIndex_, *integer* _aspectRuneBagId_, *integer* _aspectRuneSlotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:quality,bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,integer:stack,textureName:icon,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,bool,integer,integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetEnchantingResultingItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _potencyRuneBagId_, *integer* _potencyRuneSlotIndex_, *integer* _essenceRuneBagId_, *integer* _essenceRuneSlotIndex_, *integer* _aspectRuneBagId_, *integer* _aspectRuneSlotIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetRunestoneTranslatedName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetRunestoneSoundInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:soundLength,string:soundName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,",},
+GetEnchantedItemResultingItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemBagId_, *integer* _itemSlotIndex_, *integer* _enchantmentBagId_, *integer* _enchantmentSlotIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCostToCraftSmithingItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex* _materialIndex_, *integer* _materialQuantity_, *luaindex* _styleIndex_, *luaindex* _traitIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CraftSmithingItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex* _materialIndex_, *integer* _materialQuantity_, *luaindex* _styleIndex_, *luaindex* _traitIndex_, *bool* _useUniversalStyleItem_)",},
+GetSmithingPatternResultLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex* _materialIndex_, *integer* _materialQuantity_, *luaindex* _styleIndex_, *luaindex* _traitIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+CanSmithingWeaponPatternsBeCraftedHere = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canBeCrafted,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanSmithingApparelPatternsBeCraftedHere = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canBeCrafted,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanSmithingSetPatternsBeCraftedHere = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canBeCrafted,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumSmithingPatterns = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:smithingPatterns,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSmithingPatternInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex:nilable* _materialIndexOverride_, *integer:nilable* _materialQuanityOverride_, *[ItemStyle|#ItemStyle]:nilable* _styleOverride_, *[ItemTraitType|#ItemTraitType]:nilable* _traitTypeOverride_)",
+returns = "(integer:numTraitsKnown,integer:numTraitsRequired,integer:numMaterials,textureName:icon,string:baseName,string:patternName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,textureName,string,string,",},
+GetSmithingPatternMaterialItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex* _materialIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:skillRequirement,integer:itemInstanceId,integer:quality,integer:itemStyle,integer:equipType,bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,integer:stack,textureName:icon,string:itemName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,bool,integer,integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetSmithingPatternNextMaterialQuantity = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex* _materialIndex_, *integer* _startingPoint_, *integer* _step_)",
+returns = "(integer:value,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSmithingPatternMaterialItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex* _materialIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetSmithingPatternArmorType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_)",},
+GetCurrentSmithingMaterialItemCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex* _materialIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumSmithingStyleItems = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numStyleItems,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSmithingStyleItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _styleItemIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:alwaysHideIfLocked,integer:quality,integer:itemStyle,bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,textureName:icon,string:itemName,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,integer,bool,integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetSmithingStyleItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _styleItemIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCurrentSmithingStyleItemCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _styleItemIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsSmithingStyleKnown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _styleItemIndex_, *luaindex* _patternIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:known,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetFirstKnownStyleIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:styleItemIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+CanSmithingStyleBeUsedOnPattern = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _styleIndex_, *luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex* _materialIndex_, *integer* _materialQuantity_)",
+returns = "(integer:championPointsRequirement,integer:levelRequirement,bool:canBeUsed,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,bool,",},
+GetNumSmithingTraitItems = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numTraitItems,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSmithingTraitItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _traitItemIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:quality,integer:itemStyle,bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,textureName:icon,string:itemName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,bool,integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetSmithingTraitItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _traitItemIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCurrentSmithingTraitItemCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _traitItemIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsSmithingTraitItemValidForPattern = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex* _traitItemIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:valid,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsSmithingTraitKnownForResult = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex* _materialIndex_, *integer* _materialQuantity_, *luaindex* _styleIndex_, *luaindex* _traitIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:known,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumSmithingResearchLines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_)",
+returns = "(integer:numLines,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMaxSimultaneousSmithingResearch = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxSimultaneousResearch,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSmithingResearchLineInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_, *luaindex* _researchLineIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:timeRequiredForNextResearchSecs,integer:numTraits,textureName:icon,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetSmithingResearchLineTraitInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_, *luaindex* _researchLineIndex_, *luaindex* _traitIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:known,string:traitDescription,)",
+valuetype = "bool,string,",},
+GetSmithingResearchLineTraitTimes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_, *luaindex* _researchLineIndex_, *luaindex* _traitIndex_)",},
+CanItemBeSmithingTraitResearched = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_, *luaindex* _researchLineIndex_, *luaindex* _traitIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:canBeResearched,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ResearchSmithingTrait = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+CanItemBeSmithingExtractedOrRefined = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_)",
+returns = "(bool:canItemBeExtractedOrRefined,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetRequiredSmithingRefinementStackSize = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:requiredStackSize,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSmithingRefinementMinRawMaterial = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:minRawMaterial,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSmithingRefinementMaxRawMaterial = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxRawMaterial,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+ExtractOrRefineSmithingItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+CanItemBeSmithingImproved = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_)",
+returns = "(bool:canBeImproved,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetSmithingImprovementChance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemToImproveBagId_, *integer* _itemToImproveSlotIndex_, *integer* _numBoostersToUse_, *[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_)",
+returns = "(number:chance,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetNumSmithingImprovementItems = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numImprovementItems,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSmithingImprovementItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_, *luaindex* _improvementItemIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:quality,integer:itemStyle,integer:equipType,bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,integer:currentStack,textureName:icon,string:itemName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,bool,integer,integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetSmithingImprovementItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_, *luaindex* _improvementItemIndex_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetSmithingImprovedItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemToImproveBagId_, *integer* _itemToImproveSlotIndex_, *[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_)",
+returns = "(integer:quality,integer:itemStyle,integer:equipType,bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,textureName:icon,string:itemName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,bool,integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetSmithingImprovedItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemToImproveBagId_, *integer* _itemToImproveSlotIndex_, *[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+ImproveSmithingItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemToImproveBagId_, *integer* _itemToImproveSlotIndex_, *integer* _numBoostersToUse_)",},
+GetNonCombatBonus = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[NonCombatBonusType|#NonCombatBonusType]* _nonCombatBonus_)",
+returns = "(integer:bonusValue,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumEmotes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numEmotes,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetEmoteIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _emoteId_)",},
+GetEmoteInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _emoteIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:showInGamepadUI,string:displayName,integer:emoteId,string:slashName,)",
+valuetype = "bool,string,integer,string,",},
+GetEmoteCollectibleId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _emoteIndex_)",},
+GetEmoteSlashNameByIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _emoteIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:slashName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+PlayEmoteByIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _emoteIndex_)",},
+GetActivityInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_)",
+returns = "(integer:sortOrder,string:description,integer:minGroupSize,integer:championPointsMax,integer:championPointsMin,integer:levelMax,integer:levelMin,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,string,",},
+GetActivityName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetActivityType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_)",},
+GetActivityKeyboardDescriptionTextures = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard,textureName:descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,textureName,",},
+GetActivityGamepadDescriptionTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:descriptionTextureGamepad,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetActivityDisplayLevels = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_)",
+returns = "(integer:displayChampionPointsMax,integer:displayChampionPointsMin,integer:displayLevelMax,integer:displayLevelMin,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetActivityGroupType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_)",},
+GetActivityBattlegroundId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_)",
+returns = "(integer:battlegroundId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumActivitySetActivities = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activitySetId_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetActivitySetActivityIdByIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activitySetId_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:activityId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetActivitySetInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activitySetId_)",
+returns = "(integer:sortOrder,string:description,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,string,",},
+GetActivitySetIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activitySetId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetActivitySetKeyboardDescriptionTextures = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activitySetId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard,textureName:descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,textureName,",},
+GetActivitySetGamepadDescriptionTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activitySetId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:descriptionTextureGamepad,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetNumActivitiesByType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[LFGActivity|#LFGActivity]* _activity_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetActivityIdByTypeAndIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[LFGActivity|#LFGActivity]* _activity_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:activityId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetActivityTypeAndIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:index,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+DoesPlayerMeetActivityLevelRequirements = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_)",
+returns = "(bool:meetsLevelRequirements,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesGroupMeetActivityLevelRequirements = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_)",
+returns = "(bool:meetsLevelRequirements,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+UpdatePlayerRole = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[LFGRole|#LFGRole]* _role_, *bool* _selected_)",},
+GetPlayerRoles = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isTank,bool:isHeal,bool:isDPS,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,",},
+DoesLFGActivityHasAllOption = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[LFGActivity|#LFGActivity]* _activity_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasAllOption,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetLFGActivityRewardData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[LFGActivity|#LFGActivity]* _activity_)",
+returns = "(integer:xpReward,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsEligibleForDailyActivityReward = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isEligible,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetLFGCooldownTimeRemainingSeconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[LFGCooldownType|#LFGCooldownType]* _cooldownType_)",
+returns = "(integer:timeRemainingSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+AddActivityFinderRandomSearchEntry = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[LFGActivity|#LFGActivity]* _activity_)",},
+AddActivityFinderSetSearchEntry = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activitySetId_)",},
+AddActivityFinderSpecificSearchEntry = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_)",},
+ClearGroupFinderSearch = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+StartGroupFinderSearch = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CanSendLFMRequest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canSendLFMRequest,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SendLFMRequest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumActivityRequests = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numRequests,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetActivityRequestIds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _requestIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:activitySetId,integer:activityId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+CancelGroupSearches = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetActivityFinderStatus = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsCurrentlySearchingForGroup = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isSearching,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetRequiredActivityCollectibleId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_)",
+returns = "(integer:collectibleId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetLFGSearchTimes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:estimatedCompletionTimeMs,integer:startTimeMs,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+HasActivityFindReplacementNotification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasfindReplacementNotification,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetActivityFindReplacementNotificationInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+AcceptActivityFindReplacementNotification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+DeclineActivityFindReplacementNotification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetGroupSizeFromLFGGroupType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[LFGGroupType|#LFGGroupType]* _groupType_)",
+returns = "(integer:size,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumActivitySetsByType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[LFGActivity|#LFGActivity]* _activity_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetActivitySetIdByTypeAndIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[LFGActivity|#LFGActivity]* _activity_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:activitySetId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+HasLFGReadyCheckNotification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasReadyCheckNotification,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasAcceptedLFGReadyCheck = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasAcceptedReadyCheck,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetLFGReadyCheckNotificationInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:timeRemainingSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetLFGReadyCheckActivityType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+AcceptLFGReadyCheckNotification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+DeclineLFGReadyCheckNotification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetLFGReadyCheckCounts = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:dpsPending,integer:dpsAccepted,integer:healersPending,integer:healersAccepted,integer:tanksPending,integer:tanksAccepted,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetActivityAverageRoleTime = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _activityId_, *[LFGRole|#LFGRole]* _role_)",
+returns = "(integer:timeSeconds,bool:hasData,)",
+valuetype = "integer,bool,",},
+GetCurrentLFGActivityId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:activityId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumFishingLures = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numLures,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFishingLureInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _lureIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:sellPrice,integer:stack,textureName:icon,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,textureName,string,",},
+SetFishingLure = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _lureIndex_)",},
+GetFishingLure = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumViewableTreasureMaps = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numViewableMaps,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTreasureMapInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _treasureMapIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:imagePath,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,string,",},
+SetFloatingMarkerInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _markerType_, *number* _size_, *string* _primaryTexturePath_, *string* _secondaryTexturePath_, *bool* _primaryPulses_, *bool* _secondaryPulses_)",},
+SetFloatingMarkerGlobalAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _alpha_)",},
+GetAgentChatRequestInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:millisecondsSinceRequest,bool:isChatRequested,)",
+valuetype = "integer,bool,",},
+IsAgentChatActive = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isActive,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+AcceptAgentChat = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+DeclineAgentChat = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumKillingAttacks = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numKillingAttacks,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetKillingAttackInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:durationMS,integer:castTimeAgoMS,bool:wasKillingBlow,textureName:attackIcon,integer:attackDamage,string:attackName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,bool,textureName,integer,string,",},
+DoesKillingAttackHaveAttacker = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasAttacker,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetKillingAttackerInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:attackerDisplayName,string:minionName,bool:isBoss,bool:isPlayer,integer:attackerAvARank,integer:attackerLevel,integer:attackerChampionPoints,string:attackerRawName,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,bool,bool,integer,integer,integer,string,",},
+GetKillingAttackerBattlegroundAlliance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",},
+GetNumDeathRecapHints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numHints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetDeathRecapHintInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:text,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNumTelvarStonesLost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:telvarStonesLost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumDyeableEquipSlots = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numDyeableEquipSlots,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumDyeableCollectibleCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numDyeableCollectibleCategories,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetDyeableEquipSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _dyeableEquipSlotIndex_)",},
+GetDyeableCollectibleCategory = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _dyeableCollectibleCategoryIndex_)",},
+GetDyeableEquipSlotGamepadOrder = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _dyeableEquipSlotIndex_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:gamepadOrder,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+GetDyeableCollectibleCategoryGamepadOrder = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _dyeableCollectibleCategoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:gamepadOrder,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+GetEquipSlotFromDyeableSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DyeableSlot|#DyeableSlot]* _dyeableSlot_)",},
+GetCollectibleCategoryFromDyeableSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DyeableSlot|#DyeableSlot]* _dyeableSlot_)",},
+IsJusticeEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isJusticeEnabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsJusticeEnabledForZone = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _aZoneIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isBountyEnabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsKillOnSight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isKillOnSight,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetInfamy = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:infamy,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetBounty = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:bounty,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetPlayerInfamyData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:bounty,integer:heat,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetReducedBountyPayoffAmount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:payoffAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFullBountyPayoffAmount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:payoffAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetInfamyLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _infamyAmount_)",},
+GetInfamyMeterSize = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:meterSize,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFenceSellTransactionInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:resetTimeSeconds,integer:sellsUsed,integer:totalSells,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetFenceLaunderTransactionInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:resetTimeSeconds,integer:laundersUsed,integer:totalLaunders,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetSecondsUntilArrestTimeout = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:secondsUntilArrestTimeout,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsTrespassing = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isTrespassing,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetTimeToClemencyResetInSeconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:timeRemaining,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTimeToShadowyConnectionsResetInSeconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:timeRemaining,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsStuckFixPending = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isStuckFixPending,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanUseStuck = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _warn_)",
