Version 1.0.3 (23-06-2019)

Jarth [06-23-19 - 12:19]
Version 1.0.3 (23-06-2019)
- Updated bindings, so they update when a key is remapped in ESO settings
- Made LibAddonMenu-2.0 Optional
-- I expect to remove LibAddonMenu-2.0 completely.. eventually
- Added functionality to "Collection Bar Settings"
-- Option to select if addon should be added to the menu ("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
-- Migrated missing settings from the menu
-- Allows for adding and removing "Collection types", without reloading the LibAddonMenu
-- Allows for changing between account or user settings, without reloading the LibAddonMenu
-- Change active collection type by pressing settings-symbol/cog in "Collection types".
- Updated menu slash command to: "/cb_menu"
- Updated settings window slash command to: "/cb"
diff --git a/.luacheckrc b/.luacheckrc
deleted file mode 100644
index da25fd7..0000000
--- a/.luacheckrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
--- -*- mode: lua; -*-
-std = "luajit"
-globals = {
-    "base",
-    "LibAddonMenu2",
-    "CollectionBars",
-    "CBs_Button",
-    "CBs_Clicked",
-    "JarthSharedBase",
-    "LibStub",
-    "CreateControlFromVirtual",
-    "GetCollectibleCooldownAndDuration",
-    "GetControl",
-    "GetKeyName",
-    "GetHighestPriorityActionBindingInfoFromName",
-    "GetTotalCollectiblesByCategoryType",
-    "GetTotalUnlockedCollectiblesByCategoryType",
-    "GetTimeStamp",
-    "GetFrameTimeMilliseconds",
-    "GetCollectibleId",
-    "GetCollectibleIdFromType",
-    "GetCollectibleInfo",
-    "GetCollectibleCategoryInfo",
-    "GetInterfaceColor",
-    "CT_LABEL",
-    "CT_TEXTURE",
-    "ZO_HUDFadeSceneFragment",
-    "GetWindowManager",
-    "IsCollectibleActive",
-    "IsCollectibleCategoryUsable",
-    "IsCollectibleUsable",
-    "IsCollectibleUnlocked",
-    "IsCollectibleValidForPlayer",
-    "UseCollectible",
-    "TOPLEFT",
-    "TOPRIGHT",
-    "BOTTOM",
-    "CENTER",
-    "LEFT",
-    "RIGHT",
-    "TOP",
-    "GuiRoot",
-    "ZO_Object",
-    "ZO_CreateStringId",
-    "ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip",
-    "ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip",
-    "ZO_SavedVars",
-    "ZO_Anchor",
-    "CreateSimpleAnimation",
-    "ZO_ContextualActionBar_AddReference",
-    "ZO_ContextualActionBar_RemoveReference",
-    "ZO_FormatTimeAsDecimalWhenBelowThreshold",
-    "d",
-    "_",
-    "HUD_SCENE",
-    "HUD_UI_SCENE",
-    "zo_round",
-    "zo_ceil",
-    "PlaySound",
-    "SOUNDS",
-    "TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT", -- 0
-    "TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER", -- 1
-    "TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT", -- 2
-    "TEXT_ALIGN_TOP", -- 3
-    "TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM", -- 4
-    "IsSlotToggled",
-    "CBs_List",
-    "ZO_SortFilterList",
-    "ZO_ScrollList_AddDataType",
-    "ZO_ScrollList_GetDataList",
-    "ZO_ClearNumericallyIndexedTable",
-    "ZO_ScrollList_CreateDataEntry",
-    "ZO_CheckButton_SetCheckState",
-    "ZO_CheckButton_SetToggleFunction",
-    "ZO_CheckButton_SetEnableState",
-    "ZO_CheckButton_SetLabelText",
diff --git a/CBs_Bindings.lua b/CBs_Bindings.lua
index b6861cf..e59dfbc 100644
--- a/CBs_Bindings.lua
+++ b/CBs_Bindings.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 Author: Jarth
 Filename: CBs_Bindings.lua
 ]] --
@@ -29,16 +28,13 @@ function CBs_Clicked(keyId)
             for cid, _keyId in pairs(base.Global.ReverseBindings) do
                 if cid ~= newCId and _keyId == keyId then
                     base.Global.ReverseBindings[cid] = nil
-                    base.SetbindingText(cid, "")
+                    base.SetbindingText(cid)

             base.Saved.Bindings[keyId] = newCId
             base.Global.ReverseBindings[newCId] = keyId
-            if base.Buttons[newCId] then
-                base.Buttons[newCId]:SetBindingText(base.Saved.ShowBinding, base.GetBindingNameFromCId(newCId))
-            end
+            base.SetbindingText(newCId)
     elseif collectibleId > 0 then
         if base.Buttons[collectibleId] then
@@ -49,9 +45,9 @@ function CBs_Clicked(keyId)

-function base.SetbindingText(cid, text)
+function base.SetbindingText(cid)
     if base.Buttons[cid] then
-        base.Buttons[cid]:SetBindingText(base.Saved.ShowBinding, text)
+        base.Buttons[cid]:SetBindingText(base.Saved.ShowBinding, cid)

@@ -87,8 +83,3 @@ function base.GetBindingNameFromCId(cid)
     return result
---- TODO: Implement a listener, that is set/unset when a field is selected.
---- Inspiration: "keybindingutils.lua":"function ZO_Keybindings_RegisterLabelForBindingUpdate(label, actionName, showUnbound, gamepadActionName, onChangedCallback, alwaysPreferGamepadMode)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CBs_Button.lua b/CBs_Button.lua
index 963fe1c..3617c29 100644
--- a/CBs_Button.lua
+++ b/CBs_Button.lua
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Author: Jarth
 Filename: CBs_Button.lua
 ]] --
 CBs_Button = ZO_Object:Subclass()

-function CBs_Button:New(_type, frame, cId, saved)
+function CBs_Button:New(base, _type, frame, cId, saved)
     local newB = ZO_Object.New(self)

     if newB then
         local ctrl = CreateControlFromVirtual(_type.Name .. "_Button", frame, "CBs_Button", cId)
         newB.cId = cId
+        newB.base = base
         newB.type = _type
         newB.saved = saved
         newB.ctrl = ctrl
@@ -54,30 +54,21 @@ function CBs_Button:Setup(base)

-    self.button:SetHandler(
-        "OnClicked",
-        function()
-            base.Activate(self)
+    self.button:SetHandler("OnClicked", function()
+        base.Activate(self)
+    end)
+    self.button:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function()
+        if self.playSounds then
-    )
-    self.button:SetHandler(
-        "OnMouseEnter",
-        function()
-            if self.playSounds then
-                PlaySound(SOUNDS.QUICKSLOT_MOUSEOVER)
-            end
-            if self.type.Saved.Tooltip.Show then
-                local text = self.type.Collection[self.cId].Name
-                ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip(self.button, self.type.Saved.Tooltip.Position, text)
-            end
+        if self.type.Saved.Tooltip.Show then
+            local text = self.type.Collection[self.cId].Name
+            ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip(self.button, self.type.Saved.Tooltip.Position, text)
-    )
-    self.button:SetHandler(
-        "OnMouseExit",
-        function()
-            ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip()
-        end
-    )
+    end)
+    self.button:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function()
+        ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip()
+    end)

 function CBs_Button:SetShowBindingText(visible)
@@ -91,15 +82,19 @@ function CBs_Button:SetSize(size)
     self.icon:SetWidth(size - 6)

-function CBs_Button:SetBindingText(show, text)
-    if self.buttonText ~= nil and show then
-        self.buttonText:SetHeight(self.ctrl:GetHeight())
-        self.buttonText:SetWidth(self.ctrl:GetWidth())
+function CBs_Button:SetBindingText(show, cId)
+    local keyId = self.base.Global.ReverseBindings[cId]
+    if self.buttonText ~= nil then
+        ZO_Keybindings_UnregisterLabelForBindingUpdate(self.buttonText)
-        self.buttonText:SetAnchor(BOTTOM, self.ctrl, BOTTOM, 0, 0)
-        self.buttonText:SetText(text)
-    elseif self.buttonText ~= nil then
+        if keyId ~= nil and show then
+            ZO_Keybindings_UnregisterLabelForBindingUpdate(self.buttonText)
+            self.buttonText:SetHeight(self.ctrl:GetHeight())
+            self.buttonText:SetWidth(self.ctrl:GetWidth())
+            self.buttonText:SetAnchor(BOTTOM, self.ctrl, BOTTOM, 0, 0)
+            ZO_Keybindings_RegisterLabelForBindingUpdate(self.buttonText, string.format("%s_%s", self.base.Addon.Abbreviation, keyId), false)
+        end

@@ -152,12 +147,9 @@ function CBs_Button:UpdateCooldown(remaining, duration, cooldown)
-        self.ctrl:SetHandler(
-            "OnUpdate",
-            function()
-                self:RefreshCooldown(remaining, duration, cooldown)
-            end
-        )
+        self.ctrl:SetHandler("OnUpdate", function()
+            self:RefreshCooldown(remaining, duration, cooldown)
+        end)
         if self.showingCooldown then
             if self.playSounds then
diff --git a/CBs_Button.xml b/CBs_Button.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a23a1ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CBs_Button.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+  <Controls>
+    <Control name="CBs_Button" clampedToScreen="true" movable="false" virtual="true">
+      <Controls>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Button" mouseOverBlendMode="ADD">
+          <AnchorFill />
+          <MouseButton button="1" enabled="true" />
+          <MouseButton button="2" enabled="true" />
+          <Textures normal="/EsoUI/Art/ActionBar/" pressed="/EsoUI/Art/ActionBar/" mouseOver="/EsoUI/Art/ActionBar/" />
+        </Button>
+        <Texture name="$(parent)BG" level="0" textureFile="/EsoUI/Art/ActionBar/">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" />
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" />
+        </Texture>
+        <Texture name="$(parent)Icon" level="1">
+          <Anchor point="CENTER" relativeTo="$(parent)" />
+        </Texture>
+        <Texture name="$(parent)CooldownIcon" level="1">
+          <TextureCoords left="0" right="1" top="0" bottom="0" />
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+        </Texture>
+        <Texture name="$(parent)Status" textureFile="/EsoUI/Art/ActionBar/" tier="HIGH" hidden="true">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+        </Texture>
+        <Cooldown name="$(parent)Cooldown" inherits="ZO_DefaultCooldown" tier="HIGH" alpha="0.7">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+        </Cooldown>
+        <Texture name="$(parent)CooldownCompleteAnimation" textureFile="/EsoUI/Art/ActionBar/" blendMode="ADD" tier="HIGH" hidden="true">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+        </Texture>
+        <Label name="$(parent)ButtonText" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" horizontalAlignment="CENTER" tier="HIGH" verticalAlignment="BOTTOM" font="ZoFontGameSmall">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOM" relativeTo="$(parent)Button" relativePoint="BOTTOM" />
+        </Label>
+        <Label name="$(parent)CooldownTime" inherits="ZO_CollectibleTileDefaultLabel" hidden="true" clampedToScreen="true">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+        </Label>
+      </Controls>
+    </Control>
+  </Controls>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CBs_Buttons.lua b/CBs_Buttons.lua
index 3d8fc42..901ceae 100644
--- a/CBs_Buttons.lua
+++ b/CBs_Buttons.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 Author: Jarth
 Filename: CBs_Buttons.lua
 ]] --
@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@ function base.SetFrameAndCombineSize(_type)
     local width, height = base.GetBarWidthHeight(_type)
     base.SetFrameSizeIfExists(_type.Frame, width, height)

-    if _type.Saved.Combine then
+    if _type.Saved.IsCombined and not _type.Saved.HideAll then
         base.SetFrameSizeIfExists(base.Global.Combine.Frame, width, height)
@@ -52,16 +51,16 @@ function base.SetupButtons(_type)

     for _, _value in ipairs(_type.OrderedCollection) do
         local hideButton = true
-        if selected[_value.Id] and IsCollectibleUnlocked(_value.Id) and IsCollectibleValidForPlayer(_value.Id) then
+        if _type.Saved.Enabled and selected[_value.Id] and IsCollectibleUnlocked(_value.Id) and IsCollectibleValidForPlayer(_value.Id) then
             if base.Buttons[_value.Id] == nil then
-                base.Buttons[_value.Id] = CBs_Button:New(_type, frame, _value.Id, base.Saved)
+                base.Buttons[_value.Id] = CBs_Button:New(base, _type, frame, _value.Id, base.Saved)

             if not _type.Saved.HideAll and (maxIndex == 0 or index <= maxIndex) then
                 hideButton = false

                 local left, top = base.GetButtonPosition(_type, index)
-                base.Buttons[_value.Id]:SetBindingText(base.Saved.ShowBinding, base.GetBindingNameFromCId(_value.Id))
+                base.Buttons[_value.Id]:SetBindingText(base.Saved.ShowBinding, _value.Id)
                 base.Buttons[_value.Id]:UpdateAnchor(frame, left, top)
@@ -69,6 +68,8 @@ function base.SetupButtons(_type)
                 index = index + 1
             _type.IsEmpty = false
+        elseif not _type.Saved.Enabled and base.Buttons[_value.Id] ~= nil then
+            base.Buttons[_value.Id]:SetHidden(true)

         if base.Buttons[_value.Id] ~= nil then
@@ -78,12 +79,13 @@ function base.SetupButtons(_type)

