3.1.14 LibCustomMenu upgrade and PTS data

git [04-25-18 - 09:48]
3.1.14 LibCustomMenu upgrade and PTS data
diff --git a/100023.lua b/100023.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..634cfab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/100023.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+FURC_ALTMER						= 7
+FurC.AchievementVendors[FURC_ALTMER] = {
+    ["Alinor, Riverside Market"] = {
+		["Unwotil"] = {
+			[139122] = { -- Bush, Summerset Spruce
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139107] = { -- Coral Shelf, Flat
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139108] = { --  Coral Shelf, Large
+				itemPrice 	= 250,
+			},
+			[139127] = { -- Hedge, Overgrown
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139128] = { -- Hedge, Overgrown long
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139112] = { -- Limestone Border, Boulders
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139113] = { -- Limestone Border, Pebbles
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139111] = { -- Limestone Border, Stones
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139114] = { -- Limestone Retaining Wall, Curved
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139116] = { -- Limestone Retaining Wall, Long
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139115] = { -- Limestone Retaining Wall, Short
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139109] = { -- Limestone Shelf, Curved
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139110] = { -- Limestone Shelf, Large
+				itemPrice 	= 250,
+			},
+			[139117] = { -- Limestone Stairway, Natural
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139126] = { -- Sapling, Gingko
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139121] = { -- Sapling, Growing Shade
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139132] = { -- Sapling, Sea Grapes
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139124] = { -- Sapling, Summerset Spruce
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139120] = { -- Sapling, Young Shade
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139130] = { -- Saplings, Mangrove
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139125] = { -- Tree, Blooming Gingko
+				itemPrice 	= 2000,
+			},
+			[139131] = { -- Tree, Solitary Mangrove
+				itemPrice 	= 250,
+			},
+			[139134] = { -- Tree, Seagrapes
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139136] = { -- Tree, Twin Poplar
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139123] = { -- Tree, Summerset Spruce
+				itemPrice 	= 250,
+			},
+			[139119] = { -- Tree, Upstretched Shade
+				itemPrice 	= 250,
+			},
+			[139118] = { -- Tree, Wide-Trunked Shade
+				itemPrice 	= 250,
+			},
+			[139129] = { -- Tree, Young Mangrove
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139135] = { -- Tree, Young Poplar
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+			[139133] = { -- Tree, Young Sea Grapes
+				itemPrice 	= 100,
+			},
+        },
+    },
+    ["Tarmimn"] = {
+        [139369] = { -- Abyssal Pearl, Sealed
+            itemPrice 	= 75000,
+            achievement = 2101, -- Back to the Abyss
+        },
+        [139388] = { -- Banner of the House of Reveries, Hanging
+            itemPrice 	= 10000,
+            achievement = "Manor of Masques", --
+        },
+        [139377] = { -- Banner of the Sapiarchs, Hanging
+            itemPrice 	= 10000,
+            achievement = 2204, -- Resolute Guardian
+        },
+        [139393] = { -- Cloudrest Banner, hanging
+            itemPrice 	= 10000,
+            achievement = 2131, -- Cloudrest Completed
+        },
+        [139379] = { -- Coral Formation, Luminescent
+            itemPrice 	= 15000,
+            achievement = 2202, -- Precious Pearl
+        },
+        [139380] = { -- Crystal Tower Key, Replica
+            itemPrice 	= 150000,
+            achievement = 2208, -- What Must Be Done
+        },
+        [139371] = { -- Crystal Tower Stand
+            itemPrice 	= 50000,
