Reverted to old CCP lib

Aaron DeGrow [05-02-14 - 20:09]
Reverted to old CCP lib
diff --git a/libs/CustomCompassPins/CustomCompassPins.lua b/libs/CustomCompassPins/CustomCompassPins.lua
index 48fc74e..920346e 100755
--- a/libs/CustomCompassPins/CustomCompassPins.lua
+++ b/libs/CustomCompassPins/CustomCompassPins.lua
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
 -- CustomCompassPins by Shinni
-local version = 1.14
+local version = 1.13
 local onlyUpdate = false

-	if COMPASS_PINS.version and COMPASS_PINS.version >= version then
-		return
-	end
-	onlyUpdate = true
+    if COMPASS_PINS.version and COMPASS_PINS.version >= version then
+        return
+    end
+    onlyUpdate = true
+    COMPASS_PINS = {}

 local PARENT = COMPASS.container
 local FOV = math.pi * 0.6
-local updating = false

 -- Base class, can be accessed via COMPASS_PINS
@@ -22,102 +21,79 @@ local updating = false
 local CompassPinManager = ZO_ControlPool:Subclass()

 function COMPASS_PINS:New( ... )
-	if onlyUpdate then
-		self:UpdateVersion()
-	else
-		self:Initialize( ... )
-	end
-	self.control:SetHidden(false)
-	self.control:SetHandler("OnUpdate", function() self:Update() end )
-	self.version = version
-	self.defaultFOV = FOV
-	self.distanceCoefficient = 1
-	self.control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_QUEST_POSITION_REQUEST_COMPLETE, --this will be triggered for all tracked quests
-        function()
-            if not updating then
-              EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate("CustomCompassPins", 500, --0.5s should be enough to finish all quest position requests
-                    function()
-                        self.distanceCoefficient = COMPASS_PINS:GetDistanceCoefficient()
-                        self:RefreshPins()
-                        EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate("CustomCompassPins")
-                        updating = false
-                    end)
-                updating = true
-            end
-        end)
-	return result
+    if onlyUpdate then
+        self:UpdateVersion()
+    else
+        self:Initialize( ... )
+    end
+    self.control:SetHidden(false)
+    self.control:SetHandler("OnUpdate", function() self:Update() end )
+    self.version = version
+    self.defaultFOV = FOV
+    --EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("CustomCompassPins", EVENT_ZONE_CHANGED, function()
+--      self:RefreshPins() end )
+    return result

 function COMPASS_PINS:UpdateVersion()
-	--local pins = self.pinManager.pins
-	local data = self.pinManager.pinData
-	self.pinManager = CompassPinManager:New()
-	--if pins then
-	--	self.pinManager.pins = pins
-	--end
-	if data then
-		self.pinManager.pinData = data
-	end
+    --local pins = self.pinManager.pins
+    local data = self.pinManager.pinData
+    self.pinManager = CompassPinManager:New()
+    --if pins then
+    --  self.pinManager.pins = pins
+    --end
+    if data then
+        self.pinManager.pinData = data
+    end

 function COMPASS_PINS:Initialize( ... )
-	--can't create OnUpdate handler on via CreateControl, so i'll have to create somethin else via virtual
-	self.control = WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateControlFromVirtual("CP_Control", GuiRoot, "ZO_MapPin")
-	self.pinCallbacks = {}
-	self.pinLayouts = {}
-	self.pinManager = CompassPinManager:New()
+    self.control = WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateControlFromVirtual("CP_Control", GuiRoot, "ZO_MapPin")
+    self.pinCallbacks = {}
+    self.pinLayouts = {}
+    self.pinManager = CompassPinManager:New()

 -- pinType should be a string eg "skyshard"
 -- pinCallbacks should be a function, it receives the pinManager as argument
--- layout should be table, currently only the key texture is used (which should return a string)
+-- layout should be table, currently only the key texture is used (which should return a string)
 function COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin( pinType, pinCallback, layout )
-	self.pinCallbacks[ pinType ] = pinCallback
-	self.pinLayouts[ pinType ] = layout
-	self.pinManager:CreatePinType( pinType )
+    self.pinCallbacks[ pinType ] = pinCallback
+    self.pinLayouts[ pinType ] = layout
+    self.pinManager:CreatePinType( pinType )

