
git [04-21-19 - 15:53]
diff --git a/FurCControlBridge.lua b/FurCControlBridge.lua
index d8903fe..da59386 100644
--- a/FurCControlBridge.lua
+++ b/FurCControlBridge.lua
@@ -11,49 +11,49 @@ end

 function FurC.LoadFrameInfo(calledFrom)
   local settings = FurC.settings.gui
   FurCGui:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, GuiRoot, TOPLEFT, settings.lastX, settings.lastY)
   zo_callLater(function() FurC.UpdateInventoryScroll() end, 100)

 function FurC.SaveFrameInfo(calledFrom)
   local settings = FurC.settings["gui"]
   settings.lastX  = FurCGui:GetLeft()
   settings.lastY  = FurCGui:GetTop()
   settings.width  = FurCGui:GetWidth()
   settings.height  = FurCGui:GetHeight()

 function FurC.OnResizeStop()

 function FurC.ChangeTemplateFromButton(value)
   local control = FurCGui_Header_Bar1_TemplateLarge
   local otherControl = FurCGui_Header_Bar1_TemplateTiny
   if value then
     otherControl = FurCGui_Header_Bar1_TemplateLarge
     control = FurCGui_Header_Bar1_TemplateTiny

@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ end
 function FurC.GUIButtonRefreshOnMouseUp(control, mouseButton)
   if mouseButton == 1 then
     FurC.ScanRecipes(false, true)
-  elseif mouseButton == 2 then
+    elseif mouseButton == 2 then
     FurC.ScanRecipes(true, false)
-  elseif mouseButton == 3 then
+    elseif mouseButton == 3 then
     if LAM and LAM.util then
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ function FurC.GuiShowTooltip(control, tooltiptext, reAnchor)
   if reAnchor then
     InformationTooltip:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT, control, TOPLEFT, -10)
@@ -111,34 +111,36 @@ end

 function FurC.GuiOnSearchBoxFocusOut(control)
-  if control:GetText() and control:GetText() ~= "" then
-        FurC.GuiOnSliderUpdate(FurCGui_ListHolder_Slider, 0)
+  if #(control:GetText() or "") > 0 then
+    FurC.GuiOnSliderUpdate(FurCGui_ListHolder_Slider, 0)
-    end
-    local text = FurC_SearchBox:GetText()
-    FurC_SearchBoxText:SetText((#text == 0 and FURC_S_FILTERDEFAULT) or "")
+  end
+  local text = FurC_SearchBox:GetText()
+  FurC_SearchBoxText:SetText((#text == 0 and FURC_S_FILTERDEFAULT) or "")

 function FurC.GuiOnScroll(control, delta)
   if not delta then return end
   if delta == 0 then return end
   local slider = FurCGui_ListHolder_Slider
---  slider.locked = true
+  --  slider.locked = true
   -- negative delta means scrolling down
   local value = (FurCGui_ListHolder.dataOffset - delta)
   local total = #FurCGui_ListHolder.dataLines - FurCGui_ListHolder.maxLines
   if value < 0 then value = 0 end
   if value > total then value = total end
   FurCGui_ListHolder.dataOffset  = value

@@ -157,13 +159,13 @@ local currentLink, currentId

 function FurC.GuiLineOnMouseEnter(lineControl)
   currentLink, currentId = nil
   if not lineControl or not lineControl.itemLink or lineControl.itemLink == "" then return end
   currentLink = lineControl.itemLink
   currentId = lineControl.itemId
   if nil == currentLink then return end
   InitializeTooltip(ItemTooltip, lineControl, LEFT, 0, 0, 0)
@@ -172,19 +174,19 @@ function FurC.GuiLineOnMouseExit(lineControl)

 function FurC.Donate(control, mouseButton)
   local amount = 2000
   if mouseButton == 2 then
     amount = 10000
-  elseif mouseButton == 3 then
+    elseif mouseButton == 3 then
     amount = 25000
-  ZO_MailSendToField:SetText("@manavortex")
-  ZO_MailSendSubjectField:SetText("Thank you for Furniture Catalogue!")
-  QueueMoneyAttachment(amount)
+    ZO_MailSendToField:SetText("@manavortex")
+    ZO_MailSendSubjectField:SetText("Thank you for Furniture Catalogue!")
+    QueueMoneyAttachment(amount)
   ZO_MailSendBodyField:TakeFocus() end, 200)

@@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ end

 function FurC.GuiQualityMouseUp(control, button)
-if button == 2 then FurC.SetFilterQuality(0) end
+  if button == 2 then FurC.SetFilterQuality(0) end
 function FurC.GuiCraftingTypeMouseUp(control)
@@ -225,18 +227,18 @@ function FurC.GetSortParams()

 function FurC.GuiOnSort(key)
   -- set icon texture
   if sortBy and sortBy == key then
     sortDirection = ((sortDirection == "up" and "down") or "up")
-  else
+    else
     sortBy = key
     sortDirection = "up"

@@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ function FurC.UpdateDropdownChoice(dropdownName, value)
   value = value or FurC.GetDropdownChoiceTextual(dropdownName)
   local controlName   = "FurC_Dropdown"..dropdownName
   local control     = _G[controlName]
   if nil == control then return end
diff --git a/FurCData.lua b/FurCData.lua
index 454b6f1..f2b16cf 100644
--- a/FurCData.lua
+++ b/FurCData.lua
@@ -319,18 +319,27 @@ local function scanFromFiles(shouldScanCharacter)

   local function scanRecipeFile()
     local recipeKey, recipeArray
+    local function makeKeySet(versionData)
+       local keySet = {}
+       for k, v in pairs(versionData) do
+         table.insert(keySet, k)
+       end
+       return keySet
+    end
     local function scanArray(ary, versionNumber, origin)
       if nil == ary then return end
-      for key, recipeId in ipairs(ary) do
-        local recipeLink = FurC.GetItemLink(recipeId)
+      for _, recipeId in ipairs(ary) do
+        local recipeLink = FurC.GetItemLink(recipeId)
         local itemLink = GetItemLinkRecipeResultItemLink(recipeLink) or FurC.GetItemLink(recipeId)
         recipeArray = FurC.Find(itemLink) or parseBlueprint(recipeLink) or parseFurnitureItem(itemLink)
         local recipeListIndex, recipeIndex = GetItemLinkGrantedRecipeIndices(recipeLink)
         if nil == recipeArray then
           p("scanRecipeFile: error for <<1>> (ID was <<2>>)", recipeLink, recipeId)
-          recipeKey           = getItemId(itemLink)
+          recipeKey                = getItemId(itemLink)
           recipeArray.version      = versionNumber
           recipeArray.origin       = origin
           recipeArray.blueprint    = recipeId
@@ -341,12 +350,14 @@ local function scanFromFiles(shouldScanCharacter)

     for versionNumber, versionData in pairs(FurC.Recipes) do
       scanArray(versionData, versionNumber, FURC_CRAFTING)
+    end
+    for versionNumber, versionData in pairs(FurC.RolisRecipes) do
+      scanArray(makeKeySet(versionData), versionNumber, FURC_CRAFTING)
-    for versionNumber, versionData in pairs(FurC.RolisRecipes) do
-      scanArray(versionData, versionNumber, FURC_CRAFTING)
-    end
-    for versionNumber, versionData in pairs(FurC.FaustinaRecipes) do
-      scanArray(versionData, versionNumber, FURC_CRAFTING)
+    for versionNumber, versionData in pairs(FurC.FaustinaRecipes) do
+      scanArray(makeKeySet(versionData), versionNumber, FURC_CRAFTING)

@@ -546,3 +557,21 @@ function FurC.GetItemDescription(recipeKey, recipeArray, stripColor, attachItemL
   return itemSource or GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_EMPTY)

+function IsInFurC(link)
+  link = FurC.GetItemLink(link)
+  if IsItemLinkPlaceableFurniture(link) then
+    return nil ~= FurnitureCatalogue.settings.data[ GetItemLinkItemId(link)]
+  elseif IsItemLinkFurnitureRecipe(link) then
+    local resultId	= GetItemLinkItemId(GetItemLinkRecipeResultItemLink(link))
+    return nil ~= FurnitureCatalogue.settings.data[resultId]
+  end
+  return true
diff --git a/FurCGui.lua b/FurCGui.lua
index d2b376b..ef303f1 100644
--- a/FurCGui.lua
+++ b/FurCGui.lua
@@ -476,7 +476,6 @@ function FurC.InitGui()


   local slider = FurCGui_ListHolder_Slider
   slider:SetMinMax(1, #FurCGui_ListHolder.dataLines)

diff --git a/FurCSettingsAdapter.lua b/FurCSettingsAdapter.lua
index 92681b3..00165a1 100644
--- a/FurCSettingsAdapter.lua
+++ b/FurCSettingsAdapter.lua
@@ -244,28 +244,31 @@ local alreadyReset      = false
 local function resetSearch()
     alreadySearching = false
     alreadyReset     = false
+local lastText = ""
 local function doSearchOnUpdate()

     if alreadyReset then return end
     if alreadySearching then
-        alreadyReset = true
         zo_callLater(resetSearch, 200)
-        return
+        return
     local text = FurC_SearchBox:GetText()
-    FurC_SearchBoxText:SetText((#text == 0 and FURC_S_FILTERDEFAULT) or "")
-    FurC.SearchFilter = text
+    if #lastText ~= #text then
+      lastText = text
+      FurC.SearchFilter = text

-    FurC.GuiOnSliderUpdate(FurCGui_ListHolder_Slider, 0)
-    FurC.UpdateGui()
+      FurC.GuiOnSliderUpdate(FurCGui_ListHolder_Slider, 0)
+      FurC.UpdateGui()
+    end

 function FurC.GuiSetSearchboxTextFrom(control)
     control = control or FurC_SearchBox
   -- call asynchronely to prevent lagging. Praise votan.

 function FurC.GetHideBooks()
diff --git a/FurnitureCatalogue.txt b/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
index 5e51240..17f70bf 100644
--- a/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
+++ b/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 ## Title: FurnitureCatalogue
 ## Author: manavortex
-## AddonVersion: 3.21111111
-## Version: 3.21111111
-## APIVersion: 100026
+## AddonVersion: 3.3
+## APIVersion: 100026 100027
 ## SavedVariables: FurnitureCatalogue_Settings
 ## DependsOn: LibStub LibCustomMenu LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibAsync
 ## OptionalDependsOn: pChat
@@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ locale\en.lua



