diff --git a/Provisioning.lua b/Provisioning.lua
index 312f5c6..d600c2e 100644
--- a/Provisioning.lua
+++ b/Provisioning.lua
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function SousChef:HookRecipeTreeFunction()
local node, control, data, open, userRequested, enabled = ...
- local link = GetRecipeResultItemLink(data.recipeListIndex, SousChef.recipeLookup[data.recipeListIndex][data.recipeIndex], LINK_STYLE_BRACKETS)
+ local link = GetRecipeResultItemLink(data.recipeListIndex, data.recipeIndex, LINK_STYLE_BRACKETS)
if link then
SousChef:AddNotifier(control, SousChef.settings.shoppingList[zo_strformat(SI_TOOLTIP_ITEM_NAME, link)])
@@ -122,48 +122,130 @@ function SousChef:UnhookRecipeTree()
function SousChef:HookGetRecipeInfo()
- SousChef.GetRecipeInfo = GetRecipeInfo
- GetRecipeInfo =
- function(recipeListIndex, recipeIndex)
- local val = SousChef.recipeIndex[recipeListIndex][recipeIndex]
- return val.known, val.name, val.ingredients, val.levelReq, val.quality, val.specialIngType
+ SousChef.OldRefreshRecipeTree = ZO_Provisioner.RefreshRecipeTree
+ ZO_Provisioner.RefreshRecipeTree =
+ function()
+ return SousChef.RefreshRecipeTree(PROVISIONER)
- SousChef.GetSelectedRecipeIndex = PROVISIONER.GetSelectedRecipeIndex
- PROVISIONER.GetSelectedRecipeIndex =
- function()
- return SousChef.recipeLookup[PROVISIONER:GetSelectedRecipeListIndex()][SousChef.GetSelectedRecipeIndex(PROVISIONER)]
+ SousChef.OldZO_ProvisionerRow_GetTextColor = ZO_ProvisionerRow_GetTextColor
+ ZO_ProvisionerRow_GetTextColor =
+ function(self)
+ return SousChef.ZO_ProvisionerRow_GetTextColor(self)
local function SortRecipe(a, b)
- if a.levelReq == b.levelReq then
- if a.quality == b.quality then
+ if a.provisionerLevelReq == b.provisionerLevelReq then
+ if a.qualityReq == b.qualityReq then
if a.name == b.name then
- return a.index < b.index
+ return a.recipeIndex < b.recipeIndex
return a.name < b.name
- return a.quality < b.quality
+ return a.qualityReq < b.qualityReq
- return a.levelReq < b.levelReq
+ return a.provisionerLevelReq < b.provisionerLevelReq
-function SousChef:ResortRecipes()
- SousChef.recipeIndex = {}
- SousChef.recipeLookup = {}
+local function CalculateHowManyCouldBeCreated(recipeListIndex, recipeIndex, numIngredients)
+ local minCount
+ for ingredientIndex = 1, numIngredients do
+ local _, _, requiredQuantity = GetRecipeIngredientItemInfo(recipeListIndex, recipeIndex, ingredientIndex)
+ local ingredientCount = GetCurrentRecipeIngredientCount(recipeListIndex, recipeIndex, ingredientIndex)
+ minCount = zo_min(zo_floor(ingredientCount / requiredQuantity), minCount or math.huge)
+ if minCount == 0 then
+ return 0
+ end
+ end
+ return minCount or 0
+-- This is an almost direct clone of the existing function
+-- Except for two parts.
