Version 1.0.1 (06-05-2019)

Jarth [05-06-19 - 15:31]
Version 1.0.1 (06-05-2019)
diff --git a/CBs_Constants.lua b/CBs_Constants.lua
index 6777e25..6d00d21 100644
--- a/CBs_Constants.lua
+++ b/CBs_Constants.lua
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ CollectionBars = {
         DisplayName = "Collection Bars",
         Abbreviation = "CBs",
         Version = 1.0,
-        MinorVersion = 0.0,
+        MinorVersion = 0.1,
         Command = "/cb",
         Author = "Jarth",
         Website = ""
diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog
index 4f3464f..8419405 100644
--- a/Changelog
+++ b/Changelog
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
  Collection bars
+Version 1.0.1 (06-05-2019)
+- Removed dublicate LibStub from lib: Libs\LibStub
 Version 1.0.0 (27-04-2019)

diff --git a/CollectionBars.txt b/CollectionBars.txt
index 9ec653d..c6f6f52 100644
--- a/CollectionBars.txt
+++ b/CollectionBars.txt
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@

 ## APIVersion: 100026
 ## Title: Collection Bars
-## Version: 1.0.0
+## Version: 1.0.1
 ## Author: Jarth
 ## Description: Show collection bars and activate collections with key or button press
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 ## SavedVariables: CollectionBars_Character

 ## OptionalDependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0
diff --git a/Libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/exampleoptions.lua b/Libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/exampleoptions.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b02d44..0000000
--- a/Libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/exampleoptions.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-local panelData = {
-    type = "panel",
-    name = "Window Title",
-    displayName = "Longer Window Title",
-    author = "Seerah",
-    version = "1.3",
-    slashCommand = "/myaddon",	--(optional) will register a keybind to open to this panel
-    registerForRefresh = true,	--boolean (optional) (will refresh all options controls when a setting is changed and when the panel is shown)
-    registerForDefaults = true,	--boolean (optional) (will set all options controls back to default values)
-local optionsTable = {
-    [1] = {
-        type = "header",
-        name = "My Header",
-        width = "full",	--or "half" (optional)
-    },
-    [2] = {
-        type = "description",
-        --title = "My Title",	--(optional)
-        title = nil,	--(optional)
-        text = "My description text to display. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah - even more sample text!!",
-        width = "full",	--or "half" (optional)
-    },
-    [3] = {
-        type = "dropdown",
-        name = "My Dropdown",
-        tooltip = "Dropdown's tooltip text.",
-        choices = {"table", "of", "choices"},
-        getFunc = function() return "of" end,
-        setFunc = function(var) print(var) end,
-        width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
-        warning = "Will need to reload the UI.",	--(optional)
-    },
-    [4] = {
-        type = "dropdown",
-        name = "My Dropdown",
-        tooltip = "Dropdown's tooltip text.",
-        choices = {"table", "of", "choices"},
-        getFunc = function() return "of" end,
-        setFunc = function(var) print(var) end,
-        width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
-        warning = "Will need to reload the UI.",	--(optional)
-    },
-    [5] = {
-        type = "slider",
-        name = "My Slider",
-        tooltip = "Slider's tooltip text.",
-        min = 0,
-        max = 20,
-        step = 1,	--(optional)
-        getFunc = function() return 3 end,
-        setFunc = function(value) d(value) end,
-        width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
-        default = 5,	--(optional)
-    },
-    [6] = {
-        type = "button",
-        name = "My Button",
-        tooltip = "Button's tooltip text.",
-        func = function() d("button pressed!") end,
-        width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
-        warning = "Will need to reload the UI.",	--(optional)
-    },
-    [7] = {
-        type = "submenu",
-        name = "Submenu Title",
-        tooltip = "My submenu tooltip",	--(optional)
-        controls = {
-            [1] = {
-                type = "checkbox",
-                name = "My Checkbox",
-                tooltip = "Checkbox's tooltip text.",
-                getFunc = function() return true end,
-                setFunc = function(value) d(value) end,
-                width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
-                warning = "Will need to reload the UI.",	--(optional)
-            },
-            [2] = {
-                type = "colorpicker",
-                name = "My Color Picker",
-                tooltip = "Color Picker's tooltip text.",
-                getFunc = function() return 1, 0, 0, 1 end,	--(alpha is optional)
-                setFunc = function(r,g,b,a) print(r, g, b, a) end,	--(alpha is optional)
-                width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
-                warning = "warning text",
-            },
-            [3] = {
-                type = "editbox",
-                name = "My Editbox",
-                tooltip = "Editbox's tooltip text.",
-                getFunc = function() return "this is some text" end,
-                setFunc = function(text) print(text) end,
-                isMultiline = false,	--boolean
-                width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
-                warning = "Will need to reload the UI.",	--(optional)
-                default = "",	--(optional)
-            },
-        },
-    },
-    [8] = {
-        type = "custom",
-        reference = "MyAddonCustomControl",	--unique name for your control to use as reference
-        refreshFunc = function(customControl) end,	--(optional) function to call when panel/controls refresh
-        width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
-    },
-    [9] = {
-        type = "texture",
-        image = "EsoUI\\Art\\ActionBar\\",
-        imageWidth = 64,	--max of 250 for half width, 510 for full
-        imageHeight = 64,	--max of 100
-        tooltip = "Image's tooltip text.",	--(optional)
-        width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
-    },
-local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
-LAM:RegisterAddonPanel("MyAddon", panelData)
-LAM:RegisterOptionControls("MyAddon", optionsTable)
diff --git a/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.txt b/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b6167e..0000000
--- a/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-## APIVersion: 100025 100026
-## Title: LibStub
-## Description: Universal Library Stub
-## Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel, ported to ESO by Seerah
-## Version: 1.0 r5
-## AddOnVersion: 5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/LibStub/LibStub/LibStub.lua b/Libs/LibStub/LibStub/LibStub.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e6b8997..0000000
--- a/Libs/LibStub/LibStub/LibStub.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
--- LibStub is a simple versioning stub meant for use in Libraries. for more info
--- LibStub is hereby placed in the Public Domain Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel, joshborke
--- LibStub developed for World of Warcraft by above members of the WowAce community.
--- Ported to Elder Scrolls Online by Seerah
-local LibStub = _G[LIBSTUB_MAJOR]
-local strformat = string.format
-if not LibStub or LibStub.minor < LIBSTUB_MINOR then
-	LibStub = LibStub or {libs = {}, minors = {} }
-	LibStub.minor = LIBSTUB_MINOR
-	function LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
-		assert(type(major) == "string", "Bad argument #2 to `NewLibrary' (string expected)")
-		if type(minor) ~= "number" then
-			minor = assert(tonumber(zo_strmatch(minor, "%d+%.?%d*")), "Minor version must either be a number or contain a number.")
-		end
-		local oldminor = self.minors[major]
-		if oldminor and oldminor >= minor then return nil end
-		self.minors[major], self.libs[major] = minor, self.libs[major] or {}
-		return self.libs[major], oldminor
-	end
-	function LibStub:GetLibrary(major, silent)
-		if not self.libs[major] and not silent then
-			error(strformat("Cannot find a library instance of %q.", tostring(major)), 2)
-		end
-		return self.libs[major], self.minors[major]
-	end
-	function LibStub:IterateLibraries() return pairs(self.libs) end
-	setmetatable(LibStub, { __call = LibStub.GetLibrary })
-LibStub.SILENT = true
\ No newline at end of file