+    local isHidden = _type.IsEmpty and not base.Global.EnableSettings or not _type.Saved.Enabled
     if _type.Frame then
-        _type.Frame:SetHidden(_type.IsEmpty and not base.Global.EnableSettings)
+        _type.Frame:SetHidden(isHidden)

     if _type.FrameLabel then
-        _type.FrameLabel:SetHidden(_type.IsEmpty and not base.Global.EnableSettings)
+        _type.FrameLabel:SetHidden(isHidden)

@@ -132,45 +134,37 @@ function base.Activate(button)
         if button and base.Saved.IsActiveActivationEnabled then
             EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(base.Addon.Abbreviation .. button.type.Name .. tostring(button.type.EventTS), EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_USE_RESULT)
             button.type.EventTS = GetTimeStamp()
-            EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(
-                base.Addon.Abbreviation .. button.type.Name .. tostring(button.type.EventTS),
-                function(_, result, isAttemptingActivation)
-                    local countDown = button.type.Cooldown
-                    local success = false
-                    if result == COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_NOT_BLOCKED and button.button then
-                        success = true
-                        countDown.CollectibleId = button.cId
-                        base.UpdateButtonsState(button.type, button.cId, isAttemptingActivation)
-                    end
-                    local successActivate = isAttemptingActivation and success
-                    countDown.StartTime = GetFrameTimeMilliseconds()
-                    EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(base.Addon.Abbreviation .. button.type.Name .. tostring(button.type.EventTS), EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_USE_RESULT)
-                    if success then
-                        EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate(base.Addon.Abbreviation .. button.type.Name .. countDown.Event)
-                        EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate(
-                            base.Addon.Abbreviation .. button.type.Name .. countDown.Event,
-                            countDown.Tick,
-                            function()
-                                local remaining, duration = GetCollectibleCooldownAndDuration(countDown.CollectibleId)
-                                local cooldown = base.GetCooldownText(countDown, duration)
-                                base.UpdateButtonsCooldown(button.type, remaining, duration, cooldown)
-                                if duration == 0 then
-                                    countDown.StartTime = nil
-                                    local isActive = successActivate or IsCollectibleActive(button.cId)
-                                    base.UpdateButtonsState(button.type, button.cId, isActive)
-                                    EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate(base.Addon.Abbreviation .. button.type.Name .. countDown.Event)
-                                end
-                            end
-                        )
-                    end
+            EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(base.Addon.Abbreviation .. button.type.Name .. tostring(button.type.EventTS), EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_USE_RESULT, function(_, result, isAttemptingActivation)
+                local countDown = button.type.Cooldown
+                local success = false
+                if result == COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_NOT_BLOCKED and button.button then
+                    success = true
+                    countDown.CollectibleId = button.cId
+                    base.UpdateButtonsState(button.type, button.cId, isAttemptingActivation)
+                end
+                local successActivate = isAttemptingActivation and success
+                countDown.StartTime = GetFrameTimeMilliseconds()
+                EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(base.Addon.Abbreviation .. button.type.Name .. tostring(button.type.EventTS), EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_USE_RESULT)
+                if success then
+                    EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate(base.Addon.Abbreviation .. button.type.Name .. countDown.Event)
+                    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate(base.Addon.Abbreviation .. button.type.Name .. countDown.Event, countDown.Tick, function()
+                        local remaining, duration = GetCollectibleCooldownAndDuration(countDown.CollectibleId)
+                        local cooldown = base.GetCooldownText(countDown, duration)
+                        base.UpdateButtonsCooldown(button.type, remaining, duration, cooldown)
+                        if duration == 0 then
+                            countDown.StartTime = nil
+                            local isActive = successActivate or IsCollectibleActive(button.cId)
+                            base.UpdateButtonsState(button.type, button.cId, isActive)
+                            EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate(base.Addon.Abbreviation .. button.type.Name .. countDown.Event)
+                        end
+                    end)
-            )
+            end)
diff --git a/CBs_Constants.lua b/CBs_Constants.lua
index 9d77fee..72582ab 100644
--- a/CBs_Constants.lua
+++ b/CBs_Constants.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 Author: Jarth
 Filename: CBs_Constants.lua
 ]] --
@@ -13,8 +12,9 @@ CollectionBars = {
         DisplayName = "Collection Bars",
         Abbreviation = "CBs",
         Version = 1.0,
-        MinorVersion = 0.2,
-        Command = "/cb",
+        MinorVersion = 0.3,
+        Command = "/cb_menu",
+        SettingsSlash = "/cb",
         Author = "Jarth",
         Website = ""
@@ -37,71 +37,22 @@ CollectionBars = {
         Bindings = {[1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 0, [4] = 0, [5] = 0, [6] = 0, [7] = 0, [8] = 0, [9] = 0, [10] = 0},
         IsAudioEnabled = true,
         IsActiveActivationEnabled = true,
-        Combine = {
-            BarDepth = 0,
-            BarWidth = 0,
-            X = CENTER,
-            Y = CENTER,
-            AnchorXY = TOPLEFT,
-            Display = "CombineBar",
-            Label = {
-                OffsetX = 0,
-                OffsetY = 0,
-                Position = BOTTOMLEFT,
-                PositionTarget = TOPLEFT
-            }
-        }
+        Combine = {BarDepth = 0, BarWidth = 0, X = CENTER, Y = CENTER, AnchorXY = TOPLEFT, Display = "CombineBar", Label = {OffsetX = 0, OffsetY = 0, Position = BOTTOMLEFT, PositionTarget = TOPLEFT}},
+        UseLAMMenu = true
     Global = {
         HideAllId = "CBs_HideAll",
-        SettingsSlash = "/cb_settings",
         EnableSettings = false,
         IsMoveEnabled = false,
         ReverseBindings = {},
         SettingsFrame = nil,
         SettingsList = nil,
-        Combine = {
-            Name = "Combine",
-            EventTS = nil,
-            MoveFrame = nil,
-            Frame = nil,
-            HideAll = nil,
-            Fragment = nil,
-            IsEmpty = false
-        },
-        ChoiceLocations = {
-            "top",
-            "topright",
-            "right",
-            "bottomright",
-            "bottom",
-            "bottomleft",
-            "left",
-            "topleft",
-            "center"
-        },
-        ChoiceCornerLocations = {
-            "topleft",
-            "topright",
-            "bottomright",
-            "bottomleft"
-        },
-        ChoiceSideLocations = {
-            "top",
-            "right",
-            "bottom",
-            "left"
-        },
-        AvailableFonts = {
-            "ZoFontGameSmall",
-            "ZoFontGameLarge",
-            "ZoFontGameLargeBold",
-            "ZoFontGameLargeBoldShadow",
-            "ZoFontHeader",
-            "ZoFontHeader2",
-            "ZoFontHeader3",
-            "ZoFontHeader4"
-        },
+        SettingsFilters = {["CollectionTypes"] = "Collection Types", ["Selection"] = "Collectibles", ["Collection"] = "Collection bar", ["General"] = "General", ["Combined"] = "Combined bar"},
+        Combine = {Name = "Combine", EventTS = nil, MoveFrame = nil, Frame = nil, _type = nil, HideAll = nil, Fragment = nil, IsEmpty = false},
+        ChoiceLocations = {"top", "topright", "right", "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "center"},
+        ChoiceCornerLocations = {"topleft", "topright", "bottomright", "bottomleft"},
+        ChoiceSideLocations = {"top", "right", "bottom", "left"},
+        AvailableFonts = {"ZoFontGameSmall", "ZoFontGameLarge", "ZoFontGameLargeBold", "ZoFontGameLargeBoldShadow", "ZoFontHeader", "ZoFontHeader2", "ZoFontHeader3", "ZoFontHeader4"},
         ScenePairs = {
             ShowBarOnHud = HUD_SCENE,
             ShowBarOnHudUI = HUD_UI_SCENE,
@@ -164,12 +115,7 @@ function CollectionBars.GenerateCollectionTypes()
                 Count = nil,
                 BarDepth = 0,
                 BarWidth = nil,
-                Cooldown = {
-                    Event = "Cooldown" .. setupElement.Name,
-                    CollectibleId = nil,
-                    StartTime = nil,
-                    Tick = 100
-                },
+                Cooldown = {Event = "Cooldown" .. setupElement.Name, CollectibleId = nil, StartTime = nil, Tick = 100},
                 Fragment = nil
             CollectionBars.TypeOrdered[collectionIndex] = CollectionBars.Type[setupElement.Name]
@@ -181,10 +127,7 @@ function CollectionBars.GenerateCollectionTypes()
                 HideAll = true,
                 HideAllEnabled = true,
                 MenuShowDisabled = false,
-                Tooltip = {
-                    Show = true,
-                    Position = TOP
-                },
+                Tooltip = {Show = true, Position = TOP},
                 Horizontal = true,
                 BarDepth = 0,
                 BarWidth = 0,
@@ -193,17 +136,9 @@ function CollectionBars.GenerateCollectionTypes()
                 AnchorXY = TOPLEFT,
                 Display = setupElement.Display,
                 LabelShow = true,
-                Label = {
-                    OffsetX = 0,
-                    OffsetY = 0,
-                    Height = 19,
-                    Width = 75,
-                    Font = "ZoFontGameSmall",
-                    Position = BOTTOMLEFT,
-                    PositionTarget = TOPLEFT
-                },
-                Combine = true
+                Label = {OffsetX = 0, OffsetY = 0, Height = 19, Width = 75, Font = "ZoFontGameSmall", Position = BOTTOMLEFT, PositionTarget = TOPLEFT},
+                IsCombined = true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CBs_Fragment.lua b/CBs_Fragment.lua
index 15aa5aa..2a4a08b 100644
--- a/CBs_Fragment.lua
+++ b/CBs_Fragment.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 Author: Jarth
 Filename: CBs_Fragment.lua
 ]] --
diff --git a/CBs_Helpers.lua b/CBs_Helpers.lua
index 9416261..09d2595 100644
--- a/CBs_Helpers.lua
+++ b/CBs_Helpers.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 Author: Jarth
 Filename: CBs_Helpers.lua
 ]] --
@@ -66,9 +65,9 @@ end
 function base.RestorePosition(_type)
     local combineFrame = base.Global.Combine.Frame
-    if not _type.Saved.Combine or not combineFrame then
+    if not _type.Saved.IsCombined or not combineFrame then
         _type.Frame:SetAnchor(_type.Saved.AnchorXY, GuiRoot, TOPLEFT, _type.Saved.X, _type.Saved.Y)
-    elseif _type.Saved.Combine then
+    elseif _type.Saved.IsCombined then
         if not _type.Saved.HideAll then
@@ -89,7 +88,6 @@ function base.GetLabelPostFix(_type)
     return postFix

 function base.IsAllSelected(_type)
     local isAllSelected = true
     for _, collection in pairs(_type.Collection) do
@@ -117,7 +115,7 @@ function base.GetVersion(showMinor)
         return tostring(base.Addon.Version)

-    return tostring(base.Addon.Version) .. "." .. tostring(base.Addon.MinorVersion)
+    return string.format("%s.%s", tostring(base.Addon.Version), tostring(base.Addon.MinorVersion))

 function base.SetAndUpdateAccountSettings(newUseAccountSettings)
@@ -132,6 +130,16 @@ function base.SetAndUpdateAccountSettings(newUseAccountSettings)

+function base.ResetAccountSettings()
+    if base.Saved.UseAccountSettings then
+        _G[base.Addon.Name .. "_Account"] = nil
+        base.Saved = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide(base.Addon.Name .. "_Account", base.Addon.Version, nil, base.Default)
+    else
+        _G[base.Addon.Name .. "_Character"] = nil
+        base.Saved = ZO_SavedVars:New(base.Addon.Name .. "_Character", base.Addon.Version, nil, base.Default)
+    end
 function base.GetBarWidthHeight(_type)
     local width, height, count = 0, 0, 0

@@ -145,7 +153,7 @@ function base.GetBarWidthHeight(_type)
     local function GetBarMaxCount(type)
         local barConstraintXY = _type.Saved[type]

-        if _type.Saved.Combine then
+        if _type.Saved.IsCombined then
             barConstraintXY = base.Saved.Combine[type]

@@ -187,4 +195,8 @@ function base.HasAny(array)
         return true
     return false
\ No newline at end of file
+function base.SetControlText(control, text)
+    control.SetText(control, text)
diff --git a/CBs_Labels.lua b/CBs_Labels.lua
index dbed0a0..b206b41 100644
--- a/CBs_Labels.lua
+++ b/CBs_Labels.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 Author: Jarth
 Filename: CBs_Labels.lua
 ]] --
@@ -19,28 +18,25 @@ function base.SetupLabel(_type)
-    _type.FrameLabel:SetHidden(not _type.Saved.LabelShow and not _type.Saved.Combine)
+    _type.FrameLabel:SetHidden(not _type.Saved.LabelShow and not _type.Saved.IsCombined)

