Update 0.6.0

Arne Rantzen [08-13-14 - 22:12]
Update 0.6.0

Updated Moon algorithm to a 30 day period
Various fixes
diff --git a/Clock.lua b/Clock.lua
index 8831d74..dcdd473 100644
--- a/Clock.lua
+++ b/Clock.lua
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 cl = {}

-cl.VERSION = "0.5.10"
-cl.SAV_VERSION = 0.552
+cl.VERSION = "0.6.0"
+cl.SAV_VERSION = 0.6

 -- main
diff --git a/Clock.txt b/Clock.txt
index dc3f739..bfe3ef9 100644
--- a/Clock.txt
+++ b/Clock.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@

 ## Title: Clock - By |c5175ea@Tyx|r
-## Version 0.5.10
+## Version 0.6.0
 ## Author: @Tyx
 ## APIVersion: 100008
 ## SavedVariables: Clock_Settings
diff --git a/data/gui.lua b/data/gui.lua
index c80ab9f..bb9cd3a 100644
--- a/data/gui.lua
+++ b/data/gui.lua
@@ -394,30 +394,81 @@ local function AddMoon()
                 name = loc.nNightF,
                 tooltip = loc.tNightF,
                 min = 1,
-                max = 25,
+                max = 98,
                 step = 1,
                 getFunc = function() return night[1] end,
-                setFunc = function(value) night[1] = value end
+                setFunc = function(value)
+                    night[1] = value
+                    local tmp = 100 - value
+                    local n2 = tmp / night[2]
+                    local n3 = tmp / night[3]
+                    night[2] = math.ceil(tmp / (1 + n2 / n3))
+                    night[3] = math.floor(tmp / (1 + n3 / n2))
+                    if night[2] == 0 and night[3] == 0 then
+                        night[2] = math.ceil(tmp / 2)
+                        night[3] = math.floor(tmp / 2)
+                    elseif night[2] == 0 then
+                        night[2] = tmp - night[3]
+                    elseif night[3] == 0 then
+                        night[3] = tmp - night[2]
+                    end
+                end
             [8] = {
                 type = "slider",
                 name = loc.nNightW,
                 tooltip = loc.tNightW,
                 min = 1,
-                max = 25,
+                max = 98,
                 step = 1,
                 getFunc = function() return night[2] end,
-                setFunc = function(value) night[2] = value end
+                setFunc = function(value)
+                    night[2] = value
+                    local tmp = 100 - value
+                    local n1 = tmp / night[1]
+                    local n3 = tmp / night[3]
+                    night[1] = math.ceil(tmp / (1 + n1 / n3))
+                    night[3] = math.floor(tmp / (1 + n3 / n1))
+                    if night[1] == 0 and night[3] == 0 then
+                        night[1] = math.ceil(tmp / 2)
+                        night[3] = math.floor(tmp / 2)
+                    elseif night[1] == 0 then
+                        night[1] = tmp - night[3]
+                    elseif night[3] == 0 then
+                        night[3] = tmp - night[1]
+                    end
+                end
             [9] = {
                 type = "slider",
                 name = loc.nNightN,
                 tooltip = loc.tNightN,
                 min = 1,
-                max = 25,
+                max = 98,
                 step = 1,
                 getFunc = function() return night[3] end,
-                setFunc = function(value) night[3] = value end
+                setFunc = function(value)
+                    night[3] = value
+                    local tmp = 100 - value
+                    local n2 = tmp / night[2]
+                    local n1 = tmp / night[1]
+                    night[2] = math.ceil(tmp / (1 + n2 / n1))
+                    night[1] = math.floor(tmp / (1 + n1 / n2))
+                    if night[2] == 0 and night[1] == 0 then
+                        night[2] = math.ceil(tmp / 2)
+                        night[1] = math.floor(tmp / 2)
+                    elseif night[2] == 0 then
+                        night[2] = tmp - night[1]
+                    elseif night[1] == 0 then
+                        night[1] = tmp - night[2]
+                    end
+                end
             [10] = {
                 type = "button",
diff --git a/data/moon.lua b/data/moon.lua
index a4907ad..dd22d2a 100644
--- a/data/moon.lua
+++ b/data/moon.lua
@@ -5,14 +5,15 @@ cl.mn = {}