diff --git a/data/02_Morrowind/M_AchievementVendors.lua b/data/02_Morrowind/M_AchievementVendors.lua
index 2492385..458e1ec 100644
--- a/data/02_Morrowind/M_AchievementVendors.lua
+++ b/data/02_Morrowind/M_AchievementVendors.lua
@@ -197,294 +197,293 @@ FurC.AchievementVendors[FURC_MORROWIND] = {
       [126622] = { -- Banner of House Telvanni
         itemPrice     = 10000,
-      achievement   = 1867,  -- Morrowind Grand Adventurer
+        achievement   = 1867,  -- Morrowind Grand Adventurer
       [126624] = { -- Banner of House Indoril
-      itemPrice     = 126624,
-      achievement   = 1867,  -- Morrowind Grand Adventurer
+        itemPrice     = 126624,
+        achievement   = 1867,  -- Morrowind Grand Adventurer
       [126628] = { -- Banner, Morag Tong
-      itemPrice     = 25000,
-      achievement   = 1870,  -- Naryu's Confidant
+        itemPrice     = 25000,
+        achievement   = 1870,  -- Naryu's Confidant
       [126615] = { -- Blessing Stone
-      itemPrice     = 10000,
-      achievement   = 1850,  -- Bearer of the Blessed Staff
+        itemPrice     = 10000,
+        achievement   = 1850,  -- Bearer of the Blessed Staff
       [126614] = { -- Blessing Stone Device
-      itemPrice     = 20000,
-      achievement   = 1850,  -- Bearer of the Blessed Staff
+        itemPrice     = 20000,
+        achievement   = 1850,  -- Bearer of the Blessed Staff
       [126618] = { -- Dwarven Brazier, Eternal
-      itemPrice     = 50000,
-      achievement   = 1854,  -- N'chow conqueror
+        itemPrice     = 50000,
+        achievement   = 1854,  -- N'chow conqueror
       [126632] = { -- Glass Crystal, Plume
-      itemPrice     = 15000,
-      achievement   = 1874,  -- Pilgrim Protector
+        itemPrice     = 15000,
+        achievement   = 1874,  -- Pilgrim Protector
       [126631] = { -- Glass Crystal, Radiance
-      itemPrice     = 15000,
-      achievement   = 1874,  -- Pilgrim Protector
+        itemPrice     = 15000,
+        achievement   = 1874,  -- Pilgrim Protector
       [126633] = { -- Glass Crystals, Bed
-      itemPrice     = 20000,
-      achievement   = 1874,  -- Pilgrim Protector
+        itemPrice     = 20000,
+        achievement   = 1874,  -- Pilgrim Protector
       [126629] = { -- Kwama Queen Egg
-      itemPrice     = 15000,
-      achievement   = 1872,  -- Kwama Miner
+        itemPrice     = 15000,
+        achievement   = 1872,  -- Kwama Miner
       [126630] = { -- Replica Stone of Ashalmwia
-      itemPrice     = 75000,
-      achievement   = 1873,  -- Dratha Quest
+        itemPrice     = 75000,
+        achievement   = 1873,  -- Dratha Quest
       [126635] = { -- Sacred Guar Skull
-      itemPrice     = 15000,
-      achievement   = 1876,  -- Ald'Ruhn Annalist
+        itemPrice     = 15000,
+        achievement   = 1876,  -- Ald'Ruhn Annalist
       [126642] = { -- Silt Strider Shell, Hollow
-      itemPrice     = 10000,
-      achievement   = 1826,  -- Strider Carawaner
+        itemPrice     = 10000,
+        achievement   = 1826,  -- Strider Carawaner
       [126617] = { -- Statue of Vivec the Champion
-      itemPrice     = 150000,
-      achievement   = 1852,  -- Champion of Vivec
+        itemPrice     = 150000,
+        achievement   = 1852,  -- Champion of Vivec
       [126636] = { -- Statue, Cowering Ebony
-      itemPrice     = 50000,
-      achievement   = 1877,  -- Ebony Enforcer
+        itemPrice     = 50000,
+        achievement   = 1877,  -- Ebony Enforcer
       [126637] = { -- Statue, Terrified Ebony
-      itemPrice     = 50000,
-      achievement   = 1877,  -- Ebony Enforcer
+        itemPrice     = 50000,
+        achievement   = 1877,  -- Ebony Enforcer
       [126616] = { -- Statuette of Clavicus Vile, Masked
-      itemPrice     = 100000,
-      achievement   = 1851,  -- Hand of a Living God
+        itemPrice     = 100000,
+        achievement   = 1851,  -- Hand of a Living God
       [126627] = { -- Tapestry, Morag Tong
-      itemPrice     = 35000,
-      achievement   = 1870,  -- Naryu's Confidant
+        itemPrice     = 35000,
+        achievement   = 1870,  -- Naryu's Confidant
       [126634] = { -- Tapestry, St. Veloth
-      itemPrice     = 20000,
-      achievement   = 1875,  -- Narsis's Apprentice
+        itemPrice     = 20000,
+        achievement   = 1875,  -- Narsis's Apprentice
       [126626] = { -- Telvanni Device
-      itemPrice     = 50000,
-      achievement   = 1869,  -- Telvanni quest
+        itemPrice     = 50000,
+        achievement   = 1869,  -- Telvanni quest
       [126792] = { -- Temple Doctrine: the 36
-      itemPrice     = 130000,
-      achievement   = 1824,  -- Tribunal Preacher
+        itemPrice     = 130000,
+        achievement   = 1824,  -- Tribunal Preacher
       [126619] = { -- Totem of the Sixth House
-      itemPrice     = 100000,
-      achievement   = 1856,  -- Forgotten Wastes Vanquisher
+        itemPrice     = 100000,
+        achievement   = 1856,  -- Forgotten Wastes Vanquisher
       [126625] = { -- Tribunal Shrine in Fountain
-      itemPrice     = 50000,
-      achievement   = 1868,  -- Savior of Morrowind
+        itemPrice     = 50000,
+        achievement   = 1868,  -- Savior of Morrowind
       [126641] = { -- Triptych of the Triune
-      itemPrice     = 20000,
-      achievement   = 1827,  -- The Pilgrim's Path
+        itemPrice     = 20000,
+        achievement   = 1827,  -- The Pilgrim's Path
       [126794] = { -- Sermon 37
-      itemPrice     = 50000,
-      achievement   = 1868,  -- Saviour of Morrowind
-      },
+        itemPrice     = 50000,
+        achievement   = 1868,  -- Saviour of Morrowind
-      ["Uzipa"] = {
+    },
+    ["Uzipa"] = {
       [120998] = { -- Block, Wood Cutting
-      itemPrice     = 100,
+        itemPrice     = 100,
       [125481] = { -- Boulder, Volcanic Column
-      itemPrice     = 500,
+        itemPrice     = 500,
       [125483] = { -- Boulder, Volcanic Plug
-      itemPrice     = 500,
+        itemPrice     = 500,
       [125587] = { -- Mushroom ,Funnel Caps
-      itemPrice     = 15000,
+        itemPrice     = 15000,
       [125588] = { -- Mushroom, Lanky Erupted Stinkcap
-      itemPrice     = 750,
+        itemPrice     = 750,
       [125593] = { -- Mushroom, Netch Shield Platform
-      itemPrice     = 25000,
+        itemPrice     = 25000,
       [125594] = { -- Mushroom, Netch Shield Tower
-      itemPrice     = 20000,
+        itemPrice     = 20000,
       [125599] = { --
-      itemPrice     = 750,
+        itemPrice     = 750,
       [125602] = { --
-      itemPrice     = 750,
+        itemPrice     = 750,
       [125601] = { --
-      itemPrice     = 750,
+        itemPrice     = 750,
       [125604] = { --
-      itemPrice     = 750,
+        itemPrice     = 750,
       [125612] = { -- Mushrooms, Funnel Cap Cluster
-      itemPrice     = 22500,
+        itemPrice     = 22500,
       [125614] = { -- Mushrooms, Netch Hide Shade
-      itemPrice     = 750,
+        itemPrice     = 750,
       [125638] = { -- Rock, Volcanic Chunk
-      itemPrice     = 100,
+        itemPrice     = 100,
       [125639] = { -- Rock, Volcanic Slab
-      itemPrice     = 100,
+        itemPrice     = 100,
       [125641] = { -- Sapling, Forked Ashland
-      itemPrice     = 250,
+        itemPrice     = 250,
       [125642] = { -- Sapling, Lanky Ash Laurel
-      itemPrice     = 250,
+        itemPrice     = 250,
       [125643] = { -- Sapling, Sturdy Ash Laurel
-      itemPrice     = 250,
+        itemPrice     = 250,
       [125644] = { -- Sapling, Tall Ashland
-      itemPrice     = 250,
+        itemPrice     = 250,
       [125645] = { -- Saplings, Ashland
-      itemPrice     = 250,
+        itemPrice     = 250,
       [125673] = { -- Tree, Lanky Poplar
-      itemPrice     = 500,
+        itemPrice     = 500,
       [125678] = { -- Tree, Sturdy Poplar
-      itemPrice     = 500,
+        itemPrice     = 500,
       [125679] = { -- Tree, Poplar Cluster
-      itemPrice     = 500,
+        itemPrice     = 500,
       [125677] = { -- Tree, Rooted Ashland
-      itemPrice     = 40000,
+        itemPrice     = 40000,
       [125676] = { -- Tree, Rooted Cedar
-      itemPrice     = 50000,
+        itemPrice     = 50000,

-      },
-      },
-      ["Vivec City, Gladiator's Quarters"] = {
-      ["Brelda Ofemalen"] = {
+    },
+  },
+  ["Vivec City, Gladiator's Quarters"] = {
+    ["Brelda Ofemalen"] = {
       [126649]  = { -- Banner of the Fire Drakes
-      itemPrice     = 50000,
-      achievement   = 1909, -- Crowd Favorite
+        itemPrice     = 50000,
+        achievement   = 1909, -- Crowd Favorite
       [126712]  = { -- Banner of the PD
-      itemPrice     = 50000,
-      achievement   = 1909, -- Crowd Favorite
+        itemPrice     = 50000,
+        achievement   = 1909, -- Crowd Favorite
       [126650]  = { -- Banner of the SL
-      itemPrice     = 50000,
-      achievement   = 1909, -- Crowd Favorite
+        itemPrice     = 50000,
+        achievement   = 1909, -- Crowd Favorite
       [126646]  = { -- Standard of the FD
-      itemPrice     = 25000,
-      achievement   = 1907, -- Grand Standard-Guardian
+        itemPrice     = 25000,
+        achievement   = 1907, -- Grand Standard-Guardian
       [126648]  = { -- Standard of the PD
-      itemPrice     = 25000,
-      achievement   = 1907, -- Grand Standard-Guardian
+        itemPrice     = 25000,
+        achievement   = 1907, -- Grand Standard-Guardian
       [126647]  = { -- Standard of the SL
-      itemPrice     = 25000,
-      achievement   = 1907, -- Grand Standard-Guardian
+        itemPrice     = 25000,
+        achievement   = 1907, -- Grand Standard-Guardian

       [126713]  = { -- Tapestry of the FD
-      itemPrice     = 100000,
-      achievement   = 1910, -- Conquering Hero
+        itemPrice     = 100000,
+        achievement   = 1910, -- Conquering Hero
       [126715]  = { -- Tapestry of the PD
-      itemPrice     = 100000,
-      achievement   = 1910, -- Conquering Hero
+        itemPrice     = 100000,
+        achievement   = 1910, -- Conquering Hero
       [126714]  = { -- Tapestry of the SL
-      itemPrice     = 100000,
-      achievement   = 1910, -- Conquering Hero
-      },
+        itemPrice     = 100000,
+        achievement   = 1910, -- Conquering Hero
-      ["Llivas Driler"] = {
+    },
+    ["Llivas Driler"] = {
       [126716]  = { -- Brazier of the FD
-      itemPrice     = 50000,
-      achievement   = 1913, -- Grand Champion
+        itemPrice     = 50000,
+        achievement   = 1913, -- Grand Champion
       [126718]  = { -- Chained Skull of the PD
-      itemPrice     = 100000,
-      achievement   = 1913, -- Grand Champion
+        itemPrice     = 100000,
+        achievement   = 1913, -- Grand Champion
       [126717]  = { -- Weathervane of the SL
-      itemPrice     = 125000,
-      achievement   = 1913, -- Grand Champion
+        itemPrice     = 125000,
+        achievement   = 1913, -- Grand Champion
       [126643]  = { -- Crown of the SL
-      itemPrice     = 75000,
-      achievement   = 1901, -- Grand Relic Guardian
+        itemPrice     = 75000,
+        achievement   = 1901, -- Grand Relic Guardian
       [126644]  = { -- FD's Skull
-      itemPrice     = 150000,
-      achievement   = 1901, -- Grand Relic Guardian
+        itemPrice     = 150000,
+        achievement   = 1901, -- Grand Relic Guardian
       [126645]  = { -- Skull of the PD
-      itemPrice     = 100000,
-      achievement   = 1901, -- Grand Relic Guardian
-      },
-      },
+        itemPrice     = 100000,
+        achievement   = 1901, -- Grand Relic Guardian
-      [GetString(FURC_AV_CAPITAL)] = {
-      [GetString(FURC_AV_HER)] = {
+    },
+  },
+  [GetString(FURC_AV_CAPITAL)] = {
+    [GetString(FURC_AV_HER)] = {
       [126720]  = { -- Banner of Mayhem
-      itemPrice     = 5000,
-      achievement   = 1883, -- Mayhem Connaiseour
+        itemPrice     = 5000,
+        achievement   = 1883, -- Mayhem Connaiseour
       [126721]  = { -- Corpse of Mayhem, Argonian
-      itemPrice     = 15000,
-      achievement   = 1888, -- Wrath of the Whitestrake
+        itemPrice     = 15000,
+        achievement   = 1888, -- Wrath of the Whitestrake
       [126722]  = { -- Corpse of Mayhem,Khajiit
-      itemPrice     = 15000,
-      achievement   = 1888, -- Wrath of the Whitestrake
+        itemPrice     = 15000,
+        achievement   = 1888, -- Wrath of the Whitestrake
       [126723]  = { -- Corpse of Mayhem, Orc
-      itemPrice     = 15000,
-      achievement   = 1888, -- Wrath of the Whitestrake
+        itemPrice     = 15000,
+        achievement   = 1888, -- Wrath of the Whitestrake
       [126724]  = { -- Propbably-Not-Punch Bowl of Mayhem
-      itemPrice     = 30000,
-      achievement   = 1892, -- Star-made Knight
+        itemPrice     = 30000,
+        achievement   = 1892, -- Star-made Knight
       [126719]  = { -- Standard of Mayhem
-      itemPrice     = 2500,
-      achievement   = 1883, -- Mayhem Connaiseour
-      },
-      },
-      },
-      ["the Mages' guild"] = {
-      ["the Mystic as part of a collection"] = bookList,
+        itemPrice     = 2500,
+        achievement   = 1883, -- Mayhem Connaiseour
-      }
-      -- global function, needs to live here, YES MANA
-      function FurC.SetupMorrowindItems()
-      -- FurC.AchievementVendors[FURC_MORROWIND]["the Mages' guild"]["the Mystic as part of a collection"] = bookList
-      local listTable
-      listTable = FurC.AchievementVendors[FURC_MORROWIND]["Vivec City, Saint Delyn Inn"]["Uzipa"]
-      listTable = tableMerge(listTable, boxes)
-      end
\ No newline at end of file
+    },
+  },
+  ["the Mages' guild"] = {
+    ["the Mystic as part of a collection"] = bookList,
+  },
+-- global function, needs to live here, YES MANA
+function FurC.SetupMorrowindItems()
+  -- FurC.AchievementVendors[FURC_MORROWIND]["the Mages' guild"]["the Mystic as part of a collection"] = bookList
+  local listTable
+  listTable = FurC.AchievementVendors[FURC_MORROWIND]["Vivec City, Saint Delyn Inn"]["Uzipa"]
+  listTable = tableMerge(listTable, boxes)
diff --git a/data/05_Dragonbones/DragonB_LuxuryFurnisher.lua b/data/05_Dragonbones/DragonB_LuxuryFurnisher.lua
index 34e0320..1f80bf8 100644
--- a/data/05_Dragonbones/DragonB_LuxuryFurnisher.lua
+++ b/data/05_Dragonbones/DragonB_LuxuryFurnisher.lua
@@ -71,25 +71,6 @@ FurC.LuxuryFurnisher[FURC_DRAGONS] = {

-  [134833] = {  -- Gibbet, Hanging Hooked
-    itemPrice   = 75000,
-    itemDate  = "2018-04-21",
-  },
-  [120826] = {  -- Iron Cross
-    itemPrice   = 10000,
-    itemDate  = "2017-04-21",
-  },
-  [120825] = {  -- Iron Cross, Large
-    itemPrice   = 25000,
-    itemDate  = "2017-04-21",
-  },
-  [120827] = {  -- Iron Maiden, Chained
-    itemPrice   = 20000,
-    itemDate  = "2017-04-21",
-  },

