Update 0.5.8 Patch 2

Arne Rantzen [08-05-14 - 19:33]
Update 0.5.8 Patch 2
diff --git a/Clock.lua b/Clock.lua
index 5bfe066..7458742 100644
--- a/Clock.lua
+++ b/Clock.lua
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 cl = {}

-cl.VERSION = "0.5.7"
+cl.VERSION = "0.5.8"
 cl.SAV_VERSION = 0.552

diff --git a/Clock.txt b/Clock.txt
index 460a2d6..6aedb3a 100644
--- a/Clock.txt
+++ b/Clock.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@

 ## Title: Clock - By |c5175ea@Tyx|r
-## Version 0.5.7
+## Version 0.5.8
 ## Author: @Tyx
 ## APIVersion: 100008
 ## SavedVariables: Clock_Settings
@@ -50,9 +50,7 @@ libs\LibMediaProvider-1.0\LibMediaProvider-1.0.lua


diff --git a/data/gui.lua b/data/gui.lua
index a39bb0d..c80ab9f 100644
--- a/data/gui.lua
+++ b/data/gui.lua
@@ -36,39 +36,6 @@ local function ReloadGUI()

--- Language
-local function AddLocal()
-    local choice
-    local loc = {
-        type = "dropdown",
-        name = loc.lang,
-        tooltip = loc.langTxt,
-        choices = cl.ln.loc,
-        getFunc = function()
-            for v, k in pairs(cl.ln.locTable) do
-                if k == cl.st.GetLanguage() then
-                    return cl.ln.loc[v]
-                end
-            end
-        end,
-        setFunc = function(value)
-        -- Look for the number in the loc table of the string
-            for v, k in pairs(cl.ln.loc) do
-                if k == value then
-                    -- Save the language
-                    loc = cl.ln[cl.ln.locTable[v]].gui
-                    cl.st.SetLanguage(cl.ln.locTable[v])
-                    ReloadGUI()
-                    break
-                end
-            end
-        end,
-    }
-    return loc
 -- Toggle
 local function AddToggle()
@@ -281,42 +248,47 @@ local function AddDay()
         name = loc.day,
         tooltip = loc.dayTxt,
         controls = {
-            -- Texture should be here to show how to sync at noon, but dds will not load
             [1] = {
+                type = "texture",
+				image = [[Clock\img\sync.dds]],
+				imageWidth = 510,
+				imageHeight = 100,
+            },
+            [2] = {
                 type = "description",
                 title = loc.descDB,
                 text = loc.descDBTxt,
-            [2] = {
+            [3] = {
                 type = "button",
                 name = loc.nMid,
                 tooltip = loc.tMid,
                 func = function() cl.tm.CreateNewStart("midnight", GetTimeStamp()) end,
-            [3] = {
+            [4] = {
                 type = "button",
                 name = loc.nRise,
                 tooltip = loc.tRise,
                 func = function() cl.tm.CreateNewStart("sunrise", GetTimeStamp()) end,
-            [4] = {
+            [5] = {
                 type = "button",
                 name = loc.nNoon,
                 tooltip = loc.tNoon,
                 func = function() cl.tm.CreateNewStart("noon", GetTimeStamp()) end,
-            [5] = {
+            [6] = {
                 type = "button",
                 name = loc.nSet,
                 tooltip = loc.tSet,
                 func = function() cl.tm.CreateNewStart("sunset", GetTimeStamp()) end,
-            [6] = {
+            [7] = {
                 type = "description",
                 title = loc.descDS,
                 text = loc.descDSTxt,
-            [7] = {
+            [8] = {
                 type = "slider",
                 name = loc.nDayH,
                 tooltip = loc.tDayH,
@@ -326,7 +298,7 @@ local function AddDay()
                 getFunc = function() return day[1] end,
                 setFunc = function(value) day[1] = value end
-            [8] = {
+            [9] = {
                 type = "slider",
                 name = loc.nDayM,
                 tooltip = loc.tDayM,
@@ -336,7 +308,7 @@ local function AddDay()
                 getFunc = function() return day[2] end,
                 setFunc = function(value) day[2] = value end
-            [9] = {
+            [10] = {
                 type = "slider",
                 name = loc.nDayS,
                 tooltip = loc.tDayS,
@@ -346,7 +318,7 @@ local function AddDay()
                 getFunc = function() return day[3] end,
                 setFunc = function(value) day[3] = value end
-            [10] = {
+            [11] = {
                 type = "button",
                 name = loc.nAplyData,
                 tooltip = loc.tAplyData,
@@ -511,16 +483,14 @@ end
 function ui.InitSettings()
     LAM:RegisterAddonPanel("ClockSettings", panel)