+returns = "(bool:canUseStuck,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetTimeUntilStuckAvailable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:millisecondsUntilAvailable,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetStuckCooldown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:cooldownRemainingSecs,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SendPlayerStuck = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ApplyPendingHeraldryChanges = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsPlayerAllowedToEditHeraldry = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:allowed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCurrentlyCustomizingHeraldry = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:currentlyCustomizing,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetHeraldryCustomizationCosts = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:crestColorCost,integer:crestStyleCost,integer:backgroundSecondaryColorCost,integer:backgroundPrimaryColorCost,integer:backgroundStyleCost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,",},
+IsCreatingHeraldryForFirstTime = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:creatingForFirstTime,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasPendingHeraldryChanges = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasPendingChanges,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetPendingHeraldryCost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:pendingCost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+RevertToSavedHeraldry = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _hasActiveAppearance_)",},
+SetPendingHeraldryIndices = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _backgroundCategoryIndex_, *luaindex* _backgroundStyleIndex_, *luaindex* _backgroundPrimaryColorIndex_, *luaindex* _backgroundSecondaryColorIndex_, *luaindex* _crestCategoryIndex_, *luaindex* _crestStyleIndex_, *luaindex* _crestColorIndex_)",},
+GetPendingHeraldryIndices = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(luaindex:crestColorIndex,luaindex:crestStyleIndex,luaindex:crestCategoryIndex,luaindex:backgroundSecondaryColorIndex,luaindex:backgroundPrimaryColorIndex,luaindex:backgroundStyleIndex,luaindex:backgroundCategoryIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,luaindex,luaindex,luaindex,luaindex,luaindex,luaindex,",},
+GetNumHeraldryColors = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numColors,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetHeraldryColorInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _colorIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:sortKey,number:b,number:g,number:r,string:colorName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,number,number,number,string,",},
+GetNumHeraldryBackgroundCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numCategories,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetHeraldryBackgroundCategoryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:icon,string:categoryName,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,string,",},
+GetNumHeraldryBackgroundStyles = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numStyles,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetHeraldryBackgroundStyleInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _styleIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:icon,string:styleName,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,string,",},
+GetNumHeraldryCrestCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numCategories,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetHeraldryCrestCategoryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:icon,string:categoryName,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,string,",},
+GetNumHeraldryCrestStyles = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numStyles,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetHeraldryCrestStyleInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _styleIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:icon,string:styleName,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,string,",},
+StartHeraldryCustomization = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildIndex_)",},
+EndHeraldryCustomization = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetHeraldryGuildBankedMoney = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetGamepadTemplate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SendAllCachedSettingMessages = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetVibrationInfoFromTrigger = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[GamepadVibrationTrigger|#GamepadVibrationTrigger]* _triggerType_)",
+returns = "(string:debugSourceInfo,bool:foundInfo,number:rightTriggerMotor,number:leftTriggerMotor,number:fineMotor,number:coarseMotor,integer:durationMS,)",
+valuetype = "string,bool,number,number,number,number,integer,",},
+SetShouldRenderWorld = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _shouldRenderWorld_)",},
+GetNumChampionDisciplines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numDisciplines,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetChampionDisciplineName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disciplineIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetChampionDisciplineDescription = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disciplineIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:description,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetChampionDisciplineAttribute = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disciplineIndex_)",},
+GetNumChampionDisciplineSkills = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disciplineIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numSkills,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetChampionSkillPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disciplineIndex_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:normalizedY,number:normalizedX,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetChampionSkillName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disciplineIndex_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:skillName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetMaxPossiblePointsInChampionSkill = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxPossiblePoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumPointsSpentOnChampionSkill = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disciplineIndex_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numSpentPoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumPointsSpentInChampionDiscipline = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disciplineIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numSpentPoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetChampionSkillUnlockLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disciplineIndex_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_)",},
+GetNumSpentChampionPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Attributes|#Attributes]* _attribute_)",
+returns = "(integer:numSpentPoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumUnspentChampionPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Attributes|#Attributes]* _attribute_)",
+returns = "(integer:numUnspentPoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+ClearPendingChampionPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumPendingChampionPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disciplineIndex_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numPendingPoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SetNumPendingChampionPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disciplineIndex_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_, *integer* _numPendingPoints_)",},
+HasAvailableChampionPointsInAttribute = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Attributes|#Attributes]* _attribute_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasPoints,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+WillChampionSkillBeUnlocked = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disciplineIndex_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:willBeUnlocked,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetChampionIsInRespecMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _isInRespecMode_)",},
+IsChampionInRespecMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInRespecMode,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsChampionRespecNeeded = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:needsRespec,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SpendPendingChampionPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:requested,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetChampionMusicActive = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _active_)",},
+GetChampionAbilityDescription = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_, *integer* _numPendingPoints_)",
+returns = "(string:description,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetChampionAbilityId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disciplineIndex_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:abilityId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetChampionRespecCost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetChampionPointAttributeForRank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _rank_)",},
+IsChampionSystemUnlocked = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:unlocked,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+AreChampionPointsActive = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:active,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumDefaultQuickChats = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numQuickChats,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetDefaultQuickChatName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetDefaultQuickChatMessage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:message,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+PlayDefaultQuickChat = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",},
+SetSCTAnimationOffsetX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _timeline_, *number* _offsetX_)",},
+SetSCTAnimationOffsetY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _timeline_, *number* _offsetY_)",},
+ZoUTF8StringLength = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _string_)",
+returns = "(integer:length,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+ResetSCTDataToDefaults = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetSCTKeyboardFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:fontName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+SetSCTKeyboardFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _fontName_, *[FontStyle|#FontStyle]* _fontStyle_)",},
+GetSCTGamepadFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:fontName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+SetSCTGamepadFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _fontName_, *[FontStyle|#FontStyle]* _fontStyle_)",},
+GetSCTEventVisualInfoId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SCTEventType|#SCTEventType]* _eventType_)",
+returns = "(integer:SCTEventVisualInfoId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SetSCTEventVisualInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SCTEventType|#SCTEventType]* _eventType_, *integer* _SCTEventVisualInfoId_)",},
+GetNumSCTSlots = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numSlots,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CreateNewSCTSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(luaindex:slotIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+GetSCTSlotPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:cameraOffsetUp,number:cameraOffsetRight,number:UIOffsetY,number:UIOffsetX,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+SetSCTSlotPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[SCTUnitAnchorType|#SCTUnitAnchorType]* _SCTAnchorType_, *[AnchorPosition|#AnchorPosition]* _anchorPoint_, *number* _UIOffsetX_, *number* _UIOffsetY_, *number* _cameraOffsetRight_, *number* _cameraOffsetUp_)",},
+GetSCTSlotZoomedInPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:zoomedInUIOffsetY,number:zoomedInUIOffsetX,number:zoomedInCameraDistanceThreshold,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+SetSCTSlotZoomedInPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *number* _zoomedInCameraDistanceThreshold_, *number* _zoomedInUIOffsetX_, *number* _zoomedInUIOffsetY_)",},
+GetSCTSlotClamping = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:bottomEdgeUIOffsetBuffer,number:topEdgeUIOffsetBuffer,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+SetSCTSlotClamping = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *number* _topEdgeUIOffsetBuffer_, *number* _bottomEdgeUIOffsetBuffer_)",},
+GetSCTSlotAnimationTimeline = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:animationTimelineName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+SetSCTSlotAnimationTimeline = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *string* _animationTimelineName_)",},
+GetSCTSlotAnimationMinimumSpacing = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:minSpacingMS,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SetSCTSlotAnimationMinimumSpacing = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *integer* _minSpacingMS_)",},
+IsSCTSlotEventTypeShown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[SCTEventType|#SCTEventType]* _eventType_)",
+returns = "(bool:isShown,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetSCTSlotEventTypeShown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[SCTEventType|#SCTEventType]* _eventType_, *bool* _isShown_)",},
+DoesSCTSlotAllowTargetType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[SCTUnitType|#SCTUnitType]* _targetType_)",
+returns = "(bool:allowed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+AddSCTSlotAllowedTargetType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[SCTUnitType|#SCTUnitType]* _targetType_)",},
+ClearSCTSlotAllowedTargetTypes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+DoesSCTSlotExcludeTargetType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[SCTUnitType|#SCTUnitType]* _targetType_)",
+returns = "(bool:allowed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+AddSCTSlotExcludedTargetType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[SCTUnitType|#SCTUnitType]* _targetType_)",},
+ClearSCTSlotExcludedTargetTypes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+DoesSCTSlotAllowSourceType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[SCTUnitType|#SCTUnitType]* _targetType_)",
+returns = "(bool:allowed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+AddSCTSlotAllowedSourceType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[SCTUnitType|#SCTUnitType]* _sourceType_)",},
+ClearSCTSlotAllowedSourceTypes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+DoesSCTSlotExcludeSourceType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[SCTUnitType|#SCTUnitType]* _targetType_)",
+returns = "(bool:allowed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+AddSCTSlotExcludedSourceType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[SCTUnitType|#SCTUnitType]* _sourceType_)",},
+ClearSCTSlotExcludedSourceTypes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetSCTSlotTargetReputationTypes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:showForEnemy,bool:showForNeutral,bool:showForFriendly,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,",},
+SetSCTSlotTargetReputationTypes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *bool* _showForFriendly_, *bool* _showForNeutral_, *bool* _showForEnemy_)",},
+GetSCTSlotSourceReputationTypes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:showForEnemy,bool:showForNeutral,bool:showForFriendly,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,",},
+SetSCTSlotSourceReputationTypes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *bool* _showForFriendly_, *bool* _showForNeutral_, *bool* _showForEnemy_)",},
+GetSCTSlotEventControlScales = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:critScale,number:defaultScale,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+SetSCTSlotEventControlScales = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *number* _defaultScale_, *number* _critScale_)",},
+GetSCTSlotKeyboardCloudId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:SCTCloudId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SetSCTSlotKeyboardCloud = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *integer* _SCTCloudId_)",},
+GetSCTSlotGamepadCloudId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:SCTCloudId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SetSCTSlotGamepadCloud = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *integer* _SCTCloudId_)",},
+CreateNewSCTEventVisualInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:SCTEventVisualInfoId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSCTSlotEventVisualInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[SCTEventType|#SCTEventType]* _eventType_)",
+returns = "(integer:SCTEventVisualInfoId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SetSCTSlotEventVisualInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _slotIndex_, *[SCTEventType|#SCTEventType]* _eventType_, *integer* _SCTEventVisualInfoId_)",},
+GetSCTEventVisualInfoTextFormat = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTEventVisualInfoId_, *[SCTEventTextType|#SCTEventTextType]* _textType_)",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,string:format,)",
+valuetype = "bool,string,",},
+SetSCTEventVisualInfoTextFormat = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTEventVisualInfoId_, *[SCTEventTextType|#SCTEventTextType]* _textType_, *string* _format_)",},
+GetSCTEventVisualInfoTextFontSizes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTEventVisualInfoId_, *[SCTEventTextType|#SCTEventTextType]* _textType_)",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,integer:gamepadFontSize,integer:keyboardFontSize,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,integer,",},
+SetSCTEventVisualInfoTextFontSizes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTEventVisualInfoId_, *[SCTEventTextType|#SCTEventTextType]* _textType_, *integer* _keyboardFontSize_, *integer* _gamepadFontSize_)",},
+GetSCTEventVisualInfoTextColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTEventVisualInfoId_, *[SCTEventTextType|#SCTEventTextType]* _textType_)",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,number:b,number:g,number:r,)",
+valuetype = "bool,number,number,number,",},
+SetSCTEventVisualInfoTextColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTEventVisualInfoId_, *[SCTEventTextType|#SCTEventTextType]* _textType_, *number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_)",},
+GetSCTEventVisualInfoHideWhenValueIsZero = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTEventVisualInfoId_)",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,bool:hideWhenValueIsZero,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,",},
+SetSCTEventVisualInfoHideWhenValueIsZero = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTEventVisualInfoId_, *bool* _hideWhenValueIsZero_)",},
+CreateNewSCTCloud = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:SCTCloudId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumSCTCloudOffsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTCloudId_)",},
+GetSCTCloudOffset = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTCloudId_, *luaindex* _offsetIndex_, *integer* _ordering_, *number* _UIOffsetX_, *number* _UIOffsetY_)",},
+AddSCTCloudOffset = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTCloudId_, *integer* _ordering_, *number* _UIOffsetX_, *number* _UIOffsetY_)",},
+ClearSCTCloudOffsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTCloudId_)",},
+GetSCTCloudAnimationOverlapPercent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTCloudId_)",
+returns = "(number:animationOverlapPercent,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+SetSCTCloudAnimationOverlapPercent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _SCTCloudId_, *number* _animationOverlapPercent_)",},
+ShowMarketProduct = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_, *[MarketOpenOperation|#MarketOpenOperation]* _source_)",},
+ShowMarketAndSearch = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _marketProductSearchString_, *[MarketOpenOperation|#MarketOpenOperation]* _source_)",},
+RequestPurchaseMarketProduct = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_, *luaindex* _presentationIndex_)",},
+ShowBuyCrownsDialog = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ShowEsoPlusPage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MarketOpenOperation|#MarketOpenOperation]* _source_)",},
+StartWorldParticleEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _particleEffectId_)",},
+StopWorldParticleEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _particleEffectId_)",},
+SetWorldParticleEffectPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _particleEffectId_, *number* _worldX_, *number* _worldY_, *number* _worldZ_)",},
+SetWorldParticleEffectOrientation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _particleEffectId_, *number* _pitchRadians_, *number* _yawRadians_, *number* _rollRadians_)",},
+SetWorldParticleEffectScale = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _particleEffectId_, *number* _scale_)",},
+DeleteWorldParticleEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _particleEffectId_)",},
+GetActiveUserEmailAddress = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:emailAddress,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCurrentZoneDungeonDifficulty = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CopyHousePermissions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _sourceHouseId_, *integer* _destinationHouseId_)",},
+GetNumHousingPermissions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_, *[HousePermissionUserGroup|#HousePermissionUserGroup]* _permissionCategory_)",
+returns = "(integer:numPermissions,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+DoesHousingUserGroupHaveAccess = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_, *[HousePermissionUserGroup|#HousePermissionUserGroup]* _permissionCategory_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasAccess,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsHousingPermissionEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_, *[HousePermissionUserGroup|#HousePermissionUserGroup]* _permissionCategory_, *luaindex* _index_, *[HousePermissionSetting|#HousePermissionSetting]* _setting_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPermissionEnabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsHousingPermissionMarkedForDelete = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_, *[HousePermissionUserGroup|#HousePermissionUserGroup]* _permissionCategory_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(bool:isMarkedForDelete,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetHousingUserGroupDisplayName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_, *[HousePermissionUserGroup|#HousePermissionUserGroup]* _permissionCategory_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:displayName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+SetHousingPermissionPreset = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_, *[HousePermissionUserGroup|#HousePermissionUserGroup]* _permissionCategory_, *luaindex* _index_, *[HousePermissionPresetSetting|#HousePermissionPresetSetting]* _preset_, *bool* _setForAllHouses_)",},
+RemoveHousingPermission = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_, *[HousePermissionUserGroup|#HousePermissionUserGroup]* _permissionCategory_, *luaindex* _index_, *bool* _removeFromAllHouses_)",},
+AddHousingPermission = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_, *[HousePermissionUserGroup|#HousePermissionUserGroup]* _permissionCategory_, *bool* _grantAccess_, *[HousePermissionPresetSetting|#HousePermissionPresetSetting]* _preset_, *bool* _addToAllHouses_, *string* _targetName_)",},
+GetHousingPermissionPresetType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_, *[HousePermissionUserGroup|#HousePermissionUserGroup]* _permissionCategory_, *luaindex* _index_)",},
+SetHousingPrimaryHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_)",},
+GetHousingPrimaryHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:houseId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCurrentZoneHouseId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:houseId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCurrentHousePopulationCap = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:popCap,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCollectibleIdForHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_)",
+returns = "(integer:collectibleId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumFurnitureCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numCategories,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFurnitureCategoryId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:categoryId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumFurnitureSubcategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numSubcategories,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFurnitureSubcategoryId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _subcategoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:subcategoryId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFurnitureCategoryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _furnitureCategoryId_)",
+returns = "(bool:availableInTradingHouse,string:displayName,)",
+valuetype = "bool,string,",},
+GetFurnitureCategoryKeyboardIcons = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _furnitureCategoryId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:mouseoverIcon,textureName:pressedIcon,textureName:normalIcon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,textureName,textureName,",},
+GetFurnitureCategoryGamepadIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _furnitureCategoryId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:gamepadIcon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetHouseZoneId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_)",