     _type.FrameToggleSettings = GetControl(base.Global.HideAllId .. _type.Name .. "ToggleSettings")
     _type.FrameLabelButton = GetControl(base.Global.HideAllId .. _type.Name .. "Button")
     if _type.FrameLabelButton ~= nil then
-        _type.FrameLabelButton:SetHandler(
-            "OnClicked",
-            function(_, button)
-                if button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_LEFT then
-                    if _type.Saved.HideAllEnabled or _type.Saved.Combine then
-                        _type.Saved.HideAll = not _type.Saved.HideAll
-                        if _type.Saved.Combine then
-                            base.HideOther(_type)
-                        end
-                        base.RestoreFrame(_type)
-                        base.RestoreCombine()
+        _type.FrameLabelButton:SetHandler("OnClicked", function(_, button)
+            if button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_LEFT then
+                if _type.Saved.HideAllEnabled or _type.Saved.IsCombined then
+                    _type.Saved.HideAll = not _type.Saved.HideAll
+                    if _type.Saved.IsCombined then
+                        base.HideOthers(_type)
-                elseif button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_RIGHT then
-                    base.ToggleEnableSettings()
+                    base.RestoreFrame(_type)
+                    base.RestoreCombine()
+            elseif button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_RIGHT then
+                base.ToggleEnableSettings()
-        )
+        end)

@@ -54,10 +50,10 @@ function base.RestoreLabel(_type)
-        if not _type.Saved.Combine then
+        if not _type.Saved.IsCombined then
             frameLabel:SetAnchor(label.Position, _type.Frame, label.PositionTarget, label.OffsetX, label.OffsetY)
-        frameLabel:SetHidden(not _type.Saved.Combine and not _type.Saved.LabelShow)
+        frameLabel:SetHidden(not _type.Saved.IsCombined and not _type.Saved.LabelShow)

     local frameLabelButton = _type.FrameLabelButton
@@ -66,7 +62,7 @@ function base.RestoreLabel(_type)
-        frameLabelButton:SetText(_type.Saved.Display .. base.GetLabelPostFix(_type))
+        frameLabelButton:SetText(tostring(_type.Saved.Display) .. base.GetLabelPostFix(_type))

     local frameLabelToggleSettings = _type.FrameToggleSettings
@@ -97,11 +93,12 @@ function base.RestoreCombineLabels()
     local positionTarget = combineLabel.PositionTarget
     local position = combineLabel.Position
     for _, _type in pairs(base.TypeOrdered) do
-        if _type.Saved.Enabled and _type.Saved.Combine and _type.FrameLabel then
+        if _type.Saved.Enabled and _type.Saved.IsCombined and _type.FrameLabel then
             if (not _type.IsEmpty or base.Global.EnableSettings) then
+                local hasSelected = not base.HasAny(_type.Saved.Selected)
-                _type.FrameLabel:SetHidden(not _type.Saved.Combine and not base.HasAny(_type.Saved.Selected) and not _type.Saved.LabelShow and not base.Global.EnableSettings)
-                if not _type.FrameLabel:IsHidden() or (_type.Saved.LabelShow and base.HasAny(_type.Saved.Selected)) or base.Global.EnableSettings then
+                _type.FrameLabel:SetHidden(not hasSelected and not _type.Saved.LabelShow and not base.Global.EnableSettings)
+                if not _type.FrameLabel:IsHidden() or (_type.Saved.LabelShow and hasSelected) or base.Global.EnableSettings then
                     width = width + _type.Saved.Label.OffsetX
                     local offsetY = _type.Saved.Label.OffsetY + combineLabel.OffsetY
                     _type.FrameLabel:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, base.Global.Combine.HideAll, TOPLEFT, width, offsetY)
diff --git a/CBs_List.lua b/CBs_List.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b422a0b..0000000
--- a/CBs_List.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-Author: Jarth
-Filename: CBs_List.lua
-]] --
-CBs_List = ZO_SortFilterList:Subclass()
-function CBs_List:New(...)
-    self.list = ZO_SortFilterList.New(self, ...)
-    return self.list
-function CBs_List:Initialize(base, _type, ...)
-    ZO_SortFilterList.Initialize(self, ...)
-    self.base = base
-    self._type = _type
-    self.masterList = {}
-    self:SetAlternateRowBackgrounds(false)
-    ZO_ScrollList_AddDataType(
-        self.list,
-        1,
-        "CBs_ListRow",
-        40,
-        function(control, data)
-            control._type = self._type
-            control.base = self.base
-   = data
-            self:SetupListRow(control, data)
-        end
-    )
-    ZO_ScrollList_AddDataType(
-        self.list,
-        2,
-        "CBs_Divider",
-        6,
-        function(control, data)
-            ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control, data)
-        end
-    )
-function CBs_List:SetupListRow(control, data)
-    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control, data)
-    control.checkbox = GetControl(control, "Checkbox")
-    if control.checkbox then
-        control.checkbox.tooltipText = data.tooltipText
-        ZO_CheckButton_SetCheckState(control.checkbox, and
-        ZO_CheckButton_SetLabelText(control.checkbox,
-        if control.checkbox.label then
-            control.checkbox.label.defaultNormalColor = ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR
-            control.checkbox.label:ClearAnchors()
-            control.checkbox.label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, control.checkbox, TOPLEFT, -425)
-            control.checkbox.label:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, control.checkbox, BOTTOMLEFT)
-        end
-        ZO_CheckButton_SetToggleFunction(control.checkbox,
-        ZO_CheckButton_SetEnableState(control.checkbox, not ( and
-    end
-function CBs_List:BuildMasterList()
-    self.masterList = {}
-    local function CBs_List_Show_Disabled_Collectible(checkBoxControl, newValue)
-        local control = checkBoxControl:GetParent()
-        control._type.Saved.MenuShowDisabled = newValue
-        control.base.CreateCollection(control._type)
-        control.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
-    end
-    local function CBs_List_Select_All_Collectible(checkBoxControl, newValue)
-        local control = checkBoxControl:GetParent()
-        control.base.SelectAll(control._type, newValue)
-        control.base.RestoreFrame(control._type)
-        control.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
-        control.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
-    end
-    local function CBs_List_Select_Collectible(checkBoxControl, newValue)
-        local control = checkBoxControl:GetParent()
-        if not ( and then
-            if newValue == true then
-                control._type.Saved.Selected[] = newValue
-            else
-                control._type.Saved.Selected[] = nil
-            end
-            control.base.RestoreFrame(control._type)
-            control.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
-            control.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
-        end
-    end
-    if self._type then
-        table.insert(
-            self.masterList,
-            {
-                name = "Show disabled " .. self._type.Name,
-                tooltipText = "When ON disabled elements will be shown for " .. self._type.Name,
-                valueFunc = function()
-                    return self._type.Saved.MenuShowDisabled
-                end,
-                func = CBs_List_Show_Disabled_Collectible,
-                type = "show_disabled_collectible"
-            }
-        )
-        table.insert(self.masterList, {type = "divider"})
-        table.insert(
-            self.masterList,
-            {
-                name = "Select all " .. self._type.Name,
-                tooltipText = "When pressed all " .. self._type.Name .. " will either be selected or deselected",
-                valueFunc = function()
-                    return self.base.IsAllSelected(self._type)
-                end,
-                func = CBs_List_Select_All_Collectible,
-                type = "select_all_collectible"
-            }
-        )
-        table.insert(self.masterList, {type = "divider"})
-        if self._type.OrderedCollection then
-            for _, collection in ipairs(self._type.OrderedCollection) do
-                if self._type.Saved.MenuShowDisabled and collection.Disabled or not collection.Disabled then
-                    table.insert(
-                        self.masterList,
-                        {
-                            cId = collection.Id,
-                            name = "Show " .. collection.Name,
-                            tooltipText = collection.Tooltip,
-                            valueFunc = function()
-                                return self._type.Saved.Selected[collection.Id]
-                            end,
-                            disabledFunc = function()
-                                return collection.Disabled
-                            end,
-                            func = CBs_List_Select_Collectible,
-                            type = "select_collectible"
-                        }
-                    )
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-function CBs_List:FilterScrollList()
-    local scrollData = ZO_ScrollList_GetDataList(self.list)
-    ZO_ClearNumericallyIndexedTable(scrollData)
-    for i = 1, #self.masterList do
-        if self.masterList[i].type == "divider" then
-            scrollData[#scrollData + 1] = ZO_ScrollList_CreateDataEntry(2, self.masterList[i])
-        else
-            scrollData[#scrollData + 1] = ZO_ScrollList_CreateDataEntry(1, self.masterList[i])
-        end
-    end
-function CBs_List:SortScrollList()
diff --git a/CBs_Menu.lua b/CBs_Menu.lua
index 9a8ab58..3f5c5b0 100644
--- a/CBs_Menu.lua
+++ b/CBs_Menu.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 Author: Jarth
 Filename: CBs_Menu.lua
 ]] --
 -- Libraries --
@@ -17,19 +16,16 @@ local base = CollectionBars
 function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
-    LAM2:RegisterAddonPanel(
-        base.Addon.Name,
-        {
-            _type = "panel",
-            name = base.Addon.DisplayName,
-            displayName = base.Addon.DisplayName,
-            author = base.Addon.Author,
-            version = base.GetVersion(true),
-            slashCommand = base.Addon.Command,
-            registerForRefresh = true,
-            registerForDefaults = true
-        }
-    )
+    LAM2:RegisterAddonPanel(base.Addon.Name, {
+        _type = "panel",
+        name = base.Addon.DisplayName,
+        displayName = base.Addon.DisplayName,
+        author = base.Addon.Author,
+        version = base.GetVersion(true),
+        slashCommand = base.Addon.Command,
+        registerForRefresh = true,
+        registerForDefaults = true
+    })

     local whenOnTheBar = "When ON the bar will show the bar "
     local disabledWhenTooltipIsHidden = "Disabled when tooltip is not shown"
@@ -37,15 +33,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
     local disabledWhenCombined = "Disabled when Collection is included in combine bar"