-    local lang = cl.st.GetLanguage()
-    loc = cl.ln[lang].gui -- Localization table with the current selected language
+    loc = cl.ln.gui -- Localization table with the current selected language

     local data = {
-        [1] = AddLocal(),
-        [2] = AddToggle(),
-        [3] = AddLook(),
-        [4] = AddDay(),
-        [5] = AddMoon(),
-        [6] = AddReset(),
+        [1] = AddToggle(),
+        [2] = AddLook(),
+        [3] = AddDay(),
+        [4] = AddMoon(),
+        [5] = AddReset(),
     LAM:RegisterOptionControls("ClockSettings", data)
diff --git a/data/settings.lua b/data/settings.lua
index 6652b43..229f69a 100644
--- a/data/settings.lua
+++ b/data/settings.lua
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ local defaults = {
     show_fldate = false,
     show_date = false,
     show_rt = false,
-    language = "en",
     time = {
         start = 1398044126, -- exact unix time at the calculated game time start in s
         daytime = 20955, -- length of one day in s (default 5.75h right now)
@@ -164,14 +163,6 @@ function st.SetFormat(name, value)

--- language
-function st.SetLanguage(ln)
-    -- de, en
-    cl.settings.language = ln
 -- GET
@@ -236,10 +227,6 @@ function st.ShowRT()
     return cl.settings.show_rt

-function st.GetLanguage()
-    return cl.settings.language
 -- moon
@@ -351,7 +338,7 @@ end
 SLASH_COMMANDS["/cl"] = function(com)
     com = com:lower()
     local lang = st.GetLanguage()
-    local loc = cl.ln[lang].com
+    local loc = cl.ln.com
     if com == "show" then
     elseif com == loc.midnight or com == loc.sunrise or com == loc.noon or com == loc.sunset then
diff --git a/data/time.lua b/data/time.lua
index 4af7f95..44c5f8f 100644
--- a/data/time.lua
+++ b/data/time.lua
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ function tm.GetFakeLoreDate()

     local yearStart = 582
     year = tonumber(year) - 2014 + yearStart
-    local day, _, _ = tm.GetLoreDate()
+    local _, _, day = tm.GetLoreDate()

     return year, tonumber(month), day
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/view.lua b/data/view.lua
index c296f97..379af57 100644
--- a/data/view.lua
+++ b/data/view.lua
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ function vi.ParseFormat(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, isLore)

     -- day
-    if cl.st.GetLanguage == "en" then
+    if GetCVar("Language.2") == "en" then
         if day == 1 then
             day = day .. loc.date.first
         elseif day == 2 then
@@ -407,8 +407,7 @@ function vi.HideClock(value)

 function vi.InitClock()
-    local lang = cl.st.GetLanguage()
-    loc = cl.ln[lang].vi
+    loc = cl.ln.vi

