luxury furnisher, favorites filter

git [10-06-18 - 12:37]
luxury furnisher, favorites filter
diff --git a/FurCData.lua b/FurCData.lua
index c7d17d3..4a477ba 100644
--- a/FurCData.lua
+++ b/FurCData.lua
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ function FurC.Find(itemOrBlueprintLink)						-- sets recipeArray, returns it - c

 	if tonumber(itemOrBlueprintLink) == itemOrBlueprintLink then itemOrBlueprintLink = FurC.GetItemLink(itemOrBlueprintLink) end
 	if nil == itemOrBlueprintLink or #itemOrBlueprintLink == 0 then return end
-	p("scanItemLink(<<1>>)...", itemOrBlueprintLink)		-- do not return empty arrays. If this returns nil, abort!
+	-- p("scanItemLink(<<1>>)...", itemOrBlueprintLink)		-- do not return empty arrays. If this returns nil, abort!

 	if itemOrBlueprintLink == lastLink and nil ~= recipeArray then
 		return recipeArray
diff --git a/FurCFilter.lua b/FurCFilter.lua
index c4af6d1..1fbc3ce 100644
--- a/FurCFilter.lua
+++ b/FurCFilter.lua
@@ -101,15 +101,15 @@ local function matchSourceDropdown()
 	-- "All", don't care
 	if FURC_NONE					== ddSource then
 		return true
-    end
-    if recipeArray.origin == FURC_CRAFTING then
-        if ddSource == FURC_CRAFTING then return true end
-        local matchingDropdownSource = (isRecipeArrayKnown(recipeArray) and FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN) or FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN
-        return matchingDropdownSource == ddSource
-    end
+  end
 	if FURC_FAVE 					    == ddSource then
 		return recipeArray.favorite
-    end
+  end
+  if recipeArray.origin == FURC_CRAFTING then
+      if ddSource == FURC_CRAFTING then return true end
+      local matchingDropdownSource = (isRecipeArrayKnown(recipeArray) and FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN) or FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN
+      return matchingDropdownSource == ddSource
+  end
 	if FURC_VENDOR 					    == ddSource then
 		return (recipeArray.origin 		== FURC_VENDOR or (mergeLuxuryAndSales and recipeArray.origin == FURC_LUXURY))
diff --git a/FurnitureCatalogue.txt b/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
index 09e1df8..2b514a2 100644
--- a/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
+++ b/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  ## Title: FurnitureCatalogue
 ## Author: manavortex
-## Version: 2.8
+## Version: 2.81
 ## APIVersion: 100024
 ## SavedVariables: FurnitureCatalogue_Settings
 ## OptionalDependsOn: pChat
diff --git a/data/03_Reach/HotR_LuxuryFurnisher.lua b/data/03_Reach/HotR_LuxuryFurnisher.lua
index 21188a6..7103d54 100644
--- a/data/03_Reach/HotR_LuxuryFurnisher.lua
+++ b/data/03_Reach/HotR_LuxuryFurnisher.lua
@@ -47,25 +47,6 @@ FurC.LuxuryFurnisher[FURC_REACH] = {
     itemPrice   = 35000,
     itemDate  = "2017-10-13",
-  -- Oct. 7
-  [132145] = { -- Orsinium Tent, Chief’s
-    itemPrice   = 15000,
-    itemDate  = "2017-10-06",
-  },
-  [132146] = { -- Orsinium Relief, Malacath
-    itemPrice   = 25000,
-    itemDate  = "2017-10-06",
-  },
-  [132148] = { -- Orsinium Statue, Head
-    itemPrice   = 25000,
-    itemDate  = "2017-10-06",
-  },
-  [132147] = { -- Orsinium Statue, Honor’s Rest
-    itemPrice   = 25000,
-    itemDate  = "2017-10-06",
-  },

diff --git a/data/LuxuryFurnisher.lua b/data/LuxuryFurnisher.lua
index 9f2f214..57849bf 100644
--- a/data/LuxuryFurnisher.lua
+++ b/data/LuxuryFurnisher.lua
@@ -2,6 +2,30 @@ FurC.LuxuryFurnisher = FurC.LuxuryFurnisher or {}

 FurC.LuxuryFurnisher[FURC_WEREWOLF] = {
+  [141758] = {        -- Orcish Wagon, Merchant
+    itemPrice   = 15000,
+    itemDate  = "2018-10-06",
+  },
+  -- Oct. 7
+  [132145] = { -- Orsinium Tent, Chief’s
+    itemPrice   = 15000,
+    itemDate  = "2018-10-06",
+  },
+  [132146] = { -- Orsinium Relief, Malacath
+    itemPrice   = 25000,
+    itemDate  = "2018-10-06",
+  },
+  [132148] = { -- Orsinium Statue, Head
+    itemPrice   = 25000,
+    itemDate  = "2018-10-06",
+  },
+  [132147] = { -- Orsinium Statue, Honor’s Rest
+    itemPrice   = 25000,
+    itemDate  = "2018-10-06",
+  },
   [141756] = {        -- Mushrooms, Aether Cup Cluster
         itemPrice   = 10000,
     itemDate  = "2018-09-29",
@@ -305,19 +329,19 @@ FurC.LuxuryFurnisher[FURC_ALTMER] = {
   [126560] = {  -- Dwarven fountain, forged
     itemPrice   = 50000,
-    itemDate  = "2017-06-16",
+    itemDate  = "2018-06-16",
   [126564] = {  -- Dwarven Clock, Deactivated
     itemPrice   = 15000,
-    itemDate  = "2017-06-16",
+    itemDate  = "2018-06-16",
   [126561] = {  -- Dwarven Pillar, Forged
     itemPrice   = 10000,
-    itemDate  = "2017-06-16",
+    itemDate  = "2018-06-16",
   [139092] = {  -- Dwarven Engine, Fused
     itemPrice   = 24000,
-    itemDate  = "2017-06-16",
+    itemDate  = "2018-06-16",

   -- June, 23 - 26
diff --git a/startup.lua b/startup.lua
index 8f084b9..59d5fa0 100644
--- a/startup.lua
+++ b/startup.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 FurnitureCatalogue 					= {}				= "FurnitureCatalogue"			= "manavortex"
-FurnitureCatalogue.version          = 2.80
+FurnitureCatalogue.version          = 2.81
 FurnitureCatalogue.CharacterName	= nil
 FurnitureCatalogue.settings			= {}