diff --git a/data/100026.lua b/data/100026.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e86cb21..0000000
--- a/data/100026.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-FurC.AchievementVendors[FURC_WOTL] = {
-  ["the Undaunted Enclaves"] = {
-    ["Undaunted Quartermaster"] = {
-     [147645] = {    --Dwarven Tonal Arc
-		itemPrice   = 15000,
-		achievement = 2260,
-	  },
-      [147638] = {    --Replica Cursed Orb of Meridia
-		itemPrice   = 100000,
-		achievement = 2270,
-	  },
-    },
-  },
-local rumourSource          = GetString(SI_FURC_RUMOUR_SOURCE_ITEM)
-FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_WOTL]  = {
-  [FURC_RUMOUR]   = {
-		[134272] = rumourSource,     -- Cave Deposit, Stalagmite Cluster,
-        [147585] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Gear, Large Spokes,
-        [147586] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Hub, Sentry Wheel,
-        [147587] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Gear, Large Open,
-        [147588] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Conduit, Rounded,
-        [147589] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Brazier, Open,
-        [147590] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Bust, Forge-Lord,
-        [147591] = rumourSource,     -- Namira, Mistress of Decay,
-        [147592] = rumourSource,     -- Silver Kettle, Masterworked,
-        [140297] = rumourSource,     -- Replica Throne of Alinor,
-        [147594] = rumourSource,     -- Pottery Wheel, Ever-Turning,
-        [147595] = rumourSource,     -- Alchemical Apparatus, Condenser,
-        [147596] = rumourSource,     -- Hlaalu Salt Lamp, Enchanted,
-        [130189] = rumourSource,     -- Tapestry of Sheogorath,
-        [130190] = rumourSource,     -- Banner of Sheogorath,
-        [134287] = rumourSource,     -- Projector TBD,
-        [147600] = rumourSource,     -- Tapestry of Namira,
-        [130193] = rumourSource,     -- Robust Target Minotaur Handler,
-        [130194] = rumourSource,     -- Target Stone Atronach,
-        [130195] = rumourSource,     -- Target Iron Atronach,
-        [120852] = rumourSource,     -- Holding Cell,
-        [146069] = rumourSource,     -- Target Voriplasm,
-        [120856] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Sarcophagus,
-        [146073] = rumourSource,     -- Plant Cluster, Marsh Nigella,
-        [120858] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Tapestry,
-        [120860] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Throne,
-        [120861] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Sitting Griffin Statue,
-        [130080] = rumourSource,     -- Soul Gems, Scattered,
-        [130081] = rumourSource,     -- Soul-Shriven, Armored,
-        [130083] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Block, Seat,
-        [130084] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Tapestry, Molag Bal,
-        [130085] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Banner, Molag Bal,
-        [130086] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Pennant, Molag Bal,
-        [130087] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Shards, Coldharbour,
-        [120872] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Pike, Daedroth Head,
-        [130089] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Brazier, Molag Bal,
-        [120874] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Coffin, Lid,
-        [130091] = rumourSource,     -- Statue of Molag Bal, God of Schemes,
-        [120876] = rumourSource,     -- Gravestone, Imp Engraving,
-        [120877] = rumourSource,     -- Gravestone, Cracked,
-        [120880] = rumourSource,     -- Tombstone, Engraved, Decorative,
-        [120881] = rumourSource,     -- Tombstone, Engraved, Order of the Hour,
-        [120882] = rumourSource,     -- Tombstone, Small,
-        [147507] = rumourSource,     -- Music Box, \"Hinterlands\",
-        [147636] = rumourSource,     -- Banner of Hermaeus Mora,
-        [147638] = rumourSource,     -- Replica Cursed Orb of Meridia,
-        [147639] = rumourSource,     -- Magna-Geode,
-        [147640] = rumourSource,     -- Magna-Geode, Large,
-        [147641] = rumourSource,     -- Garlas Alpinia, Tall,
-        [147642] = rumourSource,     -- Boar Totem, Balance,
-        [147643] = rumourSource,     -- Boar Totem, Solitary,
-        [147644] = rumourSource,     -- Palisade, Crude,
-        [147645] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Tonal Arc,
-        [147646] = rumourSource,     -- Meridia, Lady of Infinite Energies,
-        [147647] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Centurion Blade, Detached,
-        [147648] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Press Bed, Forge-Sized,
-        [132166] = rumourSource,     -- Death Skeleton, Robed,
-        [134474] = rumourSource,     -- Banner, Malacath,
-        [147664] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Dais, Conduit,
-        [147599] = rumourSource,     -- Banner of Namira,
-        [147584] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Rack, Spider Legs,
-        [120857] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Sarcophagus Lid,
-        [147505] = rumourSource,     -- Music Box, \"Y'ffre in Every Leaf\",
-        [147506] = rumourSource,     -- Music Box, \"Sands of the Alik'r\",
-        [120853] = rumourSource,     -- Stockade,
-        [147574] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Frieze, Wrathstone,
-        [147573] = rumourSource,     -- Barricade, Bladed Hurdle,
-        [132197] = rumourSource,     -- Death Skeleton, Shrouded,
-        [134246] = rumourSource,     -- The Law of Gears,
-        [147572] = rumourSource,     -- Barricade, Bladed Fence,
-        [132200] = rumourSource,     -- Imperial Well, Akatosh,
-        [132201] = rumourSource,     -- Tree, Kvatch Nut,
-        [132202] = rumourSource,     -- Rock, Anvil Limestone,
-        [132203] = rumourSource,     -- Stone, Anvil Limestone,
-        [132204] = rumourSource,     -- Imperial Statue, Truth,
-        [134253] = rumourSource,     -- Coldharbour Bookshelf, Filled Wide,
-        [134254] = rumourSource,     -- Seal of Molag Bal,
-        [134255] = rumourSource,     -- Transliminal Rupture,
-        [134256] = rumourSource,     -- Coldharbour Bookshelf, Filled Pillar,
-        [134257] = rumourSource,     -- Daedra Dossier: Cold-Flame Atronach,
-        [134258] = rumourSource,     -- Prayer to the Furious One,
-        [134259] = rumourSource,     -- Malacath, God of Oaths and Curses,
-        [134260] = rumourSource,     -- Orcish Bas-Relief, Axe,
-        [134261] = rumourSource,     -- Orcish Bas-Relief, Sword,
-        [134262] = rumourSource,     -- Orcish Bas-Relief, Spear,
-        [147575] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Frieze, Power in Twain,
-        [147576] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Frieze, Colossal Power,
-        [147577] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Platform, Fan,
-        [147578] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Throne, Conduit,
-        [147579] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Gearwork, Perpetual,
-        [147580] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Lamps, Heavy,
-        [147581] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Table, Heavy Workbench,
-        [147582] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Part, Sentry Head,
-        [147583] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Valve, Sealed,
-  },
-  },
-  [FURC_DROP]    = {
-  },
-  [FURC_CROWN]  = {
-  },
-  [FURC_FISHING]   = {
-  },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/100027.lua b/data/100027.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bb0e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/100027.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+FurC.Recipes[FURC_KITTY] = {
+  152064, -- Elsweyr Table, Low Square
+  152065, -- Elsweyr Desk, Elegant Wooden
+  152066, -- Elsweyr Table, Elegant Wooden
+  152067, -- Elsweyr Nightstand, Octagonal Wooden
+  152068, -- Elsweyr Nightstand, Elegant Wooden
+  152069, -- Elsweyr Table, Long Elegant Wooden
+  152070, -- Elsweyr Table, Wide Elegant Wooden
+  152071, -- Elsweyr Writing Desk, Elegant Wooden
+  152072, -- Elsweyr Brazier, Ribbed
+  152073, -- Elsweyr Brazier, Embellished
+  152074, -- Elsweyr Brazier, Tall
+  152075, -- Elsweyr Brazier, Massive
+  152076, -- Elsweyr Lightpost, Ancient Stone
+  152077, -- Elsweyr Streetlight, Inlaid Stone
+  152078, -- Elsweyr Lightpost, Ancient Tall
+  152079, -- Elsweyr Lightpost, Ancient Sturdy
+  152080, -- Elsweyr Candle, Column
+  152081, -- Elsweyr Lantern, Hanging Twist
+  152082, -- Elsweyr Lantern, Metal Ring
+  152083, -- Elsweyr Candle, Saucer
+  152084, -- Elsweyr Sconce, Candle Elegant
+  152085, -- Elsweyr Sconce, Candle Engraved
+  152086, -- Elsweyr Sconce, Candle Carved
+  152087, -- Elsweyr Sconce, Candle Shielded
+  152088, -- Elsweyr Lantern, Twist
+  152089, -- Hakoshae Lantern, Linked Rings
+  152090, -- Hakoshae Lantern, Blue
+  152091, -- Hakoshae Lantern, Crimson
+  152092, -- Elsweyr Carpet, Botanical Grand
+  152093, -- Elsweyr Carpet, Chaotic Symmetry
+  152094, -- Elsweyr Carpet, Sandflowers
+  152095, -- Elsweyr Rug, Sandflowers
+  152096, -- Elsweyr Half-Rug, Sandflowers
+  152097, -- Elsweyr Runner, Autumn Vines
+  152098, -- Elsweyr Carpet, Gold-Ruby
+  152099, -- Elsweyr Carpet, Gold-Emerald
+  152100, -- Elsweyr Runner, Lavish Floral
+  152101, -- Elsweyr Carpet, Blossoms on Blue
+  152102, -- Elsweyr Tapestry, Water Flowers
+  152103, -- Elsweyr Tapestry, Amber Vines
+  152104, -- Elsweyr Tapestry, Verdant Blossom
+  152105, -- Elsweyr Tapestry, Ruby-Maroon
+  152106, -- Hakoshae Hook, Block
+  152107, -- Hakoshae Pillar, Wooden Hooked
+  152108, -- Elsweyr Post, Masonry Wall
+  152109, -- Elsweyr Wall, Curved Masonry
+  152110, -- Elsweyr Wall, Short Masonry
+  152111, -- Elsweyr Wall, Wide Masonry
+  152112, -- Elsweyr Fountain, Four Lions
+  152113, -- Elsweyr Platform, Stepped
+  152114, -- Elsweyr Floor, Masonry
+  152115, -- Elsweyr Stairs, Masonry
+  152116, -- Elsweyr Foot Bridge, Masonry
+  152117, -- Elsweyr Platform, Wooden Large
+  152118, -- Elsweyr Platform, Wooden Small
+  152119, -- Elsweyr Wall, Rough Wooden
+  152120, -- Elsweyr Couch, Elegant Wooden
+  151972, -- Elsweyr Bookshelf, Ancient Stone Full
+  151973, -- Elsweyr Plinth, Ancient Stone
+  151974, -- Elsweyr Pillar, Ancient Stone
+  151975, -- Elsweyr Monument, Ancient Stone Broken
+  151976, -- Elsweyr Plate, Rough
+  151977, -- Elsweyr Meal, Roasted Chicken Pieces
+  151978, -- Elsweyr Bowl, Deep Ceramic
+  151979, -- Elsweyr Meal, Hearty Noodles
+  151980, -- Elsweyr Fish, Displayed
+  151981, -- Elsweyr Plate, Umber Ceramic
+  151982, -- Elsweyr Meal, Whole Roasted Chicken
+  151983, -- Elsweyr Bowl, Shallow Ceramic
+  151984, -- Elsweyr Meal, Root Vegetables
+  151985, -- Elsweyr Bowl, Simple
+  151986, -- Elsweyr Meal, Sweet Stew
+  151987, -- Elsweyr Steamer, Ceramic
+  151988, -- Elsweyr Pot, Stoneware
+  151989, -- Elsweyr Cup of Rice, Gilded
+  151990, -- Elsweyr Sugar Bowl, Gilded
+  151991, -- Elsweyr Gravy Boat, Gilded
+  151992, -- Elsweyr Steaming Pot, Ceramic
+  151993, -- Elsweyr Bucket, Wooden
+  151994, -- Elsweyr Spice Display, Turmeric Yellow
+  151995, -- Elsweyr Spice Display, Matcha Green
+  151996, -- Elsweyr Spice Display, Saffron Red
+  151997, -- Elsweyr Pot, Tall
+  151998, -- Elsweyr Pot, Cerulean
+  151999, -- Elsweyr Pot, Floral
+  152000, -- Elsweyr Pot, Waves
+  152001, -- Elsweyr Pot, Ornate
+  152002, -- Elsweyr Sugar Pipe, Gilded
+  152003, -- Elsweyr Sand Meditation Ring, Large
+  152004, -- Elsweyr Sand Meditation Ring, Small
+  152005, -- Elsweyr Altar, Ancient Stone
+  152006, -- Elsweyr Incense Burner, Tall Brass
+  152007, -- Elsweyr Incense Burner, Branched Brass
+  152008, -- Elsweyr Vessel, Umber Embellished
+  152009, -- Elsweyr Bed, Blue Four-Poster
+  152010, -- Elsweyr Bed, Yellow Four-Poster
+  152011, -- Elsweyr Bed, Quilted Single
+  152012, -- Elsweyr Bed, Quilted Double
+  152013, -- Elsweyr Bed, Rumpled Quilted Single
+  152014, -- Elsweyr Bed, Rumpled Quilted Double
+  152015, -- Elsweyr Bed, Elegant Single
+  152016, -- Elsweyr Bed, Elegant Double
+  152017, -- Elsweyr Bed, Rumpled Elegant Single
+  152018, -- Elsweyr Bed, Rumpled Elegant Double
+  152019, -- Elsweyr Stall Counter, Single
+  152020, -- Elsweyr Stall Counter, Triple
+  152021, -- Elsweyr Curtains, Wide Maroon
+  152022, -- Elsweyr Curtains, Flat Panel Maroon
+  152023, -- Elsweyr Curtains, Tied-Back Blue
+  152024, -- Elsweyr Fabric, Hanging
+  152025, -- Elsweyr Fabric, Hanging Cluster
+  152026, -- Hakoshae Banner, Blue
+  152027, -- Hakoshae Banner, Triple Insignia
+  152028, -- Hakoshae Banner, Square
+  152029, -- Elsweyr Tent, Open
+  152030, -- Elsweyr Column, Stone Support
+  152031, -- Elsweyr Spire, Decorative
+  152032, -- Elsweyr Couch, Wooden
+  152033, -- Elsweyr Armchair, Elegant Wooden
+  152034, -- Elsweyr Throne, Elegant Wooden
+  152035, -- Elsweyr Armchair, Low-Backed Wooden
+  152036, -- Elsweyr Armchair, Low-Backed Elegant Wooden
+  152037, -- Elsweyr Barstool, Elegant Wooden
+  152038, -- Elsweyr Barstool, Wooden
+  152039, -- Elsweyr Bench, Wooden
+  152040, -- Elsweyr Bookshelf, Wooden
+  152041, -- Elsweyr Bookshelf, Wooden Full
+  152042, -- Elsweyr Bookshelf, Elegant Wooden
+  152043, -- Elsweyr Bookshelf, Elegant Wooden Full
+  152044, -- Elsweyr Bookshelf, Short Elegant
+  152045, -- Elsweyr Bookshelf, Short Elegant Full
+  152046, -- Elsweyr Cupboard, Elegant Wooden
+  152047, -- Elsweyr Wardrobe, Wide Elegant Wooden
+  152048, -- Elsweyr Wardrobe, Elegant Wooden
+  152049, -- Elsweyr Trunk, Floral
+  152050, -- Elsweyr Trunk, Peaked Floral
+  152051, -- Elsweyr Trunk, Peaked Embellished
+  152052, -- Elsweyr Chest, Red Gilded
+  152053, -- Elsweyr Cabinet, Wall
+  152054, -- Elsweyr Shelf, Elegant Wall
+  152055, -- Elsweyr Cabinet, Elegant Wooden
+  152056, -- Elsweyr Cabinet, Wide Elegant Wooden
+  152057, -- Elsweyr Room-Divider, Elegant
+  152058, -- Elsweyr Winerack, Cane Mead
+  152059, -- Elsweyr Nightstand, Wooden
+  152060, -- Elsweyr Desk, Wooden
+  152061, -- Elsweyr Table, Square
+  152062, -- Elsweyr Table, Wide
+  152063, -- Elsweyr Table, Low
+local rumourSource          = GetString(SI_FURC_RUMOUR_SOURCE_ITEM)
+FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_KITTY]  = {
+  [FURC_RUMOUR]   = {
+  },
+  },
+  [FURC_DROP]    = {
+  },
+  [FURC_CROWN]  = {
+  },
+  [FURC_FISHING]   = {
+  },
+FurC.AchievementVendors[FURC_KITTY] = {
+  ["Rimmen"] = {
+    [GetString(FURC_KITTY_LATHA)] = {
+      [151790] = {    --Akaviri Table, Stone
+        itemPrice   = 10000,
+        achievement = "Quest: Descendant of the Potentate",
+      },
+      [151781] = {    --Banner, Anequina
+        itemPrice   = 10000,
+        achievement = 2482,
+      },
+      [151780] = {    --Banner, Rimmen
+        itemPrice   = 10000,
+        achievement = 2485,
+      },
+      [151801] = {    --Barrel, Riverhold
+        itemPrice   = 1000,
+        achievement = "Quest: Riverhold Abduction",
+      },
+      [151800] = {    --Cage, Small Animal
+        itemPrice   = 4000,
+        achievement = "Quest: Riverhold Abduction",
+      },
+      [151791] = {    --Column, Fatal Warning
+        itemPrice   = 3000,
+        achievement = 2476,
+      },
+      [151802] = {    --Crate, Riverhold
+        itemPrice   = 1000,
+        achievement = "Quest: Riverhold Abduction",
+      },
+      [151625] = {    --Door, Akatosh Chancel
+        itemPrice   = 100000,
+        achievement = 2433,
+      },
+      [151782] = {    --Khajiit Burial Mound
+        itemPrice   = 500,
+        achievement = 2440,
+      },
+      [151787] = {    --Khajiit Lion Crest
+        itemPrice   = 15000,
+        achievement = 2486,
+      },
+      [151788] = {    --Khajiit Wagon, Burned
+        itemPrice   = 500,
+        achievement = 2474,
+      },
+      [151789] = {    --Khajiit Wagon, Merchant
+        itemPrice   = 1000,
+        achievement = 2475,
+      },
+      [151968] = {    --Map of Elsweyr, Hanging
+        itemPrice   = 10000,
+        achievement = 2404,
+      },
+      [151779] = {    --Moon Gate
+        itemPrice   = 100000,
+        achievement = 2488,
+      },
+      [151786] = {    --Moon Temple Pad
+        itemPrice   = 20000,
+        achievement = 2487,
+      },
+      [151799] = {    --Projection Stone, Moons
+        itemPrice   = 20000,
+        achievement = 2487,
+      },
+      [151783] = {    --Replica Dragon Horn, Large
+        itemPrice   = 35000,
+        achievement = 2486, -- Assassination Cessation
+      },
+      [151784] = {    --Replica Dragon Horn, Small
+        itemPrice   = 12000,
+        achievement = 2486, -- Assassination Cessation
+      },
+      [151796] = {    --Riverhold Defense Spikes, Piled
+        itemPrice   = 500,
+        achievement = 2484, -- Riverhold Defense
+      },
+      [151798] = {    --Riverhold Defense Spikes, Roof-Mounted
+        itemPrice   = 1000,
+        achievement =  2484, -- Riverhold Defense
+      },
+      [151797] = {    --Riverhold Defense Spikes, Tripod
+        itemPrice   = 1000,
+        achievement = 2484, -- Riverhold Defense
+      },
+      [151778] = {    --Statue, Lokkestiiz
+        itemPrice   = 35000,
+        achievement = 2470, -- Stormchaser
+      },
+      [151777] = {    --Statue, Yolnahkriin
+        itemPrice   = 50000,
+        achievement = 2469, -- Stoking the Fire
+      },
+      [151792] = {    --Tojay-Raht Statue, Monk
+        itemPrice   = 75000,
+        achievement = "Quest: The lunacy of the two moons",
+      },
+      [151785] = {    --Wrathstone, Replica
+        itemPrice   = 50000,
+        achievement = 2446, -- Tharn Collaborator
+      },
+      [147638] = {    --Replica Cursed Orb of Meridia
+        itemPrice   = 100000,
+        achievement = 2270,
+      },
+    },
+    [GetString(FURC_KITTY_YATAVA)] = {
+      [151805] = {    -- Elsweyr Rack, Poles
+        itemPrice   = 350,
+      },
+      [151803] = {    -- Elsweyr Wagon Wheel, Ironshod
+        itemPrice   = 250,
+      },
+      [151819] = {    -- Flower Patch, Prairie-Fire
+        itemPrice   = 350,
+      },
+      [151817] = {    -- Flowers, Daedra Thorn
+        itemPrice   = 250,
+      },
+      [151815] = {    -- Flowers, Desert Sunrise
+        itemPrice   = 250,
+      },
+      [151818] = {    -- Shrub, Yellow Necklacepod
+        itemPrice   = 250,
+      },
+      [151810] = {    -- Tree, Branched Succulent
+        itemPrice   = 400,
+      },
+      [151814] = {    -- Tree, Desert Acacia
+        itemPrice   = 550,
+      },
+      [151812] = {    -- Tree, Engulfing Termite Mound
+        itemPrice   = 350,
+      },
+      [151811] = {    -- Tree, Tall Iroko
+        itemPrice   = 400,
+      },
+      [151823] = {    -- Vines, Dragonfire Ivy Climber
+        itemPrice   = 300,
+      },
+      [151809] = {    -- Trees, Fan Palm Cluster
+        itemPrice   = 250,
+      },
+      [151822] = {    -- Vines, Dragonfire Ivy Swath
+        itemPrice   = 450,
+      },
+    }
+  },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/AchievementVendors.lua b/data/AchievementVendors.lua
index 21d6e46..e1a7973 100644
--- a/data/AchievementVendors.lua
+++ b/data/AchievementVendors.lua
@@ -1,13 +1,29 @@
+FurC.AchievementVendors[FURC_WOTL] = {
+  ["the Undaunted Enclaves"] = {
+    ["Undaunted Quartermaster"] = {
+      [147645] = {    --Dwarven Tonal Arc
+        itemPrice   = 15000,
+        achievement = 2260,
+      },
+      [147638] = {    --Replica Cursed Orb of Meridia
+        itemPrice   = 100000,
+        achievement = 2270,
+      },
+    },
+  },
 -- global function, needs to live in latest AchievementVendors.lua, YES FUTURE MANA, THIS IS YOU FROM THE PAST
+-- But why does it have to live in the _latest_? Can't we solve this about manifest, future mana?
 function FurC.InitAchievementVendorList()
   -- local generatedTable, listTable