     ClockUI:SetAnchor(CENTER, GuiRoot, TOPLEFT, cl.st.GetPosition())
diff --git a/lang/de.lua b/lang/de.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1106bbb..0000000
--- a/lang/de.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
--- de - deutsch:german
--- Author: Tyx
-cl.ln.de = {
-    com = {
-        --show = "zeige",
-        --midnight = "mitternacht",
-        --sunrise = "sonnenaufgang",
-        --noon = "mittag",
-        --sunset = "sonnenuntergang",
-        --reset = "zurücksetzen",
-        resetTxt = "Clock ist nun zurückgesetzt.",
-        --resetui = "zurücksetzenUI",
-        resetUITxt = "Clock Benutzeroberfläche ist nun zurückgesetzt.",
-        -- resettime = "zurücksetzenZeit",
-        resetTimeTxt = "Clock Zeit ist nun zurückgesetzt.",
-        --us = "us",
-        usOn = "Die Zeit wird nun in 12h mit am/pm dargestellt.",
-        usOff = "Die Zeit wird nun in 24h dargestellt.",
-        --num = "num",
-        numOn = "Nullen werden hinzugefügt.",
-        numOff = "Einzelne Ziffern werden angezeigt.",
-        --sec = "sek",
-        secOn = "Sekunden werden angezeigt.",
-        secOff = "Sekunden werden ausgeblendet.",
-        --active = "aktiv",
-        activeOn = "Clock - TST ist eingeschaltet.",
-        activeOff = "Clock - TST ist ausgeschaltet.",
-        --active = "bewege",
-        activeOn = "Clock kann nun verschoben werden.",
-        activeOff = "Clock ist nun fixiert.",
-        --moon = "mond",
-        moonOn = "Der Mond wird angezeigt.",
-        moonOff = "Der Mond wird ausgeblendet.",
-        --ldate = "ldatum",
-        ldateOn = "Lore Datum wird angezeigt.",
-        ldateOff = "Lore Datum wird ausgeblendet.",
-        --fldate = "ldatum",
-        fldateOn = "Falsches lore Datum wird angezeigt.",
-        fldateOff = "Falsches lore Datum wird ausgeblendet.",
-        --rt = "rz",
-        rtOn = "Reale-Zeit wird angezeigt.",
-        rtOff = "Reale-Zeit wird ausgeblendet.",
-        --date = "datum",
-        dateOn = "Datum wird angezeigt.",
-        dateOff = "Datum wird ausgeblendet.",
-        text = "Willkommen zu dem |cFFD700Clock|r - TST von |c5175ea@Tyx|r [EU] Hilfemenü\n"
-                .. "Um die aktuelle Datenbank anzuzeigen, schreibe:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl show\n"
-                .. "Um die aktuelle Zeit als Tamriel Mitternacht/Sonnenaufgang/Mittag/Sonnenuntergang zu speichern, benutze das passenden kommando:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl midnight\n\t\cl sunrise\n\t\cl noon\n\t\cl sunset\n"
-                .. "Um die aktuelle Datenbank, nur das Aussehen oder nur die Zeit auf ihre Anfangswerte zurückzusetzen, schreibe\n"
-                .. "\t\cl reset\n\t\cl resetUI\t\cl resetTime\n"
-                .. "Du kannst die angezeigte Zeit in das 12h/24h Format umschalten mit:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl us\n"
-                .. "Um die Nullen vor den einstelligen Stunden zu löschen, schreibe:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl num\n"
-                .. "Um die Sekuden ein- oder auszublenden, schreibe:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl sec\n"
-                .. "Um die Echtzeit einzublenden, schreibe:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl rt\n"
-                .. "Damit die Mondphase angezeigt wird, schreibe:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl moon\n"
-                .. "Um das Datum (lore/fake lore/real) anzuzeigen, schreibe:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl ldate\n\t\cl fldate\n\t\cl date\n"
-                .. "Damit die Clock nicht mehr bewegt werden kann, schreibe:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl move\n"
-                .. "Um die Clock ein-/auszuschalten benutze:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl active\n\n"
-                .. "Um das Einstellungsmenü aufzurufen, schreibe:\n"
-                .. "\t\clsettings\n",
-    },
-    gui = {
-        com = "/cleinstellungen",
-        -- Language
-        lang = "Sprache",
-        langTxt = "Wähle eine Sprache für das Clock Einstellungsmenü und die Kommandos.\n Achtung: dies wird das UI neuladen.",
-        -- Toggle
