
git [06-11-19 - 11:05]
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index d803cc6..3a14912 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,36 +1,23 @@

-# Created by https://www.gitignore.io/api/windows
-### Windows ###
-# Windows thumbnail cache files
+########## Windows ###########
-# Folder config file

-# Recycle Bin used on file shares

-# Windows Installer files

-# Windows shortcuts
+##########   OsX   ###########

-# End of https://www.gitignore.io/api/windows
+##########  Stuff  ###########

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FurCData.lua b/FurCData.lua
index f2b16cf..69cc50b 100644
--- a/FurCData.lua
+++ b/FurCData.lua
@@ -408,7 +408,8 @@ local function scanFromFiles(shouldScanCharacter)
           recipeArray = parseFurnitureItem(FurC.GetItemLink(itemId))
           if nil ~= recipeArray then
             recipeArray.version = versionNumber
-            recipeArray.origin  = origin
+            recipeArray.origin = origin             -- 3.5: moved FURC_RUMOUR to beginning of table so it'll get overwritten
             addDatabaseEntry(itemId, recipeArray)
             p("scanMiscItemFile: Error when scanning <<1>> (<<2>>) -> <<3>>", itemLink, itemId, origin)
@@ -433,7 +434,7 @@ local function scanFromFiles(shouldScanCharacter)
       for itemId, itemData in pairs(vendorData) do
            local recipeArray       = {}

-          recipeArray.origin      = FURC_LUXURY
+          recipeArray.origin       = FURC_LUXURY
           recipeArray.version      = versionNumber
           addDatabaseEntry(itemId, recipeArray)
@@ -457,18 +458,18 @@ local function scanFromFiles(shouldScanCharacter)
         recipeArray.blueprint = blueprintId
       recipeArray.recipeListIndex, recipeArray.recipeIndex =  GetItemLinkGrantedRecipeIndices(blueprintLink)
-      recipeArray.origin = FURC_RUMOUR
+      recipeArray.origin = recipeArray.origin or FURC_RUMOUR
       recipeArray.verion = FURC_HOMESTEAD
       addDatabaseEntry(itemId, recipeArray)
-    local function scanCharacterOrMaybeNot()
-        if shouldScanCharacter then
+  local function scanCharacterOrMaybeNot()
+    if shouldScanCharacter then
-    end
+  end
   local function rescanRumourRecipes()
     -- make sure that all rumour items
     for recipeKey, recipeArray in pairs(FurC.settings.data) do
@@ -479,9 +480,6 @@ local function scanFromFiles(shouldScanCharacter)

-  -- task:Call(scanMiscItemFile)
-  -- :Then(scanRecipeFile)

diff --git a/FurnitureCatalogue.txt b/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
index 43c1b0d..86f9a3d 100644
--- a/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
+++ b/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Title: FurnitureCatalogue
 ## Author: manavortex
-## Version: 3.411
+## Version: 3.5
 ## APIVersion: 100027
 ## SavedVariables: FurnitureCatalogue_Settings
 ## DependsOn: LibStub LibCustomMenu LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibAsync
diff --git a/_Constants.lua b/_Constants.lua
index 5bab53d..1deb5a4 100644
--- a/_Constants.lua
+++ b/_Constants.lua
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 -- constants for filtering
 -- item sources
 FURC_NONE               = 1
-FURC_FAVE               = FURC_NONE +1                -- 2
-FURC_CRAFTING           = FURC_FAVE +1                -- 3
-FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN     = FURC_CRAFTING +1            -- 4
-FURC_VENDOR             = FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN +1    -- 6
-FURC_PVP                = FURC_VENDOR +1              -- 7
-FURC_CROWN              = FURC_PVP +1                 -- 8
-FURC_RUMOUR             = FURC_CROWN +1               -- 9
-FURC_LUXURY             = FURC_RUMOUR +1              -- 10
+FURC_RUMOUR             = FURC_NONE +1                -- 2
+FURC_FAVE               = FURC_RUMOUR +1              -- 3
+FURC_CRAFTING           = FURC_FAVE +1                -- 4
+FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN     = FURC_CRAFTING +1            -- 5
+FURC_VENDOR             = FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN +1    -- 7
+FURC_PVP                = FURC_VENDOR +1              -- 8
+FURC_CROWN              = FURC_PVP +1                 -- 9
+FURC_LUXURY             = FURC_CROWN +1               -- 10
 FURC_OTHER              = FURC_LUXURY +1              -- 12
 FURC_ROLIS              = FURC_OTHER +1               -- 13
 FURC_DROP               = FURC_ROLIS +1               -- 14
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ FURC_EMPTY_STRING       = ""