+            achievement = 2193, -- Savior of Summerset
+        },
+        [139386] = { -- Direnni Banner, Hanging
+            itemPrice 	= 10000,
+            achievement = "Lauriel's Lament", --
+        },
+        [139302] = { -- Display Case, Exhibit
+            itemPrice 	= 25000,
+            achievement = 2203, -- Mind Games
+        },
+        [139374] = { -- Enchanted Text, Illusory Forest
+            itemPrice 	= 100000,
+            achievement = 2209, -- Summerset Grand Adventurer
+        },
+        [139381] = { -- Evergloam Wispstone
+            itemPrice 	= 75000,
+            achievement = 2207, -- Enemy of my enemy
+        },
+        [139326] = { -- High Elf Statue, Kinlady
+            itemPrice 	= 20000,
+            achievement = 2204, -- Resolute Guardian
+        },
+        [139373] = { -- High Elf Wine Press, Display
+            itemPrice 	= 50000,
+            achievement = 2007, -- Summerset Cave Delver
+        },
+        [139387] = { -- Lillandril Banner
+            itemPrice 	= 10000,
+            achievement = "Murder in Lilandril",
+        },
+        [139372] = { -- Mind Trap Kelp, Adult
+            itemPrice 	= 20000,
+            achievement = 2203, -- Mind Games
+        },
+        [139383] = { -- Psijic Control Globe, Inactive
+            itemPrice 	= 50000,
+            achievement = 2206, -- Unreliable Narrator
+        },
+        [139370] = { -- Replica of the Transparent Law
+            itemPrice 	= 100000,
+            achievement = 2193, -- Saviour of Summerset
+        },
+        [139378] = { -- Shimmerene Banner, Hanging
+            itemPrice 	= 10000,
+            achievement = 2194, -- The Good of Many
+        },
+        [139446] = { -- Spiral Skein Coral, Brittle-Vein
+            itemPrice 	= 10000,
+            achievement = 2008, -- Summerset Pathfinder
+        },
+        [139382] = { -- Spiral Skein Coral, Elkhorn
+            itemPrice 	= 1000,
+            achievement = 2205, -- Sweet Dreams
+        },
+        [139392] = { -- Sunhold Banner, Hanging
+            itemPrice 	= 10000,
+            achievement = 2095, -- Sunhold Group Event
+        },
+        [139392] = { -- The Keeper's Oath
+            itemPrice 	= 75000,
+            achievement = 2099, -- Relics of Summerset
+        },
+        [139384] = { -- Waterfall, Small Everlasting
+            itemPrice 	= 75000,
+            achievement = 2197, -- Divine Magistrate
+        },
+    },
+FurC.Books[FURC_ALTMER] = {}
+FurC.Recipes[FURC_ALTMER] = {}
+FurC.EventItems[FURC_ALTMER] = {}
+FurC.LuxuryFurnisher = FurC.LuxuryFurnisher or {}
+FurC.LuxuryFurnisher[FURC_ALTMER] = {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FurnitureCatalogue.txt b/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
index 296655c..6a85996 100644
--- a/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
+++ b/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Title: FurnitureCatalogue
 ## Author: manavortex
-## Version: 2.2.13
+## Version: 2.2.14
 ## APIVersion: 100022
 ## SavedVariables: FurnitureCatalogue_Settings
 ## OptionalDependsOn: pChat
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ FurCSettingsAdapter.lua

diff --git a/data/RumourRecipes.lua b/data/RumourRecipes.lua
index 765f9c7..0deb567 100644
--- a/data/RumourRecipes.lua
+++ b/data/RumourRecipes.lua
@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ FurC.RumourRecipes = {
 	118118, -- Candles, Lasting
 	115395, -- Nord Drinking Horn, Display
 	121203, -- Khajiit Brazier, Enchanted
+	121217, -- Redguard Lamp, Oil
+    121215, -- Redguard Canopy, Dusk

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/startup.lua b/startup.lua
index e4875bc..175c9e5 100644
--- a/startup.lua
+++ b/startup.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 FurnitureCatalogue 					= {}
 FurnitureCatalogue.name				= "FurnitureCatalogue"
 FurnitureCatalogue.author			= "manavortex"
+FurnitureCatalogue.version                      = "2.2.14"
 FurnitureCatalogue.CharacterName	= nil
 FurnitureCatalogue.settings			= {}