v3.1, Sent to Stormknight and CDG

His Dad [12-10-14 - 08:57]
v3.1, Sent to Stormknight and CDG
New features
If using the relative mode but the destination character is already researching that item, the icon will be a dull red tick.
Characters can only research 1 trait in a item at at time, no matter how many research slots might be available.
diff --git a/AIResearchGrid.lua b/AIResearchGrid.lua
index 0ab2067..8369036 100644
--- a/AIResearchGrid.lua
+++ b/AIResearchGrid.lua
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ local _
 AIRG = {}

 AIRG.name = "AIResearchGrid"
-AIRG.version = "3.0.0"
+AIRG.version = "3.1.0"
 AIRG.initialised = false
 AIRG.processing = false
 AIRG.all = " #ALL"  -- displayname for Virtual character
@@ -361,20 +361,16 @@ function AIRG.OnCraftSelected(_,thisCraft)

-    -- the below doesnt seem to work right for some reason..
-    if AIRG.ShowRelative  -- point to table set we are using.
-      then local DispData = AIRG.vars.data
-    else local DispData = AIRG.relative
-  end

-    local i,j
+    local i,j,busy
     local tType,tDesc,tKnown,tRemain,rowNum,traitCount
     local maxLines = GetNumSmithingResearchLines(thisCraft) -- the number of columns for this profession
     AIRG.curCraft = thisCraft
     for i = 1, AIRG.maxColumns do
+        busy = false
         -- "blank" the grid
         for j = 1, 18 do
             AIRG.UI.gridButtons[i][j]:SetColor(1, 1, 1, 0.4)
@@ -393,10 +389,23 @@ function AIRG.OnCraftSelected(_,thisCraft)
             traitCount = 0
             if  AIRG.ShowRelative
+              -- Great! relative mode! we need to address a matter of practical usage.
+              --  We need to see that we actually can research that now, because we can't research more than one item type at a time.
+              --  So we need to pre-check for item research and set the colours (of the texture) appropriately
+              for rowNum,tKnown in pairs(AIRG.vars.data[AIRG.curCharacter][thisCraft][i]) do
+                  if (tKnown > 0) then  -- researching
+                      busy = true
+                  end
+              end
                 for rowNum,tKnown in pairs(AIRG.relative[AIRG.curCharacter][thisCraft][i]) do
                   AIRG.UI.gridButtons[i][rowNum].tooltipText = tKnown
                   if (tKnown == -1) then       -- Trait is known
-                    AIRG.UI.gridButtons[i][rowNum]:SetColor(0.2, 1, 0.2, 1)   -- Green
+                    if (busy) then
+                        AIRG.UI.gridButtons[i][rowNum]:SetColor(0.7, 0.6, 0.6, .8)   -- Dull Reddish
+                    else
+                        AIRG.UI.gridButtons[i][rowNum]:SetColor(0.2, 1, 0.2, 1)   -- Green
+                    end
                     traitCount = traitCount + 1
diff --git a/AIResearchGrid.txt b/AIResearchGrid.txt
index 7dcbb09..5a43369 100644
--- a/AIResearchGrid.txt
+++ b/AIResearchGrid.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Title: |cFFFFB0Research Grid|r v3.0 by |c00C000CrazyDutchGuy|r and His Dad
 ## APIVersion: 100010
-## Version: 3.0
+## Version: 3.1
 ## Author: Stormknight, CrazyDutchGuy &  His Dad
 ## OptionalDependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0
 ## SavedVariables: AIRG_SavedVariables
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index dd345a5..5d4b789 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -8,4 +8,9 @@
 	--if trait timer completes on another char, the trait goes green, but the icon remains the hourglass.
 	New Feature
 	Add a button to put it in relative mode.
-		Provided you have one other char in there (it is disabled for #all and the current player), it will show the traits that the current player can make (or will be able to make if still in research) that the selected char doesn't have. This is for when you are trying to consolidate traits on to your main crafting chars, to get that magical "8" traits known. If you are like me, you might get alts to learn traits because you don't have the bank space to hold the item..
\ No newline at end of file
+		Provided you have one other char in there (it is disabled for #all and the current player), it will show the traits that the current player can make (or will be able to make if still in research) that the selected char doesn't have. This is for when you are trying to consolidate traits on to your main crafting chars, to get that magical "8" traits known. If you are like me, you might get alts to learn traits because you don't have the bank space to hold the item.
+2014-12-05 V3.1
+	New features
+	If using the relative mode but the destination character is already researching that item, the icon will be a dull red tick.
+	Characters can only research 1 trait in a item at at time, no matter how many research slots might be available.