Fix for removal of ZO_Dialogs_GetDisplayedDialog. Now manually updates the listing

Wobin [05-24-14 - 05:34]
Fix for removal of ZO_Dialogs_GetDisplayedDialog. Now manually updates the listing
diff --git a/ChargeSquire.lua b/ChargeSquire.lua
index 3bacc05..16d959e 100644
--- a/ChargeSquire.lua
+++ b/ChargeSquire.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
+local function IsFilledSoulGem(bagId, slotIndex)
+    return IsItemSoulGem(SOUL_GEM_TYPE_FILLED, bagId, slotIndex)
+local function SortComparator(left, right)
+    return GetSoulGemItemInfo(, < GetSoulGemItemInfo(,
+local function ChargeSquireRebuildList()
+	local listDialog = ZO_InventorySlot_GetItemListDialog()
+	listDialog:ClearList()
+    local itemList = PLAYER_INVENTORY:GenerateListOfVirtualStackedItems(INVENTORY_BACKPACK, IsFilledSoulGem)
+    for itemId, itemInfo in pairs(itemList) do
+        listDialog:AddListItem(itemInfo)
+    end
+	listDialog:CommitList(SortComparator)
 local function ChargeSquireLoaded(eventCode, addOnName)
 	if(addOnName ~= "ChargeSquire") then return end

@@ -5,17 +27,18 @@ local function ChargeSquireLoaded(eventCode, addOnName)

 	local hookfunction = dialog.buttons[1].callback
 	local charger = SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGER.chargesUnderlayBar
+	dialog.canQueue = true
 	-- Now we hook the 'item charge' function of the dialog
 	dialog.buttons[1].callback =
     		-- Find out if we're filling the bar completely
     		if charger:GetValue() < charger.max then
-    			-- And queue up the same dialog if not
-    			-- This used to be just a queued dialog, but if you used up a single
-    			-- type of gem, it wouldn't refresh the list properly, so we just delay
-    			-- the call
-    			local data = ZO_Dialogs_GetDisplayedDialog().data
-    			zo_callLater(function() ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("CHARGE_ITEM", data) end, 1)
+    			-- And queue up the same dialog if not
+				ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("CHARGE_ITEM", ESO_Dialogs["CHARGE_ITEM"].customControl().data)
+				-- And callback a relisting of the gems
+    			zo_callLater(ChargeSquireRebuildList, 500)