     local optionsData = {
-        {
-            type = "header",
-            name = base.Addon.DisplayName .. " Settings"
-        },
-        {
-            type = "description",
-            text = string.format("Here you can setup %s.\nCMD: %s", base.Addon.DisplayName, base.Addon.Command)
-        },
-        {
+        {type = "header", name = base.Addon.DisplayName .. " Settings"}, {type = "description", text = string.format("Here you can setup %s.\nSlash command: %s\nCollection bars settings: %s", base.Addon.DisplayName, base.Addon.Command, base.Addon.SettingsSlash)}, {
             type = "checkbox",
             name = "Use account settings",
             tooltip = "When ON the account settings will be used. When OFF character settings will be used",
@@ -59,8 +47,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
             width = "half"
-        },
-        {
+        }, {
             type = "button",
             name = "Toggle settings",
             tooltip = "When ON all enabled collection types will display a label\nOpen a settings panel for each collection type, and select what collectibles you want to enable.",
@@ -68,17 +55,12 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
             width = "half"
-        },
-        {
+        }, {
             type = "submenu",
             name = "General settings",
             tooltip = "Setup some general settings",
             controls = {
-                {
-                    type = "description",
-                    text = "Here you can setup position and size"
-                },
-                {
+                {type = "description", text = "Here you can setup position and size"}, {
                     type = "checkbox",
                     name = "Unlock movement of bar",
                     tooltip = "When ON the bar will show the X,Y position of the top left corner, and is draggable",
@@ -92,8 +74,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                         base.Global.IsMoveEnabled = newValue
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "slider",
                     name = "Choose snap size when moving",
                     default = base.Default.SnapSize,
@@ -106,8 +87,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                     min = 1,
                     max = 10
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "slider",
                     name = "Choose default bar depth (number of rows/columns)",
                     default = base.Default.BarDepth,
@@ -120,8 +100,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                     min = 1,
                     max = base.Global.HighestUnlocked
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "slider",
                     name = "Choose max bar height (number of inverse rows/columns)",
                     default = base.Default.BarWidth,
@@ -134,8 +113,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                     min = 0,
                     max = base.Global.HighestUnlocked
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "checkbox",
                     name = "Show binding's on bar",
                     tooltip = "When ON the binding's will be shown on the bar",
@@ -148,8 +126,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                     width = "half"
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "slider",
                     name = "Button size",
                     default = ZO_GAMEPAD_ACTION_BUTTON_SIZE,
@@ -163,39 +140,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                     min = 1,
                     max = 100,
                     width = "half"
-                },
-                {
-                    type = "divider",
-                    width = "full"
-                },
-                {
-                    type = "description",
-                    text = "Here you can setup the audio"
-                },
-                {
-                    type = "checkbox",
-                    name = "Play hover audio",
-                    tooltip = "When ON hover events on the bar, will play audio",
-                    default = function()
-                        return base.Saved.IsAudioEnabled
-                    end,
-                    getFunc = function()
-                        return base.Saved.IsAudioEnabled
-                    end,
-                    setFunc = function(newValue)
-                        base.Saved.IsAudioEnabled = newValue
-                        base.RestoreFrames()
-                    end
-                },
-                {
-                    type = "divider",
-                    width = "full"
-                },
-                {
-                    type = "description",
-                    text = "Here you can setup what views/scenes the bars are visible in"
-                },
-                {
+                }, {type = "divider", width = "full"}, {type = "description", text = "Here you can setup what views/scenes the bars are visible in"}, {
                     type = "checkbox",
                     name = "Show bar " .. "on main view/hud",
                     tooltip = whenOnTheBar .. "on main view/hud",
@@ -207,8 +152,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                         base.Saved.ShowBarOnHud = newValue
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "checkbox",
                     name = "Show bar " .. "on the main view when an overlay is activated/hudui",
                     tooltip = whenOnTheBar .. "on the main view when an overlay is activated/hudui",
@@ -220,8 +164,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                         base.Saved.ShowBarOnHudUI = newValue
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "checkbox",
                     name = "Show bar " .. "in menu",
                     tooltip = whenOnTheBar .. "in menu",
@@ -233,8 +176,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                         base.Saved.ShowBarInMenu = newValue
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "checkbox",
                     name = "Show bar " .. "in the inventory",
                     tooltip = whenOnTheBar .. "in the inventory",
@@ -246,8 +188,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                         base.Saved.ShowBarInInventory = newValue
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "checkbox",
                     name = "Show bar " .. "in interactions",
                     tooltip = whenOnTheBar .. "in interactions",
@@ -259,8 +200,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                         base.Saved.ShowBarInInteract = newValue
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "checkbox",
                     name = "Show bar " .. "at a bank",
                     tooltip = whenOnTheBar .. "at a bank",
@@ -272,8 +212,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                         base.Saved.ShowBarInBank = newValue
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "checkbox",
                     name = "Show bar " .. "at a fence",
                     tooltip = whenOnTheBar .. "at a fence",
@@ -285,8 +224,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                         base.Saved.ShowBarInFence = newValue
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "checkbox",
                     name = "Show bar " .. "at a store",
                     tooltip = whenOnTheBar .. "at a store",
@@ -298,16 +236,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                         base.Saved.ShowBarInStore = newValue
-                },
-                {
-                    type = "divider",
-                    width = "full"
-                },
-                {
-                    type = "description",
-                    text = "Here you can setup the active and activation indication"
-                },
-                {
+                }, {type = "divider", width = "full"}, {type = "description", text = "Here you can setup the active and activation indication"}, {
                     type = "checkbox",
                     name = "Show active and activation",
                     tooltip = "When ON the active collectibles will be highlighted, and activation animation will display",
@@ -321,19 +250,28 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                         base.Saved.IsActiveActivationEnabled = newValue
+                }, {type = "divider", width = "full"}, {type = "description", text = "Here you can setup the audio"}, {
+                    type = "checkbox",
+                    name = "Play hover audio",
+                    tooltip = "When ON hover events on the bar, will play audio",
+                    default = function()
+                        return base.Saved.IsAudioEnabled
+                    end,
+                    getFunc = function()
+                        return base.Saved.IsAudioEnabled
+                    end,
+                    setFunc = function(newValue)
+                        base.Saved.IsAudioEnabled = newValue
+                        base.RestoreFrames()
+                    end
-        },
-        {
+        }, {
             type = "submenu",
             name = "Combined bar",
             tooltip = "Setup the combined bar",
             controls = {
-                {
-                    type = "description",
-                    text = "Here you can setup the display name and labels"
-                },
-                {
+                {type = "description", text = "Here you can setup the display name and labels"}, {
                     type = "slider",
                     name = "Display name offset horizontal (X)",
                     default = base.Default.Combine.Label.OffsetX,
@@ -347,8 +285,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                     min = -500,
                     max = 500,
                     width = "half"
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "slider",
                     name = "Display name offset vertical (Y)",
                     default = base.Default.Combine.Label.OffsetY,
@@ -362,8 +299,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                     min = -500,
                     max = 500,
                     width = "half"
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "dropdown",
                     name = "Display name anchor position on button",
                     tooltip = "Select display name anchor position on the button",
@@ -378,8 +314,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                     width = "half"
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "dropdown",
                     name = "Display name anchor position on label",
                     tooltip = "Select display name anchor position on the label",
@@ -393,8 +328,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                     width = "half"
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "dropdown",
                     name = "Bar anchor location",
                     tooltip = "Select Bar anchor location, used when bar is collapsed",
@@ -408,16 +342,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                     width = "half"
-                },
-                {
-                    type = "divider",
-                    width = "full"
-                },
-                {
-                    type = "description",
-                    text = "Here you can setup position and size"
-                },
-                {
+                }, {type = "divider", width = "full"}, {type = "description", text = "Here you can setup position and size"}, {
                     type = "slider",
                     name = "Choose default bar depth (number of rows/columns)",
                     default = base.Default.BarDepth,
@@ -430,8 +355,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                     min = 0,
                     max = base.Global.HighestUnlocked
-                },
-                {
+                }, {
                     type = "slider",
                     name = "Choose max bar height (number of inverse rows/columns)",
                     default = base.Default.BarWidth,
@@ -446,45 +370,36 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                     max = base.Global.HighestUnlocked
-        },
-        {
+        }, {
             type = "submenu",
             name = "Collection types",
             tooltip = "Select what collection types you want enabled",
-            controls = {
-                {
-                    type = "description",
-                    text = "The selected collection types will be displayed when ON\nReload to see effect in menu"
-                }
-            }
+            controls = {{type = "description", text = "The selected collection types will be displayed when ON\nReload to see effect in menu"}}

     local function AppendCollectionType(controlIndex, _type)
-        table.insert(
-            optionsData[controlIndex].controls,
-            {
-                type = "checkbox",
-                name = string.format("Show %s", _type.Name),
-                tooltip = "When ON the menu item " .. _type.Name .. " will be available for selection",
-                default = base.Default[_type.Name].Enabled,
-                getFunc = function()
-                    return _type.Saved.Enabled
-                end,
-                setFunc = function(newValue)
-                    _type.Saved.Enabled = newValue
-                    if newValue then
-                        base.InitializeType(_type)
-                    else
-                        base.RemoveLabel(_type)
-                        base.RemoveFrame(_type)
-                    end
-                    if _type.Saved.Combine then
-                        base.RestoreCombineLabels()
-                    end
+        table.insert(optionsData[controlIndex].controls, {
+            type = "checkbox",
+            name = string.format("Show %s", _type.Name),
+            tooltip = "When ON the menu item " .. _type.Name .. " will be available for selection",
+            default = base.Default[_type.Name].Enabled,
+            getFunc = function()
+                return _type.Saved.Enabled
+            end,
+            setFunc = function(newValue)
+                _type.Saved.Enabled = newValue
+                if newValue then
+                    base.InitializeType(_type)
+                else
+                    base.RemoveLabel(_type)
+                    base.RemoveFrame(_type)
-            }
-        )
+                if _type.Saved.IsCombined then
+                    base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+                end
+            end
+        })

     local function AppendCollectionMenuItem(controlIndex, _type)
@@ -496,23 +411,14 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 tooltip = "When ON " .. typeName .. " will be attached to a combined bar",
                 default = base.Default[typeName].Combine,
                 getFunc = function()
-                    return _type.Saved.Combine
+                    return _type.Saved.IsCombined
                 setFunc = function(newValue)
-                    _type.Saved.Combine = newValue
+                    _type.Saved.IsCombined = newValue
-            },
-            {
-                type = "divider",
-                width = "full"
-            },
-            {
-                type = "description",
-                text = "Here you can setup tooltips"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {type = "divider", width = "full"}, {type = "description", text = "Here you can setup tooltips"}, {
                 type = "checkbox",
                 name = "Show tooltip",
                 tooltip = "When ON tooltips will be shown, when hovering buttons on the bar",
@@ -525,8 +431,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 width = "half"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {
                 type = "dropdown",
                 name = "Show tooltip anchor position",
                 tooltip = "Select tooltip anchor position\n" .. disabledWhenTooltipIsHidden,
@@ -543,25 +448,16 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 width = "half"
-            },
-            {
-                type = "divider",
-                width = "full"
-            },
-            {
-                type = "description",
-                text = "Here you can setup the name and labels"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {type = "divider", width = "full"}, {type = "description", text = "Here you can setup the name and labels"}, {
                 type = "checkbox",
                 name = "Enable hide/toggle visibility of the label",
                 tooltip = "When enabled a +/- at the end of the label indicates if the label is hidden or shown\n" .. disabledWhenCombined,
                 disabled = function()
-                    return _type.Saved.Combine
+                    return _type.Saved.IsCombined
                 default = base.Default[typeName].HideAllEnabled,
                 getFunc = function()
-                    return _type.Saved.Combine or _type.Saved.HideAllEnabled
+                    return _type.Saved.IsCombined or _type.Saved.HideAllEnabled
                 setFunc = function(newValue)
                     if (not newValue) then
@@ -574,17 +470,16 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 width = "half"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {
                 type = "checkbox",
                 name = "Show label",
                 tooltip = disabledWhenCombined .. " or hide/toggle visibility is enabled",
                 disabled = function()
-                    return _type.Saved.HideAllEnabled or _type.Saved.Combine
+                    return _type.Saved.HideAllEnabled or _type.Saved.IsCombined
                 default = base.Default[typeName].LabelShow,
                 getFunc = function()
-                    return _type.Saved.LabelShow or _type.Saved.Combine
+                    return _type.Saved.LabelShow or _type.Saved.IsCombined
                 setFunc = function(newValue)
                     _type.Saved.LabelShow = newValue
@@ -592,8 +487,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 width = "half"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {
                 type = "editbox",
                 name = "Display name",
                 tooltip = disabledWhenLabelIsHidden,
@@ -602,7 +496,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 default = base.Default[typeName].Display,
                 getFunc = function()
-                    return _type.Saved.Display
+                    return tostring(_type.Saved.Display)
                 setFunc = function(value)
                     _type.Saved.Display = value
@@ -610,8 +504,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 width = "half"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {
                 type = "dropdown",
                 name = "Display name font",
                 tooltip = disabledWhenLabelIsHidden,
@@ -629,8 +522,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 width = "half"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {
                 type = "slider",
                 name = "Display name height",
                 tooltip = disabledWhenLabelIsHidden,
@@ -649,8 +541,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 min = 0,
                 max = 500,
                 width = "half"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {
                 type = "slider",
                 name = "Display name width",
                 tooltip = disabledWhenLabelIsHidden,
@@ -669,8 +560,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 min = 0,
                 max = 500,
                 width = "half"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {
                 type = "slider",
                 name = "Display name offset horizontal (X)",
                 tooltip = disabledWhenLabelIsHidden,
@@ -689,8 +579,7 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 min = -500,
                 max = 500,
                 width = "half"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {
                 type = "slider",
                 name = "Display name offset vertical (Y)",
                 tooltip = disabledWhenLabelIsHidden,
@@ -709,18 +598,17 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 min = -500,
                 max = 500,
                 width = "half"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {
                 type = "dropdown",
                 name = "Display name anchor position on button",
                 tooltip = "Select display name anchor position on the button\n" .. disabledWhenLabelIsHidden .. "\n or Collection is included in combine bar",
                 disabled = function()
-                    return not _type.Saved.LabelShow or _type.Saved.Combine
+                    return not _type.Saved.LabelShow or _type.Saved.IsCombined
                 choices = base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
                 default = base.Default.BindingLocation,
                 getFunc = function()
-                    if _type.Saved.Combine then
+                    if _type.Saved.IsCombined then
                         return base.GetLocationText(base.Saved.Combine.Label.PositionTarget)
                         return base.GetLocationText(_type.Saved.Label.PositionTarget)
@@ -733,18 +621,17 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 width = "half"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {
                 type = "dropdown",
                 name = "Display name anchor position on label",
                 tooltip = "Select display name anchor position on the label\n" .. disabledWhenLabelIsHidden .. "\n or Collection is included in combine bar",
                 disabled = function()
-                    return not _type.Saved.LabelShow or _type.Saved.Combine
+                    return not _type.Saved.LabelShow or _type.Saved.IsCombined
                 choices = base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
                 default = base.Default.BindingLocation,
                 getFunc = function()
-                    if _type.Saved.Combine then
+                    if _type.Saved.IsCombined then
                         return base.GetLocationText(base.Saved.Combine.Label.Position)
                         return base.GetLocationText(_type.Saved.Label.Position)
@@ -756,18 +643,17 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 width = "half"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {
                 type = "dropdown",
                 name = "Bar anchor location",
                 tooltip = "Select Bar anchor location, used when bar is collapsed\n" .. disabledWhenCombined,
                 choices = base.Global.ChoiceCornerLocations,
                 default = base.Default[typeName].AnchorXY,
                 disabled = function()
-                    return _type.Saved.Combine
+                    return _type.Saved.IsCombined
                 getFunc = function()
-                    if _type.Saved.Combine then
+                    if _type.Saved.IsCombined then
                         return base.GetLocationText(base.Saved.Combine.AnchorXY)
                         return base.GetLocationText(_type.Saved.AnchorXY)
@@ -779,22 +665,13 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 width = "half"
-            },
-            {
-                type = "divider",
-                width = "full"
-            },
-            {
-                type = "description",
-                text = "Here you can setup the position and size"
-            },
-            {
+            }, {type = "divider", width = "full"}, {type = "description", text = "Here you can setup the position and size"}, {
                 type = "slider",
                 name = "Choose bar depth (number of rows/columns)",
                 default = base.Default[typeName].BarDepth,
                 tooltip = disabledWhenCombined,
                 disabled = function()
-                    return _type.Saved.Combine
+                    return _type.Saved.IsCombined
                 getFunc = function()
                     return _type.Saved.BarDepth
@@ -806,14 +683,13 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 min = 0,
                 max = _type.Unlocked
-            },
-            {
+            }, {
                 type = "slider",
                 name = "Choose max bar height (number of inverse rows/columns)",
                 default = base.Default[typeName].BarWidth,
                 tooltip = disabledWhenCombined,
                 disabled = function()
-                    return _type.Saved.Combine
+                    return _type.Saved.IsCombined
                 getFunc = function()
                     return _type.Saved.BarWidth
@@ -825,14 +701,13 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
                 min = 0,
                 max = _type.Unlocked
-            },
-            {
+            }, {
                 type = "checkbox",
                 name = "Bar orientation horizontal",
                 default = base.Default[typeName].Horizontal,
                 tooltip = disabledWhenCombined,
                 disabled = function()
-                    return _type.Saved.Combine
+                    return _type.Saved.IsCombined
                 getFunc = function()
                     return _type.Saved.Horizontal
@@ -844,19 +719,15 @@ function base.CreateSettingsWindow()
-        table.insert(
-            optionsData,
-            controlIndex,
-            {
-                type = "submenu",
-                name = string.format("Setup %s", typeName),
-                tooltip = 'Choose what collection\'s you want on the bar\nDisabled when collection is disabled in "Collection Types"',
-                disabled = function()
-                    return not _type.Saved.Enabled
-                end,
-                controls = controls
-            }
-        )
+        table.insert(optionsData, controlIndex, {
+            type = "submenu",
+            name = string.format("Setup %s", typeName),
+            tooltip = 'Choose what collection\'s you want on the bar\nDisabled when collection is disabled in "Collection Types"',
+            disabled = function()
+                return not _type.Saved.Enabled
+            end,
+            controls = controls
+        })

     local indexShowCollection = 7
diff --git a/CBs_MoveFrame.lua b/CBs_MoveFrame.lua
index 3125ef4..682d7a6 100644
--- a/CBs_MoveFrame.lua
+++ b/CBs_MoveFrame.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 Author: Jarth
 Filename: CBs_MoveFrame.lua
 ]] --
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ function base.UpdateMoveFrame(_type)
     local targetFrame = _type.Frame
     local onMouseEnter, onMouseExit, onMouseDown, onMouseUp = nil, nil, nil, nil