 local mn = cl.mn

+local phaseLength = 30
 -- Phase
 function mn.GetMoonPhase(osT)
-    local day = cl.st.GetTime("daytime")
-    local fullT = cl.st.GetMoon("full") * day
-    local wayT = cl.st.GetMoon("way") * day
-    local newT = cl.st.GetMoon("new") * day
+    local month = cl.st.GetTime("daytime") * phaseLength
+    local fullT = cl.st.GetMoon("full") * month / 100
+    local wayT = cl.st.GetMoon("way") / 2 * month / 100
+    local newT = cl.st.GetMoon("new") * month / 100
     local phase = fullT + newT + wayT * 2
     local start = mn.CreateFullmoon(cl.st.GetMoon("name"), cl.st.GetMoon("start"))
     local moon
@@ -21,28 +22,28 @@ function mn.GetMoonPhase(osT)
         start = start + phase

-    local t = osT - start
+    local delta = osT - start

     local full = fullT
     local waning = full + wayT
     local new = waning + newT
     local waxing = new + wayT

-    if full >= t then
+    if full >= delta then
         moon = "full"
-        t = full - t
-    elseif waning >= t then
+        delta = full - delta
+    elseif waning >= delta then
         moon = "waning"
-        t = waning - t
-    elseif new >= t then
+        delta = waning - delta
+    elseif new >= delta then
         moon = "new"
-        t = new - t
+        delta = new - delta
         moon = "waxing"
-        t = waxing - t
+        delta = waxing - delta

-    return moon, t
+    return moon, delta

@@ -50,9 +51,9 @@ end
 function mn.CreateFullmoon(name, t)
     local tSinceStart = t
-    local day = cl.st.GetTime("daytime")
-    local way = cl.st.GetMoon("way") * day
-    local full = cl.st.GetMoon("full") * day
+    local month = cl.st.GetTime("daytime") * phaseLength
+    local way = cl.st.GetMoon("way") / 2 * month / 100
+    local full = cl.st.GetMoon("full") * month / 100

     if name == "new" then
         tSinceStart = tSinceStart - way - full
diff --git a/data/settings.lua b/data/settings.lua
index 229f69a..a04fb2d 100644
--- a/data/settings.lua
+++ b/data/settings.lua
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ local defaults = {
     moon = {
         start = 1400340861, -- Unix time of the start of the full moon phase in s
-        full = 6, -- length of a full moon phase in real time in s -> TRY IN NIGHTS FOR DAYLENGTH OFFSET
-        new = 6, -- length of a new moon phase in real time in s
-        way = 10, -- length of the way between full moon and new moon in s
+        full = 10, -- length of a full moon phase in real time in s -> TRY IN NIGHTS FOR DAYLENGTH OFFSET
+        new = 10, -- length of a new moon phase in real time in s
+        way = 80, -- length of the way between full moon and new moon in s
         name = "full",
     offset = {
diff --git a/data/time.lua b/data/time.lua
index 1860f69..9c521f1 100644
--- a/data/time.lua
+++ b/data/time.lua
@@ -145,10 +145,8 @@ function tm.GetLoreDate()
     local gameStart = CalcStartTime(1396569600)
-    d("GameStart: " .. tm.GetTST(gameStart)[1] .. tm.GetTST(gameStart)[2] .. tm.GetTST(gameStart)[3])
     gameStart = gameStart - 4 * length.day -- 4 days before was a monday
     gameStart = gameStart - (30 + 28 + 31) * length.day -- 3 lore month before was the beginnung of the year when we think that 4.4 in RT is the same in Tamriel
-    d("GameStart2: " .. tm.GetTST(gameStart)[1] .. tm.GetTST(gameStart)[2] .. tm.GetTST(gameStart)[3])
     local tSinceStart = GetTimeStamp() - gameStart
     length.year = length.day * 365
     -- YEAR