Update 0.6.0

Arne Rantzen [08-27-14 - 11:16]
Update 0.6.0

Changed moon starting time
Changed some strings
Removed bug from am/pm
diff --git a/data/gui.lua b/data/gui.lua
index bb9cd3a..feef722 100644
--- a/data/gui.lua
+++ b/data/gui.lua
@@ -80,7 +80,10 @@ local function AddToggle()
                 type = "checkbox",
                 name = loc.sFormat,
                 getFunc = function() return cl.st.IsUSTime() end,
-                setFunc = function(value) return cl.st.SetUSTime(value) end,
+                setFunc = function(value)
+                    cl.st.SetShowUS(value)
+                    return cl.st.SetUSTime(value)
+                end,
                 disabled = function() return not cl.st.IsActive() end,
             [6] = {
diff --git a/data/settings.lua b/data/settings.lua
index a04fb2d..b8366e9 100644
--- a/data/settings.lua
+++ b/data/settings.lua
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ local defaults = {
         name = "noon",
     moon = {
-        start = 1400340861, -- Unix time of the start of the full moon phase in s
+        start = 1407553200, -- Unix time of the start of the full moon phase in s
         full = 10, -- length of a full moon phase in real time in s -> TRY IN NIGHTS FOR DAYLENGTH OFFSET
-        new = 10, -- length of a new moon phase in real time in s
-        way = 80, -- length of the way between full moon and new moon in s
+        new = 5, -- length of a new moon phase in real time in s
+        way = 85, -- length of the way between full moon and new moon in s
         name = "full",
     offset = {
diff --git a/local/de.lua b/local/de.lua
index e27cbe7..d91ee46 100644
--- a/local/de.lua
+++ b/local/de.lua
@@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ cl.ln = {
         descMSTxt = "Synchronisiere die Mondphase der Clock.\nMache dies genau am Anfang einer Phase.",
         descMoon = "Sync [Phasenlänge]",
         descMoonTxt = "Du must nur einmal, entweder für den Start des Voll- oder Neumonds, die Clock synchronisieren.\n"
-                .. "Die folgenden Schieber sind für das Einstellen wie viel Tage eine Mondphase dauert.",
-        nNightF = "Vollmondphase in Tagen",
+                .. "Eine ganze Mondphase dauert 30 ingame Tage. Die folgenden Schieber sind für das Einstellen wie viel Tage eine Mondphase dauert.",
+        nNightF = "Vollmondphase in Prozent",
         tNightF = "Wähle aus wie lange eine Vollmondphase dauert.",
-        nNightW = "Abnehmende-/Zunehmende-Mondphase in Tagen",
+        nNightW = "Abnehmende-/Zunehmende-Mondphase in Prozent",
         tNightW = "Wähle aus wie lange eine Abnehmende-/Zunehmende-Mondphase dauert.",
-        nNightN = "Neumondphase in Tagen",
+        nNightN = "Neumondphase in Prozent",
         tNightN = "Wähle aus wie lange eine Neumondphase dauert.",
         nAplyMoon = "Berechne",
         tAplyMoon = "Berechne die aktuelle Mondphase basierend auf der ausgewählten Phasenlänge und deiner synchronisierten (oder anfangs) Startzeit.",
diff --git a/local/en.lua b/local/en.lua
index 5bb9552..b97e9b4 100644
--- a/local/en.lua
+++ b/local/en.lua
@@ -160,13 +160,13 @@ cl.ln = {
         descMSTxt = "Synchronize the moon phase of the Clock.\nDo that the very start of one phase.",
         descMoon = "Sync [Phase length]",
         descMoonTxt = "You only need to sync the Clock for either the full- or new moon start and only once.\n"
-                .. "The follwing Sliders are here to select how many days one phase last.",
-        nNightF = "Full moon phase in days",
-        tNightF = "Select how many does the Full moon phase last.",
+                .. "A full moon phase is 30 ingame days. The follwing Sliders are here to select the percentage of one phase.",
+        nNightF = "Full moon phase percentage",
+        tNightF = "Select how long the Full moon phase last.",
         nNightW = "Waning/Waxing moon phase in days",
-        tNightW = "Select how many does the Waning/Waxing moon phase last.",
+        tNightW = "Select how long the Waning/Waxing moon phase last.",
         nNightN = "New moon phase in days",
-        tNightN = "Select how many does the New moon phase last.",
+        tNightN = "Select how long the New moon phase last.",
         nAplyMoon = "Calculate",
         tAplyMoon = "Calculates the current moon phase based on the selected lengths and your synced (or default) start time.",
         -- Reset
diff --git a/local/fr.lua b/local/fr.lua
index 506650c..69e9783 100644
--- a/local/fr.lua
+++ b/local/fr.lua
@@ -160,13 +160,13 @@ cl.ln = {
         descMSTxt = "Synchronize the moon phase of the Clock.\nDo that the very start of one phase.",
         descMoon = "Sync [Phase length]",
         descMoonTxt = "You only need to sync the Clock for either the full- or new moon start and only once.\n"
-                .. "The follwing Sliders are here to select how many days one phase last.",
-        nNightF = "Full moon phase in days",
-        tNightF = "Select how many does the Full moon phase last.",
+                .. "A full moon phase is 30 ingame days. The follwing Sliders are here to select the percentage of one phase.",
+        nNightF = "Full moon phase percentage",
+        tNightF = "Select how long the Full moon phase last.",
         nNightW = "Waning/Waxing moon phase in days",
-        tNightW = "Select how many does the Waning/Waxing moon phase last.",
+        tNightW = "Select how long the Waning/Waxing moon phase last.",
         nNightN = "New moon phase in days",
-        tNightN = "Select how many does the New moon phase last.",
+        tNightN = "Select how long the New moon phase last.",
         nAplyMoon = "Calculate",
         tAplyMoon = "Calculates the current moon phase based on the selected lengths and your synced (or default) start time.",
         -- Reset