diff --git a/data/ApiVersion.lua b/data/ApiVersion.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80f102e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/ApiVersion.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+-- FurC.Recipes[FURC_KITTY] = {
+  -- 152064, -- Elsweyr Table, Low Square",
+  -- 152065, -- Elsweyr Desk, Elegant Wooden",
+-- }
+-- FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_KITTY]  = {
+  -- [FURC_RUMOUR]   = {
+  -- },
+  -- [FURC_JUSTICE] = {
+  -- },
+  -- [FURC_DROP]    = {
+  -- },
+  -- [FURC_CROWN]  = {
+  -- },
+  -- [FURC_FISHING]   = {
+  -- },
+-- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/LuxuryFurnisher.lua b/data/LuxuryFurnisher.lua
index faa2154..9d06f60 100644
--- a/data/LuxuryFurnisher.lua
+++ b/data/LuxuryFurnisher.lua
@@ -1,11 +1,34 @@
 FurC.LuxuryFurnisher = FurC.LuxuryFurnisher or {}

 FurC.LuxuryFurnisher[FURC_WOTL] = {
+  [145479] = {    -- Iron Maiden, Occupied
+    itemPrice   = 100000,
+    itemDate  = "2019-04-21",
+  },
+  [134833] = {  -- Gibbet, Hanging Hooked
+    itemPrice   = 75000,
+    itemDate  = "2018-04-21",
+  },
+  [120826] = {  -- Iron Cross
+    itemPrice   = 10000,
+    itemDate  = "2019-04-21",
+  },
+  [120825] = {  -- Iron Cross, Large
+    itemPrice   = 25000,
+    itemDate  = "2019-04-21",
+  },
+  [120827] = {  -- Iron Maiden, Chained
+    itemPrice   = 20000,
+    itemDate  = "2019-04-21",
+  },
   [145478] = {    -- Alinor Shrine, Y'ffre
     itemPrice   = 50000,
     itemDate  = "2019-04-14",
   [134832] = {  -- Basin of the Divines
     itemPrice   = 35000,
     itemDate  = "2019-04-14",
diff --git a/data/MiscItemSources.lua b/data/MiscItemSources.lua
index 8bd1e9e..a768aa3 100644
--- a/data/MiscItemSources.lua
+++ b/data/MiscItemSources.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
--- use constants because it's a huge performance gain due to how LUA handles strings... at least unless siri lied :P
+FurC.MiscItemSources        = FurC.MiscItemSources or {}

+-- constants save performance on string handling
 local questRewardString     = GetString(SI_FURC_QUESTREWARD)

 local pickpocket_ww         = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEPICKED) .. " from woodworkers"
@@ -72,10 +73,124 @@ local function getHouseString(houseId1, houseId2)
   return zo_strformat(housesource, houseName)

-FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_SLAVES]  = {
+FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_WOTL]  = {
   [FURC_RUMOUR]   = {
+		[134272] = rumourSource,     -- Cave Deposit, Stalagmite Cluster,
+    [147585] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Gear, Large Spokes,
+    [147586] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Hub, Sentry Wheel,
+    [147587] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Gear, Large Open,
+    [147588] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Conduit, Rounded,
+    [147589] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Brazier, Open,
+    [147590] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Bust, Forge-Lord,
+    [147591] = rumourSource,     -- Namira, Mistress of Decay,
+    [147592] = rumourSource,     -- Silver Kettle, Masterworked,
+    [140297] = rumourSource,     -- Replica Throne of Alinor,
+    [147594] = rumourSource,     -- Pottery Wheel, Ever-Turning,
+    [147595] = rumourSource,     -- Alchemical Apparatus, Condenser,
+    [147596] = rumourSource,     -- Hlaalu Salt Lamp, Enchanted,
+    [130189] = rumourSource,     -- Tapestry of Sheogorath,
+    [130190] = rumourSource,     -- Banner of Sheogorath,
+    [134287] = rumourSource,     -- Projector TBD,
+    [147600] = rumourSource,     -- Tapestry of Namira,
+    [130193] = rumourSource,     -- Robust Target Minotaur Handler,
+    [130194] = rumourSource,     -- Target Stone Atronach,
+    [130195] = rumourSource,     -- Target Iron Atronach,
+    [120852] = rumourSource,     -- Holding Cell,
+    [146069] = rumourSource,     -- Target Voriplasm,
+    [120856] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Sarcophagus,
+    [146073] = rumourSource,     -- Plant Cluster, Marsh Nigella,
+    [120858] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Tapestry,
+    [120860] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Throne,
+    [120861] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Sitting Griffin Statue,
+    [130080] = rumourSource,     -- Soul Gems, Scattered,
+    [130081] = rumourSource,     -- Soul-Shriven, Armored,
+    [130083] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Block, Seat,
+    [130084] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Tapestry, Molag Bal,
+    [130085] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Banner, Molag Bal,
+    [130086] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Pennant, Molag Bal,
+    [130087] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Shards, Coldharbour,
+    [120872] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Pike, Daedroth Head,
+    [130089] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Brazier, Molag Bal,
+    [120874] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Coffin, Lid,
+    [130091] = rumourSource,     -- Statue of Molag Bal, God of Schemes,
+    [120876] = rumourSource,     -- Gravestone, Imp Engraving,
+    [120877] = rumourSource,     -- Gravestone, Cracked,
+    [120880] = rumourSource,     -- Tombstone, Engraved, Decorative,
+    [120881] = rumourSource,     -- Tombstone, Engraved, Order of the Hour,
+    [120882] = rumourSource,     -- Tombstone, Small,
+    [147507] = rumourSource,     -- Music Box, \"Hinterlands\",
+    [147636] = rumourSource,     -- Banner of Hermaeus Mora,
+    [147638] = rumourSource,     -- Replica Cursed Orb of Meridia,
+    [147639] = rumourSource,     -- Magna-Geode,
+    [147640] = rumourSource,     -- Magna-Geode, Large,
+    [147641] = rumourSource,     -- Garlas Alpinia, Tall,
+    [147642] = rumourSource,     -- Boar Totem, Balance,
+    [147643] = rumourSource,     -- Boar Totem, Solitary,
+    [147644] = rumourSource,     -- Palisade, Crude,
+    [147645] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Tonal Arc,
+    [147646] = rumourSource,     -- Meridia, Lady of Infinite Energies,
+    [147647] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Centurion Blade, Detached,
+    [147648] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Press Bed, Forge-Sized,
+    [132166] = rumourSource,     -- Death Skeleton, Robed,
+    [134474] = rumourSource,     -- Banner, Malacath,
+    [147664] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Dais, Conduit,
+    [147599] = rumourSource,     -- Banner of Namira,
+    [147584] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Rack, Spider Legs,
+    [120857] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Sarcophagus Lid,
+    [147505] = rumourSource,     -- Music Box, \"Y'ffre in Every Leaf\",
+    [147506] = rumourSource,     -- Music Box, \"Sands of the Alik'r\",
+    [120853] = rumourSource,     -- Stockade,
+    [147574] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Frieze, Wrathstone,
+    [147573] = rumourSource,     -- Barricade, Bladed Hurdle,
+    [132197] = rumourSource,     -- Death Skeleton, Shrouded,
+    [134246] = rumourSource,     -- The Law of Gears,
+    [147572] = rumourSource,     -- Barricade, Bladed Fence,
+    [132200] = rumourSource,     -- Imperial Well, Akatosh,
+    [132201] = rumourSource,     -- Tree, Kvatch Nut,
+    [132202] = rumourSource,     -- Rock, Anvil Limestone,
+    [132203] = rumourSource,     -- Stone, Anvil Limestone,
+    [132204] = rumourSource,     -- Imperial Statue, Truth,
+    [134253] = rumourSource,     -- Coldharbour Bookshelf, Filled Wide,
+    [134254] = rumourSource,     -- Seal of Molag Bal,
+    [134255] = rumourSource,     -- Transliminal Rupture,
+    [134256] = rumourSource,     -- Coldharbour Bookshelf, Filled Pillar,
+    [134257] = rumourSource,     -- Daedra Dossier: Cold-Flame Atronach,
+    [134258] = rumourSource,     -- Prayer to the Furious One,
+    [134259] = rumourSource,     -- Malacath, God of Oaths and Curses,
+    [134260] = rumourSource,     -- Orcish Bas-Relief, Axe,
+    [134261] = rumourSource,     -- Orcish Bas-Relief, Sword,
+    [134262] = rumourSource,     -- Orcish Bas-Relief, Spear,
+    [147575] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Frieze, Power in Twain,
+    [147576] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Frieze, Colossal Power,
+    [147577] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Platform, Fan,
+    [147578] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Throne, Conduit,
+    [147579] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Gearwork, Perpetual,
+    [147580] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Lamps, Heavy,
+    [147581] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Table, Heavy Workbench,
+    [147582] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Part, Sentry Head,
+    [147583] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Valve, Sealed,
+  },
+  },
+  [FURC_DROP]    = {
+  },
+  [FURC_CROWN]  = {
+  },
+  [FURC_FISHING]   = {
+  },

+FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_SLAVES]  = {
+  [FURC_RUMOUR]   = {
     [145923] = rumourSource,                        -- Lies of the Dread-Father
     [145926] = rumourSource,                        -- That of Void
     [145927] = rumourSource,                        -- Acts of Honoring
@@ -175,7 +290,7 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_SLAVES]  = {
     [146047] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- From Old Life To New
     [146051] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- Mudcrab Ice Sculpture
     [146054] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- New Life Garland
     [145427] = itemPackDeepmire,                    -- Serpent Skull, Colossal

     [145428] = getCrownPrice(1),                    -- Murkmire Lantern Post, Covered
diff --git a/data/Recipes.lua b/data/Recipes.lua
index 129ca39..bc01344 100644
--- a/data/Recipes.lua
+++ b/data/Recipes.lua
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 FurC.Recipes = FurC.Recipes or {}
diff --git a/data/Rolis.lua b/data/Rolis.lua
index b51a82b..4aae7b3 100644
--- a/data/Rolis.lua
+++ b/data/Rolis.lua
@@ -5,22 +5,22 @@ FurC.Faustina         = FurC.Faustina or {}

 FurC.Faustina[FURC_ALTMER] = {
-  [139391] = 10, -- Master Craftsman's Banner, Hanging
+  [139391] = 10,  -- Master Craftsman's Banner, Hanging
   [137870] = 125, -- Basic Jewelry Crafting Station

 FurC.RolisRecipes[FURC_WOTL] = {
 	[147656] = 125, -- Dark Elf Tent, Canopy,
-	[147657] = 125, -- Hlaalu Stove, Chiminea,
-	[147651] = 125, -- Silver Kettle, Masterworked,
-	[147652] = 125, -- Frog-Caller, Untuned,
-	[147653] = 125, -- Pottery Wheel, Ever-Turning,
-	[147654] = 125, -- Alchemical Apparatus, Condens
-	[147655] = 125, -- Hlaalu Salt Lamp, Enchanted,
+  [147657] = 125, -- Hlaalu Stove, Chiminea,
+  [147651] = 125, -- Silver Kettle, Masterworked,
+  [147652] = 125, -- Frog-Caller, Untuned,
+  [147653] = 125, -- Pottery Wheel, Ever-Turning,
+  [147654] = 125, -- Alchemical Apparatus, Condens
+  [147655] = 125, -- Hlaalu Salt Lamp, Enchanted,
 FurC.FaustinaRecipes[FURC_DRAGONS] = {
   [141904] = 100, -- Blueprint: Alinor Bookshelf, Grand Full,
   [141905] = 100, -- Praxis: Alinor Gaming Table, Punctilious Conflict,
diff --git a/locale/en.lua b/locale/en.lua
index a29cbec..f8e3f77 100644
--- a/locale/en.lua
+++ b/locale/en.lua
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ local strings = {
   FURC_AV_MAL = "Maladdiq",
   FURC_AV_KRR = "Krrztrrb",
   FURC_AV_HAR = "Harnwulf",
+  FURC_KITTY_LATHA = "Lathathim",
+  FURC_KITTY_YATAVA = "Yatava",
   FURC_AV_ADO = "Adosa Veralor",
   FURC_AV_ENC = "enchanters",
   FURC_AV_ALC = "alchemists",
@@ -204,6 +206,7 @@ local strings = {
   SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_WOTL =   "Wrathstone",

   -- =============================== --
@@ -232,6 +235,7 @@ local strings = {
   SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_WEREWOLF_TT =  "In Soviet Hunting Ground, werewolf hunt you",
   SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_SLAVES_TT =    "What do Argonian kids learn at school? Hist-Tree.",
   SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_WOTL_TT =    "Wrathstone!",
+  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_KITTY_TT =    "Khajiit has furniture, if you have coin!",

   SI_FURC_FILTER_CHAR_OFF =     "Character filter: off",
   SI_FURC_FILTER_CHAR_OFF_TT =  filterDisabled,
diff --git a/startup.lua b/startup.lua
index 9e2c81a..7131889 100644
--- a/startup.lua
+++ b/startup.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 FurnitureCatalogue                = {}
 FurnitureCatalogue.name           = "FurnitureCatalogue"
 FurnitureCatalogue.author         = "manavortex"
-FurnitureCatalogue.version        = 3.21111111
+FurnitureCatalogue.version        = 3.211111111
 FurnitureCatalogue.CharacterName  = nil
 FurnitureCatalogue.settings       = {}

@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ FURC_ALTMER               = 7
 FURC_WEREWOLF             = 8
 FURC_SLAVES               = 9
 FURC_WOTL                 = 10
+FURC_KITTY                = 11

 FurC.Const                          = {
     vendorColor   = "d68957",
@@ -151,10 +152,10 @@ local function getTooltipsSource()
   tooltipsSource[FURC_VENDOR]           = GetString(SI_FURC_VENDOR_TT)
   tooltipsSource[FURC_PVP]             = GetString(SI_FURC_PVP_TT)
-    tooltipsSource[FURC_CROWN]               = GetString(SI_FURC_CROWN_TT)
+  tooltipsSource[FURC_CROWN]               = GetString(SI_FURC_CROWN_TT)
   tooltipsSource[FURC_WRIT_VENDOR]         = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_WRIT_VENDOR_TT)
-    tooltipsSource[FURC_RUMOUR]             = GetString(SI_FURC_RUMOUR_TT)
-    tooltipsSource[FURC_LUXURY]             = GetString(SI_FURC_LUXURY_TT)
+  tooltipsSource[FURC_RUMOUR]             = GetString(SI_FURC_RUMOUR_TT)
+  tooltipsSource[FURC_LUXURY]             = GetString(SI_FURC_LUXURY_TT)
   tooltipsSource[FURC_OTHER]                 = GetString(SI_FURC_OTHER_TT)

   return tooltipsSource
@@ -171,6 +172,7 @@ FurnitureCatalogue.DropdownData = {
+    [10] = GetString(SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_WOTL),
   TooltipsVersion  = {
     [1] =  GetString(SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_OFF_TT),
@@ -182,6 +184,7 @@ FurnitureCatalogue.DropdownData = {
+    [10] = GetString(SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_WOTL_TT),
   ChoicesCharacter  = {
     [1]  = GetString(SI_FURC_FILTER_CHAR_OFF),
@@ -194,9 +197,9 @@ FurnitureCatalogue.DropdownData = {
   ChoicesSource  = {},
   TooltipsSource   = {},
-if GetAPIVersion() == 100026 then
-    FurnitureCatalogue.DropdownData.ChoicesVersion[FURC_WOTL] = GetString(SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_WOTL)
-    FurnitureCatalogue.DropdownData.TooltipsVersion[FURC_WOTL] = GetString(SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_WOTL_TT)
+if GetAPIVersion() == 100027 then
+    FurnitureCatalogue.DropdownData.ChoicesVersion[FURC_KITTY] = GetString(SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_KITTY)
+    FurnitureCatalogue.DropdownData.TooltipsVersion[FURC_KITTY] = GetString(SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_KITTY_TT)

 local function updateDropdownData()
@@ -283,7 +286,7 @@ function FurnitureCatalogue_Initialize(eventCode, addOnName)

   FurnitureCatalogue.ScanRecipes(scanFiles, not FurC.GetSkipInitialScan())
   FurC.settings.databaseVersion   = FurC.version
-  SLASH_COMMANDS["/fur"]       = FurnitureCatalogue_Toggle
+  SLASH_COMMANDS["/fur"]          = FurnitureCatalogue_Toggle