 -- versioning
-FURC_HOMESTEAD            = 2
-FURC_MORROWIND            = FURC_HOMESTEAD +1         -- 3
-FURC_REACH                = FURC_MORROWIND +1         -- 4
-FURC_CLOCKWORK            = FURC_REACH +1             -- 5
-FURC_DRAGONS              = FURC_CLOCKWORK +1         -- 6
-FURC_ALTMER               = FURC_DRAGONS +1           -- 7
-FURC_WEREWOLF             = FURC_ALTMER +1            -- 8
-FURC_SLAVES               = FURC_WEREWOLF +1          -- 9
-FURC_WOTL                 = FURC_SLAVES +1            -- 10
-FURC_KITTY                = FURC_WOTL + 1             -- 11
\ No newline at end of file
+FURC_HOMESTEAD            = 2                         -- 2
+FURC_MORROWIND            = FURC_HOMESTEAD  +1        -- 3
+FURC_REACH                = FURC_MORROWIND  +1        -- 4
+FURC_CLOCKWORK            = FURC_REACH      +1        -- 5
+FURC_DRAGONS              = FURC_CLOCKWORK  +1        -- 6
+FURC_ALTMER               = FURC_DRAGONS    +1        -- 7
+FURC_WEREWOLF             = FURC_ALTMER     +1        -- 8
+FURC_SLAVES               = FURC_WEREWOLF   +1        -- 9
+FURC_WOTL                 = FURC_SLAVES     +1        -- 10
+FURC_KITTY                = FURC_WOTL       +1        -- 11
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/06_2018/MiscItemSources.lua b/data/06_2018/MiscItemSources.lua
index 4977f29..46e0dd5 100644
--- a/data/06_2018/MiscItemSources.lua
+++ b/data/06_2018/MiscItemSources.lua
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ local itemPackNewLife2018   = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK
 local itemPackDeepmire      = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "Deepmire Expedition")
 local itemPackDwemer        = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "Dwemer")
 local itemPackVivec         = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "Lord Vivec")
+local itemPackSwamp         = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "Shadow and Stone")

 local onSummerset           = " on Summerset"
 local backwaterSwamp        = " in Murkmire"
@@ -167,22 +168,6 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_WOTL]  = {
     [147583] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Valve, Sealed,