-        togOpt = "Ein/Aus Einstellungen",
-        togOptTxt = "Verändere das Aussehen der Clock.",
-        sClock = "Zeige die Uhr",
-        sTime = "Zeige die Zeit",
-        sMove = "Bewegbar",
-        tMove = "Wähle ob die Clock bewegbar sein soll.",
-        sAHide = "Automatisch verstecken",
-        tAHide = "Wähle ob die Clock versteckt werden soll, falls das menü geöffnet wird.",
-        sFormat = "12h Format",
-        sAMPM = "Zeige AM/PM",
-        sNum = "Ergänze Nullen",
-        tNum = "Ergänzt NUllen vor eine einstellige Zahl: 1:24 -> 01:24",
-        sSec = "Zeige Sekunden",
-        sMoon = "Zeige den Mond",
-        tMoon = "Fügt ein kleines Bild mit der aktuellen Mondphase und den verbleibenden Stunden bis zum Beginn der nächsten Phase hinzu.",
-        sLDate = "Zeige lore Datum",
-        tLDate = "Fügt eine Zeile unter der Clock ein mit dem Tag, Monat und Jahr in Tamriel.",
-        sFLDate = "Zeige falsches lore Datum",
-        tFLDate = "Fügt eine Zeile unter der Clock ein mit dem Tag, Monat und Jahr in Tamriel.",
-        sRT = "Zeige reale Zeit",
-        tRT = "Fügt eine Zeile unter der Clock ein mit der Zeit deines Betriebssystems.",
-        sDate = "Zeige reales Datum",
-        tDate = "Fügt eine Zeile unter der Clock ein mit dem Tag, Monat und Jahr deines Betriebssystems.",
-        -- Look
-        look = "Aussehen Einstellungen",
-        lookTxt = "Verschiedene Einstellungen um das Aussehen der Clock zu verändern.",
-        nColPick = "Farbe",
-        tColPick = "Verändere die Farbe der Clock.",
-        nFont = "Schrift",
-        tFont = "Verändere die Schrift der Clock.",
-        nStyle = "Design",
-        tStyle = "Verändere die Design der Clock.",
-        nSize = "Größe",
-        tSize = "Verändere die Größe der Clock.",
-        descEditLookY = "Verändere das Format der Clock: Benutze '_' bevor einer Variablen!\n"
-                .. "Jahr/Monat/Tag",
-        descEditLookYTxt = "Jahr: Y = 582 (14)\tYY = 2Ä 582 (2014)\n"
-                .. "Monat: M = 4\tMM = 04\tMMM = Erste Saat (April)\n"
-                .. "Tag: D = 4\tDD = 04\tDDD = Fredas (Freitag)",
-        descEditLookD = "Stunde/Minute/Sekunde",
-        descEditLookDTxt = "Stunde: h = 9\thh = 09\n"
-                .. "Minute: m = 9\tmm = 09\n"
-                .. "Sekunde: s = 9\tss = 09",
-        descEditLookE = "Beispiel",
-        descEditLookETxt = "_DDD, _D. Tag vom _MMM _YY _hh:_mm:_ss\n"
-                .. "Fredas, 4. Tag vom Erste Saat 2Ä 582\n"
-                .. "Freitag, 4. Tag vom April 2014",
-        nELore = "Lore-Zeit Format",
-        tELore = "Schreibe das Zeitformat für die lore Zeit hier rein.",
-        nEReal = "Reale-Zeit Format",
-        tEReal = "Schreibe das Zeitformat für die reale Zeit hier rein.",
-        -- Daay
-        day = "Sync [Tageslänge]",
-        dayTxt = "Passe die Länge eines Tages nach deinen Wünschen an.",
-        descDB = "Sync [Mitternacht/Sonnenaufgang/Mittag/Sonnenuntergang]",
-        descDBTxt = "Synchronisiere die Zeit der Clock.\nZ.B. wähle Mittag when die Sonne genau unter der Süd-Nadel deines Kompasses steht.",
-        nMid = "Jetzt ist Mitternacht!",
-        tMid = "Wähle dies wenn der Mond an seiner höchsten Stelle ist.",
-        nRise = "Jetzt ist Sonnenaufgang!",
-        tRise = "Veraltet! Sonnenaufgang ist nicht wirklich klar. Arbeite mit Mittag!",
-        nNoon = "Mittag ist jetzt!",
-        tNoon = "Wähle dies wenn die Sonne genau unter der Südnadel deines Kompasses ist.",
-        nSet = "Sonnenuntergang ist jetzt!",
-        tSet = "Veraltet! Sonnenuntergang ist nicht wirklich klar. Arbeite mit Mittag!",
-        descDS = "Sync [Tageslänge]",
-        descDSTxt = "Synchronisiere die Tageslänge der Clock.",
-        nDayH = "Stunden",
-        tDayH = "Wie lange dauert ein in-game Tag in echt Zeit Stunden.",
-        nDayM = "Minuten",
-        tDayM = "Wie lange dauert ein in-game Tag in echt Zeit Minuten.",
-        nDayS = "Sekunden",
-        tDayS = "Wie lange dauert ein in-game Tag in echt Zeit Sekunden.",
-        nAplyData = "Berechne",
-        tAplyData = "Berechne die aktuelle Zeit in Tamriel basierend auf der ausgewählten Tageslänge und deiner synchronisierten (oder anfangs) Startzeit.",