diff --git a/xml/FurnitureCatalogue.xml b/xml/FurnitureCatalogue.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63f1c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/FurnitureCatalogue.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+  <Controls>
+    <TopLevelControl name="FurCGui" clampedToScreen="true"  movable="true" mouseEnabled="true" hidden="true" resizeHandleSize="10">
+      <DimensionConstraints x="800" y="500" minX="850" minY="200" maxY="2000"/>
+      <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="GUI_ROOT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-25" offsetY="40" />
+      <OnMoveStop>FurC.SaveFrameInfo("onMoveStop")</OnMoveStop>
+      <OnResizeStop>FurC.SaveFrameInfo("onResizeStop")</OnResizeStop>
+      <Controls>
+        <Backdrop name="$(parent)_BG" inherits="ZO_DefaultBackdrop" >
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
+        </Backdrop>
+        <Control name="$(parent)_Header" resizeToFitDescendents="true" >
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
+          <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"/>
+          <Controls>
+            <Control name="$(parent)_Bar1">
+              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
+              <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetY="50"/>
+              <!-- FurC_Header_Bar1's children -->
+              <Controls> <!-- FurC_Header_Bar1's children -->
+                <Button name="$(parent)_Feedback">
+                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="20" offsetY="10"/>
+                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Click to say thank you:\nLeft: 2k\nRight: 10k\nMiddle: 25k\nYour feedback and/or donation is appreciated!")</OnMouseEnter>
+                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
+                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.Donate(self, button)</OnMouseUp>
+                  <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+                  <Textures
+                  normal    ="esoui/art/mail/mail_tabicon_compose_up.dds"
+                  pressed    ="esoui/art/mail/mail_tabicon_compose_down.dds"
+                  mouseOver  ="esoui/art/mail/mail_tabicon_compose_over.dds"
+                  />
+                </Button>
+                <Control name ="FurC_Label" resizeToFitDescendents="true">
+                  <Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOP" offsetX="0" offsetY="10" />
+                  <Dimensions y="54"/>
+                  <!-- FurC_Header_Bar1's children -->
+                  <Controls> <!-- FurC_Header_Bar1's children -->
+                    <Label name="$(parent)_1" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|28|soft-shadow-thick" text="-Furniture Catalogue: " >
+                      <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="LEFT" offsetX="-40"/>
+                    </Label>
+                    <Label name="FurC_RecipeCount" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|24|soft-shadow-thick" mouseEnabled="true" resizeToFitDescendents="true">
+                      <Anchor point="LEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)_1" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="10" offsetY="1"/>
+                      <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "number of recipes below")</OnMouseEnter>
+                      <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
+                      <OnMouseUp>FurC.RefreshCounter()</OnMouseUp>
+                    </Label>
+                    <Label name="$(parent)_2" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|26|soft-shadow-thick" text=" entries -" >
+                      <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="FurC_RecipeCount" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetY="-1"  />
+                    </Label>
+                  </Controls>
+                </Control>
+                <Button name="$(parent)_Hide">
+                  <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-15" offsetY="15"/>
+                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Hide window")</OnMouseEnter>
+                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
+                  <OnMouseUp>FurnitureCatalogue_Toggle()</OnMouseUp>
+                  <Dimensions x="25" y="25" />
+                  <Textures
+                  normal    ="/esoui/art/buttons/decline_up.dds"
+                  pressed    ="/esoui/art/buttons/decline_down.dds"
+                  mouseOver  ="/esoui/art/buttons/decline_over.dds"
+                  />
+                </Button>
+                <Button name="$(parent)_Reload">
+                  <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Hide" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-25" offsetY="-5"/>
+                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Click: Scan character knowledge to database\n\nRight-click: Re-scans data files\n\nMiddle-click: Re-create database (will ask you first)")</OnMouseEnter>
+                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
+                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.GUIButtonRefreshOnMouseUp(self, button)</OnMouseUp>
+                  <Dimensions x="35" y="35" />
+                  <Textures
+                  normal    ="/esoui/art/help/help_tabicon_feedback_up.dds"
+                  pressed    ="/esoui/art/help/help_tabicon_feedback_down.dds "
+                  mouseOver  ="/esoui/art/help/help_tabicon_feedback_over.dds"
+                  />
+                </Button>
+                <Button name="$(parent)_TemplateTiny">
+                  <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Reload" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-15" offsetY="-2"/>
+                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "change template")</OnMouseEnter>
+                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
+                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.ChangeTemplateFromButton(true)</OnMouseUp>
+                  <Dimensions x="35" y="35" />
+                  <Textures
+                  normal    ="/esoui/art/buttons/minus_up.dds"
+                  pressed    ="/esoui/art/buttons/minus_down.dds"
+                  mouseOver  ="/esoui/art/buttons/minus_over.dds"
+                  />
+                </Button>
+                <Button name="$(parent)_TemplateLarge" hidden="true">
+                  <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Reload" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-15" offsetY="-2"/>
+                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "change template")</OnMouseEnter>
+                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
+                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.ChangeTemplateFromButton(false)</OnMouseUp>
+                  <Dimensions x="35" y="35" />
+                  <Textures
+                  normal    ="/esoui/art/buttons/plus_up.dds"
+                  pressed    ="/esoui/art/buttons/plus_down.dds"
+                  mouseOver  ="/esoui/art/buttons/plus_over.dds"
+                  />
+                </Button>
+              </Controls>
+            </Control>
+            <Control name="$(parent)_Bar2">
+              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar1" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="20"/>
+              <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar1" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="-20" />
+              <Dimensions y="35" />
+              <!-- FurC_Header_Bar2's children -->
+              <Controls> <!-- FurC_Header_Bar2's children -->
+                <Control name="FurC_DropdownSource" inherits="ZO_ComboBox" mouseEnabled="true" >
+                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="9" offsetY="10"/>
+                  <Dimensions x="230" y="28" />
+                  <OnShow>    FurC.GuiSetupDropdown(self)</OnShow>
+                  <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Filter: Knowledge and source", true)</OnMouseEnter>
+                  <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
+                </Control>
+                <Control name="FurC_QualityFilter" mouseEnabled="true">
+                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="FurC_DropdownSource" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX = "38" offsetY="3"/>
+                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="FurC_DropdownSource"  relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX = "300" />
+                </Control>
+                <Control name="FurC_DropdownVersion" inherits="ZO_ComboBox" mouseEnabled="true" >
+                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="FurC_QualityFilter" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="10"/>
+                  <Dimensions x="235" y="28" />
+                  <OnShow>    FurC.GuiSetupDropdown(self)</OnShow>
+                  <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Filter: game version", true)</OnMouseEnter>
+                  <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
+                </Control>
+              </Controls>
+            </Control>
+            <!-- 3rd bar -->
+            <Control name="$(parent)_Bar3" mouseEnabled="true">
+              <Dimensions y="55" />
+              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar2" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetY="10"/>
+              <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar2" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
+              <Dimensions y="45" />
+              <!-- FurC_Header_Bar3's children -->
+              <Controls><!-- FurC_Header_Bar3's children -->
+                <!-- control above: FurC_DropdownSource -->
+                <Control name="FurC_DropdownCharacter" inherits="ZO_ComboBox" mouseEnabled="true" >
+                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="9" offsetY="10"/>
+                  <Dimensions x="230" y="28" />
+                  <OnShow>    FurC.GuiSetupDropdown(self)</OnShow>
+                  <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Filter: Character", true)</OnMouseEnter>
+                  <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
+                </Control>
+                <!-- Crafting type filter -->
+                <Control name="FurC_TypeFilter" mouseEnabled="true" resizeToFitDescendents="true">
+                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="FurC_DropdownCharacter" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="17" offsetY="-5" />
+                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="FurC_DropdownCharacter" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="340"/>
+                </Control>
+                <!-- control above: FurC_DropdownVersion -->
+                <Control name="FurC_Search" mouseEnabled="true">
+                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="FurC_TypeFilter" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="9" offsetY="10"/>
+                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT"   relativeTo="FurC_TypeFilter" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="9" />
+                  <Dimensions x="175" />
+                  <Controls>   <!-- FurC_Search controls -->
+                    <EditBox name="FurC_SearchBox" inherits="ZO_DefaultEditForBackdrop ZO_EditDefaultText">
+                      <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-40" offsetY="-10"/>
+                      <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="0" offsetY="2"/>
+                      <OnTextChanged>FurC.GuiSetSearchboxTextFrom(self)</OnTextChanged>
+                      <OnMouseUp>FurC.GuiOnSearchBoxClick(self, button)</OnMouseUp>
+                      <OnMouseDoubleClick>FurC.GuiOnSearchBoxClick(self, nil, true)</OnMouseDoubleClick>
+                      <OnFocusLost>FurC.GuiOnSearchBoxFocusOut(self)</OnFocusLost>
+                      <Controls>
+                        <Backdrop name="$(parent)Backdrop" inherits="ZO_SingleLineEditBackdrop_Keyboard" maxHeight="30">
+                          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+                          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
+                          <OnInitialized>self:SetHeight(30)</OnInitialized>
+                        </Backdrop>
+                      </Controls>
+                    </EditBox>
+                    </Controls>
+                </Control>
+                <Button name="FurC_ShowRumours"><Dimensions x="30" y="35" />
+                  <Anchor point="RIGHT"   relativeTo="FurC_Search" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="5" offsetY="3"/>
+                  <Textures
+                    normal    ="esoui/art/chatwindow/chat_notification_disabled.dds"
+                    pressed    ="esoui/art/chatwindow/chat_notification_echo.dds"
+                    mouseOver  ="esoui/art/chatwindow/chat_notification_over.dds"
+                  />
+                  <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, FurC.GetRumourTooltip())  </OnMouseEnter>
+                  <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)  </OnMouseExit>
+                  <OnMouseUp>    FurC.SetShowRumours(not FurC.GetShowRumours())  </OnMouseUp>
+                </Button>
+                <Texture name="FurC_ShowRumoursGlow" textureFile="esoui/art/chatwindow/chat_notification_glow.dds" alpha="0.4">
+                  <Anchor point="CENTER"   relativeTo="FurC_ShowRumours" relativePoint="CENTER"   />
+                  <Dimensions x="55" y="60" />
+                </Texture>
+              </Controls>
+            </Control>
+            <!-- #4, sorts the list holder -->
+            <Control name="$(parent)_SortBar" mouseEnabled="true">
+              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar3" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="25" offsetY="20"/>
+              <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar3" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetY="40"/>
+              <Dimensions y="20" />
+              <!-- FurC_SortBar's children -->
+              <Controls> <!-- FurC_SortBar's children -->
+                <Label name="$(parent)_Name" mouseEnabled="true" font="ZoFontGameSmall" text="Name" >
+                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="330"/>
+                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.GuiOnSort("itemName")</OnMouseUp>
+                  <Controls>
+                    <Button name="$(parent)_Button" verticalAlignment="LEFT"  mouseEnabled="true">
+                      <Dimensions y="20"  x="20"/>
+                      <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-25" />
+                      <Textures
+                      normal="esoui/art/miscellaneous/list_sortheader_icon_neutral.dds"
+                      mouseOver="esoui/art/miscellaneous/list_sortheader_icon_over.dds"
+                      />
+                    </Button>
+                  </Controls>
+                </Label>
+                <Label name="$(parent)_Quality" mouseEnabled="true" font="ZoFontGameSmall" text="Quality" >
+                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Name" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
+                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
+                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.GuiOnSort("itemQuality")</OnMouseUp>
+                  <Controls>
+                    <Button name="$(parent)_Button" verticalAlignment="LEFT"  mouseEnabled="true">
+                      <Dimensions y="20"  x="20"/>
+                      <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-25" />
+                      <Textures
+                      normal="esoui/art/miscellaneous/list_sortheader_icon_neutral.dds"
+                      mouseOver="esoui/art/miscellaneous/list_sortheader_icon_over.dds"
+                      />
+                    </Button>
+                  </Controls>
+                </Label>
+              </Controls>
+            </Control>
+          </Controls>
+          <!-- $(parent)_Header -->
+        </Control>
+        <Label name="$(parent)_Wait" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|28|soft-shadow-thick" text="Please wait... loading data" >
+          <Anchor point="TOP"   relativeTo="$(parent)_Header"   relativePoint="BOTTOM"   offsetY="35" />
+        </Label>
+        <Label name="$(parent)_Empty" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|28|soft-shadow-thick" text="No results, please check filter" hidden="true" >
+          <Anchor point="TOP"   relativeTo="$(parent)_Header"   relativePoint="BOTTOM"   offsetY="35" />
+        </Label>
+        <Control name="$(parent)_ListHolder" mouseEnabled="true">
+          <DimensionConstraints  minY="52"/>
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)_Header"   relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT"   offsetX="25" />
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)"       relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="-35" offsetY="-20"/>
+          <OnMouseWheel>FurC.GuiOnScroll(self, delta)</OnMouseWheel>
+          <Controls>
+            <Slider name="$(parent)_Slider" mouseEnabled="true" step="1" inherits="ZO_VerticalScrollbarBase">
+              <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT"   relativeTo="$(parent)"   relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"   offsetX="20"  />
+              <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)"   relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="20" offsetY="-25"  />
+              <OnMouseDown>self.locked = false</OnMouseDown>
+              <OnMouseUp>self.locked = true</OnMouseUp>
+              <OnValueChanged>FurC.GuiOnSliderUpdate(self, value)</OnValueChanged>
+            </Slider>
+          </Controls>
+        </Control>
+      </Controls>
+    </TopLevelControl>
+    <Button name="FurC_QualityFilterButton" virtual="true">
+      <Dimensions x="35" y="35" />
+      <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiVirtualMouseOver(self)  </OnMouseEnter>
+      <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiVirtualMouseOut(self)  </OnMouseExit>
+      <OnMouseUp>    FurC.GuiQualityMouseUp(self, button)  </OnMouseUp>
+    </Button>
+    <Button name="FurC_CraftingTypeFilterButton" virtual="true">
+      <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+      <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiVirtualMouseOver(self)  </OnMouseEnter>
+      <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiVirtualMouseOut(self)  </OnMouseExit>
+      <OnMouseUp>    FurC.GuiCraftingTypeMouseUp(self)  </OnMouseUp>
+    </Button>
+    <Control name="FurC_SlotTemplate" inherits="ZO_ListInventorySlotBehavior" virtual="true" mouseEnabled="true">
+      <Dimensions x="300"/>
+      <OnMouseEnter>      FurC.GuiLineOnMouseEnter(self)        </OnMouseEnter>
+      <OnMouseExit>      FurC.GuiLineOnMouseExit(self)        </OnMouseExit>
+      <OnMouseUp>        FurC.OnControlMouseUp(self, button)      </OnMouseUp>
+      <OnMouseDoubleClick>  FurC.OnControlDoubleClick(self)       </OnMouseDoubleClick>
+      <Controls>
+        <Texture name="$(parent)Bg" textureFile="EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/listItem_backdrop.dds" alpha="0.4">
+          <AnchorFill />
+          <TextureCoords left="0" right="1" top="0" bottom=".8125" />
+        </Texture>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Button" inherits="ZO_InventorySlotNoMouseover" hidden="false">
+          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-10" offsetY="3" />
+        </Button>
+        <Label name="$(parent)Name" font="ZoFontGameShadow" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" verticalAlignment="CENTER">
+          <Dimensions y="50"  x="280"/>
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Button" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"     offsetX="18"/>
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Button" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"   offsetX="0"/>
+        </Label>
+        <Label name="$(parent)Mats" font="ZoFontGame" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" verticalAlignment="LEFT">
+          <Dimensions y="50" />
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Name" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="18"/>
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="0" offsetY="-10"/>
+        </Label>
+      </Controls>
+    </Control>
+    <Control name="FurC_SlotTemplateTiny" inherits="ZO_ListInventorySlotBehavior" virtual="true" mouseEnabled="true">
+      <Dimensions x="300" />
+      <OnMouseEnter>      FurC.GuiLineOnMouseEnter(self)        </OnMouseEnter>
+      <OnMouseExit>      FurC.GuiLineOnMouseExit(self)        </OnMouseExit>
+      <OnMouseUp>        FurC.OnControlMouseUp(self, button)      </OnMouseUp>
+      <OnMouseDoubleClick>  FurC.OnControlDoubleClick(self)       </OnMouseDoubleClick>
+      <Controls>
+        <Texture name="$(parent)Bg" textureFile="EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/listItem_backdrop.dds" alpha="0.4">
+          <AnchorFill />
+          <TextureCoords left="0" right="1" top="0" bottom=".8125" />
+        </Texture>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Button" inherits="ZO_InventorySlotNoMouseover" hidden="true">
+          <Dimensions x="1"/>
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="0" offsetY="3" />
+        </Button>
+        <Label name="$(parent)Name" font="ZoFontGame" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" verticalAlignment="CENTER">
+          <Dimensions y="50"  x="230"/>
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Button" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Button" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+        </Label>
+        <Label name="$(parent)Mats" font="ZoFontGame" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" verticalAlignment="LEFT">
+          <Dimensions y="50"  />
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Name" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="18"/>
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="0" offsetY="-10"/>
+        </Label>
+      </Controls>