 -- refreshes/calls the pinCallback of the given pinType
 -- refreshes all custom pins if no pinType is given
 function COMPASS_PINS:RefreshPins( pinType )
-	self.pinManager:RemovePins( pinType )
-	if pinType then
-		if not self.pinCallbacks[ pinType ] then
-			return
-		end
-		self.pinCallbacks[ pinType ]( self.pinManager )
-	else
-		for tag, callback in pairs( self.pinCallbacks ) do
-			callback( self.pinManager )
-		end
-	end
+    self.pinManager:RemovePins( pinType )
+    if pinType then
+        if not self.pinCallbacks[ pinType ] then
+            return
+        end
+        self.pinCallbacks[ pinType ]( self.pinManager )
+    else
+        for tag, callback in pairs( self.pinCallbacks ) do
+            callback( self.pinManager )
+        end
+    end

-function COMPASS_PINS:GetDistanceCoefficient()
-    local numTiles = GetMapNumTiles()
-    local tileSize = ZO_WorldMapContainer1:GetTextureFileDimensions()
-    local mapSize = numTiles * tileSize
-    local distanceCoefficient = 2048 / mapSize
-    return distanceCoefficient

 -- updates the pins (recalculates the position of the pins)
 function COMPASS_PINS:Update()
-	-- maybe add some delay, because pin update could be to expensive to be calculated every frame
-	local heading = GetPlayerCameraHeading()
-	if not heading then
-		return
-	end
-	if heading > math.pi then --normalize heading to [-pi,pi]
-		heading = heading - 2 * math.pi
-	end
-	local x, y = GetMapPlayerPosition("player")
-	self.pinManager:Update( x, y, heading )
+    -- maybe add some delay, because pin update could be to expensive to be calculated every frame
+    local heading = GetPlayerCameraHeading()
+    if not heading then
+        return
+    end
+    if heading > math.pi then --normalize heading to [-pi,pi]
+        heading = heading - 2 * math.pi
+    end
+    local x, y = GetMapPlayerPosition("player")
+    self.pinManager:Update( x, y, heading )

@@ -125,178 +101,177 @@ end

 function CompassPinManager:New( ... )
-	local result = ZO_ControlPool.New(self, "ZO_MapPin", PARENT, "Pin")
-	result:Initialize( ... )
-	return result
+    local result = ZO_ControlPool.New(self, "ZO_MapPin", PARENT, "Pin")
+    result:Initialize( ... )
+    return result

 function CompassPinManager:Initialize( ... )
-	--self.pins = {}
-	self.pinData = {}
-	self.defaultAngle = 1
+    --self.pins = {}
+    self.pinData = {}
+    self.defaultAngle = 1

 function CompassPinManager:CreatePinType( pinType )
-	--self.pins[ pinType ] = {}
+    --self.pins[ pinType ] = {}

 function CompassPinManager:GetNewPin( data )
-	local pin, pinKey = self:AcquireObject()
-	--table.insert( self.pins[ data.pinType ], pinKey )
-	self:ResetPin( pin )
-	pin:SetHandler("OnMouseDown", nil)
-	pin:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", nil)
-	pin:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", nil)
-	pin:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", nil)
-	pin.xLoc = data.xLoc
-	pin.yLoc = data.yLoc
-	pin.pinType = data.pinType
-	pin.pinTag = data.pinTag
-	local layout = COMPASS_PINS.pinLayouts[ data.pinType ]
-	local texture = pin:GetNamedChild( "Background" )
-	texture:SetTexture( layout.texture )
-	return pin, pinKey
+    local pin, pinKey = self:AcquireObject()
+    --table.insert( self.pins[ data.pinType ], pinKey )
+    self:ResetPin( pin )
+    pin:SetHandler("OnMouseDown", nil)
+    pin:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", nil)
+    pin:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", nil)
+    pin:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", nil)
+    pin.xLoc = data.xLoc
+    pin.yLoc = data.yLoc
+    pin.pinType = data.pinType
+    pin.pinTag = data.pinTag
+    local layout = COMPASS_PINS.pinLayouts[ data.pinType ]
+    local texture = pin:GetNamedChild( "Background" )
+    texture:SetTexture( layout.texture )
+    return pin, pinKey
 -- creates a pin of the given pinType at the given location
 -- (radius is not implemented yet)
 function CompassPinManager:CreatePin( pinType, pinTag, xLoc, yLoc )
-	local data = {}
-	data.xLoc = xLoc
-	data.yLoc = yLoc
-	data.pinType = pinType
-	data.pinTag = pinTag
-	table.insert(self.pinData, data)
+    local data = {}
+    data.xLoc = xLoc
+    data.yLoc = yLoc
+    data.pinType = pinType
+    data.pinTag = pinTag
+    table.insert(self.pinData, data)

