diff --git a/.idea/workspace.xml b/.idea/workspace.xml
index e534dd2..48de938 100644
--- a/.idea/workspace.xml
+++ b/.idea/workspace.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<ignored path="stuff.iws" />
<ignored path=".idea/workspace.xml" />
<file path="/stuff.lua" changelist="1141a5ab-9990-4f4e-94b9-bcb14baef305" time="1397015183283" ignored="false" />
- <file path="/Stuff.lua" changelist="1141a5ab-9990-4f4e-94b9-bcb14baef305" time="1397038320324" ignored="false" />
+ <file path="/Stuff.lua" changelist="1141a5ab-9990-4f4e-94b9-bcb14baef305" time="1397046838515" ignored="false" />
<file path="/Stuff.txt" changelist="1141a5ab-9990-4f4e-94b9-bcb14baef305" time="1397019711692" ignored="false" />
<file path="/inspect.lua" changelist="1141a5ab-9990-4f4e-94b9-bcb14baef305" time="1397019902866" ignored="false" />
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@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
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@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
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@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
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@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@
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<folding />
diff --git a/Stuff.lua b/Stuff.lua
index 8332236..c7f5e5e 100644
--- a/Stuff.lua
+++ b/Stuff.lua
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ function stackItem(fromBag, fromSlot, toBag, toSlot, quantity, name)
return result
function insertItem(itemTable, bag, slot, stack)
local item = {}
item.bag = bag
@@ -27,6 +26,92 @@ function insertItem(itemTable, bag, slot, stack)
table.insert(itemTable, item)
+function moveItem(fromItem, toItem, maxStack, itemName)
+ -- d(key .. inspect(item))
+ -- the most we can move
+ local quantity = math.min(maxStack - toItem.stack, fromItem.stack)
+ -- if we can move any
+ if (quantity > 0) then
+ d(" moving " .. quantity .. " " .. itemName .. "from bag: " .. fromItem.bag .. " slot: " .. fromItem.slot .. " to bag: " .. toItem.bag .. " slot: " .. toItem.slot .. " with: " .. toItem.stack)
+ -- move them
+ result = stackItem(fromItem.bag, fromItem.slot, toItem.bag, toItem.slot, quantity, itemName)
+ if (result) then
+ fromItem.stack = fromItem.stack - quantity
+ toItem.stack = toItem.stack + quantity
+ d("moved " .. quantity .. " " .. itemName .. "from bag: " .. fromItem.bag .. " slot: " .. fromItem.slot .. " to bag: " .. toItem.bag .. " slot: " .. toItem.slot .. " with: " .. toItem.stack)
+ end
+ end
+function sortStack (first, second)
+ return first.stack > second.stack
+function reverseStack (first, second)
+ return first.stack < second.stack
+function moveItems(bags, fromBag, toBag)
+ d("call")
+ for itemName, bagItem in pairs(bags) do
+ local fromItems = bagItem[fromBag]
+ local toItems = bagItem[toBag]
+ loopItems(fromItems, toItems, bagItem.maxStack, itemName)
+ end
+function keepMovingItems(fromItems, toItems, bagItem, itemName)
+ local maxIterations = 15
+ local iterations = 1
+ while iterations < maxIterations and checkItems(fromItems, toItems, bagItem.maxStack, itemName) do
+ loopItems(fromItems, toItems, bagItem.maxStack, itemName)
+ table.sort(toItems, sortStack)
+ table.sort(fromItems, reverseStack)
+ iterations = iterations + 1
+ end
+function checkItems(fromItems, toItems, maxStack)
+ local itemsLeft = false
+ for toIndex, toItem in ipairs(toItems) do
+ if(maxStack - toItem.stack > 0) then
+ for fromIndex, fromItem in ipairs(fromItems) do
+ local sameBag = fromItem.bag == toItem.bag
+ local sameSlot = fromItem.slot == toItem.slot
+ itemsLeft = not (sameBag and sameSlot) and fromItem.stack > 0
+ if(itemsLeft) then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return itemsLeft
+function loopItems(fromItems, toItems, maxStack, itemName)
+ table.sort(toItems, sortStack)
+ table.sort(fromItems, reverseStack)
+ for fromIndex, fromItem in ipairs(fromItems) do
+ if (fromItem.stack > 0 and fromItem.stack < maxStack) then
+ for toIndex, toItem in ipairs(toItems) do
+ if(toItem.stack > 0 and toItem.stack < maxStack) then
+ local sameBag = fromItem.bag == toItem.bag
+ local sameSlot = fromItem.slot == toItem.slot
+ if (not (sameBag and sameSlot)) then
+ moveItem(fromItem, toItem, maxStack, itemName)
+ table.sort(toItems, sortStack)
+ table.sort(fromItems, reverseStack)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
function HandleOpenBank(eventCode, addOnName, isManual)
local maxBags = GetMaxBags()
local bags = {}
@@ -42,46 +127,39 @@ function HandleOpenBank(eventCode, addOnName, isManual)
itemName = GetItemName(bag, slot)
if (stack > 0 and itemName ~= nil) then
- -- right now this only works with the bank (will add support for ui based
- -- guild bank deposit / join
- local isBank = BAG_BANK == bag
+ -- right now this only works with the bank
+ -- will add support for ui based guild bank deposit / join
bagItem = bags[itemName] or {}
- bagItem.bank = bagItem.bank or {}
- bagItem.item = bagItem.item or {}
+ bagItem[BAG_BANK] = bagItem[BAG_BANK] or {}
+ bagItem[BAG_BACKPACK] = bagItem[BAG_BACKPACK] or {}
bagItem.maxStack = maxStack
bagItem.name = itemName
- local itemTable = isBank and bagItem.bank or bagItem.item
+ local itemTable = bagItem[bag]
-- insert the slot item in the appropriate table
insertItem(itemTable, bag, slot, stack)
bags[itemName] = bagItem
- if (not isManual and isBank) then
- for key, item in pairs(bagItem.item) do
- -- the most we can move
- local quantity = math.min(maxStack - stack, item.stack)
- -- if we can move any
- if (quantity > 0) then
- d("moving " .. quantity .. " " .. itemName .. " to bagId: " .. bag)
- -- move them
- result = stackItem(item.bag, item.slot, bag, slot, quantity, itemName)
- if(result) then
- item.stack = item.stack - quantity
- d("moved " .. quantity .. " " .. itemName .. " to bagId: " .. bag)
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ if (not isManual) then
+ -- consolidate source
+ -- consolidate destination
+ moveItems(bags, BAG_BANK, BAG_BANK)
+ -- move to bank
+ moveItems(bags, BAG_BACKPACK, BAG_BANK)
+ end
function HandleAddOnLoaded(eventCode, addOnName)
- if addOnName ~= STUFF_NAME then return end
+ if addOnName ~= STUFF_NAME then return
+ end
Stuff.Defaults = {}
Stuff.Saved = ZO_SavedVars:New(STUFF_NAME, 5, nil, Stuff.Defaults, nil)