+    </Control>
+    <Texture name="FurC_SlotIconKnownNo" color="FF0000" mouseEnabled="true" textureFile="esoui/art/buttons/decline_up.dds" virtual="true">
+      <Dimensions x="24" y="24" />
+    </Texture>
+    <Texture name="FurC_SlotIconKnownYes" color="00FF00" mouseEnabled="true" textureFile="esoui/art/cadwell/check.dds" virtual="true">
+      <Dimensions x="24" y="24" />
+    </Texture>
+    <!--
+      <Texture name="FurC_SlotIconKnownNo" color="FF0000" textureFile="esoui/art/miscellaneous/search_icon.dds" virtual="true">
+      <Dimensions x="30" y="30" />
+      </Texture>
+      <Texture name="FurC_SlotIconKnownNo" color="00FF00" textureFile="esoui/art/cadwell/check.dds" virtual="true">
+      <Dimensions x="30" y="30" />
+      </Texture>
+    -->
+  </Controls>
diff --git a/xml/FurnitureCatalogue_100025.xml b/xml/FurnitureCatalogue_100025.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 305d82c..0000000
--- a/xml/FurnitureCatalogue_100025.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
-  <Controls>
-    <TopLevelControl name="FurCGui" clampedToScreen="true"  movable="true" mouseEnabled="true" hidden="true" resizeHandleSize="10">
-      <DimensionConstraints x="800" y="500" minX="850" minY="200" maxY="2000"/>
-      <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="GUI_ROOT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-25" offsetY="40" />
-      <OnMoveStop>FurC.SaveFrameInfo("onMoveStop")</OnMoveStop>
-      <OnResizeStop>FurC.SaveFrameInfo("onResizeStop")</OnResizeStop>
-      <Controls>
-        <Backdrop name="$(parent)_BG" inherits="ZO_DefaultBackdrop" >
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
-        </Backdrop>
-        <Control name="$(parent)_Header" resizeToFitDescendents="true" >
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
-          <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"/>
-          <!-- FurC_Header's children -->
-          <Controls> <!-- FurC_Header's children -->
-            <Control name="$(parent)_Bar1">
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
-              <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetY="50"/>
-              <!-- FurC_Header_Bar1's children -->
-              <Controls> <!-- FurC_Header_Bar1's children -->
-                <Button name="$(parent)_Feedback">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="20" offsetY="10"/>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Click to say thank you:\nLeft: 2k\nRight: 10k\nMiddle: 25k\nYour feedback and/or donation is appreciated!")</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.Donate(self, button)</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-                  <Textures
-                  normal    ="esoui/art/mail/mail_tabicon_compose_up.dds"
-                  pressed    ="esoui/art/mail/mail_tabicon_compose_down.dds"
-                  mouseOver  ="esoui/art/mail/mail_tabicon_compose_over.dds"
-                  />
-                </Button>
-                <Control name ="FurC_Label" resizeToFitDescendents="true">
-                  <Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOP" offsetX="0" offsetY="10" />
-                  <Dimensions y="54"/>
-                  <Controls>
-                    <Label name="$(parent)_1" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|28|soft-shadow-thick" text="-Furniture Catalogue: " >
-                      <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="LEFT" offsetX="-40"/>
-                    </Label>
-                    <Label name="FurC_RecipeCount" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|24|soft-shadow-thick" mouseEnabled="true" resizeToFitDescendents="true">
-                      <Anchor point="LEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)_1" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="10" offsetY="1"/>
-                      <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "number of recipes below")</OnMouseEnter>
-                      <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                      <OnMouseUp>FurC.RefreshCounter()</OnMouseUp>
-                    </Label>
-                    <Label name="$(parent)_2" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|26|soft-shadow-thick" text=" entries -" >
-                      <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="FurC_RecipeCount" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetY="-1"  />
-                    </Label>
-                  </Controls>
-                </Control>
-                <Button name="$(parent)_Hide">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-15" offsetY="15"/>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Hide window")</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurnitureCatalogue_Toggle()</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Dimensions x="25" y="25" />
-                  <Textures
-                  normal    ="/esoui/art/buttons/decline_up.dds"
-                  pressed    ="/esoui/art/buttons/decline_down.dds"
-                  mouseOver  ="/esoui/art/buttons/decline_over.dds"
-                  />
-                </Button>
-                <Button name="$(parent)_Reload">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Hide" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-25" offsetY="-5"/>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Click: Scan character knowledge to database\n\nRight-click: Re-scans data files\n\nMiddle-click: Re-create database (will ask you first)")</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.GUIButtonRefreshOnMouseUp(self, button)</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Dimensions x="35" y="35" />
-                  <Textures
-                  normal    ="/esoui/art/help/help_tabicon_feedback_up.dds"
-                  pressed    ="/esoui/art/help/help_tabicon_feedback_down.dds "
-                  mouseOver  ="/esoui/art/help/help_tabicon_feedback_over.dds"
-                  />
-                </Button>
-                <Button name="$(parent)_TemplateTiny">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Reload" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-15" offsetY="-2"/>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "change template")</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.ChangeTemplateFromButton(true)</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Dimensions x="35" y="35" />
-                  <Textures
-                  normal    ="/esoui/art/buttons/minus_up.dds"
-                  pressed    ="/esoui/art/buttons/minus_down.dds"
-                  mouseOver  ="/esoui/art/buttons/minus_over.dds"
-                  />
-                </Button>
-                <Button name="$(parent)_TemplateLarge" hidden="true">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Reload" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-15" offsetY="-2"/>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "change template")</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.ChangeTemplateFromButton(false)</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Dimensions x="35" y="35" />
-                  <Textures
-                  normal    ="/esoui/art/buttons/plus_up.dds"
-                  pressed    ="/esoui/art/buttons/plus_down.dds"
-                  mouseOver  ="/esoui/art/buttons/plus_over.dds"
-                  />
-                </Button>
-              </Controls>
-            </Control>
-            <Control name="$(parent)_Bar2">
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar1" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="20"/>
-              <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar1" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="-20" />
-              <Dimensions y="35" />
-              <!-- FurC_Header_Bar2's children -->
-              <Controls> <!-- FurC_Header_Bar2's children -->
-                <Control name="FurC_DropdownSource" inherits="ZO_ComboBox" mouseEnabled="true" >
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="9" offsetY="10"/>
-                  <Dimensions x="230" y="28" />
-                  <OnShow>    FurC.GuiSetupDropdown(self)</OnShow>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Filter: Knowledge and source", true)</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                </Control>
-                <Control name="FurC_QualityFilter" mouseEnabled="true">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="FurC_DropdownSource" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX = "38" offsetY="3"/>
-                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="FurC_DropdownSource"  relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX = "300" />
-                </Control>
-                <Control name="FurC_DropdownVersion" inherits="ZO_ComboBox" mouseEnabled="true" >
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="FurC_QualityFilter" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="10"/>
-                  <Dimensions x="235" y="28" />
-                  <OnShow>    FurC.GuiSetupDropdown(self)</OnShow>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Filter: game version", true)</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                </Control>
-              </Controls>
-            </Control>
-            <!-- 3rd bar -->
-            <Control name="$(parent)_Bar3" mouseEnabled="true">
-              <Dimensions y="55" />
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar2" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetY="10"/>
-              <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar2" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
-              <Dimensions y="45" />
-              <Controls> <!-- FurC_Header_Bar3's children -->
-                <!-- control above: FurC_DropdownSource -->
-                <Control name="FurC_DropdownCharacter" inherits="ZO_ComboBox" mouseEnabled="true" >
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="9" offsetY="10"/>
-                  <Dimensions x="230" y="28" />
-                  <OnShow>    FurC.GuiSetupDropdown(self)</OnShow>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Filter: Character", true)</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                </Control>
-                <!-- Crafting type filter -->
-                <Control name="FurC_TypeFilter" mouseEnabled="true" resizeToFitDescendents="true">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="FurC_DropdownCharacter" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="17" offsetY="-5" />
-                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="FurC_DropdownCharacter" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="340"/>
-                </Control>
-                <!-- control above: FurC_DropdownVersion -->
-                <Control name="FurC_Search" mouseEnabled="true">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="FurC_TypeFilter" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="9" offsetY="10"/>
-                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT"   relativeTo="FurC_TypeFilter" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="9" />
-                  <Dimensions x="195" />
-                  <Controls>  <!-- FurC_Search controls -->
-                    <EditBox name="$(parent)Box"  inherits="ZO_InventorySearchBox" >
-                      <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-40" offsetY="-10"/>
-                      <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-5" offsetY="0"/>
-                      <OnTextChanged>FurC.GuiSetSearchboxTextFrom(self)</OnTextChanged>
-                      <OnMouseUp>FurC.GuiOnSearchBoxClick(self, button)</OnMouseUp>
-                      <OnMouseDoubleClick>FurC.GuiOnSearchBoxClick(self, nil, true)</OnMouseDoubleClick>
-                      <OnFocusLost>FurC.GuiOnSearchBoxFocusOut(self)</OnFocusLost>
-                    </EditBox>
-                  </Controls>
-                </Control>
-                <Button name="FurC_ShowRumours"><Dimensions x="35" y="30" />
-                  <Anchor point="RIGHT"   relativeTo="FurC_Search" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="-5" />
-                  <Textures
-                    normal    ="esoui/art/chatwindow/chat_notification_disabled.dds"
-                    pressed    ="esoui/art/chatwindow/chat_notification_echo.dds"
-                    mouseOver  ="esoui/art/chatwindow/chat_notification_over.dds"
-                  />
-                  <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, FurC.GetRumourTooltip())  </OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)  </OnMouseExit>
-                  <OnMouseUp>    FurC.SetShowRumours(not FurC.GetShowRumours())  </OnMouseUp>
-                </Button>
-                <Texture name="FurC_ShowRumoursGlow" textureFile="esoui/art/chatwindow/chat_notification_glow.dds" alpha="0.4">
-                  <Anchor point="CENTER"   relativeTo="FurC_ShowRumours" relativePoint="CENTER"   />
-                  <Dimensions x="55" y="60" />
-                </Texture>
-              </Controls>
-            </Control>
-            <!-- #4, sorts the list holder -->
-            <Control name="$(parent)_SortBar" mouseEnabled="true">
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar3" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="25" offsetY="20"/>
-              <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar3" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetY="40"/>
-              <Dimensions y="20" />
-              <Controls> <!-- FurC_Header_Bar4's children -->
-                <Label name="$(parent)_Name" mouseEnabled="true" font="ZoFontGameSmall" text="Name" >
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
-                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="330"/>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.GuiOnSort("itemName")</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Controls>
-                    <Button name="$(parent)_Button" verticalAlignment="LEFT"  mouseEnabled="true">
-                      <Dimensions y="20"  x="20"/>
-                      <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-25" />
-                      <Textures
-                      normal="esoui/art/miscellaneous/list_sortheader_icon_neutral.dds"
-                      mouseOver="esoui/art/miscellaneous/list_sortheader_icon_over.dds"
-                      />
-                    </Button>
-                  </Controls>
-                </Label>
-                <Label name="$(parent)_Quality" mouseEnabled="true" font="ZoFontGameSmall" text="Quality" >
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Name" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
-                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.GuiOnSort("itemQuality")</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Controls>
-                    <Button name="$(parent)_Button" verticalAlignment="LEFT"  mouseEnabled="true">
-                      <Dimensions y="20"  x="20"/>
-                      <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-25" />
-                      <Textures
-                      normal="esoui/art/miscellaneous/list_sortheader_icon_neutral.dds"
-                      mouseOver="esoui/art/miscellaneous/list_sortheader_icon_over.dds"
-                      />
-                    </Button>
-                  </Controls>
-                </Label>
-              </Controls>
-            </Control>
-          </Controls>
-          <!-- $(parent)_Header -->
-        </Control>
-        <Label name="$(parent)_Wait" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|28|soft-shadow-thick" text="Please wait... loading data" >
-          <Anchor point="TOP"   relativeTo="$(parent)_Header"   relativePoint="BOTTOM"   offsetY="35" />
-        </Label>
-        <Label name="$(parent)_Empty" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|28|soft-shadow-thick" text="No results, please check filter" hidden="true" >
-          <Anchor point="TOP"   relativeTo="$(parent)_Header"   relativePoint="BOTTOM"   offsetY="35" />
-        </Label>
-        <Control name="$(parent)_ListHolder" mouseEnabled="true">
-          <DimensionConstraints  minY="52"/>
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)_Header"   relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT"   offsetX="25" />
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)"       relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="-35" offsetY="-20"/>
-          <OnMouseWheel>FurC.GuiOnScroll(self, delta)</OnMouseWheel>
-          <Controls>
-            <Slider name="$(parent)_Slider" mouseEnabled="true" step="1" inherits="ZO_VerticalScrollbarBase">
-              <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT"   relativeTo="$(parent)"   relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"   offsetX="20"  />
-              <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)"   relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="20" offsetY="-25"  />
-              <OnMouseDown>self.locked = false</OnMouseDown>
-              <OnMouseUp>self.locked = true</OnMouseUp>
-              <OnValueChanged>FurC.GuiOnSliderUpdate(self, value)</OnValueChanged>
-            </Slider>
-          </Controls>
-        </Control>
-      </Controls>
-    </TopLevelControl>
-    <Button name="FurC_QualityFilterButton" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="35" y="35" />
-      <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiVirtualMouseOver(self)  </OnMouseEnter>
-      <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiVirtualMouseOut(self)  </OnMouseExit>
-      <OnMouseUp>    FurC.GuiQualityMouseUp(self, button)  </OnMouseUp>
-    </Button>
-    <Button name="FurC_CraftingTypeFilterButton" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-      <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiVirtualMouseOver(self)  </OnMouseEnter>
-      <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiVirtualMouseOut(self)  </OnMouseExit>
-      <OnMouseUp>    FurC.GuiCraftingTypeMouseUp(self)  </OnMouseUp>
-    </Button>
-    <Control name="FurC_SlotTemplate" inherits="ZO_ListInventorySlotBehavior" virtual="true" mouseEnabled="true">
-      <Dimensions x="300"/>
-      <OnMouseEnter>      FurC.GuiLineOnMouseEnter(self)        </OnMouseEnter>
-      <OnMouseExit>      FurC.GuiLineOnMouseExit(self)        </OnMouseExit>
-      <OnMouseUp>        FurC.OnControlMouseUp(self, button)      </OnMouseUp>
-      <OnMouseDoubleClick>  FurC.OnControlDoubleClick(self)       </OnMouseDoubleClick>
-      <Controls>
-        <Texture name="$(parent)Bg" textureFile="EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/listItem_backdrop.dds" alpha="0.4">
-          <AnchorFill />
-          <TextureCoords left="0" right="1" top="0" bottom=".8125" />
-        </Texture>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Button" inherits="ZO_InventorySlotNoMouseover" hidden="false">
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-10" offsetY="3" />
-        </Button>
-        <Label name="$(parent)Name" font="ZoFontGameShadow" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" verticalAlignment="CENTER">
-          <Dimensions y="50"  x="280"/>
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Button" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"     offsetX="18"/>
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Button" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"   offsetX="0"/>
-        </Label>
-        <Label name="$(parent)Mats" font="ZoFontGame" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" verticalAlignment="LEFT">
-          <Dimensions y="50" />
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Name" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="18"/>
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="0" offsetY="-10"/>
-        </Label>
-      </Controls>
-    </Control>
-    <Control name="FurC_SlotTemplateTiny" inherits="ZO_ListInventorySlotBehavior" virtual="true" mouseEnabled="true">
-      <Dimensions x="300" />
-      <OnMouseEnter>      FurC.GuiLineOnMouseEnter(self)        </OnMouseEnter>
-      <OnMouseExit>      FurC.GuiLineOnMouseExit(self)        </OnMouseExit>
-      <OnMouseUp>        FurC.OnControlMouseUp(self, button)      </OnMouseUp>
-      <OnMouseDoubleClick>  FurC.OnControlDoubleClick(self)       </OnMouseDoubleClick>
-      <Controls>
-        <Texture name="$(parent)Bg" textureFile="EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/listItem_backdrop.dds" alpha="0.4">
-          <AnchorFill />
-          <TextureCoords left="0" right="1" top="0" bottom=".8125" />
-        </Texture>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Button" inherits="ZO_InventorySlotNoMouseover" hidden="true">
-          <Dimensions x="1"/>
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="0" offsetY="3" />
-        </Button>
-        <Label name="$(parent)Name" font="ZoFontGame" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" verticalAlignment="CENTER">
-          <Dimensions y="50"  x="230"/>
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Button" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Button" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
-        </Label>
-        <Label name="$(parent)Mats" font="ZoFontGame" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" verticalAlignment="LEFT">
-          <Dimensions y="50"  />
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Name" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="18"/>
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="0" offsetY="-10"/>
-        </Label>
-      </Controls>
-    </Control>
-    <Texture name="FurC_SlotIconKnownNo" color="FF0000" mouseEnabled="true" textureFile="esoui/art/buttons/decline_up.dds" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="24" y="24" />
-    </Texture>
-    <Texture name="FurC_SlotIconKnownYes" color="00FF00" mouseEnabled="true" textureFile="esoui/art/cadwell/check.dds" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="24" y="24" />
-    </Texture>
-    <!--
-      <Texture name="FurC_SlotIconKnownNo" color="FF0000" textureFile="esoui/art/miscellaneous/search_icon.dds" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="30" y="30" />
-      </Texture>
-      <Texture name="FurC_SlotIconKnownNo" color="00FF00" textureFile="esoui/art/cadwell/check.dds" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="30" y="30" />
-      </Texture>
-    -->
-  </Controls>
