Added sound on ultimate

torsten.philipp [04-01-18 - 23:47]
Added sound on ultimate
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/Defaults.lua b/TaosGroupTools/Defaults.lua
index 139f5d8..b60814c 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/Defaults.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/Defaults.lua
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ TGT_DEFAULTS =
     -- Group Ultimate settings
     ["OnlyAva"]                  = false,
     ["VisibleOffset"]            = 2,
+    ["Sound"]                    = { 1, "No Sound" },
     ["Style"]                    = 3,
     -- Positioning
     ["PosX"]                     = 0,
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/TaosGroupTools.lua b/TaosGroupTools/TaosGroupTools.lua
index 46a1bd2..244e53a 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/TaosGroupTools.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/TaosGroupTools.lua
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ local ISMOCKED = false

 local LOG_NAME = "TGT-DebugLogger"
 local LOG_COMMAND = "/tgtlogs"
-local TRACE_ACTIVE = true
-local DEBUG_ACTIVE = true
+local TRACE_ACTIVE = false
+local DEBUG_ACTIVE = false
 local ERROR_ACTIVE = true
 local DIRECT_PRINT = true
 local CATCH_LUA_ERRORS = false
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/i18n/de.lua b/TaosGroupTools/i18n/de.lua
index cc555cf..020c4cb 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/i18n/de.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/i18n/de.lua
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ local strings = {
     TGT_OPTIONS_VISIBLE_OFF_TOOLTIP =    "Wähle den gewünschten Wert ab welcher Gruppengröße das UI angezeigt werden soll.",
     TGT_OPTIONS_SWIMLANE_SCALE_LABEL =   "Skalierung auswählen.",
     TGT_OPTIONS_SWIMLANE_SCALE_TOOLTIP = "Wähle den gewünschten Skalierungswert, um die Schwimbahn-Listen zu skalieren. Standard ist 1.",
+    TGT_OPTIONS_SOUND_LABEL =            "Sound bei Ultimate gebrauch.",
+    TGT_OPTIONS_SOUND_TOOLTIP =          "Wähle den gewünschten Sound aus der gespielt werden soll, wenn ein anderer Spieler sein Ultimate aktiviert. Sounds, die nicht in der Liste sind können über /setultimatesound <SOUND> gesetzt werden. Für eine Liste aller SOUND ID's siehe",
+    TGT_OPTIONS_NO_SOUND_LABEL =         "Kein Sound",
     TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_NEGATE =            "Magienegation Ultimates der Zauberer Klasse",
     TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_ATRO =              "Atronach Ultimates der Zauberer Klasse",
     TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_OVER =              "Überladung Ultimates der Zauberer Klasse",
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/i18n/en.lua b/TaosGroupTools/i18n/en.lua
index 78c2fc1..da8f925 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/i18n/en.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/i18n/en.lua
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ local strings = {
     TGT_OPTIONS_VISIBLE_OFF_TOOLTIP =    "Choose your value of group size for visibility of UI.",
     TGT_OPTIONS_SWIMLANE_SCALE_LABEL =   "Choose scaling.",
     TGT_OPTIONS_SWIMLANE_SCALE_TOOLTIP = "Choose your scaling value to set up the scaling of Swimlane-Lists. Default is 1.",
+    TGT_OPTIONS_SOUND_LABEL =            "Sound on Ultimate use.",
+    TGT_OPTIONS_SOUND_TOOLTIP =          "Choose your favorite sound, which should played if someone used his ultimate. If you want play another sounds you can choose your sound via /setultimatesound <SOUND>. For a list of all sounds see",
+    TGT_OPTIONS_NO_SOUND_LABEL =         "No Sound",
     TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_NEGATE =            "Negate ultimates from Sorcerer class",
     TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_ATRO =              "Atronach ultimates from Sorcerer class",
     TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_OVER =              "Overload ultimates from Sorcerer class",
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/i18n/fr.lua b/TaosGroupTools/i18n/fr.lua
index c7f82de..c87930b 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/i18n/fr.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/i18n/fr.lua
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ local strings = {
     TGT_OPTIONS_VISIBLE_OFF_TOOLTIP =    "Choose your value of group size for visibility of UI.",
     TGT_OPTIONS_SWIMLANE_SCALE_LABEL =   "Choose scaling.",
     TGT_OPTIONS_SWIMLANE_SCALE_TOOLTIP = "Choose your scaling value to set up the scaling of Swimlane-Lists. Default is 1.",
+    TGT_OPTIONS_SOUND_LABEL =            "Sound on Ultimate use.",
+    TGT_OPTIONS_SOUND_TOOLTIP =          "Choose your favorite sound, which should played if someone used his ultimate. If you want play another sounds you can choose your sound via /setultimatesound <SOUND>. For a list of all sounds see",
+    TGT_OPTIONS_NO_SOUND_LABEL =         "No Sound",
     TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_NEGATE =            "Negate ultimates from Sorcerer class",
     TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_ATRO =              "Atronach ultimates from Sorcerer class",
     TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_OVER =              "Overload ultimates from Sorcerer class",
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/logic/CommandsHandler.lua b/TaosGroupTools/logic/CommandsHandler.lua
index 4f3d023..d4f2f35 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/logic/CommandsHandler.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/logic/CommandsHandler.lua
@@ -22,6 +22,23 @@ TGT_CommandsHandler.__index = TGT_CommandsHandler
 TGT_CommandsHandler.Name = "TGT-CommandsHandler"