+returns = "(integer:zoneId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetHouseFoundInZoneId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_)",
+returns = "(integer:zoneId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetHouseCategoryType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_)",},
+GetHousePreviewBackgroundImage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:previewBackgroundFileIndex,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetNumHouseTemplatesForHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_)",
+returns = "(integer:numHouseTemplates,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetHouseTemplateIdByIndexForHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_, *luaindex* _houseTemplateIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:houseTemplateId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsPrimaryHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPrimaryHouse,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HousingEditorToggleSurfaceDragMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+HousingEditorIsSurfaceDragModeEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HousingEditorRequestSelectedPlacement = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+HousingEditorRequestItemPlacement = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *integer* _worldX_, *integer* _worldY_, *integer* _worldZ_, *number* _pitchRadians_, *number* _yawRadians_, *number* _rollRadians_)",},
+HousingEditorRequestCollectiblePlacement = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_, *integer* _worldX_, *integer* _worldY_, *integer* _worldZ_, *number* _pitchRadians_, *number* _yawRadians_, *number* _rollRadians_)",},
+HousingEditorRequestChangePositionAndOrientation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_, *integer* _worldX_, *integer* _worldY_, *integer* _worldZ_, *number* _pitchRadians_, *number* _yawRadians_, *number* _rollRadians_)",},
+HousingEditorRequestChangePosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_, *integer* _worldX_, *integer* _worldY_, *integer* _worldZ_)",},
+HousingEditorRequestChangeOrientation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_, *number* _pitchRadians_, *number* _yawRadians_, *number* _rollRadians_)",},
+HousingEditorGetFurnitureWorldPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_)",
+returns = "(integer:worldZ,integer:worldY,integer:worldX,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+HousingEditorGetFurnitureWorldBounds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxWorldZ,integer:maxWorldY,integer:maxWorldX,integer:minWorldZ,integer:minWorldY,integer:minWorldX,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,",},
+HousingEditorGetFurnitureLocalBounds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_)",
+returns = "(number:maxLocalZ,number:maxLocalY,number:maxLocalX,number:minLocalZ,number:minLocalY,number:minLocalX,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,number,number,",},
+HousingEditorGetFurnitureOrientation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_)",
+returns = "(number:rollRadians,number:yawRadians,number:pitchRadians,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+HousingEditorRequestRemoveSelectedFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+HousingEditorRequestRemoveFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_)",},
+HousingEditorGetSelectedFurnitureId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+HousingEditorGetSelectedFurnitureStackCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:stackCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+HousingEditorSelectFurnitureById = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_)",},
+HousingEditorRotateFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[AxisTypes|#AxisTypes]* _axis_, *number* _magnitude_)",},
+HousingEditorPushFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _magnitude_)",},
+HousingEditorAlignFurnitureToSurface = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+HousingEditorCreateItemFurnitureForPlacement = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:success,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HousingEditorCreateCollectibleFurnitureForPlacement = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:success,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HousingEditorCreateFurnitureForPlacementFromMarketProduct = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(bool:success,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HousingEditorEndCurrentPreview = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+HousingEditorSelectTargettedFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+HousingEditorCanSelectTargettedFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasTarget,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HousingEditorRequestModeChange = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[HousingEditorMode|#HousingEditorMode]* _mode_)",},
+GetHousingEditorMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetHousingVisitorRole = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNextPlacedHousingFurnitureId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64:nilable* _lastFurnitureId_)",},
+GetPlacedHousingFurnitureInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_)",
+returns = "(integer:furnitureDataId,textureName:icon,string:itemName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetPlacedHousingFurnitureQuality = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_)",},
+HousingEditorCanPlaceCollectible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:success,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HousingEditorJumpToSafeLocation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetHousingEditorConstants = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numTicksPerSecondForRotationChange,number:rotationStepSizeRadians,number:pushSpeedPerSecond,)",
+valuetype = "integer,number,number,",},
+HousingEditorApplyTemplate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseTemplateId_)",},
+GetCurrentHousePreviewTemplateId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:houseTemplateId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+HousingEditorPreviewTemplate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseTemplateId_)",},
+RequestOpenHouseStore = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetHouseFurnishingPlacementLimit = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_, *[HousingFurnishingLimitType|#HousingFurnishingLimitType]* _limitType_)",
+returns = "(integer:furnishingPlacementLimit,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumHouseFurnishingsPlaced = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[HousingFurnishingLimitType|#HousingFurnishingLimitType]* _limitType_)",
+returns = "(integer:numFurnishingsPlaced,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsOwnerOfCurrentHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isOwner,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasAnyEditingPermissionsForCurrentHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canEdit,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasPermissionSettingForCurrentHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[HousePermissionSetting|#HousePermissionSetting]* _setting_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasSetting,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetPlacedFurnitureLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _placedFurnitureId_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:collectibleLink,string:itemLink,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,",},
+GetCurrentHousePopulation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:population,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFurnitureIdFromCollectibleId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(id64:furnitureId,)",
+valuetype = "id64,",},
+GetCollectibleIdFromFurnitureId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_)",
+returns = "(integer:collectibleId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemUniqueIdFromFurnitureId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_)",
+returns = "(id64:itemUniqueId,)",
+valuetype = "id64,",},
+GetFurnitureIdFromItemUniqueId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _itemUniqueId_)",
+returns = "(id64:furnitureId,)",
+valuetype = "id64,",},
+SetNameplateKeyboardFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _fontName_, *[FontStyle|#FontStyle]* _fontStyle_)",},
+GetNameplateKeyboardFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:fontName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+SetNameplateGamepadFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _fontName_, *[FontStyle|#FontStyle]* _fontStyle_)",},
+GetNameplateGamepadFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:fontName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNextActiveArtificialEffectId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer:nilable* _lastActiveEffectId_)",},
+GetArtificialEffectInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _artificialEffectId_)",
+returns = "(number:timeEndingS,number:timeStartedS,integer:sortOrder,textureName:icon,string:displayName,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetArtificialEffectTooltipText = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _artificialEffectId_)",
+returns = "(string:tooltipText,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+IsCutsceneActive = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isCutsceneActive,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetActiveCutsceneVideoPath = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:videoPath,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+RequestEndCutscene = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+HasEsoPlusSubscriptionNotification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasSubscriptionNotification,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ClearEsoPlusSubscriptionNotification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetUnitLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",
+returns = "(integer:level,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetLinkType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+IsGuildBankOpen = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isGuildBankOpen,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCurrentMoney = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:money,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAlliancePoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:alliancePoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCarriedCurrencyAmount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_)",
+returns = "(integer:currencyAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMaxCarriedCurrencyAmount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_)",
+returns = "(integer:currencyAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetBankedMoney = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:money,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetBankedCurrencyAmount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_)",
+returns = "(integer:currencyAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+DepositCurrencyIntoBank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_, *integer* _currencyAmount_)",},
+WithdrawCurrencyFromBank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_, *integer* _currencyAmount_)",},
+GetMaxBankWithdrawal = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxWithdrawal,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMaxBankDeposit = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxDeposit,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+DepositMoneyIntoBank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _money_)",},
+WithdrawMoneyFromBank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _money_)",},
+GetBankedTelvarStones = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:telvarStones,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+DepositTelvarStonesIntoBank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _telvarStones_)",},
+WithdrawTelvarStonesFromBank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _telvarStones_)",},
+GetMaxBankCurrencyAmount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_)",
+returns = "(integer:currencyAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetGuildBankedMoney = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:money,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetGuildBankedCurrencyAmount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_)",
+returns = "(integer:currencyAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+DepositMoneyIntoGuildBank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _money_)",},
+WithdrawMoneyFromGuildBank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _money_)",},
+DepositCurrencyIntoGuildBank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_, *integer* _currencyAmount_)",},
+WithdrawCurrencyFromGuildBank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_, *integer* _currencyAmount_)",},
+GetMaxGuildBankWithdrawal = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxWithdrawal,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMaxGuildBankDeposit = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxDeposit,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMaxGuildBankCurrencyAmount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CurrencyType|#CurrencyType]* _type_)",
+returns = "(integer:currencyAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTelvarStoneBankingFee = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:bankingFee,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTelvarStoneMinimumDeposit = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:minDeposit,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTelvarStonePercentLossOnPvpDeath = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:percentLoss,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetTelvarStonePercentLossOnNonPvpDeath = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:percentLoss,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+UseItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+CanInteractWithItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:canInteract,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+UnequipItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[EquipSlot|#EquipSlot]* _equipSlot_)",},
+DestroyItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetNextBankUpgradePrice = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNextBackpackUpgradePrice = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+BuyBankSpace = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+BuyBagSpace = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+DisplayBankUpgrade = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetBagUseableSize = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_)",
+returns = "(integer:bagSlots,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetBagSize = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_)",
+returns = "(integer:bagSlots,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsArmorEffectivenessReduced = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:effectivenessReduced,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumBagUsedSlots = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_)",
+returns = "(integer:usedSlots,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumBagFreeSlots = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_)",
+returns = "(integer:freeSlots,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+FindFirstEmptySlotInBag = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_)",},
+GetItemFilterTypeInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetItemCooldownInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:duration,integer:remain,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetItemStatValue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:statValue,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemSoundCategory = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:itemSoundCategory,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsItemBound = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isBound,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemEnchantable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:enchantable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemEnchantment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:enchantment,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanItemTakeEnchantment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemToEnchantBagId_, *integer* _itemToEnchantSlotIndex_, *integer* _enchantmentToUseBagId_, *integer* _enchantmentToUseSlotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:canEnchant,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+EnchantItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemToEnchantBagId_, *integer* _itemToEnchantSlotIndex_, *integer* _enchantmentToUseBagId_, *integer* _enchantmentToUseSlotIndex_)",},
+CanConvertItemStyle = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemToBagId_, *integer* _itemToSlotIndex_, *[ItemStyle|#ItemStyle]* _newStyle_)",
+returns = "(bool:canConvert,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ConvertItemStyle = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemToBagId_, *integer* _itemToSlotIndex_, *[ItemStyle|#ItemStyle]* _newStyle_)",},
+IsItemChargeable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:rechargeable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetAmountSoulGemWouldChargeItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemToChargeBagId_, *integer* _itemToChargeSlotIndex_, *integer* _soulGemToConsumeBagId_, *integer* _soulGemToConsumeSlotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:chargeAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+ChargeItemWithSoulGem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemToChargeBagId_, *integer* _itemToChargeSlotIndex_, *integer* _soulGemToConsumeBagId_, *integer* _soulGemToConsumeSlotIndex_)",},
+IsItemSoulGem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SoulGemType|#SoulGemType]* _soulGemType_, *integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isSoulGem,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetChargeInfoForItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxCharges,integer:charges,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+DoesItemHaveDurability = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasDurability,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemCondition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:condition,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemRepairCost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:repairCost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetRepairAllCost = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:repairCost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLaunderPrice = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:launderCost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsItemRepairKit = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isRepairKit,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemNonCrownRepairKit = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isNonCrownRepairKit,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetRepairKitTier = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:tier,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAmountRepairKitWouldRepairItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemToRepairBagId_, *integer* _itemToRepairSlotIndex_, *integer* _repairKitToConsumeBagId_, *integer* _repairKitToConsumeSlotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:amountRepaired,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+RepairItemWithRepairKit = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemToRepairBagId_, *integer* _itemToRepairSlotIndex_, *integer* _repairKitToConsumeBagId_, *integer* _repairKitToConsumeSlotIndex_)",},
+HasActivatableSwapWeaponsEquipped = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canSwapWeaponSets,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetActiveWeaponPairInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:locked,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:level,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemRequiredLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:requiredLevel,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemRequiredChampionPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:requiredChampionPoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemTrait = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetItemCreatorName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:creatorName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:quality,integer:itemStyle,integer:equipType,bool:locked,bool:meetsUsageRequirement,integer:sellPrice,integer:stack,textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,bool,bool,integer,integer,textureName,",},
+GetItemId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:itemId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemSellValueWithBonuses = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:sellPrice,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemCraftingInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetItemType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetItemArmorType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetItemWeaponType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+GetItemUniqueId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId1_, *integer* _slotIndex1_)",},
+GetSoulGemItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:tier,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSoulGemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SoulGemType|#SoulGemType]* _soulGemType_, *integer* _targetLevel_, *bool* _onlyInInventory_)",
+returns = "(integer:stackCount,textureName:icon,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,textureName,string,",},
+GetNextGuildBankSlotId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer:nilable* _lastSlotId_)",},
+GetNextVirtualBagSlotId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer:nilable* _lastSlotId_)",},
+CanItemBeVirtual = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:canBeVirtualItem,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemPlaceableFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPlaceable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemFurnitureDataId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:furnitureDataId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsDisplayNameInItemBoPAccountTable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *string* _displayName_)",
+returns = "(bool:isInTable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemBoPAndTradeable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isBoPAndTradeable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemBoPTimeRemainingSeconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:timeRemainingS,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemBoPTradeableDisplayNamesString = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:namesString,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetItemBoPTradeableNumEligibleNames = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numNames,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemBoPTradeableEligibleNameByIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *luaindex* _nameIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+HasCraftBagAccess = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasAccess,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SelectGuildBank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _guildId_)",},
+TransferToGuildBank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _sourceBag_, *integer* _sourceSlot_)",},
+TransferFromGuildBank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _slotId_)",},
+HasAnyJunk = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *bool* _excludeStolenItems_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasJunk,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DestroyAllJunk = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CanAnyItemsBeStoredInCraftBag = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_)",
+returns = "(bool:canBeStoredInCraftBag,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+StowAllVirtualItems = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+DoesBagHaveSpaceFor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _destinationBagId_, *[Bag|#Bag]* _sourceBagId_, *integer* _sourceSlot_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasSpace,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesBagHaveSpaceForItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _destinationBagId_, *string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasSpace,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanItemBePlayerLocked = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:canBePlayerLocked,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemPlayerLocked = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:playerLocked,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetItemIsPlayerLocked = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *bool* _playerLocked_)",},
+CanItemBeMarkedAsJunk = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:canBeMarkedAsJunk,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemJunk = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:junk,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetItemIsJunk = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *bool* _junk_)",},
+IsItemDyeable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:dyeable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+AreItemDyeChannelsDyeable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:accent,bool:secondary,bool:primary,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,",},
+HasItemInSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasItemInSlot,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLinkName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(string:itemName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetItemLinkItemType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+GetItemLinkItemUseType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+GetItemLinkArmorType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+GetItemLinkWeaponType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+GetItemLinkWeaponPower = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:weaponPower,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkArmorRating = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *bool* _considerCondition_)",