diff --git a/xml/FurnitureCatalogue_100026.xml b/xml/FurnitureCatalogue_100026.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 63f1c94..0000000
--- a/xml/FurnitureCatalogue_100026.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-  <Controls>
-    <TopLevelControl name="FurCGui" clampedToScreen="true"  movable="true" mouseEnabled="true" hidden="true" resizeHandleSize="10">
-      <DimensionConstraints x="800" y="500" minX="850" minY="200" maxY="2000"/>
-      <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="GUI_ROOT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-25" offsetY="40" />
-      <OnMoveStop>FurC.SaveFrameInfo("onMoveStop")</OnMoveStop>
-      <OnResizeStop>FurC.SaveFrameInfo("onResizeStop")</OnResizeStop>
-      <Controls>
-        <Backdrop name="$(parent)_BG" inherits="ZO_DefaultBackdrop" >
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
-        </Backdrop>
-        <Control name="$(parent)_Header" resizeToFitDescendents="true" >
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
-          <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"/>
-          <Controls>
-            <Control name="$(parent)_Bar1">
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
-              <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetY="50"/>
-              <!-- FurC_Header_Bar1's children -->
-              <Controls> <!-- FurC_Header_Bar1's children -->
-                <Button name="$(parent)_Feedback">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="20" offsetY="10"/>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Click to say thank you:\nLeft: 2k\nRight: 10k\nMiddle: 25k\nYour feedback and/or donation is appreciated!")</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.Donate(self, button)</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-                  <Textures
-                  normal    ="esoui/art/mail/mail_tabicon_compose_up.dds"
-                  pressed    ="esoui/art/mail/mail_tabicon_compose_down.dds"
-                  mouseOver  ="esoui/art/mail/mail_tabicon_compose_over.dds"
-                  />
-                </Button>
-                <Control name ="FurC_Label" resizeToFitDescendents="true">
-                  <Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOP" offsetX="0" offsetY="10" />
-                  <Dimensions y="54"/>
-                  <!-- FurC_Header_Bar1's children -->
-                  <Controls> <!-- FurC_Header_Bar1's children -->
-                    <Label name="$(parent)_1" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|28|soft-shadow-thick" text="-Furniture Catalogue: " >
-                      <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="LEFT" offsetX="-40"/>
-                    </Label>
-                    <Label name="FurC_RecipeCount" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|24|soft-shadow-thick" mouseEnabled="true" resizeToFitDescendents="true">
-                      <Anchor point="LEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)_1" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="10" offsetY="1"/>
-                      <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "number of recipes below")</OnMouseEnter>
-                      <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                      <OnMouseUp>FurC.RefreshCounter()</OnMouseUp>
-                    </Label>
-                    <Label name="$(parent)_2" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|26|soft-shadow-thick" text=" entries -" >
-                      <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="FurC_RecipeCount" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetY="-1"  />
-                    </Label>
-                  </Controls>
-                </Control>
-                <Button name="$(parent)_Hide">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-15" offsetY="15"/>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Hide window")</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurnitureCatalogue_Toggle()</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Dimensions x="25" y="25" />
-                  <Textures
-                  normal    ="/esoui/art/buttons/decline_up.dds"
-                  pressed    ="/esoui/art/buttons/decline_down.dds"
-                  mouseOver  ="/esoui/art/buttons/decline_over.dds"
-                  />
-                </Button>
-                <Button name="$(parent)_Reload">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Hide" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-25" offsetY="-5"/>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Click: Scan character knowledge to database\n\nRight-click: Re-scans data files\n\nMiddle-click: Re-create database (will ask you first)")</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.GUIButtonRefreshOnMouseUp(self, button)</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Dimensions x="35" y="35" />
-                  <Textures
-                  normal    ="/esoui/art/help/help_tabicon_feedback_up.dds"
-                  pressed    ="/esoui/art/help/help_tabicon_feedback_down.dds "
-                  mouseOver  ="/esoui/art/help/help_tabicon_feedback_over.dds"
-                  />
-                </Button>
-                <Button name="$(parent)_TemplateTiny">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Reload" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-15" offsetY="-2"/>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "change template")</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.ChangeTemplateFromButton(true)</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Dimensions x="35" y="35" />
-                  <Textures
-                  normal    ="/esoui/art/buttons/minus_up.dds"
-                  pressed    ="/esoui/art/buttons/minus_down.dds"
-                  mouseOver  ="/esoui/art/buttons/minus_over.dds"
-                  />
-                </Button>
-                <Button name="$(parent)_TemplateLarge" hidden="true">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Reload" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-15" offsetY="-2"/>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "change template")</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.ChangeTemplateFromButton(false)</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Dimensions x="35" y="35" />
-                  <Textures
-                  normal    ="/esoui/art/buttons/plus_up.dds"
-                  pressed    ="/esoui/art/buttons/plus_down.dds"
-                  mouseOver  ="/esoui/art/buttons/plus_over.dds"
-                  />
-                </Button>
-              </Controls>
-            </Control>
-            <Control name="$(parent)_Bar2">
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar1" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="20"/>
-              <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar1" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="-20" />
-              <Dimensions y="35" />
-              <!-- FurC_Header_Bar2's children -->
-              <Controls> <!-- FurC_Header_Bar2's children -->
-                <Control name="FurC_DropdownSource" inherits="ZO_ComboBox" mouseEnabled="true" >
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="9" offsetY="10"/>
-                  <Dimensions x="230" y="28" />
-                  <OnShow>    FurC.GuiSetupDropdown(self)</OnShow>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Filter: Knowledge and source", true)</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                </Control>
-                <Control name="FurC_QualityFilter" mouseEnabled="true">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="FurC_DropdownSource" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX = "38" offsetY="3"/>
-                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="FurC_DropdownSource"  relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX = "300" />
-                </Control>
-                <Control name="FurC_DropdownVersion" inherits="ZO_ComboBox" mouseEnabled="true" >
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="FurC_QualityFilter" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="10"/>
-                  <Dimensions x="235" y="28" />
-                  <OnShow>    FurC.GuiSetupDropdown(self)</OnShow>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Filter: game version", true)</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                </Control>
-              </Controls>
-            </Control>
-            <!-- 3rd bar -->
-            <Control name="$(parent)_Bar3" mouseEnabled="true">
-              <Dimensions y="55" />
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar2" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetY="10"/>
-              <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar2" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
-              <Dimensions y="45" />
-              <!-- FurC_Header_Bar3's children -->
-              <Controls><!-- FurC_Header_Bar3's children -->
-                <!-- control above: FurC_DropdownSource -->
-                <Control name="FurC_DropdownCharacter" inherits="ZO_ComboBox" mouseEnabled="true" >
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="9" offsetY="10"/>
-                  <Dimensions x="230" y="28" />
-                  <OnShow>    FurC.GuiSetupDropdown(self)</OnShow>
-                  <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, "Filter: Character", true)</OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)</OnMouseExit>
-                </Control>
-                <!-- Crafting type filter -->
-                <Control name="FurC_TypeFilter" mouseEnabled="true" resizeToFitDescendents="true">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="FurC_DropdownCharacter" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="17" offsetY="-5" />
-                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="FurC_DropdownCharacter" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="340"/>
-                </Control>
-                <!-- control above: FurC_DropdownVersion -->
-                <Control name="FurC_Search" mouseEnabled="true">
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="FurC_TypeFilter" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="9" offsetY="10"/>
-                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT"   relativeTo="FurC_TypeFilter" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="9" />
-                  <Dimensions x="175" />
-                  <Controls>   <!-- FurC_Search controls -->
-                    <EditBox name="FurC_SearchBox" inherits="ZO_DefaultEditForBackdrop ZO_EditDefaultText">
-                      <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-40" offsetY="-10"/>
-                      <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="0" offsetY="2"/>
-                      <OnTextChanged>FurC.GuiSetSearchboxTextFrom(self)</OnTextChanged>
-                      <OnMouseUp>FurC.GuiOnSearchBoxClick(self, button)</OnMouseUp>
-                      <OnMouseDoubleClick>FurC.GuiOnSearchBoxClick(self, nil, true)</OnMouseDoubleClick>
-                      <OnFocusLost>FurC.GuiOnSearchBoxFocusOut(self)</OnFocusLost>
-                      <Controls>
-                        <Backdrop name="$(parent)Backdrop" inherits="ZO_SingleLineEditBackdrop_Keyboard" maxHeight="30">
-                          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
-                          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
-                          <OnInitialized>self:SetHeight(30)</OnInitialized>
-                        </Backdrop>
-                      </Controls>
-                    </EditBox>
-                    </Controls>
-                </Control>
-                <Button name="FurC_ShowRumours"><Dimensions x="30" y="35" />
-                  <Anchor point="RIGHT"   relativeTo="FurC_Search" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="5" offsetY="3"/>
-                  <Textures
-                    normal    ="esoui/art/chatwindow/chat_notification_disabled.dds"
-                    pressed    ="esoui/art/chatwindow/chat_notification_echo.dds"
-                    mouseOver  ="esoui/art/chatwindow/chat_notification_over.dds"
-                  />
-                  <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, FurC.GetRumourTooltip())  </OnMouseEnter>
-                  <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)  </OnMouseExit>
-                  <OnMouseUp>    FurC.SetShowRumours(not FurC.GetShowRumours())  </OnMouseUp>
-                </Button>
-                <Texture name="FurC_ShowRumoursGlow" textureFile="esoui/art/chatwindow/chat_notification_glow.dds" alpha="0.4">
-                  <Anchor point="CENTER"   relativeTo="FurC_ShowRumours" relativePoint="CENTER"   />
-                  <Dimensions x="55" y="60" />
-                </Texture>
-              </Controls>
-            </Control>
-            <!-- #4, sorts the list holder -->
-            <Control name="$(parent)_SortBar" mouseEnabled="true">
-              <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar3" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="25" offsetY="20"/>
-              <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Bar3" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetY="40"/>
-              <Dimensions y="20" />
-              <!-- FurC_SortBar's children -->
-              <Controls> <!-- FurC_SortBar's children -->
-                <Label name="$(parent)_Name" mouseEnabled="true" font="ZoFontGameSmall" text="Name" >
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
-                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="330"/>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.GuiOnSort("itemName")</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Controls>
-                    <Button name="$(parent)_Button" verticalAlignment="LEFT"  mouseEnabled="true">
-                      <Dimensions y="20"  x="20"/>
-                      <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-25" />
-                      <Textures
-                      normal="esoui/art/miscellaneous/list_sortheader_icon_neutral.dds"
-                      mouseOver="esoui/art/miscellaneous/list_sortheader_icon_over.dds"
-                      />
-                    </Button>
-                  </Controls>
-                </Label>
-                <Label name="$(parent)_Quality" mouseEnabled="true" font="ZoFontGameSmall" text="Quality" >
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)_Name" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
-                  <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
-                  <OnMouseUp>FurC.GuiOnSort("itemQuality")</OnMouseUp>
-                  <Controls>
-                    <Button name="$(parent)_Button" verticalAlignment="LEFT"  mouseEnabled="true">
-                      <Dimensions y="20"  x="20"/>
-                      <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-25" />
-                      <Textures
-                      normal="esoui/art/miscellaneous/list_sortheader_icon_neutral.dds"
-                      mouseOver="esoui/art/miscellaneous/list_sortheader_icon_over.dds"
-                      />
-                    </Button>
-                  </Controls>
-                </Label>
-              </Controls>
-            </Control>
-          </Controls>
-          <!-- $(parent)_Header -->
-        </Control>
-        <Label name="$(parent)_Wait" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|28|soft-shadow-thick" text="Please wait... loading data" >
-          <Anchor point="TOP"   relativeTo="$(parent)_Header"   relativePoint="BOTTOM"   offsetY="35" />
-        </Label>
-        <Label name="$(parent)_Empty" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|28|soft-shadow-thick" text="No results, please check filter" hidden="true" >
-          <Anchor point="TOP"   relativeTo="$(parent)_Header"   relativePoint="BOTTOM"   offsetY="35" />
-        </Label>
-        <Control name="$(parent)_ListHolder" mouseEnabled="true">
-          <DimensionConstraints  minY="52"/>
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)_Header"   relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT"   offsetX="25" />
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)"       relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="-35" offsetY="-20"/>
-          <OnMouseWheel>FurC.GuiOnScroll(self, delta)</OnMouseWheel>
-          <Controls>
-            <Slider name="$(parent)_Slider" mouseEnabled="true" step="1" inherits="ZO_VerticalScrollbarBase">
-              <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT"   relativeTo="$(parent)"   relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"   offsetX="20"  />
-              <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)"   relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="20" offsetY="-25"  />
-              <OnMouseDown>self.locked = false</OnMouseDown>
-              <OnMouseUp>self.locked = true</OnMouseUp>
-              <OnValueChanged>FurC.GuiOnSliderUpdate(self, value)</OnValueChanged>
-            </Slider>
-          </Controls>
-        </Control>
-      </Controls>
-    </TopLevelControl>
-    <Button name="FurC_QualityFilterButton" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="35" y="35" />
-      <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiVirtualMouseOver(self)  </OnMouseEnter>
-      <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiVirtualMouseOut(self)  </OnMouseExit>
-      <OnMouseUp>    FurC.GuiQualityMouseUp(self, button)  </OnMouseUp>
-    </Button>
-    <Button name="FurC_CraftingTypeFilterButton" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-      <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiVirtualMouseOver(self)  </OnMouseEnter>
-      <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiVirtualMouseOut(self)  </OnMouseExit>
-      <OnMouseUp>    FurC.GuiCraftingTypeMouseUp(self)  </OnMouseUp>
-    </Button>
-    <Control name="FurC_SlotTemplate" inherits="ZO_ListInventorySlotBehavior" virtual="true" mouseEnabled="true">
-      <Dimensions x="300"/>
-      <OnMouseEnter>      FurC.GuiLineOnMouseEnter(self)        </OnMouseEnter>
-      <OnMouseExit>      FurC.GuiLineOnMouseExit(self)        </OnMouseExit>
-      <OnMouseUp>        FurC.OnControlMouseUp(self, button)      </OnMouseUp>
-      <OnMouseDoubleClick>  FurC.OnControlDoubleClick(self)       </OnMouseDoubleClick>
-      <Controls>
-        <Texture name="$(parent)Bg" textureFile="EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/listItem_backdrop.dds" alpha="0.4">
-          <AnchorFill />
-          <TextureCoords left="0" right="1" top="0" bottom=".8125" />
-        </Texture>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Button" inherits="ZO_InventorySlotNoMouseover" hidden="false">
-          <Dimensions x="40" y="40" />
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-10" offsetY="3" />
-        </Button>
-        <Label name="$(parent)Name" font="ZoFontGameShadow" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" verticalAlignment="CENTER">
-          <Dimensions y="50"  x="280"/>
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Button" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"     offsetX="18"/>
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Button" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"   offsetX="0"/>
-        </Label>
-        <Label name="$(parent)Mats" font="ZoFontGame" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" verticalAlignment="LEFT">
-          <Dimensions y="50" />
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Name" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="18"/>
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="0" offsetY="-10"/>
-        </Label>
-      </Controls>
-    </Control>
-    <Control name="FurC_SlotTemplateTiny" inherits="ZO_ListInventorySlotBehavior" virtual="true" mouseEnabled="true">
-      <Dimensions x="300" />
-      <OnMouseEnter>      FurC.GuiLineOnMouseEnter(self)        </OnMouseEnter>
-      <OnMouseExit>      FurC.GuiLineOnMouseExit(self)        </OnMouseExit>
-      <OnMouseUp>        FurC.OnControlMouseUp(self, button)      </OnMouseUp>
-      <OnMouseDoubleClick>  FurC.OnControlDoubleClick(self)       </OnMouseDoubleClick>
-      <Controls>
-        <Texture name="$(parent)Bg" textureFile="EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/listItem_backdrop.dds" alpha="0.4">
-          <AnchorFill />
-          <TextureCoords left="0" right="1" top="0" bottom=".8125" />
-        </Texture>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Button" inherits="ZO_InventorySlotNoMouseover" hidden="true">
-          <Dimensions x="1"/>
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="0" offsetY="3" />
-        </Button>
-        <Label name="$(parent)Name" font="ZoFontGame" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" verticalAlignment="CENTER">
-          <Dimensions y="50"  x="230"/>
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Button" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Button" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
-        </Label>
-        <Label name="$(parent)Mats" font="ZoFontGame" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" verticalAlignment="LEFT">
-          <Dimensions y="50"  />
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"   relativeTo="$(parent)Name" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="18"/>
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="0" offsetY="-10"/>
-        </Label>
-      </Controls>
-    </Control>
-    <Texture name="FurC_SlotIconKnownNo" color="FF0000" mouseEnabled="true" textureFile="esoui/art/buttons/decline_up.dds" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="24" y="24" />
-    </Texture>
-    <Texture name="FurC_SlotIconKnownYes" color="00FF00" mouseEnabled="true" textureFile="esoui/art/cadwell/check.dds" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="24" y="24" />
-    </Texture>
-    <!--
-      <Texture name="FurC_SlotIconKnownNo" color="FF0000" textureFile="esoui/art/miscellaneous/search_icon.dds" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="30" y="30" />
-      </Texture>
-      <Texture name="FurC_SlotIconKnownNo" color="00FF00" textureFile="esoui/art/cadwell/check.dds" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="30" y="30" />
-      </Texture>
-    -->
-  </Controls>