 function CompassPinManager:RemovePins( pinType )
-	if not pinType then
-		self:ReleaseAllObjects()
-		self.pinData = {}
-		--for pinType, _ in pairs( self.pins ) do
-		--	self.pins[ pinType ] = {}
-		--end
-	else
-		--if not self.pins[ pinType ] then
-		--	return
-		--end
-		--for _, pinKey in pairs( self.pins[ pinType ] ) do
-		--	self:ReleaseObject( pinKey )
-		--end
-		for key, data in pairs( self.pinData ) do
-			if data.pinType == pinType then
-				if data.pinKey then
-					self:ReleaseObject( data.pinKey )
-				end
-				self.pinData[key] = nil
-			end
-		end
-		--self.pins[ pinType ] = {}
-	end
+    if not pinType then
+        self:ReleaseAllObjects()
+        self.pinData = {}
+        --for pinType, _ in pairs( self.pins ) do
+        --  self.pins[ pinType ] = {}
+        --end
+    else
+        --if not self.pins[ pinType ] then
+        --  return
+        --end
+        --for _, pinKey in pairs( self.pins[ pinType ] ) do
+        --  self:ReleaseObject( pinKey )
+        --end
+        for key, data in pairs( self.pinData ) do
+            if data.pinType == pinType then
+                if data.pinKey then
+                    self:ReleaseObject( data.pinKey )
+                end
+                self.pinData[key] = nil
+            end
+        end
+        --self.pins[ pinType ] = {}
+    end

 function CompassPinManager:ResetPin( pin )
-	for _, layout in pairs(COMPASS_PINS.pinLayouts) do
-		if layout.additionalLayout then
-			layout.additionalLayout[2]( pin )
-		end
-	end
+    for _, layout in pairs(COMPASS_PINS.pinLayouts) do
+        if layout.additionalLayout then
+            layout.additionalLayout[2]( pin )
+        end
+    end