+returns = "(integer:armorRating,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkRequiredLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:requiredLevel,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkRequiredChampionPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:requiredChampionPoints,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkValue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *bool* _considerCondition_)",
+returns = "(integer:value,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkCondition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:conditionPercent,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+DoesItemLinkHaveArmorDecay = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasArmorDecay,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLinkMaxEnchantCharges = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxCharges,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkNumEnchantCharges = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:numCharges,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+DoesItemLinkHaveEnchantCharges = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasCharges,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLinkEnchantInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(string:enchantDescription,string:enchantHeader,bool:hasCharges,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,bool,",},
+IsItemAffectedByPairedPoison = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[EquipSlot|#EquipSlot]* _equipSlot_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasPairedPoison,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemPairedPoisonInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[EquipSlot|#EquipSlot]* _equipSlot_)",
+returns = "(string:poisonItemLink,string:poisonHeader,integer:poisonCount,bool:hasPoison,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,integer,bool,",},
+GetItemLinkOnUseAbilityInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:remainingCooldown,bool:isChampionPoints,integer:maxLevel,integer:minLevel,bool:hasScaling,integer:cooldown,string:abilityDescription,string:abilityHeader,bool:hasAbility,)",
+valuetype = "integer,bool,integer,integer,bool,integer,string,string,bool,",},
+GetItemLinkTraitOnUseAbilityInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(bool:isChampionPoints,integer:maxLevel,integer:minLevel,bool:hasScaling,integer:cooldown,string:abilityDescription,bool:hasAbility,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,integer,bool,integer,string,bool,",},
+GetItemLinkTraitInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(string:traitSubtypeDescription,string:traitSubtypeName,integer:traitSubtype,string:traitDescription,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,integer,string,",},
+GetItemLinkSetInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *bool* _equipped_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxEquipped,integer:numEquipped,integer:numBonuses,string:setName,bool:hasSet,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,string,bool,",},
+GetItemLinkSetBonusInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *bool* _equipped_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(string:bonusDescription,integer:numRequired,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,",},
+GetItemLinkFlavorText = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(string:flavorText,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+IsItemLinkCrafted = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:isCrafted,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemLinkVendorTrash = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:isVendorTrash,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLinkSiegeMaxHP = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:maxHP,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkQuality = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+GetItemLinkSiegeType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+IsItemLinkUnique = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:isUnique,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemLinkUniqueEquipped = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:isUniqueEquipped,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLinkEquipType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+IsItemLinkConsumable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:isConsumable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLinkCraftingSkillType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+IsItemLinkEnchantingRune = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:isEnchantingRune,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLinkEnchantingRuneName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+GetItemLinkEnchantingRuneClassification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+GetItemLinkRequiredCraftingSkillRank = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:requiredRank,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsItemLinkBound = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:isBound,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLinkBindType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+GetItemLinkGlyphMinLevels = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+IsItemLinkPlaceableFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPlaceableFurniture,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemLinkBook = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:isBook,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLinkBookTitle = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+IsItemLinkBookKnown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:isKnown,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesItemLinkStartQuest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:startsQuest,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesItemLinkFinishQuest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:finishesQuest,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemLinkRecipeKnown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:isRecipeKnown,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLinkRecipeResultItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetItemLinkRecipeNumIngredients = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:numIngredients,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkRecipeIngredientInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:amountRequired,integer:amountInInventoryAndBank,string:ingredientName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,string,",},
+GetItemLinkRecipeIngredientItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *luaindex* _index_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetItemLinkRecipeNumTradeskillRequirements = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:numTradeskillRequirements,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkRecipeTradeskillRequirement = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *luaindex* _tradeskillIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:requiredLevel,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkRecipeQualityRequirement = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:qualityRequirement,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkRecipeCraftingSkillType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+GetItemLinkReagentTraitInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *luaindex* _index_)",},
+GetItemLinkItemStyle = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+GetItemLinkRefinedMaterialItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:refinedItemLink,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetItemLinkMaterialLevelDescription = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(string:levelsDescription,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+IsItemLinkOnlyUsableFromQuickslot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:onlyUsableFromQuickslot,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemLinkStolen = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:itemStolen,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemLinkStackable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:itemStackable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLinkStacks = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:stackCountCraftBag,integer:stackCountBank,integer:stackCountBackpack,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+CanItemLinkBeVirtual = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:canBeVirtual,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetItemLinkDyeIds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:accentDefId,integer:secondaryDefId,integer:primaryDefId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetItemLinkDyeStampId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:dyeStampId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkFurnitureDataId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:furnitureDataId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkGrantedRecipeIndices = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+ShouldHideTooltipRequiredLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(bool:shouldHideLevel,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetMaxTraits = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:maxTraits,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsItemStolen = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:itemStolen,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+AreAnyItemsStolen = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_)",
+returns = "(bool:anyItemsStolen,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetTelvarStoneMultiplierThresholdIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetTelvarStoneThresholdAmount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex:nilable* _thresholdIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:minimumAmount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTelvarStoneMultiplier = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex:nilable* _thresholdIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:telvarStoneMultiplier,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+IsMaxTelvarStoneMultiplierThreshold = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex:nilable* _thresholdIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isAtMaxThreshold,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+StackBag = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bag_)",},
+CompareBagItemToCurrentlyEquipped = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_, *[EquipSlot|#EquipSlot]* _equipSlot_)",
+returns = "(integer:statDelta,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+CompareItemLinkToCurrentlyEquipped = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *[EquipSlot|#EquipSlot]* _equipSlot_)",
+returns = "(integer:statDelta,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkNumItemTags = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",
+returns = "(integer:numItemTags,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetItemLinkItemTagInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *luaindex* _itemTagIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:itemTagDescription,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+HasCraftBagAutoTransferNotification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasTransferNotification,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ClearCraftBagAutoTransferNotification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+IsActiveCombatRelatedEquipmentSlot = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[EquipSlot|#EquipSlot]* _equipSlot_)",
+returns = "(bool:isActiveCombatRelatedEquipSlot,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetEquipmentBonusRating = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *[EquipSlot|#EquipSlot]* _equipSlot_)",
+returns = "(number:equipmentBonusRating,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetEquipmentBonusThreshold = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _unitLevel_, *integer* _unitChampionPoints_, *integer* _index_)",
+returns = "(number:thresholdValue,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetNumCrownGemsFromItemManualGemification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:gemsAwarded,integer:itemsRequired,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+IsItemFromCrownStore = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isFromCrownStore,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsItemFromCrownCrate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isFromCrownCrate,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumTutorials = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numTutorials,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTutorialType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _tutorialIndex_)",},
+GetTutorialInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _tutorialIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:displayPriority,string:description,string:title,)",
+valuetype = "integer,string,string,",},
+GetTutorialLinkedHelpInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _tutorialIndex_)",},
+TriggerTutorial = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TutorialTrigger|#TutorialTrigger]* _triggerType_)",},
+FireTutorialHiddenEvent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _tutorialIndex_)",},
+ResetAllTutorials = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+HasSeenTutorial = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _tutorialIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:seen,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanTutorialBeSeen = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _tutorialIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:canBeSeen,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsTutorialActionRequired = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _tutorialIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isActionRequired,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetTutorialId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TutorialTrigger|#TutorialTrigger]* _triggerType_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:tutorialId,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+SetTutorialSeen = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _tutorialIndex_)",},
+ClearActiveActionRequiredTutorial = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumCollectibleCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numCategories,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCollectibleCategoryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _topLevelIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:hidesLocked,integer:totalCollectibles,integer:unlockedCollectibles,integer:numCollectibles,integer:numSubCatgories,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,integer,integer,integer,string,",},
+GetCollectibleCategorySpecialization = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _topLevelIndex_)",},
+GetCollectibleCategoryKeyboardIcons = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:mouseoverIcon,textureName:pressedIcon,textureName:normalIcon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,textureName,textureName,",},
+GetCollectibleCategoryGamepadIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:gamepadIcon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetCollectibleSubCategoryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _topLevelIndex_, *luaindex* _subCategoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:totalCollectibles,integer:unlockedCollectibles,integer:numCollectibles,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,string,",},
+GetUnlockedCollectiblesCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTotalCollectiblesCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCollectibleId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _topLevelIndex_, *luaindex:nilable* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _collectibleIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:collectibleId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCollectibleInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPlaceholder,string:hint,bool:isActive,bool:purchasable,bool:unlocked,textureName:lockedIcon,textureName:icon,string:description,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,string,bool,bool,bool,textureName,textureName,string,string,",},
+GetCollectibleCategoryType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",},
+GetCollectibleKeyboardBackgroundImage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:backgroundImage,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetCollectibleGamepadBackgroundImage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:backgroundImage,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetCategoryInfoFromCollectibleId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",},
+GetTotalCollectiblesByCategoryType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CollectibleCategoryType|#CollectibleCategoryType]* _collectibleCategoryType_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetTotalUnlockedCollectiblesByCategoryType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CollectibleCategoryType|#CollectibleCategoryType]* _collectibleCategoryType_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCollectibleIdFromType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CollectibleCategoryType|#CollectibleCategoryType]* _collectibleCategoryType_, *luaindex* _index_)",
+returns = "(integer:collectibleId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsCollectibleCategorySlottable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CollectibleCategoryType|#CollectibleCategoryType]* _collectibleCategoryType_)",
+returns = "(bool:isSlottable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCollectibleCategoryUsable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CollectibleCategoryType|#CollectibleCategoryType]* _collectibleCategoryType_)",
+returns = "(bool:isUsable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCollectibleCategoryPlaceableFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CollectibleCategoryType|#CollectibleCategoryType]* _collectibleCategoryType_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPlaceable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCollectibleBlocked = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isBlocked,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCollectibleValidForPlayer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isValidForPlayer,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCollectibleBlockReason = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",},
+IsCollectibleSlottable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isSlottable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCollectibleUsable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isUsable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCollectibleRenameable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isRenameable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCollectiblePlaceholder = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPlaceholder,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesESOPlusUnlockCollectible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:unlockedViaSubscription,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+DoesCollectibleRequireEntitlement = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:collectibleRequiresEntitlement,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+UseCollectible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",},
+GetCollectibleLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCollectibleCategoryTypeFromLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _link_)",},
+GetCollectibleIdFromLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _link_)",},
+StartCollectibleSearch = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _searchString_)",},
+GetNumCollectiblesSearchResults = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numSearchResults,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCollectiblesSearchResult = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _searchResultIndex_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:collectibleIndex,luaindex:categoryIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,luaindex,",},
+IsValidCollectibleName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _collectibleName_)",
+returns = "(integer:violationCode,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+RenameCollectible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_, *string* _name_)",},
+GetCollectibleNickname = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCollectibleHelpIndices = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",},
+IsCollectibleNew = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isNew,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ClearCollectibleNewStatus = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",},
+GetNumCollectibleNotifications = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCollectibleNotificationInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _notificationIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:collectibleId,integer:notificationId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+RemoveCollectibleNotification = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _notificationId_)",},
+RemoveCollectibleNotificationByCollectibleId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",},
+GetCollectibleUnlockStateById = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",},
+GetCollectibleName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+IsCollectibleUnlocked = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isUnlocked,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCollectibleOwnedByDefId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:owned,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetImperialCityCollectibleId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:collectibleId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCollectibleQuestPreviewInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(string:backgroundText,string:questName,)",
+valuetype = "string,string,",},
+GetActiveCollectibleByType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CollectibleCategoryType|#CollectibleCategoryType]* _categoryType_)",
+returns = "(integer:collectibleId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCollectibleCooldownAndDuration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(integer:cooldownDuration,integer:cooldownRemaining,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetCollectiblePersonalityOverridenEmoteDisplayNames = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(string:overriddenEmoteDisplayName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCollectiblePersonalityOverridenEmoteSlashCommandNames = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(string:overriddenEmoteSlashCommandName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCollectibleRestrictionsByType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_, *[CollectibleRestrictionType|#CollectibleRestrictionType]* _restrictionType_)",
+returns = "(string:allowedNamesString,bool:passesRestrictions,bool:hasRestrictions,)",
+valuetype = "string,bool,bool,",},
+GetCollectibleFurnitureDataId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(integer:furnitureDataId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCollectibleReferenceId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(integer:referenceId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCollectibleSortOrder = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(integer:sortOrder,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCollectibleCategorySortOrder = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _topLevelIndex_, *luaindex:nilable* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:sortOrder,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumMarketProductCategories = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MarketDisplayGroup|#MarketDisplayGroup]* _displayGroup_)",
+returns = "(integer:numCategories,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductCategoryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MarketDisplayGroup|#MarketDisplayGroup]* _displayGroup_, *luaindex* _topLevelIndex_)",
+returns = "(textureName:mouseoverIcon,textureName:pressedIcon,textureName:normalIcon,integer:numMarketProducts,integer:numSubCatgories,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,textureName,textureName,integer,integer,string,",},
+GetMarketProductSubCategoryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MarketDisplayGroup|#MarketDisplayGroup]* _displayGroup_, *luaindex* _topLevelIndex_, *luaindex* _subCategoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:showGemIcon,integer:numMarketProducts,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,string,",},
+IsLTODisabledForMarketProductCategory = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MarketDisplayGroup|#MarketDisplayGroup]* _displayGroup_, *luaindex* _topLevelIndex_, *luaindex:nilable* _categoryIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isDisabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetMarketProductInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isFeatured,bool:isNew,textureName:icon,string:description,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,textureName,string,string,",},
+GetMarketProductPricingByPresentation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_, *luaindex:nilable* _presentationIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:discountPercent,integer:costAfterDiscount,bool:hasDiscount,integer:cost,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,bool,integer,",},
+GetMarketProductPresentationIds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MarketDisplayGroup|#MarketDisplayGroup]* _displayGroup_, *luaindex* _topLevelIndex_, *luaindex:nilable* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _marketProductIndex_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:presentationIndex,integer:marketProductId,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,integer,",},
+GetMarketProductIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetMarketProductNumItems = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:numItems,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductInstantUnlockType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",},
+GetMarketProductPurchaseState = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_, *bool* _getCached_)",},
+DoesMarketProductContainDLC = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(bool:hasDLC,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetMarketProductEligibilityErrorStringIds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:errorStringId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductCompleteErrorStringId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:errorStringId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductItemInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:itemCount,integer:requiredLevel,string:name,textureName:iconFile,integer:itemId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,string,textureName,integer,",},
+GetMarketProductItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_, *[LinkStyle|#LinkStyle]* _linkStyle_)",
+returns = "(string:link,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetMarketProductType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",},
+GetMarketProductDisplayName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(string:displayName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetMarketProductDescription = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(string:description,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetMarketProductNumChildren = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:numChildren,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductChildId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_, *luaindex* _childIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:childId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductNumBundledProducts = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:numBundledProducts,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductStackCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:stackCount,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductFurnitureDataId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:furnitureDataId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductQuality = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",},
+GetMarketProductNumCollectibles = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:numCollectibles,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductCollectibleInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPlaceholder,bool:owned,string:description,string:name,textureName:iconFile,integer:collectibleId,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,string,string,textureName,integer,",},
+GetMarketProductCollectibleId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:collectibleId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductBundleHidesChildProducts = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(bool:hidesChildProducts,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetMarketProductCrownCrateId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:crateId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductHouseId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:houseId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductHouseTemplateId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:houseTemplateId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductTimeLeftInSeconds = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(number:timeLeftSeconds,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+OpenMarket = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MarketDisplayGroup|#MarketDisplayGroup]* _displayGroup_)",},
+GetMarketState = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MarketDisplayGroup|#MarketDisplayGroup]* _displayGroup_)",},
+GetMarketProductsForItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemId_, *bool* _onlyActiveListings_)",
+returns = "(integer:marketProductId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetActiveMarketProductListingsForHouseTemplate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseTemplateId_, *[MarketDisplayGroup|#MarketDisplayGroup]* _displayGroup_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:presentationIndex,integer:marketProductId,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,integer,",},
+OnMarketClose = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CanPreviewMarketProduct = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPreviewable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumMarketProductPreviewVariations = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:numVariations,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetMarketProductPreviewVariationDisplayName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_, *luaindex* _variation_)",
+returns = "(string:variationDisplayName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+PreviewMarketProduct = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_, *luaindex* _variation_)",},
+PreviewFurnitureMarketProduct = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_, *luaindex* _variation_)",},
+IsPreviewingMarketProduct = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isBeingPreviewed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+OnMarketPurchaseMoreCrowns = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetEsoPlusSubscriptionInfoHelpIndices = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SendCrownCrateOpenRequest = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _crateId_)",},
+GetNumOwnedCrownCrateTypes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numCrownCrateTypes,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNextOwnedCrownCrateId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer:nilable* _lastCrateId_)",},
+GetOnSaleCrownCrateId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetCrownCrateName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _crateId_)",
+returns = "(string:crateName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCrownCrateCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _crateId_)",
+returns = "(integer:count,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetInventorySpaceRequiredToOpenCrownCrate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _crateId_)",
+returns = "(integer:inventorySpaceRequired,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCrownCratePackNormalTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _crateId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:normalImage,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetCrownCrateCardTextures = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _crateId_)",
+returns = "(textureName:cardFaceGlowImage,textureName:cardFaceImage,textureName:cardBackGlowImage,textureName:cardBackImage,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,textureName,textureName,textureName,",},
+GetCurrentCrownCrateId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:crateId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumCurrentCrownCrateTotalRewards = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numRewards,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumCurrentCrownCratePrimaryRewards = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numPrimaryRewards,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumCurrentCrownCrateBonusRewards = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numBonusRewards,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCrownCrateRewardInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _rewardIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:stackCount,integer:crownCrateTierId,bool:isBonus,integer:gemsExchanged,textureName:cardFaceFrameAccentImage,textureName:cardFaceImage,string:rewardTypeText,string:rewardName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,bool,integer,textureName,textureName,string,string,",},
+GetMarketProductCrownCrateRewardInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:stackCount,textureName:cardFaceFrameAccentImage,textureName:cardFaceImage,string:rewardTypeText,string:rewardName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,textureName,textureName,string,string,",},
+GetMarketProductCrownCrateTierId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",
+returns = "(integer:crownCrateTierId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCrownCrateRewardProductReferenceData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _rewardIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:referenceDataId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCrownCrateNPCBoneWorldPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _boneName_)",
+returns = "(number:positionZ,number:positionY,number:positionX,bool:success,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,bool,",},
+CreateCrownCrateSpecificParticleEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _crownCrateId_, *[CrownCrateParticleEffects|#CrownCrateParticleEffects]* _crownCrateParticleEffects_, *number* _worldX_, *number* _worldY_, *number* _worldZ_)",},
+CreateCrownCrateTierSpecificParticleEffect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _crownCrateTierId_, *[CrownCrateTierParticleEffects|#CrownCrateTierParticleEffects]* _crownCrateTierParticleEffects_, *number* _worldX_, *number* _worldY_, *number* _worldZ_)",},
+GetCrownCrateNPCCardThrowingBoneName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:boneName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+SetCrownCrateNPCVisible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _show_)",},
+TriggerCrownCrateNPCAnimation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[CrownCrateEvent|#CrownCrateEvent]* _event_, *luaindex:nilable* _rewardIndex_)",},
+GetCrownCrateTierQualityColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _crownCrateTierId_)",
+returns = "(number:b,number:g,number:r,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+GetCrownCrateTierReactionNPCAnimation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _crownCrateTierId_)",},
+GetCrownCratesSystemState = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CanInteractWithCrownCratesSystem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canInteractWithCrownCratesSystem,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPlayerAllowedToOpenCrownCrates = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:errorStringId,bool:isAllowed,)",
+valuetype = "integer,bool,",},
+PlayCrownCrateTierSpecificParticleSoundAndVibration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _crownCrateTierId_, *[CrownCrateTierParticleEffects|#CrownCrateTierParticleEffects]* _crownCrateTierParticleEffects_)",},
+PlayCrownCrateSpecificParticleSoundAndVibration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _crownCrateId_, *[CrownCrateParticleEffects|#CrownCrateParticleEffects]* _crownCrateTierParticleEffects_)",},
+RefreshCardsInCrownCrateNPCsHand = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetCrownCrateUIMenuActive = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _active_)",},
+GetCrownCrateTierOrdering = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _tierId_)",
+returns = "(integer:tierOrdering,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GemifyItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemId_, *integer* _howMany_)",},
+InitializePendingDyes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DyeMode|#DyeMode]* _dyeMode_)",},
+SetPendingSlotDyes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DyeableSlot|#DyeableSlot]* _dyeableSlot_, *integer* _primaryDyeId_, *integer* _secondaryDyeId_, *integer* _accentDyeId_)",},
+GetPendingSlotDyes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DyeableSlot|#DyeableSlot]* _dyeableSlot_)",
+returns = "(integer:accentDyeId,integer:secondaryDyeId,integer:primaryDyeId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetNumDyes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numDyes,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetDyeInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _dyeIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:dyeId,integer:sortKey,number:b,number:g,number:r,integer:achievementId,bool:known,string:dyeName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,number,number,number,integer,bool,string,",},
+GetDyeInfoById = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _dyeId_)",
+returns = "(integer:sortKey,number:b,number:g,number:r,integer:achievementId,bool:known,string:dyeName,)",
+valuetype = "integer,number,number,number,integer,bool,string,",},
+GetDyeColorsById = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _dyeId_)",
+returns = "(number:b,number:g,number:r,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+GetCurrentItemDyes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:accentDyeIndex,integer:secondaryDyeIndex,integer:primaryDyeIndex,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+GetCurrentCollectibleDyes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(integer:accentDyeIndex,integer:secondaryDyeIndex,integer:primaryDyeIndex,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+ApplyPendingDyes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumSavedDyeSets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numSavedDyeSets,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSavedDyeSetDyes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _dyeSetIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:accentDyeId,integer:secondaryDyeId,integer:primaryDyeId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+SetSavedDyeSetDyes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _dyeSetIndex_, *integer* _primaryDyeId_, *integer* _secondaryDyeId_, *integer* _accentDyeId_)",},
+CanUseCollectibleDyeing = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:collectibleDyeingAllowed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsDyeableSlotDyeable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DyeableSlot|#DyeableSlot]* _dyeableSlot_)",
+returns = "(bool:isDyeable,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsDyeableSlotBound = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DyeableSlot|#DyeableSlot]* _dyeableSlot_)",
+returns = "(bool:isBound,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+AreDyeableSlotDyeChannelsDyeable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DyeableSlot|#DyeableSlot]* _dyeableSlot_)",
+returns = "(bool:accent,bool:secondary,bool:primary,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,bool,",},
+GetDyeableSlotDyeData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DyeableSlot|#DyeableSlot]* _dyeableSlot_)",
+returns = "(integer:dyeData,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetDyeableSlotId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DyeableSlot|#DyeableSlot]* _dyeableSlot_)",
+returns = "(integer:id,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetDyeableSlotIcon = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DyeableSlot|#DyeableSlot]* _dyeableSlot_)",
+returns = "(textureName:icon,)",
+valuetype = "textureName,",},
+GetDyeableSlotCurrentDyes = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DyeableSlot|#DyeableSlot]* _dyeableSlot_)",
+returns = "(integer:accentDyeId,integer:secondaryDyeId,integer:primaryDyeId,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,integer,",},
+IsDyeIndexKnown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _dyeIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isKnown,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+CanPlayerUseCostumeDyeStamp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _dyeStampId_)",},
+CanPlayerUseItemDyeStamp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _dyeStampId_)",},
+SetupDyeStampPreview = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+IsInPreviewMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isInPreviewMode,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCharacterPreviewingAvailable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canPreview,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCurrentlyPreviewing = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isPreviewing,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCurrentlyPreviewingCollectibleAsFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPreviewing,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCurrentlyPreviewingInventoryItemAsFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPreviewing,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsCurrentlyPreviewingPlacedFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_)",
+returns = "(bool:isPreviewing,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+BeginPreviewMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _forceDismount_)",},
+EndPreviewMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _resetTargetFrame_)",},
+EndCurrentItemPreview = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+BeginItemPreviewSpin = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+EndItemPreviewSpin = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CanSpinPreviewCharacter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:canSpin,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+PreviewDyeStamp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _dyeStampId_, *[ItemUseType|#ItemUseType]* _itemType_)",},
+PreviewCraftItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex* _materialIndex_, *integer* _materialQuantity_, *luaindex* _styleIndex_, *luaindex* _traitIndex_, *bool* _useUniversalStyleItem_, *integer* _dyeBrushId_)",},
+PreviewCollectible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleDefId_, *luaindex* _variation_, *integer* _dyeBrushId_)",},
+PreviewCollectibleAsFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleDefId_)",},
+PreviewInventoryItemAsFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[Bag|#Bag]* _bagId_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+PreviewProvisionerItemAsFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_, *luaindex* _recipeIndex_)",},
+PreviewPlacedFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _furnitureId_)",},
+PreviewArmorByItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_, *integer* _dyeBrushId_)",},
+PreviewDyeStampByItemLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _itemLink_)",},
+SetPreviewDyeMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[DyeMode|#DyeMode]* _dyeMode_)",},
+SetShowHiddenGear = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _showHiddenGear_)",},
+GetShowHiddenGear = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:showHiddenGear,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ForceCancelMounted = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetPreviewInEmptyWorld = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _sunlightAzimuthRadians_, *number* _sunlightAltitudeRadians_)",},
+ClearPreviewInEmptyWorld = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetPreviewDynamicFramingOpening = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _openingWidthUI_, *number* _openingHeightUI_, *number* _cameraAngleRadians_)",},
+RequestJumpToHouse = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseId_)",},
+RequestJumpToHousePreviewWithTemplate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _houseTemplateId_)",},
+ClearCursor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:clearedSomething,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetCursorItemSoundsEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+GetCursorContentType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:cursorType,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSkillLineInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:discovered,luaindex:rank,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,luaindex,string,",},
+GetCraftingSkillLineIndices = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_)",
+returns = "(luaindex:skillIndex,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+GetCraftingSkillName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TradeskillType|#TradeskillType]* _craftingSkillType_)",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetFurnitureCategoryName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _furnitureCategoryId_)",
+returns = "(string:displayName,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetFurnitureDataInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _furnitureDataId_)",},
+GetFurnitureDataCategoryInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _furnitureDataId_)",},
+SetInteractionUsingInteractCamera = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+IsInteractionUsingInteractCamera = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+AddRelevantFilter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _relevantFilter_)",},
+GetAddOnDependencyInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _addOnIndex_, *luaindex* _addOnDependencyIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:active,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,string,",},
+GetAddOnFilter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:settingFilter,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetAddOnInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _addOnIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:isOutOfDate,bool:enabled,string:description,string:author,string:title,string:name,)",
+valuetype = "bool,bool,string,string,string,string,",},
+GetAddOnNumDependencies = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _addOnIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:numDependencies,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetLoadOutOfDateAddOns = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:loadOutOfDateAddons,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetNumAddOns = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numAddOns,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+RemoveAddOnFilter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ResetRelevantFilters = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetAddOnEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _addOnIndex_, *bool* _enabled_)",},
+SetAddOnFilter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _settingFilter_)",},
+SetLoadOutOfDateAddOns = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _loadOutOfDateAddons_)",},
+CreateTimeline = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:timeline,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+CreateTimelineFromVirtual = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _timelineName_, *object* _animatedControl_)",
+returns = "(object:timeline,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetAnimatedControl = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:animatedControl,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetDuration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:durationMs,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetEasingFunction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(function:functionRef,)",
+valuetype = "function,",},
+GetHandler = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _EventName_)",
+returns = "(function:FunctionRef,)",
+valuetype = "function,",},
+GetTimeline = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:owningTimeline,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+IsPlaying = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isPlaying,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetAnimatedControl = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _animatedControl_)",},
+SetDuration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _durationMs_)",},
+SetEasingFunction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*function* _functionRef_)",},
+SetHandler = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _EventName_, *function* _FunctionRef_)",},
+GetEndPitch = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:endPitchRadians,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetEndRoll = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:endRollRadians,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetEndYaw = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:endYawRadians,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetStartPitch = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:startPitchRadians,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetStartRoll = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:startRollRadians,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetStartYaw = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:startYawRadians,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+SetEndPitch = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endPitchRadians_)",},
+SetEndRoll = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endRollRadians_)",},
+SetEndYaw = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endYawRadians_)",},
+SetRotationValues = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startPitchRadians_, *number* _startYawRadians_, *number* _startRollRadians_, *number* _endPitchRadians_, *number* _endYawRadians_, *number* _endRollRadians_)",},
+SetStartPitch = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startPitchRadians_)",},
+SetStartRoll = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startRollRadians_)",},
+SetStartYaw = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startYawRadians_)",},
+ClearBezierControlPoints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetDeltaOffsetX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:deltaX,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetDeltaOffsetY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:deltaY,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetDeltaOffsetZ = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:deltaZ,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetEndOffsetX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:endX,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetEndOffsetY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:endY,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetEndOffsetZ = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:endZ,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetStartOffsetX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:startX,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetStartOffsetY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:startY,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetStartOffsetZ = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:startZ,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetTranslateDeltas = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:deltaZ,number:deltaY,number:deltaX,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+SetBezierControlPoint = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_, *number* _x_, *number* _y_, *number* _z_)",},