-        -- Moon
-        moon = "Sync [Mond]",
-        moonTxt = "Verändere den Start der Mondphasen und die Länge einer Mondphase nach deinen Wünschen.",
-        nFull = "Jetzt ist Vollmond!",
-        tFull = "Wähle dies beim Start der Vollmondphase.",
-        nNew = "Jetzt ist Neumond!",
-        tNew = "Wähle dies beim Start der Neumondphase.",
-        descMS = "Sync [Mond]",
-        descMSTxt = "Synchronisiere die Mondphase der Clock.\nMache dies genau am Anfang einer Phase.",
-        descMoon = "Sync [Phasenlänge]",
-        descMoonTxt = "Du must nur einmal, entweder für den Start des Voll- oder Neumonds, die Clock synchronisieren.\n"
-                .. "Die folgenden Schieber sind für das Einstellen wie viel Tage eine Mondphase dauert.",
-        nNightF = "Vollmondphase in Tagen",
-        tNightF = "Wähle aus wie lange eine Vollmondphase dauert.",
-        nNightW = "Abnehmende-/Zunehmende-Mondphase in Tagen",
-        tNightW = "Wähle aus wie lange eine Abnehmende-/Zunehmende-Mondphase dauert.",
-        nNightN = "Neumondphase in Tagen",
-        tNightN = "Wähle aus wie lange eine Neumondphase dauert.",
-        nAplyMoon = "Berechne",
-        tAplyMoon = "Berechne die aktuelle Mondphase basierend auf der ausgewählten Phasenlänge und deiner synchronisierten (oder anfangs) Startzeit.",
-        -- Reset
-        reset = "Zurücksetz Einstellungen",
-        resetTxt = "Verschiedene Einstellungen um Alles oder nur Teile der Clock zurückzusetzen.",
-        nResFull = "Alles zurücksetzen",
-        tResFull = "Setze alles auf seine Anfangswerte zurück.",
-        wResFull = "Dies wird alle von dir gemachten Anpassungen auf die Anfangswerte zurücksetzen!\nWird die UI neuladen!",
-        nResUI = "Setze die Benutzeroverfläche zurück",
-        tResUI = "Setzt das Aussehen und die Position der Clock auf die Startwerte zurück.",
-        wResUI = "Dies wird alle von dir gemachten Anpassungen an der Benutzeroverfläche auf die Anfangswerte zurücksetzen!",
-        nResTime = "Setze die Zeit zurück",
-        tResTime = "Setzt deine Anpassungen an der Synchronisation und der Längen von der Clock auf die Anfangswerte zurück.",
-        wResTime = "Dies wird alle von dir gemachten Anpassungen an der Zeit auf die Anfangswerte zurücksetzen!\nWird die UI neuladen!",
-    },
-    vi = {
-        dbTS = {
-            [1] = "Die nächste Mitternacht (0:00 TST) ist um\t",
-            [2] = "Der nächste Sonnenaufgang (4:00 TST) ist um\t",
-            [3] = "Der nächste Mittag (12:00 TST) ist um\t",
-            [4] = "Der nächste Sonnenuntergang (20:00 TST) ist um\t",
-            [5] = "Ein Tag ist ",
-            [6] = "lang\n",
-        },
-        date = {
-            first = "st",
-            second = "nd",
-            third = "rd",
-            allNum = "th",
-            lore = {
-                week = {
-                    [1] = "Morndas",
-                    [2] = "Tirdas",
-                    [3] = "Middas",
-                    [4] = "Turdas",
-                    [5] = "Fredas",
-                    [6] = "Loredas",
-                    [7] = "Sundas",
-                },
-                months = {
-                    [1] = "Morgenstern",
-                    [2] = "Sonnenaufgang",
-                    [3] = "Erste Saat",
-                    [4] = "Regenhand",
-                    [5] = "Zweite Saat",
-                    [6] = "Jahresmitte",
-                    [7] = "Sonnenhöhe",
-                    [8] = "Letzte Saat",
-                    [9] = "Herzfeuer",
-                    [10] = "Eisherbst",
-                    [11] = "Sonnenuntergang",
-                    [12] = "Abendstern",
-                },
-                year = "2Ä ",
-            },
-            real = {
-                week = {
-                    [1] = "Montag",
-                    [2] = "Dienstag",
-                    [3] = "Mittwoch",
-                    [4] = "Donnerstag",
-                    [5] = "Freitag",
-                    [6] = "Samstag",
-                    [7] = "Sonntag",
-                },
-                months = {
-                    [1] = "Januar",
-                    [2] = "Februar",
-                    [3] = "März",