-  },
-  [FURC_DROP]    = {
-  },
-  [FURC_CROWN]  = {
-  },
-  [FURC_FISHING]   = {
-  },
 FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_SLAVES]  = {
   [FURC_RUMOUR]   = {
@@ -199,7 +184,6 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_SLAVES]  = {
     [145444] = rumourSource,                        -- Murkmire Totem, Hist Guardian
     [145445] = rumourSource,                        -- The Sharper Tongue: A Jel Primer
     [145446] = rumourSource,                        -- Sithis, the Hungering Dark
-    [145447] = rumourSource,                        -- Murkmire Dais, Engraved
     [145448] = rumourSource,                        -- Murkmire Throne, Engraved
     [145449] = rumourSource,                        -- Stele, Hist Guardians
     [145450] = rumourSource,                        -- Stele, Hist Cultivation
@@ -211,26 +195,11 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_SLAVES]  = {
     [145456] = rumourSource,                        -- Plant, Hist Bulb
     [145457] = rumourSource,                        -- Tree, Banyan
     [145458] = rumourSource,                        -- Tree, Ancient Banyan
-    [141875] = rumourSource,                        -- Witches Festival Scarecrow
     [145467] = rumourSource,                        -- The Way of Shadow
-    [145470] = rumourSource,                        -- Redguard Vase, Golden
-    [145471] = rumourSource,                        -- Redguard Raincatcher, Golden
     [145472] = rumourSource,                        -- Antler Coral, Crimson
     [145473] = rumourSource,                        -- Antler Coral, Stout Crimson
     [145474] = rumourSource,                        -- Plant, Flytrap
     [145475] = rumourSource,                        -- Plant, Soulsplinter Weed
-    [145476] = rumourSource,                        -- Alinor Shrine, Trinimac
-    [145477] = rumourSource,                        -- Alinor Pedestal, Shrine
-    [145478] = rumourSource,                        -- Alinor Shrine, Y'ffre
-    [145479] = rumourSource,                        -- Iron Maiden, Occupied
-    [145480] = rumourSource,                        -- Corpse, Burned Seated
-    [145481] = rumourSource,                        -- Corpse, Burned Sprawled
-    [145482] = rumourSource,                        -- Wheelbarrow, Bones
-    [145483] = rumourSource,                        -- Column, Ossuary
-    [145484] = rumourSource,                        -- Dark Elf Statue, Ordinator
-    [145485] = rumourSource,                        -- Dark Elf Statue, Knight
-    [145486] = rumourSource,                        -- Door, Sweet Mother
-    [145487] = rumourSource,                        -- Banner, Order of the Hour
     [145488] = rumourSource,                        -- Banner, Jewelry Crafting
     [145491] = rumourSource,                        -- Static Pitcher
     [145492] = rumourSource,                        -- Gas Blossom
@@ -239,13 +208,7 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_SLAVES]  = {
     [145555] = rumourSource,                        -- Tree, Snowy Fir
     [145597] = rumourSource,                        -- Scales of Shadow
     [145595] = rumourSource,                        -- Scuttlebloom
-    [145322] = rumourSource,                        -- Music Box, Blood and Glory
     [145576] = rumourSource,                        -- Timid Vine-Tongue
-    [145318] = rumourSource,                        -- Gravestone, Small Broken
-    [145317] = rumourSource,                        -- Gravestone, Broken
-    [145550] = rumourSource,                        -- Murkmire Hunting Lure, Grisly
-    [145549] = rumourSource,                        -- Murkmire Totem, Stone Head
-    [141870] = rumourSource,                        -- Raven-Perch Cemetery Wreath
     [142235] = rumourSource,                        -- Music Box, Flickering Shadows
     [145556] = rumourSource,                        -- Tree, Tall Snowy Fir
     [145403] = rumourSource,                        -- Jel Parchment
@@ -258,6 +221,7 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_SLAVES]  = {
     [145398] = stealable_swamp,                     -- Murkmire Rug, Supine Turtle Worn
     [145397] = stealable_swamp,                     -- Murkmire Rug, Hist Gathering Worn
     [145396] = stealable_swamp,                     -- Murkmire Tapestry, Hist Gathering Worn
+    [145550] = stealable_swamp,                     -- Murkmire Hunting Lure, Grisly

     [145401] = GetString(stealable_swamp),          -- Murkmire Tapestry, Xanmeer Worn
@@ -267,6 +231,17 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_SLAVES]  = {
     [141856] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Decorative Hollowjack Daedra-Skull
     [141855] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Decorative Hollowjack Wraith-Lantern
     [141854] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Decorative Hollowjack Flame-Skull
+    [141870] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Raven-Perch Cemetery Wreath
+    [141875] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Witches Festival Scarecrow
+    [139157] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Webs, Thick Sheet
+    [139162] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Webs, Cone
+    [141939] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Grave, Grasping
+    [141965] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Hollowjack Lantern, Soaring Dragon
+    [141966] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Hollowjack Lantern, Toothy Grin
+    [141967] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Hollowjack Lantern, Ouroboros
+    [142004] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Specimen Jar, Spare Brain
+    [142005] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Specimen Jar, Monstrous Remains
+    [142003] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Specimen Jar, Eyes