+SetDeltaOffsetX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _deltaX_, *[TranslateAnimationDeltaType|#TranslateAnimationDeltaType]* _translateAnimationDeltaType_)",},
+SetDeltaOffsetY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _deltaY_, *[TranslateAnimationDeltaType|#TranslateAnimationDeltaType]* _translateAnimationDeltaType_)",},
+SetDeltaOffsetZ = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _deltaZ_, *[TranslateAnimationDeltaType|#TranslateAnimationDeltaType]* _translateAnimationDeltaType_)",},
+SetEndOffsetX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endX_)",},
+SetEndOffsetY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endY_)",},
+SetEndOffsetZ = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endZ_)",},
+SetStartOffsetX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startX_)",},
+SetStartOffsetY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startY_)",},
+SetStartOffsetZ = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startZ_)",},
+SetTranslateDeltas = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _deltaX_, *number* _deltaY_, *number* _deltaZ_, *[TranslateAnimationDeltaType|#TranslateAnimationDeltaType]* _translateAnimationDeltaType_)",},
+SetTranslateOffsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startX_, *number* _startY_, *number* _startZ_, *number* _endX_, *number* _endY_, *number* _endZ_)",},
+GetEndAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:endAlpha,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetStartAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:startAlpha,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+SetAlphaValues = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startAlpha_, *number* _endAlpha_)",},
+SetEndAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endAlpha_)",},
+SetStartAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startAlpha_)",},
+GetEndColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:endA,number:endB,number:endG,number:endR,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetStartColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:startA,number:startB,number:startG,number:startR,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+SetColorValues = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startR_, *number* _startG_, *number* _startB_, *number* _startA_, *number* _endR_, *number* _endG_, *number* _endB_, *number* _endA_)",},
+SetEndColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endR_, *number* _endG_, *number* _endB_, *number* _endA_)",},
+SetStartColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startR_, *number* _startG_, *number* _startB_, *number* _startA_)",},
+SetUpdateFunction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*function* _functionRef_)",},
+GetEndScale = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:endScale,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetStartScale = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:startScale,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+SetEndScale = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endScale_)",},
+SetScaleValues = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startScale_, *number* _endScale_)",},
+SetStartScale = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startScale_)",},
+SetHorizontalEnd = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endX_)",},
+SetHorizontalRelative = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _offsetX_)",},
+SetHorizontalStartAndEnd = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startX_, *number* _endX_)",},
+SetVerticalEnd = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endY_)",},
+SetVerticalRelative = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _offsetY_)",},
+SetVerticalStartAndEnd = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startY_, *number* _endY_)",},
+SetEndHeight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endHeight_)",},
+SetEndWidth = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endWidth_)",},
+SetStartAndEndHeight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startHeight_, *number* _endHeight_)",},
+SetStartAndEndWidth = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startWidth_, *number* _endWidth_)",},
+SetStartHeight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startHeight_)",},
+SetStartWidth = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startWidth_)",},
+GetCellsHigh = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:aNumCellsHigh,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCellsWide = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:aNumCellsWide,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsMirroringAlongX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:mirroring,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsMirroringAlongY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:mirroring,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetCellsHigh = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _aNumCellsHigh_)",},
+SetCellsWide = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _aNumCellsWide_)",},
+SetFramerate = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _framesPerSecond_)",},
+SetImageData = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _aNumCellsWide_, *integer* _aNumCellsHigh_)",},
+SetMirrorAlongX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _mirroring_)",},
+SetMirrorAlongY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _mirroring_)",},
+GetEndRotation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:endRadians,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetStartRotation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:startRadians,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+SetEndRotation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endRadians_)",},
+SetRotationValues = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startRadians_, *number* _endRadians_)",},
+SetStartRotation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startRadians_)",},
+SetSlideDistances = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _slideDistanceU_, *number* _slideDistanceV_)",},
+GetAnchorIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:anchorIndex,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetDeltaOffsetX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:deltaX,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetDeltaOffsetY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:deltaY,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetEndOffsetX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:endX,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetEndOffsetY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:endY,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetStartOffsetX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:startX,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetStartOffsetY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:startY,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetTranslateDeltas = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:deltaY,number:deltaX,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+SetAnchorIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _anchorIndex_)",},
+SetDeltaOffsetX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _deltaX_, *[TranslateAnimationDeltaType|#TranslateAnimationDeltaType]* _translateAnimationDeltaType_)",},
+SetDeltaOffsetY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _deltaY_, *[TranslateAnimationDeltaType|#TranslateAnimationDeltaType]* _translateAnimationDeltaType_)",},
+SetEndOffsetX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endX_)",},
+SetEndOffsetY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _endY_)",},
+SetStartOffsetX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startX_)",},
+SetStartOffsetY = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startY_)",},
+SetTranslateDeltas = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _deltaX_, *number* _deltaY_, *[TranslateAnimationDeltaType|#TranslateAnimationDeltaType]* _translateAnimationDeltaType_)",},
+SetTranslateOffsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startX_, *number* _startY_, *number* _endX_, *number* _endY_)",},
+ApplyAllAnimationsToControl = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _animatedControl_)",},
+ClearAllCallbacks = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetAnimation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _animationIndex_)",
+returns = "(object:animation,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetAnimationOffset = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _animation_)",
+returns = "(integer:offset,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetAnimationTimeline = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _timelineIndex_)",
+returns = "(object:timeline,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetAnimationTimelineOffset = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _animation_)",
+returns = "(integer:offset,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetDuration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:duration,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetFirstAnimation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:animation,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetFirstAnimationTimeline = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:timeline,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetFullProgress = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:progress,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetHandler = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _EventName_)",
+returns = "(function:FunctionRef,)",
+valuetype = "function,",},
+GetLastAnimation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:animation,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetLastAnimationTimeline = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:timeline,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetNumAnimationTimelines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numTimelines,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumAnimations = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numAnimations,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetParent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:timeline,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetPlaybackLoopsRemaining = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:loopsRemaining,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetProgress = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:progress,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetSkipAnimationsBehindPlayheadOnInitialPlay = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:skipAnimations,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+InsertAnimation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _animationType_, *object* _animatedControl_, *integer* _offset_)",
+returns = "(object:animation,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+InsertAnimationFromVirtual = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _animationVirtualName_, *object* _animatedControl_)",
+returns = "(object:animation,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+InsertAnimationTimeline = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _offset_, *object* _animatedControl_)",
+returns = "(object:animation,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+InsertAnimationTimelineFromVirtual = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _animationVirtualName_, *object* _animatedControl_)",
+returns = "(object:animation,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+InsertCallback = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*function* _functionRef_, *integer* _offset_)",
+returns = "(function:functionRefRet,)",
+valuetype = "function,",},
+IsPlaying = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isPlaying,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPlayingBackward = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:reversed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+PlayBackward = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+PlayForward = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+PlayFromEnd = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _offsetMs_)",},
+PlayFromStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _offsetMs_)",},
+PlayInstantlyToEnd = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+PlayInstantlyToStart = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetAnimationOffset = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _animation_, *integer* _offset_)",},
+SetAnimationTimelineOffset = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _animation_, *integer* _offset_)",},
+SetCallbackOffset = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*function* _callback_, *integer* _offset_)",},
+SetHandler = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _EventName_, *function* _FunctionRef_)",},
+SetPlaybackLoopCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _maxLoopCount_)",},
+SetPlaybackLoopsRemaining = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _loopsRemaining_)",},
+SetPlaybackType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _playbackType_, *integer* _maxLoopCount_)",},
+SetProgress = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _progress_)",},
+SetSkipAnimationsBehindPlayheadOnInitialPlay = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _skipAnimations_)",},
+Stop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetCenterColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:a,number:b,number:g,number:r,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+IsPixelRoundingEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:pixelRoundingEnabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetCenterColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetCenterTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _filename_, *integer* _tileSize_, *integer* _addressMode_)",},
+SetEdgeColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetEdgeTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _filename_, *integer* _edgeFileWidth_, *integer* _edgeFileHeight_, *integer* _edgeSize_, *integer* _edgeFilePadding_)",},
+SetInsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _left_, *number* _top_, *number* _right_, *number* _bottom_)",},
+SetIntegralWrapping = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _integralWrappingEnabled_)",},
+SetPixelRoundingEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+SetTextureReleaseOption = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ReleaseReferenceOptions|#ReleaseReferenceOptions]* _releaseOption_)",},
+EnableMouseButton = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _buttonNum_, *bool* _enabled_)",},
+GetLabelControl = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:labelControl,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetState = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:state,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsPixelRoundingEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:pixelRoundingEnabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetClickSound = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _clickSound_)",},
+SetDesaturation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _desaturation_)",},
+SetDisabledFontColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetDisabledPressedFontColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetDisabledPressedTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _textureFilename_)",},
+SetDisabledTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _textureFilename_)",},
+SetEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+SetEndCapWidth = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _endCapWidth_)",},
+SetFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _text_)",},
+SetHorizontalAlignment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _horizontalAlign_)",},
+SetMouseOverBlendMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _blendMode_)",},
+SetMouseOverFontColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetMouseOverTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _textureFilename_)",},
+SetNormalFontColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetNormalOffset = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _x_, *number* _y_)",},
+SetNormalTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _textureFilename_)",},
+SetPixelRoundingEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _pixelRoundingEnabled_)",},
+SetPressedFontColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetPressedMouseOverTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _textureFilename_)",},
+SetPressedOffset = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _x_, *number* _y_)",},
+SetPressedTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _textureFilename_)",},
+SetShowingHighlight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _showingHighlight_)",},
+SetState = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _newState_, *bool* _locked_)",},
+SetText = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _text_)",},
+SetTextureCoords = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _left_, *number* _right_, *number* _top_, *number* _bottom_)",},
+SetTextureReleaseOption = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ReleaseReferenceOptions|#ReleaseReferenceOptions]* _releaseOption_)",},
+SetVerticalAlignment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _verticalAlign_)",},
+GetColorAsHSV = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:value,number:saturation,number:hue,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+GetColorAsRGB = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:blue,number:green,number:red,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+GetColorWheelTextureControl = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:textureControl,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetColorWheelThumbTextureControl = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:textureControl,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetFullValuedColorAsRGB = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:blue,number:green,number:red,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+GetValue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:value,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+SetColorAsHSV = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _hue_, *number* _saturation_, *number* _value_)",},
+SetColorAsRGB = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_)",},
+SetColorWheelThumbTextureControl = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _textureControl_)",},
+SetValue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _value_)",},
+GetAlphaCoefficients = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _pinType_)",
+returns = "(number:constant,number:coefficient,number:leadingCoefficient,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+GetCenterOveredPinDescription = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _centerOveredPinIndex_)",
+returns = "(string:description,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetCenterOveredPinDistance = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _centerOveredPinIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:distance,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetCenterOveredPinInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _centerOveredPinIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:suppressed,integer:drawLevel,number:distance,string:description,)",
+valuetype = "bool,integer,number,string,",},
+GetCenterOveredPinLayerAndLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _centerOveredPinIndex_)",
+returns = "(integer:drawLevel,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetCenterOveredPinType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _centerOveredPinIndex_)",},
+GetMinVisibleAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _pinType_)",
+returns = "(number:minVisibleAlpha,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetMinVisibleScale = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _pinType_)",
+returns = "(number:minVisibleScale,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetNumCenterOveredPins = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numCenterOveredPins,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetScaleCoefficients = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _pinType_)",
+returns = "(number:constant,number:coefficient,number:leadingCoefficient,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+IsCenterOveredPinSuppressed = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _centerOveredPinIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:suppressed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetAlphaCoefficients = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _pinType_, *number* _leadingCoefficient_, *number* _coefficient_, *number* _constant_)",},
+SetCardinalDirection = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _directionName_, *string* _font_, *integer* _cardinalDirection_)",},
+SetMinVisibleAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _pinType_, *number* _minVisibleAlpha_)",},
+SetMinVisibleScale = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _pinType_, *number* _minVisibleScale_)",},
+SetScaleCoefficients = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[MapDisplayPinType|#MapDisplayPinType]* _pinType_, *number* _leadingCoefficient_, *number* _coefficient_, *number* _constant_)",},
+AddFilterForEvent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _event_)",
+returns = "(bool:success,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+ClearAnchors = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+Convert3DLocalOrientationToWorldOrientation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _localPitch_, *number* _localYaw_, *number* _localRoll_)",
+returns = "(number:worldRoll,number:worldYaw,number:worldPitch,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+Convert3DLocalPositionToWorldPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _localX_, *number* _localY_, *number* _localZ_)",
+returns = "(number:worldZ,number:worldY,number:worldX,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+Convert3DWorldOrientationToLocalOrientation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _worldPitch_, *number* _worldYaw_, *number* _worldRoll_)",
+returns = "(number:localRoll,number:localYaw,number:localPitch,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+Convert3DWorldPositionToLocalPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _worldX_, *number* _worldY_, *number* _worldZ_)",
+returns = "(number:localZ,number:localY,number:localX,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+Create3DRenderSpace = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CreateControl = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _arg1_, *integer* _type_)",
+returns = "(object:apRet,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+Destroy3DRenderSpace = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+Does3DRenderSpaceUseDepthBuffer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:usesDepthBuffer,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+Get3DRenderSpaceForward = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:z,number:y,number:x,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+Get3DRenderSpaceOrientation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:rollRadians,number:yawRadians,number:pitchRadians,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+Get3DRenderSpaceOrigin = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:z,number:y,number:x,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+Get3DRenderSpaceRight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:z,number:y,number:x,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+Get3DRenderSpaceSystem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+Get3DRenderSpaceUp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:z,number:y,number:x,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,",},
+GetAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:alpha,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetAnchor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _anchorIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:offsetY,number:offsetX,integer:relativePoint,object:relativeTo,integer:point,bool:isValidAnchor,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,integer,object,integer,bool,",},
+GetBottom = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:bottom,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetCenter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:centerY,number:centerX,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetChild = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _childIndex_)",
+returns = "(object:childControl,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetClampedToScreen = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:clamped,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetClampedToScreenInsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:bottom,number:right,number:top,number:left,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetControlAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:alpha,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetControlScale = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:scale,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetDesiredHeight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:height,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetDesiredWidth = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:width,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetDimensionConstraints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:maxHeight,number:maxWidth,number:minHeight,number:minWidth,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetDimensions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:height,number:width,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetDrawLayer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:layer,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetDrawLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:level,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetDrawTier = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:tier,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:excludes,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetHandler = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _handlerName_)",