-                    [4] = "April",
-                    [5] = "Mai",
-                    [6] = "Juni",
-                    [7] = "Juli",
-                    [8] = "August",
-                    [9] = "September",
-                    [10] = "Oktober",
-                    [11] = "November",
-                    [12] = "Dezember",
-                },
-            },
-        },
-    },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/en.lua b/lang/en.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index de081a4..0000000
--- a/lang/en.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
--- en - english:english
--- Author: Tyx
-cl.ln.en = {
-    com = {
-        show = "show",
-        midnight = "midnight",
-        sunrise = "sunrise",
-        noon = "noon",
-        sunset = "sunset",
-        reset = "reset",
-        resetTxt = "Clock is now reseted.",
-        resetui = "resetUI",
-        resetUITxt = "Clock User Interface is now reseted.",
-        resettime = "resetTime",
-        resetTimeTxt = "Clock time is now reseted.",
-        us = "us",
-        usOn = "The Time is represented in 12h with am/pm.",
-        usOff = "The Time is represented in 24h.",
-        num = "num",
-        numOn = "Zeros are added.",
-        numOff = "Single digits are shown.",
-        sec = "sec",
-        secOn = "Seconds are shown.",
-        secOff = "Seconds are hidden.",
-        active = "active",
-        activeOn = "Clock - TST is on.",
-        activeOff = "Clock - TST is off.",
-        active = "move",
-        activeOn = "Clock is now moveable.",
-        activeOff = "Clock is now fixed.",
-        moon = "moon",
-        moonOn = "The moon is shown.",
-        moonOff = "The moon is hidden.",
-        ldate = "gdate",
-        ldateOn = "Lore date is shown.",
-        ldateOff = "Lore date is hidden.",
-        fldate = "fldate",
-        fldateOn = "Lore fake date is shown.",
-        fldateOff = "Lore fake date is hidden.",
-        rt = "rt",
-        rtOn = "Real-Time is shown.",
-        rtOff = "Real-Time is hidden.",
-        date = "date",
-        dateOn = "Date is shown.",
-        dateOff = "Date is hidden.",
-        text = "Welcome to the |cFFD700Clock|r - TST by |c5175ea@Tyx|r [EU] help menu\n"
-                .. "To show the current database of the times, write:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl show\n"
-                .. "To set the current time as Tamriel midnight/sunrise/noon/sunset use the appropriate command:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl midnight\n\t\cl sunrise\n\t\cl noon\n\t\cl sunset\n"
-                .. "To reset the current database, only the look or time to the default values, write:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl reset\n\t\cl resetUI\t\cl resetTime\n"
-                .. "You can toggle the displayed time formatt (12h/24h) by writing:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl us\n"
-                .. "To delete the zeros added before a single digit hour, write:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl num\n"
-                .. "You can toggle to display seconds with the command:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl sec\n"
-                .. "For showing the current moon phase, write:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl moon\n"
-                .. "To display the date (lore/fake lore/real), write:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl ldate\n\t\cl fldate\t\cl date\n"
-                .. "To stop/start the Clock from being moveable, write:\n"
-                .. "\t\cl move\n"
-                .. "To deactivate/activate the Clock use.\n"
-                .. "\t\cl active\n\n"
-                .. "To show the settings menu, write:\n"
-                .. "\t\clsettings\n",
-    },
-    gui = {
-        com = "/clsettings",
-        -- Language
-        lang = "Language",
-        langTxt = "Select a language for the Clock Settings and Commands.\n Warning: this will reload the UI.",
-        -- Toggle
-        togOpt = "On/Off Settings",
-        togOptTxt = "Change the way the Clock looks.",
-        sClock = "Show Clock",
-        sTime = "Show Time",