-    if base.Global.IsMoveEnabled and (_type.Name == "Combine" or not _type.IsEmpty and not _type.Saved.Combine) then
+    if base.Global.IsMoveEnabled and (_type.Name == "Combine" or not _type.IsEmpty and not _type.Saved.IsCombined) then
         moveFrame = base.GetOrCreateMoveFrame(targetFrame, _type)

         onMouseEnter = function(frame)
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ function base.GetOrCreateMoveFrame(targetFrame, _type)
     if _type.MoveFrame == nil then
         local newMoveFrame = base.WM:CreateControlFromVirtual(nil, GuiRoot, base.Addon.Abbreviation .. "_MoveFrame")

-        --Variable is used to define what savedVariable the Frame refers to.
+        -- Variable is used to define what savedVariable the Frame refers to.
         newMoveFrame.TargetFrame = targetFrame
         newMoveFrame.Saved = base.Saved
         newMoveFrame.Type = _type
diff --git a/CBs_Settings.lua b/CBs_Settings.lua
index 403ca83..a99cd23 100644
--- a/CBs_Settings.lua
+++ b/CBs_Settings.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 Author: Jarth
 Filename: CBs_Settings.lua
 ]] --
@@ -12,8 +11,8 @@ local base = CollectionBars
 function base.InitializeSettingsSlash()
-    SLASH_COMMANDS[base.Global.SettingsSlash] = function()
-        base.ToggleEnableSettings()
+    SLASH_COMMANDS[base.Addon.SettingsSlash] = function()
+        base.ShowSettings()

@@ -54,18 +53,12 @@ end
 function base.SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(control, text, onClicked)
     control.tooltipText = text
     control:SetHandler("OnClicked", onClicked)
-    control:SetHandler(
-        "OnMouseEnter",
-        function(_control)
-            ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip(_control, BOTTOM, _control.tooltipText)
-        end
-    )
-    control:SetHandler(
-        "OnMouseExit",
-        function()
-            ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip()
-        end
-    )
+    control:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function(_control)
+        ZO_Tooltips_ShowTextTooltip(_control, BOTTOM, _control.tooltipText)
+    end)
+    control:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function()
+        ZO_Tooltips_HideTextTooltip()
+    end)

 function base.SetupSetttingsFrame(_type)
@@ -73,60 +66,68 @@ function base.SetupSetttingsFrame(_type)

     base.Global.SettingsFrame = base.WM:CreateControlFromVirtual(selector, GuiRoot, selector)
     base.Global.SettingsLabel = GetControl(selector .. "Label")
-    base.Global.SettingsList = CBs_List:New(base, _type, base.Global.SettingsFrame)
+    base.Global.SettingsList = CBs_Settings_List:New(base, _type, base.Global.SettingsFrame)

     local titleControl = GetControl(selector .. "Title")
     titleControl:SetText(base.Addon.DisplayName .. " Settings")

     local closeFrame = GetControl(base.Global.SettingsFrame, "Close")
     if closeFrame then
-        base.SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(
-            closeFrame,
-            "Close",
-            function(buttonControl)
-                local control = buttonControl:GetParent()
-                control:SetHidden(true)
-            end
-        )
+        base.SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(closeFrame, "Close", function(buttonControl)
+            buttonControl:GetParent():SetHidden(true)
+        end)
     local moveFrame = GetControl(base.Global.SettingsFrame, "Move")
     if moveFrame then
-        base.SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(
-            moveFrame,
-            "Toggle move frame",
-            function()
-                base.Global.IsMoveEnabled = not base.Global.IsMoveEnabled
-                base.RestoreFrames()
-            end
-        )
+        base.SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(moveFrame, "Toggle move frame", function()
+            base.Global.IsMoveEnabled = not base.Global.IsMoveEnabled
+            base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+            base.RestoreFrames()
+        end)
     local refreshFrame = GetControl(base.Global.SettingsFrame, "Refresh")
     if refreshFrame then
-        base.SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(
-            refreshFrame,
-            "Reload collection list",
-            function()
-                base.CreateCollection(_type)
-                base.RestoreFrame(_type)
-                base.RestoreCombineLabels()
-                base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
-            end
-        )
+        base.SetupSettingsFrameHandlers(refreshFrame, "Reload collection list", function()
+            base.CreateCollection(_type)
+            base.RestoreFrame(_type)
+            base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+            base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+        end)
+    end
+    for controlName, displayName in pairs(base.Global.SettingsFilters) do
+        base.SetupSettingsFilter(base.Global.SettingsFrame, controlName, displayName)
+    end
+function base.SetupSettingsFilter(control, controlName, displayName)
+    local filterControl = GetControl(control, controlName)
+    if filterControl then
+        base.SetControlText(filterControl, displayName)
+        filterControl:SetHandler("OnClicked", function()
+            base.Global.SettingsList.masterListType = controlName
+            base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshFilters()
+        end)

 function base.ShowSettings(_type)
-    local show = false
-    if base.Global.SettingsFrame == nil then
+    local show = base.Global.SettingsFrame == nil
+    if show then
-        show = true

