fixed recipe matching in Guild Shop

Wobin [04-22-14 - 10:55]
fixed recipe matching in Guild Shop
Added recipe known by tooltip in Guild Shop
Adjusted how ingredients get ranked by max rank instead of last checked rank
diff --git a/SousChef.lua b/SousChef.lua
index 790b58f..59e7c25 100644
--- a/SousChef.lua
+++ b/SousChef.lua
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ function EndsWith(String,End)
    return End=='' or string.sub(String,-string.len(End))==End

 local function CleanString(entry)
 	return entry:gsub("%^(%a+)", ""):gsub(" ",""):lower()
@@ -66,26 +65,23 @@ local function AddDetails(row)
 	local bagId =
 	local slotIndex =

-	if GetItemType(bagId, slotIndex) == ITEMTYPE_RECIPE then
-		local gmatch = MatchInGlobalCookbook(bagId, slotIndex)
-		if gmatch then
-			ItemTooltip:AddLine("")
-			ItemTooltip:AddLine("Known by ", "ZoFontWinH5", 1,1,1, BOTTOM, MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_UPPERCASE)
-			for i,v in pairs(gmatch) do
-				ItemTooltip:AddLine(i)
-			end
-			rowClicked[row] = true
-			return
+	local gmatch = settings.Cookbook[CleanString(]
+	if gmatch then
+		ItemTooltip:AddLine("")
+		ItemTooltip:AddLine("Known by ", "ZoFontWinH5", 1,1,1, BOTTOM, MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_UPPERCASE)
+		for i,v in pairs(gmatch) do
+			ItemTooltip:AddLine(i)
+		rowClicked[row] = true
+		return
 	if ((GetItemCraftingInfo(bagId, slotIndex)) ~= CRAFTING_TYPE_PROVISIONING) then	return false end

 	local usableIngredient = ReverseCookbook[GetItemID(GetItemLink(bagId, slotIndex))]
 	if settings.showAltKnowledge then usableIngredient = settings.ReverseCookbook[GetItemID(GetItemLink(bagId, slotIndex))] end
 	if usableIngredient then
-		ItemTooltip:AddLine("Used in:")
+		ItemTooltip:AddLine("Used in:", "ZoFontWinH5", 1,1,1, BOTTOM, MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_UPPERCASE)
 		for i,v in ipairs(usableIngredient) do
@@ -99,10 +95,8 @@ local function getIcon(row)
 	if(not rankIcon) then
 		rankIcon =  WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateControl(row:GetName() .. "SousChef", row, CT_TEXTURE)
 		slotLines[row:GetName()] = rankIcon
-		if row:GetOwningWindow():GetName() ~= "ZO_TradingHouse" then
-			ZO_PreHookHandler(row, "OnMouseDown", AddDetails)
-			ZO_PreHookHandler(row, "OnMouseExit", function(self) rowClicked[self] = nil end )
-		end
+		ZO_PreHookHandler(row, "OnMouseDown", AddDetails)
+		ZO_PreHookHandler(row, "OnMouseExit", function(self) rowClicked[self] = nil end )
 	return rankIcon
@@ -163,9 +157,9 @@ local function AddTradingSlot(row, result)


-	if EndsWith(, GetString(SI_ITEMTYPE29):lower()) then
-		local match = Cookbook[" ","")]
-		local gmatch = settings.Cookbook[" ","")]
+	if EndsWith(, GetString(SI_ITEMTYPE29):lower()) then
+		local match = Cookbook[CleanString(]
+		local gmatch = settings.Cookbook[CleanString(]
 		if (match and settings.checkKnown == "known") or
 		   (not match and settings.checkKnown == "unknown")then
 			rankIcon:SetDimensions(30, 30)
@@ -205,8 +199,8 @@ local function ParseRecipes()
 				for ingredientIndex = 1, ingredientCount do
 					local link = GetItemID(GetRecipeIngredientItemLink(listIndex, recipeIndex, ingredientIndex, LINK_STYLE_NORMAL))
 					-- Store the fact that the ingredient is used
-					Pantry[link] = level
-					settings.Pantry[link] = level
+					Pantry[link] = math.max(level, Pantry[link] or 0)
+					settings.Pantry[link] = math.max(level, Pantry[link] or 0)
 					-- Store the recipe it's used in
 					if not ReverseCookbook[link] then ReverseCookbook[link] = {} end
 					AddRecipe(ReverseCookbook[link], zo_strformat(SI_TOOLTIP_ITEM_NAME, GetRecipeResultItemLink(listIndex, recipeIndex, LINK_STYLE_BRACKETS)))