-        sMove = "Movable",
-        tMove = "Select if the Clock should be movable.",
-        sAHide = "Auto Hide",
-        tAHide = "Select if the Clock should be hidden when a menu is open.",
-        sFormat = "12h format",
-        sAMPM = "Show AM/PM",
-        sNum = "Add zeros",
-        tNum = "Add zeros before a single number: 1:24 -> 01:24",
-        sSec = "Show Seconds",
-        sMoon = "Show Moon",
-        tMoon = "Adds a little icon with the current moon phase and the hours until the next phase begins.",
-        sLDate = "Show lore Date",
-        tLDate = "Adds a line under the Clock with the day, month and year in Tamriel.",
-        sFLDate = "Show fake lore Date",
-        tFLDate = "Adds a line under the Clock with the day, month and year in Tamriel.",
-        sRT = "Show real time",
-        tRT = "Adds a line under the Clock with the Time of your Operating System.",
-        sDate = "Show real Date",
-        tDate = "Adds a line under the Clock with the day, month and year of your Operating System.",
-        -- Look
-        look = "Look Options",
-        lookTxt = "Various options to change how the Clock looks.",
-        nColPick = "Color",
-        tColPick = "Change the color of the Clock.",
-        nFont = "Font",
-        tFont = "Change the font of the Clock.",
-        nStyle = "Style",
-        tStyle = "Change the style of the Clock.",
-        nSize = "Size",
-        tSize = "Change the size of the Clock.",
-        descEditLookY = "Change the format of the Clock: Use '_' before a variable!\n"
-                .. "Year/Month/Day",
-        descEditLookYTxt = "Year: Y = 582 (14)\tYY = 2E 582 (2014)\n"
-                .. "Month: M = 4\tMM = 04\tMMM = First Seed (April)\n"
-                .. "Day: D = 4\tDD = 04\tDDD = Fredas (Friday)",
-        descEditLookD = "Hour/Minute/Second",
-        descEditLookDTxt = "Hour: h = 9\thh = 09\n"
-                .. "Minute: m = 9\tmm = 09\n"
-                .. "Second: s = 9\tss = 09",
-        descEditLookE = "Example",
-        descEditLookETxt = "_DDD, _D day of _MMM _YY _hh:_mm:_ss\n"
-                .. "Fredas, 4th day of First Seed 2E 582\n"
-                .. "Friday, 4th day of April 2014",
-        nELore = "Lore-time format",
-        tELore = "Write the time format for the lore time in here.",
-        nEReal = "Real-time format",
-        tEReal = "Wirte the time format for the real time in here.",
-        -- Data
-        day = "Sync [Day]",
-        dayTxt = "Adjust the length of one day to your liking.",
-        descDB = "Sync [Midnight/Sunrise/Noon/Sunset]",
-        descDBTxt = "Synchronize the time of the Clock.\nE.g. select noon when the sun is right under the South needle of the compass.",
-        nMid = "Midnight is now!",
-        tMid = "Select this if the Moon is at his highest point. ",
-        nRise = "Sunrise is now!",
-        tRise = "Deprecated! Sunrise is not really clear. Work with noon!",
-        nNoon = "Noon is now!",
-        tNoon = "Select this if the sun is right under the south needle of your compass.",
-        nSet = "Sunset is now!",
-        tSet = "Deprecated! Sunset is not really clear. Work with noon!",
-        descDS = "Sync [Daylength]",
-        descDSTxt = "Synchronize the daylength of the Clock.",
-        nDayH = "Hours",
-        tDayH = "How long does one in-game day last in real time hours.",
-        nDayM = "Minutes",
-        tDayM = "How long does one in-game day last in real time minutes.",
-        nDayS = "Seconds",
-        tDayS = "How long does one in-game day last in real time seconds.",
-        nAplyData = "Calculate",
-        tAplyData = "Calculates the current time in Tamriel based on the selected daylength and your synced (or default) start time.",
-        -- Moon
-        moon = "Sync [Moon]",
-        moonTxt = "Adjust the start of this moon phases and the length of one mood phase to your liking.",
-        nFull = "Full moon is now!",
-        tFull = "Select this at the start of Full moon phase.",
-        nNew = "New moon is now!",
-        tNew = "Select this at the start of the New moon phast.",
-        descMS = "Sync [Moon]",
-        descMSTxt = "Synchronize the moon phase of the Clock.\nDo that the very start of one phase.",