+-- 1) Storing the parent in the data (for each category of recipe)
+-- 2) Putting them all in a table first, then sorting, then adding them to the tree
+function SousChef:RefreshRecipeTree()
+ self.dirty = false
+ self.recipeTree:Reset()
+ local hasAnyRecipes = false
+ local RecipeLines = {}
for recipeListIndex = 1, GetNumRecipeLists() do
- local recipeListName, numRecipes = GetRecipeListInfo(recipeListIndex)
- SousChef.recipeIndex[recipeListIndex] = {}
- SousChef.recipeLookup[recipeListIndex] = {}
+ local recipeListName, numRecipes, upIcon, downIcon, overIcon, disabledIcon, createSound = GetRecipeListInfo(recipeListIndex)
+ local parent
for recipeIndex = 1, numRecipes do
- local known, recipeName, numIngredients, provisionerLevelReq, qualityReq, specialIngredientType = SousChef.GetRecipeInfo(recipeListIndex, recipeIndex)
- table.insert(SousChef.recipeIndex[recipeListIndex], {index = recipeIndex, known = known, name = recipeName, ingredients = numIngredients, levelReq = provisionerLevelReq, quality = qualityReq, specialIngType = specialIngredientType})
- end
- table.sort(SousChef.recipeIndex[recipeListIndex], SortRecipe)
- for i,v in ipairs(SousChef.recipeIndex[recipeListIndex]) do
- SousChef.recipeLookup[recipeListIndex][i] = v.index
+ local known, recipeName, numIngredients, provisionerLevelReq, qualityReq, specialIngredientType = GetRecipeInfo(recipeListIndex, recipeIndex)
+ if known then
+ local numCreatable = CalculateHowManyCouldBeCreated(recipeListIndex, recipeIndex, numIngredients)
+ if self:DoesRecipePassFilter(specialIngredientType, numCreatable, provisionerLevelReq, qualityReq) then
+ parent = parent or self.recipeTree:AddNode("ZO_IconHeader", { recipeListIndex = recipeListIndex, name = recipeListName, upIcon = upIcon, downIcon = downIcon, overIcon = overIcon, disabledIcon = disabledIcon }, nil, SOUNDS.PROVISIONING_BLADE_SELECTED)
+ local data = {
+ recipeListIndex = recipeListIndex,
+ recipeIndex = recipeIndex,
+ name = recipeName,
+ provisionerLevelReq = provisionerLevelReq,
+ qualityReq = qualityReq,
+ specialIngredientType = specialIngredientType,
+ numIngredients = numIngredients,
+ numCreatable = numCreatable,
+ createSound = createSound,
+ parent = parent
+ }
+ table.insert(RecipeLines, data)
+ hasAnyRecipes = true
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(RecipeLines, SortRecipe)
+ for i,data in ipairs(RecipeLines) do
+ self.recipeTree:AddNode("ZO_ProvisionerNavigationEntry", data, data.parent, SOUNDS.PROVISIONING_ENTRY_SELECTED)
+ end
+ self.recipeTree:Commit()
+ self.noRecipesLabel:SetHidden(hasAnyRecipes)
+ if not hasAnyRecipes then
+ self:RefreshRecipeDetails()
+ end
+local function Lighten(...)
+ r, g, b = ...
+ return r + 0.1, g + 0.1, b + 0.1
+local function Lightest(...)
+ r, g, b = ...
+ return r + 0.3, g + 0.3, b + 0.3
+function SousChef:ZO_ProvisionerRow_GetTextColor()
+ if not self.enabled then return GetInterfaceColor(INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_TEXT_COLORS, INTERFACE_TEXT_COLOR_DISABLED) end
+ if self.selected then
+ if self.data.qualityReq > 1 then return Lightest(GetInterfaceColor(INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS, self.data.qualityReq + 1)) end
+ end
+ if self.mouseover then
+ if self.data.qualityReq > 1 then return Lighten(GetInterfaceColor(INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS, self.data.qualityReq + 1)) end
+ end
+ if self.meetsLevelReq and self.meetsQualityReq then
+ if self.data.qualityReq > 1 then return GetInterfaceColor(INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS, self.data.qualityReq + 1) end
+ end
+ return ZO_ERROR_COLOR:UnpackRGBA()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SousChef.lua b/SousChef.lua
index e658704..f25efb4 100644
--- a/SousChef.lua
+++ b/SousChef.lua
@@ -49,15 +49,9 @@ local typeIconLookup = {
function SousChef:ParseRecipes()
local lists = GetNumRecipeLists()
- if SousChef.GetRecipeInfo then SousChef:ResortRecipes() end
for listIndex = 1, lists do
local name, count = GetRecipeListInfo(listIndex)
for recipeIndex = 1, count do
- -- If we've already hooked, then use the new index
- if SousChef.GetRecipeInfo then recipeIndex = SousChef.recipeLookup[listIndex][recipeIndex] end
if GetRecipeInfo(listIndex, recipeIndex) then
-- Store the recipes known
local recipeName = u.CleanString((GetRecipeResultItemInfo(listIndex, recipeIndex)))
@@ -248,8 +242,8 @@ local function SousChef_Loaded(eventCode, addOnName)
SLASH_COMMANDS['/scilist'] = SousChef.ListIgnoredRecipes
-- Now we want to hook into the function that sets the details on the inventory slot
zo_callLater(SousChef.HookEvents, 3000)