+	Called on /tgt command
+function TGT_CommandsHandler.GetAllCommands()
+	if (LOG_ACTIVE) then
+        _logger:logTrace("TGT_CommandsHandler.GetAllCommands")
+    end
+    d("Commands active:")
+    d("/tgt - Gets all available commands")
+    d("/setgroupultimatestyle <STYLEID> - Sets the style (0 = SimpleList, 1 = SwimlaneList).")
+    d("/setultimatesound <SOUND> - Sets SOUND value, see")
+    d("/setultimateid <GROUPNAME> - Sets the static ultimate group; See /getultimategroups to get group names.")
+    d("/setswimlaneid <SWIMLANE> <GROUPNAME> - Sets the ultimate group of swimlane (1-6); See /getultimategroups to get group name.")
+    d("/getultimategroups - Gets all ultimate group names")
 	Called on /setgroupultimatestyle command
 function TGT_CommandsHandler.SetGroupUltimateStyleCommand(style)
@@ -38,6 +55,23 @@ function TGT_CommandsHandler.SetGroupUltimateStyleCommand(style)

+	Called on /setultimatesound command
+function TGT_CommandsHandler.SetUltimateSoundCommand(sound)
+	if (LOG_ACTIVE) then
+        _logger:logTrace("TGT_CommandsHandler.SetUltimateSoundCommand")
+        _logger:logDebug("sound", sound)
+    end
+    if (sound ~= "") then
+        PlaySound(SOUNDS[sound])
+        TGT_SettingsHandler.SetSoundSettings(99, sound)
+    else
+        d("Invalid sound: " .. tostring(sound))
+    end
 	Called on /setultimateid command
 function TGT_CommandsHandler.SetUltimateIdCommand(groupName)
@@ -115,17 +149,15 @@ end
 function TGT_CommandsHandler.Initialize(logger)
     if (LOG_ACTIVE) then
-        logger:logDebug("Commands active:")
-        logger:logDebug("/setgroupultimatestyle <STYLEID> - Sets the style (0 = SimpleList, 1 = SwimlaneList).")
-        logger:logDebug("/setultimateid <GROUPNAME> - Sets the static ultimate group; See /getultimategroups to get group names.")
-        logger:logDebug("/setswimlaneid <SWIMLANE> <GROUPNAME> - Sets the ultimate group of swimlane (1-6); See /getultimategroups to get group name.")
-        logger:logDebug("/getultimategroups - Gets all ultimate group names")
+        TGT_CommandsHandler.GetAllCommands()

