implement mechanism to sync read books from achievements

Daniel Pittman [08-26-18 - 03:11]
implement mechanism to sync read books from achievements

This isn't actually wired up live, yet, but it does work, correctly
generating the book data it should, and passing it through so it
saves the way it should.

Unfortunately, it is just a little too slow to run on load directly,
being around 10ms without checking for matches, and the frameskip is
definitely noticable.

So, next step, integrate libasync, and perform the checks in the background,
politely allowing frames to run as expected.  That should be fun...
diff --git a/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.lua b/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.lua
index 400410c..2a8b78c 100644
--- a/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.lua
+++ b/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 -- Copyright © 2018 Daniel Pittman <>
 -- See LICENSE for more details.
-if _G['SlippyCheezeReadItOnce'] == nil then
+if not SlippyCheezeReadItOnce then
   SlippyCheezeReadItOnce = {
     DISPLAY_NAME = "|c798BD2ReadItOnce|r",
@@ -119,19 +119,46 @@ function M:OnShowBookOverride(eventCode, title, body, medium, showTitle, bookId)

-local function OnAddonLoaded(_, name)
-  if name ~= ADDON_NAME then return end
+function M:SyncFromArchivementBookHistory()
+  local added = 0
+  for category = 1, GetNumLoreCategories() do
+    local _, numCollections, _ = GetLoreCategoryInfo(category)
+    for collection = 1, numCollections do
+      local _, _, _, numBooks, _, _, _ = GetLoreCollectionInfo(category, collection)
+      for book = 1, numBooks do
+        local title, _, known, id = GetLoreBookInfo(category, collection, book)
+        if known then
+          local body = ReadLoreBook(category, collection, book)
+          if not self:HaveSeenBookBefore(id, title, body) then
+            added = added + 1
+            -- msg("book <<1>>: id=<<2>>(<<3>>) title=<<4>>(<<5>>)) body=<<6>>", added, type(id), id, type(title), title, HashString(body))
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if added > 0 then
+    -- ZOS quirk: the number **must** be the third argument.  the plural must
+    -- be a substitution of text.
+    msg('added <<2>> <<m:1>> found in your achievements.', 'previously read book', added)
+  end
+function M:OnAddonLoaded(name)
+  if name ~= M.ADDON_NAME then return end

   -- if the second argument, the version, changes then the data is wiped and
   -- replaced with the defaults.
-  seen = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SlippyCheezeReadItOnceData", 1)
+  self.seen = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SlippyCheezeReadItOnceData", 1)

   -- replace the original event handler with ours; sadly, we don't have
   -- access to the original implementation to do anything nicer. :/
-  LORE_READER.control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_SHOW_BOOK, OnShowBookOverride)
+  LORE_READER.control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_SHOW_BOOK, function(...) self:OnShowBookOverride(...) end)

 -- bootstrapping
+EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(M.ADDON_NAME, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, function(_, name) M:OnAddonLoaded(name) end)