-        descMoon = "Sync [Phase length]",
-        descMoonTxt = "You only need to sync the Clock for either the full- or new moon start and only once.\n"
-                .. "The follwing Sliders are here to select how many days one phase last.",
-        nNightF = "Full moon phase in days",
-        tNightF = "Select how many does the Full moon phase last.",
-        nNightW = "Waning/Waxing moon phase in days",
-        tNightW = "Select how many does the Waning/Waxing moon phase last.",
-        nNightN = "New moon phase in days",
-        tNightN = "Select how many does the New moon phase last.",
-        nAplyMoon = "Calculate",
-        tAplyMoon = "Calculates the current moon phase based on the selected lengths and your synced (or default) start time.",
-        -- Reset
-        reset = "Reset Options",
-        resetTxt = "Various option to reset all or just a part of the Clock.",
-        nResFull = "Reset all",
-        tResFull = "Resets everything to the default values.",
-        wResFull = "This will replace all your customized values with the default ones!\nWill reload the UI!",
-        nResUI = "Reset the UI",
-        tResUI = "Resets the look and place of the Clock to the default values.",
-        wResUI = "This will replace all your customizations to the UI with the default values!",
-        nResTime = "Reset the Time",
-        tResTime = "Resets your customized syncs and lengths of the Clock to the default values.",
-        wResTime = "This will replace all your customizations to the Time with the default values!\nWill reload the UI!",
-    },
-    vi = {
-        dbTS = {
-            [1] = "Next midnight (0:00 TST) is at ",
-            [2] = "Next sunrise (4:00 TST) is at ",
-            [3] = "Next noon (12:00 TST) is at ",
-            [4] = "Next sunset (20:00 TST) is at ",
-            [5] = "A day is ",
-            [6] = "long\n",
-        },
-        date = {
-            first = "st",
-            second = "nd",
-            third = "rd",
-            allNum = "th",
-            lore = {
-                week = {
-                    [1] = "Morndas",
-                    [2] = "Tirdas",
-                    [3] = "Middas",
-                    [4] = "Turdas",
-                    [5] = "Fredas",
-                    [6] = "Loredas",
-                    [7] = "Sundas",
-                },
-                months = {
-                    [1] = "Mornings Star",
-                    [2] = "Sun's Dawn",
-                    [3] = "First Seed",
-                    [4] = "Rain's Hand",
-                    [5] = "Second Seed",
-                    [6] = "Midyear",
-                    [7] = "Sun's Height",
-                    [8] = "Last Seed",
-                    [9] = "Hearthfire",
-                    [10] = "Frostfall",
-                    [11] = "Sun's Dusk",
-                    [12] = "Evening Star",
-                },
-                year = "2E ",
-            },
-            real = {
-                week = {
-                    [1] = "Monday",
-                    [2] = "Thusday",
-                    [3] = "Thirsday",
-                    [4] = "Thutersday",
-                    [5] = "Friday",
-                    [6] = "Saturday",
-                    [7] = "Sunday",
-                },
-                months = {
-                    [1] = "January",
-                    [2] = "February",
-                    [3] = "March",
-                    [4] = "April",
-                    [5] = "May",
-                    [6] = "June",
-                    [7] = "July",
-                    [8] = "August",
-                    [9] = "September",
-                    [10] = "October",
-                    [11] = "November",
-                    [12] = "December",
-                },
-            },
-        },
-    },
diff --git a/lang/language.lua b/lang/language.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 61254d1..0000000
--- a/lang/language.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
--- language
-cl.ln = {}
-local ln = cl.ln
-ln.loc = {
-    [1] = "English : English",
-    [2] = "Deutsch : German",
-ln.locTable = {
-    [1] = "en",
-    [2] = "de",
\ No newline at end of file