+returns = "(function:functionRef,)",
+valuetype = "function,",},
+GetHeight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:height,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetHitInsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:bottom,number:right,number:top,number:left,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:id,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetInheritsAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:inheritAlpha,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetInheritsScale = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:inheritScale,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetLeft = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:left,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:name,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetNamedChild = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _childName_)",
+returns = "(object:returnedControl,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetNumChildren = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numChildren,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetOwningWindow = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:OwningTopLevelWindow,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetParent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:ret1,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetResizeToFitDescendents = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:resizes,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetResizeToFitPadding = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:height,number:width,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetRight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:right,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetScale = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:scale,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetScreenRect = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:bottom,number:right,number:top,number:left,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetTop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:top,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:type,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetWidth = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:width,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+Has3DRenderSpace = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:has3DRenderSpace,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsChildOf = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _desiredParent_)",
+returns = "(bool:isChild,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsControlHidden = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hidden,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsHandlerSet = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _handlerName_)",
+returns = "(bool:isSet,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsHidden = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hidden,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsKeyboardEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsMouseEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPointInside = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _x_, *number* _y_, *number* _leftOffset_, *number* _topOffset_, *number* _rightOffset_, *number* _bottomOffset_)",
+returns = "(bool:isInside,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+RegisterForEvent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _event_, *function* _callback_)",
+returns = "(bool:success,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+Set3DRenderSpaceForward = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _x_, *number* _y_, *number* _z_)",},
+Set3DRenderSpaceOrientation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _pitchRadians_, *number* _yawRadians_, *number* _rollRadians_)",},
+Set3DRenderSpaceOrigin = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _x_, *number* _y_, *number* _z_)",},
+Set3DRenderSpaceRight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _x_, *number* _y_, *number* _z_)",},
+Set3DRenderSpaceSystem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[GuiRender3DSpaceSystem|#GuiRender3DSpaceSystem]* _system_)",},
+Set3DRenderSpaceUp = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _x_, *number* _y_, *number* _z_)",},
+Set3DRenderSpaceUsesDepthBuffer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _usesDepthBuffer_)",},
+SetAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _alpha_)",},
+SetAnchor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _whereOnMe_, *object* _anchorTargetControl_, *integer* _whereOnTarget_, *number* _offsetX_, *number* _offsetY_, *[AnchorConstrains|#AnchorConstrains]* _anchorConstrains_)",},
+SetAnchorFill = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _anchorTargetControl_)",},
+SetClampedToScreen = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _clamped_)",},
+SetClampedToScreenInsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _left_, *number* _top_, *number* _right_, *number* _bottom_)",},
+SetDimensionConstraints = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _minWidth_, *number* _minHeight_, *number* _maxWidth_, *number* _maxHeight_)",},
+SetDimensions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _width_, *number* _height_)",},
+SetDrawLayer = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _layer_)",},
+SetDrawLevel = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _level_)",},
+SetDrawTier = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _tier_)",},
+SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _exclude_)",},
+SetHandler = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _handlerName_, *function* _functionRef_)",},
+SetHeight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _height_)",},
+SetHidden = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _aHidden_)",},
+SetHitInsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _left_, *number* _top_, *number* _right_, *number* _bottom_)",},
+SetId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _id_)",},
+SetInheritAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _inheritAlpha_)",},
+SetInheritScale = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _inheritScale_)",},
+SetKeyboardEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+SetMouseEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+SetMovable = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _isMovable_)",},
+SetParent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _newParent_)",},
+SetResizeHandleSize = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _handleSize_)",},
+SetResizeToFitDescendents = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _resize_)",},
+SetResizeToFitPadding = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _width_, *number* _height_)",},
+SetScale = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _scale_)",},
+SetShapeType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _shapeType_)",},
+SetSimpleAnchor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _anchorTargetControl_, *number* _offsetX_, *number* _offsetY_)",},
+SetSimpleAnchorParent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _offsetX_, *number* _offsetY_)",},
+SetWidth = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _width_)",},
+StartMoving = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isMoving,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+StopMovingOrResizing = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ToggleHidden = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+UnregisterForEvent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _event_)",
+returns = "(bool:success,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetDuration = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:duration,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetPercentCompleteFixed = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:percentComplete,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetTimeLeft = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:time,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+ResetCooldown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetBlendMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _blendMode_)",},
+SetCooldownRemainTime = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _remain_)",},
+SetDesaturation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _desaturation_)",},
+SetFillColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetLeadingEdgeTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _filename_)",},
+SetPercentCompleteFixed = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _percentComplete_)",},
+SetRadialCooldownClockwise = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _clockwise_)",},
+SetRadialCooldownGradient = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startAlpha_, *number* _angularDistance_)",},
+SetRadialCooldownOriginAngle = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _originAngle_)",},
+SetTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _filename_)",},
+SetTextureReleaseOption = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ReleaseReferenceOptions|#ReleaseReferenceOptions]* _releaseOption_)",},
+SetVerticalCooldownLeadingEdgeHeight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _leadingEdgeHeight_)",},
+StartCooldown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _remain_, *integer* _duration_, *integer* _cooldownType_, *integer* _cooldownTimeType_, *bool* _drawLeadingEdge_)",},
+StartFixedCooldown = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _percentComplete_, *integer* _cooldownType_, *integer* _cooldownTimeType_, *bool* _drawLeadingEdge_)",},
+Clear = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _fontStr_)",},
+AddValidCharacter = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _validCharacter_)",},
+Clear = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+ClearSelection = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+CopyAllTextToClipboard = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetCopyEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetCursorPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:cursorPosition,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetEditEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetFontHeight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:fontHeightUIUnits,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetNewLineEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetPasteEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:enabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetScrollExtents = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numLines,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetText = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:apRet,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetTopLineIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(luaindex:index,)",
+valuetype = "luaindex,",},
+HasFocus = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:aRet,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+HasSelection = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:hasSelection,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+InsertText = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _aText_)",},
+IsComposingIMEText = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isComposing,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsMultiLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isMultiLine,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+LoseFocus = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+RemoveAllValidCharacters = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SelectAll = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetCopyEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+SetCursorPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _cursorPosition_)",},
+SetEditEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+SetFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _font_)",},
+SetMaxInputChars = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _maxChars_)",},
+SetMultiLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _isMultiLine_)",},
+SetNewLineEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+SetPasteEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+SetSelection = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _selectionStartIndex_, *integer* _selectionEndIndex_)",},
+SetSelectionColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetText = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _aText_)",},
+SetTextType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _textType_)",},
+SetTopLineIndex = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _index_)",},
+SetVirtualKeyboardType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[VirtualKeyboardType|#VirtualKeyboardType]* _aKeyboardType_)",},
+TakeFocus = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+WasLastChangeVirtualKeyboard = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:aRet,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetFontInfo = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:option,integer:size,string:face,)",
+valuetype = "string,integer,string,",},
+SetFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _fontDescriptor_)",},
+AnchorToBaseline = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _toLabel_, *number* _offsetX_, *[AnchorPosition|#AnchorPosition]* _anchorSide_)",},
+ClearAnchorToBaseline = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _toLabel_)",},
+DidLineWrap = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:didLineWrap,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:a,number:b,number:g,number:r,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetFontHeight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:fontHeightUIUnits,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetHorizontalAlignment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:align,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetModifyTextType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetNumLines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numLines,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetStringWidth = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _text_)",
+returns = "(number:pixelWidth,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetStyleColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:a,number:b,number:g,number:r,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetText = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:apRet,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetTextDimensions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:stringHeight,number:stringWidth,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetTextHeight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:stringHeight,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetTextWidth = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:stringWidth,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetVerticalAlignment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:align,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+SetColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetDesaturation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _desaturation_)",},
+SetFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _fontString_)",},
+SetHorizontalAlignment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _align_)",},
+SetLineSpacing = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _lineSpacing_)",},
+SetMaxLineCount = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _maxLineCount_)",},
+SetModifyTextType = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ModifyTextType|#ModifyTextType]* _modifyTextType_)",},
+SetNewLineX = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _newLineX_)",},
+SetPixelRoundingEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _pixelRoundingEnabled_)",},
+SetStyleColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetText = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _aText_)",},
+SetVerticalAlignment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _verticalAlign_)",},
+SetWrapMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _wrapMode_)",},
+WasTruncated = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:wasTruncated,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetBlendMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:a,number:b,number:g,number:r,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetDesaturation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:desaturation,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetTextureCoords = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:bottom,number:top,number:right,number:left,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetTextureFileDimensions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:pixelHeight,integer:pixelWidth,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetTextureFileName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:filename,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+IsPixelRoundingEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:pixelRoundingEnabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsTextureLoaded = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:loaded,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetBlendMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TextureBlendMode|#TextureBlendMode]* _blendMode_)",},
+SetColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetDesaturation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _desaturation_)",},
+SetGradientColors = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ControlOrientation|#ControlOrientation]* _orientation_, *number* _startR_, *number* _startG_, *number* _startB_, *number* _startA_, *number* _endR_, *number* _endG_, *number* _endB_, *number* _endA_)",},
+SetPixelRoundingEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _pixelRoundingEnabled_)",},
+SetTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _filename_)",},
+SetTextureCoords = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _left_, *number* _right_, *number* _top_, *number* _bottom_)",},
+SetThickness = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _thickness_)",},
+SetVertexColors = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _vertexPoints_, *number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_, *number* _alpha_)",},
+GetZoom = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:normalizedRadius,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+SetPinFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _pinFont_)",},
+SetZoom = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _normalizedRadius_)",},
+GetScrollExtents = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:vertical,number:horizontal,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetScrollOffsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:vertical,number:horizontal,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+RestoreToExtents = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _duration_)",},
+SetFadeGradient = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _gradientIndex_, *number* _normalX_, *number* _normalY_, *number* _gradientLength_)",},
+SetHorizontalScroll = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _offset_)",},
+SetScrollBounding = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bounding_)",},
+SetVerticalScroll = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _offset_)",},
+DoesAllowDraggingFromThumb = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:allow,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isEnabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetMinMax = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:max,number:min,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetOrientation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:orientation,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetThumbTextureControl = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:textureControl,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetValue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:value,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetValueStep = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:step,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+IsThumbFlushWithExtents = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:flush,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetAllowDraggingFromThumb = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _allow_)",},
+SetBackgroundBottomTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _fileName_, *number* _texTop_, *number* _texLeft_, *number* _texBottom_, *number* _texRight_)",},
+SetBackgroundMiddleTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _fileName_, *number* _texTop_, *number* _texLeft_, *number* _texBottom_, *number* _texRight_)",},
+SetBackgroundTopTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _fileName_, *number* _texTop_, *number* _texLeft_, *number* _texBottom_, *number* _texRight_)",},
+SetColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enable_)",},
+SetMinMax = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _min_, *number* _max_)",},
+SetOrientation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _orientation_)",},
+SetThumbFlushWithExtents = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _flush_)",},
+SetThumbTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _filename_, *string* _disabledFilename_, *string* _highlightedFilename_, *number* _thumbWidth_, *number* _thumbHeight_, *number* _texTop_, *number* _texLeft_, *number* _texBottom_, *number* _texRight_)",},
+SetThumbTextureHeight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _height_)",},
+SetValue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _value_)",},
+SetValueStep = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _step_)",},
+ClearFadeOutLossAdjustedTopValue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+EnableFadeOut = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+EnableLeadingEdge = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+EnableScrollingOverlay = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+GetMinMax = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:max,number:min,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetValue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:value,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+SetBarAlignment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _barAlignment_)",},
+SetColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetFadeOutGainColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetFadeOutLossAdjustedTopValue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _topValue_)",},
+SetFadeOutLossColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetFadeOutLossSetValueToAdjust = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _adjustValue_)",},
+SetFadeOutTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _filename_)",},
+SetFadeOutTime = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _fadeOutSeconds_, *number* _fadeOutDelaySeconds_)",},
+SetGradientColors = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _startR_, *number* _startG_, *number* _startB_, *number* _startA_, *number* _endR_, *number* _endG_, *number* _endB_, *number* _endA_)",},
+SetLeadingEdge = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _textureFile_, *number* _width_, *number* _height_)",},
+SetLeadingEdgeTextureCoords = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _left_, *number* _right_, *number* _top_, *number* _bottom_)",},
+SetMinMax = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _aMin_, *number* _aMax_)",},
+SetOrientation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _orientation_)",},
+SetTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _filename_)",},
+SetTextureCoords = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _left_, *number* _right_, *number* _top_, *number* _bottom_)",},
+SetValue = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _aValue_)",},
+SetupScrollingOverlay = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _textureFile_, *number* _width_, *number* _height_, *integer* _duration_)",},
+AddMessage = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _aText_, *number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *integer* _colorId_)",},
+Clear = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetDrawLastEntryIfOutOfRoom = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:drawLastIfOutOfRoom,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetLineFade = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:timeItTakesLineToFade,number:timeBeforeLineBeginsToFade,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetLinkEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:linkEnabed,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetMaxHistoryLines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numLines,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumHistoryLines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numLines,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetNumVisibleLines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:numLines,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetScrollPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:scrollPosition,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+IsSplittingLongMessages = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isSplitting,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+MoveScrollPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _numLines_)",},
+SetClearBufferAfterFadeout = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _clearAfterFade_)",},
+SetColorById = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _colorId_, *number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_)",},
+SetDrawLastEntryIfOutOfRoom = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _drawLastIfOutOfRoom_)",},
+SetFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _fontString_)",},
+SetHorizontalAlignment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _align_)",},
