v69, fix DLC group event recording

His Dad [08-14-20 - 05:19]
v69, fix DLC group event recording
Signed-off-by: His Dad <John@hisdad.org>
diff --git a/Doc/Changelog.txt b/Doc/Changelog.txt
index ea00c7d..78f13a1 100644
--- a/Doc/Changelog.txt
+++ b/Doc/Changelog.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2020-08-14 Version 69
+Wasn't recording the DLC Grp events correctly.
+Nobody cared.
 2020-08-08 Version 68

 Removed the Asp Awareness Achievement from Summerset World Bosses
diff --git a/HistOffline.lua b/HistOffline.lua
index beb511c..c1511ba 100644
--- a/HistOffline.lua
+++ b/HistOffline.lua
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Settings_s ="./my/visibility.lua"
 --force_lang = "ru"  --	or "de" or "fr" or "ru" for debugging

 -- ========================
-version= "68"
+version= "69"
 require( "iuplua" )
 require( "iupluacontrols" )

diff --git a/data/ids.lua b/data/ids.lua
index 80f4879..8052612 100644
--- a/data/ids.lua
+++ b/data/ids.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 hist.IDs = {
 --  Group 1N
 [1073] = true,
@@ -117,39 +117,40 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [1344] = true,
 [2740] = true,
 -- DLC Grp
-[1] = true,
-[2] = true,
-[3] = true,
-[4] = true,
-[5] = true,
-[6] = true,
-[7] = true,
-[8] = true,
-[9] = true,
-[10] = true,
-[12] = true,
-[13] = true,
-[14] = true,
-[15] = true,
-[16] = true,
-[17] = true,
-[18] = true,
-[19] = true,
-[20] = true,
-[21] = true,
-[22] = true,
-[23] = true,
-[24] = true,
-[25] = true,
-[26] = true,
-[27] = true,
-[28] = true,
-[29] = true,
-[30] = true,
-[31] = true,
-[32] = true,
-[33] = true,
-[34] = true,
+[1236] = true,
+[1239] = true,
+[1304] = true,
+[1305] = true,
+[1345] = true,
+[880] = true,
+[1346] = true,
+[1120] = true,
+[1504] = true,
+[1505] = true,
+[1522] = true,
+[1523] = true,
+[1690] = true,
+[1691] = true,
+[1698] = true,
+[1699] = true,
+[1975] = true,
+[1976] = true,
+[1959] = true,
+[1960] = true,
+[2152] = true,
+[2153] = true,
+[2162] = true,
+[2163] = true,
+[2362] = true,
+[2363] = true,
+[2539] = true,
+[2540] = true,
+[2549] = true,
+[2550] = true,
+[2694] = true,
+[2695] = true,
+[2704] = true,
+[2705] = true,
 -- SQ
 [512] = true,
 [2050] = true,
@@ -171,7 +172,10 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [537] = true,
 [154] = true,
 [155] = true,
+[28] = true,
 [2333] = true,
+[30] = true,
+[31] = true,
 [1440] = true,
 [1441] = true,
 [1442] = true,
@@ -280,9 +284,7 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [2096] = true,
 [2093] = true,
 [2095] = true,
-[1236] = true,
 [1235] = true,
-[1239] = true,
 [1238] = true,
 [2442] = true,
 [2445] = true,
@@ -429,5 +431,4 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [148] = true,
 -- Specials
 [1248] = true,
--- DLC2
diff --git a/data/utility.lua b/data/utility.lua
index f733be0..20e909a 100644
--- a/data/utility.lua
+++ b/data/utility.lua
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ generate_id=function()

 	outfile:write("-- DLC Grp" .. "\n")
-	for j,_ in pairs (DLC_Grp_Dat.id) do
+	for _,j in pairs (DLC_Grp_Dat.id) do
 		    if unique_id[j] == nil then
 				unique_id[j] = true
 				outfile:write("[" .. j .. "] = true,\n")
@@ -188,19 +188,6 @@ generate_id=function()

-	outfile:write("-- DLC2 " .. "\n")
-	--[[
-	for _,dlc in ipairs (DLC_Order) do
-		outfile:write("-- DLC2 " .. dlc .."\n")
-		for _,j in pairs (DLC_Dat2[dlc].line) do
-			if unique_id[j] == nil then
-				unique_id[j] = true
-				outfile:write("[" .. j .. "] = true,\n")
-			end
-		end
-	end
 	outfile:write("}" .. "\n")
diff --git a/history.lua b/history.lua
index e9f0971..5193865 100644
--- a/history.lua
+++ b/history.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 hist = {
 	name = "history",
-	version = 68,
+	version = 69,
 	initialised = false,
diff --git a/history.txt b/history.txt
index b45e95d..33a3c26 100644
--- a/history.txt
+++ b/history.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-## Title: Dad's History 68
+## Title: Dad's History 69
 ## APIVersion: 100031 100032
-## Version: 68
+## Version: 69
 ## Author: HisDad
 ## Description: Record progress of all characters for offline viewing. No in-game interface.
 ## SavedVariables: History_SV