 function CompassPinManager:Update( x, y, heading )
-	local value
-	local pin
-	local angle
-	local normalizedAngle
-	local xDif, yDif
-	local layout
-	local normalizedDistance
-	local distance
-	for _, pinData in pairs( self.pinData ) do
-		layout = COMPASS_PINS.pinLayouts[ pinData.pinType ]
-		distance = layout.maxDistance * COMPASS_PINS.distanceCoefficient
-		xDif = x - pinData.xLoc
-		yDif = y - pinData.yLoc
-		normalizedDistance = (xDif * xDif + yDif * yDif) / (distance * distance)
-		if normalizedDistance < 1 then
-			if pinData.pinKey then
-				pin = self:GetExistingObject( pinData.pinKey )
-			else
-				pin, pinData.pinKey = self:GetNewPin( pinData )
-			end
-			if pin then
-				--self:ResetPin( pin )
-				pin:SetHidden( true )
-				angle = -math.atan2( xDif, yDif )
-				angle = (angle + heading)
-				if angle > math.pi then
-					angle = angle - 2 * math.pi
-				elseif angle < -math.pi then
-					angle = angle + 2 * math.pi
-				end
-				normalizedAngle = 2 * angle / (layout.FOV or COMPASS_PINS.defaultFOV)
-				if zo_abs(normalizedAngle) > (layout.maxAngle or self.defaultAngle) then
-					pin:SetHidden( true )
-				else
-					pin:ClearAnchors()
-					pin:SetAnchor( CENTER, PARENT, CENTER, 0.5 * PARENT:GetWidth() * normalizedAngle, 0)
-					pin:SetHidden( false )
-					if layout.sizeCallback then
-						layout.sizeCallback( pin, angle, normalizedAngle, normalizedDistance )
-					else
-						if zo_abs(normalizedAngle) > 0.25 then
-							pin:SetDimensions( 36 - 16 * zo_abs(normalizedAngle), 36 - 16 * zo_abs(normalizedAngle) )
-						else
-							pin:SetDimensions( 32 , 32  )
-						end
-					end
-					pin:SetAlpha(1 - normalizedDistance)
-					if layout.additionalLayout then
-						layout.additionalLayout[1]( pin, angle, normalizedAngle, normalizedDistance)
-					end
-				end
-			else
-				d("CustomCompassPin Error:")
-				d("no pin with key " .. pinData.pinKey .. "found!")
-			end
-		else
-			if pinData.pinKey then
-				self:ReleaseObject( pinData.pinKey )
-				pinData.pinKey = nil
-			else
-			end
-		end
-	end
+    local value
+    local pin
+    local angle
+    local normalizedAngle
+    local xDif, yDif
+    local layout
+    local normalizedDistance
+    for _, pinData in pairs( self.pinData ) do
+        layout = COMPASS_PINS.pinLayouts[ pinData.pinType ]
+        xDif = x - pinData.xLoc
+        yDif = y - pinData.yLoc
+        normalizedDistance = (xDif * xDif + yDif * yDif) / (layout.maxDistance * layout.maxDistance)
+        if normalizedDistance < 1 then
+            if pinData.pinKey then
+                pin = self:GetExistingObject( pinData.pinKey )
+            else
+                pin, pinData.pinKey = self:GetNewPin( pinData )
+            end
+            if pin then
+                --self:ResetPin( pin )
+                pin:SetHidden( true )
+                angle = -math.atan2( xDif, yDif )
+                angle = (angle + heading)
+                if angle > math.pi then
+                    angle = angle - 2 * math.pi
+                elseif angle < -math.pi then
+                    angle = angle + 2 * math.pi
+                end
+                normalizedAngle = 2 * angle / (layout.FOV or COMPASS_PINS.defaultFOV)
+                if zo_abs(normalizedAngle) > (layout.maxAngle or self.defaultAngle) then
+                    pin:SetHidden( true )
+                else
+                    pin:ClearAnchors()
+                    pin:SetAnchor( CENTER, PARENT, CENTER, 0.5 * PARENT:GetWidth() * normalizedAngle, 0)
+                    pin:SetHidden( false )
+                    if layout.sizeCallback then
+                        layout.sizeCallback( pin, angle, normalizedAngle, normalizedDistance )
+                    else
+                        if zo_abs(normalizedAngle) > 0.25 then
+                            pin:SetDimensions( 36 - 16 * zo_abs(normalizedAngle), 36 - 16 * zo_abs(normalizedAngle) )
+                        else
+                            pin:SetDimensions( 32 , 32  )
+                        end
+                    end
+                    pin:SetAlpha(1 - normalizedDistance)
+                    if layout.additionalLayout then
+                        layout.additionalLayout[1]( pin, angle, normalizedAngle, normalizedDistance)
+                    end
+                end
+            else
+                d("CustomCompassPin Error:")
+                d("no pin with key : " .. pinData.pinKey .. ", found!")
+            end
+        else
+            if pinData.pinKey then
+                self:ReleaseObject( pinData.pinKey )
+                pinData.pinKey = nil
+            else
+            end
+        end
+    end

+--can't create OnUpdate handler on via CreateControl, so i'll have to create somethin else via virtual


 COMPASS_PINS:CreatePinType( "skyshard", function (pinManager)
-		for _, skyshard in pairs( mySkyshards ) do
-			pinManager:CreatePin( "skyshard", skyshard.x, skyshard.y )
-		end
-	end,
-	{ texture = "esoui/art/compass/" } )
+        for _, skyshard in pairs( mySkyshards ) do
+            pinManager:CreatePin( "skyshard", skyshard.x, skyshard.y )
+        end
+    end,
+    { texture = "esoui/art/compass/" } )
\ No newline at end of file