     _logger = logger

     -- Define commands
+    SLASH_COMMANDS["/tgt"] = TGT_CommandsHandler.GetAllCommands
     SLASH_COMMANDS["/setgroupultimatestyle"] = TGT_CommandsHandler.SetGroupUltimateStyleCommand
+    SLASH_COMMANDS["/setultimatesound"] = TGT_CommandsHandler.SetUltimateSoundCommand
     SLASH_COMMANDS["/setultimateid"] = TGT_CommandsHandler.SetUltimateIdCommand
     SLASH_COMMANDS["/setswimlaneid"] = TGT_CommandsHandler.SetSwimlaneIdCommand
     SLASH_COMMANDS["/getultimategroups"] = TGT_CommandsHandler.GetUltimateGroupsCommand
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/logic/SettingsHandler.lua b/TaosGroupTools/logic/SettingsHandler.lua
index 0ce7444..a6001b6 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/logic/SettingsHandler.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/logic/SettingsHandler.lua
@@ -58,6 +58,18 @@ function TGT_SettingsHandler.SetStyleSettings(style)

+	Sets SetSoundSettings
+function TGT_SettingsHandler.SetSoundSettings(index, sound)
+    if (LOG_ACTIVE) then
+        _logger:logTrace("TGT_SettingsHandler.SetSoundSettings")
+        _logger:logDebug("index, sound", index, sound)
+    end
+    TGT_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.Sound = { index, sound }
 	Sets StaticUltimateIDSettings and fires TGT_STATIC_ULTIMATE_ID_CHANGED callbacks
 function TGT_SettingsHandler.SetStaticUltimateIDSettings(staticUltimateID)
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/ui/SettingsWindow.lua b/TaosGroupTools/ui/SettingsWindow.lua
index 7f98b35..16f6769 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/ui/SettingsWindow.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/ui/SettingsWindow.lua
@@ -32,7 +32,23 @@ function TGT_SettingsWindow.AddGroupUltimateOptions()
         [2] = GetString(TGT_OPTIONS_STYLE_SWIM),
         [3] = GetString(TGT_OPTIONS_STYLE_SHORT_SWIM),
+	local soundChoices = {
+        [1] = GetString(TGT_OPTIONS_NO_SOUND_LABEL),
+        [2] = "DUEL_ACCEPTED",
+        [3] = "ABILITY_ULTIMATE_READY",
+        [4] = "ACHIEVEMENT_AWARDED",
+        [5] = "DUEL_BOUNDARY_WARNING",
+        [7] = "CHAMPION_POINT_GAINED",
+        [8] = "DUEL_WON",
+        [9] = "GENERAL_ALERT_ERROR",
+        [10] = "LEVEL_UP",
+    }
+--	for sound,description in pairs(SOUNDS) do
+--		soundChoices[#soundChoices + 1] = sound
+--	end
 	local optionsData = {
         -- Submenu Group Ultimate Options
         {   type            = "submenu",
@@ -66,6 +82,27 @@ function TGT_SettingsWindow.AddGroupUltimateOptions()
 			        default     = TGT_DEFAULTS.IsSortingActive
+                -- Sounds
+                {   type        = "dropdown",
+			        name        = GetString(TGT_OPTIONS_SOUND_LABEL),
+			        tooltip     = GetString(TGT_OPTIONS_SOUND_TOOLTIP),
+                    choices     = soundChoices,
+			        getFunc =
+                       function()
+                          return soundChoices[TGT_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.Sound[1]]
+                       end,
+			        setFunc =
+						function(value)
+                            for index, name in ipairs(soundChoices) do
+                                if (name == value) then
+                                    if (index > 1) then PlaySound(SOUNDS[value]) end
+                                    TGT_SettingsHandler.SetSoundSettings(index, value)
+                                    break
+                                end
+                            end
+					    end,
+			        default     = soundChoices[TGT_DEFAULTS.Sound[1]]
+		        },
                 -- Style
                 {   type        = "dropdown",
 			        name        = GetString(TGT_OPTIONS_STYLE_LABEL),
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/ui/groupultimate/CompactSwimlaneList.lua b/TaosGroupTools/ui/groupultimate/CompactSwimlaneList.lua
index bf1112b..7b8acf0 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/ui/groupultimate/CompactSwimlaneList.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/ui/groupultimate/CompactSwimlaneList.lua
@@ -115,12 +115,21 @@ function TGT_CompactSwimlaneList.UpdatePlayer(player)

         if (swimLane) then
             local row = TGT_CompactSwimlaneList.GetSwimLaneRow(swimLane, player.PlayerName)
+            local updateNeeded = true