+SetLineFade = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _timeBeforeLineFadeBegins_, *number* _timeForLineToFade_)",},
+SetLinesInheritAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _linesInheritAlpha_)",},
+SetLinkEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _linkEnabed_)",},
+SetMaxHistoryLines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _numLines_)",},
+SetScrollPosition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _line_)",},
+SetSplitLongMessages = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _splitLongMessages_)",},
+ShowFadedLines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+AddSurface = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _left_, *number* _right_, *number* _top_, *number* _bottom_)",},
+ClearAllSurfaces = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetBlendMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _surfaceIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:a,number:b,number:g,number:r,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetDesaturation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:desaturation,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetInsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _surfaceIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:bottom,number:top,number:right,number:left,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetNumSurfaces = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:surfaces,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
+GetSurfaceAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _surfaceIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:a,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetTextureCoords = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _surfaceIndex_)",
+returns = "(number:bottom,number:top,number:right,number:left,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetTextureFileDimensions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:pixelHeight,integer:pixelWidth,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetTextureFileName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:filename,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+IsPixelRoundingEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:pixelRoundingEnabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsSurfaceHidden = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _surfaceIndex_)",
+returns = "(bool:hidden,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsTextureLoaded = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:loaded,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+RemoveSurface = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _surfaceIndex_)",},
+SetBlendMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TextureBlendMode|#TextureBlendMode]* _blendMode_)",},
+SetColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _surfaceIndex_, *number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetDesaturation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _desaturation_)",},
+SetInsets = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _surfaceIndex_, *number* _left_, *number* _right_, *number* _top_, *number* _bottom_)",},
+SetPixelRoundingEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _pixelRoundingEnabled_)",},
+SetSurfaceAlpha = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _surfaceIndex_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetSurfaceHidden = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _surfaceIndex_, *bool* _hidden_)",},
+SetTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _filename_)",},
+SetTextureCoords = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _surfaceIndex_, *number* _left_, *number* _right_, *number* _top_, *number* _bottom_)",},
+SetTextureReleaseOption = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ReleaseReferenceOptions|#ReleaseReferenceOptions]* _releaseOption_)",},
+Get3DLocalDimensions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:height,number:width,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+GetAddressMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetBlendMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:a,number:b,number:g,number:r,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetDesaturation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:desaturation,)",
+valuetype = "number,",},
+GetResizeToFitFile = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:resizesToFitFile,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+GetTextureCoords = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(number:bottom,number:top,number:right,number:left,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,number,number,",},
+GetTextureFileDimensions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(integer:pixelHeight,integer:pixelWidth,)",
+valuetype = "integer,integer,",},
+GetTextureFileName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(string:filename,)",
+valuetype = "string,",},
+GetVertexUV = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[VERTEX_POINTS|#VERTEX_POINTS]* _vertex_)",
+returns = "(number:v,number:u,)",
+valuetype = "number,number,",},
+Is3DQuadFacingCamera = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isFacing,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsPixelRoundingEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:pixelRoundingEnabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsTextureLoaded = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:loaded,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+Set3DLocalDimensions = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _width_, *number* _height_)",},
+SetAddressMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TextureAddressMode|#TextureAddressMode]* _addressMode_)",},
+SetAutoAdjustWrappedCoords = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _enabled_)",},
+SetBlendMode = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[TextureBlendMode|#TextureBlendMode]* _blendMode_)",},
+SetColor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *number* _a_)",},
+SetDesaturation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _desaturation_)",},
+SetGradientColors = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ControlOrientation|#ControlOrientation]* _orientation_, *number* _startR_, *number* _startG_, *number* _startB_, *number* _startA_, *number* _endR_, *number* _endG_, *number* _endB_, *number* _endA_)",},
+SetPixelRoundingEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _pixelRoundingEnabled_)",},
+SetResizeToFitFile = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _resizesToFitFile_)",},
+SetTexture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _filename_)",},
+SetTextureCoords = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _left_, *number* _right_, *number* _top_, *number* _bottom_)",},
+SetTextureCoordsRotation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _angleInRadians_)",},
+SetTextureReleaseOption = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[ReleaseReferenceOptions|#ReleaseReferenceOptions]* _releaseOption_)",},
+SetTextureRotation = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _angleInRadians_, *number* _normalizedRotationPointX_, *number* _normalizedRotationPointY_)",},
+SetVertexColors = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _vertexPoints_, *number* _red_, *number* _green_, *number* _blue_, *number* _alpha_)",},
+SetVertexUV = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*[VERTEX_POINTS|#VERTEX_POINTS]* _vertex_, *number* _u_, *number* _v_)",},
+AddControl = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _control_, *integer* _cell_, *bool* _useLastRow_)",},
+AddHeaderControl = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _control_, *integer* _headerRow_, *[TooltipHeaderSide|#TooltipHeaderSide]* _headerSide_)",},
+AddHeaderLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _text_, *string* _font_, *integer* _headerRow_, *[TooltipHeaderSide|#TooltipHeaderSide]* _headerSide_, *number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_)",},
+AddLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _text_, *string* _font_, *number* _r_, *number* _g_, *number* _b_, *[AnchorPosition|#AnchorPosition]* _lineAnchor_, *[ModifyTextType|#ModifyTextType]* _modifyTextType_, *[TextAlignment|#TextAlignment]* _textAlignment_, *bool* _setToFullSize_)",},
+AddVerticalPadding = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _paddingY_)",},
+AppendAvAObjective = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _queryType_, *integer* _keepId_, *integer* _objectiveId_, *[ObjectivePinTier|#ObjectivePinTier]* _objectivePinTier_)",},
+AppendMapPing = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _pingType_, *string* _unitTag_)",},
+AppendQuestCondition = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _questIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_)",},
+AppendQuestEnding = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _questIndex_)",},
+AppendUnitName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _unitTag_)",},
+ClearLines = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+GetOwner = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:owner,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+HideComparativeTooltips = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetAbility = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _aAbilityIndex_, *bool* _aShowBase_)",},
+SetAbilityId = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _abilityId_)",},
+SetAchievement = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _aAchievementId_)",},
+SetAchievementRewardItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _aAchievementId_)",},
+SetAction = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _aSlotId_)",},
+SetAsComparativeTooltip1 = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetAsComparativeTooltip2 = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetAttachedMailItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _aMailId_, *luaindex* _aAttachSlot_)",},
+SetBagItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _bagIndex_, *integer* _slotIndex_)",},
+SetBook = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _collectionIndex_, *luaindex* _bookIndex_)",},
+SetBuff = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _aBuffSlotId_, *string* _unitTag_)",},
+SetBuybackItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",},
+SetChampionSkillAbility = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _disiplineIndex_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_, *integer* _numPendingPoints_)",},
+SetCollectible = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _collectibleId_, *bool* _addNickname_, *bool* _showHint_, *bool* _showBlockReason_)",},
+SetEmperorBonusAbility = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _campaignId_, *[Alliance|#Alliance]* _alliance_)",},
+SetFont = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _fontStr_)",},
+SetGuildSpecificItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _guildSpecificItemIndex_)",},
+SetHeaderRowSpacing = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _spacing_)",},
+SetHeaderVerticalOffset = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _verticalOffset_)",},
+SetItemUsingEnchantment = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemBagIndex_, *integer* _itemSlotIndex_, *integer* _enchantmentBagIndex_, *integer* _enchantmentSlotIndex_)",},
+SetKeepBonusAbility = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _bonusIndex_)",},
+SetKeepUpgrade = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _keepId_, *[BattlegroundQueryContextType|#BattlegroundQueryContextType]* _battlegroundContext_, *integer* _upgradeLine_, *integer* _level_, *luaindex* _index_)",},
+SetLastCraftingResultItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _resultIndex_)",},
+SetLink = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _aLink_)",},
+SetLootItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _lootId_)",},
+SetMarketProduct = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _marketProductId_)",},
+SetMinHeaderRowHeight = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*number* _minRowHeight_)",},
+SetMinHeaderRows = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _minRows_)",},
+SetOwner = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _owner_, *integer* _position_, *number* _offsetX_, *number* _offsetY_, *integer* _relativePoint_)",},
+SetPendingAlchemyItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _solventBagId_, *integer* _solventSlotIndex_, *integer* _reagent1BagId_, *integer* _reagent1SlotIndex_, *integer* _reagent2BagId_, *integer* _reagent2SlotIndex_, *integer:nilable* _reagent3BagId_, *integer:nilable* _reagent3SlotIndex_)",},
+SetPendingEnchantingItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _potencyRuneBagId_, *integer* _potencyRuneSlotIndex_, *integer* _essenceRuneBagId_, *integer* _essenceRuneSlotIndex_, *integer* _aspectRuneBagId_, *integer* _aspectRuneSlotIndex_)",},
+SetPendingSmithingItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex* _materialIndex_, *integer* _materialQuantity_, *luaindex* _styleIndex_, *luaindex* _traitIndex_)",},
+SetPlacedFurniture = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*id64* _placedFurnitureId_)",},
+SetProgressionAbility = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _aProgressionIndex_, *integer* _aMorph_, *integer* _aRank_)",},
+SetProvisionerIngredientItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_, *luaindex* _recipeIndex_, *luaindex* _ingredientIndex_)",},
+SetProvisionerResultItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _recipeListIndex_, *luaindex* _recipeIndex_)",},
+SetQuestItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _questIndex_, *luaindex* _stepIndex_, *luaindex* _conditionIndex_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _aPerkIndex_)",},
+SetQuestTool = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _questIndex_, *luaindex* _toolIndex_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*[Alliance|#Alliance]* _alliance_, *[ObjectiveType|#ObjectiveType]* _artifactType_, *luaindex* _bonusIndex_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_, *luaindex* _abilityIndex_)",},
+SetSkillLine = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_, *luaindex* _abilityIndex_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _craftingSkillType_, *luaindex* _improvementItemIndex_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _itemToImproveBagId_, *integer* _itemToImproveSlotIndex_, *integer* _craftingSkillType_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _patternIndex_, *luaindex* _materialIndex_)",},
+SetSmithingStyleItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _styleItemIndex_)",},
+SetSmithingTraitItem = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _traitItemIndex_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _entryIndex_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _aWho_, *luaindex* _aTradeIndex_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _tradingHouseIndex_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*luaindex* _tradingHouseIndex_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _equipSlot_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+AllowBringToTop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:allow,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+BringWindowToTop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",},
+SetAllowBringToTop = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _allow_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _drawWhenHidden_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*bool* _isTopmost_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _control_, *string* _virtualName_)",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*object* _controlA_, *object* _controlB_)",
+returns = "(integer:order,)",
+valuetype = "integer,",},
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+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _arg1_, *object* _parent_, *integer* _type_)",
+returns = "(object:apRet,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+CreateControlFromVirtual = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _controlName_, *object* _parent_, *string* _virtualName_, *string* _optionalSuffix_)",
+returns = "(object:apRet,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+CreateTopLevelWindow = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _arg1_)",
+returns = "(object:apRet,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetControlByName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _name_, *string* _suffix_)",
+returns = "(object:ret,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetFocusControl = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:focusControl,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+GetMouseOverControl = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(object:mouseOverControl,)",
+valuetype = "object,",},
+IsHandlingHardwareEvent = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isHandlingHardwareEvent,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsMouseOverWorld = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:isMouseOverWorld,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+IsSecureRenderModeEnabled = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "()",
+returns = "(bool:secureRenderModeEnabled,)",
+valuetype = "bool,",},
+SetFocusByName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _name_)",},
+SetMouseCursor = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*integer* _cursorType_)",},
+SetMouseFocusByName = {type = "function",
+description = "",
+args = "(*string* _name_)",},
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+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
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+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
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+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*integer* _reason_, *string* _inviteeCharacterName_, *string* _inviteeDisplayName_)"},
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+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*string* _inviteeCharacterName_, *string* _inviteeDisplayName_)"},
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+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
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+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*string* _unitTag_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*string* _unitTag_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*string* _unitTag_, *bool* _isDifficult_)"},
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+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
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+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*integer* _requiredCollectible_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*string* _unitTag_, *string* _newZoneName_)"},
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+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*integer* _purchaseResult_, *integer* _tutorialTrigger_)"},
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+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*luaindex* _tutorialIndex_)"},
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+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*luaindex* _layerIndex_, *luaindex* _activeLayerIndex_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*string* _addonName_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*bool* _capsLockEnabled_)"},
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+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*integer* _button_, *bool* _ctrl_, *bool* _alt_, *bool* _shift_, *bool* _command_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*integer* _button_, *bool* _ctrl_, *bool* _alt_, *bool* _shift_, *bool* _command_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*string* _guiName_, *bool* _hidden_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*luaindex* _layerIndex_, *luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _actionIndex_, *luaindex* _bindingIndex_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*luaindex* _layerIndex_, *luaindex* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _actionIndex_, *luaindex* _bindingIndex_, *integer* _keyCode_, *integer* _mod1_, *integer* _mod2_, *integer* _mod3_, *integer* _mod4_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*string* _error_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event",},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*integer* _width_, *integer* _height_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*string* _protectedFunctionName_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*bool* _enabled_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*bool* _enabled_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*string* _guiName_, *string* _desiredStateName_)"},
+	 type = "value", valuetype = "event", description = "(*string* _guiName_, *integer* _assetsLoaded_, *integer* _assetsTotal_)"},
+local spec = {
+  exts = {"xml"},
+  lexer = wxstc.wxSTC_LEX_XML,
+  apitype = "ESOxml",
+  stylingbits = 7,
+  lexerstyleconvert = {
+    text = {wxstc.wxSTC_H_DEFAULT, },
+    comment = { wxstc.wxSTC_H_COMMENT, },
+    stringeol = {wxstc.wxSTC_HJ_STRINGEOL,
+				 wxstc.wxSTC_H_TAGUNKNOWN,
+				 },
+    number = {wxstc.wxSTC_H_NUMBER,},
+    stringtxt = {
+      wxstc.wxSTC_H_DOUBLESTRING,
+      wxstc.wxSTC_H_SINGLESTRING,
+    },
+    lexerdef= {
+      wxstc.wxSTC_H_OTHER,
+      wxstc.wxSTC_H_ENTITY,
+      wxstc.wxSTC_H_VALUE,
+    },
+    keywords0 = { wxstc.wxSTC_H_TAG,},
+	keywords1 = { wxstc.wxSTC_H_SCRIPT,},
+    keywords2 = { wxstc.wxSTC_H_ATTRIBUTE,},
+    keywords3 = { wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD,	},
+    keywords4 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD1,},
+    keywords5 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD2,},
+    preprocessor= {
+		},
+  },
+  keywords = {
+  },
+return {
+  name = "ESOAddonDev",
+  description = "Elder Scrolls Autocomplete Plugin",
+  author = "@Farangkao with update script for api and keywords by @Solvaring",
+  -- api = { }, -- "ESOAddonDev","baselib"
+  version = 1.0,
+  onEditorLoad = function(self, editor)
+		editor:SetProperty("html.tags.case.sensitive", "1")
+		editor:SetProperty("html.attributes.case.sensitive", "1")
+	end,
+  onEditorNew = function(self, editor)
+		editor:SetProperty("html.tags.case.sensitive", "1")
+		editor:SetProperty("html.attributes.case.sensitive", "1")
+	end,
+  onRegister = function(self)
+	ide:AddAPI("lua","ESOAPI", api)
+    local keywords = self:GetConfig().keywords or
+[[ addressMode allowBringToTop alpha anchorIndex autoAdjustTextureCoords barAlignment blendMode cellsHigh cellsWide centerColor clampedToScreen clickSound color delay deltaX deltaXFromEnd deltaY deltaYFromEnd deltaZ deltaZFromEnd disabled disabledColor disabledPressed disabledPressedColor dragFromThumb drawLastEntryIfOutOfRoom duration edgeColor editEnabled enableFadeOut endAlpha endCapWidth endColor endHeight endPitch endRoll endRotation endScale endWidth endX endY endYaw endZ excludeFromResizeToFitExtents fadeOutGainColor fadeOutLossColor fadeOutTextureFile fillColor font framerate headerRowSpacing headerVerticalOffset hidden horizontalAlignment id inheritAlpha inheritScale inherits integralWrapping keyboardEnabled layer leadingEdgeTexture level lineSpacing linkEnabled loopCount maxHistoryLines maxInputCharacters maxLineCount mirrorAlongX mirrorAlongY modifyTextType mouseEnabled mouseOver mouseOverBlendMode mouseOverColor movable multiLine newLineEnabled newLineIndent normal normalColor orientation pinFont pixelRoundingEnabled playbackType pressed pressedColor pressedMouseOver radialCooldownClockwise radialCooldownOriginAngle resizeHandleSize resizeToFitDescendents resizeToFitFile scale selectionColor shape splitLongMessages startAlpha startColor startHeight startPitch startRoll startRotation startScale startWidth startX startY startYaw startZ step styleColor text textType textureCoordsRotation textureFile textureFileReleaseOption thickness tier topmost verticalAlignment wrapMode Anchor AnchorFill AnchorToBaseline AnimationBase AnimationTimeline Animations Backdrop BackgroundBottom BackgroundMiddle BackgroundTop Browser Button ButtonState Callback Callbacks Center ClampedToScreenInsets ClearAnchors ColorAnimation ColorSelect Compass CompassPinType Control Controls Cooldown CustomAnimation DebugText DimensionConstraints Dimensions EasingFunction Edge EditBox FadeGradient Font FontColors GuiXml HitInsets Insets Label LeadingEdge LeadingEdgeTextureCoords Limits Line LineFade LocalDimensions3D MapDisplay MapGutter MapPinType MouseButton NormalOffset OnAddGameData OnBackspace OnChar OnCleared OnClicked OnColorSelected OnDownArrow OnDragStart OnDurationChanged OnEffectivelyHidden OnEffectivelyShown OnEnabledStateChanged OnEnter OnEscape OnFocusGained OnFocusLost OnHide OnIMEBeginComposition OnIMEEndComposition OnInitialized OnInsertAnimationTimelineCallback OnKeyDown OnKeyUp OnLinkClicked OnLinkMouseUp OnLoadFinished OnLoadStart OnMinMaxValueChanged OnMouseDoubleClick OnMouseDown OnMouseEnter OnMouseExit OnMouseUp OnMouseWheel OnMoveStart OnMoveStop OnPageDown OnPageUp OnPlay OnPlay OnReceiveDrag OnRequestClose OnResizeStart OnResizeStop OnResizedToFit OnScrollExtentsChanged OnScrollOffsetChanged OnSetAnimationEaseFunction OnSetAnimationEventHandler OnSetAnimationTimelineEventHandler OnSetControlEventHandler OnSetUpdateFunction OnShow OnSliderReleased OnSpace OnStop OnStop OnTab OnTextChanged OnTextureLoaded OnUpArrow OnUpdate OnUserAreaCreated OnValueChanged OnVisibleRadiusChanged PressedOffset RadialCooldownGradient ResizeToFitPadding Rotate3DAnimation ScaleAnimation Scroll ScrollingOverlay SizeAnimation Slider StatusBar String Surface TextBuffer Texture TextureAnimation TextureComposite TextureCoords TextureRotateAnimation Textures ThumbTexture Tooltip TopLevelControl Translate3DAnimation TranslateAnimation UpdateFunction sentinel ]]
+	spec.keywords[1] = keywords
+    ide:AddSpec("ESOxml", spec)
+  end,
+  onUnRegister = function(self)
+	ide:RemoveAPI("lua","ESOAPI")
+	ide:RemoveSpec("ESOxml")
+    end,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xmlapicreator2.lua b/xmlapicreator2.lua
index 8138e7a..a6f25b7 100644
--- a/xmlapicreator2.lua
+++ b/xmlapicreator2.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 local esouixml = io.open('esouixml.txt', 'r')
 local xmlstring = esouixml:read("*a")
-local working2 = io.open("ESOXMLKeywordList.lua", "w+")
+local working2 = io.open("ESOXMLKeywordList.txt", "w+")