   [FURC_CROWN]  = {
@@ -287,7 +262,8 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_SLAVES]  = {
     [146051] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- Mudcrab Ice Sculpture
     [146054] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- New Life Garland

-    [145427] = itemPackDeepmire,                    -- Serpent Skull, Colossal
+    [145427] = itemPackDeepmire,                    -- Serpent Skull, Colossal
+    [145447] = itemPackSwamp,                       -- Murkmire Dais, Engraved

     [145428] = getCrownPrice(1),                    -- Murkmire Lantern Post, Covered
     [145437] = getCrownPrice(240),                  -- Reed Felucca, Double Hulled
@@ -310,13 +286,6 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_SLAVES]  = {
     [145464] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Plant, Red Sister Ti
     [145465] = getCrownPrice(40),                   -- Plant Cluster, Wilted Hist Bulb
     [145466] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Plant, Wilted Hist Bulb
-    [141939] = getCrownPrice(180),                  -- Grave, Grasping
-    [141965] = getCrownPrice(240),                  -- Hollowjack Lantern, Soaring Dragon
-    [141966] = getCrownPrice(240),                  -- Hollowjack Lantern, Toothy Grin
-    [141967] = getCrownPrice(240),                  -- Hollowjack Lantern, Ouroboros
-    [142004] = getCrownPrice(180),                  -- Specimen Jar, Spare Brain
-    [142005] = getCrownPrice(180),                  -- Specimen Jar, Monstrous Remains
-    [142003] = getCrownPrice(180),                  -- Specimen Jar, Eyes
     [141869] = getCrownPrice(150),                  -- Alinor Potted Plant, Cypress
     [141976] = getCrownPrice(60),                   -- Pumpkin Patch, Display
     [141853] = getCrownPrice(2500),                 -- Statue of Hircine's Bitter Mercy
@@ -718,13 +687,11 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_ALTMER] = {
     [139154] = getCrownPrice(40),               -- Cocoons, Dormant Cluster
     [139155] = getCrownPrice(80),               -- Cocoon, Food Storage
     [139156] = getCrownPrice(360),              -- Cocoon, Skeleton
-    [139157] = getCrownPrice(90),               -- Webs, Thick Sheet

     [139158] = getCrownPrice(150),              -- Daedric Candelabra, Tall
     [139159] = getCrownPrice(920),              -- Daedric Chandelier, Gruesome
     [139160] = getCrownPrice(200),              -- Daedric Armchair, Severe
     [139161] = getCrownPrice(1500),             -- Daedric Table, Grand Necropolis
-    [139162] = getCrownPrice(140),              -- Webs, Cone

     [139198] = getCrownPrice(190),              -- Alinor Lantern, Hanging
     [139199] = getCrownPrice(190),              -- Alinor Lantern, Stationary
diff --git a/data/100027.lua b/data/100027.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/data/ApiVersion.lua b/data/ApiVersion.lua
index 80f102e..72738b8 100644
--- a/data/ApiVersion.lua
+++ b/data/ApiVersion.lua
@@ -1,31 +1,32 @@
+local tblIndex = FURC_KITTY

+FurC.Recipes[tblIndex] = {
+  152064,  Elsweyr Table, Low Square,
+  152065,  Elsweyr Desk, Elegant Wooden,

--- FurC.Recipes[FURC_KITTY] = {
-  -- 152064, -- Elsweyr Table, Low Square",
-  -- 152065, -- Elsweyr Desk, Elegant Wooden",
--- }
+FurC.MiscItemSources[tblIndex]  = {
+  [FURC_RUMOUR]   = {

--- FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_KITTY]  = {
-  -- [FURC_RUMOUR]   = {
-  -- },
-  -- [FURC_JUSTICE] = {
-  -- },
-  -- [FURC_DROP]    = {
-  -- },
+  },
+  },
+  [FURC_DROP]    = {
+  },
+  [FURC_CROWN]  = {
+  },
+  [FURC_FISHING]   = {
+  },

-  -- [FURC_CROWN]  = {
-  -- },
-  -- [FURC_FISHING]   = {
-  -- },
--- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ ]]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/MiscItemSources.lua b/data/MiscItemSources.lua
index 9b46e86..db44182 100644
--- a/data/MiscItemSources.lua
+++ b/data/MiscItemSources.lua
@@ -10,26 +10,16 @@ local pickpocket_guard      = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEPICKED) .. " from guards"
 local automaton_loot_cc     = GetString(SI_FURC_AUTOMATON) .. " in Clockwork City"
 local automaton_loot_vv     = GetString(SI_FURC_AUTOMATON) .. " on Vvardenfell"

-local harvest_coldharbour   = GetString(SI_FURC_HARVEST) .. " in Coldharbour"

 local scambox_string        = GetString(SI_FURC_SCAMBOX)

-local scambox_fireatro      = zo_strformat("<<1>> (<<2>>)", scambox_string, GetString(SI_FURC_FLAME_ATRONACH))
-local scambox_dwemer        = zo_strformat("<<1>> (<<2>>)", scambox_string, GetString(SI_FURC_DWEMER))
-local scambox_reaper        = zo_strformat("<<1>> (<<2>>)", scambox_string, GetString(SI_FURC_REAPER))
-local db_poison             = zo_strformat("<<1>> <<2>>", GetString(SI_FURC_DB), GetString(SI_FURC_DB_POISON))
-local db_sneaky             = zo_strformat("<<1>> <<2>>", GetString(SI_FURC_DB), GetString(SI_FURC_DB_STEALTH))
 local sinister_hollowjack   = "Sinister Hollowjack Items"

-local itemPackNewLife2018   = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "New Life Festival 2018")
-local itemPackDeepmire      = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "Deepmire Expedition")
+local itemPackMoonBishop    = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "Moon Bishop’s Sanctuary")
+local itemPackMoonBishop    = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "Moons-Blessed Oasis")

 local stealable             = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBESTOLEN)

-local stealable_cc          = stealable ..          " in Clockwork City"
 local stealable_scholars    = stealable ..          " from scholars"
 local stealable_nerds       = stealable_scholars .. " and mages"
 local stealable_priests     = stealable ..          " from priests and pilgrims"
@@ -47,11 +37,11 @@ local rumourSource          = GetString(SI_FURC_RUMOUR_SOURCE_ITEM)
 local dataminedUnclear      = GetString(SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR)

 local daily_reward          = GetString(SI_FURC_DAILY_ELSWEYR)
+local priceUnknown          = "?"

 local crownstoresource      = GetString(SI_FURC_CROWNSTORESOURCE)
 local function getCrownPrice(price)
-  return string.format("%s (%u)", crownstoresource, price)
+  return ( price < 0 and priceUnknown) or string.format("%s (%u)", crownstoresource, price)

 local housesource = GetString(SI_FURC_HOUSE)
@@ -62,31 +52,8 @@ local function getHouseString(houseId1, houseId2)

 FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_KITTY]  = {
   [FURC_RUMOUR]   = {
-    [151824] = rumourSource, -- Lunar Tapestry, The Open Path,
-    [151825] = rumourSource, -- Lunar Tapestry, The Gathering,
-    [151826] = rumourSource, -- Lunar Tapestry, The Dance,
-    [151827] = rumourSource, -- Lunar Tapestry, The Gate,
-    [151828] = rumourSource, -- Lunar Tapestry, The Demon,
-    [151829] = rumourSource, -- Suthay Statue, Nimble Bishop,
-    [151830] = rumourSource, -- Elsweyr Divider, Elegant Wooden,
-    [151832] = rumourSource, -- Elsweyr Ceremonial Lantern, Jone,
-    [151833] = rumourSource, -- Elsweyr Ceremonial Lantern, Jode,
-    [151835] = rumourSource, -- Cathay-Raht Statue, Warrior,
-    [151836] = rumourSource, -- Tojay Statue, Dancer,
-    [151837] = rumourSource, -- Ohmes-Raht Statue, Trickster,
-    [151838] = rumourSource, -- Elsweyr Fountain, Moons-Blessed,
-    [151840] = rumourSource, -- Plant, Desert Fan,
-    [151841] = rumourSource, -- Plant, Tall Desert Fan,
-    [151842] = rumourSource, -- Plant, Cask Palm,
-    [151843] = rumourSource, -- Cactus, Flowering Cluster,
-    [151844] = rumourSource, -- Cactus, Bilberry,
-    [151845] = rumourSource, -- Elsweyr Potted Cactus, Flowering,
-    [151846] = rumourSource, -- Elsweyr Potted Plant, Cask Palm,
-    [151847] = rumourSource, -- Plant, Flowering Desert Aloe,
-    [151848] = rumourSource, -- Trees, Sunset Palm Cluster,
-    [151849] = rumourSource, -- Cactus, Lily Flower,
-    [151850] = rumourSource, -- Tree, Anequina Bonsai,
     [151851] = rumourSource, -- Boulder, Lunar Spine,
     [151852] = rumourSource, -- Boulder, Lunar Spire,
     [151853] = rumourSource, -- Cactus, Lunar Fan,
@@ -114,7 +81,6 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_KITTY]  = {
     [152149] = rumourSource, -- Orcish Brazier, Pillar,
     [151894] = rumourSource, -- Elsweyr Mirror, Carved Wall,
     [151904] = rumourSource, -- Glowgrass, Patch,
-    [151906] = rumourSource, -- Robust Target Dro-m'Athra,
     [151909] = rumourSource, -- Music Box, Scalesong,
     [151910] = rumourSource, -- Music Box, Sweetblossom,
     [151913] = rumourSource, -- Rock, Slate,
@@ -128,7 +94,7 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_KITTY]  = {
     [151950] = rumourSource, -- Khajiit Path Marker, Lion,
     [151951] = rumourSource, -- Nedic Orb, Ritual,
     [151952] = rumourSource, -- Nedic Stand, Ritual,
-    [151953] = rumourSource, -- Reikling Totem, Skull,
+    [151953] = rumourSource, -- Reikling Totem, Skull (sic)
     [151954] = rumourSource, -- Reachmen Banner, Bull,
     [147926] = rumourSource, -- Target Iron Atronach, Trial,
     [152148] = rumourSource, -- Orcish Tapestry, Hunt,
@@ -150,14 +116,52 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_KITTY]  = {
     [151889] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Comb, Grooming
     [151893] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Fragrance Bottle, Moonlit Tryst
     [151899] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Pillow, Night Blues Wide,
+    [151898] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Pillow, Gold-Ruby Roll,
+    [151900] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Pillow, Gold-Ruby Throw,
+    [151895] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Cloth, Rolled,
+    [151643] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Rolling Pin, Well-Worn,
+    [151890] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Hand Mirror, Bronze Oval,
+    [151891] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Hand Mirror, Rectangular,
+    [151897] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Fabric, Display,
+    [151886] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Fan, Handheld,
+    [151887] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Brush, Body,
+    [151888] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Brush, Head,

   [FURC_DROP]    = {
-  [121203]    = daily_reward , -- Praxis: Khajiit Brazier, Enchanted
+    [121203]    = daily_reward , -- Praxis: Khajiit Brazier, Enchanted