             -- Update timestamp
             if (row ~= nil) then
                 for i,swimlanePlayer in ipairs(swimLane.Players) do
 		            if (swimlanePlayer.PlayerName == player.PlayerName) then
                         swimlanePlayer.LastMapPingTimestamp = GetTimeStamp()
+                        updateNeeded = swimlanePlayer.IsPlayerDead ~= player.IsPlayerDead or swimlanePlayer.RelativeUltimate ~= player.RelativeUltimate
+                        if (swimlanePlayer.RelativeUltimate > player.RelativeUltimate) then
+                            local sound = TGT_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.Sound
+                            if (sound[1] > 1) then PlaySound(SOUNDS[sound[2]]) end
+						end
                         swimlanePlayer.IsPlayerDead = player.IsPlayerDead
                         swimlanePlayer.RelativeUltimate = player.RelativeUltimate
@@ -148,7 +157,7 @@ function TGT_CompactSwimlaneList.UpdatePlayer(player)

             -- Only update if player in a row
-            if (row ~= nil) then
+            if (row ~= nil and updateNeeded) then
                 if (TGT_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.IsSortingActive) then
                     -- Sort swimlane with all players
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/ui/groupultimate/SimpleList.lua b/TaosGroupTools/ui/groupultimate/SimpleList.lua
index e308310..71932c5 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/ui/groupultimate/SimpleList.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/ui/groupultimate/SimpleList.lua
@@ -138,11 +138,21 @@ function TGT_SimpleList.UpdatePlayer(player)

+        local updateNeeded = true
         -- Update timestamp
 		if (row ~= nil) then
             for i,listPlayer in ipairs(_players) do
 		        if (listPlayer.PlayerName == player.PlayerName) then
                     listPlayer.LastMapPingTimestamp = GetTimeStamp()
+                    updateNeeded = listPlayer.IsPlayerDead ~= player.IsPlayerDead or listPlayer.RelativeUltimate ~= player.RelativeUltimate
+                    if (listPlayer.RelativeUltimate > player.RelativeUltimate) then
+                        local sound = TGT_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.Sound
+                        if (sound[1] > 1) then PlaySound(SOUNDS[sound[2]]) end
+					end
                     listPlayer.IsPlayerDead = player.IsPlayerDead
                     listPlayer.RelativeUltimate = player.RelativeUltimate
@@ -170,7 +180,7 @@ function TGT_SimpleList.UpdatePlayer(player)

         -- Only update if player in a row
-        if (row ~= nil) then
+        if (row ~= nil and updateNeeded) then
             -- Directly update row with player, sorting will be triggered on RefreshList
 			TGT_SimpleList.UpdateListRow(row, player)
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/ui/groupultimate/SwimlaneList.lua b/TaosGroupTools/ui/groupultimate/SwimlaneList.lua
index 9cab5ef..02aad0e 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/ui/groupultimate/SwimlaneList.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/ui/groupultimate/SwimlaneList.lua
@@ -115,12 +115,21 @@ function TGT_SwimlaneList.UpdatePlayer(player)

         if (swimLane) then
             local row = TGT_SwimlaneList.GetSwimLaneRow(swimLane, player.PlayerName)
+            local updateNeeded = true

             -- Update player
             if (row ~= nil) then
                 for i,swimlanePlayer in ipairs(swimLane.Players) do
 		            if (swimlanePlayer.PlayerName == player.PlayerName) then
                         swimlanePlayer.LastMapPingTimestamp = GetTimeStamp()
+                        updateNeeded = swimlanePlayer.IsPlayerDead ~= player.IsPlayerDead or swimlanePlayer.RelativeUltimate ~= player.RelativeUltimate
+                        if (swimlanePlayer.RelativeUltimate > player.RelativeUltimate) then
+                            local sound = TGT_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.Sound
+                            if (sound[1] > 1) then PlaySound(SOUNDS[sound[2]]) end
+						end
                         swimlanePlayer.IsPlayerDead = player.IsPlayerDead
                         swimlanePlayer.RelativeUltimate = player.RelativeUltimate
@@ -148,7 +157,7 @@ function TGT_SwimlaneList.UpdatePlayer(player)

             -- Only update if player in a row
-            if (row ~= nil) then
+            if (row ~= nil and updateNeeded) then
                 if (TGT_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.IsSortingActive) then
                     -- Sort swimlane with all players