     show = show or base.Global.SettingsFrame:IsHidden() or _type ~= base.Global.SettingsList._type
     base.Global.SettingsFrame:SetHidden(not show)
+    base.UpdateSettingsType(show, _type)
     if show then
-        base.Global.SettingsLabel:SetText(show and _type.Name or "")
         base.Global.SettingsList._type = show and _type or nil
+function base.UpdateSettingsType(show, _type)
+    if base.Global.SettingsLabel ~= nil then
+        base.Global.SettingsLabel:SetText(show and _type and _type.Name or "Global")
+    end
diff --git a/CBs_Settings.xml b/CBs_Settings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e670c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CBs_Settings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+  <Controls>
+    <TopLevelControl name="CBs_Settings" clampedToScreen="true" movable="true" mouseEnabled="true" virtual="true">
+      <Anchor point="CENTER" relativePoint="CENTER"/>
+      <Dimensions x="544" y="944" />
+      <DimensionConstraints minX="544" minY="944" />
+      <Controls>
+        <Backdrop name="$(parent)Bg" integralWrapping="true">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-8" offsetY="-6"/>
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="4" offsetY="4"/>
+          <Edge file="EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/" edgeFileWidth="256" edgeFileHeight="256" edgeSize="32"/>
+          <Center file="EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/" />
+          <Insets left="32" top="32" right="-32" bottom="-32" />
+        </Backdrop>
+        <Label name="$(parent)Title" font="ZoFontWinH1" modifyTextType="UPPERCASE">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" offsetX="22" offsetY="22" />
+        </Label>
+        <Texture name="$(parent)Divider" inherits="ZO_Options_Divider">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Title" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetY="2"/>
+        </Texture>
+        <Label name="$(parent)Label" inherits="ZO_Options_SectionTitleLabel">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Divider" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="5"/>
+        </Label>
+        <Button name="$(parent)General" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" clickSound="Click" relativeTo="$(parent)">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Label" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetY="15"/>
+          <Dimensions x="120" y="22" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)CollectionTypes" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" clickSound="Click" relativeTo="$(parent)">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)General" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
+          <Dimensions x="120" y="22" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Selection" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" clickSound="Click" relativeTo="$(parent)">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)CollectionTypes" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
+          <Dimensions x="120" y="22" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Collection" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" clickSound="Click" relativeTo="$(parent)">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Selection" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" />
+          <Dimensions x="120" y="22" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Combined" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" clickSound="Click" relativeTo="$(parent)">
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Collection" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="-5" />
+          <Dimensions x="120" y="22" />
+        </Button>
+        <Control name="$(parent)List" inherits="ZO_ScrollList">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)General" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetY="22"/>
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="-22" offsetY="-22" />
+        </Control>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Close" clickSound="Click" relativeTo="$(parent)">
+          <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-10" offsetY="10" />
+          <Dimensions x="22" y="22" />
+          <Textures name="$(parent)Textures" normal="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" mouseOver="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" pressed="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Refresh" clickSound="Click" relativeTo="$(parent)">
+          <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Close" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-32" />
+          <Dimensions x="22" y="22" />
+          <Textures name="$(parent)Textures" normal="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" mouseOver="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" pressed="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" />
+        </Button>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Move" clickSound="Click" relativeTo="$(parent)">
+          <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Refresh" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-32" />
+          <Dimensions x="22" y="22" />
+          <Textures name="$(parent)Textures" normal="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" mouseOver="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" pressed="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" />
+        </Button>
+      </Controls>
+    </TopLevelControl>
+    <!-- Inspiration: ZO_Options_Checkbox -->
+    <Control name="CBs_Settings_ListRow_Checkbox" mouseEnabled="true" virtual="true">
+      <Dimensions x="510" y="26" />
+      <Controls>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Checkbox" inherits="ZO_CheckButton_Text" horizontalAlignment="LEFT" font="ZoFontWinH4" modifyTextType="UPPERCASE">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="425" />
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+        </Button>
+      </Controls>
+    </Control>
+    <!-- Inspiration: ZO_Options_Checkbox -->
+    <Control name="CBs_Settings_ListRow_Checkbox_CogButton" inherits="CBs_Settings_ListRow_Checkbox" mouseEnabled="true" virtual="true">
+      <Controls>
+        <Button name="$(parent)CogButton" relativeTo="$(parent)">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Checkbox" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="33" />
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Checkbox" />
+          <Textures name="$(parent)Textures" normal="/EsoUI/Art/Chatwindow/" pressed="/EsoUI/Art/Chatwindow/" mouseOver="/EsoUI/Art/Chatwindow/" />
+        </Button>
+      </Controls>
+    </Control>
+    <!-- Inspiration: ZO_ScrollableComboBox -->
+    <Control name="CBs_Settings_ListRow_Dropdown" mouseEnabled="true" virtual="true">
+      <Dimensions x="510" y="26" />
+      <OnMouseEnter>
+          ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter(self)
+      </OnMouseEnter>
+      <OnMouseExit>
+          ZO_Options_OnMouseExit(self)
+      </OnMouseExit>
+      <Controls>
+        <Control name="$(parent)Dropdown" inherits="ZO_ComboBox">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="293" />
+          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
+          <OnMouseEnter>
+            ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter(self:GetParent())
+          </OnMouseEnter>
+          <OnMouseExit>
+            ZO_Options_OnMouseExit(self:GetParent())
+          </OnMouseExit>
+        </Control>
+        <Label name="$(parent)Name" font="ZoFontWinH4" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS">
+          <Anchor point="LEFT" />
+          <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Dropdown" relativePoint="LEFT" />
+        </Label>
+      </Controls>
+    </Control>
+    <!-- Inspiration: ZO_Options_Slider -->
+    <Control name="CBs_Settings_ListRow_Slider" mouseEnabled="true" virtual="true">
+      <Dimensions x="510" y="26" />
+      <OnMouseEnter>
+        ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter(self)
+      </OnMouseEnter>
+      <OnMouseExit>
+        ZO_Options_OnMouseExit(self)
+      </OnMouseExit>
+      <OnShow>
+        ZO_Options_OnShow(self)
+      </OnShow>
+      <Controls>
+        <Slider name="$(parent)Slider" inherits="ZO_Slider">
+          <Dimensions x="150" y="16" />
+          <Anchor point="RIGHT" offsetX="-40" />
+          <OnMouseEnter>
+            ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter(self:GetParent())
+          </OnMouseEnter>
+          <OnMouseExit>
+            ZO_Options_OnMouseExit(self:GetParent())
+          </OnMouseExit>
+        </Slider>
+        <Label name="$(parent)Name" font="ZoFontWinH4" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" horizontalAlignment="LEFT" verticalAlignment="CENTER">
+          <Dimensions y="26" />
+          <Anchor point="LEFT" />
+          <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Slider" relativePoint="LEFT" />
+        </Label>
+        <Label name="$(parent)ValueLabel" font="ZoFontWinH4" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" verticalAlignment="CENTER" excludeFromResizeToFitExtents="true">
+          <Dimensions x="75" y="26" />
+          <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Slider" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="10" />
+        </Label>
+      </Controls>
+    </Control>
+    <Control name="CBs_Settings_ListRow_Label" mouseEnabled="true" virtual="true">
+      <Dimensions x="510" y="26" />
+      <OnMouseEnter>
+        ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter(self)
+      </OnMouseEnter>
+      <OnMouseExit>
+        ZO_Options_OnMouseExit(self)
+      </OnMouseExit>
+      <Controls>
+        <Label name="$(parent)Name" font="ZoFontWinH4" wrapMode="ELLIPSIS" horizontalAlignment="LEFT" verticalAlignment="CENTER">
+          <Dimensions y="26" />
+          <Anchor point="LEFT" />
+          <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)LowLabel" relativePoint="LEFT" />
+        </Label>
+      </Controls>
+    </Control>
+    <!-- Inspiration: ZO_EditDefaultText -->
+    <Control name="CBs_Settings_ListRow_EditBox" inherits="CBs_Settings_ListRow_Label" mouseEnabled="true" virtual="true">
+      <Controls>
+        <EditBox name="$(parent)EditBox" inherits="ZO_DefaultEditForBackdrop ZO_EditDefaultText">
+          <Dimensions x="150" y="26" />
+          <Anchor point="RIGHT" offsetX="-40" />
+        </EditBox>
+      </Controls>
+    </Control>
+    <Control name="CBs_Settings_ListRow_Title" mouseEnabled="true" virtual="true">
+      <Dimensions x="510" y="26" />
+      <Controls>
+        <Label name="$(parent)Name" font="ZoFontWinH1" modifyTextType="UPPERCASE">
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" />
+        </Label>
+      </Controls>
+    </Control>
+    <!-- Inspiration: ZO_EditDefaultText -->
+    <Control name="CBs_Settings_ListRow_Button" inherits="CBs_Settings_ListRow_Label" mouseEnabled="true" virtual="true">
+      <Controls>
+        <Button name="$(parent)Button" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" clickSound="Click" relativeTo="$(parent)">
+          <Anchor point="RIGHT" offsetX="-40" />
+          <Dimensions x="150" y="26" />
+        </Button>
+      </Controls>
+    </Control>
+    <Texture name="CBs_Settings_ListRow_Divider" inherits="ZO_Options_Divider" virtual="true">
+      <Dimensions x="512" y="2" />
+    </Texture>
+  </Controls>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CBs_Settings_Data.lua b/CBs_Settings_Data.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5392dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CBs_Settings_Data.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,866 @@
+Author: Jarth
+Filename: CBs_Settings_Data.lua
+]] --
+local base = CollectionBars
+function base.AppendMasterListTypeGeneral(self, typeSelection)
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Use account settings",
+        tooltip = "When ON the account settings will be used. When OFF character settings will be used",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.UseAccountSettings
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.SetAndUpdateAccountSettings(newValue)
+            self.base.InitializeWithSavedData()
+            self.base.RestoreFrames()
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+            self.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Load LibAddonMenu",
+        tooltip = 'When ON the "Settings > Addons > Collection Bars" menu will be loaded\nRequires: LibAddonMenu-2.0\nReload after change with "/reloadui"\nDisclamer: Settings changed outside "LibAddonMenu" does not show as updated in the "LibAddonMenu"',
+        funcGet = function()
+            return LibAddonMenu2 and self.base.Saved.UseLAMMenu
+        end,
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return not LibAddonMenu2
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.UseLAMMenu = LibAddonMenu2 and newValue
+            self.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Button(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Reset settings",
+        buttonName = "Reset",
+        funcSet = function()
+            self.base.ResetAccountSettings()
+            self.base.SetAndUpdateAccountSettings()
+            self.base.InitializeWithSavedData()
+            self.base.RestoreFrames()
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+            self.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Title(typeSelection, {name = "Position and size"})
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Unlock movement of bar",
+        tooltipText = "When ON the bar will show the X,Y position of the top left corner, and is draggable",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Global.IsMoveEnabled
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Global.IsMoveEnabled = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrames()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Choose snap size when moving",
+        tooltipText = "Choose snap size when moving",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.SnapSize
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self.base.Saved.SnapSize = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrames()
+        end,
+        minValue = 1,
+        maxValue = 10,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        default = self.base.Default.SnapSize,
+        valueFormat = "%.2f",
+        showValue = true
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Choose max bar depth",
+        tooltipText = "Choose max bar depth\n(number of inverse rows/columns)",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.BarDepth
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self.base.Saved.BarDepth = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrames()
+        end,
+        minValue = 0,
+        maxValue = base.Global.HighestUnlocked,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        default = self.base.Default.BarDepth,
+        valueFormat = "%.2f",
+        showValue = true
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Choose max bar height",
+        tooltipText = "Choose max bar height\n(number of inverse rows/columns)",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.BarWidth
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self.base.Saved.BarWidth = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrames()
+        end,
+        minValue = 0,
+        maxValue = base.Global.HighestUnlocked,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        default = self.base.Default.BarWidth,
+        valueFormat = "%.2f",
+        showValue = true
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Show binding's on bar",
+        tooltipText = "When ON the binding's will be shown on the bar",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.ShowBinding
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.ShowBinding = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrames()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Choose button size",
+        tooltipText = "Choose button size",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.ButtonXY
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self.base.Saved.ButtonXY = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrames()
+        end,
+        minValue = 1,
+        maxValue = 100,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        valueFormat = "%.2f",
+        showValue = true
+    })
+    local whenOnTheBar = "When ON the bar will show the bar "
+    self:AppendRow_Title(typeSelection, {name = "Visibility"})
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Show bar on main view/hud",
+        tooltipText = string.format("%s on main view/hud", whenOnTheBar),
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.ShowBarOnHud
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.ShowBarOnHud = newValue
+            self.base.UpdateFragments("ShowBarOnHud")
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Show bar on the main view when an overlay is activated/hudui",
+        tooltipText = string.format("%s on the main view when an overlay is activated/hudui", whenOnTheBar),
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.ShowBarOnHudUI
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.ShowBarOnHudUI = newValue
+            self.base.UpdateFragments("ShowBarOnHudUI")
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Show bar in menu",
+        tooltipText = string.format("%s in menu", whenOnTheBar),
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.ShowBarInMenu
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.ShowBarInMenu = newValue
+            self.base.UpdateFragments("ShowBarInMenu")
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Show bar in the inventory",
+        tooltipText = string.format("%s in the inventory", whenOnTheBar),
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.ShowBarInInventory
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.ShowBarInInventory = newValue
+            self.base.UpdateFragments("ShowBarInInventory")
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Show bar in interactions",
+        tooltipText = string.format("%s in interactions", whenOnTheBar),
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.ShowBarInInteract
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.ShowBarInInteract = newValue
+            self.base.UpdateFragments("ShowBarInInteract")
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Show bar at a bank",
+        tooltipText = string.format("%s at a bank", whenOnTheBar),
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.ShowBarInBank
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.ShowBarInBank = newValue
+            self.base.UpdateFragments("ShowBarInBank")
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Show bar at a fence",
+        tooltipText = string.format("%s at a fence", whenOnTheBar),
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.ShowBarInFence
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.ShowBarInFence = newValue
+            self.base.UpdateFragments("ShowBarInFence")
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Show bar at a store",
+        tooltipText = string.format("%s at a store", whenOnTheBar),
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.ShowBarInStore
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.ShowBarInStore = newValue
+            self.base.UpdateFragments("ShowBarInStore")
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Title(typeSelection, {name = "Active and activation"})
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Show active and activation",
+        tooltipText = "When ON the active collectibles will be highlighted, and activation animation will display",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.IsActiveActivationEnabled
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.IsActiveActivationEnabled = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrames()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Title(typeSelection, {name = "Audio"})
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Play hover audio",
+        tooltipText = "When ON hover events on the bar, will play audio",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.IsAudioEnabled
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.IsAudioEnabled = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrames()
+        end
+    })
+function base.AppendMasterListTypeCollectionTypes(self, typeSelection)
+    self:AppendRow_Title(typeSelection, {name = "Collection types"})
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    for _, _type in ipairs(self.base.TypeOrdered or {}) do
+        self:AppendRow_Checkbox_CogButton(typeSelection, {
+            cId = _type.Id,
+            name = string.format("Show %s", _type.Name),
+            tooltipText = string.format("When ON the collection type: %s will enabled\nSelect by pressing settings-symbol/cog", _type.Name),
+            funcGet = function()
+                return _type.Saved.Enabled
+            end,
+            disabledFunc = function()
+                return _type.Disabled
+            end,
+            funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+                _type.Saved.Enabled = newValue
+                if newValue then
+                    self.base.InitializeType(_type)
+                else
+                    self.base.RemoveLabel(_type)
+                    self.base.RemoveFrame(_type)
+                    if self._type == _type then
+                        self._type = nil
+                        self.base.UpdateSettingsType(true, self._type)
+                    end
+                end
+                if _type.Saved.IsCombined then
+                    self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+                end
+                self.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+            end,
+            funcCog = function(_)
+                self._type = _type
+                self.base.UpdateSettingsType(true, self._type)
+                self.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+            end
+        })
+    end
+function base.AppendMasterListTypeCombined(self, typeSelection)
+    self:AppendRow_Title(typeSelection, {name = "Display names and labels"})
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Display name offset horizontal",
+        tooltipText = "Display name offset horizontal\n(X)",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.Combine.Label.OffsetX
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self.base.Saved.Combine.Label.OffsetX = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end,
+        minValue = -500,
+        maxValue = 500,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        default = self.base.Default.Combine.Label.OffsetX,
+        valueFormat = "%.2f",
+        showValue = true
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Display name offset vertical",
+        tooltipText = "Display name offset vertical\n(Y)",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.Combine.Label.OffsetY
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self.base.Saved.Combine.Label.OffsetY = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end,
+        minValue = -500,
+        maxValue = 500,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        default = self.base.Default.Combine.Label.OffsetY,
+        valueFormat = "%.2f",
+        showValue = true
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Display name anchor position on button",
+        tooltipText = "Select display name anchor position on the button",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.GetLocationText(self.base.Saved.Combine.Label.PositionTarget)
+        end,
+        choices = self.base.Global.ChoiceCornerLocations,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.Combine.Label.PositionTarget = self.base.GetLocationValue(newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.Combine.AnchorXY = self.base.GetLocationValue(newValue)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Display name anchor position on label",
+        tooltipText = "Select display name anchor position on the label",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.GetLocationText(self.base.Saved.Combine.Label.Position)
+        end,
+        choices = self.base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.Combine.Label.Position = self.base.GetLocationValue(newValue)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Bar anchor location",
+        tooltipText = "Select Bar anchor location, used when bar is collapsed",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.GetLocationText(self.base.Saved.Combine.AnchorXY)
+        end,
+        choices = self.base.Global.ChoiceCornerLocations,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.Saved.Combine.AnchorXY = self.base.GetLocationValue(newValue)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Title(typeSelection, {name = "Position and size"})
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Choose default bar depth",
+        tooltipText = "Choose default bar depth\n(number of rows/columns)",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.Combine.BarDepth
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self.base.Saved.Combine.BarDepth = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrames()
+        end,
+        minValue = 0,
+        maxValue = self.base.Global.HighestUnlocked,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        default = self.base.Default.BarDepth,
+        valueFormat = "%.2f",
+        showValue = true
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Choose max bar height",
+        tooltipText = "Choose max bar height\n(number of inverse rows/columns)",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.Saved.Combine.BarWidth
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self.base.Saved.Combine.BarWidth = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrames()
+        end,
+        minValue = 0,
+        maxValue = self.base.Global.HighestUnlocked,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        default = self.base.Default.BarWidth,
+        valueFormat = "%.2f",
+        showValue = true
+    })
+function base.AppendMasterListTypeSelection(self, typeSelection)
+    self:AppendRow_Title(typeSelection, {name = "Selection"})
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = string.format("Show disabled %s", self._type.Name),
+        tooltipText = string.format("When ON disabled elements will be shown for %s", self._type.Name),
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.MenuShowDisabled
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self._type.Saved.MenuShowDisabled = newValue
+            self.base.CreateCollection(self._type)
+            self.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = string.format("Select all %s", self._type.Name),
+        tooltipText = string.format("When pressed all %s will either be selected or deselected", self._type.Name),
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.IsAllSelected(self._type)
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self.base.SelectAll(self._type, newValue)
