did a little work on recruitment handling

Talen-Shei [08-11-15 - 20:52]
did a little work on recruitment handling
diff --git a/GuildNoteManager.lua b/GuildNoteManager.lua
index ffe20f1..b67b62b 100644
--- a/GuildNoteManager.lua
+++ b/GuildNoteManager.lua
@@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
 -- @Author: Cody Smith
 -- @Date:   2015-08-11 12:49:48
 -- @Last Modified by:   Cody Smith
--- @Last Modified time: 2015-08-11 13:35:14
+-- @Last Modified time: 2015-08-11 13:51:47
 local LAM2 = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")

+local GNM = {}
+GNM.Defaults = {}
 function getSavedNotes(playername)
-	--access save table and return table of getNotes
+	--access save table and return table of notes only neccesary for double checking that we have information saved.
+	-- do some checking to make sure that our gid hasn't changed first and fix tables around if it did
+	local table = {}
+	if savedtable[GNM.gid].name == nil then --TODO: finish this. Check guild names and gids against items in db

 function readNotes(playername)
-	--access guild notes and parse as table
 	local tbl = {}
 	local numGuildMembers = GetNumGuildMembers(GNM.gid)
 	for i = 1, numGuildMembers do
@@ -33,9 +39,16 @@ function parseNotes(noteString)
 	return tbl

+local function dateRecruited()
+	--get current date and build our string to add to the notes.
 local function onMemberAdd(eventCode, guildId, DisplayName)
 	if guildId == GNM.gid then
 		local notes = readNotes(DisplayName)
+		if notes ~= "" then
+			--operate on notes
+		end