   [FURC_CROWN]  = {
+    [151838] = itemPackOasis, -- Elsweyr Fountain, Moons-Blessed,
+    [151840] = itemPackOasis, -- Plant, Desert Fan,
+    [151841] = itemPackOasis, -- Plant, Tall Desert Fan,
+    [151842] = itemPackOasis, -- Plant, Cask Palm,
+    [151843] = itemPackOasis, -- Cactus, Flowering Cluster,
+    [151844] = itemPackOasis, -- Cactus, Bilberry,
+    [151845] = itemPackOasis, -- Elsweyr Potted Cactus, Flowering,
+    [151846] = itemPackOasis, -- Elsweyr Potted Plant, Cask Palm,
+    [151835] = itemPackOasis, -- Cathay-Raht Statue, Warrior,
+    [151836] = itemPackOasis, -- Tojay Statue, Dancer,
+    [151837] = itemPackOasis, -- Ohmes-Raht Statue, Trickster,
+    [151847] = itemPackOasis, -- Plant, Flowering Desert Aloe,
+    [151848] = itemPackOasis, -- Trees, Sunset Palm Cluster,
+    [151849] = itemPackOasis, -- Cactus, Lily Flower,
+    [151850] = itemPackOasis, -- Tree, Anequina Bonsai,
+    [151906] = itemPackMoonBishop, -- Robust Target Dro-m'Athra,
+    [151829] = itemPackMoonBishop, -- Suthay Statue, Nimble Bishop,
+    [151824] = itemPackMoonBishop, -- Lunar Tapestry, The Open Path,
+    [151825] = itemPackMoonBishop, -- Lunar Tapestry, The Gathering,
+    [151826] = itemPackMoonBishop, -- Lunar Tapestry, The Dance,
+    [151827] = itemPackMoonBishop, -- Lunar Tapestry, The Gate,
+    [151828] = itemPackMoonBishop, -- Lunar Tapestry, The Demon,
+    [151830] = itemPackMoonBishop, -- Elsweyr Divider, Elegant Wooden,
+    [151832] = itemPackMoonBishop, -- Elsweyr Ceremonial Lantern, Jone,
+    [151833] = itemPackMoonBishop, -- Elsweyr Ceremonial Lantern, Jode,
     [151808] = getCrownPrice(10), -- Tree, Fan Palm,
     [151813] = getCrownPrice(10), -- Sapling, Desert Acacia,
     [151816] = getCrownPrice(10), -- Plant, Flowering Thorned Succulent,
@@ -176,17 +180,8 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_KITTY]  = {
     [151876] = getCrownPrice(590), -- Elsweyr Tent, Caravan,
     [151877] = getCrownPrice(590), -- Elsweyr Canopy, Bazaar,
     [151878] = getCrownPrice(450), -- Elsweyr Canopy, Peaked,
-    [151886] = getCrownPrice(45), -- Elsweyr Fan, Handheld,
-    [151887] = getCrownPrice(45), -- Elsweyr Brush, Body,
-    [151888] = getCrownPrice(15), -- Elsweyr Brush, Head,
     [151883] = getCrownPrice(240), -- Tree, Towering Iroko,
-    [151890] = getCrownPrice(190), -- Elsweyr Hand Mirror, Bronze Oval,
-    [151891] = getCrownPrice(100), -- Elsweyr Hand Mirror, Rectangular,
     [151892] = getCrownPrice(110), -- Elsweyr Fragrance Bottle, Moons-Blessed,
-    [151895] = getCrownPrice(20), -- Elsweyr Cloth, Rolled,
-    [151897] = getCrownPrice(20), -- Elsweyr Fabric, Display,
-    [151898] = getCrownPrice(20), -- Elsweyr Pillow, Gold-Ruby Roll,
-    [151900] = getCrownPrice(20), -- Elsweyr Pillow, Gold-Ruby Throw,
     [151901] = getCrownPrice(20), -- Elsweyr Bowl, Moon-Sugar,
     [151902] = getCrownPrice(200), -- Elsweyr Sarcophagus, Ancient,
     [151903] = getCrownPrice(200), -- Elsweyr Sarcophagus Lid, Ancient,
@@ -194,10 +189,10 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_KITTY]  = {
     [151911] = getCrownPrice(5), -- Rock, Flat Slate,
     [151912] = getCrownPrice(10), -- Stepping Stones, Slate,
     [151914] = getCrownPrice(25), -- Tree, Desert Acacia Tall,
-    [151643] = getCrownPrice(40), -- Elsweyr Rolling Pin, Well-Worn,
     [151804] = getCrownPrice(30), -- Elsweyr Pillar, Rough Wooden,
     [151806] = getCrownPrice(5), -- Rubble Pile, Ancient Stone,
     [151807] = getCrownPrice(5), -- Rock Field, Ancient Stone,
+    [151703] = getCrownPrice(-1), -- Elsweyr Wardrobe, Wide Elegant Wooden,
   [FURC_FISHING]   = {