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+            self.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    for _, collection in ipairs(self._type.OrderedCollection or {}) do
+        if self._type.Saved.MenuShowDisabled and collection.Disabled or not collection.Disabled then
+            self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+                cId = collection.Id,
+                name = string.format("Show %s", collection.Name),
+                tooltipText = collection.Tooltip,
+                funcGet = function()
+                    return self._type.Saved.Selected[collection.Id]
+                end,
+                disabledFunc = function()
+                    return collection.Disabled
+                end,
+                funcSet = function(checkBoxControl, newValue)
+                    local control = checkBoxControl:GetParent()
+                    if not ( and then
+                        if newValue == true then
+                            self._type.Saved.Selected[] = newValue
+                        else
+                            self._type.Saved.Selected[] = nil
+                        end
+                        self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+                        self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+                        self.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+                    end
+                end
+            })
+        end
+    end
+function base.AppendMasterListTypeCollection(self, typeSelection)
+    local disabledWhenTooltipIsHidden = "Disabled when tooltip is not shown"
+    local disabledWhenLabelIsHidden = "Disabled when label is not shown"
+    local disabledWhenCombined = "Disabled when Collection is included in combine bar"
+    self:AppendRow_Title(typeSelection, {name = "Tooltip"})
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Show tooltip",
+        tooltipText = "When ON tooltips will be shown, when hovering buttons on the bar",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.Tooltip.Show
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self._type.Saved.Tooltip.Show = newValue
+            self.base.SetupButtons(self._type)
+            self.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Show tooltip anchor position",
+        tooltipText = string.format("Select tooltip anchor position\n%s", disabledWhenTooltipIsHidden),
+        choices = self.base.Global.ChoiceSideLocations,
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return not self._type.Saved.Tooltip.Show
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self.base.GetLocationText(self._type.Saved.Tooltip.Position)
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self._type.Saved.Tooltip.Position = self.base.GetLocationValue(newValue)
+            self.base.SetupButtons(self._type)
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Title(typeSelection, {name = "Display name and label"})
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Include in combine bar",
+        tooltipText = "When ON will be attached to a combined bar",
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.IsCombined
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self._type.Saved.IsCombined = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+            self.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Enable hide/toggle visibility of the label",
+        tooltipText = string.format("When enabled a +/- at the end of the label indicates if the label is hidden or shown\n%s", disabledWhenCombined),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.IsCombined
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.IsCombined or self._type.Saved.HideAllEnabled
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            if (not newValue) then
+                self._type.Saved.HideAll = newValue
+                self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            end
+            self._type.Saved.HideAllEnabled = newValue
+            self._type.Saved.LabelShow = true
+            self.base.SetupLabel(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreLabel(self._type)
+            self.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Show label",
+        tooltipText = string.format("%s or hide/toggle visibility is enabled", disabledWhenCombined),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.HideAllEnabled or self._type.Saved.IsCombined
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.LabelShow or self._type.Saved.IsCombined
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self._type.Saved.LabelShow = newValue
+            self.base.SetupLabel(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreLabel(self._type)
+            self.base.Global.SettingsList:RefreshData()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_EditBox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Display name",
+        tooltipText = string.format("Change displayname used on the label\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return not self._type.Saved.LabelShow
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            return tostring(self._type.Saved.Display)
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(control)
+            self._type.Saved.Display = control:GetText() or ""
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Display name font",
+        tooltipText = string.format("Change display name font\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return not self._type.Saved.LabelShow
+        end,
+        choices = self.base.Global.AvailableFonts,
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.Label.Font
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self._type.Saved.Label.Font = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Display name height",
+        tooltipText = string.format("Change display name height\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return not self._type.Saved.LabelShow
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.Label.Height
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self._type.Saved.Label.Height = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end,
+        minValue = 0,
+        maxValue = 100,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        default = self.base.Default[self._type.Name].Label.Height,
+        valueFormat = "%.2f",
+        showValue = true
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Display name width",
+        tooltipText = string.format("Change display name width\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return not self._type.Saved.LabelShow
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.Label.Width
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self._type.Saved.Label.Width = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end,
+        minValue = 0,
+        maxValue = 500,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        default = self.base.Default[self._type.Name].Label.Width,
+        valueFormat = "%.2f",
+        showValue = true
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Display name offset horizontal",
+        tooltipText = string.format("Display name offset horizontal\n(X)\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return not self._type.Saved.LabelShow
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.Label.OffsetX
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self._type.Saved.Label.OffsetX = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end,
+        minValue = -500,
+        maxValue = 500,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        default = self.base.Default[self._type.Name].Label.OffsetX,
+        valueFormat = "%.2f",
+        showValue = true
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Display name offset vertical",
+        tooltipText = string.format("Display name offset vertical\n(y)\n%s", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return not self._type.Saved.LabelShow
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.Label.OffsetY
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self._type.Saved.Label.OffsetY = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end,
+        minValue = -500,
+        maxValue = 500,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        default = self.base.Default[self._type.Name].Label.OffsetY,
+        valueFormat = "%.2f",
+        showValue = true
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Display name anchor position on button",
+        tooltipText = string.format("Select display name anchor position on the button\n%s\n or Collection is included in combine bar", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return not self._type.Saved.LabelShow or self._type.Saved.IsCombined
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            if self._type.Saved.IsCombined then
+                return self.base.GetLocationText(self.base.Saved.Combine.Label.PositionTarget)
+            else
+                return self.base.GetLocationText(self._type.Saved.Label.PositionTarget)
+            end
+        end,
+        choices = self.base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self._type.Saved.Label.PositionTarget = self.base.GetLocationValue(newValue)
+            self._type.Saved.AnchorXY = self.base.GetLocationValue(newValue)
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Display name anchor position on label",
+        tooltipText = string.format("Select display name anchor position on the label\n%s\n or Collection is included in combine bar", disabledWhenLabelIsHidden),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return not self._type.Saved.LabelShow or self._type.Saved.IsCombined
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            if self._type.Saved.IsCombined then
+                return self.base.GetLocationText(self.base.Saved.Combine.Label.Position)
+            else
+                return self.base.GetLocationText(self._type.Saved.Label.Position)
+            end
+        end,
+        choices = self.base.Global.ChoiceLocations,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self._type.Saved.Label.Position = self.base.GetLocationValue(newValue)
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Dropdown(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Bar anchor location",
+        tooltipText = string.format("Select Bar anchor location, used when bar is collapsed\n%s", disabledWhenCombined),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.IsCombined
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            if self._type.Saved.IsCombined then
+                return self.base.GetLocationText(self.base.Saved.Combine.AnchorXY)
+            else
+                return self.base.GetLocationText(self._type.Saved.AnchorXY)
+            end
+        end,
+        choices = self.base.Global.ChoiceCornerLocations,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self._type.Saved.AnchorXY = self.base.GetLocationValue(newValue)
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Title(typeSelection, {name = "Position and size"})
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Choose bar depth",
+        tooltipText = string.format("Choose bar depth\n(number of rows/columns)\n%s", disabledWhenCombined),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.IsCombined
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.BarDepth
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self._type.Saved.BarDepth = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end,
+        minValue = 0,
+        maxValue = self._type.Unlocked,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        default = self.base.Default[self._type.Name].BarDepth,
+        valueFormat = "%.2f",
+        showValue = true
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Choose max bar height",
+        tooltipText = string.format("Choose bar height\n(number of inverse rows/columns)\n%s", disabledWhenCombined),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.IsCombined
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.BarWidth
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(sliderControl, newValue)
+            local valueLabel = GetControl(sliderControl:GetParent(), "ValueLabel")
+            if valueLabel then
+                valueLabel:SetText(newValue)
+            end
+            self._type.Saved.BarWidth = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end,
+        minValue = 0,
+        maxValue = self._type.Unlocked,
+        valueStep = 1,
+        default = self.base.Default[self._type.Name].BarWidth,
+        showValue = true
+    })
+    self:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, {
+        name = "Bar orientation horizontal",
+        tooltipText = string.format("Bar orientation horizontal\n%s", disabledWhenCombined),
+        disabledFunc = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.IsCombined
+        end,
+        funcGet = function()
+            return self._type.Saved.Horizontal
+        end,
+        funcSet = function(_, newValue)
+            self._type.Saved.Horizontal = newValue
+            self.base.RestoreFrame(self._type)
+            self.base.RestoreCombineLabels()
+        end
+    })
+function base.AppendMasterListTypeNoCollectionType(self, typeSelection)
+    self:AppendRow_Title(typeSelection, {name = "Select a collection type"})
+    self:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, {})
diff --git a/CBs_Settings_List.lua b/CBs_Settings_List.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b0dcc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CBs_Settings_List.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+Author: Jarth
+Filename: CBs_Settings_List.lua
+]] --
+CBs_Settings_List = ZO_SortFilterList:Subclass()
+function CBs_Settings_List:New(...)
+    self.list = ZO_SortFilterList.New(self, ...)
+    self.masterListType = "Selection"
+    return self.list
+function CBs_Settings_List:Initialize(base, _type, ...)
+    ZO_SortFilterList.Initialize(self, ...)
+    self.base = base
+    self._type = _type
+    self.masterList = {}
+    if not (self._type and self._type.Enabled) then
+        self.masterListType = "CollectionTypes"
+    end
+    self:SetAlternateRowBackgrounds(false)
+    self:AppendDataTypes()
+-- FUNCTIONS - Append DataTypes --
+function CBs_Settings_List:AppendDataTypes()
+    local dataTypes = {
+        [10] = {
+            name = "CBs_Settings_ListRow_Checkbox",
+            height = 40,
+            func = function(...)
+                self:SetupRow_Checkbox(...)
+            end
+        },
+        [15] = {
+            name = "CBs_Settings_ListRow_Checkbox_CogButton",
+            height = 40,
+            func = function(...)
+                self:SetupRow_Checkbox_CogButton(...)
+            end
+        },
+        [20] = {
+            name = "CBs_Settings_ListRow_Dropdown",
+            height = 40,
+            func = function(...)
+                self:SetupRow_Dropdown(...)
+            end
+        },
+        [30] = {
+            name = "CBs_Settings_ListRow_Slider",
+            height = 40,
+            func = function(...)
+                self:SetupRow_Slider(...)
+            end
+        },
+        [40] = {
+            name = "CBs_Settings_ListRow_EditBox",
+            height = 40,
+            func = function(...)
+                self:SetupRow_EditBox(...)
+            end
+        },
+        [50] = {
+            name = "CBs_Settings_ListRow_Title",
+            height = 40,
+            func = function(...)
+                self:SetupRow_Title(...)
+            end
+        },
+        [60] = {
+            name = "CBs_Settings_ListRow_Button",
+            height = 40,
+            func = function(...)
+                self:SetupRow_Button(...)
+            end
+        },
+        [100] = {
+            name = "CBs_Settings_ListRow_Divider",
+            height = 6,
+            func = function(...)
+                ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, ...)
+            end
+        }
+    }
+    for index, dataType in pairs(dataTypes) do
+        ZO_ScrollList_AddDataType(self.list, index,, dataType.height, dataType.func)
+    end
+-- FUNCTIONS - Append and Setup RowTypes --
+function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Checkbox(typeSelection, data)
+    data.type = typeSelection
+    data.dataTypeId = 10
+    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Checkbox(control, data)
+ = data
+    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control, data)
+    control.checkbox = GetControl(control, "Checkbox")
+    if control.checkbox then
+        control.checkbox.tooltipText = data.tooltipText
+        ZO_CheckButton_SetCheckState(control.checkbox, and
+        ZO_CheckButton_SetLabelText(control.checkbox,
+        if control.checkbox.label then
+            control.checkbox.label.defaultNormalColor = ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR
+            control.checkbox.label:ClearAnchors()
+            control.checkbox.label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, control.checkbox, TOPLEFT, -425)
+            control.checkbox.label:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, control.checkbox, BOTTOMLEFT)
+        end
+        ZO_CheckButton_SetTooltipAnchor(control.checkbox, TOP, control.checkbox.label)
+        ZO_CheckButton_SetToggleFunction(control.checkbox,
+        ZO_CheckButton_SetEnableState(control.checkbox, not ( and
+    end
+function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Checkbox_CogButton(typeSelection, data)
+    data.type = typeSelection
+    data.dataTypeId = 15
+    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Checkbox_CogButton(control, data)
+    self:SetupRow_Checkbox(control, data)
+    control.cogButton = GetControl(control, "CogButton")
+    if control.cogButton then
+        control.cogButton:SetHidden(false)
+        local isEnabled = and
+        ZO_CheckButton_SetEnableState(control.cogButton, isEnabled)
+        control.cogButton:SetAlpha(isEnabled and 1 or 0.5)
+        control.cogButton:SetHandler("OnClicked", function()
+  , data.default)
+        end)
+    end
+function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Dropdown(typeSelection, data)
+    data.type = typeSelection
+    data.dataTypeId = 20
+    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Dropdown(control, data)
+ = data
+    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control, data)
+    control.dropdown = GetControl(control, "Dropdown")
+    control.comboBox = ZO_ComboBox_ObjectFromContainer(control.dropdown)
+    control.comboBox:SetSortsItems(false)
+    control.comboBox:SetFont("ZoFontWinT1")
+    control.comboBox:SetSpacing(4)
+    control.comboBox.tooltipText = data.tooltipText
+    self.SetNameText(control,
+    self.RepopulateDropdownOptions(control)
+    self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)
+function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Slider(typeSelection, data)
+    data.type = typeSelection
+    data.dataTypeId = 30
+    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Slider(control, data)
+ = data
+    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control,
+    control.slider = GetControl(control, "Slider")
+    -- Need to override the existing value changed handler first so it doesn't run when we do the SetMinMax
+    control.slider:SetHandler("OnValueChanged", nil)
+    control.slider:SetMinMax(,
+    control.slider:SetValueStep( or 1)
+    control.slider:SetValue(data.funcGet())
+    control.slider:SetHandler("OnValueChanged",
+    if data.default then
+        if control.defaultMarkerControl == nil then
+            control.defaultMarkerControl = CreateControlFromVirtual("$(parent)DefaultMarker", control.slider, "ZO_Options_DefaultMarker")
+        end
+        local offsetX = zo_clampedPercentBetween(data.minValue, data.maxValue, data.default) * control.slider:GetWidth()
+        control.defaultMarkerControl:SetAnchor(TOP, control.slider, LEFT, offsetX + .25, 6)
+        control.defaultMarkerControl:SetHandler("OnClicked", function()
+            control.slider:SetValue(data.default)
+  , data.default)
+        end)
+    end
+    local valueLabelControl = GetControl(control, "ValueLabel")
+    if valueLabelControl and data.showValue then
+        local shownVal = data.funcGet()
+        if data.valueMin and data.valueMax and data.valueMax > data.valueMin then
+            local range = data.maxValue - data.minValue
+            local percentage = (shownVal - data.minValue) / range
+            local shownRange = data.valueMax - data.valueMin
+            shownVal = data.valueMin + percentage * shownRange
+            shownVal = string.format("%d", shownVal)
+        end
+        valueLabelControl:SetText(shownVal)
+    end
+    self.SetNameText(control,
+    self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)
+function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_EditBox(typeSelection, data)
+    data.type = typeSelection
+    data.dataTypeId = 40
+    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_EditBox(control, data)
+ = data
+    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control,
+    control.editBox = GetControl(control, "EditBox")
+    if control.editBox then
+        ZO_EditDefaultText_Initialize(control.editBox)
+        control.editBox:SetHandler("OnTextChanged", nil)
+        control.editBox:SetText(data.funcGet())
+        control.editBox:SetHandler("OnTextChanged", function()
+            data.funcSet(control.editBox)
+        end)
+    end
+    self.SetNameText(control,
+    self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)
+function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Title(typeSelection, data)
+    data.type = typeSelection
+    data.dataTypeId = 50
+    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Title(control, data)
+ = data
+    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control,
+    self.SetNameText(control,
+    self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)
+function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Button(typeSelection, data)
+    data.type = typeSelection
+    data.dataTypeId = 60
+    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+function CBs_Settings_List:SetupRow_Button(control, data)
+ = data
+    ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control,
+    control.button = GetControl(control, "Button")
+    if control.button then
+        control.button:SetText( or "")
+        control.button:SetHandler("OnClicked", function()
+        end)
+    end
+    self.SetNameText(control,
+    self.SetActiveOrInactive(control)
+function CBs_Settings_List:AppendRow_Divider(typeSelection, data)
+    data.type = typeSelection
+    data.dataTypeId = 100
+    table.insert(self.masterList, data)
+-- FUNCTIONS - SetupRowType - Helpers --
+function CBs_Settings_List.RepopulateDropdownOptions(control)
+    control.comboBox:ClearItems()
+    local selectedValue =
+    local selectedEntry = nil
+    for _, optionValue in pairs( or {}) do
+        local entry = ZO_ComboBox:CreateItemEntry(optionValue,
+        control.comboBox:AddItem(entry)
+        if optionValue == selectedValue then
+            selectedEntry = entry
+        end
+    end
+    control.comboBox:SelectItem(selectedEntry)
+function CBs_Settings_List.SetNameText(control, text)
+    local controlLabel = GetControl(control, "Name")
+    if controlLabel then
+        controlLabel:SetText(text or "")
+    end
+function CBs_Settings_List.SetActiveOrInactive(control)
+    local disabled = and
+    local nameControl = GetControl(control, "Name")
+    if nameControl then
+        if disabled then
+            nameControl:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_DISABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA())
+        else
+            nameControl:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA())
+        end
+    end
+    local valueLabelControl = GetControl(control, "ValueLabel")
+    if valueLabelControl then
+        if disabled then
+            valueLabelControl:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_DISABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA())
+        else
+            valueLabelControl:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA())
+        end
+    end
+    if control.button then
+        control.button:SetEnabled(not disabled)
+    end
+    if control.comboBox then
+        control.comboBox:SetEnabled(not disabled)
+    end
+    if control.slider then
+        control.slider:SetEnabled(not disabled)
+    end
+    if control.editBox then
+        ZO_DefaultEdit_SetEnabled(control.editBox, not disabled)
+    end
+-- FUNCTIONS - MasterList --
+function CBs_Settings_List:BuildMasterList()
+    self.masterList = {}
+    self.base.AppendMasterListTypeGeneral(self, "General")
+    self.base.AppendMasterListTypeCollectionTypes(self, "CollectionTypes")
+    self.base.AppendMasterListTypeCombined(self, "Combined")
+    if self._type then
+        self.base.AppendMasterListTypeSelection(self, "Selection")
+        self.base.AppendMasterListTypeCollection(self, "Collection")
+    else
+        self.base.AppendMasterListTypeNoCollectionType(self, "Selection")
+        self.base.AppendMasterListTypeNoCollectionType(self, "Collection")
+    end
+function CBs_Settings_List:FilterScrollList()
+    local scrollData = ZO_ScrollList_GetDataList(self.list)
+    ZO_ClearNumericallyIndexedTable(scrollData)
+    for i = 1, #self.masterList do
+        if self.masterListType == nil or self.masterListType == self.masterList[i].type then
+            scrollData[#scrollData + 1] = ZO_ScrollList_CreateDataEntry(self.masterList[i].dataTypeId, self.masterList[i])
+        end
+    end
+function CBs_Settings_List:SortScrollList()
diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog
index 46c50ea..5e352c5 100644
--- a/Changelog
+++ b/Changelog
@@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
  Collection bars
+Version 1.0.3 (23-06-2019)
+- Updated bindings, so they update when a key is remapped in ESO settings
+- Made LibAddonMenu-2.0 Optional
+-- I expect to remove LibAddonMenu-2.0 completely.. eventually
+- Added functionality to "Collection Bar Settings"
+-- Option to select if addon should be added to the menu ("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
+-- Migrated missing settings from the menu
+-- Allows for adding and removing "Collection types", without reloading the LibAddonMenu
+-- Allows for changing between account or user settings, without reloading the LibAddonMenu
+-- Change active collection type by pressing settings-symbol/cog in "Collection types".
+- Updated menu slash command to: "/cb_menu"
+- Updated settings window slash command to: "/cb"
 Version 1.0.2 (14-06-2019)
 - Removed files for library: LibAddonMenu-2.0
 -- It is still required, but files needs to be downloaded separately
diff --git a/CollectionBars.lua b/CollectionBars.lua
index e5cc4e4..8df8ddf 100644
--- a/CollectionBars.lua
+++ b/CollectionBars.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 Author: Jarth
 Filename: CollectionBars.lua
 ]] --
@@ -25,7 +24,16 @@ function base.Initialize()
+    base.InitializeWithSavedData()
+    if LibAddonMenu2 ~= nil and base.Saved.UseLAMMenu then
+        base.CreateSettingsWindow()
+    end

+    EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(base.Addon.Name, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED)
+function base.InitializeWithSavedData()
     for _, _type in pairs(base.Type) do
         _type.Saved = base.Saved[_type.Name]
         if _type.Saved.Enabled then
@@ -35,10 +43,6 @@ function base.Initialize()

-    base.CreateSettingsWindow()
-    EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(base.Addon.Name, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED)

 function base.InitializeType(_type)
@@ -50,8 +54,7 @@ end
 function base.InitializeCombineFrame()
     local name = base.Addon.Abbreviation .. "_CombineFrame"
     base.Global.Combine.Frame = base.GetFrame(name, name)
-    name = name .. "HideAll"
-    base.Global.Combine.HideAll = base.GetFrame(name, name)
+    base.Global.Combine.HideAll = base.GetFrame(name .. "HideAll", name .. "HideAll")

 function base.CreateCollection(_type)
@@ -70,13 +73,7 @@ function base.CreateCollection(_type)
         local id = GetCollectibleIdFromType(_type.TypeId, index)
         local name, description, icon, _, _unlocked, _, _, _, hint, _ = GetCollectibleInfo(id)
         if _unlocked or _type.Saved.MenuShowDisabled then
-            _type.Collection[id] = {
-                Id = id,
-                Name = name,
-                EnabledTexture = icon,
-                Disabled = not _unlocked,
-                Tooltip = string.format("Description: %s \nHint: %s", description, hint)
-            }
+            _type.Collection[id] = {Id = id, Name = name, EnabledTexture = icon, Disabled = not _unlocked, Tooltip = string.format("Description: %s \nHint: %s", description, hint)}
             _type.OrderedCollection[elementsAdded] = _type.Collection[id]
             elementsAdded = elementsAdded + 1
@@ -91,9 +88,9 @@ function base.RestoreFrames()

-function base.HideOther(newType)
+function base.HideOthers(newType)
     for _, _type in pairs(base.Type) do
-        if _type.Saved.Enabled and _type.Saved.Combine and not _type.Saved.HideAll and _type ~= newType then
+        if _type.Saved.Enabled and _type.Saved.IsCombined and not _type.Saved.HideAll and _type ~= newType then
             _type.Saved.HideAll = not _type.Saved.HideAll
@@ -109,6 +106,9 @@ function base.RestoreFrame(_type)
+    else
+        base.RemoveLabel(_type)
+        base.RemoveFrame(_type)

diff --git a/CollectionBars.txt b/CollectionBars.txt
index bf56b0c..7e2942e 100644
--- a/CollectionBars.txt
+++ b/CollectionBars.txt
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@

 ## APIVersion: 100027
 ## Title: Collection Bars
-## Version: 1.0.2
+## Version: 1.0.3
 ## Author: Jarth
-## Description: Show collection bars and activate collections with key or button press
+## Description: Show collection bars and activate collections with key or button press. Shortcuts: Settings window: /cb LibAddonMenu: /cb_menu
 ## This Add-on is not created by, affiliated with or sponsored by ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates.
 ## The Elder Scrolls® and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@
 ## SavedVariables: CollectionBars_Account
 ## SavedVariables: CollectionBars_Character

-## DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0
+## OptionalDependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0

@@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ CBs_Menu.lua
diff --git a/CollectionBars.xml b/CollectionBars.xml
index 5f72f92..918186d 100644
--- a/CollectionBars.xml
+++ b/CollectionBars.xml
@@ -30,122 +30,5 @@
-    <Control name="CBs_Button" clampedToScreen="true" movable="false" virtual="true">
-      <Controls>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Button" mouseOverBlendMode="ADD">
-          <AnchorFill />
-          <MouseButton button="1" enabled="true" />
-          <MouseButton button="2" enabled="true" />
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-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" />
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" />
-        </Texture>
-        <Texture name="$(parent)Icon" level="1">
-          <Anchor point="CENTER" relativeTo="$(parent)" />
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-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
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-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" />
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
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-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
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-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
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-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
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-      </Controls>
-    </Control>
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-      <Anchor point="CENTER" relativePoint="CENTER"/>
-      <Dimensions x="544" y="944" />
-      <DimensionConstraints minX="544" minY="944" />
-      <Controls>
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-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" offsetX="-8" offsetY="-6"/>
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="4" offsetY="4"/>
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-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" offsetX="22" offsetY="22" />
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-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Title" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetY="2"/>
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-        <Label name="$(parent)Label" inherits="ZO_Options_SectionTitleLabel">
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Divider" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="5"/>
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-        <Control name="$(parent)List" inherits="ZO_ScrollList">
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Label" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetY="22"/>
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" offsetX="-22" offsetY="-22" />
-        </Control>
-        <Button name="CBs_" clickSound="Click" relativeTo="$(parent)">
-          <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-10" offsetY="10" />
-          <Dimensions x="22" y="22" />
-        </Button>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Close" clickSound="Click" relativeTo="$(parent)">
-          <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-10" offsetY="10" />
-          <Dimensions x="22" y="22" />
-          <Textures name="$(parent)Textures" normal="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" mouseOver="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" pressed="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" />
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-        <Button name="$(parent)Refresh" clickSound="Click" relativeTo="$(parent)">
-          <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Close" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-32" />
-          <Dimensions x="22" y="22" />
-          <Textures name="$(parent)Textures" normal="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" mouseOver="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" pressed="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" />
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-        <Button name="$(parent)Move" clickSound="Click" relativeTo="$(parent)">
-          <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)Refresh" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" offsetX="-32" />
-          <Dimensions x="22" y="22" />
-          <Textures name="$(parent)Textures" normal="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" mouseOver="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" pressed="/EsoUI/Art/Buttons/" />
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-      </Controls>
-    </TopLevelControl>
-    <!-- Inspiration: ZO_Options_Checkbox -->
-    <Control name="CBs_ListRow" mouseEnabled="true" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="510" y="26" />
-      <Controls>
-        <Button name="$(parent)Checkbox" inherits="ZO_CheckButton_Text" horizontalAlignment="LEFT" font="ZoFontWinH4" modifyTextType="UPPERCASE">
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="425" />
-          <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
-        </Button>
-      </Controls>
-    </Control>
-    <Texture name="CBs_Divider" inherits="ZO_Options_Divider" virtual="true">
-      <Dimensions x="512" y="2" />
-    </Texture>
\ No newline at end of file