diff --git a/data/RumourRecipes.lua b/data/RumourRecipes.lua
index bf2e639..b540c22 100644
--- a/data/RumourRecipes.lua
+++ b/data/RumourRecipes.lua
@@ -35,9 +35,5 @@ FurC.RumourRecipes = {
   119447, -- Candles, Lasting

--- Removed with Murkmire Live Release, RIP
--- [126154] = GetString(SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR),  -- Statuette of Azura with Moon and Star
--- [126155] = GetString(SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR),  -- Statuette of Lord Vivec, Warrior-Poet
--- [126156] = GetString(SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR),  -- Statuette of Clavicus Vile, Unmasked

diff --git a/startup.lua b/startup.lua
index 6a68b4f..a4b5500 100644
--- a/startup.lua
+++ b/startup.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 FurnitureCatalogue                = {}
 FurnitureCatalogue.name           = "FurnitureCatalogue"
 FurnitureCatalogue.author         = "manavortex"
-FurnitureCatalogue.version        = 3.411
+FurnitureCatalogue.version        = 3.5
 FurnitureCatalogue.CharacterName  = nil
 FurnitureCatalogue.settings       = {}

diff --git a/textures/all_down.dds b/textures/all_down.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71fc217
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/all_down.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/all_over.dds b/textures/all_over.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e09c40f
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/all_over.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/all_up.dds b/textures/all_up.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e891607
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/all_up.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/arcane_down.dds b/textures/arcane_down.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b350bd5
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/arcane_down.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/arcane_over.dds b/textures/arcane_over.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd01896
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/arcane_over.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/arcane_up.dds b/textures/arcane_up.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a1450d
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/arcane_up.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/artifact_down.dds b/textures/artifact_down.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04bfd85
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/artifact_down.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/artifact_over.dds b/textures/artifact_over.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1af6c06
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/artifact_over.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/artifact_up.dds b/textures/artifact_up.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00fca02
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/artifact_up.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/known_down.dds b/textures/known_down.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c44534
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/known_down.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/known_over.dds b/textures/known_over.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5768567
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/known_over.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/known_up.dds b/textures/known_up.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60b208f
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/known_up.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/legendary_down.dds b/textures/legendary_down.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1746e3c
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/legendary_down.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/legendary_over.dds b/textures/legendary_over.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6dc84a
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/legendary_over.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/legendary_up.dds b/textures/legendary_up.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0922dfd
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/legendary_up.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/magic_down.dds b/textures/magic_down.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccaac66
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/magic_down.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/magic_over.dds b/textures/magic_over.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9d4c96
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/magic_over.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/magic_up.dds b/textures/magic_up.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d1a05d
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/magic_up.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/over.dds b/textures/over.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc0d972
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/over.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/unknown_down.dds b/textures/unknown_down.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98bc7af
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/unknown_down.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/unknown_over.dds b/textures/unknown_over.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffbcb23
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/unknown_over.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/unknown_up.dds b/textures/unknown_up.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6f6a1a
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/unknown_up.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/white_down.dds b/textures/white_down.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13e6a40
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/white_down.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/white_over.dds b/textures/white_over.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..279a281
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/white_over.dds differ
diff --git a/textures/white_up.dds b/textures/white_up.dds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd2af0d
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/white_up.dds differ